The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 12, 1924, Image 1

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NO. 24
Right tof Way Suits Being
Heard in Circuit Court.
Geo, L. Baker Speaks at
The Liberty Last Night.
MefatJ Jt
Condemnation Suits Right of
Way Remove Obstacles
To Track Laying.
The flood for tho Fred llcrrlck
mill fllto nt tho Warm spring wnH
placed on record tho fore pnrt or
IIiIh week. It wiih understood that
thl.i was being put forward ns a ron
on (or delay In tho development of
itio Mb timber concern In thin vlcln
iiv. mo now that thin formality Ih
i .nipleted It Is expected that nellvt
work will begin on extension of tho
i. tlroml from Crime and work begin
n Mi mill site. Kuglueor 01 rani itiformid local men Hint o had
i..iiu ready to begin work at tho
ti . U site an won us tho dood had
V l. Skogeraon, engineer in
tharKe of material for tho Union
Pacific, wns up from Crane durliiR
the wok and stilted- to liiqu'rcrs
that no fur aH his knowledge wont
t)iy woro ready to begin tho eon
ntriictltfji oMho lino but thnt hi was
.waiting oTilors. It U undentood
tho Fred Merrick Lumber Co. la to
do tho work but under tho supnrvls
ion of tho Union Pacific." However,
this Is ntoroly rumor and thu paper
docs not live it p nuthentic.
Tho condemnation procoodlng.i be
fore tho clt cult court In some rlKht
c t way latett ire hnvlng attention
thin week and it In hoped that thin
in, i) be the last obstruction to im
n.cdlato w)j
.Men who should know havo sUUd
to groups of In tills city that
he luylng of mil: Ui nodti In tli
ttnmedlate fu'.uri und' there waft jio
itirstlon but flint tho lino would' bo
lomplutod to Uurnn beforn tho first
f July. Tills Information, when
rifled, will memi tiSnt nunis will
net buoy toward giving it celebration
here on tho 4th of July that will
Htirpuix anythltiK over beforo at
craptcd. Tho advent of a railroad
.a to Hums will bo an event in It
history and tho cltlzcm aro ready to
make one to bo remembered. Thin
interior renter, no long isolated
"mm the outsldo world, will bo host
in the largest gathering of people
' vr within It Kates nt any time.
O.i i-
in. Tim--UorHld would call at-
' '..i.i tu voters to thu fact that
Kiubt b rogbj tyred baforo the
' this tuofith in order to' taker
.'i ihr jirlntnny election on May
' legUyraflon books close 30
prior to thu Unto of tho uleo-
Tlu should ba kept in mind
'.. voii-rs who havo neglected this
.."i-hIiv. especially Is this matter
. al!..l tj tho attention of lhi ladles
sjj now enjoy tho privilege of vol-
K Must of tho moil havo rcglstor-
I but It is possible somo of tho lad-
have overlooked HiIh Importaiit
lu'iMcr and since they havo some of
heir own hox up for preferoneo in
Ui( primary it is likely they will tako
a greater interest In it.
o. . .
I'nlversity of Orogou, Kugono,
April 8, (Spcclitl.) Frank Loggan
f Hurna, has been reappointed sales
'lunagor of tho Emornld, tho student
dally newspaper at the University of
Oregon, by Leo Munly, manager of
the paper. At tho end of each term
'he busiuouH ataff of the-Emerald is
reorganized, but lagan's -work has
bum bo satisfactory manager Muuly
has decided to keep him In his old
position. Ho Is a sophomore in tho
rhool of business administration
ml a inoinlior of tho Phi Sigma PI
.Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Welcome havo
recently disposed of their eighty
ticrofarm adjoining town, sltuatod
just bolow tho VoQtjtly flold, to Mrs.
Anna Haines. Tho consideration vns
"'t given out but it involvod consld
i'.iblo an this 1b a valuable tract of
ii)d boHldOB tho now homo la mod-
m and moBt convonlently nrrtngod.
We understand tho Welcomes oro to
"'Vi posHosslon of tho proporty ho
' ri tho first of 4ho coming inontli.
('has, McPhootors and Chnrloy
Gulp havo gono to Portland with two
car loads pf fat cattle
Tho regular spring term of cir
cuit court convened taut Monday,
Up to yesterday afternoon but two
Jury caocB hud boon before thu ses
sion, both condemnation cases in
which tho O.-W. II, & N. Co found
it necessary for right of way for
railroad oxtouHiou from Crane to
Hums. The ft rut cnno was ngnlnst
Frank Nut ley In which tho jury
brought in a verdict for $250
damages and valuation for tho laud.
This was exactly the amount the
railroad compiriiy had tendered us
payment before tho suit was Htnrted.
Thu second suit, in tho hands, of
HiH Jury at tho time this Is written
Friday afternoon, was ngnlnst It. L.
Hnsmusseu. N'o verdict had been
handed In up to tho time this in put
In type.
A few civil rases lisvo hnd atten
tion, some continued for service mid
for othor reasons, some sotllnd and
dismissed, otuhrs passed ponding
I.aura MoFnddou wan granted it
divorce from Harold MoFnddou.
No criminal rases havo been tak
en up. None of tho indictments re
turned by tho grand Jury last week
had been docketed at the time the
records wore examined nt noon yes
terday. Tho trial of Joe Uavondor charged
with shooting It. L. Haines, lias been
sot for next Tuesday morning when
Judgo Anderson of llakor will pre
side. It Is understood Jntmvt Hen
derson, accused of larceny of u steer,
has nlso filed a motion for another
Judge. nllhotiBh no ofTlclnl record
was found of this roquost, mid that
his trial will also bo heard by Judgo
Anderson following tho Cavender
case. '
In nil likelihood tho session will
not hold longer than tho trials above
mentioned, as Judge IllggH will like
ly leave on Monday of next week.
. - o
With his original oration "One
Hlep Forward," II. William .Mollosu
former Hums boy won the Houthorn
Idaho Conference Oratorlcul Contest
for tho College of Idaho. Tho ora
tion mm u Justification and an ap
preciation of tho Worltl Court an ad
vocated by late Pros. Harding and
Secretary Hughtw. Mr. Molloso
treated It from a standpoint of In
tuniaHoiial obligation and as a ills
tlnot step forward toward Pwioo for
the United Slaty ss well. Hy vir
tue of IiIh wlimyjg first plai-H In ora
tory, the College of Idaho for tho
first ttntu fite 101 won ths CIihiii
plonshtp of th . I. C.
Thin i tho i.iend victory that
young Mclloso has Iimii lustrumont
at In bringlog to ttil Collogs this
year. In the Confuionco Dsbnlo
which was also on tho World Court
question the Collego alllrmative won
a two to one 'decision frpm (ticks
Collego on thujattors homo floor,
a thing which has been done only
twlco In four years. Mr. Molloso wns
thu firbt speaker on this winning
team, llesldes his Interest In foronslc
activities, ho bus taken an active
part In tho various musical pro
ductions of tho your, taking a lead
ing part In tho sacred Cantata "Tho
Crusaders" which wns presented by
tho Glee Clubs oarly In tho winter.
As football manager for tho 1924
senson he has been successful ' In
scheduling many games for the
Coyote Oridders.
, This senson has been n very suc
cessful one for thu Coltogo of Idaho
so far. Our list of vlctorlos htdudo
H. I. C. football ehainplonshlpYruu-uers-up
in basketball, a tlo for tho
8, I, C. wrestling championship, and
tho S. I. C, championship In Decla
mation-Oration, Track and baseball
prospects aro brighter than for somo
years past. Ilasolmll games havo
been scheduled with Idaho Tech, Al
bion Normal, Hicks Vollogo, and
Clooding Collego, 0 of I ontortnlnit
tho Southern Idaho Intorscholustio
Trackmeot in Caldwell on Mny 10th
besides tho dual moot with Gooding
tho date of which has not yet boon
doflnltoly settled, Tho Oleo Clubs
aro now practicing faithfully for tho
presentation of tho "Ohocolnto. Sol
di or," the nnnua spring opern.
Commoncomont h BChodulod for
Juno 4, C, C,
o i .... .
Tho JluriiB Power Company Is add
ing now polos and malclng othor m
provomonts preparatory to giving
sorvlco for n groator nuinbor of
hours Jn tho near future.
Young Men Make Favorable
Appearance Before an
Appreciative Audience.
The Harney County High school
debating trains held a try-out at
thu Liberty Theatre . last Tuesday
evening. There was a good gather
ing of. friends present to listen to
the young men present their respec
tive sldus of tho question under dis
cussion. They handled the subject
well and made a good appearance.
Hums McGowau and Hurry (.oggau
proieiitrd the HlhruiMtlve side of the
question and lfldwurd Hrowu and
Charles Mrt'outiull tho uegelnvo. The
latter wore given the decision of
tho Judges.
Sidney Hotohkltts, another high
school hoy prusldud at the .mooting
and in addition to tho dohuto there
were some muslual numbers given
by Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kgglestou
and tho high school gleo club, as
well as a trio rendered by three
high school girls. Tho talent dis
played at this entertainment was n
credit to tho Institution and ono that
Hnrncy county may well he proud.
Tho young debators are nil manly
In appearance, displayed excellent
stage presence mid showed they woro
able to compote with any thnt might
ho plnri'd as opponents,
The two boys who held tho affirm
ative side of tho question left Wad
nesdny afternoon', accompanied by
Miss Walker o tho faculty, for Un
ion, Oregon, where they meet the
debating team of that school. Tho
successful team at this contest will
bo pitted ngnlnst another team con
prising the eastern Oregon section of
high schools for the championship
of eastern Oregon. This debate may
bo staged In Hums.
Harney Lodge and Sylvia Kebekah
!odgo, 1. O. 0. F., have Issued In
vitations to till members of tho Or
der In this county to bo present nt
tho one hundred and fifth annivers
ary of tho founding of tho Order on
April 20. There will be u banquet
nt t! o'clock in the lodge rooms whore
nil members of tho orders will
assemble and which will ho followed
by a program. Geo. W. Wright, a
Past Grand Patriarch of the F.ncnmp
munt branch, also a Pnyt Grand
Itoprvsautatlve to Hit sovereign
gin nil lodge, will deliver an uddrcss
on Odd Fellowship. Thero.wlll hi)
other speakers and failures on tho
At 0 o'clock there will bo a pub
lic da n co nt Toiinwumn,
o '
nil! Flsnr was among those up
from Crnno during tho week.-
r MNkm&&& tw
Will Fiser Sustains a Heavy
Loss; Personal Effects go
With Other Contents.
Tho Mulleu-FlHor warehouse nt
Crane was completely destroyed by
flro Thursday night. Tho flro was
discovered about 10 o'clock and
Kcemed to have started from about
the center of the building and had
gullied such headway that nothing
could he saved. Mr. and Mh. Fiser
having lost their personal bulouglugn
lis well.
In , conversation with Mr. Fiser
over the telephone yesterday morn
ing Oil paper Itnrus thnt the loss Is
ustlmutpd at about $-10,000 which Is
purtlnlly covered hy Insurance. The
waichousu hud Just received about
30 tons of eoal and a quantity of
grain besides thu general lino car
ried by the concern. It Is u serious
loss and Mr. Fiser stated he was un
decided us to tho future. It will
require time to get an adjuster nut
from Portland and ponding that
time nothing Is under consideration.
Fortunately tho big warohouso
was Isolated from othor buildings In
Crnno and nothing olso caught from
thu flames, except n garage belong
ing to Mr. Fiser, which caught fire
hut wns saved,
..I n I..
The public school exercises in con
nection with Arbor day woro hold
In thorttidltorluni of tho school yes
terday morning. The children ac
quitted themselves with credit In
their efforts, the chorus work, folk
dance and unison readings being well
Several of the parents and patrons
of the school were present and show
ed marked appreciation of tho pro
gram. Mrs. Olson was prevailed upon to
give two vocal selections thut were
most heartily encored. Mrs. Olson
has un exceptional voice und her
rendition disclosed her wonderful
talent to good advantage, although
she frankly admitted she was ner
vous mid not in practice. Tho lady
has been heard In grand opera, but
that wns several years ago and be
fore she left tho land of her nnilvlty
In Swoedou. She gave "A Perfect
Day" ami followed with "Sliver
Threads Among the Gold." Ho In
sliu were her hcarars Unit she
UiiiwJy responded with a selection
from II Trovnlora Mint brought out
Uja'rnitirknbla quality of hor voice. '
nor goisouniis wore moon lauded.
Many of rur utUurs from Oilier
cut parts of th county mo present
this week dojug Jury duly In i lie clr
cult court.
v amsrw j vl r w '"
Mnyor Geo. L. linker, of Portland,
who Is n candidate for United States
senator on the republican ticket, is
in Hums. Ho gave nn address nt
the Liberty Thoutro Inst night. The
forms of Tho Tlmoii-Herald nro clos
ed on Friday evening for thu regu
lar odltlou on Saturday, therefore
there In nothing given an to this ad
dress In this issue.
Mr. linker in one of tho promin
ent men of tho utate and has n re
markable porsonullty. Ho Is very
popular In Portland nud where ho Is
well known nud with such u follow
lug Is a formidable contender for
(he position to which ho usplres.
Tho Tlines-Ilerald desires to give
such men as Mr. Halter their Just
duo In their ambitions; It is not
averse to giving credit for achieve
ment to nn Individual who has ac
complished big things, but cannot
comment nt length upon Mr. linker's
candidacy nt this time, However,
tho subject will be given attention
In Its next Issue.
Mr. linker is accompniiicd by his
Word waB brought up from Denlo
Sunday morning thnt Frank William
sou hnd died the night before. They
came here for n sultnblo ensket and
to uqtlfy relatives, Chus, Holm nud
wlfo wont down with tho ensket nnd
propnred tho body for hurlnl. On
Monday, J. N. Williamson, post mne
ter at Prinovlllo nud a half brother
to the deceased passed through
Hums on his way to Denlo where li
Is understood Interment was made.
Frank Williamson was one of the
pioneer successful sheep men of thl
county. He nud Hill Jones wcrjj
partners In thu business nnd hfid
their hendquurtors nt Lawen. lie
Is well remembered by the pioneer
people of this vicinity. After de
posing of his stock Interests Air
Williamson went to tho Denlo sec
tion whore ho acquired largo rent
estate interests, later disposing of
much of It but still retained nn In
terest In tho community . Ho had
been Jiving a rather retired, quiet
life for several years, spending a
portion of his time In California
nud other parts of the northwest. He
wns a man well liked hy nil h ac
quaintances. KVrKHTAI.VMKNT
The Ifinstunt Stnr Chapter and
Masonic Lodge nre Joining In an
evening or entertainment for (lie
children of Mnsons Mid Unsiorn Stars
on Friday. April IS, at tho Mnsonle
Lodge rooms. The parents are cor
dially Invited to coma and bring
tho children. This luvUntJon in
cludes nil MasoiiK nud Hensteru
Slurs. Hy ordor of the Wortliipful
Muster and Wortly Matron.
Robert Drinkwatcr Came to
County in '80's; Closely
Identified Since.
Itohert Drinkwatcr passed awuy at.
thu homo of Hurry Withers at Har
ney on Tuesdny night of this weok
following nn Illness of several
months. Mr. Drlnkwntor had boon
In poor health for sovcrnl years but
hnd been boon able to be up and
about until recent mouths. Ho was
78 years old.
Itohert Drinkwatcr wns bum itu
Missouri In 1 S-l 5 and crossed tho
plains In 18H2, coming to this state.
In 1877 ho wns murrlud at IS u genu
In Lane county nud tho family mov
ed to Ilnrney county In 1880 whera
ho hud since rosldod. Ho was en
gaged In thu hotel business nt Har
ney In iho late SO's nud later re
sided In Hums. After disposing ate
thu interests in this city thu family
lived nt different plncos In this
county. Ho hud not been engaged In
nny particular lino of business for
several years. Mr. Drlnkwntor was
n man of high principles nnd was
esteemed by his many friends. Ho
had his own Idea of life mid of tho
hereafter nnd lived thnt life consist
ently, being honorable In all his
deullngs with his neighbors and bus
iness associates. )
It was his request thnt John Hlggs1 -nn
old friend of many yenrn stand
ing, take charge of the sorvlco it
his funeral nud thlu was carried nut.
Mr. Hlggs leaving a case hi tho cir
cuit court to go to Hnrney Wednes
day afternoon to conduct tho scrvicn
which was held In tho community
church. Mr. Hlggs rend a service
thut hud been prepared by the de
ceased. A quartet of singers from
Hums, consisting of old time friends
of Mr. Drlnkwntor, took part In tho
service nnd thuro woro many friends
and relatives present to pay tholt respects.
Mr. Drinkwatcr is survived by hlw
wife and llo following children: O.
W. Drlnkwntor of Drrwaay; W. W .
DriukWiiter, itohort Drlnkwuter,
Mrs. Alice Clemens, nil of this city,
and Mrs. Hunt Harlan, of Crane. Alt
hi children wefa prosout at the fun
?rI. Iiitf.-iuont was nm in Huh
Hnrncy rcuiotery.
President Coolldge has ; jsido -April
21 to 17 aa Korea I'r net loir
Vek hrtugflQ4it the I'niti I .;tuis.
llli efflHai prorl.iuiutlcn m- Just,
been relwuvd to the pn-ss ie wh'cb
).t strongly iu'km Uij rovi mors of
nil smtos, orgntiltatlciut, .u-nooU,.
Mid nil citizens, 'to loin In sivluu.
thought In tho vei' hmvy hill pr
veutuble annual loss from .1(1,000)
I crest fires In the United Sttntes.
"Plans nre laid for an QXtoiitTvci
participation In Forest Proteoilot
Week in (he states of Oregon uuil
Washington," satd Geo. II. Cecil,,
District Forester.' in culling muni
tion to the President's prnclnuiatmi..
"The Interest of tho public gen
erally was never so ken In forestry
nud forest protection as It Is today.
This Is tlmoly, for as u nation wa
nro cutting and lotting burn our tim
ber supply five times faster thiiii we
aro growing It," snld Mr. Cecil.
."Here in Oregon nnd Washington
that Is not strictly tho case, but
when we realize that these two state
may bo snld to be 'the last t;-ear
stand of timber,' it certainly Is gooiP
bualnoss to keep what wo have from
needless burning," tho District For
ester remarked.
Mr. Cecil called utton'loii to tlio
fact that Presldout Coolldge has.
shown whore ho stands on forost
protection! nnd conservation In no
uncertain terms.
J. W. Fnublou, a recont arrival"
from Idaho, is limiting preparations
to bogln tho mnuufneturo of lirlcta
in this city within a short tlmo. Mr.
Fnublou nunouiicos ho has boon of
forod sovoral sultnblo location for
this ontorprlso nnd when woather
conditions will warrant ho will bo
gln operations. Tho Boutlemau will
not conflno his activity to tho mom
manufacturing of hrlok but Ih pro
pnred to do contract work nnd hopow
to bo ready to orcct somo substantial
brick structures ns soon na IiIh pro
duct Ih ready to lenvo the kiln.