The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 05, 1924, Image 1

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&?' 9
NO. 23
Area it Expected to be Called
Barren, Forbidding Deaert
By Road WitneMei.
Control Oregon, Unit will bo de
pleted ns u barren, forbidding high
desert by witnesses for tho railroads
of tho state, acting on tho dofcnslvo
nt tho hearing of tho stnto public
service commission's petition for
ciist nntl west nnd north and south
Hues beforo Kxunilnor Wngnor of
tho Interstnto commorco commission,
was nhown yesterday by livestock
men it h tlio Inst great outpost of tho
cattle nnd nheop nion. Its resourced
In this respect woro Bald to bo ex
tensive, nnd Micro renmlned for Its
ilcvcloptnont only n rail lino that
would admit cnttlo from tho high
plains of Inland Oregon to tho Cal
ifornia market.
Long treks of cnttlo herds, driven
on tho hoof, from tho Harney valley
to Wlnnomucca, Nov,, a distance of
226 miles, wore described as tho
method now used to tako Harney
rattlo herds to California. This pion
eer method, It was said, ought to bo
nbondoned in favor of railways.
Present rail connections do not
admit Jf rnitlo shipment 'f inter
tor Oregon to tho California mar
ket, tho ono most desired to reach,
without sorlous loss from shrlnkago
en routo because of indirect roads
nnd long Journeys.
Kxport cnttlo mon testified thut
the longer dlstunco a steer rides,
the more peevish nnd worthless ho
becomes. Startod on n long Journey
ns prime beef, ho is but a feeder,
destined for weeks In a feeding pen,
upon arrival If tho trip is at all ex
tended. Shrinkage Is serious, it us snid.
Tho steer is forced to stand on a
rhlftlng. fickle floor throughout his
trip, without necustomed food and
water at his rcgulnr time of feed
ing. Ho Is thrown rudoly against
thu sldo of tho car when the stock
train rounds n curve, nnd when tho
brakes tiro set on a grade, tho sur
prised animal Is put oft balanco, per
hnpi ciDt down on his haunches, and
he biiomns lame, soro and wonry.
Th lo In weight grows In
mi reusing ratio with thu dls
l mii in Mich n journey, it was told
ih i.t-ti-'cuttlo experts. "When thu
. ' r . lauded from his moving pun
h' .-. t down on u concrete floor
li' II -U;Hyard and his fcot, un
uuustiinifHl to such footing, nro
nude oru. causing him to walk ns
' ban! a stockman on tho stand,
' he vwt.s stopping un a red-hot
'.,ve '
Aii If Intent upon getting rovougo
upon his owner, who caused him all
the grkf and bumps of a railroad
J'uruey, tho steer that goos to mur
ka was said to do his utmost to re
turn a financial loss to tho breeder,
)t tin Journey's end. His hair Is
turned tho wrong way lit upotH from
bumping about, his head Is down
and ho Is unublo to bump tho scale
beam up to nnywhuro near It was
when ho left his native heath,
Portland Is about as far u market
ns cattlemen from tho Oregon-Idaho
border lino can roach without
Hhrlukugu that moans tho feeding
of their stock up again to beof
weight. Kven hero tho shrinkage
on a prlmo steer, weight of 1000
pounds, for example, is from 40 to
75 pounds,
Thoro was much of weight in all
tills testimony from tho standpoint
of the stockman. Portland's market
Ih wild to bo too small to tako cattle
of tho inland ranges and prices here
average throughout tho year, it was
declared, $1 per 100 pounds loss
tbnn tho San Francisco yards. It
Is tho doalro to roach tho San Fran
cisco outlet, whero a larger and moro
stablo markot exists, that Is behind
tho plea of tho cattlo ralsors,
Oregon exports much cattlo from
its borders, it was said, two out of
fvory flvo grown holng consumed
outBldo. On tho north Washington
mrots its demand for moat with cat
lo of its own raising, whllo Cali
fornia Imports thrco of ovory flvo
Jinad consumed, Many moro cattlo
fan bo ralsod In tho, Interior, It was
"aid, If nn outlet wore provided. Tito
projected cross-stato lino would bo
Bborton tho dlstanco to Snn Fran
cisco, It wnB Bald,. that It would bo
P'lfislblo to have competition favor-
ublu to tho grower.
Tostlmony of tho stock men was
Impressive, for It was given by ex
perienced and export growers, M.
C. Kmerson of Ontario, stockman
and banker, aald Malheur county
exports about 11,000 head annually,
with 300,000 sheop and 2,400,000
pounds of wool.
H. M, Duncan, DurnB attorney,
aald the Harney valley turns out
18,000 to 20,000 bond of cattlo in n
normal year and that building of
tho lino as proposed would add from
110 to J 12 to tho valuo of ovory
head raised in his saotlon .
Greatly Increased production of
livestock is posslblo in this stnto
with desired roll connection, It wna
Bald by A. It. Olson, muungor of tho
Pacific Land & Livestock compnny,
which operates almost half a mil
lion acres of laud in control Oregon
nnd northern Novndn.
Other trnlllc besides livestock
would olfer for the projected lino,
according to tho testimony of wit
nesses. V. A. Doollttlu, busliierm
mnii of Ontario and secretary of
the commercial club, and 13. M.
IHodgott, representing farmers of
Malheur county, told of groat oppor
tunities In tho California markut for
potatoes grown In that portion of
tho state, an well as other substan
tial products, could they but bo
moved by a moro direct rail lino
than now offers.
Mr. Doolittlo said thoro aro 13G,
000 Irrigated acres In Malheur
county, with much moro land being
watered and that a creamery nearby
has increased Its output to moro than
1,000,000 pounds of butter In n
year from rather a small beginning
a few years ago. There wan a good
markot, loo, for alfalfa and alfalfa
men!, it was said, if thoro were
transportation to desired points by
other than a long and circuitous
Entire Stock of Merchandise
And Postal Equipment
Entirely Consumed.
Thu Ladles Library Club met at
thu homo of Mrs. C. K, Dlllman on
Saturday, March 29, Mrs. C. C. Page,
Mrs. P. S. Wclttonhlllor and Mrs.
K, Id, Purington being Joint host
esses. Tho subject for tho day was Kng-
llsh and American Art. Mrs. P. 8.
Wolttonhlller sang "Tho Old Itoad"
In a pleasing manner.
Mrs, Page read n very interesting
papor on George Inuosw, illustrated
with several of his beautiful pic
tures, ono of tho most pleasing being
Tho Applo Orchard."
Mrs. Wulttouhlllnr followed with
a very flno paper on "What is Art."
Mrs. Harris played two piano solos
"Ily Hi" Mountain Spring" nnd
Tender Confessions" with brilliant
IlosldoB the hundred pictures sent
out by tho Stnto Library on Kngllsh
and American Art, two beautiful oil
paintings by Mclntyro, "Loch Lo
mond" and "On tho Lummormoro"
woro shown. Also two landscapes
over a hundred years old made en
tirely of sand. Thcso pictures cull
ed forth tho wonder and admiration
of all on account of tholr wonderful
design .nnd coloring.
Tho oil paintings and tho pictures
mado of sand bolong to Mrs. Wm,
Ulott nnd woro kindly loaned for
tho day.
Dainty refreshments woro sorved.
Tho next meeting of tho club will
be announced later.
Sam Goodman has rocolved an
'assay of sand pumped from his well
5 miles north of Lawen which shows
gold to tho amount of 7.20 to tho
'ton This essay was made by tho
Oregon Agricultural College and Is
authontlc. It also shows u traco of
Mr, Goodmun says ho has boon
using tho well for tho last sovon or
'olght youra nnd tho sand com oh
from a depth of about 40 foot, It
pumps up when tho windmill Is
run at a rapid speed, but ordinarily
Very llttlo sand is pumped out with
tho water nt presont as it Is evident
tho oxcavatlon Is enlarged from con
stant uho for o long.
Tho ensay would ludlcuto thoro Is
sufllclont gold to pay to work provid
ed It is in BUdlcloiit quantities, Gold
has boon found In tho gravol on tho
H. J, Hanson plaeo adjoining Hums
'nnd on oilier tract In dlfforont
parts of tho valloy. Somo day this
'mlnornl prospoct will bo given atton
'tion and perhaps mado n paying
Word is received that thu general
thorchnudlHu nloru of A. L. and Mury
Marshall at Voltage, which aliio
hounod tho post office, was entirely
dustroyed by flro hiHt Tuesday even
ing. Tho flro was discovered be
tween 7 and 8 o'clock In thu even
ing mid nt u time when thu building
wnn not occupied.
Mr. and .Mrs. Marshall wore In
tholr ilwollng near tho store entlug
tholr evening inenl when tho fire
wna discovered and It had gained
such headway It was Impoislblu to
save anything of much value. Mr.
Marshall got out tho cash register
and returned Into thu building which
was filled with iinioko and ho got
hold of it bo which ho carried out
but It proved to bo only a waste box
containing nothing or value.
According to the Information giv
en this paper there had been no flro
In tho stovu nlnco noon and tho ori
gin of tho flro is problematical, as
It wan considered almost Impossible
for It to catch from flro In tho stove.
Thu flames weru discovered from
the ouUldo of tho building and
where It broke through to tho out
side wall some little dlstanco from
whrro tho stove wan located .
Tho building and stock were par
tially covered by Insurance but tho
amount In unknown to the writer.
Mr. Marshall claims a loss of over
$8,000. At thu time tho Information
wan received no Inspection had been
made and tho nnfu In which ho was
supposed to hnve his invoices and
papers of valuo had not been opened.
This In a severe loss to thu owners
and nn Inconvenience to thu neigh
borhood as thu post otllco equip
ment wni destroyed and tho local
trading renter unable to meet thr
needs of thu usual customers. How
over, It In not far to other trading
i-'imixiti'ih: ii:r.itT.Mi:.NT
Citizens Say Our Resources
Much Heralded; Results
Expected to Follow.
Tho Wt'liiHtolu .Mercantile Co. are
making preparation to add furni
ture to tholr guucrnl Ilium of inor
chnudltfo In Hums. Thuy announce
that It Is expected their buyer will
soon leave for tho purposo of mak
ing a soloctlon of stock and that it
Is tho Intention to carry an oxten
slvo lino of furniture as soon as ar
rangements may bo mado for dis
play room mid shipment.
Messrs. Hani Mnthershead, Senator
Clint-ten W. Hill and A, It. Olson ar
rived homo Wednesday evening
from Portland where thoy were a
part of tho delegation from this sec
tion to attend the railroad hearing
beforo u representative of tho Inter
iitnto cummerco commission on the
complaint riled by II. 11, Corey of thu
stnto public service comlmsslou In nn
attempt to have an order mado to
build nn east and woHt lino of rail
road through central Oregon, The
hearing wan begun lust wook mid
eovored six days, most of tho time
being taken by (Iioho advocating thu
"uustrurtlon or the line.
Two of tho guiitlomeii who return
ed have been seen by a representa
tive or this papor and both aro en
couraged over tho nltuatlon, us they
nUito a bettor Hhowlug was mado
favorable to tho proponed construc
tion than thuy had expected and that
It was their opinion results would
follow tho hearing. However, but
ono side of the cano wan brought out
beforo tho hearing as the representa
tive of the conimlwtlon could not
continue to the clone. The railroad
Intermit are yet to put In tholr in
formation and thin will be at somo
future date. Those contending for
thu lino consumed four mid a half
of tho six days In prcontlug their
Information, tho railroads having
but llttlr Mi). - side.
According to the dulegutlon much
Interest wan nhown In tho hearing
mid thut control Oregon received
much publicity in thu way of placing
Its resnurcen beforo the public. Tho
gentlemen bulloVn Hint thu general
public have a belter Idea of thu big
ness of this territory and have a de
sire to see It developed. Tho Port
land papers and organizations Ifikc
a moro favorable vlow of tho situa
tion than beforo as a result of this
' o
fled program that waa approved and
'applauded by tho music lovers of
Frank Juo, Chinese tenor, known
profeMolnally an Juo Fong, acclaim
ed by music critic as ono of the best
tenors on the Pacific coast, was well
received and was called upon to an
swer many encores, Although Juo
was overworked In Hood Hirer on
thu previous evening when the music
and Instruments of the orchestra did
not arrlvo in tlmo for tho opening
of tho porformnnco, his oporatlc
volco, strong and pleasing, held tho
Bend pooplo for number aftor num
ber. Juo wnn accompanied by
Aurora Potter Undorwood, wife of
Ilex Underwood, dlroctor of tho or
chestra. Ono of tho especially pleasing fea
tures of tho symphony orchestra's
concert, consisting of both groups
mid solos, was the violin solos, with
Gwendolyn Lampshlro leading off
with "Gypsy Airs," and Delbort
Moore, accompanied by tho quartet
of girl violinists, concluding tho
number with "Londonderry Air."
Another number which received
the enthusiastic approval of tho aud
ience wnn popular music by tho or
chestra, lod by "Sharkey" Mooro,
Following an overture, tho cutlro or
chestra played "Mighty Oregon" ns
tho concluding number of tho con
cert. Tho university musicians aro well
Pleased with tho reception given
them in Uond. and especially for tho
hospitality nhown to them by the poo
plo of this city. While in Uond tho
university pooplo are guests at prl
vato homoH. Miss Miss Dorothy
Uyler, mombor of tho local high
school faculty and u former Univer
sity of Oregon student, hud chargo
of the bousing of tho musicians.
Thu concert was given under tho
auspices of tho Junior class or tho
high school. liond Bulletin.
Cavcnder Case Before Judge
Anderson; Grand Jury
Finds 4 Indictments.
.Symphony Orilntn ami ('IiIiivm
Tenor, (Jlvo rinl-lietl
lleforo an audlenco that practical
ly filled the seating capacity of tho ,
school gymnasium, tho'Unlvorslty of)
Oregon orchestra, on Its 12th mi- !
mini tour and Its first trip to Con
A young man by tho name of
Casey dlud at tho ICIug hospital
Sunday night from a wound caused
by thu accident (Uncharge of a high'
power rifle He was a resident of
thu Andrews section whero the acci
dent occurred on Saturday We aro
Informed thu boy was carrying tho
gun along a sldu hill wben ho felt
and thu gun wus discharged enter
ing his right sldu making a largo
wound which caused cxcesulvu bleed
lug, thu result .if his death being
front hemorrhage, according to Dr
Smith, who attended him.
Ho did not reach the hospital un
til Sunday afternoon mid was in
audi a wuakoiiMl condition that llttlo
could bo done for him.
Sheriff Goodman took tho remains
to Andrews for Interment. Thu boy
i was mild to bo about 17 years old
trul Oregon, Friday night entertain-1 "" ,H "rvivcu "' ' moiner ami
I vi I' a wfll .:inl (Uversl-1 l"Hllily other relatives but thu writ-
, or was unable to gut any data upon
-' . III., fn. .1.1
i,u miiMi t..
Our Army Airmen Sailing 'Round the World
IjHRf '94BsjbbbbBWbbH
sWF --', 'r' jIkV TsHHISI
IDPl'fc Man ,vSJk cTkHkW ' t -:r- i BrHBK2"WBJJH
. Mx AHHHBSEaBBBBry5SK& ' ; msWBlai: rSvgiB
'uHSrHfllMlXBBBSEkL KhbSmlbbS
illlBBBBSHBHBHliBlHr '" ,'ti' 1bBBbK
wliHiHVHBlBBKT' ' . k- JbBBj
iJHQRHH9&.7BJJMrBBBrx , trOu
Ifll JkJrtKWxfl&BBBIW Jf I
?i4v''s WtttjjjKjKi By gBBBJBBJBBJIWBlBBMBBBgy'Nn ' j' ''y
tu the tlmo this in
Judgo Dallon Uiggs arrived hero
from his homo nt Ontario Snturday
and on Monday morning convened an
adjourned term of circuit court. 'I ho
grand Jury went Into bubbIou upon
the convening of court and has been
functioning during tho week, but nt
tho tlmo this Is wrltton had not turn
ed lu any ImllcttnouUi or report
Hint has been mado public Tho
grand Jurors are: J. L. Sltz, .fore
man; llert Duutou, J. T. Ilarnes, O.
L. Shlugledeckor, Allen Jones, Her
man Mnrlz, Jake Gove.
Tho grand Jury mado lis final re
port yesterday Four true hills of
Indictment wore returned mid ono
not true bill. No arraignments have
been mndo of tho Indictments found.
Joe Llndcr is grand Jury bailiff
mid "Doc" Taylor Is court bailiff.
Arguments in somo of thu civil
cases havo been considered during
tho week, dismissals and cases set
for trial for tho opening of tho reg
ular spring term next Monday.
Two applicants were up for nat
uralisation papers on Wednesday.
Isidore Glraud was given his citizen
ship papers and Franz Schnolder
wan refused papers of naturalization.
The following cases havo been sot
for trial:
Stato vs. J. II. Henderson, accused
of larceny.
Statu vs. J. I. Cavcnder, Indicted
on a charge of shooting It. L, Halnoi.
The cane of the state vs. James
Paul was dismissed.
The civil cases Hot for trial are: .
Fred Haines vs. Jack Withers.
Stoward Wholesale Co. vs. Univer
sal Garage.
Harney County vh. Her thu Don
man, right of way for highway.
Clara A. Marsdon vs. W. W. Drink
water, recovery or money.
O. W. It. & N. Co. vs. Frank R.
Nut ley, railroad right or way.
O. W. It. &. N. Co. vs. II. 13. Has-
tnusseu, railroad right or way.
A motion ror another Judge to Iry
tho ease or thu Ktato vs. Cavcnder
was made mid Judge Illggs bus com
municated with Judge Anderson of
Daker. It has been arranged for tho
linker Judgo to be in Hums to begin
hearing tho ease on Tuesdn morn
ing, April Ifi. Tho eaho was there
fore react for that data Instead of
next Monday an originally set.
I M. Watts, of Seattle, represent- ! which appears n
I lug tho Itmiler Corporation of that " accident to Frai
city, Is In this vicinity calling upon
local stockmen lu tho Intercut or
his coucorn,
Tho Hauler Corporation la tho lar
gest packing plnut lu tho northwest
and according to Mr, Watts Is pro
pared to offer spoclal Inducements
to stock growors to deal with tho
concern as they realize greater prof
its than shipping to eastern markets.
It Is a new vonturo with bright pros
pocta for thu stockholders nnd a re
llof to tho local stock growor If car
ried out according to tho plans and
under tho systom contemplated.
Mr. Watts oxpoctn to spend somo
llttlo tlmo In this vicinity nnd will
call upon tho cattlo, sheop and hog
litis photo-dingram shows tho proposed routo of tho U. S. Army
fliers who aro now making an-attempt nt an around tho world flight.
Insert is of MaJ, Martin, in command of tho flight and one of tho air
cruisers being used.
H, 13. Spauldlng,. representing a
Portland accounting concern, Is in
this city going over tho records of
tho Ilnrnoy Valloy Irrigation Dis
trict in tho Interest of the Irriga
tion District SoourlttoH CommUulon
of Oregon.
This Ih a maltor nocossnry In or
dor Hint tho affairs of tho local dis
trict may ho plaocd beforo tho secur
ities commission Intelligently and
that It may havo facta boforo it in
acting upon such ofllolnl mnttom un
comet) bofoor tho commission, Mr.
Spauldlng Ih mooting with ovory
courtesy from tho local district otll
cors mid tho county trousuror lu
gathorlng such data ns ho roqulros,
Tho Tlmoi-Horald Is In receipt of
a papor from Wliinoimiceu, Nevada,
story respecting
nk Slbort, u for
mer Uurns boy, tho mm or Mr. Clinx.
Iludell. The article states ho Is not
badly hurt mid would noon be out.
II Miys in part:
Frank filbert, a well known young
man or this community, had n nar
row escape about 1:30 yesterday
morning when thu auto In which ho
was riding wan hit by tho engine of
a Western-Paclflo freight train at
n point about six miles east of this
city when ho wns on his wuy to tho
Stall Hros, ranch near Golcondu.
Tho accident hnpponed Just east of
Tulo siding on tho Southern Pacific
whero thoro Is a small bridge. At
this point tho road makes a horso
shoo bund mid in going on a little
farther there is a road that lead;j (o
tho Western Pacific tracks. In mak
ing tho turn In the main road Mr.
Sibcrt took tho wrong road and In
trying to got hack to tho main road
without turning back, ho drovo nlong
tho track nnd meeting with the acci
dent which nonrly cost him his life.
Ao It wus, his car was demolished
and ho is lu tho local hospital with n
largo scalp vound, hut luckily Is not
seriously Injured,
It wus a bend-on collision and evi
dently tho pilot of tho onglno In
otlkjiig the nutomobllo, lifted is cloar
of tho trnclc and throwing Mr. St
bert for aomo dlstanco uway nid In
hitting tlio ground rocolved tho
wound on tho head, It Is nlmoat
miraculous that ho was not killed
for tho car, which ia u Ford, ia a
comploto wreck and Is nt tho sldo of
tlio track in a mass of Iron.