The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 22, 1924, Image 1

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    Wi myiiiiiiiiiM
NO. 21
JeMi fl J
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Railroad Excursion, Burns-Crane Route, Promised for July 4
Districts Co-operate to Win
Federal Recognition; The
Session is Harmonious.
The future 5i;io of Irrlga-
, IJ.,n.tim? In OroKon will
""I "m Zl ho In lu nnd re"
,,e based upon tho lint lit m d rcc
""T, Y SnXy to To "So onS
Appointed Jointly by tho Btnto unu
Portland chambers' C commorco and
K,vo tho "'"VrSon as
co-operation of tho Irrigation ills
Ulcts of tho st. to seeking federal
,d It was agreed at
tcrday attended b wjW
f tho Baker. " i?oy S
Warm Springs. I arney va I ley an
Itoschute. ProJccU. the 1 ortland
chamber am the state body.
Thn moot nc sounded a now nolo
. .. wesvltn oi avau.pio ui "
of harmony In the ' reclama on af- . wU th ncoril of tho reclamation
Mrs of Oregon 'Slinimllh the state engineer.
progressed atop by stop until late in e(1 Uml ,)0
the aften.oon "1$1 Sler st.t. In tho union had tho pow-
report of tho advisory body, which reclamation matters
had been asked by the two chamber jr of OM. .
organizations, was adopted by tho cha,rmn of tno grnftt0 committee
districts. d U(,prcituntBtlvo Hlnnott a rank-
All W-trlcl- Unltr,! . J f h- r0,mn,lU)0 of the
Authority was granted to tho
chambers to administer the suporvls- ,.rolrrilMUm, Umnl
Ion of tho roclaroat on programme
snd It was suggested by tho report ,
that tho commission appointed .
.hould consist of three men. be aim-1
liar in It. composition to the Mate ,
highway commlsBlon ana worn
accord and In co-operation with he ,
sgenclosof tho state, utilising the,
reports and data of the state engln-
u-r In its research.
Previous to tho nciopuon o, "'". ,0 l0 rMM lholr true power.
report the following resolution was 'r f M,cn Cannon, ,.
prepared by a committee represent- , ! " fo h0 roc,nn,atlon serv
!ng all Interests present and adopted " ,;J(laulirlorB , Washing
hy the gathering: i rorently In this Htate,
"Whereas. For tho first time In ; on. "ho t0
.ho hlHtory of tho state of Oregon
ad ., jrrlgmion Interests of the
B ' rocognmou ai
h'.,m ar assembled together
,..,, .,, Oregon State Chamber of
On...-rr.- and the Portland Cham-
Nt r.n-r. to-wlt: Harney
,a .r Mnrni spring. uwyni.. nw ,
Iich-i 1-i.iatllla rapids and JiaKor.
Ue,ihrroforo. .loom Him opportune
time to t-xpress to the admlnlstra-
lilon n Washington and the secretory ,
lot the interior the aspirations,
IboncH nnd united demands of the
conic of the whole state of Oregon.
Im reclamation In this Hlnte at tho
'resont tlmo.
"Whereas. We believe that tho
ledgcn In support of reclamation
ktre mndo In good fulth and all of-
lort will ho mndo toward the fill-
llllment during the present session
It congress.
Itonuiml lo ho Unified
"HtKolved, That wo at this time
Mo a united demand that tho hoc-
Mary of tho Intorlor designate a
v project for the state of Oregon,
Ihlch shall be the mom fcaalblo
pw under consideration by tho rec
itation department and ono 'upon
rilcli iQimiructlon can bo commonc
In a reasonable time after desig-
ttlou and appropriation.
"That projects for which appro
bations have already boon niado
brought to a completion as speed-
as nonslblo. and with tho addl-
hal appropriations necessary.
"hat tho bureau of reclamation
stlgato and comploto survoys on
FJectB not already complotcd.
itnai wo wlBh to impress upon
ecretary of tho Intorlor and
COlKFrnauTnnn Mm nnfnanltv tit
I'on Immediately In ordor that
on may ho obtained at tho prcs-
jesslon of congrosH.
That tho Irrigation nnd commer-
Intorestn of tho fltato of Orogon
Mi tlmo affirm their dotormlnn-
to work unllrlnclv until auch
po as full Justlco shall bo donb
ais -tato In giving funds for
iovolopmont of our worthy rec-
puon projects,"
Competition i Eliminated
WaR tho decision of tho gathor-
lug that thu selection of project No.
1 shall bo loft to tho secretary of
tho Interior and to tho reclamation
sorvlco ami that. thu future pro
gramme and tho nalnlng of Uor
projecta In order nhnll bu loft to tho
now commission.
Throughout tho moetlm: wiih the
tniilerctirrniit of getting togohcr In
this work. Knch district by experi
ence hnd come to know tlio futility
of liutlvliliinl effort nnil wont Into
tho conference determined Unit the
llollhoriltlon ShOllIll OVOlVO B01U0
molho.1 of concentrated. Intelligent
action. U wan n case of give and
take on tho part of tho projects. i
the findings of the commission prob-
J '
"hit It was better In that they would
-u" ' n Uu, t ntm0B
uncort,ty and 'working at
J purposes In competition with
other project, of the state.
tmt lhj com.
,olect ,ls proJcc,s from
observation and from tho
"" .... ... ,
WaUKo kd much of
y,,,,,,,,, from tho floor and
th J';",a n nd uncompronl.
e J J of lho
' J"" lhy recommonda.
coromlsslon. Much of
u J la ap.
2!L In tho paat. he declared,
JJJJ"' ofp couraBO on tho
. , t and faUuro 0f the
in " " jMl , lhU rtttlu,
n rov a IU,nro.rlotlon
- - , ua ,, the
"ul Koto inrnu,n .,,
nu . . -..- - out
.'ni " ',',, .(.HM,nn.
-n. ; aoplwli 1ro.
... , r(ir,.
';",, of lho Hlut0 woll
il,l"rA0' ",,.,., lloroBtH r0,ir0.
or 0,loHt
""JJ;1' roJoBl Ul0 ROveriiinent
n w stover rj
1UII" u"' "" ' .
quont projects will bo rccommomnju
by tho commission In tho order of
their feasibility.
In considering tho latter several
Important angles were atrosscd. Tho
providing of new land, for sottlorH,
Hiid providing of farm and orchard
aroa as needed, woro considered.
Meeting Ih HanHOHloH
Tim mnotliiK wus a most harmoni
ous one, although made up of rep
resentatives of projects which, In a
sonso, had boon fighting each other
for yonrs to obtain favor of tho gov
ornmont In dovolopmont. Predictions
woro freely exprosHcd Informally by
momboru that tho confeornco horo
was tho dawning of a groat oovuioii
mont era for tho fltato which would
culminate In tho bringing under pro
duction much of tho soml-urld parts
of tho Htato.
William Stewart, a leader In tho
Baker project, Htressed tho Import
ance of co-ordinate action on tho
pnrt of tho Intorosts of tho state,
basing his opinion upon his experi
ences In Washington during tho last
yoar In tho Intorost of tho onsiern
Oregon district.
Irrigation BUtuM I)lscuHWd
Tho morning sosslon was devoted
to a gonoral discussion of tho situa
tion In tho atnto rcgnrdlng reclama
tion and Irrigation. Whitney I.
DoIbo, chairman of tho Joint land aot
tlomont commlttoo, presided and de
livered tho oponlng statement in
"which ho presented tho doslro of the
Htato and local olmmbor to bring' tho
Irrigation factions into harmony
and united oltort. W. ti. B. Dodaon,
gonoral manager, also spoko for tho
(Continued on page five)
Oregonian Gives Prominence to
Local Citizens and Harney County
"We'vo waited 30 years, but n.t
last Burns Is going to bo a town,"
declares Robert Duncan, attorney of
that town, who Is in Portland on
business. "Tho flrnt step la to pro
vide n water nnd sower itystom and
a bond Issue Is to bo voted on. The
now railroad, It Is expected, will bo
completed from Crane In a couple of
mouths or so and when tho first
train comes Into Bums thoro will
bo a celebration which will long bo
remembered. Burns baa boon handi
capped nil those years by Inck of
rail transportation. It has been a
hard Journey to get Into nnd out of
Burns, but this will soon change.
Then there will bo n largo sawmill
which will mean the employment of
many workers; now homos must bo
built to nccommodato tho workers
and their families, nnd there will
be, naturally, now business to supply
and entertain tho Increased popula
tion. Burns will grow fastor In tho
next throe years than any othnr town
In Oregon." Oregonian.
By building a railroad from Bend
to Burns, tho Union Pacific can cut
down mlloHgo and obvlato prcsont
elevations and T. II. Foley, chair
man of tho transportation committee
of lho chamber of commerce of Bend,
has been sent to Portland to hnvo a
hoart-to-hoart talk with Union Pacif
ic officials. "There am 40 carloads
of lumber shipped from Bend overy
day," declares Mr. Foley. "These
cars have to be taken from Bend to
th Columbia river, n drop of 3000
foot elovatlon and then hauled np
tho Columbia and over tho Bluo
mountains at an elovatlon of H600
feet. A railroad from Bend to
Burns could bo built without those
elevations having to bo considered
and tho saving In direct mlleago
would bo 180 miles. This Is some
thing worth consldoraton by tho
Union Pnclflc From Bend a lino
could be built south to Crescent, In
connuct with Southern Pacific A
railroad builds for business, not
sentiment, nnd on this basis It should
bo remembered that tho Bend-Bums
line could bo constructed with epuro
running Into the deeper parts of the
Chovrolot Motor Conipnny reports
Fobruary production as GG.OOO cars
nnd trucks, this being Chevrolet's
largest month's production to dnte,
forest to take care of sawmlllH which
would bo started If thoro was shown
ii method of transportation." Later:
Tho Union Pacific officials did not ,
commit thomsolvoB. Oregonian. ,
' -o I
"Many peoplo do not ronllzo that ,
llarnoy valley Ih largor thnn tho
Willamette valley. Harney valley (
han 300,000 acres of which ovory
aero Is susceptible to cultivation If
1 It can got water," declass Bam
Molhershcad of Burns, Or , who ar
rived at, the Imperial yesterday, Mr.
Mothorshead Is onu of a delegation
who are hero to show thnt Harney
valley Irrigation projoct Ih thn best
nnn for tho state to got behind and
ask government help. There aro
other delegations arriving to show
. thnt their respective projects aro tho
boet, so a pleasant tlmo can bo ex-
I pected when the arguments start at
' tho Chamber of Commerce. "Wo
can put water on our projoct for 140
an acre, which Is a lower price than
, any of tho other districts can do."
continued Mr. Mothorshead. Tho
rnllMBd now belnr built In Harney
county will afford transportation for
tho products of thfldlstrlct, which Is
another Important Item access to
market. Oregonian.
Busy with tho construction of 80
miles of railroad. Fred Herrlck of
St. Maries. Idaho, checked out of
thu Hotel Portland yesterday for
Spokane. Wash. Mr. Herrlck Is
building a railroad from Crane to
Burns, 30 miles, and from BuniB to
Bear'valWy. which Is CO miles more.
Tho section between Crane and
Burns Is moving along so rapidly
that within a few months tho toot
of the locomotive will ring through
tho streets or Burns. Work on the
80-mllo section north of Burnt Is
being pushed and tho grading Is
moving as rapidly an conditions per
mit, nnd thoro are few obstacles. Mr.
Herrlck needs the railroad In order
to log tho large timber holdings
which ho has bought from lho gov
ornmonl In Bonr valley. The- !:
will bo milled at Burns, whom Mr.
Horrid- It preparing to construct his
cut-up plant. Oregonian.
although made In a short month.
In splto of this heavy produrtlon,
tho sales department anticipate.! u
shortage of Chevrolet In the Spring
months, as ordorB In dealers hands
for Spring delivery aro much largor
than In nny previous year.
KttfftmJtKIBwKmHl yjJBftjitt'ir'sl Iff I JM)f srfiirr',ooo'o
1. II, Haxoltlne, lho district game
warden who resides at Canyon City,
waa In this section for sovcrnl days
recently on official duties. Irving
has alwaya had a warm apot In his
heart for llarnoy county for ho has
many of his warmest frleiuH In tlhs
Hoctlon. When the subject of lack of
moisture threatening our crops dur
ing tho coming season was under dis
cussion ho advanced a remedy that
lie guarantocfl will work. He Is ono
of tho main spokes In tho manage
ment of tho nnnunl '02 cclobratlon In
his homo town nnd although they
have experimented In tho past on
dntos with a vluw of avoiding rain,
so far they havo not boon successful,
therefore ho made a proposition that
If bin Harney county frlonds would
glvo him $100 a day for any woofc or
two wooks In Juno for thoir coloura
tion ho would guarantee rain overy
day for tho period.
Tho '62 celebration this year will
bo hold on Juno 19, 20 and 21. The
management consulted with tho Har
, ney County Plonoer Association bo-
forn sotting tho dates no thoy would
not conflict foi many Harney county
plonoers always want to bo In Can
yon on tho dates of their celebration.
State Treasurer O. P. Huff died
Tuosduy at u hospital In Portland
nnd Governor Pierce has appointed
Jollerson Myers to fill the unexpired
term. Jeff Is ono of tho big men of
this state and was a most satlsfoc
tory appointment to tho position as
ho Is n man of ulfalrs and capable
of handling tho office. Ills many
friends In Burns and Harney coun
ty are pleased with this appoint
ment nnd extend their best withes.
t,mn the state has u man In this
Importnnt office who will give It his
best efforts.
Sunday'rt Oregonian contains i
i.owb dispatch from Milton to the
offeet that Mr. Jnimw Otla Kviiyon
had confescd to having ol flro to
p competitor's olllcf. ProfuMlonul
Jealousy win ndmlted to hvo prom
pted tho act. Otis Konvoii is a sou
of Mr. and Mr. Raw Konynn who
formerly resided here. Otis Is now
practicing dentistry, lift was born
Bt Drewsey In this county and for
several years of his childhood ho was
a resldont of Bums. Ho Is mnrrlod
nnd hnu boon practicing dontlslry for
several youre.
Objectionable Rcitr icti ouu
Eliminated; Concessions.
Tend to Harmonize.
15. W. Barnes told u group of bUHl
nesB nnd professional men In Uobt
M. Uuncan'a olllco Thursday ovcnlne;
that the deed to tho Fred Herrlck.
Lumber Co. for tho sawmill olio at..
Warm Springs had at last been Bat
tled In a manner satisfactory and?
that ho was leaving tho following?
morning for Portlnnd to have it exo--cuted.
Ho will return to Burns noxU-
Tuoeday when tho deed will bo plac
od of record, thus clearing up any
j nucstlon of doubt.
Mr. Barnes stntcd ho desired tharf. i
that tho cltlsens of Burns know that J
! those details had been arranged lur
order that there bo no further dolar
In going ahead with Improvements. t
ITho uuestlon has been discussed'
1 moro or less and some were inclined'
1 to wait deflnlto results before mak
ing Improvements. Tho same ques
tion held back many who contem
plated Investing in Burns and en
gaging in business. With this def--i..itiu
mil of thn wnv things will?
I open up and much activity will re
sult In tho Immediate future.
Mr. Barnes made considerable
sacrlflco In coming to terms with the
' mill concern, ho said, but felt Justl
! fled In doing this for the good o! '
the town snd tho general develop
ment of tho country that depended'
i to u considerable extent upon uio
I location of tho mill. He was warm
. y commended by nil those prcsonfc.
, at the meeting.
The feeling of cooporntlon was
also strengthened by this gathering.
as now all understand tho situation
and aro happy becnuso of lho unltr
, uud the fact that the cltltons maj-
iow work In harmony with Mr..
; Barnes, the Fred Herrlck Lumber.
i Co. and thu Union Pacific Itallroaifi
In the development desired.
Knglunor Jtanu,H (Mrurd of tbii.-
Fred Herrlck Lumber Co. hua told.
a delegation of Burns biihli.4 meiu
that It was his hope and oxpoututlonv
. to have the laying of rail front.
Crane to Burns completed by tho
flrtt of July and added that If Burnt'
wanted to Include this ovout in hot
; plum, f;ir a 4th ot July celebration
Ito would give his every effort ta
, have an esoundon train as ono of
the feature. With such prospects In
view It Is Hkcly Burns will bo host
to thousands of Harney county ell
IxeiM as well as numbers or oltlzuua
of the Snake ltlver valley, Includlnjr
Vale, Ontario, Caldwell, Nyssa, Nunw'
, pa, Bolso nnd way places. This
I would bo ii fitting occasion to Invito
, our neighbors to visit uh and tho
business men of Burns would oxorK.
themselves to make tho celebrntloui
a memorable one.
. o
I Among thOBO from thlH city wh('
will be present at tho hearing ealled.1Jltw,.
' at Portland next Wednesday to dla- .. .
1 cuss before tho Inter-stnto commerco
commission tho proposition of ex--!
tending railroad facilities across tho
' ututo uro Snm Mothershoad, HohL
' M. Buncan, Sonntor Charles W. Ellis.,
i William Hnnley and A. It. Olsun. The
latter Is now In California but wllt
' return to Portland to bo proBont a&
the hoarlng. Messrs. Mothorhond,.
Duncan and Kills expect to leaver
Sunday night and go out by way of
Crane. t la likely thoy will bo Joln
od thoro by others who are Interested!
In tho hearing.
Tho proposed meeting is ono that:
haB much interest to tho peoplo aK
central and eastern Oregon a -wslU
na Idaho points. Tho San Francis
co chamber of coinmorcb la also tak
ing an Intorost In tho hoarlng audi
will bo .represented as such a read:
would 11101111" additional trnnsportar
tlon and more direct routing, aE"
freight Intended for tho south
Mombors of Burns Chapter, O; Y1T.
S are romlndod that next Monday
evening tho usual monthly social
n..nn,imniit will be clYQU nftor
) tho closing ot tho lodgo aemlon. It
I will bo a St. Patrick's nffair nnilt
promises vory onjoyablo.
, s