;' rAGHS THK IIMRll'HlRALD BURNS, ItAKNHV COUNTY ORRflOR IV.urttay, March Iff, 1094 i St Patrick Day in colobrntcd nil over tho world by tho sons of Erin. St Pntrlck did n fln'o thing when ho drove tho snakes out pf Ireland. Thnt was long ago. Wo need n modern St. Pntrlck to drive WASTE out of America nnd establish tho habit of THRIFT. Our peoplo aro wasteful of both time and money this Is tho basU of most of our trou bles This bank is doing nil It can to Htlmulnte Its patrons to nave moro -waste less and thus win the great permanent rowanls of life. Como In nnd lotus help you plan to "Get1 Ahead." For Wnnt Of A Savins Account Many A Man Hat Loit An Opportunity To Got Into Business For Hltmelf. The First National Bank Burns, Oregon r Bt 4 LOCAL ypENfM Lambing season has begun nnd somo good "crups" nro roported. Fred 0. Otloy was in town Wed nesday on business, James IMrio wus down from his ranch on Cow creek Wednesday. Don't rorgot the Calico ball at Tonawnmu on Friday, March 28. From past ovoutn this calico ball Is looked forward to with ploasuro ns thoro's nlways bo mo good tlmos. Mrs. Wld Drlnkwator returned the latter purl of last week from llolso ( whore flho hud nccompatiled her , daughter JcbhIo nnd Ilesslo Vlekors ' who have entered nchool there. i I Lynn llowor was down from tho ranch homo Wednesday. Bid Comugyii wiih in from Diamond Thursday. Adam Ucorgo was In town Thurs day. Lynn Dower wan down from tho Cow creek runch homo Friday. Frank Dlbblo and his son Will wore In from tlmlr Silver crook rnuch homo yesterday. Sam Timbroll of tho Vnlo Trading Co,, at Crane, accompanied by Loo. Schmidt, tho manager of tho Vnlo branch of tho corporation, was In town Wednesday on business, Charles W. Kills returned Mon day evening from u trip to Mnlhour county where he was on buBlnoss and alHO to feel out the political sontl-mont. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craddock wero Mm, Nolllo Hood wont to Portland Sunday to bo in tho motropolln dur ing tho grand opera bohboii. E. D, Asplnwnll of tho Btandnrd Oil Co,, nt Crnno, was a buslnoss vlnltor tho foro part of thin wooki W. T. Vandorvoor wa ovor from his Pine oreok stock rnuch for a nliort timo during thin wook. J, W. DiivIcb, ono of tho oxtenolvo wool growers of thlH county, wao In from hlu ranch homo In tho Prluco ton Hoctiou WodncBdny. C. W. Smith, n roproHontatlvo of tho Portland Oregonian circulation dopnrtmont, opont n fow days in DurnB during tho week In tho In toront of tho paper. Mrs," Kunlco Thompson wiih called to Dolso tho latter pnrt of lit at week bocniiBo of tho norlotiH IIIiiobh of her mothor, Mrs, Joseph Itobortson. The estoomed ploneor lady died on Tuos day night of thin week. J, W. Drown and his hod Claud have In-1! hii work on tho Hteel service station on tho ennier acroHS tho Htrool from tlm Tounwamn ltullil litfc. TIiIh Htatloit la being oreeted for Karl Hngey of tho Service Oarage. Leo Clark In now emptoyiMl In tho shurllT'ii ollle pldliw in taking carcj of the rush In t'pp' yitig time. Fraultlyii Vnrtop. nihUu- of tho Crane State Until:, whs Hit Wednes day mi htisluoM mutter Clnudu McOou has recently ac tjul roil half a block In the renldouce dlfltrlet north of tho Jiiuiob Donegal! homo and this week put workmen on tho ground for leveling and exca vating with the .intention of erect ing two cottages on the promises. There will bo Initiation nt the Mr. nnd Mrs, Jack Evan a were in town Tiiosdny from their homo nt Crane, Mrs, William Hnnloy returned homo Wednoadny nftor nn nbnonco of several wookfl nt outside points J, E, JonkliiH Is again in UiIb vi cinity from 'lllversido on business In connection with his cattlo dealing. John Craven was up from his rnuch homo near Mnlhour Inke on Thursday Mrs, llodnoy Coznd arrived homo Tuesday ovening from a visit with rolatlvos In Idaho. "TJonTKIllott nnd wlfo, of Alborson, woro roglstorod at tho Levons tho roro part of this wook. Another car load of Ford e.'trn woro unloaded Wcdnomlny for tho Hums (lurnge, Kvory enr !n tho Hhlpmeiit with tho oxceptlou of one had boon contrnctod for dolivery bo foro Ihoy woro uulondod, WiihIiIiiiiIou street Ih being Im proved from Main street east to a connection with the Dennett Addi tion. A bridge will bo constructed over tho irrigation ditch and the ijtrool It to be graveled. Mrf and Mrs. Pnloumu BkloiiH left Thursday afternoon for Duker where Mr. Hkleiio goes to tuko the examination to be hold In connec tion with the appoliitmout of post miiHters. Ilobt. Drlukwater, one of thu high ly roMpectcd old ploueors of this sec tion Is reported in very pour health, lie and Mrs. Drlukwater are living with llnrry "Wither on tho farm ad joining Harney, o ' ' yiLv9KiMH4tfT)HE 1C3flHFG&i BHBnTYYfT'r&c Give Your Payments Wings Jr CHECKING account with this Hank will Kivoyour payments ins. Mrs. W. P. Stranborg, a uuwspnp cr woman of Portland, was In Duriis down from their Dear valley ranch Thursday. Mrs. Strnuborg Is muk-! for several days this week. Mis. ... . . . t . . . ..... lag a tour or me camera aim central Trtn of the state nnd went from ro to Bend. She stated she was kere on business. John Wltzell mid wife were in town for n few days this week, hav ing accompanied their sou up nt the time ho was operated on for appcu dlcltlH, remaining for a few days to nee how he was recovering before returning home. J. 10. Wright nnd hlu tun Wnlter mill J. 11. King, nil of Homodale, Idaho, were looking ovor DuriiH Thursday with a view of locating here permanently. Mr. Wright is n contractor and builder and Mr. King Is a garage man. Do lay h are most trying. We had Craddock reports no snow In that section and the weather Is spring like with roads in good condition. dim Hard well has been confined to his home for the past week with an nttack of flu. Ho was much Im proved yoHtorday, being able to bu up, and wilt likely be at his place of IiiihIiiohs the first of tho coming weok. Thu largo storage tanks for fuel fur the Hums Power Co. plant havo boon brought up from Crnno and lire being luiitnlled nt thu plant, it Is ixpctd tho new engino will bo rendy for operation In tho near fu ture. Mrs. Win. Furru and daughter, MIh Kathrlue, went to Canyon City expected to luive a railroad In oper-1 Thumdiiy, going over In company atlon Into Darns lung ngo yet thorn Is delay. Ten car loads of rails aro now at Crnno nnd othor material arriving at frequent intervals, Just when actual construction will be gin has not been announced. Hov. Win. Dalrd, or Daker, Prei. bytorlan Sunday School Mhxlonory, who hits been In IIiIh field for ev eral yours, was n social caller at tbls olllcu and a guest of Iter, and Mrs. Samuel Harris, local pattor of tho Presbyterian church Inst Mon day. Uev. Dalrd hns u wldo nc qualutnuce In Harney county and Is Tory favorably received on his islts. with Mr. and Mrs. Polomuu Sklens who wore en route to Duker. Mrs. Farm and Miss Kathriuo will spend u fow days with rolatlvos nnd friends In Canyon, returning home Mon day. Peto Haley was In town the foru part or this week from his rnuch home near Malheur hike. He hays they huve some hay loft for tho uoxt feeding period and nro holding It ponding tho wonthor conditions which loo't unfavorable for nn over Low of tholr mfuliiw laud this ten x&n, In which ovm thy will net hnvo the usual crop, Ml v HadSdd Start IheLqyingli Now'h tho timo to start your pullets and moulted hens to laying nnd cash in on eggs, Moulting puts thu egg organs out of gear. Go after these dormant organs with tho old reliable Dr. Hess Poultry PAN-A-CE-A It puts tho egg organs to work. , It starts tho feed tho vgg wny. It gives red combs nnd red wnttles. It brings back tho Bong nnd scratch nnd cackle. Pan-a-co-a gives hens pep und mnkea music in tho poultry ynrd. i That's wlton the eggi come REED BROTHERS The Rexall Store Wa liava a rluht-sha package for every flock noxt regular mooting of 8ylvln Ite-1 ""OK HALh bohah Lodgo, No. -13. I. 0. O. F on Ford Touring 1022 model, now Tuesdny night, March 18. Lunch PlHt; stnrtor, good mochunlcul con nftcr tho Initiation. All mombors dltlon, J215.00. Ford touring 1020 urged to be presentOrder of Noble i model, Moore transmission, HasBlor Grand. shocks, good condition, nt $200.00 Sorvlce Oarage. Miss Oladys Holland has gone to noise where who will enter a bust-' noss collcgo for somo spoclsl work I for n fow months. Sho resigned her ' position with tho First National Dank tho first of this month Intond- J lug to go to school Immediately but her health was not good nnd she re mained nt home for a short timo boforo going out. I. M. Davis, thu plouuer Harney county booHtur of tlm Drewsey sec tion, was In town Tuesday looking after some business matters. Mr. Dnvls Ik an advocate of belter road facilities between thu county sent nnd Drewsey und says It Is not a difficult problem to make tin excel lent thoroughfare between tho two points. Ho states further that a railroad representative was over there roccntly to examine tho chalk beds In thnt vicinity ami prounuured them some of the best and most ox teuslvo deposits In the uiitlre Unit ed States with Kiilllcleut of the pro duct In sight to warrant transporta tion being extonded to It. In addi tion to this thorn are many mil lions of feet of timber above that i.lno would add lonungo to rail facilities. H-1G Kvorbeiirlug Progressive Strawber ries aro the bout, most proline and hardiest, they will do well In Harney Valley, will produce snme year as planted ; plant ns noon ns ground can ho worked. I furnish guaranteed pure plant nt $1.25 per 100 $0.00 per 1000 $8 00 for 3000 or ovor, delivered nt your oince P. P, and guarantee them to reach you In good condition. Ad dress N. D. MntthlosHoti, Model Fruit Fnrm, 11. No. 1, Kmractt, Idaho. 3-15 Pasture for Hunt Over 2000 acres of first class pasfuro bordering the lake. Ideal for sheep. A. F. II. (leorge, Drewsey, Ore. 3-1 -2t The Sabiii Dook Company of Dolse, Idaho, buy. soil, and exchange all kinds of now and used books. In toxicating liquor Ih our only com petitor. 3-lG-tf. FOIt HALK- -Hound Oak Steel range J. ('. Welcome riding suddle, tun Inch John Doaro walking plow, No. I Sharpless Cream separater: IHg -I McCormlck Mower N. II. VoBgtly, Hums, Oregon. 3-lfi-tf. YoU will ho able to pay bills by mail in Hiich a way thnt no one but tho proper perHon enn hnvo the money nnd in audi n wny that he must receipt for it be fore ho gets it. Your nd'Honiil or 1 UB.'r.eep chekii ; r.ccrunt will-be welcome at this Bank. Hamjnj County NitiouaL Bank jBum5,Drean "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" Groceries! When you buy your groceries from us there are three things of which you may be sure best quality, lowest prices, prompt attention to your order whether it be large or small. Get our prices before buying else where because we are positive to meet all competition. Registered and Grade Jerseys High Class Milk Tested All T. B. Tested! Fresh and Soon to Freshen Cows Now On Hand. Increase your cream check by making your dairy herd high class cows. Willis Rounsevelle Burns, Oregon FOH HTATK HKN'ATOlt In announcing my candidacy, for the Itepubllcau nomination as Joint Senator for tho 22nd Senatorial District, 1 bellevo that my pledgo of oeonomy or rour years ago has been fnlthfully kept. If nominated und elected I shall continue my opposi tion to all extravnngances and shall work for tho Intcrosst of the DIs-1 trlct nnd State conscientiously, hon estly, and without fear, favor, or uarllallty. Farming nnd stock rais ing are our basic Industries nnd my past votes on all measures regarding such hnvo boon cast with the idea of assisting thorn without adding to the burdens now being carried. CHAHLKS W. KLL1S. Dr. Karl Norvall Drugless Physician i Mcchano Theraphy Elecric Theraphy Naturopathy Office Over Postofficc Burns, Oregon P. S. Welttenhlller has rel from his visit to Idaho points. o rem halk The Harrison Hoskins raiuh tho Stelus Mountains, couslst'ng 1700 acres of good summer rani Including running wntor, fcr cheap. Will consider lenso, subje to salo, also. For particulars, wrlw phono or cnll Inland Emplro Healti Co., Phono 30W, Hums, Oregon. 3-1 Father Time Burns Cash Store How different islthlsjago of speed, the mile-a-minuto life, from the work of our fathers' time when Iouk hours of hard work was the keynote to success. They worked in slow plodding manner and retired Into in llfo with unimpaired health. Tho unfortunate ones who have brokqn under thu territlc nerve' tension of tho present day businesu methods, ahould give thought to REMEDY. Tho bestof medecino should bu used to build up tho impaired body bo that there will bo norvo forco and vitality left to enjoy tho fruits of tho yours of labor. Tho best and purest drugs aro used in filling your prescriptions, and by a compltent and experienced phurmislst. WE SELL ONLY THE BEST Home Drug Co. M M K (r- w&immmmx&tkmsmi . .mV jrt i.Mlip ..