The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 15, 1924, Image 1

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NO. 20
Local Teacher' Institute
At Crane Next Saturday
Experiment Station Notes;
The Average Precipitation
Ralph W. Swagkw t Make
Race; Active, Aggreeeivc
Man Asks Nomination.
Knlph W. Swagler, of Ontario, In
u cnndldnto for the nomination for
congrosB oit tho dontocrntlc ticket.
Mr. Swagler la qulto woll known In
Harney county nnd should bo given
first consideration by tho mombora
of Ills party In tho primary. Ho In
well qualified for tho position and
m an nggrusslvo innu. Ho has prac
ticed law In Malheur county for tho
past twelvo yearn and was elected
prosecution attorney for that county
In 191C.
Mr. Swagler promises If iiomlnnt-
(d and elected, to endeavor to Im
prove tho present agricultural con
ditions both by remedial legislation
and by such International coopera
tion as will Rtablllzo European fin
anciers, thus creating a market for
tho farm products of this country.
Ho further pledges his best efforts
In accomplishing rigid economy in
governmental expenditures, that the
tax burden may bo lessened.
Tho gentleman Is familiar with
conditions of this congressional
district and would be a valuable man
for eastern and central Oregon In
tho halls of congress. IJIs many
friends in Harney county will sup
port him.
The regular meeting of tho club
was held nt- tho homo of Mrs. Harry
7. Smith on Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. Frank Hossman ns Joint host-
m The home decorations were In
. . . r ft-f---- -... .1
The child welfare subject choson j
r next meeting Is Food and Nutrl-
One of the diversions following tho
hmdness session was n most inter
esting game of flower word contest
which Mrs. Augustn Graham ox-
lied In naming the largest number
f flowers, being awarded with a
tl solos by llttlo Morula Smith
d Mr A V. Welcome nlso ndded
f' j !. to tho pleasure of tho nfter-
The refreshments proved dainty
n 1 most nppctlzlug.
Hiiuday School at 10:00 A. M.
Come with us und we will do you
pood Assist us In pushing this ex
cellent work It will pay largo divi
dends to the homo, the church and
Samuel Harris, acting superintend
ent Worship at 11:00 A. M.
Themo of sermon, "His Hoyal
Bounty." This servlco will bo of
I Interest to you. Your presence will
encourage tho presence of others.
Young Pooplo's Meeting at 2:30
Horo is an opportunity for Chris
tian instruction worthy of tho coop
fratlon of all. You can not nfford
to mlBB It,
Kronlng servlco at Crane, Tho
Ladles Aid Is doing flno work, now
members nro bolng added nt ench
Tho choir is making excellent pro-
iKreos with tho Easter Cantata.
Tho Annual canvass to ralso tho
.church budgot will bo takon tho
I Mrst weok in April. Kov. William
Balrd, 8unday School Missionary
fill assist in making the canvass,
Tho prosperity of Bums and Its
ruturo will consist not alono of fino
cenory nnd Incroaslng property vl-
08. A successful city la mado up
t good peoplo with ontcrprlso and
Push, and good pooplo bollovo In
pod churchoa nnd good bcIiooIb. Too
jnuch omplmslB can not bo placed up-
a thoso vital factors In tho Hfo and
;rowth of our city.
E. W. Darnoa has gono to Port
Keeping wiiii at. lame n nay nnu glft,0 morH , ,00 comnlumly
the refreshments served In n man- t.HgttM nilV0 l)Mn organized with a
ncr and of appropriate coloring. membership of over 03,000. Tho
Tho necessary committees wcro J iWIK0l( of eBcn county aro organized
itppolnted to look after tho annual ( ,nto tt ft)jerat,0 ni thorc arc dlh
calico ball which will bo given at trlcl organisations formed by the
Tonawama on March 28th. Tho us- ,,, of conty groupfl, ,v0t tho
unl restrictions as to costume will ,, lntoreHtlng aro the Junior Com
prcvall on this occasion. i muf.y Lcarues formed hv the school
ed on business.
County Hupt. Mary Griffin, has
handed in the following program for
a local Institute of teachere to bo
hold at Crnno next Saturday, March
9:00 General Assembly, Invocation,
Rov. Sumuol Harris
Music, Star Spangled Banner, Chorus
Address Supt, Mary Griffin
0: 16 Mental Tests, Prof. B. F. Cairo-
ton, University of Orcg,
OHO History, Kullowod by discussion
l'rln, Hay Lapham
10:00 Hccoss
10:46 Clnns, Domouittrntlou, Prim
nry WrltiugMrs. C. 11. McConnoll.
11:00 Tho O. S. T. A. ....'.
Prln. V. M, Sutton
11:45 School Management
Itov, II. W. Shaver
Solo Mrs. P. S. Wolttonhlllor
I M0 Music, Violin Solo
Miss Agnot Foley
Solo Miss Annette Leonard
2:35 Montul Tests
Prof, K. F. Cnrloton
2 :45 Lonnon Planning
Prln. U. M. McDado
H:00 Mathematics Miss Hamuli llor
.1:20 Class Demonstration, Grammar
Mrs, K. M. Joiner
4:00 Sclonco Prof. Cecil Pearson
Tho watchword of tho American
farmer is Cooperation. Duslnobi
running Into tho billions was done
by the cooperative associations last
year. Tho business Is not always
conflnod to the soiling of products
nnd the purchase of fnrui suppllss,
In many lines of progress Coopera
tion is tho key to success, Farmer
urgunlto for hotter school and for
any needed community Improvement.
A fine example of cooperative
work Is found In Virginia. In that
hoy(, nn(l K,rlg 0vcr i00 of (ho)10
Jun,or CHRUC)I jmvo bcen organised
with a membership of about 18,000.
In n school district tho corn and pl;t
i clubs, poultry and cnnnlng clubs,
mnnnged by tho boys nnd girls may
ti til to In a Junior Icaguo.
Tim activities of tho leagues tiro
coordinated by tho Cooperntllvo Kdu
cation Association which Is the Stnto '
organization formed In foster thin
groat progressive movement. Tho
U. S. Ilurenu of Kducntlon, Depart
ment of tho Interior, will send free
to any applicant lis Bulletin, lf)lNt,
No. 53, on "Tho Cooperative I'd u ca
tion Association of Vlrglnlfl," giving
In somo dotail tho work of tho com
munity leagues.
State Market agent C, K .Ipenco
tins called a hearing on Federal
gradOB of wheat to bo held In Pend
leton, Tues,. March 18, nt 10 n, m.
In tho Court IIouso, to which nil
wheat growcra, denlern nnd others
Interested nro roquoitcd to attend.
A similar hearing will ho held In
Portland, In Koom 7'J0, Court llouro
on Monday, Mm eh 17. at 10 a. m.
Mr. Spenco says thoro Is some
(juostloti whether tho Fcdornl grades
apply equitably to wheat conditions
In Orogon with regard to wolgnt per
bushol, provisions eoverliK smut
dockago and whent ponnllzed lc
cause of mixtures. Th'J heariugti
will bo couductod on thoso questions.
Dr. II. C, Taylor and IF. J, Dens
lyo of the Department of Agricul
ture, will be present at thoso muut
Ings, and while thoso are stalo hear
ings, thoso men will have opportuni
ty to get tho viewpoint of growers
nnd dealors In Oregon.
Similar hearings in Washington
will follow tho Orogon meetings, at
Walla Wnlln, Pullninn, Spoknn nnd
Tho Mothoru Club will glvo tholr
annual calico ball nt Tonnwnma this
yoar on Frldny, March 28. Tho us
ual restrictions will provall, tho
ladlos bolng Inatructod to dresa in
porcalo, cnllco or glughnm und tho
mon may malco tholr cholco of gar
mont hotwoon corduroyn, It link I or
ovdralls. Guests aro eubjoct to a
flno If not nronorlv earbed on thin
Engineer Girard Authorize
Announcement Returned
Activity oh Extension.
Wnglnoor James Girard of the
Fred Horrlck Lumber Co., In chargo
of railroad construction from Cruno
to Mums and on to Sonucn, author
Izos the announcement that laying of
rails between Burns nnd Crane will
begin about tho first of May,
Mr. Girard has been confined to
his homo for several days from III
uoss nnd tho conversation with hint
was over tho tolephno. Ho Is much
better and will soon bo at his ofllco boforo tho nubjoot will bo roady to
ngnln, Mr. Girard said that It Is ' submit to the voters for approval
tho present Intention, If nothing In- ' or rojeetlou. These points deal with
terfcrcfl In the nicantlmo to begin 4 tho proposed water and sower Im
tlio work of laying rnlls on llm ditto provement particularly, tho mclhotl
stated. There arc now ten car loads of distribution and financing, the
of rnlls at Crane to bo used In this
construction with more material ar
riving at Intervals. So far thoro are
no ties nt tho present terminal but
there Is plonty of time botween now
ami May 1 to have all tho tics
necessary for tho work.
This announcement Is tho first
nuthorltatlvo ono as to tho actual
beginning of tho spring work on the
lino between hero and Crane.
II. C. llnslnger, Union Pacific
itallroad engineer, who has boon In
chargo of the Interests of that con
corn In this territory since last sum
mer, returned this week from a vis
it to Salt Lake. On his return ho
was accompanied by W. II. Skogor-
sou, who comes to take over tho
work In this territory, Mr. Ilaslnger '
being transferred to other fields.
During tho tlmo Mr. llnslnger
was stationed hero ho mado numer
ous warm friends who regret his
leaving. Their beat wishes accow-
pony him In his new field of work. I
Fon lUm.NH
J. W. Faubln. of Glenn's Ferry.
Idaho, was n visitor to Iluriia HiN
weok and unuounces that he will :
bo back In a couple of weeks to -s-1
tabllHh a brick nnd tllo plant. Air.
Fnublti Is nu experienced brick man
nnd after looking over tho situation
l" iM vlc,"ll.y "I"1 .I""""1"1!' ,hP
character of brick that had been
burned here, ho niiuounced that hu
felt Hiiro of putting out a very fino
product This Is a business that ho ,
hnvo needed for somo time. Wo ,
have fiomo flno building stone but ,
many prcfor brick for building pur-,
poses, thoroforo the establishment j
of such n plant will find n big mar-1
kot. '
1 ' -z dZJmL n. J
Improvement! Given Careful
Consideration; Submitted
To Voters Later.
T, H, Boyd, of Portland, repre
senting tho JJIyth, Witter Co. bond
ing house., was In Hums for n short
ttmo during tho weok and had a con
furuueu with tho elty authorities on
Wednesday afternoon when tho now
charter for this city was under con
sideration. Tho original draft sub
mitted had to bo rovlsed soma and
tho matter has boon delayed. Sev
eral details are yot to bo worked out
most equitable way In which to
assess tho Improvements us It bene
fits tho population.
Another foaturo of this progress
t, ,0y ayK Hlool 0 (j10
railroad grade between Hums nnd
Crane. It Is not ndvisablo to attempt
to bring In qunntltles of freight at
tho present time and haul it up from
Crane on trucks when u material
saving may be had in waiting until
tho freight may bo brought tho on
tlro dlstnnco on tho train.
III Jusllcu to Harold Clifford, of
Canyon City, member of tho State
game commission, the Examiner
wishes to make It known that ho
was tho only member of tho com
mission who opposed the motion fay-
orl" lh" MtlblWimon of an antelope
refugo In Lake county.
Mr. Clifford Is a stockman of
Grant county and ho understands
eastern Oregon rango conditions and
understanding conditions as they
n',,y oxll,t h uld not favor such
u motion. It lh a pity that other
members of tho commission did not I
hnvo sufficient Judgment to base ' These, wheats nro rapidly replacing
their action on tho opinion of tho nil othor varltles In nearly every Io
nian who knew what the establish- collty whuro they have been tried.
",,nl ' presorvo means to tho '
HJtopk Interests of Lake county,
--Lakovlow Kxnmlnor.
- . .v: --.m--.jl.. ..
Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Julio
1914 I. II
I Old
I ia
l m r
.43 1.07
.71 .57
1021 1.4G
1022 .05
192.1 Al
.97 .08
.75 1.03
.09 .09
.48 1.87
.88 .30
1.04 .80
10 yr.
Av, .82
.83 .51 .84 .87 ,C5
(Obll Bhattuck, 8upt.)
Mr. Halm m a station visitor
Saturday. He wan after some Hard
Federation wheat and true spring
Loran McCulloch is helping us
out at the Station for a few weeks.
Itaymond Horton, foroman, is
back on tho Job ngnln, having fully
recovered from tho shock of having
to part with his tonsils.
Tho following 'listened In' on n
radio program nt tho Station Sun
dny: Mr. and Mre. It. V. Hopper,
Mr. and Mrs, Shlnglodcckor, Mr. and
Mrs. McPheotors and fnmlly, and
Mrs. Dan Viirlon.
Mr. W. T. Vandorvoor, of Pine
Crook, was n Blatlon visitor Mondny.
Ho socurod somo Federation wheat,
Hnnnchon bnrloy nnd sixty day oats.
Mr, A. K. Drown nnd son woro
Station visitors Tuesday. Ho o
curcd somo true spring ryo. Mr.
Drown is planning on Boodlng qulto
a tract of land to nlfalfa this spring
and will Irrigate It with water from
his reservoir.
Mr. Harry Withers who oporatcs
n farm near Harney was a Station
visitor Thursday. Ho Is giving tho
Hard Federation wheat a trial thlfl
Harry a. York, who Is farming
soutii of Crane Is trying turkey Itcd
wheat, Hannchen barloy, and sixty
day oats thot wore grown on mo
Mr. Grantham, who Is located
east of Virginia Valley Is trying out
tho Hard Federation and Hannchen
Parley this season.
The Station crew have been busy
the first of tho week hauling some
very good alfalfa liny from Mr.
Deiihtedt's farm.
Andy Hall was a Station visitor
Mr. John Caldwell wuh a Station
visitor Wednesday. Ho is going to
try somo of the Federation wheat
and true Bprlng ryo 'r hay.
Mr. J. C. Foley Is trying out the
Hard Fednrutlon wheal this soasou.
It Is very gratifying to see so
many of tho farmers of Harney Vol
ley sowing tho Federation wheats
Monthly, annual and average pro-
elpttntlou at thu Harney County
Ilrnnch Stntlon for the years" lfTl I to
IfSS Inclusive,
Aug, Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. All.
.00 .34 1.39 .12 .3(5 8.G4
1.1 G
.39 G.GG
.38 7.19
.G2 7.03
.14 0.38
1.G3 0.00
1.2G S.5G
.45 9.02
.38 1.05
.01 LOG
.33 .00
.01 .88
.39 1.38
.78 1.51 8.72
.87 .44 S.44
.20 .31 .00 .07 .83 .72 7.90
Mrs. Joseph Robertson Dies
In Boise, Idaho, March
12; Buried at Canyon.
Mrs, Joseph Robertson died nt tho
homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. D.
Daly, In Dolso on March 12th after a
short Illness.
Mrs. Ilobortson wns born In
Springfield, Illinois, April 7, 1841,
and crossed tho plains by ox teams
with her parents In 1853, settling
near Ashland, Oregon, nt which
placo she was married to Josopli
Robertson In 1858. With her hus
band she cntno to Mount Vernon,
nunr Canyon City, Orogon, In 1402,
whoro they remained until 1887.
when thoy moved to Drewsey, Hnr
noy County, Oregon. Mr. Robertson
died In 1004. Oho camo to Boise,
Idaho, In 1907, whoro sho hn.1 slnco
rosldod. Her remains were interred
In tho Cnnyon City Comelory, whoro
her husband nnd ono son nro buried.
Mrs. Robertson loaves two sons,
J. A. Robertson of Ban Frnnnlsco,
California, and W. A. Robertson of
Drewsey, Oregon, also fivo daughter
Mrs. Eva McCialn of Pendleton, Oro
gon, Mrs. Eunice Thompson of
Burns, Oregon, Mrs. Lena Wolhorly
and Mrs. John I), Daly of Dolso,
Idaho, and Mrs. Gussle Freeman of
Portland, Oregon; besides fourteen
grandchildren and twelve great
Mrs. Eunice Thompson of this city
hud been called to Dolso tho luttor
part of list week In rosponso to a
telegram nnonunr.lng tho serious Ill
ness of hur mother. She accompan
ied tho remains from that place to
Canyon City whoro Interment wafr
made on Thursday aftornoon. Joo
Thompson and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. Bhalor Kldrldgo went over from
Burns to attend the funeral and were
accompanied homo by Mrs. Thomp
son. Mrs. Robertson wns highly re
spected by tho citizens of thU and
Grant county whoro sho hud spoilt
so many years. She was always nn
honor guest nt the nnnual pioneer
reunion In this city held In Juno
onrh year.
The second Saturday In Juno H
u1wioh r. gnla dny for (he old Har
ney county pioneer as l lint Is thu
date of the nnnual reunion. ' Wil
liam Hanluy Is president of the asso
ciation this year and recently ills
cussed tho coming reunion with
frlundii and members. Ho plans to
make known tho tinmen of tho com
mltteo for arranging tho program
for this year soon,
In a report written by F. L. Kent
on the stock nnd range conditions
for the U. S. government tho follow
ing paragraph gives conditions as ho
views It In this ceunty:
Harney Co.: Burns 1 estlmuto
thu rango nt GO per cent of normal
because of lack of snow hi thu hills,
Grass and water will both dry up
onrly. (2) llniigu grass has btnrlod
well nnd If wu get any Bprlng rains
wo will have tho bust rnugo in years,
ffo uuow back on tho watersheds, so
water for Irrigation will bu limited
this yenr. Cattle hnvo wintered bet
ter this year than for somo years
pant, mid there Is an abundanco ot
food loft over. (3) No sheep in this
vicinity, Stockmen are still feed
ing, but it has in goneral been a
mild winter. Stock hnvo not re
quired qulto ns much feed as usual,
but ns tho bny crop Inst yoar was a
llttlo abort, I presume tho hay now
on hand would bo about normal,
Lawen Whiter has been the mild
est I hnvo ovor oxporionccd. Spring
practically emtio about Jau, 20. Pros
poctB for meadow liny this year nro
nil. I bollovo howovor, Hioro la
enough hay this year,, In this local
ity, to carry stock through nnothor
wlntor, Thoro la no proaont marltot
for hay, Whnt little hna changed
hands moved nt $3.00 to $4.00 por
Doll Witzolt underwent nn opera
tion, last Tuesday for nppondtcltls.
Ho is roported recovering sntlsfnc
to'rlly. " --J