HnU aiay, March H, 1021 T 11 15 T I M K H - II K A I, )) II U It X fl , II A It N K V O () 1) N T V O It 13 O O N PAGE 9 .MMMIMM jlOTHKIt'H IjAKT WIMi AND TICHTAMIMT xonuio or htogk AHoniATlOX MKIOTINC (Uy Carolyn Liahui'Ko), Thin Is tho will of n mother, t Icuvo lu my children u horltuKU Loro nreoloua than iiuhwmIouh, I Uto to thum a liart of lnyHclf, ' Believing that truu motherhood ,itm inoro than birth and nhyulcnl n. uml It now I tut that ut any mo- sent the Blonder thread of life may sn. I huruhy leavo to my children licso boiiuosts, to ho hold legal ami 4(ie& .iftor my doath. i clvo to my children, first, a rock bottom faith In tho gouuiiio worth of ii)le t mum on to thorn my knowl- Ltrc that hlghmludod, docont mon nd w mm far outmtmbor tho- potty I td tli ' ralHu. 1 be iwftth to my clilldron tolnr uco, let thorn not hato any hull ijual but lot thorn tight, If thy laust. Hlal wrong. I brtiticath to my clilldron it iihoir I biography, uorsonnl momorloi of ;reat men and women. For my baby, I charKO that a Lrry aiirso ho sought, a buoyant ,plrlt with tho gift of bouk. For my chlldren'H homo, I auk mb; that It bo a homo with a gard- ka. For niy chlldron'H Hclmol, It mat- tt little whether largo or uninll, Labile or private. Hut I gravely barge their guardlaiiH that my chll- rcn bo taught. To thing straight. To uMifPiitrnto upon whatever ilc li- face, and to complete It. To u their flngors an alertly a heir tfi'iit To fi ' '"i outlut for Imagination. ii i n u utflraturo, or any art. hu I ' v to them tho hoy to the 'oor i' "tuty. To r .1 1 "f you dBar ohllilruu. who xi . -lintltHr'ti will and tualu- twnt I wrlte: . ' Oo i.t Mrun this, your mother'a rarv ,i- more words. Xlv wrd aro of groater worth hm ?. ii i r ullvor. For they hold rat luv rhorlih and guard you own ' fr. itK ii" ir"ur word of Htm. U. mi ru-vor let It Urnlali. m.' i turn Into dull lf-d- otii.i ivt lot rton upon po- mi huxband. wlfo, ohlldron. iith !' glow ami widen until errir . '!l humanity. v ' i kin my will. I am iti' thmi a fortuno to my vii I .nit bequeathing to the next 'ntratMti th bt of all gifts Ine mn ad womon. Tho oK'l' the Holf-socker amour. ou nn Mlclr.-n. I dUlnhorlt. nut o you who accept thlx horltng I now M I have not glvon, life u!twi I ipi r ml to eloar niynolf. Ktornally, Your Mother. Vr..)u ti,.. Miirch DollnoMor. i I tlfM IMMN'TIiltfi 'r I'trkHpur and wnltr ', the planU may ' ii- pMturcii now mill 'o ntuck Whtre itoek rit poUonlmf bafiire. Notlno In herohy glvon that tho Hurrtoy County Slock Aonoclntloti will meut In lluriiu on Saturday, March 15, at a o'clock lu tho after noon. , DONALD HOTUIIKISS, l'ruBkluttt. ; 0 ; I horoby nnnounco myself as a ' candidate for Bhorlff of Harney couu ' ty, Hithjoct to the iIocIhIoii of tho dohiocratlo votora at the primary election to bo hold on May 111, 1024. j CLAY CIiKMMNS. Wo will do your Job work. o ' T1I1J K()LMVIN(J IH A I.I8T OK j mni,H Au.owui) nv 'hik I COUNTV COUIIT AT T II 1J ; MAIIUII 'I'KUJI 11)21. : Oetuunl Knnil . t.otHoa ft lloilgo $1D.1H lilghts; J U. A. nickeiiRon $n.U0 Hauling: V. N. Monroe ?a,00 JuHtlce Fee; UIiiih. A. Klnn ?2S2.00 Onro of County Poor; Mary Grllllu $100.00 Travel Mxponsc; HuriiH, Oarage $5.00 Car Storage; Q. W. Taylor $21.00 Hull Iff; !Lunaburg Daltdu $1.G7 Blip pllo85 I2M huco $m.0r Care of County Poor; Glaus I'rudhomnio A Co. $5.55 HuppHoh; Chas. K. I). mini, ?0.G0 Stamps; Mary (Irlllln $-1.75 fltamps; Alma Knrponter $22. 50 Care of County Poor; F. I). Towtloy $12.50 Hawing Wood; I. S. CSowr ft Co. $a7.f!5 Huppllcw; Central OMtjou 'ivipphone Co. $10.75 Itenl U; U. II. Goodman $100.00 Salary; W. A. Goodman $187.89 Stumps; Win. Oilman $1.99 Trmuftr; W. A. Goodman $22.90 Travel luxpsnso; S N'. Uoltou $11. 40 Coinmlsslouer. (iVneral Itonil I'miil C. Tbos. Pollock $4lt.OO. IIII1 Cairtphrll $45.00. otus Slwinoro 130.00. J. H. Vflltml $a.0. A. I). Jon8 53.60; Claud McGm $15.70. II. A. Dickenson $SC75. Geo. L. llu ehaiiaii $53.00. Lloyd .lohuson $:it. 7S, John Crawginau $7.50 J. G. Itun yrd $-17.00, Work on County Hoad; 1. 8. Gr 4 Company $13 SX. Bute Htuhu-tv Coinmfsfflon $119. ill. Sun riartl OU Cotttpnny $61.11. Pw naughty Machinery Co. $31.83 Hoy McGm $12.00. 8uppl!o; Chas. ii. Dlllmsu $a.0Q Truck Llcsiit; Luth. r W. ntoliett $7.0 !rrli;)t; Uvo. M. Btmw $21.10 llepnlr; Wm. OH man $S.4S TrnnBfors. Miirke4 Ilotul I'miil John Cruagmiiii $7.50 Work ou ItoMd; K. 13. Iorson, payinout on contraot. IIIkIi HcIhmiI I'uiiit University Apparatus Co. $18.8:1, Iloxsey Lumbarl Co. $5.:iC, 1. fi. Geer ft Company $G..12 J. K. GUI ft Company $19.47. Oaylor Ilro. $2.35, Home Drug Comiiaiiy $9.70, Hums Cash Htoro $11.26. Hartcr School Supply Co. $7.50. Supplies: Carroll Hklens $2S.00. Janitor; 11. A. DlekeiiHOn $a.00 Hauling; Clin A. Downs $14.50 Labor; Win. Farr SIC1.B0 Prcmlvm on luturauco; Harry Lokcso $25 ao Janitor; C.mi- r" 4 tral Oregon Telephone Co, $fc,0G tlonlal. 1, Chan. K. Dlllnian, County Clork of Harney County, horoby certify that the foregoing Ih a truu ll'it of all claims allowed by tho County Court at tho regular March 1 OV I , term, OH AH. K. DILLMAN, I ' County Clork. J o j STOCKHOLDEHS MEETING. I Notice is hereby given that a meet- j ingof the titoclclioliioru of tho Harney i County Fair Anuoclatlon will ho hold ut the olllco of tho secretary in Huron, ' Oregon, on Monday, March 10. 1W, at 2 o'clock p. in. for rcncral luin'iraa of the Association. P. O. SMITH, Proa. JULIAN IJVIU), Socy. 1 XOTIOll OF HHKUIFlf'K BALK NOTICH IH IlimHIlY GIVHN that under and by virtue of a ileuro. of ' tho Circuit Court of tho IHa'n of , Oregon for tho County of Harney, , made and rendered ou tho Kith day of February, 1921 and, which judg ment and decree war. onlerail and ' filed in tho olllco of the County Clerk or Harney county, Htato of ' Oregon on tho 20th day of February, j 1024, such Judgmout and deerco be- , lug lu favor of tho Htato Laud Hoard of Oregon, consisting of Walter M. Pierce, Governor; Bam A. Ko.or, Hocretary of Htato and O. P. Hon. Htato Treasurer, as plalntlun, ami igalnst Fra'nk llakor, Grace Maker, N. Ilrown ft Sons and P. C. 1'alaraon, defendants therein, whorolu JudK- in uin vna y;Uuroil agalnnl dofomlaulu Frank linker and Graco llakor f'of tho ptinelpal mini uf $2500.00, to gi'tlrr with lutorost thereon nt Iho rate of i! p r coal por annum from Jwrn.jry 17th, 1021, until paid, and for tlioi hirtlior niim of $250.00 at toruoy fees, and for the coots and dlnlHirfloniPiitii of thin suit taxed at $0.70. WIIICKIOAS by said docroo It was further OltDHHHI) and DHOUMKD by (ho Court that tho Judgmont itforosald uoustltutod a Hon upon tho following described real premises, by virtue of a mortgage thoreou, to- wit: .The Southwest quartor of tho Southnut ijuarlor (SWViHWU) of Unction Twouly-tlirco (2!l) and tho Wst half of the Northeast qnartur (WWNHM), tho Norlh- Wet nnarter of tho Soutlioasl. MUartor (NWHM'i) or Hectlou Tweuty.ilx (20) III Township Tw. nty (20) Houlh at llango T'Hrly (30) W. W. M. and tho NnrUiv.-cit iiuarlor (NW'i) or Section Thlrty-ono (21) 13. W. M. containing three hundred and twenty iicros according to olllclal imrvoy thoroor, and together with .ill wnlor rights appertaining thoroto. And tho said decreo OIlDHItKD that the said real property above doicrlbed be sold by tho Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon In tho man ner provided by law for tho sale of ronl properly under executien: and WITHUKAS on tho 19th day of Fwbruarv. 1024, an execution lu foreclosure was duly Issued by tho -MM i m fcXIimf Wt! ! -MMl - Lm,-, WM Glork or tho above onllttod court (lomm.inditig me, the utnlorAlgiind nherlil to levy upon and sell In Iho manner provided by-law for the sale of real propur,ty under elocution in foreclosure all the right, title, Ilea, Interest or estate of tho above nam ed defondauts, or either of them, in or to tho said mortgaged premises above descrlbod, or ho much thereof an may bo necessary to satisfy tho sal (I judgmont herelnboforo describ ed. NOW TIIEKKFOlira", In obedience to tho commands of said writ and by authority thereof, I have lovled upon tho Bald real property nbovo described and I will on Tuesday Iho 25lh day of March, 1024, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. ou unld day at the Court House door lu tho City of Hums, Oregon offer for sale to the highest bidder or bidders for eatih all (he right, UMo, Hen, Inter est or estate or the said defondauts, or olther of them, lu or to tho nbovo descrlbod real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to sat isfy tho said decree and Judgmont nforosaid, and the costs of this nalo subject to confirmation by tho above entitled court nnd tho legal equity of redemption of the defendants. Dated at Hums, Oregon February 20th, 1924. W. A. GOODMAN, Sheriff Harney County, Oro. " "'' i" ' '" "" i ' lly.A B. GOODMAN, Dopuly. , Dale of f'rt publication February 22, 1924. t Dato of litbt publication March 22. ' 1924. RATS Are dangerous j.ei., 'lliey untr. (K'stroy mid poison things that aro GOOD TO Hut when you feed Ilium HAT H.VAP ami tltey crave for It iih a cat 1ooh rut-nip It Is nlisolutnly QUA It AN TKKt) to rid you of all nils nnd mice. WmCOOK&S ons say "wo aro pleased to state wo con alder HAT-H.VAP Is, without doubt, tho best Itat ami Mouse extermina tor wo have ever used. It docs ALL you claim and more too." Three Klzes rtRe, rc, 9L25. ItAT-HN'AP will Kill THEM and Icnvo no smell. Hold ami guaranteed by Itccd llroth cr, and I. H. Gecr A; Oo. rTJWULJSLBl llJUilJJUJW.U!lLJt51H Further Reductions In Our CLOSING OUT SALE Lunaburg, Balton oc Co. Wm. Farre Itcifrcscniiing: the American National AJrto tho bij; and populrtr Pennsylvania and Firentens Fund American Fire Ineurnncc Companies Will Appreciate your Business r- ! li'i id'. Itri ' If th i should hm crfully r 'li. . plmiti. Prrren- i t ith.T than trttunt i '! .ire the b(Ml maaiu of mlr p.. -. nf. poison. Watch the chicks more than the lermo'tirttr They will show you tho temperature Is right no mat r what the thormomctor reads, 'atch them constantly during tho rat week as this Is the crltlclal per il. If you did not soloct hills of po- toes In tho field last fall now Is a od time to pick out especially od tubers for thu special seed plot ' spring Medium slzod potatoes ell filled out at tho ends, froo from '". not mlsshapod, and without y tendency toward being spindly e befit Potatoes with rathor deep es for the vnrlolty aro often more eo or ili o-1HP Those with tho stem id ill -"oh red nro not suitable Girls! Have Pretty Eyes ; No girl is pretty ir her eyes aro ! 'raiiud or have dark rings. '"Id- unphor, wltchhazol, oto as Ixed i uivontlk nvn wnnh. kcons M lhy, sparkling and vlva- l'u Dainty eye cup frco. Iteed jo InuKglf-ts Advertisement o is on Stomach May Cause Appendicitis (,o' '-it gas caiiHOH Inflammation llIc n.y involve tho annondlx. mpl' pljierlno, buckthorn bark, c a niDffii In Adlorlka helps any 30 " mi tho Btomach in TlflN IIIU' Mfittl f, r.t mlltr ''Vv bowel but Adlorlka acts on I'Tii , .lfp uu,i iowor jjqwel and lmrn j pjj,, aml p0ona j.xcol- I'L I, ,l..,,- ,.,..,.. II. . l !.. ., .1 ' .iiiiiu i. ujiuujiuuuii uiiii Buti j.mI-1 t apnondlcltlH. Hood ro ii . i ,. A.i ,i HI 1 Min IteprMuiiHuit the im mmmt Mm HWUMftWiH Knickerbocker Tailoring Co. Mncitt-To'Mousuro VVcnr SiiIIn from wimples you nrltfet, gu rriUro im to ipiallty and n(N Tautory fit, with prices thai ft! .'i eliim nt material Chicago Shit t Company Giianiiileed lilrtii from tft.00 up AUo Madumc Lavcrnc 'I'Iicm' gnoiN are put out by a ifponslblo firm, Will call at your home or you ma) nee samples at the Hiimmlt Ho tel, Iturns, Oregon O. CALKIKS AUo In the market for furs of all hlud and will pay the highest mm ket prices (7i!umMvmrxsujvWi7- " ' ar maKsmecwrjmmi tJi'witw.aj,iik'SC"JiBajKsj.iaia:i saassssssrH Occovery From Influonza Hastened by PE-RU-NA i iiBBiMiBte iiiiiiVr' - .,'" 5H Mr. C. A. Allen, It. R. No. 2, Bondtirant, Iowa, Ives testimony to the healing power of l'c-ru-na. Influenza left him much run down Jn health with catarrh of the nose, throat and bronichal tubes punct uated with attacks of asthma. He writes : "While recovering from the In fluenza I was so weak I could not Kain any strength for two months. The latter part of the winter, I bought six bottles of Pc-ru-na and began talcing- it. My weight iu mwrd to 175 pounds, the most I ever weighed. My usual winter weight is 155. If you ran use this letter for any Reed, you arc perlectly welcome." Such evidence cannot fail to con vince the rankest unbeliever of the merits of Pc-ru-na. Insist upon having the old and original remedy for catarrhal con ditions, Sold Everywhere Tablets or Liquid IF YOU ARE' SICK And Have Tri-rl Everything Else nnd Did Not Kccoive Help, Take Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments and get well ' n i I I'M - My Only TooU Harry S Stone CHIROPRACTOR Levens Hotel Burns, Oregon 20,000 Acres ? SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on , Blitzen Rivei in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company okegn waajgiaamggflBm3gggtiHifgrvtiai.?tv.t"BRTg35a Champion Economy Car The new Overland Champion is an entirely new kind of closed car. Removable rear seat nnd upholstery big carrying space useful to merchants, salesmen, farmers. Both seats adjust backward and forward comfort for tall and short people. A business car, family car and camping car in one! Seats make into a full-size bed in the car your own hotel on wheels. Big power. Big reliability. Touring $495t Sedan $795, f. o. b. Toledo. itpo Kj?m MfWfMjm fww w M 0mpmu fl?$5 r. b t.i.j. Con Liebig Burns, Oregon L. in n.ii.i.i.n.i... niiii ,V.rnlI.VlTnlrVaiiniiriwrff mmmmmWmWimimmmm w . nmci iiruiiiuuv