X IMGH 1 V I M M S II W It A I, 1) II U It N It A It N 10 Y OOUNTX OBBGON Haturdny, Marcli H, J 02 ft 9. fc A ... MAI I iiinsi Personal Pride - Bruslied Aside Railroad Sawmill Changed the Progress Tide!!!! UBtwMffiwori&infiKi rJKaOMllLittdWliltLflJliatWIWlliVtlMHIlWI Now for your home in Bennett's First Addition Lots 50 x 100 feet. On easy terms Help Build Up A Larger, Stronger, Better CITY OF BURNS HE5BfiKJHil I S3 Inland Empire Realty Co. Albert A. Traugott, Prop. Phone 30 W Burns, Oregon LLT.iriTinnirnTrTT-TrrT-! frrrrrrr tt "rr rryTr-mnn 1 1 inini iiwmniwrir rm-rTamwiiri mgmsmmwMmms noy county, roporta Unit tin) dnlry lmlitiitry In Hint vicinity lmn nutria intirltori urivnncoM In recent monthn. It In ostlumled Unit about $800 n woolc rovonuo In riorlvcd by locul dairymen from tliolr raw mntorlul ami, wlillo not nil of this Im talton euro of by tlio locul creamery, Hint Institution linn enjoyed u f;rnriunlly litcrcilni; ImihIiiohh. Hovcrnl car loads of dairy cows liavo boon ship pud Into tlio vicinity of DuriiH riurlitK tho IiihI soiihuii and thoro Ih atlll a Btronu domnnd for tboni, Loenl dntrytiHMi luivo conn; iiIho to under Maud tlio dlfforonco botwoon Junt plain cow and a nilllt producer. They aro wooriliiK out tlio boarders nn coltliiic rown Hint will pny dividend. Dairy cowm Hboilld do wull in liiirnoy county. Tlicru la ready hiiIo now for their product, and an tlio TlniOH-IIornlri point out, added trail portutlon fncllltlOH that will hu af forded by tlio oxtomilou of tlio rail road to HuriiH and up Into tin tuoun tnliiH to Hiu Hoar valluy timber will utlmuliito tlio demand materially, especially with tlio onluri;i'ri homo market for tlio product that build Iiik of u sawmill and kindred outer prlnoA will lirliiK. Contemplated de velopments In Irrigation that aro Hiiro to follow directly upon comple tion of tlio railroad travorttliiK tlio volley also aro oxpectori to ntlniu lato dalryliiK, which ultlmntoly mint occupy on Important pluco In tho ocouomli! scheme of thliiRK If liar noy county rtKrlculturs Ih to attain ltd IiIkIiokI plane Oregon Farmer. "' 'O HU.MI. POINTIJUH irx inass-jiirzL lii Tlir Uraeit Circulation Of Any Newppr In hUrnty County. JULIAN KYRU rVUnar suuscwrpnoN hatxs Hf Y.r js.oo SU Manila .... . 1.0 J rni.o Moulin . .73 Hat iirtlny, .Mnrtli H, I WJtl ., T,r. " ' ' , i, , ,; mr ssss j by their iufluoiiuo and votes In tlio municipal ohtotlou of nlllcors. In thu tfiat UaiiH of tho Now ho wry kindly remembers Ills friouris, hiiieiii: whum tic mentions J. Dutidielmiir, A. Qowaa, Copt. Vntr Hint J. ill Uuntluuton. mimus miuiakv n.ni tAIHV IjANOASTHH I 1 : I HATUUDAV TlllltVY Y ISA US A(JU Ooin our flldH of Mnrult 14, 189-1 j Jogoph Irfinib was In town yttJtvr tiny. C. A. Janus wws In town the hu ler part of latu weak. IVauh Stauiror was a visitor yon terrioy. John Uuluin hu etru k flow of srioalan water In A:i!".-on tllty c dopth of SO fot. W. It. Lancaster, familiarly known as "Daddy" died In llilm city on Hat- j unlay ultcht ftr nn Illness covering j novum I wtxki. no had buou up and I urounil town until JiihI a short tlmo before bin death. Jlu wiih HUfforliiK I from kidney and bladder troublo ami ) hud Mirrored much. , Llttlo U known of IiIk rolatlvui. Ho had a hoii and ono ilaiiKhtor In i Qgiloii, It U uudnrHtood, and other children In California, but It uppimrs ht had not bono In oIoho coinmunlcn- tlou with thorn for yonrH. Ho tuimw to thla Mtetlon tutwrul year ny,n mid for a thsiu workvtl nt hli trad of r tarpon tori ntc. but of wont yonrH Haya" nud "Mlnhty Im);' n TJ iMIaaaa Kotwrtaon of Drawacy ' hn wcrkeil at ilaya waH and tlurltig vtjra In atttnttanco at the ball on th wlutar trannwd. Ho wm 79 ytnn old but quite urtlvo up to n fow weka ago. Ha wag burlad Suu- Iho Dtli. M. It. nifv Inform ua ha will likely Uka a tr to Salt Uke City (Coutrlbutud) . Tho hatllaa hlbmry Clubmt at thu homo or Mr. Allan Hlit ou Saturday, March lau Mra. UIkk wua luwtatud by Mm. U, J, Lo.iur nnd Mra. A. C. Woloomo. It baliiK tha annual ulocllon of ollloara only tho momburs warn pruHont. Tlic lollowlng olIUiorK waro ubnit inI for thu oiihiiIiii; year: I'regldont, MrM. C. K. Dlllniau; I vlcc-1'rciildont, Mra. Atloii UlgKH; Harrotary. Mrit. N. Kriuiklln; Trona iirfi, Mrn. (I. N Jnmuxon. Tint followliiK uxeollont pro:rnm wiih rundei'ud: Mr. A. C. W'tilcomo hIiikIuk, "A KIhh lu Tho Dark" and "Tho Mine Trco." Mra. Alltm UlitBa kuvo n roailliiK of two of Hlloy'8 pouiiig, "Out to Aun Mary's" and "Tho Mini In Tho Moon." Mr. Wolttonlilllar wiiik "dray Host." a can- day ufloruuoii from tho Clovaiih'ar uudartaklui; Mtabllglimuiit Inlcr tilant halttr umila In th Ilurns r"in trv "Datldy" Iuneuator hu' m.-tiv good frlondt In tbta ronununltv li" 1n thb ooor future. alias Asubali Vomnj laft oo tha Canyon stag tur Itari Bluff, Caltror ub, and will visit Hit Mid wiutor Tatr with hur brothar I'lumna before I wn whII thought or. HiturnliiK. I o Wc nro Informed that the appoint-1 CIIAIIM-M W. Kl.IilH .MAKHrt AS moid of A. A. CowIiib, rocolvcr, and X()IS('H.MKST CH-' t'ANDIDACV Tom Jones, remittor, of tho HuriiH Huliity rnfraahmoiita and oral good tlmo followed. Tho program clotad by .Mra, A. C. Woloomo singing "ManiuotUi" by niquoat. HAItMiV COUNTY IS .MII,lflN; (Kroiii O. A. C. Iloma IScoiOinloa Dopartniont) Moil cuhhiitft) In nn uncoverad hot tie, inking eara to bars thokltulian windows oputi a raw Iiichaa both top ami bottom, and tho odor will ha vory RltKht. Celery taps mtka u vary crmimoitt al Kurnlab, and are delloloiis whon choppiMl up In snlad. Tbay may nlo ba drlad and rubhad to n powder, tr bo snvod for una In aaaaotilnc Houps and Htown. A wlra hair brush Is tba bust lin pletaoat for romovlpK thread and hairs from tho uruah of tho crr- sweeper. I'raraut chauao front inoiildliisT by wmpplitK It In n cloth wruni; from vlnaKai. Hapant aa nftou us tho cloth becomes dry. Tho ohooolato wlileb Is usually vastud by stlekliiK to tha container In which it Is molted mil bo Mvyd by KreliHliiK tho pan tborouithly bo foro putllni In tho cbouolnto. Keep an apple In the oaks box to keep the mke from drying, nbanidns It whenever It becniiiOH wlthored or shows hIkiih of decay. To remove chocolato Htidut from fabrics soak for half an hour In stronj; cold bnrnx water, pour wntor throiiKh tho hIaIii, nud wuah lu tlio usual numnor. Hpoim? with "Uloro form whon tho stains aro on uou wuabablo fahrlcH. o- ItAI'TIST CHUItCH NOTICU On tha eve or lh future develop- i want of iurua and lite community ' tho unltPil support or ovorv Indlvhl COWH I mil nud organization lu nocuHsary f"- j siirpnaa. There Is no ontorprlso more The Time-Herald of Murns, Hur-' liitoroslflil Ihnn the churclu'H of tho land ollleo, have been confirmed by tho senate. Municipal olllcers elected at Har ney Monday; Mayor, Fred Haines; aldermen, M, V. WllllnniH two yoarB, & Jt. Copelaud one year; treasurer, T)io. II. Hoberts; uinrHlud, Harry AlcCluro; survoyor, W. It. Crawford. Pot two your term us alderman Hob rt JJrlnkwnter and Jasper Davis lied. No now developments worthy of noto from the artesian woll. Mr. ICelloKB nnd his usulHtants have not Htiecoodcd In releasing' tho drill nnd It is ImpoHiiblo to kIvo an accuruto account of tho flow or wator lately struck until tho aperture Is cloarod or tho drill and other obstructions. .Mayor draco does not forgot his frlouds who added to his stroiiKth Charles W. Kills, present Incum bent, has announced his Intention ns a candidate for Htnto Senator of this dlHtrlct. Ho served his consti tuents In that capacity during tho pnst four years and his record (s op en for Inspection, Senator Kills wan consistent In his efforts to aid tho pooplo of Oregon and this particular district during tho terms of tho leg islature In which ho sat and wan nn cuorgotlo worker for legislation that tended to keep down oxtrnvagnnco. His familiarity with conditions of this dlHtrlct and his standing among t'uo mombors of tho legislature mako him n ntrong mnn to succeed hlmBolf. HIh knowlodgo of tho stock Industry and bin Htand on nil measures affocl lug It, Ih now a mnttor of record. Ho is a Hiifo man lu tho loglslaturo. wmmmkmamiwrisvMziiiGiKV.'i'i'? m fK.V---fS 11 L a-jq-l. LV lUkl, H'.- AUTO TOP SHOP Auto upholstering, New Aulo tops, Old tops stretched nnd curtnina patched and new celluloids. Cushions rebuilt and recovered, Hastings glass pulinany mnhe Ford enrs, Plate glues in back curtains, side curtains made and door irons put in to fit any make of car. Call at the Burnn Auto Top Shop for prices on top work, located on HIGHWAY STREET TIRES Now Is The Opportune Time To Buy Auto Casings Every Indication points to an advance in price Our Prices Are Less than they have ever been We can satisfy you both in price and quality and can ave you money on your casings. Thank You Burns Garage city nnd iiono muro worthy of moral and financial iiupiiort nud nono Hint can he duiioudod u)on more fully than they for ovory moral udvnnce muni. Isvory citizen Ih urged to at tend and support tho various churches In their work. Your nl tundutico nud co-operation lu tho pant If. hiicIi support linn hoon groat ly appreciated by tho Hapllst folks, and wo invito your continued Inter est. Wo aro planning largely for the futuro wolfaro of ovory resident now horo and for tho new pooplo who nro hooii to locate hero. ri;ho Huiidnv School under tho leadership of Mr.' M. II. (lllllert Iiuh perfected man? now plana and Innovations, wh'ch arc now In praelleo, while tho pivach lug norvlc's am hclng rouductcd on he hlght'Kt piano, which wo nro Hiiro G&EST OLffl& mfty mean weak lunijs und need more thorough treat ment than mere syrups, physics or stimulants. scorn NULSION helps chest colds by giving clrcntflh to the blood nnd hent to the body. It is famous with "... m A physi ctans for hard coughs and weak lungs, throat nndbronchial trouble you will enjoy onch service. Your attendance and co-operation Just al this tlmo will ho Kreatly appreciated und wo reel Hiiro much good can he iiccompl!"hod If ovory one will at tend, nt least one service euch flan day. Can tho churches of Hums count on YOU? C. A. WATBRHOU8K, Pastor. o Will Flscr was up from Crane tho othor day looking nftor hoiiio busl ncfls matters. al'ler every meat Clccnncci mouth nnd teeth und nlcls digestion.. Relieves that over eaten feellnu and acid mouth. Itrs l-a--t-l-n-ti Ilnvor Natlnllcs the craving for SWCClN. Wrlglcy'd Is double value in the benefit end pleasure 21 provides. Stated in it Parity Package. W IO' ie .-JrJitft.1! She flavor lasts $ TJOGK25SSCafcLi MiwiMira r rvr To you he's worth TTii II $2,500 in Prizes THE du Pont Compsny li offrrlnR $2,500 In tner chundlio pilifB for tenmsnd indlvklual scor in un International CiovvShcwtlny Contest. Sporumon in the United States and Canida uro eligible. Tho crow is a destroyer of Brewing crops nmlorcm birds. Ha is a menace and u nuisance. Out hint I Send for two,ftua booklota tolling nil about the crow. It coats you nothing to enter thu contest. Wrho today for full information. E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO., INC. Sporting Powder Diuitton WILMINGTON. DEU iPOE SPORTSMANS ;i a'-uvirrR uzztf '- -vtn.iti V ML.jf f.-lM GttM !S2S!CTnrJSraYT3I)1MarME1S?55JI Patronize Home Industr and get the best Wo (Itstijbiito about $l!.10(M)0 a iimntli In Harney County. Help us to make It $.101)0.00 or ntoro by iisl ok Alpine Butter Nono better. Quality KU'U'ttHtecd or money refunded BOLl WY WoIhhUsIu'm Merc. Co., Cranw Wflnstotn'M Merc, Co., Lnwett Vido TradlHK Co., Cthho Narrows More. Co., Nurrows W. I HturKs, Huittex Hmyth liros., Andrews, Fields 1. 1. DofenbatiKli, lH)nlo N. nrown A Son HurHH ChsIi 8tore h, K. Ilotxl WvlitHtolu'h Mere, Oo. IaumburK'lmltOH a Co. (1H). 1), llHujey. HARNEY CO. CREAMERY Burns npearsi HARNEY COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO (Inc.) Abstracts of Title InsuranceFire and Auto REAL ESTATE Building Loans Surety Bonds Phone No. 63W., Burns, Oregon New location in Reed Building adjoininu Maionic Ihiildinu 7ZJttXZ"TJTiUgty.V EySS ttsrygygr-r gaggiwsrt UMmB wmi