The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 08, 1924, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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SHtwrtl.iy, II.,rsli , 1C21
T II H T I M 10 H - II N II A Jj I) II U II N H , II A It . 13 Y O O
U K' T V O It Ifl ao N
M WHI .. C4f4
tfai Week I'll
ITkWt Sfa
By Arthur Brisbane
Mil II I Ml' II '"" MT
toltl) Nl'.l.t.S IKItTMilZKU,
Kit) Ml ('II KKMOIUX; ,
Ill It Itt M lUNVlNfl I'llOIU.H.M.
"If it had not been for Tnnlac I would alill bo ft nick,
discouraged woman, for nothing cine accrued to do
mc any good,", says Mrs. Edward Gibbs.
l. M.nnr.i of Cltlus:
do to Jacksonville, Florida thltt
i written In Unit city call on
.MaMT AIko. iuhI loarii about Juck
K'iivllli municipally owned electric
Ilrht mid power plant.
There l no cheap water power In
Jacksonville oil l imcd, at n coHt
equivalent to JO.GO a ton for rml.
Hut the people of Jacksonville buy ,
their current at a prlco lower than ,
anywhere In the United States, ex- i
icpt, perhaps, Seattle, So nays John .
II Perry, whoso newspaper, the
J.uksonvllle Journal, prints tills ml-,
u m II
sellltiK t low cost, the people
.r J n-kftouvllle make a profit of
ti r) quarter of a million on tholr
They art bulhlltlg an nddl-
i the plant routing olevon litui-,
tlmuMnd ilollfirfl, and their
ATI lOW. 1
ii.nrv Ford, who will shook tlio
ri of big financiers an qtihfltly
),. would ehop olf the hand of a ,
Miom lieu, lias rcaently M'Arllotl
it. 'inii that manufacture fertiltz
here rh Ford a;ent Hi Jacksonville
' '..tc1 thnt no many carload of
'! it- f ammonia In bug rady
1 -"-Ihutlou to farm? wiuhl
ii" i'ii
ii '
i!n 'I
t x-
. 'i
All tho advortlulnij la t ho world
and all the wilco efforts combined
eould nut have made the ureal one
cww for TANLAC that has lioon
uttaluud, unless this reconntrttetlvo
tonle posH8od merit of the Brent
oat degree. Over 10 Million Mottles
of Tanluc have been sold and the
demand today Is k renter than ever
That TANLAC possess merit and
Iiiih brought relief to hundred of
thotisamlH of persona Is attested by
the groat number of testlmoulos that
have boon received by tlio company
from people In uvery stale of tlio
Union and every province of Canada.
Thoro are over 100,000 such state
ments on fllo with the company, all
ringing with sincere pralso for TAN
LAC and what It bun accomplished.
Hero are excerpts from a few of
the 100,000 statements on rite:
Mrs. Kdwnrd (Jlbbs, Lancaster.
Pa. "For years lndlgctlou de
prived mo of nearly all the plcnouro
of living. If it had not been for
TANLAC I would still h a sick and
dlucourniced womnu. for nothing rde
nonined tn do m any unod!
Mrs. Mary A. Ileuaou. Seattle,
Wnh.: "Following an operntlloti my
atomacli nud nerve socmad to give
way aud I became almoet halulaa
A laat rcaort I Irled TANLAC. I
bagati to Improve froiii the very first.
presently arrive and thoy iiiul 'll
Shipment enine and hnu crni'ii
tied. Jnckeonvllla undfrirtuiida ihut
Ford'a amindnla sulphate I a t.v
p rewind of hU coke plitnt What
ItiifrvaiA the farmers Ih tin. rut tin t
Kurd sIIm his fertilizer. of tkj hlyh-
t Kradn. II U a tun lilow lbf mar
"'t prle
Apparb'ntlv Ford la trying hU
. tint Ml (tliIMp N'ltlllwr wlil:ot
v iHIiik for M tin It- Shoals
valued 2D lbs., and today auifeellilK
O. !;. Moore, Kamfait City, Mo.:
"My stomaeli Huetuetl to prttn mo
' coiiHtautty, food huuiuoiI to do me
no Kooil, I would bloat up with gas,
lost my stroni;lli. mid could not
sleap or rest. I was on the down
Krado all the time. Tmiliiq oorrool
od my troubles aud put me In ex-
' celleut shape."
Thoinas Lutias, Petersboro, Ontar Ontar
eo: "Well, sir, buying TANLAC was
the bust Investment I ever made, for
It bttllL up my lieallh mid strength
to where I haven't a complaint In the
( world."
j Mr. mid Mrs. Joseph K. Kaake,
Detroit, Mich.: "For nioro than n
year our three children, ao 2, 4 and
i C, had been so poaked and lifeless
that wo were worried about Ihem.
Their stomachs were upset, appetites
poor, the color had left tholr cheeks,
their lights were restless and durliiK
the day they would Just mope
nround, takliiK no Interest In play
or anythliiK else. Thoy began to Im
prove with trie flml dose of TANLAC
and todny thorn are no mora haalthy
children In Detroit."
Tauhio la for sale by nil cood
1 (Iriijdtlata. Ovar 10 million hottlaa
sold. Accept no auballtute.
Tako Taular Vegetable Pilla.
"Not too niurh. not too
ild Aristotle
F.vm In rellKloiti emotloi
(.(. mh
Ti-VJ B tJ
kjW'.- vSs'
Tlirallling ;
have done
fK. tMM "
Bintf uniform
and depend
it never F!lW
any o in".
Aiente Ud
vTOW, mora than over, tho nood for
1 vct.nomlcnl,dependab!o power iHfilt
lj tho producer who hi fuci d with ovar
IncroaalnK lalor coats. W1TTE Thotlllsz-
Coven or ENQINE3 answer thin important
i .at Ion rerioctly now un economical,
jVpendnblo irwcr plait 11 v!Uiln tlio
rjuchof overyono. 4
I TrJar tho WITTB KNOINH IU at tho lowct
prlco In hi lory. Into thU WHTi: Iim vor.e th
I rliHi erltnci nf mnrw than 40 yoarfl jf enwtnq
I...H.II... .. IfWl fV.l hum .llnv. . k u.nvt.1 I.NWn
pUcotl u(on It tlialr Ump of optirovul. You, tixi,
can put WIlTEon your place, rcuralu tliaknowt
oilijo that it rcprvMnta (b Utanuauo ot I'owaa.
tha arialnar and loader or tM
threttlintf.awantor type. An
iTM IUW c4 wim a M
) fgq
T hiu ad m. aaf
urplM at eoww far Mm rrJfttkL, J '
Imam In f ol ewwwBMoB-k WlWi KNOINB
burn keroaB. raHn, dlaIIUUor KM at a fual
t ftutl KUtuanUed for MtUmm U Ur4 work
Th WICO Muneto
ihm mMit ixirf act aratem of
bUh teaalon lanltlon known.
HakM atartuut "7 even
&a?es2 times asmuchas
that of any other J?rand
vi w v V.
40 below zero aura
cllmato or temper
oture. Notatrrcted
by rain, ball, anov
bt dct. llinr
a-atfilaioaimainl ftiP Ollla
Makes All Jobs
Easy and Chonp
No ncol to do tlio bunl, back
bruaklnif work no notd to pay
lil uti prtcaa for poor is txir-you cau
how Jl.000.00 inoro profit oycjy yoar you bavo a
Wirf 13 worklntf on your piuco. jnwautraw nowi
oar you havo I
Vrrril uorklnif on your nluco. Ir
J Alttlzu, 2 to 20 llotfPoivar
l.S. GEERandCO.
la a mistake, and hroodluu lwida to
trouble Frank MrPowall f t it
Into hla ln-ad that he hud coinhilt cd
the uniMirdouahlu alii.
(Ii- lilfft slaved, and uv hh: of
"plaIoit." ln HtlltHt hli twr i"
t.-r. burning thm ihey tar fMlp
In tlnlr mh1 That also prriwd -n
, die mind and added to his
worrlca. So. by wav of furtlU'r '
1 plattan" he ehoi hla moth r and
father to dentb.
, x
1 Siif-h rellKioiia hRlltirlit4)!lan wrm
i not unumtal In the old days. Thay
droro men and women Into the doa
erl where they lived In tilth and
Kml-larvallo. Iiiinclnltig Cut hiIi
roiiduct plonnud the Lord.
It didn't occur to them to ask
why th Lord had provided a farillo
earth mid eloan water If It planned
Him to hurmlta llrl and linn
Many have on the "holly mini
of JlHiaroa." h deluilud pagan, ait
tP'K on aharp milk, wad acnopl
ItiK Hitl- coii'rlbullon. ejnvlBeed
that Ii pleatod hlc itartlcular Clod
, in him altllni; there.
i x-
1 The caltiiltiK down of our roll
' kIou emotion Is it most fiepurlant
' forward step In dvllUalloii. Men
; bnaln to reallte that tha myatorloua
Pow.r above gv u thi bemillful
planet, that wo might ta. care ru
It like fallhful Knrdeuam and find
happliieaa l the procoaa, ItjivliiK the
hereafter to a blither Judgment.
x -.
Will tho Htalo of Florld-i aeropt
or reject fifty million dollars worth
of free advertising?
If Florida soikIb WIllLuu Jeu
uttiKB Ilrynn to tho National Porno
cratlo Convention ho will o at his
own expense and Florida will Kt
froo of chnrgo nil nowapapors In
tho United Hlutoa ndvertlBliiK oa
could not ho bought for fifty 'f
hundred million dollars.
If Florida allows horsolf to ho
deceived by political gontlomen who
bolong to the East Coast Hallway,
which doesn't want Mr. IJrynn to go
to the convention, then Florida will
lose very valuable advertising.
President Coolldgo aaks thlrteot
million for the coast guard to deal
with smugglers. Tho authorltloa In
tercept flvo per cent of tho whiskey
now. Spending ton millions more
thoy might intercopt hovoii per cont
of It. Thoy can't atop It. Smuggling
cocalno and other drugs Ih a part of
rum running,
Tho (jiioHtlons are, what is this
aovornment going to do about it?
And how long will tho public bo con
tent to let things drift?
Livestock Commission
Cattle, Sheep, Woo!, Hay
Burns, Oregon
w5 jU",1 ..mi! ,l JI:mUMI!i.M.;i! BWBMJM W IMII WJU B 3.
All tiiluUs who Ilvod tho yoar
around on farms, In tholr youth, hut
who aro at tho present tlmo Incar
cerated lit cities, find that much of
tho convormttlon or tholr contom
porarhm minting to tho stngo, popul
ar plays, uotorfl and actrc80H of n
docado or two ago, has fow itBuocla
tlotiH for thorn. Homotlmou thoy fool
Jtoonly tho fact that they wero do
prlvod of th" glamour ami fanrlun
tlon of tho theatre.
Tltapo tvorc, howoraj'rlwli'iiubntl
lutes for the mnglcVtl atiluaehionl
they niliuad. One of Mte most Worth
wlilla thing of Hfo Is tltii family
reading cfrcle. On many a winter
evening tho writer romumhum list
onlng lo the father of (he family
read aloud to tho mother who was
busily Mowing or knitting, and to tlio
children who sat enthralled In tho
simple farm living room, while
Howard Pylo'8 Htorles of Itobln Hood
or Mary Mapes Podge's Donald and
Dorothy kindled Imaginations and
made the coming of bed time a
dreadful event.
The library was a meagre one,
bill Christmas mid birthdays added
to Its tdzo and the books wero no
perslstotitly mid devotedly read that
they wero "reduced and worn iti the
very threads hud glues of their bind
ing:" (he best of It wi'ib that tho
whole family rend mid loved the
same hook.'
Then there wan the rlilo in the
straw-t'llled alolgh, generously sup
plied with old blankets, to (he sohool
entertainment In which the older
children took part, nnd tho babies
who were Just learning to walk, am
bled around at their own sweet will
The pantomime of Maud Mtiller read
aloud, thrilled the audience. How
lustily tho children applauded the
silent performer!
Put It was a family reading circlet
A family sleigh ridel And tho mem
ory of thoio events Is so vivid that
the writer believes this little noted
or greatly valued service rendered
by farm homes In making It posallhle
for the family to oiijny recreation In
common, should ho magnified until
Its practice uacomoa more nenrly un
(C II. Spettee. Matdtot Agent)
What happen to a country. atnt
. private IhihIiuwu 'that' huys morn
Mian U soils? 'Anyone cau answer
ili;:i titt;iUo;i. Mow fao" this ene:
I.i otu mr tiili ootintr fold
$27,.13U.000 of dairy prulueij nnd
lit tho same period bolt lit '.til,
0110,000. Wo bought -of other coitn
t lies over eight mid a hnlf millions
of dollars more than w ttold. Wits
there a dollar's worth of this ?10,
0(10,000 stock ivo boitglu that could
not have been 'produced at lionto?
Of hldus we ttold ?t rtOo.COU and
we bought .fit 8,9 17.000, ..-el the
hides tho farmer hi to Mill are
hardly worth bringing lo rrnrkol
because of the low price, while
shoos and all leather trontr bring
the highest prions.
Kggs, we sell olghl nud ti half
million dollars' worth al.roiul nud
thou buy hank six nud a half mil
lion dollars' worth, and thoiisaiuls
of honnorlcH have boon forced to
quit huelneis during the three
And' so on, a long tichedulu eould
be quoted. What a rldlctilott'i syt.
toni, what needless waste, work,
expense and middle profits ship
ping our so-called "surpliiB .docks"
to ICurope nud bringing back about
as much of the same stock.t.
"Over-productloi," we hear of
this condition on every hand, Por
haps It Is uutler-cousumptlou ralli
ed by the high expense of joyriding
our products to Httrope and bring
ing like ones home again. Hut ho
It either, would It not be a good
Idea lo so Incrense tho tnrJf on
these products (hat Imports can
not cniuo In hern and tnke tho mar
kets away from Amerlenn farmers'
There I a vast difference be
tween tlm living and wage stan
dard of the United Stales nnd
erury rounlry of lHurO'ie. Asia aud 1
Africa. Mince the war tho differ
ence have lurrensed. This coun
try simply ennnot compote with
other nations and tholr low produc
J 'it costs. Th present tariff sche
dule,! are of llith- off eel In keeping
out products llntl undersoil us.
Tho tariff on hoof Is 1 centn per
pound. Of what benefit Is this to
the Oregon stockmen who are go
ing hi oke ovory day? The tariff on
eggs Is B cents, yet almost $7,000,
000 of Chinese and other foreign
products got by nnd help to put tho
pnultrymeu out of business. Sup
pose that tho $.'10,000,000 worth of
dairy products that are brought in
hero lo compote with .Amorlcnn
fnrmors did not coinn In? Would
not there ho a market for $.10,000,-
000 moro of tho dairy products of
Tho absurdity of' shipping mil
lions of dollar worth of our ngrl
U got rid of our "surplus" and
cultural products nbrnnd each year
then bringing bnck nearly tho snrao
amount or like cheap Kuropcau
products, should bo apparent te
anyone who will study export nnd
Import schodulos.
What American agriculture
needs now Is protection ngnlnst the
forolgn countries thnt can boat us
In tho cost of production, nnd elim
ination of much of the legion of
mlddlo Inlerostn nud profiteers be
tween the fnrm nnd tlm rotall
store. Tho mlddlo man has no In
terest In thnt all crops are market
ed. He Is far more Interested in
having the suply grcntcr than the
demand, so thnt ho can use tho con
dition lo break Him nrlco lo tho pro
ducer. He doom t want this conn
ty to absorb the "over -produc
Hon." he docs want t-'i? demand for
any cornmodl' xh.iiHld u.
p'ay both Mid igrlnat both the
1 rnducor and .'onMimor.
With forolgn agricultural pro
ducts chut out nnd the mlddlo men
nilticozod out, noth the producer
nud consume" .vou'd greatly hjtie-flt.
i.'M in i ami emflHrttiii&Y i&Wi HAJl
' ' .. I" ihe wtorj of William lton in hr -oinw,'a .rmilr whll .ither
v .iirc- who atartH! Ilf at IB lnrniia'' i-kmni 'Hiirl'il : dami
., v..'h .1 'U- lUl. t will ''hall an' .-Jim'i. hi rll of
4.mi i .. ,-. au. u 'r"el ili. I him a forvinati H him Into it
tt.j' Mlm- ' mill .im re blawniiip to aouti-l H .' 'tKtirloc
I .'Ukj ut Hie Ucr' q". rnofii." ill would l lille.l tna. w Ii
4 itc c Hn'leoaiJ ".r -'t. !ttd he ennte buck wltlt a inithful
yi-nrr of 'trued. w--ty cmctfi iitewe)t . farti. m.v ynara Ititer
ice l..-r.Uti aud ill healtl .IStth hid Mi" Kinlvrtlrmi of n hlah
arrf i" i . deicr nterjr Juh jni.i
luiA u lin c belt f lbn Im was ex
.f'fA in do !
: ,..! a. MtcMrc hotna of twverty .
(.v.toroui h tltidKCd Into .-is it
i, Arlaeo W1 went to work as u
i a- driver at $20 n month, H
fdtnc,: f.ilnhm nihI hre "oas after
(hat he grndtifttod from u mtntr.c
nnd oiiftoeorlng col lew.
Step hv Blon ellwoetl the mi-
eov in laihhir In siico; hi t'Ovoriman workliiK with ldin III
r . : i . .. ...' . i. .... . ,
boiiiv nejioni rrot" worii, ncr niie.'iiic inoney mm ue am.x. m
nlwnTh lenviiii: after otliera riult.
vfcprl twelro hours a ilnyiw.i'nnd by doing oaeh tnak glfen htm
rltftu (KDMW. At ni-.nt .' lust n niiio tenor iiimi ne una atii.
.ltd 1? Itlei.erlng kuroione lnui Mied to do It.
Tie T" 'l ant ' 'V nn'tinr "'
'ool 'lica, or jIm t.'fi lol. -uid
by keeping -(ttrlaemtvlv .! U " it
iterr naked for .i ral in M life
but r'w. ',! j x!ar I . liow
lag ln ii . a'm'v h!iu t'i he ititM
do any Job ui. ' it well it. i !
every d't'lar ni lv 1 . t
on but waa never iirf sn i I
tlio atrnnue abllltjr of mitt I.i
vested In the covtaiii !
for and when h If u te
eliooia n preldeur he w.. il.o
ituturnl, loKleel uian.
r t -i
But We Still P'iy Tlio Piper
I our brilliant dnali .ovur! naliona'. Iinnkruptcy for
Heoniingly tlioagh wo wi'i i:"t well ihn 'm. thorn nw many
persons wlio wouJc' hcnl t& Uml ;vay--iii ountiou C the
country 'oad !n the nice Thoy are aJicml oC iho states that
u'rcalcid them, Uut':jp Home of rim villaiioa arc rnnniptf them
a close nu".. in th. w.lil oxpoinMt'ro handicap.
CciiBiiJ' ilKtiroH show that ui 1922 ?tate tfovernnienU
owed 91,102,0.18100 In 1012 their public debt was only
In IS1 2 tho debts of rhu HWO counties footed to ?.J71,
528,000. In 1922 tho deb had ffrowii to $lrJJG0,G;iG,000; a
total increase of 208 per cent. The business man who would
aid in causing such an increase in his overhead expenditures
would bo regarded as a lunatic, yet peculiarly these same
business men are always ready to vote for public expendi
tures without a thought of tho consequences.
Whenever some public expenditure is suggested the vil
lage homo-dweller nuts on his thinking cap and hesitates,
weighing the possible nffect upon hia pockotbook; but as
noon as no learns tho burden can bo shifted from tho village
to the county then ho becomes a rooter for improvement.
Ho pays tho piper, of course, but the tax burden is further
removed. If the cost could bo met by the state, then ho
would not complain if tho expenditure were ton times what
has been suggested.
This peculiarity in human nature Is reflected most
clearly in tho great cities whore the fiat dwellers do not
personally nay taxes for anything. Tho landlord pays them.
Ho adds the' amount of his taxes to his rental? aud ho
usually adds ten :)t?r cent, or more for good luck and safety.
Tho flat dwollor pays and ho pays through the nose but
ho doesn't realize it. In liko way tho small town home dwel
ler pays and pays through tho noso whenever he fails to
take an interest in local affairs and pormits county expendi
tures to run wild.
Time will come when tho public conscience will revolt
against tho selfish scramblo for local improvement at any
price so long as thu monoy can be takon from tho goncral
purso. The outrageous omnibus bills that disgrace our
national legislation give us an example When wo learn
to kick out our Congressman because ho has thrust his list
into tho grab-bag to "got his" for his district instead of
patting him on tho back and approving tho cheap graft, wo
will bo better off morally and financially.
Certainly somebody In Washington Is rldlnir for a Fall.
If ydu try to creato war you aro sent to Jail. If you try to ljrlng
nbout peace they Uirciuer y.u with atrlpea. What fa n poor girl to
do lltcso daya?
America has loft about $8,fino,0', 4,il h)"i' In n merchant
mnijno most of It in ships rotting - hcrimra. Presumably by
next year the olllcltil Song i.l tlio See- vlll he Hulo Tlrlttunin,
Franklin inverted 5500 In Knglnn ' It Hirncd into S20.000 after
150 .enra To da:, they Invest nothing and 825 000 comes out of tho
iiir. lhit Fnmkliu dealt with comma ieru, Now wo deal with lvli'Ks,
John Ft,
iffL f.A
j5 - i3l'' io
Kbtt&f jofor
Old IIwv hhlitkiw Ml.." MP14I,
In ih- irj iu' ( iMiriu-.. U'h
hard t ktch luni rwlln" well,
! ii'ifi w.rU. b Hug He'll
ti.ti ye :...te tho I rouble I, and
,iPr ! i tnd. lie'a nestorud
I'M . ,t.i'uiimlit - niHl hid
atom) h hurh r lot. I.nt uek
he Set iifwi.ilaji hi I he 'i(ah of
his Jaw '.h,h ii'iiionH1 him to
hwaller, JeV iln vorsl ott ever
saw ! And. nlso. he's a'llhted
with tin .verbisMn' cough, Mil It
wont t.e iiiiexpceted T h't'd up nn'
shtilllc 'itf l'ils inrlrg he's 'est
i Aplcuilh) chiiece of rulsltj gar
den 'reel, -he look the "tin" nnd
had tt rh-'ht- gol-duru tho blasted
luck 'y He xctri around the live
Ions day, reel tin' of his woes
... If Kzry couldn't eat an'
sleep, he'd perish mercy known.
. . . Hut "Kat an' NleepV his
middle name, and has !ceu, all
Ids life. If Mils ain't evidence
enough go talk to KuryV wife I
AwifZ ( BHEUrA,T! J
iJ$M2!&l EL
Co i- t'" "? oon'r k yc
0 1
J& '
mMU&iffVMh l. I'.,V. Jf.
.'.. N 'S-T
L'Vn.... .. TTV.
1. "ZS&