The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 08, 1924, Image 1

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NO. 1
(WJ-Ww $U I f
"Coon" Smith Prevented Hit
Running Into Redskins;
Companion "Shot."
Whllo In town last week aa n wit
ness In u water suit Involving thu
Irrigation prlvlllKMn on thu Sylvcatur
Smith rnneli In Happy valley, Duo.
Klgor, ono of thu mirllolct nollor
In tnl section, told of Incidents of
tho Indian war In thu 70'k. llo re
marked that "Conn" (Sylvofltor)
Smith hail saved his llfo on ono oo-
Dei said thoy had received word
tho Indians wero coming mid hud
boon Ununified to tnovu tho fntnlllus
I.. I'nri tliiriinv. Tlmv hnil linnillv i
gathered a few things together and ! " ,0, '10 ,0,,H ,"' "at0J 'H
lake., the women nnd children to tho I l ,u ,,L,l treatment for p.. a oca. bonk
Fort and ho and n man by tho name I "' l";lou ' ll,lH fl0lut,0 fro,n
of Sam Miller had returned to Map-1 " tl " 'l, " two hu htito
py valloy to Rather up mora house- cutt,K' Thin solution In deadly poln
ld bolonglnKS nnl nlso got loROlh- "! do not oovo I snlCIng around
or their horses and drive thorn out ! whoro any kind of llfo can reach It.
for safety. At that tlruo no nlgnn of lAl and his son
Indians 1 ad been seen n tho vicinity ' WnusrM stoned In' on a radio pro-
, ,..! .,,. nn iRrnm at tho Htnllou, Haturday.
over to Diamond nfter soma things,
leaving John Smyth, a brother to D.
II. and rrostloy Smyth, In Happy
valley. Upon Inquiry of Peter
French thoy found that ho had gone ,
out on tho range and brought In his !
horses and It so happened ho ,,
had Klccr's horses In tho field at
Diamond. Klgor and Miller wuro
preparing to go over to Happy valley
when "Coon" Smith, who had Just
arrived from Southern Oregon with
his rattle, came In and said ho hud
been over looking Into Happy val
ley and had seun tho Indians coming
In from thu cast. Klgor told him hu
was surely mistaken n ho had Jut .
.een the settlers gathering In tholr
.lock with a view of moving them
to safety, but "Coon" Md their evi- J
, .., I
neatly were a good many .otllurs
then. As a precaution It wan sur-
seated that "Conn" rldu on ahead of
thu teams and watch. They had
barely gotten out of the Diamond
when "Coon" rodo back on hlu horse
with thu Information that he had ills-
covered Indiana on tho road a short
distant-, ahead. Hvon then Klgor
and his companions wuro not con
vluced but finally found tl.roo In
(i jii ponies Handing In the road
i' 'ln-.i'l and also Uncovered n
i k"U u a high rldgo. They In.
i i nliltchwl horhov,
r'.'B' r b iiik 'in u Mdilh hori" drlv
iK ii ,, stock ml Mllllnr -in
Mi v, i?'.ii They started to got back
Hi j thr (id at Diamond but before
lr , i 1'ild do ho tbe IndlaiiH opened
i rr ' (V'jii" whs alioatl going down
tho mountain. Miller had unhitched
IiIh If nn h and gotten on ono of tho
, "'" b, ,' , 'the duvolopmont of artesian wutor.
harne,n( horses to mnko lis escape, i l"u ""'" in.,i
. , ,. ... .it Mr. August Co nlii, who la locnted
Tho Ind ans were try ng to get bu- .....,. . . t . -...
iwfcn thr rir-elng men and tho Dia
mond rain li hut were inmunxMtiful. '
Finally "f'oun" stopped to see how j
his ronipuiuniiH woro faring nnd Klg
cr f,.mi' up to him and both waited
fni f Itl lift ninu omiilnn ilnufll I
tho 4 uh o the mountain as rapidly ' a"rt or J f'odue " n; .oro '
as hi, hor,e could bo urged In his "' 'ft)rfkot f" B0V" ra' 'p ".
haste to get Htnrted Mlllor had not , Orlmm alfalfa seed each year that
properly secured tho tug, nnd ono , canot bo PP"j''.
had fallen down. His mount stepped , r ' 'nwho hay"T"'u fT
on one end of tho tug and causod It I Ma cot, Konorally find, out In
to fly up, striking him on thu back ! tl10 ,on r,un thl ,; ' ", .,,!
of thr .iad. Ah Jo noorod his com-; nni voHtmot. Orlmrn a If a -Psnlon,
Miller exclaimed "shot by J has .loinon.lrate.1 bqrond quoj
R0.1" and It was feared ho had boon ! ,0 "f. Ioub ',nt V,"1" lrt
wounded by tho uhotn from the In-
IIan Ah thoy woro comparatively
afo Dor suggested that ho mako an
examination of Mlllor but found no
cut In tho wound, merely a big lump.
Dp Klgor snys that hrtd It not
litou for his frlond "Coon" Smith ho
and hli rompanlon would hnvo boon
lurrruwi ii by tho Indians and no
'loub' km,.,
Kigrr tot.k IiIh Htock out down tho
iHll'zon an,i throiiKh tho narrown.
f at tlmo tho two.lnkoH woro
K'P'r , and got to Fort Harney and
fato" o accused of hnvlntr Bwam
Mill-' r r,,iko in his Huccessful olu-
MOn f f tl n wllv Tmllnnn.
J HmUh, who was ono of thoso
In II -,py vnlloy at that tlmo, wan
Mf' ' Mm Tnrllnno
- .t.....w.
P I'lcrr linil mnnvi Klnrlnn of
ho-r (i '", tho ronditlonH as thoy ex-'
:fpl r nnradUn for Mm slnnlf mnn I
a tl n mlldnoRs of tho Happy val-! a
iy (" i Irv nj comnarod to eondl-
,on' in thin part of tho country.
no precodlng wlntor. nn nn Instanco
h and his companllona had tholr
Htock in llnrnoy valley whuru latu In
thu sonaou n nnuw fnll of nomu two
fcot mado It necCHHiiry to got their
ntock out. Thu hiiow hnd eritBtod
nnd It was dlllkult (o tnovo hut thoy
pushed on to Happy valloy whoro
thoy found thu wonthor mild with no
snow nnd tho mutto Reed, Thin,
no doubt, In responsible for tho limn
ing of Happy valloy.
Doc. Klgcr loft hero tho spring of
1889 nnd lnnt wodk wan hln flrnt trip
(lly 01)11 Hhuttuck, Supt.)
Most of tho dryland Is In excellent
iihape to plow or work down Into
u good floud lied. Delay In cultivation
tneann loss of moisture.
Copper enrhouato Ih effective for
wheat iiiiuit only, lo not make u
mistake and uhu It for hurley or
oiitM. Formaldehyde or htuuBtonu
flhould bo used for barley and outn.
Corronlvo nublliuato at thu rate of
Tho sugcrntn are out In most n ac
tions. Thin Ih tho most opportuno
tlmo to get thorn. Polnonod oat,, aro
f ,' formu,tt ,9 ,v'
" tnblespoonful of laum ry
"tarch In ono half cup o cod water
ni Ur T "" T " 'T
er to mnko a thin pnsto. Mix ono
ounce of powdorcd strychnin) nlka
lold with nun ounce of baking nodn,
and Htlr tho starch Into a smootho
creamy mnsu. Stir In two ounces of
table salt. Apply to 15 fjuartn of
cloan, plump out and mix until end.
korrcl Is thoroughly covurvl.
OTr ,",,, "" .. i-m..
comP.ntled hy Mrs. J a ,, -. Urn
" ',u'" "" TuZ" t
' Mrs. Alroo Bomplo MPrro,. Jt
tho Angeles Temple, Los Angeles
UwMm , aumla). nlghti
It- -...I tmm r I.- t AtHl.ltllrtf
Itml Coxncl and bin rlgut hand
3i.iii. Mr. Cltmnii, worn statin, visit
rs Monday. Pod was cl'inlng uti
ii-ine Federal on whent toed dur
Iiir tho coming season.
Mr. A. A. Traugott brought Messrs
' ; w t of Tmninnokt whn
n Uo Vcy nf,or ( f(W ,,,
of stork, out to the Station March
3rd to secure some agricultural In
formation. Hoth or these gentlemen
stated that thoy wore coming hack.
Mr. Herman Ituli who ban pue
chased tho Oray farm near Crane,
and developed a fine bunch of nr
toslan wells thoroon, wns a Htatlon
visitor Monday. Ho has decided to
put In SO or RO acres of alfalfa and
30 noroa of Hard Foduratlon wheat.
Mr. ituh has a splendid prospect and
Is to bo commended for I.Ih faith In
on tho Wm. Stownrt ranch was a Hta
Hon vbltor Wednesday. Ho wbh In
search of agricultural information.
Ono of tho host paying dryland
crops for Harney Valloy Ih Orlmm
alfalfa seodod In rowa 3C Inchon
lesi, uignesi yiumuiK vwnuiy iu i
had for olthor hay or sood produc
tlon on dry or Irrlgntod land. Tho
best Is nono too good for Hnrnoy
County FarmorH. Moral, Sow (Irlmm
Cliff Duhalmo and Paul Howes
woro Htatlon vUltorB Inst Wednesday.
Mr. Duhalmo was looking for a ntnrt
of cloan sood oats.
Tho precipitation for January wan
.43 of an Inch, for Fobrunry, 1.29
Tho monthly und annual precl
tntlon at tho station for tho past ton
yoarn will bo given In tho Kxporl
mont Station NoIoh for noxt wook.
Mr. Tlnndnl, who Ih farming tho
Drown plnco, was n station visitor
during tho wook.
Tho wind yoBtorday Indicated it
hnd como over Snow mountain on
its wnv to thlH nlnco nnd hnd cauirht
breath of wlntor, ns it wan vory
cold. Tho sweet ponn alrondy in
tho ground ready to como up for
early blossoms, will not thrlvo on
that kind of -wind.
Engineer Girard Will Finish
Surfacing Road Bed and
Rail Laying Follow.
Engineer (1 Irani of tho Fred Hor
rid; Lumber Co,, who In In chnrgo
of railroad construction work, an
nounced to a ruprcsoutnllvo of this
paper thla week that ho waa watch
ing water cnudltloi.H along tho route
hetweou Ilurun and Crane heforo
proceeding further with that part of
thu route. Htnco tho grade Is con
ntructed through tho Irrigated mic
tion of thin valloy It Ih hln tlcntro to
sen how tho present system of using j country to aid tho secretary In nun
tho water Ih going to conform to tho I worlng Inquiries about Harney coun
work ulroady done, beslden the sur- ty. Tho nubject In now In the
(nclng that Is now uecessnry heforo hands of thu committee to finish and
the rails are put on will require n will be at onco placed In the l.aud.t
rhnracler of material that cannot bo of the printer to aHseinblo nnd put
hnudlod to an advautngu with water ' Into right form for distribution.
standing along tho excavated sldea
of tho grndo.
Mr. Girard did not state any def
inite tlmo for tho laying of stool but
It was Implied from hln conversa
tion that this work would bo donn an
noon an It is practical aftor tho ob
servance ho In giving tho ground at
this tlmo. Tho ofTlco force Is pre
paring tho "records nnd necessary
data It. connection with tho right of
wny and general oxponso Inclldont to
completing tho work up to thin tlmo
to facilitate matters when finally
turned ovor to tho U, P.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vail (h. March 4 Thu advantages or
Harney county were stressed by
Ilurun McOownn, HuriiH high school
student, at tho "Sell Oregon" extem
poraneous spcnklng content held In
connection with tho O. A. C. educa
tional exposition.
Tho dulegnten at thu exposition
votod to mnko thu public speaking
contest nn annual fonturp of tho ex
position. Twentysoven communities
woro represented In thl yenr'n con
tost. "Tho timber of Harney county Ih
thu best In the United States. N'lt.o
billion board feet of tho finest virgin
whlto timber Is Included In tho tim
ber resources of Hnrnoy county.
"Slock ruining In tho chief occu
pation of tho rolling prnlrlo land of
llnrnoy county, with thoumiudH of
head of cattle scattered over a mil
lion acres or thin grazing land.
"llnrnoy county Is a paradise for
the HporlHinon, with (h tlmbor to
tho north of Hums, where the gnmo
Is abundant, and tho Inkon to tho
Houth, whoro tho fishing and duck
hunting can't bo boat. You nro al
ways welcomo In Harney county."
i - .... - . yn.nwii in 1
Tat V k M JtmJMK
vow? ) $ f N Li atta boy j - KmW
rUK kSlt watch 2 'mm
JiSL 'VK ,iVr rfV j AMV LATE
rujJTV Jwtf AX . J&ft iMiifHirriBsiiiiir-- 1 NewS about e
yT) n Lr Swm r n-HftiB pram; crtANfe
- - .i i j -- , i i .i i ,i . T . i ''S - - ' . m . m .. . i i , r i ' ' tmmutm w e i nil, i i .!.
i - J - , - T ,
Data Covering Information
Prepared for Mailing to
Inquirers by Secretary.
At u mooting of tho Ilurun nnd
Harney County Commercial Club
held at tho court housa Tuesday
evening mattorn of InteroHl In tho
development of thin county woro
taken up and dbicussed, Thu club
went on record nn ratifying thu nc
tloun of tho citizens at the two mass
ii.eellngH held last week nnd also
took up tho proposition of iHnuing
sumo pamphlulH descriptive of tho
Thorn worn several good tnlkn
mado nt tho meeting along tho IIuch
of progress and tho iidvnutugon of
working togothor. It wan a very
nuccoHsful mooting nnd further
bound tho pooplo together to work
for the advancement of tho entlro
Thu benefit concert given at tho
Llborty Theatre last Monday oven
lug, sponsored by members of thu
Presbyterian church choir, wan well
attended and those present showed
their appreciation by generous ap
plause. There were fourteen num
bers on thu program and every ono
wnH good. It could not bo said that
any ono number wan superior to an
other, an thu nolo work of tho partic
ipants woro of a high class and well
rendered. Tho vocal uololsts selec
tions Included Mrs. Leo Clark, Mrs.
Nolllo Heed, Chas. I). Foley, Mrs.
Poluman Hklens, Miss Annette Leo
nurd, Mrs. Alfred Wolcomu, Mrs.
Win. Farro, Mrs. 0. C. (Jrimth. Mrs.
Furrc nnd Mrs, (Irlltlth rendered a
duet that wan ono of thu particular
features of tho program. Darrell
Williams gave a nong nnd folk dance
In continue and little Norma Smith
sang u nweet selection, Mrs, Samuel
Harris showed her wonderful skill
as an artist In her piano selection
nnd tho blackface quartet offered a
diversion from tho other numbers on
tho program by makeup, action nnd
ohnracter of selections. Tho "coons"
wero a very good filler for the In
termission. On Wednesday evening the sumo
program will, slight changes, wan
given at Crane for the benefit of
tho Ladles Aid of tho church there.
A good audience greeted theslngers
nnd tho generoiiH encores testified to
tho appreciation of thu efforts of tho
filngorn. Crane peoplo woro most
kind In tholr hospitality to tho vln
Itorn, ench hotel making no charges
for tho occupying of rooms placing
thorn At tho disposal of tho vlnltorn
in ordor that thoy might proparo
tholr costuraeB'and tollotn for tho
Such entertainments should ro
colvo tho oncouragomont of our homo
puoplo an thoy doacrvo It. Local tal
ont In cnpablo of rendering norao fino
progrnmfl and thoy aro worth hear
ing. Tho Pronbytorlun choir will pro
paro ti cantata for Kastor Sunday
Hint will bo ono of tho high features
of musical onterlnlumoutn of thin
Cot. Llehlg lias purchased half of
tho Henry Vulgamnru block Hltunted
next to the Voegtly field on thu high
way nnd Is making preparations to
build a neat service Htatlon and work
nhop on tho premises. Workli.gmon
aro now moving tho residence which
hu purchased with thu half block to
another location on to Hiimn linjJc
to mnko room for tho hutldiiftrno
will erect. Thin Is a good corner for
thu purpose Mr. Llehlg Intends, ns
It Ih favorably situated close to tho
depot. At present hu will conflno
thu building to what ho requires
but ban Hiilllclent ground upon which
to orect a modern and spocloun gar
age that will bo necessary later In
conducting his business. Tho first
unit of tho building will ho of Iron
with glass front nnd gnn pump ar
ranged undor roof on tho corner
with nmple room for earn to como
for service from each way. It will
bo nicely furnished with gravel
Mr. Llehlg Is representing the
Wlllys-Kulght-Overland cars In this
territory and has Just ordered a car
load for Immediate shipment con
sisting of two Champions, two tour
ing earn and ono roadster.
o -I'OltMKH
Melvlu Fonwlek died at his homo
in Springfield, Oregon, on tho even
ing of February 27. Tho Kugeno
Register gives thu cause of IiIh death
iih typhoid fever, but letters from
friends nt Hugouu unuouueu that Mr,
Fonwlek suffered n stroke of pnrnly
sin. Hu was G'J years old and Is nut
vIvhcI hy IiIh wife.
Me Fonwlek was a resident of
this vicinity for years and had nn
of the fine"! farms In this suction
which wns passed to lloury Viilga
moro wveriil years ngo when Mr.
Fonwlek and his wife loft here nnd
took nn tholr residence at Spring
field. Aftor lu'ivlug Hums h vuh
cleottHl to the lfglslatnro from Lane
'ounty for one term. Ho wna highly
esteemed by hln muo.!,ii-ii and a
i nood citizen.
' " ' O M
Mrs. Nolllo Heed Is visiting with
frionda In' Canyon City.
Proposed Regulation Similar
to National Forest; Fees
Spent Where Created.
William llnnloy Ih taking an ac
tive IntorcHt In tho bill now boforu
congress to place all tho grazing
land under government supervision
on tho same plan an governs grazing
In thu national foroHtn, Tho bill hnn
been Introduced and will suroly pami.
JiibI In what manner it finally como
before tho president to sign in nu
Important feature, as tho method of
distributing thu feeti over nnd nbovo
administration hi ono that has effect
upon thu public land hccIIouh such
nn Harney county.
Mr. Ilatiley Ih using hln efforts to
have thu grazing feeti divert direct
ly to tho community In which thoy
'aro raised. This country haw a big
area of public domain whoro it will
bo ono of tho chief nsHctH to tho de
velopment of tho country. Thu nroa
covered by Irrigation Ih small In
comparison. Tho mm. who cornea
to such a community must havo
something In addition to bin Irrigat
ed farm, according to Mr. Hnnloy;
ho must hnvo access to tho big range
nnd with such safeguards as to mako
It nttractlvo to him. If ho In to bo
taxed to maintain tho roads, nchoobi
and goncrnl governmental depart
ments and then In taxed an additional
num for grnzlng purposes that must
ho classed as "overhead" from which
little or no returns nro used to off
not his general tax, Iio'h going to ho
hard hit, for at bent tho tax situa
tion Iu almost prohibitive. With tho
funds derived from grazing fees go
ing Into tho community whoro It Is
created and thtm aiding In thin
"overhead" the situation Ih Improv
ed and will not only aid tho man
who Ih pioneering hut thu ontlro
community. Tho deveolpmunt of nny
country tukoH tuxes for Improvement.
The rondi. schools. Irrigation con
struction, all require an outlay and
the Individual who will undertake
this work should he given encour
ngement nnd not taxed In addition
ror funds that will go nut nnd bring
In no general or tmmedlHte good to
that community.
Mr. Htinloy It finding n :-. advo-
eaten of his plan to have tho revoiiuo
derived from grnzlng few on tho
public lands divert In the particular
district whoro It Is ereated. It h
a sound proposition that nhould hnvo
weight In eougr08s.
This in a mutter tliut should hn
given Immediate attention In ordor
thnt the suggoatlnns ho omhndlod Iu
the bill before It Is passed.
o .
Hero's to Hie mnn who onrvef. tho
From dawn till nftcr dark,.
Who hopes to get his coffers full,
Heforo ho rides tho Ark.
Hut his hopes are vain,
And his aches and pains,
Increase at an alarming rate,
Ah he wearily hews the HteakH and
From the hones of a '78.
Why the public patronize this man,
Is u question for a Sage,
For tho youngest hoof that Is ovor'
Is well past tho logal age.
It must be the man, and his Jolly
Or tho wicked 'lino ho throws,
Thnt holdn thu Public like a spoil,
Till ho can extrart tholr 'dough'!
Wu sincerely hope when he's reached
tho ago,
Of about 104,
That tho good St. Potor will wolcomo
him InBldo tho Golden Door.
And mothlnlcs I hear St. Peter nay,
As thoy'r noatod by tho hearth,
Yon'vn certainly carnod your placo
up horo,
Tly tho way you worked on Earth.
Ohll Shattuok
All nights Itoserved In Tho Unltod
States and Foreign Countries rnsscd
by 'tho Nntlonnl nonrd of Itovlow.
(loorgo Shaw has wlrtton hla Avlfo
that hln hand In Improving rapidly
with tho Horonosa disappearing. Ilia
doctor announced that ho will soon
bo nhlo to leavo tho hospital and In
that caso tho patlout will noon bo
coming homo.