The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 19, 1924, Image 1

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NO. 12
Modern Equipment Will be
Installed; Experienced
Nurse Management.
Public Hearing Set for Sat
urday, Feb. 9; Action to
Legalize Tax Levy.
irrigation District Officers
Go to Salt Lake Meeting.
Legion Auxiliary to Give
Silver Tea on Saturday.
llef&J Ji
Dr. U. F. Smith, U. 8. Hiicknoy,
Andrew Fulkstud and H. L. dmlth
havo acquired tliu lu'rgu atuno mod
ern hospital building lu Rurns that
was recently crwliiu ami rim fur a
lino by tlio bisters of St. JoHupli.
I'Iiih building la of a uubstantlal
. haruotor, entirely of stono and ar
, iingod for a third lory when need
ed. At present It Ib two sturlwi anil
with Hound prool partitions of stone,
a modern surgery with bath, equip
ped with lighting and boating y
toni, septic lank, presBiir water Blip
1 ly and olhurwUu ready for tho In
stallation of thu necessary fUrilUh
lngS. It lu tho lntontlon of tho now own
era to furnlah tho building aa noon
ao possible, Inatalllng alt modern
equipment Including X-ray, surgery
and ovorythlng nccosaury for a very
complete hospital. Tho work of fur
nlslilng and preparations for open
ing tho hospital to tho public will
begin nt onco and It la tho bopo ip
have It In rondlnoan to rocolvo pa
tlonta on or boforo tho first of May.
Tho honpltal will bo placed In
chargo of a compotent, exporloncod
nurao with npcclnl training for hon
pltal niunagomont.
This la an enterprise that should
have tho endorsement and support
of tho ontlro population of Harney
county. It la needed. An Instllu
tlon of tliLa character moans much to
this big country whoro honpltal fac
ilities have boon limited.
Tho honpltal building Ih Ideally lo
cated, aulllclontly Isolated as to af
ford quietness with ample ground's
surrounding It to provont encroach
ment of other buildings. It Is on
a sightly place commanding n fine
view that will always bo without
obstruction as It Is situated on tho
brow of tho bill. In addition to Its
slghtllnosa ltn location Is most for
tunate from a drninago and anl
tary surroundings standpoint.
Thin rltie building WAs erected hilt
recently and patterned after some of
tho most modern hospital hulldlnga
of the entire country. With proper
furnishing and competent manage
ment Hums may boast of ns good
honpltal facilities as are found In
.n i Ity lu tho entire norlhwoM. Thu
itUoiis express much satisfaction at
In opening of this much nouded eou
uMilonco. o
IN ledgi: WORK
Alice (Hamilton) Swuimou was
ii tod to membership In Sylvia Ite
bnkali lodge of Iiurns over twenty
H-urs ago. Sho is well remembered
by many of our citizens, having been
a teacher lu tho schools of Harney
county and at one time an employe
of Tho Times-Herald olllco. Mrs,
.Hwauson, like her dad, II. W. Hamil
ton, has boon active in fraternal
work mora or loss ovor since bolng
Initiated lu tho Odd Follows orders,
Uyron now bolng ono of tho Grand
lodge olllcors of tho Encampment
Mrs. Swnnson is now a resident of
Jlakor whoro tho Iteboknh lodge
membership la over 400. Tho fol
lowing lu clipped from tho Hakor
Democrat of January 13:
Mrs. Eric Swanson, loader of tho
drill team or tho Robokah lodgo, I.
0, O. F , was made tho happy and
surprlsod roclpont, Friday ovonlng,
of allvor cako plato from tho mom
horn of her team In appreciation for
efforts sho ban put forth In drilling
tho organization up to Ub proaont
standard. Tho ontlro group woro
taken on a sleigh rldo during tho
fcarly ovonlng, as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Pratt. Later thoy wont
lo tho homo of Mrs. Frod Cochran
where tho romalndor of tho ovonlng
was apont, and rofroHhraontB sorvod.
Washington (AP) Permission to
build 32 miles of railroad from
Crane to Rurns, In tho Oregon tim
ber rcction, was granted tho Oregon
Washington Railroad & Navigation
fompany Wednesday by tho Jntor
'hWo commorco commission.
A. H, Rrown was In town during
tho weok. . ' . i
Directors A. K. Olson, Judge Grant
Thompson and Secretary 8am Moth
orshoad of tho Harney Valley Irri
gation District and Capt. Itobt, M.
Duncan left hero Wednesday en
route to Salt lnko where lhe ui
attending a mentliiK of thu Pud
Flnding Committee recently appoint
ed by the V. 8 Iteclaiuatloii Service
lu con miction with lh sovornl re
clamation project t lint aro to hnvo
consideration for government nld.
Thoso goutlomou go to present tho
advantages of th local district and
have reason to oxpect n favorable
consideration of Its mot Its.
The govommeut will look with
favor upon this project because of
Its simplicity and low cost of con
struction togethor with tho moder
ate prices for tho lands embraced.
It Is one of tho most ettractlvo pro
jects In tho entire west. Tho fact
that transportation Is now provided
and tho general development of the
territory assured will havo Its ef
fects upon tho futuro of tho under
taking and will ho a factor in giving
it proccdonco over more oxponslvo
o . '
This olllro Is Just In receipt of a
letter from Ernest Ryuyaan, at Col
fax, California, n which lie announc
es thoy have a severe cold spell, tho
thermometer registering 22 above
; xero my how cold, as compared to
that many degrees below whlnh ho
hits experienced hero during his long
resldouco. Howover, he writes he
folt thu cold at that temperature
oven more than ho did colder weath
er bore as tho high, dry atmosphere
in Harney valloy is different
Ineldcntal.lylr. Heynvaan writes
that ho and tho hoys aro engaged in
tho chicken and berry business and
encloses a clipping from the Farm
II u roan Monthly giving nn account of
his son Clyde winning n prize In tho
strawberry contest which privileged
him a free trip to the Davis Univer
sity Farm and n two day visit there,
under the discipline of the College
of Agriculture. His experience was
not only pleasant but profitable. It
Iim given him courage and Inspired
him to tho greater efforts.
(Contributed) '
Tho regular mooting of tho Molh
ors Club was held at tho homo of
Mrs. Clifford Reed Thursday when
Mrs. A. A. Eggloston was Joint host
ess. Tho Lyceum numbors that aro
coming for January 23 and threo
othorB In February woro tho topics
boforo tho business mooting of tho
club nnd then followod tho aoclal '
hour with dnlnty Tofroshmonts sorv- ,
od. During tho afternoon Mrs. Nolllo
Reed favored tho gathering with a
woll rondorod and thoroughly onjoy-1
oil vocal nolo with Mrs. Harry Z. ,
Rmlth presiding nt tho piano,
Tho next mooting will bo hold
on January 31 at tho homo of Mrs. i
Jay Gould with Mrs. W. W. Gould !
Joining hor ns hostess.
Pluto Encampment, No. 38, I. O.
O. F will Install offlcora for tho
coming term nt tho regular mooting
noxt Tuesday ovonlng. It Is urged
that all Camp members bo presont na
thoro'a to bo a blg."pow wow" with
"hl-yu-mucamuc." Somothlng doing
all tho tlmo. Don't ovorlook this
big war danco as tho bravos aro In
flno mottlo nnd ready to fenst their i
frlonds. You knowl ,
A rocent ordor of tho Dopartmout
of tho Interior restorer somothlng
like 0800 ncres of land lu this ills- i
trict to entry in what was rormorly
withdrawn to fulfill tho grant of tho
Eastern Orogon Land Co. Tho land !
in all nltuntod In Grant county and j
Ja restricted for a porlod or 00 dnya '
to ontry only by oK-sorvico moil, AN ,
lor mm uaio uny onu nmy inu uiiuur
tho rogulntlona of tho land lawa, Tho
land contninB Bomo tlmbor, wo understand,
Hospital Which Will
Electric Light Plant En-
gine Enroutc From Crane. I
L Tho now modern 100 horso-povor
engine to be ItiHlnllod for the eluotrlc
light plant was loaded by Lute Par
ker at Crane Thursday and Is being
brought to Iiurns whoro It will he
Installed at onco to furnish power
for the electric light and power bur
' vice of this city. Messrs. J lodgo and
' Letson havo been gottlng things In
readiness for this installation for too
; pant fow weeks. When this Is In-
stalled Hums will havo an adequate
and dependable service
At presont tho service Is being fur
nished from tho mill water power
and has given cxcollht satisfaction,
, although an nil night service is not
; maintained hocauso of lack of water
to supply tho power. It is necessary
to shut It down for sovornl hours
' that tho head of water may ho In
creased Howover, It has been tho
best and most continuous service wo
havo had for some tlmo and In ap
preciated. n
Portland, Ore., Jan. 17 During
thu six weekH beginning January 29
and ending March Ifi, experienced
deputies from thu olllco of Clyde G.
I Huntley, collector of Internal reve
nue, will visit tho principal cities and
towns of the state for tho purposu of
insisting taxpayers In the prepara
tion of their federal Income tax re
turns for the year 1U23. This ser
vice Is given gratuitously by Collec
tor Huntley's deputies and taxpayers
aro urged to avail themselves of tho
Borvlco, When calling upon those
deputies, taxpayers are rsquosted to
bring with them thtt Income tax
blank form they will have received
through tho mall.
A representative will bit In Har
ney county at thu following places
on tho diitos named:
Rurns, January 2030; Crane,
January 3,1-Fubruary 2.
o .
Cecil Ilonnutt Is making prepara
tions to erect a residence on hie lots
near tho fair grounds.
fv, Jt --wPmn. m
" i, L T- 1
Soon he Opened in Burns.
r.vcr vx.
Corrected Blue Prints of
. i u
terminal Grounds Here.
Tho oily mayor and Iiurns and
Harney County Commercial Club
havo reeolvod corrected nnd doflnlto
blue prints showing thu depot nnd
tormina! grounds lu tho Voegtly
field that will sorvo Hums by tho
Union Pacific and tho Mainour Rail-
road Co. Tho plans show tho loca-
tlon of tho dcjKit, wyo, Industrial
shops, stock yards, streets and roads
Next Sunday Morning at 11 A. M.
at tho Daptist Church there will ho
special services In support of Tho
Chlldrons Farm Home near Corvnllls
Oregon. This Home Is under tho
nupurvlslon of tho W. C. T. U. and Is
tho only Protestant institution or Its
kind lu Oregon. It Is uusoctarinn
and Is finding It Impossblu to meet
all tho calls made upon It. A short
tlmo ago there were more than one
hundred children made application
to tho Home that hud to bo refused
for lack or room. Tho Oregon Rap-; tl,u dt' to Buporvlsu the Installation
tlst State Convontln at Its mooting I of " wal"r all(l HOWor "'tem In
Inst July voted to assist this Home Hums, arrived here Tuesday even
to tho extent or J2C.000. J 'R n,1 l'ul" l" following dny con-
H you aro n mombor or any of tho nulling with city olllclals and others,
following organizations you ahould u HOomH t,ml Mr- Kulsay's plans
be present next Sunday morning nnd w,!ro iHirdod lu tho recent consld
asstst In this work as thoso organlza- omllon of now plans for the system,
tlons and prominent mon have given "Ithough ho had dono somo prullmln
It their endorsement. . ry work, ' for which he was
Walter M. Pierre. Gov.: Goorue L. ' compensated.
linker, Mayor of Portland; Child
Wolfnro Commission; Court or Do
mestic Relations; Portland Council
i Association; Masonic Ilodles of Ore-
go; state Parent-Teacher Assorla
Hon; Woodlawu. (Monroe. Vernon
and Lentn Paruut-Tnachor Associa
tion ; IlaptUt Stat Conventien:
..-.. .r., t... v-,.. irl-iri Confer iicu. Proshyturtan
Synod; Congregational Conforenco;
Free Methodists; Evangelical Con
ference; and the United Rrethurn.
Paul Krueger is Just rinlshlng u
noat cottage on one or his Iota near
tho highway two blocks east or
Main titroet,
f flnntrltiuteill
Tho American Logion Auxllllary
1 of Harney County Post No. G3, Invito
every man, woman and child to n
Silver Tea at tho Harney County
High School on Saturday, January
20 from 2:00 lo nj.'IO P. M.
' Tho purposu of this tea In to
ralso a relief fund for tho Veterans
Hospitals of Oregon.
Your contribution to this fund
limy give noine disabled veteran
either n iihave, shaving Boap, tooth
,lHt, stationary, stamps, magazine,
pen, Ink, a birthday remembrance, a
pleco of mince plo, or happier holi
days. Itcmomhor that not all disabled
vdtorniiH In thu hospitals rocolvo
i All inouov contributed for thin
purposo gooa directly to tho boyn,
r()r tj,oro Mro 0 ,,id workora lu tho
Logion Auxllllary.
if y(m j,avo a fooling of gratitude
your Mcnrt for tho safo roturn or
Home fl0rvico man then horo Is your
I opportunity vo uxpross It by holplng
somo ono who waB not ho forlunato.
If you aro In town shopping on
i Saturday, January 26, tako a fow
' minutes for a refreshing cup of tea
' at tho high school or glvo a fow
minutes of your working day in tho
olllco for tho hoys In thu hospitals.
Your contribution may bo largu
or small or Just ton cents for n cup
of ten.
' o
1 L. C. Kelsay, an engineer who a
few years ago made a contract with
Mr. Kelsay was disposed to think
he hud not been given fair consider
ation and that his contract still held
Rd However, this Is a matter that
must he determined lu the courts
uiiiu ii iiiuru im wie euy iiiiiiinruifsM
nruMiudureiood to taku the view
( tlinl ,l(' "ro no longor obligated lo
, Mr. Kelsay since Is plans are not
lid sure to go to tho Silver Tea
given by tho Auxiliary of Harney
County Post, No. 03, American Lo
gion nt tho high school next Satur
day afternoon,
Taking advantage of tho nuggos
tlon of Attorney Goncral Van Winkle
to tako stops to conform to tho hud
got law, Harney county hnu tlilo
week submitted for publication its
budgot in order that it may be acted
upon and properly put boforo tho
assessor In tlmo to havo It oxtonded
on tho roll for tho coming year.
Thu court met with Judge Hughot
and Commissioner Uolton, scloctcd
A. R, Olson, Archlo McGowau and P.
C. Peterson as a budgot committed
and these gentlemen with the court
olllclals met and proparcd the bud
get In accordance with thu law.
A public hearing la announced for
Saturday, Fob. 0, when tho budgot
will bo discussed and final action
This Is taken ait a prccnullouory
measure since tho supremo court has
declared the tax conservation com
mission law unconstitutional. By
conforming to tho budgot law any
question as to tho legality of tho
tax levy is obviated.
o f
Martha Nash was born October
2.1, 1840 In thu Stnto of Indiana and
moved to Missouri In oarly child
hood. In 1864 sho with hor parcnta
crossed tho plains by ox team to
Oregon. Sho was married to Phil
ander H. Gray 8op't nth. 18C8 to-
which union wero born six chlldon;
William E . Grace L Carrlo 1L,
Illunche V., John C, and Waller It.
Ono son and ono daughter pre
ceded hor lu death. Two children re
mained In Emmott Idaho with tho
aged father, who also Is very III.
Two children wero presont nt tho
funeral, John C, and Mrs. Sltz of
Mrs. Gray died January 1.1th, at
Emmetl Idaho at the ago of 74 years
2 months and 20 days. Shu was con
verted nnd Joined tho church of her
choice In early childhood and was
over true to her profession.
Tho funeral sorvlcos woro held
In the Community church at Crane
Wfdneday January Ifi. Tho ser
vices wero conducted by Rev. C. A.
Wntorhousp pastor of th lluptlat
( Huron of Hums Oregon. Tho re-
- '"-rri ,if i u-
nmlns were laid to roi lu (hit omo-
. lory ai i rnno, Oregon.
I Tim nlmv.. in-i-r ..i.i..... ...
I .-..... rir Y tiff
, handed this impor which tolls of
the life of a woman who was wall
known In Harney county wlmro sho
wns a progressive nnd imoful citizen
for many years. Mrs. Gray resided
for years at Lawou whero hhe con
duoted a stopping place that was
well patronized lu the enrly days
and whero sho met many of tho citi
zens or Harney county. Sho was a
woman of strong character and ex
pertised her opinions freely upon all
occasions. She thus won tho admlr
ntlon nnd friendship of many pcoplo
and wns an Influence In tho com
munity. It wns only after advanced
years and ill health that she and
Mr. Gray gavo up tholr active lift)
and wont to Emmott, Idnho, to re
side wboro they could hnvo moro
comrortB nnd tho aid or their two
Mrs. Gray's funornl was largoly at
tended by former frlonds and neigh
bors nnd hor domlso, ovon nt hor
advancod ago, Is grieved by many
outsldo hor Immediate family.
Salem, Jan. 1C. Govornor Plorco
has been appealed to by tho district
nttornoy nnd county court of Harney
county to denlgnnto n special prose
cutor to assist In tho prosecution of
tho enso against J. L. Cnvcndor,
chnrgod with nn attempt upon tho
Ufa of R. L. Haines, a apodal stato
agont. Haines wns shot by Cnvcn
dor, whom ho wns attempting to
nrrost on n liquor law violation
chargo. Govornor Plorco lias naked
Attorney Gonornl VauWlnklo to
assign a prsoocutor to this enso.
Portland Journal.
Dr. Ward roturuncd Monday from
Dolso whoro ho hnd gono for nddl
ttonnl equipmont and duplies for
his X-ray machine Ho has an an
nouueomont In another column about
tho X-ray,