The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 29, 1923, Image 1

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Reyal Arch, Blue Lodge and
Eastera Star Gather at
Annual Reunion.
Thursday night tho Masonic or
ganisations of thin city hold Joint
iwitallatlon of onicors for tho com
ln yr at tho loilgo ropum. It
wan onu of tho largest KntlivrltiKH
of members nsitoniblcd In sovoral
yeara ami proved moat onjoyablo tn
the HlTnlr wan in lint iiiitnro of
"homo coming" and overyhody wan
In tho bent of spirits. Tho ceremony
of installation In lmproslvo and lit
Btrucllvo, giving oho an Insight of
Masonry In n rcopo neldom brought
ho forcefully to tho attention at otto
The Koyal Arch Chapter Installed
officers first and an thin in tho first
public initallatlon of this branch of
Masonry In Burns It added much to
the Internet of tho occasion, Tho
.ceremony ia most Impressive and tho
Investment of tho robos of tho ofTl
cers, which are of striking colorings,
gave the affair an aspect of splendor.
Wm, FarVe, retiring High I'rlest,
aeted as installation officer, nssletcd
by I. 8. Geer as Captain of tho Hoit,
Win Qowan as Royal Arch Captain,
Julian Byrd aa Principal Sojourner
and A. W, Oowan aa Chaplain.
Dr. B. V, Smith was Installed
High Priest; Ernest Mustek, King;
flrover Jameson, Scribe; John Gem
herllng, Captain of the Host; 1.
Waldo Oeor, Principal Sojeurner:
Geo. Shaw, Itoyal Arch Captain;
Horace A. Dlllard, Master of tho
Third Vbll; Gharlos W. Loggan,
Master of tho Second Voll; N'owton
llotchklfrs, Master of tho First Veil;
Nolllo F. Keod; treasurer; Karl A.
Uraham, nrcrotary; Ernest Barclay,
Following the Installation Capt.
A. W. Qowan very graciously pro
seated a Past High Priest Jewel to
Wn. Farre aa a token of esteem of
his Companions. Mr. Farre respond
eel la a few remarks voicing hln ap
preciation of the gift.
Grover Jameson acted aa Instal
ling officer for the Illue Lodgo with
Sam Mothershoad aa marshal, Tho
officers installed were:
C. Culver Page, Worshipful Mas
tor; Geo. M. Shaw, Senior Warden;
I. Waldo Geer, Junior War don; Gro
ver Jameson, treasurer; Win. Farre,
secrotary; Hornco A. Dlllard, Sen
ior Deacon; John Gombcrllng, Jun
ior Deacon; Sam Mothorshond, chap
lain ; Irwin S. Geer, Marshal; Karl
A. Graham, Senior Stewart; Itobt. C.
1owo, Junior Stowart; J, It. Thomp
son, Tyler.
At the closo of this ceremony Pat
ron Geo, Shaw of tho Kastern Star
took his atatlon and Instructed tho
Marshal, Mrs. Archlo McGownn, to
Invite Mm, Allen Jones to tho Knst
to officiate at the installation of the
Kastern Star Chapter Installation.
Mrs. Jones has acted in this oapao
Ity in former years and delivers the
work most admirably. She waa
assisted by Mrs. McOowan as Mar
shal and Mrs, C, II. Voegtly aa Chap
lain. The officers elect presented a most
striking appearanco as all wcro
dressed in white and the floor work
was very attractive, using a different
form than in former years, The
Star always excelts ia It work and
the Masoaio brethren have to admit
their efficiency.
The following oflkerawere installed:
Wfsr Matron. Neva M. deer; Wor
thPMvwa, I. Waldo Oeer; Associate
Matron, Raid Qowan; secretary, Etta
A. Jones; treasurer, Helen Dlllman;
CoBductreee, Florence Dalton; Mar-
anal, Nite McGowan; Organist"
Sarah Farre; Adah, Clare Dyrd;
Ruth, Floy Jameson; Bather, Fran
ces Huston; Martha, Ituth Shaw
Kleota, Myra Welttenhlller; Warder,
Alma Loggan; Sentinel, Ghas. W,
A pretty ceremony that proved
quite a surprise to those prosont fol
lowed tho installation of tho Star
officem when Sam Motheruhead, aa
a representative of tho Dlue Lodge,
and Leon M. Brown, n repreeentatlvo
of tkv Royal Arch, appeared from
the aati-room with a large bouquot
of beautiful flowers which thoy con
veyed to tho station of the Worthy
Matron and there Mr, Motherahead
expressed the sincere regard, frater
nal affection and good will of tho
other branches of tho Order toward
the Star and wished evon a closer
relationship with good wishes for
the coming year. Mr. Brown pre
sented the floral offering to Mrs.
Geer who responded in a spirit that
left no doubt as to the hopes and
aspirations of the Star during the
coming year and Its relationship to
the Masonic brethren.
Upon making her proclamation of
tho installation of tho officers of tho
Star Mrs. McGowan remained stand
ing and gavo Mrs. JonA a very
pleasing surprlso by presenting her
with n hnndnomo silk umbrella, tho
gift of tho lodgo, ns n lokon of tho
appreciation of tho memborfl of her
long sorvlco an secrotary. Mrs. Mc
Gownn explained that Mrs. Jones
wan loavlng In n few days for nn ex
toudod visit to lior former homo in
California nml that nho would likely
need tho present. Mrs. Jones waa
cijual to tho occasion and ronponded
In n happy way, llinnklilg tho mem
bers for tholr thoughtfulnoin Jinil
ovldonco of appreciation,
Tlioro wan a banquot following
the InHtnllatlon, It was Just tho kind
that always follows such a ceremony
oxcopt, perhaps, more no, Tho tables
were ladon with good things with
turkey taking tho first plaro on tho
menu. Thero woro so many gueste
that It wns necessary to servo a sec
ond table.
Somo of tho younger people (nnd
old ones too) danced whllo others
wero being served.
In discussing business conditions
with a few of tho local business mon
of Hums The Times-Herald learns
that in gonoral the year Just closing
has bean a very satisfactory 0110.
Though the volume of business, In
somo lustancos, has not been up to
expectations, overythlng considered
tho year Just past has boon qulto
Hums expects a much greater vol
umo of business during tho coming
year with the extension of tho rail
road and timber activities. It is
oven expected that the irrigatloa
projects will begin to improve and'
additional business will be derived
from this source. Heal estate has
not boon moving in this vicinity to
any groat cxtont for tho past year or
more, but with tho oponlng of sprnlg
It la hoped considerable activity will
bo manifested In tho transfer of
192.1 also brought hotter live
stork conditions nnd added much
to tho prosperity of mon engaged In 1
that line of business. Sheep nnd i
wool, ospeolnlly. brought n greater
rot urn than had been expected and i
cattle nro demanding a hotter price.
Tho establishment of tho cream -cry
luia glvott tho dairyman a mar
ket for his product nt homo and with
tho coming year this Industry will
moro than double. With this will
go a largor numbor of hogs and
chlckons ralsod. Tho creamery Is
ono of tho best assets to this com
munity and It is gratifying to noto
that the product of tho home con
cern is becoming more popular as
time goos on. With tho facilities to
handle all the cream produced In
this section tho prosperity of tho
community Is that much enriched.
Thero aro bright prospects for
tho local packing plant being takon
over by capital sufficient to make It
ono of the big assets of this section,
which will be anothor boon to the
stock men. With facilities to take
care of a large volume of baslaess
more hogs will be raised and the lo
cal cattle and mutton grower may
have a home market for their flnloh
cd product, thus saving them the ex
pense and uncertainty of shipping to
an outside market.
The people of Harney county may
well look to 1924 as the biggest
In tho history of the country.
Tho A. L. Hacknoy Fur nnd Hldo
Company completed tho arrango
menta today for tho largost sale of
fura evor made In this part of the
state when they sold tho furs to
Horzlg and Hart, of New York City
Tho salo amounted to over 114,000
nnd moans a lot to this section of
tho country. Caldwell Exchange,
Dr. Ward was called, to tho J. 13.
Sizomoro ranch yoatorday morning
to give aid to Mr, Larson who wns
tho victim of a run-away. At the
time this 1b wrltton It is not kuown
how seriously tho man was Injured,
aa the doctor had not returned.
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Once more we hang up a new calendar. An old
year diet and a new year is born. It it invoice time.
It it rime to measure profit and loss, failure and
success. All check up accounts. What hat been
gained or lost in the material thinga of the world.
Have we enriched or impoverished our spiritual re
sources? Whatever we have done with the closing
year is done. None of us can rewrite the story. But
a new chance is given to all to make the story of the
new year what they will.
We live in a country that was built upon the
principle that all men are created equal. The dys
peptic mind has been disposed to repudiate that
doctrine, contending that education and opportunity
are after all for a privileged class. However this
may teem, the makers of our government denied no
man the right to initiative and enthusiasm. Who
ever shall ute these tools can pack hit way into any
privileged class if there be such. '
Begin the New Year by warming up to an idea
or an ideal. Light the wick of enthusiasm.
Emerson says that enthusiasm is the passing
from the human to the divine. The Greek word for
enthusiasm signifies God withinus.
Go to it. Let our resolves be DO rather than
don't. The fulfillment of resolutions will save dis
appointment, regret nnd remorse.
J, E. Loggan mid family wero over
from Crnno for a Hhort stay during
tho wook, nttondlng tho Masonlo In
stallation aud vlultlng with relatives
and friends.
I 1
- n.
Tho Mothora Club will meot ThurH
day, January 3, nt tho homo of Mrs.
John Caldwell. Thla Is the first
mooting following tho Christmas
holiday vacation.
Harney Valley
Irrigation Bonds
Are Upheld
A pr diaatch dated at
SmUm, Dec. 27, y: Aa
opinion by Justice Bkrown,
handed down fcy the etate
sHpreme court today, up
holds the validity of the
$2,200,000 bond issue of
the Harney Valley Irriga
tion District, the regularity
of which had been attacked
by S. N. Bolton. The pro
ceeding was entirely friend
ly in an effort to establish
the validity of the bond is
Returns Special Election
Are Almost Unanimous.
Tho special election held In Durns
Thursday to authorize an additional
taxe for the purpose of paying for
the railroad right of way, depot and
terminal grounds waa another Indl
catiqn of how the property owners
feel in respect to the depot site. The
vote was practically unanimous
thero being but two negative votes
The voting waa reetricted,to prep
erty owners only la conformity with
the provisions of tho present char
ter, therefore the vote was not heavy
but indicative of the feeling of the
people who havo property Interests
in Burns.
Tho writer had tho privilege of
reading a vory newsy letter from
an old frlond tho other day In which
sho said sho wasn't "hankcrin" for
tho clasfl of weather that Julian
Uyrd and Harney county dished out.
It was from Mrs. Tom Allen, who
has had the good fortune to be able
to have a home In Southern Calif
ornia where the climate Is so mild
she is picking strawberries and
string beana tho year round. Just
because sho has that advantage she
sees fit to "rub It In" on wo poor
less fortunato who have to remain
on tho Job and boo that old Harney
county In put in shape to welcome
back the Tom Aliens and others .who
hnro seen fit to forsake her tempor
arily for they all como back.
Ono Item In Mm. Allen's letter is
of consldornblo Interest to readers
of Tho Tmlus-IIcruld nn It Is to tho
ofTert that their son Fred had been
given an excellent position with n
new newspaper venture recently
launched in San Francisco with un
limited capital that assures ita suc
cess and permanency. Wo all con
gratulate Fred and e.lso Mrs. Allen
for that matter, in being ublo to
avoid our cold weather.
NO. 9
Community Trea Program ii
Success; Hornet Gay; The
Churches Observe.
Christmas was fittingly obscrvod
In this city. Home gathorlngs with
ChrlstmaB trees wero In order and l
this waa extended to overy fireside
In Burns through tho foresight and
generosity of some of tho boat poo
plo. Tho community treo and program
on tho lot adjoining tho LovciiB ho
tol was an onjoyablo diversion from
hto usual observation an It had been
tho usual observation as It hnd been
years since community trco and.
exercises had been given a place In
Burns. Tho trco waa nicely decorat
ed and Illuminated by electric lights. -Tho
carols wcro sung by a largo
chorus and a prayer offered by Rev.
C. A. WaterhouBO of tho Baptist
church who followed It with some
well chosen remarks on the signifi
cance of tho day and what It stood
for. Santa Class then appeared tn
a car, explaining that he bad to re
sort to this mode of travel owing
to the scarcity of snow. He made
tho little ones happy by distribut
ing sweets to every child present.
Later vieltlag several homes where
Lhe would net have appeared had not
the good people of the Elks commit
tee, the American Legion and the
churches given him a tip. As -a re
sult every child In Burns waa re
membered at Christmas time.
Later suitable exercises were heM
In tho several churche of tho town
whero the Sunday school children
put on a program. Each church was.
filled to overflowing by children and'
parents who were disposed to take
part in th Christmas spirit.
Mrs. James Glrard was hostess at
a very delightful Christmas tree at
her home Saturday afternoon given
to her Sunday school class. This U
composed of the kindergarten age
and the little ones certainly had a
lovely tlmo and their hostesa seem
ed to have Just as good a tlmo In
having the children with her. The
tree was xa beautiful one mid the
house took on a holiday appearance
with Its ovorgreeu decorations and
bright wrenths. Each llttlo guet i
was remembered with gifts of toyv
nnd sweets. ' 1
Miss Anna McICeuzIo gave her
kindergarten class n Christmas tree
at her home 0:1 Monday forenoon.
This was another moHt enjoyable
affair that brought delight to her
young charges. Tho decorations
were in tho nnturo of klndtrgartou
designs and brought expressions of
joy from the lips of the children
Santa Claun appeared tor them aud
distributed sweets.
Other festivities were attainted
during the following day and even-'
Ing. In fact tho entire week his
been given over to one of joy cud
good cheor. Thero was dancing,
home parties, family dinners aud ox
change of tho season's greetings in
The schools will not resume ses
sions for another week, thus giving
the childrou a longer vacation than
kthey have had for many a Christmas
time. Two weeks of play for tho
children and a rest for the instruct
ors is much appreciated.
To Command "Aroiind
the World" Flight i
Major P. U Martin will command
the four V. S. plunes which hop-off .
at Scuttle April 1 In un attempt ,o
tly around tho world.
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