The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 22, 1923, Image 1

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NO. 8
New Of ficers and Executive
Committee Elected at a
Mate Meeting Held.
Mayor Huston called it mass moot
In of tho citizens nt tho court htiuito
Inst ovoulng for tho purpose of Ink
Ing steps to roorgnnlzo tho conunor
clnl chib. TIiIh was do no for tho
purpnso of gutting n llvo nrgiwtizn
(Ion to linudlu questions of a public
naturoxjhnt confront tho pcoplo from
tlmo to (lino.
A largo nntnhor ijutliorod for tho
meeting and mi orgnnizntlou wan
iiffecltl with Dr. I.. K. Illhbard Km
prsldcut, Itoht. M. Duncan vice pres
ident, James J. Doncgaii secretary
and Ernest flnilth as treasurer.
Aftur announcing tho objoct of tho
mooting Mr. lluntnu asked tho fur
thur pleasure of thorns present ami
Charles W. Kills asked to rond some
resolutions that hud boon prepared
for consideration. At this time Mr.
Kills sold thnt before tho resolutions
woro considered ho bad undurntood
I. 8, acor desired to nddresn tho
meeting. Upon being called Mr.
Oeer nald he was glad to see such n
large gathering present and wished
tho organisation success. Ho told
of hating been elected president of
tho Durns commercial club some
three yearn Hgo and there had nevor
been an election since. He felt ho
had sorvod as long ns any citizen
might bo oxpectod to. Mr. Geer ex
pressed a desire that tho reorganiza
tion bo mndo and accomplish results;
tho organization he had been work
ing with tho pant two yoarn had tic-
compusiioii hh purpose ami was
ready to retlro, therefore ho did not
want to take an active part In tho
reorganization, but merely a high
private In the rear ranks, lloforo
closing ho again at n ted tho organiza
tion had his best wishes but asked
permission to withdraw from the
gathering. Upon conclusion Mr.
Oeer retired from tho room as did
alio Archlo McOowan and Wm,
Karro. In explanation' or this ac
tion, It should bo stAtcd that theso
men did not Intend tho Impression to
go out that thoy were opposed to re
organization, but' their object In
withdrawing wan to avoid any em
barrassment or possible acrimonious
argument that might comn up In
discussion Tlil explanation wbh
given by Mr. Farre this morning mid
It was tho Intention of Mr. floor to
maku this plain In his remarks but
ho was not fully oxpllclt.
The resolutions woro thou taken
up mid passed. Following thin tho
election of tho olllcers and general
(llncumlon. Tho ninrors wero all
wlocted by acclamation thero being
no content. Tho resolutions provid
ed tho election of five additional men
to act with tho olllcers as an execu
tive committee and the following
were elected: George Hlinw, J. J,
Lampshlro, J. S. Cook, Sam Bolton
and Emraett Heed.
Among those who addressed tho
meeting wero Wm. Hanley, Dr. lllb
bard, A. K, llrown, W. M. Button, P.
8. Wolttenhlllor, Dr. Ward, It. M.
Duncan, J. H. Kounsovollc, Sam
Motherahoad, A. A. Traugott,
Charlos W. Hills. Tho writer had
another engagement nnd did not re
main for the entire meeting, there
fore cannot quote to any extent the
remarks of the gentlemen but all
were along the line of organization"
and a unltod community. Mr. Hanley
paid a high tribute to the nion who
had boon active In bringing about
tho dovolopmont of tho railroad ox
tonslon nlded In tho snlo of tho tim
ber tract and establishment of tho
sawmill. Ho stated this work had
boen most commondnblo nnd crodlt
nhlo, Following Mr. Hnnloy'u romnrks
It wns sugostod that an opportun
ity to glvo thoBQ preoont to sign tho
membership roll nnd during this
tlmo tho writer nlso loft to look nf
tor other nmttoru that roqijilrcrt Ills
From iioteB of tho noorotury It
In foulid thnt n coiumlttoo on mem
bership consisting of Mm. Noll T.
Smith, Maurice- Schwartz nml Ernest
Smith was uppolntod. It further
allows that by motion tho citizens or
Ilnrnoy county who nro non-rosldonto
of Burns woro Invited nnd' urged to
becomo members of tho organization.
Further, that a copy of themoinber
uhlp roll be placed at The Times-
Herald office for tho accommodation
cf country residents where thoy
rould nlgn.
97 names were appended to tho
membership roll at the meeting. The
writer feels that some comment
should be made In connection with
the resolutions adopted, slnco the
question has been raised by ono of
tho mombers of tho "committee of
ten." Tho opening paragraph ro
clten that thoro had boon no active
commercial club for a numbor of
years, otc, This' was taken by this
Individual nn discrediting tho work
of tho nion who had beon nctlvo In
bringing about tho timber and rail
road development. Tho facts nro
that every man on (ho "commltteo
of ton" wan an active, contributing
member of tho Hums commercial
-club and Its acting olllcers woro also
mouthers, shown Its standing. When
tho plnn to flnnnco tho furthering
of tho endeavor to give nld to tho
proposed development wae put In
motion inoro than twice the numbor
of ten wero asked to take part; tho
men Invited wero those ongnged In
actlvn business who could bestk af
ford to contribute tnwnrd such a
cause and who woro most vitally
affected. Only tho ten rosponded.
Thoy started thin move In the best
of faith and had no motive of n
personal nature, to profit nt tho
oxponso of their neighbor, but to
help tho onllro country. Thoy accom
plished this. Thoy nro entitled to
credit for it not brcnuso tho writer
was u member, Is this nald, but In
defonos of any criticism that 'may
bo cant upon their actions. Every
move mndo by this committee was
In tho Interest nf tho entire commun
ity. Their work should not be dis
credited by the Impression going nut
that It was not a pubtlo benefit that
was actuating tho actions of theso
WHEREAS, thoro has been no ac
tive commercial Club In Hums for a
number of years last pant, the Burns
Commercial Club having been In
active and dormant for n numbor of
years; and
WHEREAS, there U need and
necessity for the reorganization of
tho Burns Commercial Club for the
purposo or serving tho needs of tho
community, Harney County, nnd
such adjoining sections of tho State
as nro not now served by any inch
body; and
WHEREAS, wo citizens of Hums,
many of us being members of tho
HuriiH Commercial Club, desiring to
reorganize the said Club In accord
ance, with tho foregoing mnltcri:
UK IT RESOLVED, that tho lliinu '
Commercial Club be. and tho same Is j
hop-by. reorganized and tho .mine
shall hi maintained by tho cltlioun
of Hums and Harney County, Ore
gon, and to that end,
that wo hereby proceed to reorgan
ize said Club by the election of tliu
following ofllrors, viz;
a President,
n Vlco President,
n Secretary,
a Trensuror.and I
an Kxecutlvo Committee or Hoard
of Directors of nlne(O) members,
or whom tho President, Vlco Presi
dent, Secretary, and Troasuror shall
bo ox-otllclo members, the othor flvo
mouther to be elected at largo; and
that upon tho election of tho above
mentioned oincors, tho Proaldont
shall appoint a Committee of three
(3) mombern on Conatltutlon and
Dy-LawB, who shall prccood to eith
er draft a now Constitution and By
Laws or to amend the old ones, an
In its Judgment It shall doom oxpod
lont, nnd to mako report to tho next
meeting or tho Club which report
shall not dovlnto from tho matters
Incorporated In theso roaolutlonos;
that tho annual membership foe
Hhall bo ONE DOLLAR, which shall
muko tho person puylng such feo n
mombor for ono yoar, without tho
pnymont of any additional mouoy;
provided, howovur, that tho Com
mltteo on Conatltutlon ami Dy-Lnwu
may Incorporate In ita roport n pro
vision for contributing tnonibarthtp
which shall Monro the pnymont of
uddltlmiiU moneys, but which shall !
glvo no additional rights, prlvilsgos,
or voting power over the. niembera '
paving Ono Dollar; nml
that nil mooting of this Club and '
nil rocotlnsH of tho Kxecutlvo Coiu
mlttoo or Board of Directors Bhnll
bo public iuootlng3 and' nil members
(Continued on pngo four)
The Chamber of Commerce
of Corvallii Broadcasts
From Oreg onian.
Evory radio not In Burns nnd vi
cinity was turned on Portland last
Monday night when a group of Cor
vnllls nlngors nnd representatives of
tho Corvallln chamber of commerce
broadcasted a program, Unfortunate
ly thoro was nomu atmospheric dls
turbance or something thnt inter
fered with receiving during a portion
of tho program. Mr. Hold's brief
talk giving hoiihi facta regarding his
town and Itn advantages nn n home
and nchool center, which preceded
tho music, canto In fino and very dis
tinct, but Inter tho musical numborn
wero not so clear, although at tlmcH
very good.
It wnn tho privilege of tho writer
and one other of Mrs. Gnult's former
pssoclates In giving musical numborn
In Hums, to sit In nor former home,
right lit tho room where thoy had
hoard hor sing so oftott, nnd listen to
her voice coming to thorn from tho
Portland Orcgonlan tower, nt times
Just an plain and sweet as In former
yearn when she wan In the room. It
mado it all tho more plcasurcablc
and brought (he porsonal touch.
Tho numbers wero rendered by a
quartet of exceptional voices In that
they showed careful training ind ex
cellent volco. Mrs. Gnuli reudorcd
ono solo that won particularly pleas
ing to her old tlmo 'rlcnds in Burns.
Tho Oregonlnn broadcasting sta
tion In ono of tho populnr ones with
radio fans In Burns, yet It la not at.
clear and satisfactory as some nt a
groater distance. Two stations In
Loh Angeles, one In Oakland and
Calgary aro always more satisfac
tory. Whether this Is because of
stronger facilities or bonauMi nf tho
Cascade range rising abruptly be
tween hore and Portland, we are
uttablo to nay. r
Mr. Lotson and hln crew of assist
ants havo boon busy with tho trans
mission linen or tho light plnnt -during
tho pant work, with tho result
that much of tho diincultlcn that
havo hampered tho servlco In the
pnnt has been eliminated, and we
nro now enjoying service. Tho lights
l.ava not yet bean turned on In every
part of town an yet, boeausil the
havo not been entirely gone over
nnd Inspected, but the "short" nro
bolug taken out ns rapfdly ns thoy
aro round and It Is hoped to havo
tho entire system In order by Chrlnl
man when nil the patrons may be
W. C. Duvall, of Blltzon, wnu In
town during tho week.
- .
Entertainment Draws Large
Crowd to Witness; Clever
"Stunts" Are Put on.
Llborty Theatre wan packed
Thursday night to witness the an
nual "Fumblon" program or the Har
eoy County High. Tho ntunts pulled
by tho different clnnscn proved amus
ing und entertaining.
With such n mob of young people
It In natural that more or less confu
nlon may ho expected ami with oxccsii
onorgy coupled with n lot or mischief
tho small kUiro wan hnrdlv big
enough. Tho first thing to happen
thnt wan not. on tho program was
whon tho curtain wnn raised on tho
first ncono. Tho "fly loft" was
pretty woll filled with Interested
"spectators" In tho porson of groups
of ntudontn who wanted to soo what
tho freshmen woro going to put
"over" nn onch class kopt their par
ticular "ntunt',' to themselves; tho
curtain ropo "mysteriously" parted
whon It wnn almost up and It fell.
From that tlmo on there wasn't any
front curtnln and the stage nottlngs
had to bo changed beforo the aud
ience Of tho several "ntunts" by tho
four classes the 'sophomores were
voted first place by tho Judges ap
pointed to dccldo tho contewt, with
tho freshmen gottlng second place.
Somo very original things wero pull
ed off and those present enjoyed It.
Tho first numbor was two selec
tions by tho girls' glco club which
wore much appreciated then tho
freshman class hold a session or
school with many trying moments
ror tho "teacher" which caused much
morrlmont. It was labeled on tho
program American's "Future" Citi
zens. Tho Junior class then put on
tJto "Vanity Box" showing the in
terior or a beauty parlor with many
custpmer. These citntomtorn rep
resented people in various stations
In lire and there wero "somo types,"
Including the dude and the farmer
and his wire, tho "Happer," high so
ciety dames and also "Brldgot." It
wnn woll put on.
"Court Scenes-' was the title given
tho senior cIiimb number. It was put
nn ontlroly by hoys, but two or thorn
woro dressed as women. Tho rovc
nuo oincor that camo to Investigate
tho Btlll mado so ravorablo nn Im
pression upon tho daughter. Impor
somtcd by Arthur Thomburg, who
ton!; him for Walllo Hold, tho movlo
actor, that ho had trouble In finally
"gottlng" hln mon,
Tho sophomores had a motlorn
Jovo uffalr which was nctcd out on
tlroly In pantomlmo with n roader
giving n description of onch Bcono
rrom tho wings. It was vory clover
and nnd fo bo seen to bo appreciated.
Tho Judges certainly mot popular
m m
approval In awarding thin number
first p'rizo.
"Lady Luck" wan put on by Hal
Hlbbard, Burns McOowan and Ar
thur Thomburg in black face, Ar
thur retaining his woman makeup.
Thoy pulled some gags and then
gave two vocal selections that were
well rondored, although thoy Bang in
The girl sextette pat on "Long
Orcon Worm," In costume, all in
grcon and representing a worm, ser
pentined, At the close of their sing
ing, tho "moth" that was tho re
sult of tho gluttonous appetite of
the worm, camo forth In the person
of ilttlo Dorothy Leonard, who gnvo
a graceful dnnco that was highly ap
preciated. A good sum was realized from the
entertainment which goon Into tho
ntudent body fund to aid In paying
oxpenneB of tho activities of tho
Principal Sutton and his corps or
teachers gave tho school children
a Chrlatmas treat yesterday after
noon by taking them to tho Llborty
Thoatro and witnessing the exhibi
tion of tho Japanese earth quake
nconert and tho feature "Grumpy"
In whlch Theodore Roberts played
the lead. It proved very Interest
ing entertainment, and In addition
qutto Inotructivo as the scenes fol
lowing the carthquako In Japan gave
the children much to enlighten them
In the way of viewing the disastr
ous effects, a study of tho Japanese
pcoplo and tho country In general.
Each grndo wan accompanied by
their teacher and tho assemblage
was orderly. Tho children took a
great interest In the unraveling, of
tho mystery of a ntollon diamond
which "Old Grumpy" did in a more
or less exciting manner. Thoy cheer
ed him when he wnn on tho right
"track" and groaned very audibly
when they thought tho burglar wan
going to got away. The lovo affair
that made up tho pretty part of tho
story also came In ror much satisfac
tion to tho children ns they always
want It to ond with "and they lived
happily over aHer."
Fred Derrick, of the Herrlck Lum
ber Co,, was a visitor to Burns fur a
couple of days this week. Ho wnx
hero for a general conference with
his subordinates and discuss matters i
with our citizens. It was hoped thnt
during Mr. Merrick's vUit the site
for tho depot might bo determined
definitely, but according to lufor- '
matiou given this paper, tho matter
Is In tho handB of tho Union Pacific ,
ei.gluoers und will bo announced nt .
liri itluffttll illlln ta. linnn fnvn.ttitu I
. ., , , ... ,., . ...
to tho wishes of tho Citizens or this i
place who hnvo expressed their pref
erence. o
R. J. MclClnuIn li getting around
with the aid of crutches from uu at
tack of rheumatism.
Usual Exercises in Churchee
At 7:30 Monday Evening;
Community Tree, Also.
Tho churches of thh city have pro
vided suitable exercises for the Sun
day school chlldron of tho commun
ity and In each nf thorn, the Bap
tists, Nnzarena nnd Fresbyterlaiv
churches will bo held Christmas pro
grams and trees on Mondny night at
7:30 o'clock. Tho Elks aro furnish
ing the funds for a community troo.
nnd exorcises. This Order has ask
ed others to aid In thin and the pro
gram will bo ono or cheer nnd good
fellowship. Tho trco will bo follow
ed by general distribution of sultnblo
prcscntn and romembranecs to thoso.
who need it.
A Inrgc chorus of voices will bo
heard In Christmas carols nt t he
community tree. II. V. Hopper has:
been directing a largo chorus for
several weeks In general community
singing, giving aid at the Baptist
church and this chorus will be aug
mented on Christmas Evo by all the
singers It is possible to get at the
outdoor exercises. It Is hoped that
all who can will cheerfully Join In.
thin community singing and make J t
rousing. Copies of the carols will:
bo distributed and tho singers shottUL'
bo grouped in order to give it best
effect. Mr. Hopper desires that .alt
coroo forward who aro taking part
and nrrango themsolves according tn
the part they sing. Do this. Don't
stand back make It a real Christ-.
man service. The selections will be
"Hark Tho Herald Angels Sing,"
"Joy fo The World" arid "Sllenfc-.
Night," Familiarize ' tho words to
these selections.
The community (reo exercise are -to
bo held at 5 o'clock In ordor that
It will not conflict with the church
arrangements. The following to
handed in by an Interested party
giving details or the communltyob.--scrvatlon:
- .... "
A Community Chrlhtmas tree-un-der
the ausple.s of the churches,.
Elkn and America t Legion, will Ij
held on the vacant lot north of the
Lovens Hotel at fi o'clock 1. M. Mon
day, Dec. 24th, ID 2.1.
Tho hour of fi P. M. v:u fixed by.
tho Commltteo In order that the eill
dr.-r would h'avo an opportunity to
nttetid the Christmas oxorulse1 of
the churches at n later hour. The,
main feature of tho Community troo
will be a beautiful Illuminated?
Christmas troo, Christina carols and
a visit from "Santa Cluuw." Each
child will bo provided with a pack-
, , , . ...
ilfcU ill cumijr mm iiuiH, mill i in- re
lief committee headed by tho Row
C. A. Wnterhouso nt a later hour
will mako a dollvory of Christmas
packages. Tho following committees
have been appointed to carry out
the programme. Rev. Waterheusa:
will preside, prayer by Dr. Harm.
General Manager, E. H. Conger.
Securing and Decorating tree
James Olrard. Frank Kloubcher. '
Purchase of supplies, Harry Z.
Distributors of candy to children,
E. II. Conser, H. Z. Smith, J. J. Don
ogan. Distribution at home?, Ret. Wnt
erhouso, Chester Dalton, Madison
Richardson, Archlo McOowan.
MubIc, R. V. Hopper, Florabelle
Smlth, Mrs, Archie McGowan.
Communication with "Santa."
Archie McOowan.
- Everyone invited to nttond.
Marrlod-Sunday, December 'JfT
at tho home of tho bride's' parent's,
Walter J. Scott and Miss Lulu Bak
er, Rov. C. A. Wnterhouso perform
ing tho ceremony in the "presence of
tho immedtato family of tho .bride.
Shortly artor tho wedding tho newly
weds took their departure ror Wlnno
muaca. N'ovada whore thoy will mako
Ilinlr liTkniA Tint hrliln In Hm itnncli.
I tar of Mr. uurt- Mrs. Frank nukr,
j oldtlrao pioneers. Slid was for
I long time an operator on the local
I telephone switchboard in Sums and
oao of the dependable youat' wouuut
j who won tha friendship nnd appro
1 olatlou of the public. Mr. Scott is
a "rancher, bavins recency bought
a farm near WInaeraucca. Jfy Ja a
brother to. Allen aoatt, whq inarrteil
another Ialce,r girl. Tho many friend &
or tho brldo In thU vicinity wish her
a Itfo of happiness ns she woll do-serves.
i .'
t j -1 j - -
-- -m'