EEx3 MfBH.W5.iii..i,.M.'Wq"fc...i.ii.i,ftUiVtol.VrJi..Wl . T r " - ( ' U Vf ime W i- VOL. XXXV II BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 8, 1923 NO. 6 fUBJ.-BB.Pl &llrf&l? Vv V' 4, !:' 9 14 ir r fe I f- , COUNTY TAX COMMIS SION COMPLETES WORK Cut Proposed Budgets About $22,000; Market Road Levy it Eliminated. Tho Harney County Tax commis sion ban complotod ltn worlc of In vestigating tho tnx budgets and ad journed Wodnosdny night. In nil Ronio $21,000 wnn tnRon off tho road tnx hy ullinttmtlnK tho-market road tnx entirely nnd reducing tho genornt road lovy $5,000. Many of tho nchool dlntrlcL budgotn wore cut nnd tho mm naked for ndvortlwhiK purposes wnn reduced to $100. Thoro Ih nomo complaint about eliminating tho market road tux ns It leaven some uncompleted work thnt In n Iohh unless monna nro provldod to bo on. However, then still rc roalm In tho mnrkut road fund $13, 000 which may be used nnd If It could ho expended under county sup crvlnlon It could bo mndti to go n long way but undor tho ntntu high way supervision It wilt not. Tho tnx commission took nn nrhltrnry stand upon the market roid tnx bocnuio of the excessive "ovorhond" undor sUte hlRhway supervision. In it county aa large as Ilnrnoy whrro tho road mileage In bo great, tho market road program aa nor nppllod under the statd highway supervision la not .satisfactory. An instance In cited In the continuation of tho Pine creek road. The county built tbo Pine creek r.rndo for $1,800 a mllo. A market road cont'.tjuntlun of the natnn rond with Ion dlnlcult con struction has coat $8,000 it mile Tho fact In thnt marlrct roads undor highway supervision ora nothing less than real highway. They arc too expensive considering tho groat mil eage necessary. Tin uncompleted market road from Pine crook t Drewsey la a wan to as It stands to day, but could bo Hind j it good road at reasonable expanvi by the connty completing tt. The ntate tax hti been reduced some $10,000 thin ycu.k nnd with the asaount lopped off by tho county conmsslon It will bo quit a material reduction. tack of time to oxninii.o tho fln.t' report of tho commission will not permit n dutnlled rcsumi o( tho de liberations .this week but wc hopo to glvo It more extended consideration na anon nn tho flgum may be iwcnr ed. PROMINENT CITIZEN IIIKH Hl'DDE.VIV Tho pcnplo of this city woro ahoekod yesterday when told that James Shoppard had dlod shortly nfter noon. IIo had undergone an operation for appendicitis Monday and wan thought to bo recovering quite satisfactorily, therefore Ills death wh very unexpected. Mr. Shoppard was a married man nnd leaven a wlfo and four children, throo boys and ono daughter. IIo was an nctlvo mombor of the Odd Fellows and tho funeral will be con ducted by that Order from the lodgo rooms this afternoon at 1 o'clock ac cording to Information glvon out late yesterday afternoon. Aa tho typo for this Issuo Is nil set up tho evening before press day it was imposslblo to get further de tails of Mr. Sheppard's life but an obituary will be published in our next issue, He was a highly respect ed cltlxen and had boon a stone ma son and contractor In this city for many years. OOMPKTITION , FOIl GOVERNMENT All) (Doth Deschutes and Malheur coun ties havo delegations in Washington asking for government aid for Irri gation projocts, This was lonrnod through a tologram oarly in tho week and is furthor confirmed by press roports. Mainour county is asking thnt govornmont funds be used on the Owyhee project, Do schutos la always ready for anything progressive and its county judgo is in Washington to urge aid, Tho Har ney Valley Irrigation District is rep resented by u brlof filed by Secre tary Mothershoad but it may dovolop that a personal roprcsoutntlvo will go to urgo tho claims of tho local project and bring it boforo tho de partment in its raoat fuvorablo light. The Harney Valley projoct has many advantages In its clnlm for aid In that it in so much cheaper than tho other domandlng recognition thijt it surely will hnvo tho attontlon of tho department. It Is pointed out thnt tho govornmont it already in terested in projocts with acroago charges from $100 to $300 an aero but thoro In no movement toward farmers taking up tho propositions, but with productive, rich land such an is included In tho Harney vnlloy project at so much smnllor cost It in thought there In llttlo doubt but that farmers pf tho middle west nnd tho nioro thickly nettled farming dis tricts will he glnd to tako tidvnutngo of It. Wo Hhotild huvo glvon thin matter attention early in tho game. It would hnvo been bolter had wo boon bolter organized and )u a position to push our clnlm with such 'vigor that wo would hnvo had recogni tion over nny other project In the field. It hnn merit nnd could easily win If properly backed. o MORE FICTION LOANED IIV STATE MIIRARY Tho fallowing In a new list of flstlon Just received nt tho Public Library tin n loan from tho Stnto Li brary: Pnlno, It. I) Comrnden of tho Hollotig Ocenn. Farnol, ninck Hartlomy'n treasure Doland, Vehomont Flame. Masters, E. L 8kootorn Klrby. Ilonnett, Mr. Prohack. Benson, E. F, Miss Mapp. Dcnson, Potor. Qulllor-Couch, Foe- Farroll. Rrown, Old Crow. Dunsany, K. J. M. D. P. 18h baron. Don Itodrlguor. Caboll, J. II., Tho Rivet In grand father's neck. Babatlnl, Itafaol, Tho nnnro. Lngoriof, Tho Outcast. Hall, Aurora tho Magnificent. Hall, Lovo laughs Inst. McFoe, Command. kaye-Smlth, Joanna Goddcn. Hanson, Tho buslnons philosophy of Moses' Irons. Hardy, No. 13 Uuo du Hon Diablo. Reynolds, Oreen Valley. Webster, 11. K. Joseph Orccr and his daughter. Mlln, Mr. Wu. Ilono, Ilrokon Stowage. Mllnn, Red Houso mystory. Poolo, Millions. Hutchinson, This Freedom. Homer, The Iliad, tr. by Ilryant (Rlvorsldo lltoraturo nor.) Winchester, Tho Llfo of John Wesley. OK INTEREST TO THE I voi'Nrt pi-'opi.e OF IUIINK ' Not often docs -i man of nntlounl prominence find it posvlhln to visit overy part of his assigned district, nnd especially a city such as Hums, Isolated an It Is by lack of railroad transportation. Such a man Is to bo In Hums Bun day, Dec. U, nnd ho is coming es pecially In tho Interest of tho young people of tho city. W. T. Mllllken, D. D. Director of rollglous education of tho Oregon Tlnptlst Stato Convention, Is a nat ionally known man of prominence In his particular line of work. Tho young people of Burns, ro gnrdloss of any church affiliations nro Invited to hear him tit the Bap tist Church at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. he will conduct the usual sorvlcea. There will bo special sorvices at 3 P. M. Sunday especially for young people. Do not fall to hear him. Spoclal music by the choir with Mrs. A, C. Welcome rondorlng a holo. READY FOR BRIDGE WORK T. J. McDonald, who with R. E. Drake, has .the contract for build ing bridges for the Malheur Rail road from Durns to Seneca, informs us they have the pile driver in roadl neas for opeartlon and aro now wnlt ing for coal for tho englno. Thoy will begin work on the rlvor nt tho oast odgo of town and work from that point north. Thore aro sevornl bridges to be construotd In tho first eight miles nnd this will require con siderable time. Goo. W. Wright, who is now re siding on a stookralsing homestead about ton miles from Drewsey, waa in Duma this wook on bustnosa. Mr, Wright practiced law for many yoara but is now getting much satisfaction out of developing his stookralsing homostoad, finding both healthful rocroatlon nnd onjoyment in tho op MAN IS OVERCOME BY CARBON D.'OXIDE GAS Thomas Gibson Comes Near Losing His Life Sleeping In Closed Garage. Tom Gibson nonrly lost his llfo by sleeping in tho big stone storage portion of tho Hums Garngo last Monday night. Ho drove bin car in nnd having his camp bed along spread ll In ono corner of tho build ing to sleep Tor tho night. Thcro is n Dolco plant In tho building and during tho night novornl earn wcro driven in for ntorngo as 11 la frost proof nnd tho cars nro kopt from freezing tho radiators, Tho attend tint would leave tho door opon only long enough to drivo the car in when it would ngain bo closed and It would take several minutes to get tho car In position boforo thu englno wnn shut down. , During tho night with theso enrs coming In nnd tho Dolco plant running much corbonlc dlnxldo gas wan discharged. This wnn not noticed by tho nttondnnt ns he would remain but a short timo, but it had almost disastrous effects upon tho sleeping man nnd his dog. Charley Loggan camo into the building Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock and remarked to one of tho other employees that Tom was sleep ing late, but did not attempt to dis turb him. Charley took a car out of tho rear end of tho garage nnd up on finding an old dog belonging to Archie McGowan lying in the scat remarked that tho old dog seemed to bo gasping, Wllfard Laytho, who wan with him, said tho old follow was about to die from old ngo and .uid thoy both considered this re sponsible for his condition. Later it was discovered that Tom was un conscious and he was romoved for medical aid. Tom's dog win nlno ovorcomo and was taken out. At first little hopen woro enter tained for Mr. Gibson's recovery, but about 2 o'clock Wednesday morning ho regained consciousness nnd is now recovering. Mr. Mc Gowan'a dog died but Mr. Olbson's has revived. XOTICB TO JtEIIEKAllH Members of Silvia Rcbekah Lodgo No. 3 nre requested to bo prcHont nt tho regular meeting Dec. 18. This lodgo Is roquouted to send n Christmas bos to tho Odd Follows Home In Portland. Each member is nskod to bring or send a gift (wrapped) thnt will add Joy or com fort to somo child or old pcrbou who In enrod for thcro. Lot your gift holp fill tho box. Ily order of N. G. HELKNK DIGGS. Scc'y. o Rye Smyth Jr., wns In town this wook. m ' .i iwft"n a?j-yT-Ji'i--if PRINEVILLE PAPER COM MENTS ON ROAD ROUTE SuggeetsThrough Connection East and West by Burns; Some History Cited. (Prlnovillo Orogonltint t Thnt In doslrod to build a 32 mllo exteunlon from Crane to Uums to tho lumber resourced In tho Mal heur National forost wan tho notifi cation made November 24 by the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav igation Company to thu ihtcr-slalu commorco commission, n"cordlng to a story carried In tho Portland Tolo grnm. O-W. It. & N. Company officials In Portland ntntod thnt while the application in being made in tho name of their lino, tho work will really bo dono through tho Orogon Short Lino, another unit of the Un ion Pnclfic nyntoro, which operates tho existing lino from Ontario to Crnne, continues tho story. Tho purposo of tho oxtonnlon is to connect with tho common carrier road which In to bo built botween D'urnn and Soncca by tho Horrlck timber interests. This announcement confirms what local people havo long helloved thnt the Union Pacific is back of the Hor rlck Interests In their railroad de velopment In the Hums district nnd gives additional ground for tho rum ors that havo porslstently como from the district whero the work is going on that tho ultlmato destination of tho extonslon Is a connection with tho Deschutes canyon" lines and the securing of tho vast timber tonnago of Crook county. Evor nlnce tho Oregon Short Lino was constructed through Dakor and LaGrando, the company and Its suc cessors) have maintained control of tho right-of-way rights to survey, through this part of tho state and the story is told with many facta to glvo It credence how the surveyors stakes woro changed in tho final re port at the time of the building of tho road and tho southern route madu to nppear more difficult than tho present ono and how tho matter wns called to the attention of tho president of tho rond at that time. Ho is said to hnvo ordered another nurvcy, to have found that the route wns not only shorter but required less mountain climbing, and to have secured tho right-of-way rlk-hts. Tho editor of thin paper Is porsonnlly acquainted with mtn who woro em- ployed on thnt first survey and who for years held Interests In tho Iro Iated Interior of Oregon, waiting for tho construction of the rond. If. O. II. S. Tho second term camo to a closo this wook with exams on Thursday and Friday. GOT I-llS EYE ON HIM Just two wcoko now and tho Holi day season will bo here. Tbo Christmas-New Year vacation will last two weeks. As a, closing ovent for the year 1923 the students decldod to produce the annual Fumbles show on Thurs day evening December 20th. The various classes are planning on spec ial numbers as are other groups. The goneral committee reports enthusi asm and spirit in class rivalry and promlaos an evening if possiblo more onjoyablo than evor. An ordor of tho II has been organ ized nmong those entitled to tho letter. Thin evening a feed prepar ed by tbo members will be given at tho school. As guests, thcro will be somo of tho men who assisted during tho football season. A lively time, in In oosnlon for nil attending. It in hoped thai all hands survive rtho cooking and talks. Tho debating squad Is busily work ing theso dnys getting material. Tho question for Southern Oregon Is "Resolved, thnt the United States government should own and opernto tho coal mines of this country." And tho order of tho II, threatens to ccllpso all other stunts at tho "Fumbles." Thoy promise to deliver a fun raising, mirth provoking, side splitting number which will make tho girls green with envy. Don't forget the date, Thursday. December 20th. , WE HAVE ELECTRIC LIGHTS NOT Much satisfaction was expressed last Monday when It wnn discovered that the electric lights were burning fon the streets and in tho several places of business whore tho lights had not boon turned off from pro- yloun uso. It was discovered thai Roy Moullcn had been instruotcd by the now ownors of tho plant to ntnrt up nnd get tho "shorts" out of tho Ilncu, otc. Roy had dono that and decided that slnco there was sufficient water at tho power plant at the mill to run hu would givo us Illumination but .... A U1.1.., ...h.ll. UUUUl D U tlUtft there was one of tho worst wind I . . ,, ,, . , . , , . ,, , , , supervision. It would nt least place storms wo have witnessed hero for ' ,' ....... . ,,,.., ... i. .i, ..i i.j.ii.,1,.. .. ,i.v,,no management of tho financial af- a long time and "blink" went th . ,.. , ., , . , ...,, , .. . . fairs of tho schools on a more busl- llghts. Many poles on the transmis- ,,,,,. . . ,. , '. .i.. u ..-.I." . a .u. .., I "e" Hko bails and has resulted sat- muii iiiia ucinuvu iurii uuu tun juiii had blown down and so mixed the wires that they had to bo turned off. Now Roy doesn't know what to do. He could reset the poles but they uru in poor condition and he doesn't t Vrmu u.)i it Itoi itiA ttfu-i njwittlr , would Hko to have them cut off and riwt or Whethr thoy would prt-rcr , i,vi,. ...ti,. n.nrarnM . Kaj without lightsIn fnct never ' aid hnvo thorn but for a short time. It Is hoped tho now owners will come in at once. They had Intond ed bulng huro br'.oro this fctd have service. Nelson Wllbor who resides over on tho Stinking Wnter near Drewsey was a visitor on business In the city on Tuesday driving over In his now-Star. i WIDE DIFFERENCE IN COST OF EDUCATION Tax Commission Investiga tion Discloses Startling ' Figures in Schools. Tho Harney county tax commis sion hnH been in session at tho court houso during this week, making aa Investigation of tho budgets submitt ed by tho various tax lovylng bodies) In order to arrlvo at a basis for tho taxes for the coming year. All thot members uro presont and tho work. presonta many problems. Tho most startling discovery sov far Is tho manner of conducting ther affairs of tho school districts of tho county nnd ono that is having ser ious consideration. Whon tho per capita tax for the education of chlld ren covers a rango from $37. DO as' tho lowest to $650. GO It is tlmo'that somo way be provided to economize.. Those figures woro disclosed upon Investigating tho budgets of thar school districts In Harney county.. Some remedy must be found, to get: the schools on a moro business like basis. Whether this means a county unit plan as has been adopted in. some counties of Oregon and Is ln operation in several other states, or some other manner Is devised is ap to those who will make a study of tho situation. In several of tke dlstricts the per capita runs up Into, the hundreds, $124, $13C, $2G0, etc. are found. The investigation shows that tha I Harney county high school costs- $132 nor student and tho unien: . hjh rchoo, a( Crane COjtB $i72 Jar vtudent. School Districts that hnvo been putting nsld6 a ntlpulatod amount--, each year nn a sinking fund to re- -tire bonds aro found to have ho, funds on hand. , i na i unet-iienjiu nan ucnu incun- ' ,, , ,. ., . . - .. .- Isfactorlly in other places. Tho writ er is told thnt somo counties that havo adopted this plan donlro nx change but If no It hux not been' much ngltated In the paper-. Statu Supt. Churchill Is authority for the 8tatomon ,l ,8 u !' """"V 8 r iryinB mo ,,bM aiul thttt ,l ,H "uccessful In oth- cr Mates. People nro not usually opposed to ri prhtni tnx a, they ren It to thu Im portance of the schools, yet, It ap pears the taxpayers do not gIVe tholr school district affairs tho clone .tudy "they should. There should ho nnd ' is aomo way that the cost of edu- 1 . eating chlldron inn bo hart nt less IIIIIII 9UOU.OV. The tax commission will glvo tha matter further study nnd considera tion; In this connection it might bo well to stato that Harney county hns $350,000 delinquent taxes and of this much will not bo collected ns it is on dry land thnt is abandoned In many Instances. This is really what tho tax commission is confronted with. It Isn't very comnllmontarv to the county but Is Indicative or what all of the eastern nnd central part of tho stato la facing. It Is a condition that reflects the result or tho land hungry people who settled upon the dry homesteads back In 1909 to 1016 with the expectation of making dry farming a succoss'or the hope of Irrigation that Is so re mote that thoy havo given up ex pecting it. MOTHintH . (Contributed) Tho Mothers Club met at tho homo of Mrs. I. S, Geer on Thursday nttornoon of this week with Mrs. George Simmons as Joint busters. $10 was donated to tho Albertlna Korr Baby homo at Portland. As n dlvorsion following tho busi ness session a gumo of grogrcssivo peanuts was plnyod with Mrs. WRL Gould winning first honors nnd Mrs Fred Goyt second. Tliii was much enjoyed by tho gucsta nnd was fol lowed by rofroahmonts. The. noxt meeting of tho Club will bo nt tho homo of Mrs. John Cald- I well on Docombor 2p. o . Frod Otloy was up from bla home at Lawen yosterdny. V ; J&-. ' 'WW1......' I. .1 .w-f .. ,.,:Hij iKlllWllUlHIWIIMIfcimifrwWWMl WBti4in'.iMntMmi iiwiiw rt ' jL H&&lia t . ' ;- . -j, fjuferfiMbfte, -,.v-i..nTa&a$i i it ifhrrftfr i i . &irAAJL3lL iMi'tLVC U. "