The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 10, 1923, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Hitluitlny, Novutntx'f to, jouh
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To be featured at the Liberty, Wednesday, Nov. 14
The HkhiB or twonty-two Austral
Inn opossums woro required to make
up the now, raro opossum-fur coat
worn by Gloria Swnuson in soma of
tlio scenes of her latost Paramount
picture, "Hor Husband's Trade
mark," which will bo presented to
night at tlio Liberty theatre.
The beautiful fur of the Australl
ian black and white oitossum utid
the black opoiwuni is tlio nowost
thing in fashions, but Is a raro pro
duct and is polilom soon outside of
the most exclusive circles.
aented "A Poor Kclatlon" In Its
staKO version.
An unusually flue cast, headed by
Sylvia Hreamor, supports Will Itog
ers. The young hero Is played by
Wallace MacUonald, who, during the
making of thu picture. nbuntt)d him
self long enough to marry Doris May.
Sydney Ahuworth, one of the most
charming personalities in filmdom ns
usual Iniperoonates a wily and oily
vllllnu. Molly Maloue, llttlt Robert
I)e Vilbltss and Jenuettu Trobaol are
the boy and girl mtimbers of tlio
Claraucs Iladgor, who has dlrcctod
Will Hogers In his last twolvo con-
tnyed thoro until tlio Atlantto Ocean
run) ovar so that ho couldn't go out
igain on board the schooner. Act
ing as holmrtnmn, he "pointed tlio
nose" of tho aehoonor a trlflo too far
into a head hrouKo with tho result
that tho craft voorod, and tho actor,
not knowing what wan bound to take
pluco, continued to lean down heavi
ly on tho wheel.
"Scnrcoly boforo I know what had
happened, I found myself burled In
salt water and about tho time I had
decided I had gouo overboard my
head and Hhouldern lilt the rail. Tho
uoxt 1 knew 1 was laid out on thu
nttardock with i blmikut over mo,
feeling as If I had fallen out of an
airplane, with the crow of flshormeu
ha-ha-Ing every tlnto I discovered n
new soro muscle," says Mr. Imrtuol
muss. "1 don't u u il urn t a ml thu technicali
ties of it yot, but I know now that
when a boat suddenly vuora around
I want to be any place except at tho
wheel. It was explained to me that
I should have thrown tho wheel
over, ho that the rudder would not 1
navo ueeu ngauiHi uiu wuoio woigiu
of tho bont and when I failed to do
no, tho wheol went over any way and
I was thrown over onto tho deck,
and tho boat dipped so far over that
it shipped a ton or two of salt water,
"I understand now why Maine
fishermen are so hardy. Those who
aren't don't live long enough to com
plete a fishing trip."
Mrn. Kthol Chnffln. head ilwlgnor , Hcoutlvo Goldwyn pictures, directed
nt tho Lasky studio, secured only J t"o star In "A Poor notation." Tho
nftor much time and search, the ten
black and whlto opossum skins and
the twolvo black opossum skins with
which the coat Is made. Mrs. Chilian
doslgoud this stunning now croatlon
especially for Miss Swanson to wear
In this picture.
Tho star also wears six vory lavish
stylo creations and two boautlful
and striking negligees In tho pic
ture, In which beautiful clothes aro
a noocsvary feature of the Uiumu of
the story.
Sam Wood directed the picture.
Tho original story was written by
Clara llcrauger and the scenario by
Lorn a Moon. Itlchard Wnyuo and
Stuart Holmes havo the leading mulo
rolci aud others In tho cast are Lu
clen Llttlcfield, Ghurles Ogle, Kdytho
Chapmun and Clarence Burton,
picture is faithful to the original
play and tho photoplay star Is suro
to win the encomiums that were
earned by the lnt Sol Smith Uuilt
in alio original stage piny.
Alao a aport review reel.
;oriii rAitiN uov
HoueviT, It N Only One of .Many
In IMcituiv "A Daughter
Of Luur."
DiMrjii't Waul Tr.ui-Atlntith'
After Hwa lturlnHiK,. In
"Tho Seventh J)j"
Ufo on the hi I in" wave x fr
aa Itlohard I)urthel(ii'-i Is roucem
Iod, In the future N goitttf to co'ivlst
of staterooms on traut-Atluntle lln
on or palutlal prlvu'o yucliw. Dur
ling the filming of "The Soenth
Day," the Inspiration Picture fea
ture distributed na a First Nal.'onil
l ... .I- i...., ,.
nuincuuu, naii'ii mil ii mo aiiruv-
Hon at the Liberty Theatre on Fri
day. Nortmber 10 Mr. Bartholtum
spent alx daya as u member of the
j crew of a fiahiujc schooner. He do
J clarea that It waa Just rive and one
: L'f daya too long.
of the moat popular In the atory of "The Seventh Day" i
tho character of
"A Poor Itcliulnii," uhlch htyttl for
Tlihtj-oiio Yeai-. PrwriiUMl
An Photo CoiiHMly
Edward IS. ICIdder't "A Poor Ha
lation." one
osmadUK ever written, has at lust the star portrays
found lt way to the screen lu tho
latest Goldwyn atarriiig vehicle for
Will Rogers. Tho picture whloh, as
a play, iiiude tho lato Sal Smith Rus
ell famous, will be shown ut the
Liberty theatre Wednesday,
Will Itogcrs Impersonates tho
philosopher-Inventor, Noah Vale and
glvos one of tho superlative porfonn-
r aucos of his career. This character
has been played for tho past thlrty
m. one years by nearly overy notoworthy
.character actor, and there aro few
utock companloa that have not pro-
John Aldan. Jr., who Ib serving his
apprenticeship In a fishing fleot
prior to assuming command of his
own bora. Many of the scenes call
for actual operation of tho boat by
Mr. narthelmoss and while it sounds
simple, he found it anything but
One incident of his career as John
Alden, which vtus regarded as a
Bplendld Joko by tho Maine fisher
men who niado up tho crow, confined
the star to his bod for throo days and
If he had had his wuy, ho would havo
A beautiful girl with her hair
hanging down hor bnok, her ahoiw
off in a hotel room alone with a
married man! This Is tho startling
situation In which Agnes Ayros,
Paramount star, finds herself In hor
role of Mary Fenton In her now pic
ture, "A Daughter of Luxury" whlrli
will he a feature at the Llb rty
theatre Sunilav.
The situation, however, which-tm
nvd lately convey tho Idea of cun
ilal proves to b the most Innoct-m
Mary ronton, the churneT plujr.l
by Mlw Vyrcs, hungry, pontine i:u
hom,eled. soea n man whom nho
thinks to be an old friend from her
former home town. Shu aeaoata him,
then discovers she bus iiiriIo a mis
take. The man, aoulug she Is faint
with hunger, luvitee her to 'Hue. She
They find the only ten room lu
that section hns Just closed. He sug
gests that they go to hlj room and
ho will order tea nnd cake sent up.
fiho wavers betwoeu proprily and
hunger and finally yield to hunger.
After the tea, during which h ro
movus hor show to rest her aching
feet, ahe aUiuds In front of thu inlr-
! ror to redrew her hair no uln niHy
once more start ont In search of a
Job. It la at this point that uhe ia
discovered by u goaaip.
Out of thbt complication grow. tho
big climax of the atory, when Mary,
to save the honor of the mnn who
bus befriended her. allows him to
Introduce her to the goaolp ltd hi
ulstor-ln-law, uu hulreee, and thus is
orccd to play tho Impostor during a
good part of tho remuliider of tho
story, nnd suffer the humiliation of
final exposure A Jowol robbery Is
ouo of tho big Incidents.
Tho picture Is an adaption by
Iioulah Mario Dlx or tho play "Tho
Impostor," by Loonurd Merrick nnd
Mlchntl Morton. Tom (Jallory ploys
opposite tho star.
A golden dIh ur of ntorlc- Is lu pro
pirntlon for 1924 rondure of Thb
Youth'H Companion. There will bo
stnrlns of Wustorn ranch life and
thrilling adventure; Htorlcs of gump
tion lu getting n Job nnd making a
suecoss at it; ntorlen of lively scrlin
inugcB on tho nthlotlo field foot
hall, baseball; stories of girls In
ncliool nnd college and working tliolr
way In the world of buatuoss; ntortea
of tho old fin in folks do-vu lu Malno,
told iulmltahly by C. A. Stephens;
aturlos of Gulob Pensluo'n shrowduusH
and horse hoiimo; hIotIoh of resource
fuliioes and pluck In sltuntlotiN or
danger nnd extremity; etorles of thu
nra and of tho mountains stories to
plonse every fancy of old renders and
joung, for renders who love tho
story of character and for those who
like best tho atory of swift action.
It will be a grout year In tho history
of Tho Youth's Companion.
Tho 02 Issues of 1024 will bo
orowdod with serial otbrlon, short
Htorlos, editorials, poetry, facts and
fun. Suhscrlbn now unit rncnlvo;
I 1. Thu Youth's Companion G2 Is
sues In 1924.
2. All the romnlnlng Istues of 1923,
2. Tho Companion Home Calendar
tor 193 1. All for I2.G0.
4. Or Include McCnll's Magazine, thu
monthly authority on fashions.
Iloth publications, only $3.00.
Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St.,
Iloitou, Mtiaa.
New subscriptions received nt this
igjrriTvT' 7itMagasBaJBEgBaaaaaajBjBjBaaajaaa
JWWWllW.wl.WwwWWI,WMIilllfllPt.l H
SWahiHaHiiiaJtu iimi t4iH Misaaf ajSifcak-eUaOeejaifHiV1
mtmmimmmmimmtt e-t jite .i iwii in
Lool:lcg nt the nrw (oiiclng car from tho tide, yon are nt once
hvcrnhly (iiiiciimhI with tlia tflcct el, inoto Rf nccful line
cocurrd by ciitarginR tho cowl and rnltlug tlio tndUlor
SUmlns wimlthlrld nnd onc-nvwi top lend trmtalnl aid In Riving
tho entire car n lower, mow mylUh nppojrance.
An apron comwjaltiR tho radiator with tho Irtuler Uru U nlto
n deeidrd Inipruvcmcnt.
A comfort bmra much aprirrcitcl by owner, U tlio nddldonal
Iflt room provided by the nilarcenient oi tlio cowl
Allow ut to ihow you the cntlw lln ol new Ford enn now on
dhpljy In our show room.
TArjr run tan be obtained ihrotttk
the Ford Weekly I'urchaie Plan.
liurn, Oregon
xm j & . mmmmmmr
Feature at the Liberty Theatre Tonight
' .yV stlnn TTr.rcti a krric
iWll !JP??ttl2l
i jkjjjjc JXLjnjru.j
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-T i i ill in i J i 'I " i ! 4I t
School Chlhtri'ii Alu'd to Help Lo
cate niM'IIHO Of Wlllll) IMtlt) 'Hill
lllack Cttrriiiit Host
The third whlto plno hllalor rust
odiioatlonal cnmpolgii condiiutud by
the feileral aud state plant pnlholo
glsts nud thu school oh lid nut Is un
der way In Oregon. ThU l the flmt
timu the onmpatKii for rra Ileal Inn of
the dlawtse eo fatal to w)ilt plno liaa
leeii put on In ouateru Orognu.
"it was hopd that only the wi-l
cm part of the itnt would he In
vaded b) this foroot dlaeajw." wild
L. N. OooUdlng. lu charga of the
Oovernmeni'a ahsn of the campaign,
"but targe urea In Washlugtor. and
aoutheru Canada In climatic sltuit
lions similar to that of unsteru Ore
gon have become Infeclod, showing
Hint the dlnems will hpread uniler
favorable aoiidltiun Wo shall havo
to carry thu campaign into I ho east
ern Oregon regloiiH and do what wo
can to eradicate the cult; vat oil black
ourrnntH through whloh tho disease
spreads from plno to plno."
liivJeetlgutlotiB have alinwn Hint
the rust will spread from plno to
black currant for a illvUuii of lbO
mllea. Iloiice so long as there aro
black currants near white plno for-
ua ,nuu uinvuMoii piuoe wiiniu a
rndlua of 180 mllea the etirranta aro
i HJtely to become Infected nud carry
the dread dlsaa to the piue troea.
The fast rate of travel Indicates
the need for getting tho black our
raiitH out of Oregon in a hurry.
School olllcurs nro cooperating nnd
will Instruct tho children In locating
the black currants and assist lu lo-
eating any disease If present.
AHer the plantings are located
) tho owners will bo asked to coopor-
j nto with tho forest forces In dostroy-
' till' tllfim Tin. omintu .....- in
... ......... . ,.u kuuiii; UKUIIla Will
also assist In looking aftor thin work i naked tho traveler,
of cloanlng out thu disease bearers. '
Alroad 00 por cont of tho 30,000 t
fkf li uln nrn Imtn l.n... .1.. a '
i fjoisv
Thu mn ' tho ear inppwd to
look at 111.' KOmMoektua: fam Tae
fields worj yleldlug targe i.r -p; the
stork win In fln condition. Wl
ntado shd.i houe the iitweal and
mqet efflriPii farm inaililnPtv ntid an
auto for trrvel.
"How nnny pig 1ihv you?" a-k
ed the traveler.
"Joat a liuudred nud nine," wild
the fanner. "That hour ovr you
der look first prlzo nt (ho county
fair. He'a a full blooded Duroo."
"You certainly know how to ralar
plga. Mr. Tar mar." j
"I ought to; I've sure made n
tudy or raising hogs. You havo to ,
gut good etock nnd thtin ralne thcni j
"Your corn looks fines. Ion." I
"Yon, It's going to bu n bumper j
l aiiffifinuii ntiilimli rmitfl rt
o....i. ...f wm yon
ourn around hero," vuntured tho
"Anybody thnt'tt a inlnil to loam '
how and willing to work. You have
to know how to raise com; yon have
to know tibout the Mill, and the d.
and how to raise the crop. I've got
the beat machinery uuywhoro around
and It pays. A man can't afford Ihoso
duys to buy Inferior stock or tools;
and then he's got to keep uvorlast
Ingly on tho Job."
A child canto running out Into the
yard, brown as a berry, but tbln and
sloopy looking,
"How many children bare you?"
Sin!'" npl'Hd tho raiser of prlxe
plgt "Sumo family, oh?"
Ami 1 snppoa" votj aud your wlfo
havo made a atudy of how to rnlsu a
1T - fuijlli of i 'illdrii?"
"Now oM'rr kiddln' me! I reek-
n what'a good enough for their
dad i got"! enough for them."
"Bnl la It? Yon don't eipsot your
mat! plga to ent what your big hogs
eat. You don't make prize hogs (lint
way. When you're growing a prlxo
pig you don't any 'it's going to got
no more than Its mother hud,' bitt
J 'What ilnoH this pig need?' and
i that pig won't got II unless you give
It to him. You know overy point bf
; n prlxe hog; do you know overy point
of a prrxu n-yonr-old girl or boy? Or
In 10-Vuar old? Or n 2-yoar old?"
"'Penra us If Ifn golu' to rain,"
Id tho farmer "I'll have to bo
getting the cultivator under tho
ahod. It's new thin your and I
j don't want It to got wot and rust. If
I you want to keep good machinery
Just havo to take caro of It."
"Hero. ilr. Is tt won
't complete course lu
llook Ag'-nt
dwfnt rnliiuir
oratory "
Mr. Iltmry Peek: "llnvon't you
got Hoinuthliig llku a courso In back
talk 7 I nm u married man."
. O '
Hnoeplo: "I sou by the newspapers
that chorus girls In Loudon nro now
I wearing monocTos."
; Snappier "Well, as the saylar
1 goes that la better than nothing,"
known plants have been dug out.
Coming to the Liberty ThtMttre Sunday, Nt. 11
Feature at the Liberty Theatre Friday, November 16
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