!V V 4 ' I lv HAturdHy, November 8, IMA X II H T I M M S H 18 R A L D BURNS, II A ft W I) If OOl'M'TV O II M G O N PACM? . NO MORE RATS or aMe. after yow mm KAT-HNAP It' ! rodent killer, Try m Pk. kn prove It. KM killed with RAY-0NAP leave no inmII, Catj or rig won't touch It. Guaranteed. 88e nine 1 cake enough for Pantry, Kltehen or Cellar, He lee oakea for Chicken He, eoope, r small building, 1.M irfiifl eakeo - enough for nH fame, and ent-lMilldlng, storage hattting, er factery building. ftcM and Qnnrmiteed by Reed Breakers, m4 I. 8. Geer A 0. -Advertisement CORRUPT POLITICS Election camu round mid Lltn mild Jior man wan going to vnto for thu Domocrntn. Bho wnn askod why ho hnd mado tliln decision. Liza rtnlcl It wan becauso tlio Republicans Imd offered lilin mora for hln voto tlinn tlio Domocrntn. "Hut, Lira, ono would" think that would bo tlio vory roiiHon bo would votu tlio Ropubll can tlckot." "No ma'am I" film ro jtltcil, "that proven for nlio that tlio Democrats Ih tlio Ioiih' corrupt." KAHV ONK, NICXTI Teucher: "What Ih no engineer?" Wlllle: "Man who runs an en Kino." Tenchori "Correct. And what In R pioneer?" Wlllle: "Mun that tuncn n piano." IN RANKHUPTCV IN TUB DISTRICT COUItT OF THE UNITED 8TATK3 FOR THK DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of N. II. Voegtly. a bankrupt. To tho creditors of N. II. Voegtly, of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, a bankrupt. Notice Is hereby Rlvon that on the 32nd day of October A. D. 11)23 tho above named N. II. Voegtly was dul adjudged A bankrupt In tho above entitled Court! that tho firm moot ing of bis crodltors will bo hold In my oulcu In tho Tonawnma IlulldliiR, Ilurns, Oregon, on tho 10th duy of Novuniber A. I). 1023 at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., nt which time tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine tho bankrupt, elect a .trustee mid transact such eth er business as may proporly como be fore such meetings, Dated at Durns, Oregon, this 20th day of October 1923. SAM MOTHHR8HEAD, Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICK TO CRKIHT0R8 In the matter of tho estate of Wil liam Stirling, deceased. NOTICK IS HEHKBY OIVKN that the undorslgued has boon appointed administratrix of tho nbovo entitled estato and nil persons having claims against tho raid ostato nro hereby notified to prusont tho same, veri fied as by law required, to my at torneys, BlggB & IllRgs, at their of fice, In Ilurns. Oregon, within six months from tho date of tho first publication hereof. Dato of first publication, October (tn 1923 JESSIE W. STIRLING, Administratrix of tho ostato of Wil liam StlrlliiK, deceased. NOTIGH TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned baa boon duly uppolnted administratrix of the estate of L. N. Stallard, deceased, by tho County Oeurt of the State of Oregon, for Harney County, and that she has qualified. All persons having claims against said estato are heroby not ified to present them, duly verified aa by law required, to me at my resi dence near Drewsey, Oregon, or at Mm Office of nay attorney J. 8, Cook, Bvras, Oregon, within six Months frfena the date of this notlee. Bt4 October th, 123. NANNW B. STALLARD, Administratrix. UnU l7 II weu WHAT'S THE. ) JU9T ANoniEC I iHAT RESeARCU WOfX. tS TOUGH 3UWfc'm,'S AFTE?N0OM HAOV-Mf IP HE 1 1 fVKllt YOU 5EE THE ULB 1 1 FUTILE I nUmC MATTEn ? voU LOOK. iHACP PAV AT nrS( I PENT THE ENTIEB MORMIMU. W0. JOB fWAfTT HURT KICKEP HM THE OPPOSITE TACff sweet s la ;"ce- !rA'SKHr,:( rrdsrr lrsss rsarjsa 7i UffLiLtl 1SPnWiirTl LfafaW3 P'NP OUT HOW TO WARM- M W MCKEP BV A Uyi H)M AWAy ALL He' UCH A LOW WALW.ER. bt tf .1 HOMF V nlJBnmlV 1 PinWfcTllriSii' fc 1fisss BuT Mor' HURT Mg5!lvf panhoulp Xthat it TOOk ha ALL . 611'0 o NOTIGH OF, FORFKITURK To tho unknown heirs of William Bugone Uurgctt, decoased, their heirs, executors, and administrators; and also any other porsons, or par ties unknown claiming any right title, estate or Interest In or to the mining claims hereinafter montloned Miner's Dream, Crown Point, Jumbo, Jumbo No. 2, Bllvlnite and Blue Lend, known as the Gold Gulch Group, situated on Gold Guleh, a tributary of Trout Creek, la the Har ney Mining District, Harney County, State of Oregon', and recorded In the Mining Records of Harney County, Oregon, and affidavits of annual aaeeisments and expenditures filed In the" office of County Clerk of Har ney County, Oregon. Take Notlee that I have eipended, In labor and Improvements upon said group of quarts mining claims JflOO aeh year for the years of 1921, 1022, 1023, ending June 30, 1023, and If within nlnoty days after this uotlco by publication In the Times Herald, n nowspapor of general cir culation, published nt Damn, Ore Iton, you fall to contrlhuto your pro portion or Hiich expenditure, vir.: $900, bolng 1300 for each year, your Interests In tho nbovo claims will bo forfeited to, mid becomo tho proper ty of tho subscriber and co-owner under flection 3324 of tho Revised Statutes of tho United Statoii. Dated nt Ilurns, County of liar nc, State of Oregon, this 22nd day of September, 1923. O. J. DARST. SUMMONB IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATU OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY, John R. Jenkins, Plaintiff, v. Tilghman . Albrltton, Defendant. To Tilghman O. Albrltton, defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATU OF OREGON: You are hereby required and di rected to appear and answer the complaint riled against you In the above entitled suit on or before tho last day of the tlmo prescribed In Hit ordor for publication of this numinous, tu-wll, on or before the 3rd day of Novembor, 1923, said dato being tho oxplratlon of six wooks from tho date of tho rirst publication or this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demanded In his complaint, to-wlt: A Judgment and dceree against you for the sum of $600.00 with in terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 17th day of May, 1918, and for the further sum of SCO. 00 as attorneys' foes; and for his costs and disbursements In this suit; and that certain mort gage mado and executed by you to John R. Jenkins on thn 17 day of May, 1918. for tho mini or 1500.00 on Lot 3, Section 7, Twp. 2G S. HniiRO 33 E. W. M. bo foreclosed and that thu usual decreu of foreclosure bo enteral and that said property be nolil to-satlsfy tho sums duo upon thn principal, Interest, attorneys' fees, costs and disbursements an pro vided for In said noto; and that you bo required to appear and pay said sum or sums above mentioned, and that if you fail to do so, that r.ald mortgage will bo foreclosed and you will bo forovor dobarrod and enjoin ed from claiming or nsBortlng any right, tltlo, Interest, lien or estate In or to tho said real proporty there in described, advorse to the pluln tiff heroin, save and excopt tho right of redemption. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. R. T. Hughet, Judgo or the County Court for Harney County, Oregon, made and entered on the 21st day of September, 1933. The date of the first publication of this summons is September 22, 1923; the date of the last publication of this summons is November 3, 193:1, BIGGS ft BIGGU, Attorneya for Plaintiff. Post eftce and residence address, Barns, Oregon. SUMMON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATE OF OREGON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. John R, Jenkins, Plaintiff, vs. ALUIUTTON TOWNS IT! J COM PANY, a corporation V. C. Albrlt ton, II, 0. Albrltton, Clara Loch rldgo, oxocutrix of tlu ciUnto of R, H. Lochrldgc, deceived, J. J. Rad ford J. L, Luwla, Jr., mid H. H. Greason, n co-piirinor.-ililp doing business under thu fit in name and style of LEWIS, RADFORD .1 COMPANY, Defendants, To T. C. Albrltton, II. C. Albrltton, Clara Lochrldgc, executrix of the estate of R. E. Lochrldge, deceanod, J, J. Radford, J. L. Lewis, Jr., and R. II, Creatien: IN TIU3 NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Each ol You Is required and dl roctod to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the abova outltlod suit on or before the last day of the dato prescribed In tho order of publication of this sum mons, to-wlt, on or boforo the 3rd day of Novombor, 1923, sahtdato be ing tho expiration of nix wooks from tho first dato of publication of this Hiimmous, and If you rail to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho tourl for tho rollof domunded In hln complaint, tewlt: A Judgment and docroo against you for the sum of $2260.00 togoth or with Interest thereon at tho rate of t por oont per annum from the 21st day of Novomber, 1921, and for the further sura of $225. 0e as at torneys' fees; and for his costs and disbursements of this suit; and that certain mortgage made and executed by the Albrltton Townslte Company, a corporation, to John R. Jenkins on the 21 day of November, 1914, for the sura of $2250.09 and recorded at page 418 Dook V of Mortgage Records for Harney County, Oregon, be foreetosed and that the usual de cree of foreclosure be entered and tbat the said property be sold te sat isfy the sums due upon the principal, Interest, atorneys' fees and cost and disbursements as provided for In said noto; and that oaoh of tho said defendants bo required to appear and sut forth their right, title, In terest, lion or estato, If any, In and to tho nald property and that If you full to so appear that your right, tltlo, lntero.it, lion and estate be fore closed and that you and each of you be forever debarred and enjoined from claiming or asserting any right, title, Interest Hen or estate In and to the nald property described In nald mortgage adverse to that of the plaintiffs herein, save and except the right of redemption; that all of the right, title, Interest, Hen and estate of the said defendants herein, and each of thorn, bo declared subse quent and Inforlor to tho rights of tho plaintiffs herein. This summons Is published by or dor of the Hon. R. T. Hughot. 'Judge of tho County Court for Harney County, Oregon, mado and entered on the 21nt day of September, 1923, The dato or tho first publication of this summons Is Soptember 22, 1923; tho dato of tho last publica tion of this summons Is Novombor 3, 1923. I1IGGS & I1IOGS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Post offleo and rcsldonce address, Durns, Oregon, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlco Is horeby Riven that Bertha W. Griffith and J. W. HtRga, executrix and executor of the cstuto of Carl C. Griffith, deceased, havo rondered and presented for settlement their final account of their administration of tho said estato. That Monday, tho 13th day of Novem ber. 1023, at tho hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Connty Court House, Hums, Harney County, Oregon, has been appointed as tho time and place for hearing objections to tho said final account, and all persons having objections thereto should appear at tho aald time and place and show causo, if any exist, why the said final acconnt should not be approved and allowed. Bertha W. Griffith J. W. Blgga Exrculrix and executor of the estate of Carl C. Griffith, deceased. etegar nan gSBsPwP FOR SALE Potatoes, cabbago and earrots.--J, L. Caldwell, Durns, Oregon, 10-1 3-tf Any one desiring wood sawed F. D. Towsley, Durns, Oregon. 9-1-tf. FOR SALE Rifles; 22 Remington; 30-30 Romlngtoii and caso; 25-35 Remington automatic; Lakovlew i eaddlo. All In good 1st class con- .tlllnn rtml in tin Hold for CaBll OS property of tho Btornoa OBtato. Can bo seen at my ofllco. Charles ( W. Bill' """- Must bo Bold at once Tho cheapest best grudo of wild hoy In tho val ley. Two mlloB north of Burns. ' Boo Mrs. B. W. Luckoy. 11-3-tf ' FOR SALE One now McCormlck binder; one roller or soil packer; ono now milky plow, 14 Inch; two mowing machines, ono bay rako, ono hay buck; work horos, har ness and barley 1 ccnla por pound. Virgil Bolton, Burna Oro I'on. 10-27-tf. Autos upholstered, now tops, cellu lold work, door curtains fitted old tops ropaireu nnu Bircicnuu Henry Vulgamorc, tlio new shop on highway street south Burns. 8-26-if. Many bargains oh City property, farms and atock ranche. cae IN- , LAND EMPIRE REALTY COM PANY. Phone SOW 8-1" Andrews Grain Co., Ontario, Oregon, are wholesalers and retailers or reed, seed and poultry supplies, including Chick Mash, Egg Mash, Developing mash, scratch feed, etc. See your local dealer or write is. 5-6-tf. Rent a sewing machine or oil stove or buy one on the installment plan at Lanfcar's. 8-4-tf. FRO SALE Wheat and barloy, 2c a pound at the ranch. Frank Whiting, Burns, Oregon. 8-4-tf. FOR SAi'jI. Yourn? tows with suck ling pigs; also wll noil or trndo Registered Shorthorn cattle; jne cow with bul: culf; one oor and one heifer IK months eld: also dairy cows to freshen In Novom ber and December: two dslo bulls Mrs. Bertha Griffith, Burns, Oregon. 10-C-tf. Fresh cream at tho Burns Cash Store. Milk and cream delivered In quantities at homes I at any time desired. C. L. Reed, phone No. 134M. 8-11-tt. $000 REWARD For dvldenc load Ing to arrest and conviction of any party or parties stealing my snocp. My sheep nro fire branded on the noes and paint branded on thf oann with tho norm shoe bar. Hutn urands are recorded. My re corded ear mark Is an upper bit In both ears. My ewan have sev en different age marks an under slopo, a crop and au upper slope In both ears and my yjarllng ewes have a small crop of.' Doth ears. I sell no sheep branded on nose. W W Brown. FRe. Oregon. 7-37 We havo many dlfforent sizes of aocqnd hand tires for sale at a bargain. Service Garage. WANTED: Men or women to take orders among frlenda and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, woaaeu and children, Eliminate darning We pay 76c, and hour spare time, or $36.00 a week for fall tine Experience unuoceesary. Write lnternatles Stocking Mill Norrnv town Pa. We have nanny different slics of second hand tire for sale at a bargain. Service Garage. Wi)N CITY BURNS STAGE I'rl-Weekly Service tnto Convoyanoes, hi Sconlo Route for Pas- r. ciloris to Portland or rn Points. Express and Freight UltOWN A SON, Agent . Oregon kw L ninniHrfnannnninnninnBnnl nansBBBBti r-yHHveBBBBBBBsninnl Hnnn4r!1nnBHn nannannanV' sannannannannannanT HainmainannannannannaW V'JainanBinannaf m V v&'jaainannannannanT V& UK alnannBnnBnnBnnBnnBnnBnnHBBP' VtiinliBnnnninnninnninnH r w 4- r IIhvo your watch ovorhitHl rd. Start the old clork l (Irking, get that ,d phve of Jewelry in wearing order Hiivn our eye flttrd to Iti'udlng tfnnnm, nee C . M . SALISBURY .! Her, Optician Save Your Eyes Eye strain cauHCfl headaches, nervousness and other trou bles. I fit glasses accurately and scientifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist Office with Dr. B. 1 Smith J O II X G K M II I! R L I X a Jeweler Optician Wutrii UepnlriiiR Burns, Oregon FOR SALE Five boad of horses, teitl wagon and J. I. K. Sulkey vw ('iia. Wilson, Burns, Orc rw. 8-25-tf. Tresspass notices primed on cloth at this olllco. Sold In any quantity desired. 5-12-tf. Hay and Pasture ror Sale For sale about 1200 tons of fine hay and tho pasture thereof. Reasonablo price It sold promptly, Inquire of tho undorslgued or at tho office of H. V. Schmali, Esq., Attorney at Law, Masonic BIdg., Burns, Ore. Mary M. Buuyard, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of J. II. Bun yard, deceased. 9-8-tf. FOR SALi: No. 6 Do Laval Cream Separator, Mrs. John Brasswell, Burns, Oregon. 10-lS-4t .t.BSil' PROFESSIONAL CARD& - - - DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Burns, Oregon XBrcat residence, Dr. GriHtn'n for mer home. Phone Na. 14 i i4 IIKNMAN A DBNMAN Physician and Bargee ( Cthiio. Oregon t alls answered promptly day or mlgh , 'Phono Crane K. II I HOARD DBNTI8I Offleo first door east photo gallery Huron, Oregon OIIAHLKH W. ULLIB I, A W Y E II Burns. Oregon Practlceit In tho Stato Courts and boforo thr B S. Land Office . W. McCullocb llobl. M. DnBca. MCUI,M)CM & DUNCAN lllce almvf iIih U S. kaH 0tc BURNS, OREGON HERMAN VON BOHMALI. r Attorney at Lnw Contests and practice before W. nV Land Office a specialty Jince: Fry Bldg. next door to P. Oi Burn. Oregon BRUCB IU KK8TKR Attorney at Law .nd Office Practice Land 8erlp far sale Vale, Oregon Oh a a. tl. Leenar Attoraey-aULnw Careful attention given to Colleettowri and Real Estate matter Fire Invsuranee Notary PnMIc Ilurns, I. W. Bigg M- Bf.. it i a n n i : o lawyer burns. OreKO" M . A . OLD K R Painting and Paper Hungrr All Work Guaranteed Burns, OrcKon Phono 117H. EGAX CHAPTER NO. 46V Royal Arch Mason Burns, Oregon, HegwUr meeting first Thursday of each month. WM. PARRK H. FU. IX. FRED WILLIAMS Secretary.. o D. Dickenson & Son have a supply or rough, dimension and dreacee) lumber at the mill above Burna. l-21-tf. FOR SALE Two now hay Blips and; four bay nets at attractive prices: throe folding camp cots, four folding camp stools; two oil stove Set of Pltless scales. Inquire at this offleo. 10-fl-tf. Sewing machines for sale or veat afc Lantear'a 7-14-tf. w r ,