The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 03, 1923, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    HfMimiittff 4ftmr-4 ty-xiMM WJvj .J&i.- (
rWMWAt -. . .f'f ,k
dp1 i.'JM,v
'fcXtf'lw BHtHfilny, November (l, lOCJl j H tjj
wflPBvii."1 " ,, ( '""" " - ---.- v- --. -.-. ii. -
XKi WV itii 1y UL OMHSBMrr-' JtiWnliiiV
.; 'Kf:4iin..MBBVivi. a .- vrBrjriiiwrrv
If ' y
r Red Cross Roll Call
November Uth to 29 th
Join or Renew Your Membership
mui-iyrriiMiiwmnnuMj fiifn-
Minn Dolphlnu WhltliiK was added
to TJm Times-Herald olllco forco tliln
week. Tho young lady will assist iho '
boas for the. praurnt bill later experts
totiiko a rourso on tha Linotype mill
general apprenticeship in tha mo department.
- Oscnr Downs wnii In from IiIh Cat-
, tow farm homo Wednesday. Ho liml
f n iiucco'uifiil crop tit Im season nml loft
"nonio evidence of It In tho shupo of
) ', Kodak HiinpihotM In UiIh office. Oscar
'i,hns it good farm nml whtin onco a
4, market .Ik established near onougn
'tin will havo tiomo oxcollont producti '
1o dlHpono of. .
Many uuw people aro coming to
lluniH ulmoit ovory day looVlug us
over with a view of loontltip horo.
Home of theso people arc hivo'tlgm
Inv ttnaltimtn nmuilnett. (illntrn romllicr
bocauso of the powlblo cl.anco of got
ting laud or work. Wo'ro roIiiix to , many moro within n nlmrl upaeo !
. tjmo t
( ' '
Now that P.iir f U to have n i;m1 )
otcctric iiKiit iyit'im wu miioiiiu uini
Mif oiKirgleH ;o other inipmwntni
' Unit nro eiu.liv as csioutl'U. Tho
Utor and Howrr propoHltlnn ii it
tilting tho attention of tho city tlads
nml it ia oxp : 'led the proposition of
. a bond olectl M will he huf.w .!'
t vlilroiiB'of our tj."- in a few weeks
W. H. Hurgard. recently from
. Mason City, Iowa, arrived In UiIh
city Thursday evening to take a posi
tion In tho Harney County National
I Hunk. Tiio young man Huccnodu Mm.
Albert Vincent who has rtwlgnod
.with the intuntlon or leaving this
puice for tho winter and Join livr
kvsbftiid In southern California.
With additional bome building
la this city there should also be city
, Improvements to conform. The resi
dence district lit the suburb toward
the river should have walks and con
neotloiiH at street Intersectlone. No
doubt the city would consider these
,. If the matter was properly brought
before the council by Interested par-
. 'ties.
Mm. Ira Mahoit came up 'from
Portland the first of this week and
has since been the guest of relative
and friends In this vicinity. Mrs.
Muhon Is pleased with the success of
tho oil field venture of Ira and some
of his friends in this section, tltoy
having struck a paying woll Ih tho
Texas field whoro thoy aro operat
ing. Ono or our pioneer citizens took a
llttlo Jaunt the other day, Ho wont
down to whero the railroad grade
croHsos tho river east of town and
walked from that point down to tho
' curve at Warm SprlngH, thou on
over to section 31 where the grado
crosfio the river there coming toward
tho mill site. Ho said he dun cod
most' of tho way and folt like ho
could walk right on ovor to Crivno,
That grade looks good to him, It
.looks good to many others too. Ho,
as woll ftp many of us, has boqu wait
ing for 2G-.10-3C-10 years for a ra.ll
rottd to connect Durns with the out
side world and now iris to bo real
Can you think
of any better
way to use
a dollar?
a dollar?
Mm. Anna HnlnvH linn boon loots
Iiik after bunliiRiiA IntorestN In this
city thlxi wook.
Hcott CitttorHon, nno of tho pioneer
xtock men of UiIh county who Iiiih ro
(tided for tho past Horernl yonra In
Ihw Stlon'n Moitntolu nocllon whuro
ho wan onpneud In rniichliiK nnd
Ntonkralilng, hnd tho mUfortuno to
buaomo dumontoit recently. IIIh con
illtlon wan nuch that It wnn dcolilod
to Mtntl ti I lit to tho hoiipltnl tit Pen
dletou for treatment.
Mm. l.oti M. Drown loft Tuesday
fur 8an Francisco on receipt of n
lolegrum announcing tho sorbins 111-
iio of hor father. Mr. Myers. Sho
wont out by way of Head. Hor fnth -
r has visited this city and Iiiih inanv
noqualutaiices in Hums who slncoro-
Iv bopo for bis upeedy rocovory, nl-
though ho Is advanced In yount.
" M- ,,or,0 '""' wlff loft Wod-
',1,,fty '''",;" " '
nn(1 t-omploUl nccotlutlonH for tho
transfor of tho light plant to Mossrv.
L'Ihoii and ilodgo. rtin llortoun
will roiimln In lJond but it short tlmo
boforo departing for l.oti .ngoles
where thoy will upend tho wintor as
in their custom.
J. K. Slsumore wan in from hlu
ranch iho foro purt of ibis wook. Ho
) told a representative or this paper
1 that tho Insurance adjuster had view
ed tho ruliiH of his ranch homo that
had recontly boon destroyed by flro
. and that tho adjustment was sat- i
' Isfactorlly mado. Mr. Slzomoro otat- i
' vd tho Innurauco would not cover ono
1 half bin loan, in fact was but a frae-
lion, considering tho things destroy
ed 'In tho house, as ho lost many val
uables Including somo $2,200 worth
of notos, pictures and other things
not covored by tho insurance The
walls of his dwelling, which are
stone, wore badly damaged but some
of them tnuy be used In rebuilding.
He will replace tho house as booh
us possible.
Tho Odd Follows and Rebokaha of
tho looal lodgeti enjoyed a llallow'cen
dancing party at thb hall Wodnosday
evening. The hall was well filled
with members of the two lodges and
a few friends. Dancing was tho
principle, diversion or tho ovonlng
with an occasional old time danco
nuch as the Virginia reel and a qua
drill, Music was furnished by Eg
gloston's orchestra for a part of tho
tlmo and the player piano wob usod.
At 11 o'clock tho company wore In
vited to the dining room whoro tho
contents of many well fillet baskets
had boon placed and tho sorvloo was
cafotoria stylo. Thoro woro many
good things and tho platoa woro
heaped iib tho guotaa passod down
tho lino at tho table. Tho hall hnd
boon docoratod with Hnllow'oon of
focta and proaonted a vory pleasing
opponrauco. The mombors hbpo
thoro'll bo moro of such partloa dur
ing Iho coming wintor.
' ' -
Agriculture Toneher: "Sam Jones
what do you know about nltrntoa?"
Sani Jonos; "Why, thoy nro less
thnn day rates, If you'ro thinking of
sending a tologram."
TIM K'fl II 'K It A L 1) II V II N 0 ,
Juul (l fow wordH on Cnllfomln,
tho inoiit over oHtlmated country I
over Haw, tho moat woudorful thing
la Kb cllmuto Hint vario from hot to
cold, Ita beauty is largely mado. Tho
north they nay has beautiful scenery,
yen, noar tho Oregon lino. Its rod
wood nro bountiful, Tho Houth Is
hot, no good cold mountain water.
Wo saw on tho trail over land n ulgn
"Cold Hprlng," 0, for a real cold
Oregon drink.
Tho bay in Hauta llarbara In beau
tiful, tho, noil In poor the water warm
: and to an Oregonlan itudrlnkablo ox-
copt when Icod. Now I will henr
ii onto or tho folkn nay, "O, yen but Us
beautiful flowont and trcen, IIh
puling." Yon, let mo toll you If
tboyof Harney valley with its broad
beaiitlfuliicfm would expend ono half,
yen, ono fourth what In expended
hero to boautlfy, you could nun? have
thin and ltn beautiful things far nur
pansed. "MbIoii!" (a California or
presHlou,) pny 2G cents for n Inrk-
i spur plant nml Oh my, that bountiful
golden rod wo mimt bavo It for our
yard, give $1,500 to havo ono palm
treo transplanted. .1 to G hundred
for your raro douglan fir, trim It
off on lop to make U branch out all
your tnntiutnln ImisI . r and vines
oven tho snow or chnptieral, vour
beautiful wild roso plant them nd
'.rim for . blooming hody.
Put ono-tonth part of tho tlmo
t ml dollar In your Iioiikm with (he
oautlful thlntrH Ooil b.n put at your
'cry 0. or. tho 'ui.' roe for
e .blilo ,tono and wall, with von
MMiiii'; j wild flown a nultivaiod nod
t ii..i a real bamt iiu&urp.iNHed
b" mj uiun can m i'.
j Aro you hiding your talent In a
j napkin, or nro you making in of 1,
you will nay It lakis ho much work,
yn, ho It does hero. In a warm
cllmnto It In fight t 'varni climates
bugs, antH, and moro itnu.
Thoro nro many bonutlful tliiitgi',
but no moro than there.
Now lot us go hunting and kill
n very umiill door and popr llttlo
turtlo dores here.
You will wiy tho wrltor of this Is
homo sick. Wo bavo bought a ntro
homo hero but it in w'ork nml oh
ninny draw baek as there, only Jn
a dlffuront way.
Drop your hnuimar, put your
boulder to tho wheel nml do your
! httre.
: Kirmm.
UKVirAii ?ihi:ti.n;k at
' , "
1 A 8ur,CM of Uov'v meotlnga will
I ,w,n ,n u, nplll ehiirch Sunday,
.v' ll
Itov. (1. It. Kails, pastor at Wostou.
1 Oregon will assist the pastor in those
sorvlcoH. Itov. Eads Is woll know.
, having held several pastorates In tho
, stato. Ho has also boon very success
ful In Evangelistic work as mission
ary evangelist in tho middle Orogou
association nml elsewhere
Itov. Ends Is a cIohq student of
tho bible; ho knows tho book; ho
knows tho Lord and ho knows nion.
Ho Ih a rorcofui and convincing
upoakor and tho llaptlst folks fcol
i much tlntod In being nblo to socuro
him nt this time.
Bvoryono is cordially Invltod to
hour him.
First service Sunday, Nor. 11.
Gulde: "On this rioor wo have
our company restaurant, whoro alt
or our phono operators eat."
Dan (blmsoir): "Yes, now where
does tho switchboard?"
Dunk; "Do you know why she
refused to marry you?"
Spunk; "Why, no I can't think."'
Hunk: "That's It."
W. I. dray, Ilate.ivlllo, Ark., Write
an follow h: '
"i purchased sovornl cakos of i
RAT-SNAP from Erwln-Cralg Hard
ware Company, this place, and find
sanio most effective exterminator of !
mlco and rats I havo ovor used. Ah
far as I havo noted, thoro is no odor
connected with uso of RAT-SNAP, j
This is tho first testimonial I have
ovor glvon for any preparation or !
any kind. I rool nftor using your
RAT-SNAP It is worthy of commen
dation." Throo slzoa, 3Co, OBo, nnd
J1.2B. Sold and guaranteed by Reed '
llrothors, nnd I, S, Gcor & Co.
Advortlsomont !
Hy vlrtuo ofnn execution nnd or
dor of salo, on docroo In foroclosuro
duly Issued by tho Olorl? of tho Cir
cuit Clurt of tho County of Hnrnoy,
Stuto of Oregon, dated tho 2nd day '
of Novombor, 1923 In a cortaln ac- '
lion ii tho Glroult Court for said
County and Stnto, wheroln Tho Un-!
Ion Contrnl Idfo lusurnnco Company. '
a corporation, ns plaintiff roooverud '
Judgment ngaliis Andros Urqulrl, '
Cntnllnit Urqulrl, Ignaclo Echanls, '
and Domingo Eohanlsj and In which
II A'll N 13 Y 0 O V N T V OI1EGON
nult Maria Kcbanls, Portland Wool
Warehouse Company, a corporation,
and Cruno Htato Bank, a corpora
tion, wcro alto defendants, but is
against which no money Judgment
I wns rendered but solely a docreo;
I for tho Hum of Six thousand ono liitn-
drod fifty-eight nnd 00-100 Dollars,
! and costs nnd disbursements taxed
at Eighty and 70-100 Dollars, and
nttornoy'H fecH in the Hunt of Four
hundred Dollars, on tho Gth day of
Octobor, 1023.
Notice Is hereby glvon that I will
on tho fourth day of Dccombor, 102:1
nt tho front door of tho Coui:'.y
Court Houso or Hnrnoy County, Ore
goti In UurtiH In said County, at Iwo
o'clock In tho nfternodu of said duy,
Hell at public auction to tho hlghost
bidder,, for oash, tho following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
North ono-lmlf of tho South-east
ouartor (N8l3) and tho South
cant cjuartcr of tho North-cnHt quar
ter (SE4NE4) und tho North
east quarter of tho South-west qunr
tcr (NEViSW'i) of Section Six (0),
Townohlp 2G South, Ilango 3C Enst;
tho Nortb-weHt quartor (NWy) and
Woit one-half of tho North-cast
quarter (WNE) and North-east
quarter or tho North-cast quartor
(NE'tNEVl) or Section Twelve
(12), Township 20 South, Itango 35
East; tho South-east quarter of the
North-east quarter (8EHNEV4) and
tho West hair of. tho North-eiiBt
quartor (WNEU ), and North-oast
quarter of tho North-west quarter
(NKUN'WU) of Section Sixteen
(1C), Township 24 South, Ilango 30
East; nil East of tho Willamette
Morldlan in Harney County, Oregon,
nnd containing COO ncros; together
with a full primary water right fiom
MttluCrono Creeks for 370 ncrer, of
said laud being nppurtonnnt thereto;
ox'coptlng and reserving from the
nbovo description, ho'vovor. the 13.
33 acres of lajtd taken up by the rall
rond right or way or the Oregon
Washington Ilnllroad and Navigation
Company ns now locnted and porat
od acrosji said land, leaving a net
acreage or GSC.C7 acros; to(;oiher
with the tenements, hereditament
nnd appurtenuucoH therounto'
lug und appertaining; Taken and
levied upon ns tho property or tho
said Andrea Urqulrl. Catallno (Jr
qulrl, Ignnclo Echanls, Maria
Echanls, and Domingo Echanls
or as much thereof as mny
ha nocoseary to nntlsfy the said Juda
mont in favor of said The Union Cen
tral Life Insurance Company again
st snld defendants last herein named,
with Interest thoroon, togothor with
all coat a and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
Ily A. E. GOODMAN, Deputy.
Dated at Hums, Oregon, Novem
ber 2nd, 1923.
V?.,I.S. It. llfkk1... I.IUAII it..., .....Ia.
and by vlrtuo of an ordor of salo, ;
duly mado and ontorod, by tho Coun
ty Court of Hnrnoy County, Orogon,
in probate, on November 2. 1923. in
tho matter of tho Estate or William :
Just the remedy to aid
the system in throwing o(T
catarrhal wastes, help the
functional organs, restore
cestion and bring bneb
the perfect balance.
Pe-rii-na meets the need
which we all feci at this
season of the year.
Sold Eve:yw!icro
Tnblots er Liquid A f
KWTiBKff" rariM
f I Htirl-i-Wfga; f
iVSnni wV Is truly th 1
IKa id I T workl'i great- LaJ
iiMBLVin af Faadi S&mk
i UfJ r"""" BP 55
law- I SPr - Itttif rtvirj.
,. . till r m9W9kMMg V ejttwiiii I
It Builds Sales 1-.f9rvr fS
Strength I 1SSS !? i' !
icsi niw
' A. Cocll, deceased, tho undersigned
administrator of said ostato will, on
and after tho 0th duy of Dccombor
1023, at tho ranch of mind noar Sun
tex, Harney County, Oregon, offer
; for sale and soil nt private sale, for
! cash (ten per cent of bid to bo paid
at time of salo nnd tho balance nt
tlmo of confirmation of salo by tho
J Court,) subject to confirmation by
. some horse
Sire: Lightning Rod
Dam: x - ! x ! ? x !
He ate dynamite and drank nitrogly
cerine! He thought a tornado was a
gentle zephyr and started his own earth
quakes! And when he kicked someone
the meteorological bureau reported a
new comet. And poor Sam Harrington,
who could hardly stick on a rocking
horae, had to ride The Hottentot in the
stiffest steeplechase of the year.
Thos H. Ince
With Douglas MacLcan
Delivered in Burns
$20 Per Ton
In Two Ton Lots
Crane, Oregon
! - . . L . . . . . -. - i iv. - - J 1...IU1U
I iiiaiiTn8rrTTtsjr7--jrrirtTnrrttrj
-, Iml M ss m ssam $?
other feS
EttmnrlU M1 M ,
M 1
Wm. Farre
Representing: the American National
Also the big and popular
Pennsylvania and Firemens Fund
American Fire Insurance Companies
Will Appreciate your
tho Court nbovcsald, in ono parcel.
tho following described real estate,
vlr.; South half of Section 18, Town
ship 22 South, Jlango'25 East, or
the Willamette Meridian, In Hnrnoy
County, Oregon.
Done and dated at Durns, Oregon,
November 3rd, 1923.
and Madge Bellamy