The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 03, 1923, Image 1

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Finance Harney Valley Irri
gation District Project if
Local Attitude Right.
Sam Mothorshcnd, secretary of
tho Hnrnoy Vulloy Irrigation Dis
trict, nrrlvcd home Wednesday uven
Ing from Portland whoru ho hnd
gono to consult with Senator MoNury
relative to tho proposition of opltst-
lug government alii In tho project.
Mr. MothurRhoud had expected other
olllcora of tho district to accompany
him down on tliltt mission hut at tho
hint moment circumstances aroso
which provonted Director OIhoii from
going down. Mr. Mothorshoad states
that ho Is confident this project
would havo a good cliunco with tho
govornmont rcchimatlon service pro
vldcd tho laud ho priced at n reason
nhlo figure, as ho found Senator Mc
Nnry very favorably impressed with
Mho cheapness of reclamation, there
foro Sam says It Is n matter of gut
ting tho land signed up at an attrac
tive figure
Tho government has an ovorsup
ply of high prlcod Irrigated land
now awaiting colonization. There Is
no demand for It Tho nvorngo'col
onlBt avnllablo Is looking for land
that can bo purchased at xnodorato
price that will produco tho ordinary
field crops and suitable for dairying.
That's tho attractiveness of tho Har
ney Valley project and If tho local
land holdors will placo a price on
thoir land there Is ovory reason to
hellovo that It will meet with appro
val of tho government.
Thin appears to bo one of tho
"best bets" now before the people
of this section. It Is known Unit
tho govornmont admits Oregon Is en
titled to rcchimatlon funds but ow
ing to tho high prico of reclaiming
and disposing of land under other
projocts that havo boon placed bo
foro tho department for considera
tion the officers arc not favorably
disposed to the propositions.
This Is an Important matter and
should havo immediate nttentlon.
Tho large holding concerns will no
doubt hold tho koy to tho situation,
If thoxo can bo Induced to place their
holdings at a fair prico there Is little
doubt but that smallor land owners
will fall In lino.
No doubt the Irrigation dlsti.u di
rectors will give tho mutter imnied-
Into nttontlou and should then- denim
CO-Olierntlnil III irottlltcr Dm
hoforn tho irnvnrnmflnt ri.nlt.nn.tln.. !
service tho citizens of Burns will
give It their approval and personal
Thoru Is no longer any excuse for
delay In construction of the iiccuh
miry reuorvolr and distribution uys
tom to mako tho irrlgutlou of the
land undor the unit a big benefit.
With tho govornmont machinery
back of It tho colonization problem
Is largely solved, ns it Is admitted
there aro homo seekers roady to In
vest In modernto priced Ianda. A
govornmont project has many advun
tags nt this tlmo ns it would nave tho
negotiation of the bonds with the
usual discount and delays.
Tho railroad building through tho
district Is a factor In gottlng the
real construction undor way as It
ollmlnatofl tho formor objection of
remoteness from transportation and
Lot's got busy on this undertaking
and strlko whllo tho opportunity Is
Burns public library has recently
rocolvod somo valuable books
through (ho stato library. Thoro
aro 1G0 gift books which romain in
tho library. Thoso aro reference
books that cover a wldo rcfcgu of
subjects nnd nro exceptionally flno.
In addition to tho gift tho Library
Board has socurod CI volume) us a
loan from tho stato library which aro
hero for n llmltod tlmo only and
should bo taken advantago of hoforo
the ICth of January, tho tlmo thoy
must bo returned to tho stato library.
A list of now fiction will bo added
to tho library during this month.
Tho regular monthly mooting of.
tho Library Board will bo hold en
noxt Tuesday ovonlng when tho list'
will ho aoloctod.
Tho books loaned by tho slate nroj
Alexaudor, The Sunday School and
the Toons, ,-
Jaogor, Denizens of tho Desert.
Maddon, Forest Frlonds.
Eliot, Birds of Urn Pcolflc Coast.
Koso, Feeding tho Family.
Whlto, Bungalow Dook.
Qatos, Apron-strings.
Honshaw, Tho Iuhorltanco of Jean
Hopkins, Drlsco, Tho Sixth Scono.
Howard, F. M., Happy Unseals.
Hutchinson, If Wintor Comoa.
Jacobs, Tho Lady of tho Bargo.
Jopson, Solwyn, Tho Quallflod Ad
vonturor. Joromo, Anthony John.
Holland, Catty Atkins, Sallorman.
Iiowls, Main Street.
Lowls, (Main Street.) Diibbltt.
Wnlpole, Tho Cathedral.
Dunne, Mr. Dooloy'n Philosophy.
Hhuto, Tho Itoal Diary of tho
Worst Farmer.
Palno, Lost Ships nuil Lonoly Seas.
Bradley, Highways ami Byways In
North Wales.
Street, Mysterious Japan.
Illiiohiirl, Through fllaclnr l'ark.
Aider, Mun of tho Inner Jungle.
O'Brlun, Whlto Shadows In tho
South Seas.
Sklnnor, Adventures of Oregon.
Burgess, Tho goop Encyclopedia.
Fox, Fox First roador.
Harris, Euguno Field roador.
Lucln, Peter & Polly in winter.
Lucia, Potor A Polly In autumn.
Perkins, Tho Dutch Twins primer.
Anderson, Fairy tales and stories.
Douglas, Favourite Fronch nflry
Jowott, Wonder tales from Tibet.
Fnbro, Tho story-book of science.
Boors, Book of Nature stories.
IIurgCM, Mothor West Wind's
Cnrlor, Lion and Tiger storlo.i.
Itolt-Whroler, Boy with tin- U. 8.
Clark, Tiny Tollors and their
Mathews, Tho Book of blrdi for
Voting People.
Brooks, Master of till Strong
Krnst, Mark of tho Knife.
Holt-Wheoler, Tho book of Cow
boys. Cbburn, Our Llttlo Swedlih Cous
in. Patteson, When I wob a sfrl In
Allen, David Crockett, Scout.
Hutrhliis & Hutchlns, Sword of
1 month enly: Ossbndowskl,
l'i lists, Men and Gods.
Tho LiuIIom' Library - OJuh met
October 27. nt thu hoini' or Mrs. J.
W Biggs with Mrs. W. A. (Jownn,
rU- J- h- SiZOHIOrO. Mf.1.
C. V.
Wrlllltll IIS Jollll llOHtOSSOfl
The President roportod that $07.
SO was deposited to tho Inolr fund .
ns a result of tho plcluro ihow given ;
Friday, October 20. '
Tho Club wishes to thank tho pub- j
Be for the liberal patronage glvon,
and also Mr. Byrd for li In kindness
and liberality In the matter of rent,
lights otc.
Mrs. (Jrllllth sang A Dream, by
Bartlett and Bwoot Miss Mary to n i
wnrmly enthuslastlo audience.
Mrs. Dlllmnn ployed tho accom
paniments with art and tmislrnl
Tho program for tho day wan '
then presented as follews:
Mrs. Orimth singing O Promlso i
Me and MnrohoUi. Thoso songs gavo
groat pleasuro to tho company. Mrs.
W. A. Cowan road a paper on Mod
ern Egyptian art, spoaklng of tho
beautiful carvings on tho Mlnarlts
and doors and windows In Kgypt of
todny, '
Mrs. J, W. Biggs carried us back
to art In tho tlmo of King Tutank- I
hamon, spoaklng of tho wonderful
art of tho tomb palntors. Tho walls
and colling of tho tombs being cov
ered with pictures giving a comploto
story of tho common Ilfo of that
halcyon porlod In. Egypt.
Doliclous rofrqshmonts wore serv
ed. Tho noxt mooting will bo Norom
bor 10 at tho homo of Mm. Sutton.
Ilov. Samuel Harris Is tho now
pastor Installed In tho Presbyterian
church for this fiold, Ho will do-
livor his Initial sormon tomorrow I
morning nt tho usual hour in this
city. Tho now pastor will also tako
euro of tho Crnno church nnd no
doubt will contlnuo tho eamo sorvlco
schodulo ftii has boon followed In tho
past with n sorvlco In Burns on each
Sunday morning and at Crane on
Sunday evonlngs,
Defeated Canyon City-John
Day Last Saturday; Play
Here This Afternoon.
The local high squad Journoyod
Into Grant county Inst wook end, and
defcatud the John Day-Cnuyou City
high school combination.
Tho boys nil report having n fine
trip, good roads, balmy weather etc.
A dinner was given nt John Day Fri
day uveulug at which wore members
of both elevens and touchers, This
reception its well im tho hospltnblo
treatment received from tho various
homes was Indeed pleasing.
The game played at John Day was
an Interesting contest. Harney scor
ed first and (Irani countered. Thu
iicoro at tho end of the first half wan
i:i-(i. Tho second half was almost a
repetition of the first tho final score
being 20-1.1. Thu II. (J. II. B. touch
downs wore scored ono by McCon
uoll mid threo by Thornburg, Mc
Uowiiii converted two trys on passes
from Welcome.
Tho now )mck field combination
of Thornburg, McOowan and Dent
worked well, showing considerable
powor and dash. Thornburg mndo
ono fcaturo dash of CO yards for a
goal. Tho lino charged better and
was mora alert tlnn in tho Bend
Tills Saturday tho same teams
battle nt tho Fair grounds In Burns.
The contest should bo an Interest
ing one and with good weather, at
tract a largo crowd.
At 0 o'clock the girls of Harney
High will tender a din-'
at the school.
In the evening n Hn
will bo hold at tho Ton.
tie boys
Burns N one of thu most talked
about towns In tho northwest ac
cording to those who havo visited
nutsldo points In recent weeks. Tho
railroad extension and timber activi
ties of Fred ilerrlck nro tho subject
of discussion and much ltiitilry is
made of the business possibilities
mid general development surround
ing Burns.
Wo who stay at homo do not seem
to realize tho big opportunities that
uwalt the development of this big
country and what thu coming of tho
railroad, building of tho sawmills
and construction of thu Irrlgutlou
system will bring to us. Wu do not
expect tho Impossible, but tiro possi
ble Is surely underestimated and we
should make nn effort to comprehend
thu big advantages this new develop
ment brings to us. Wo should glvo
the future more attention und bo
prepared to meet the new order of
Character of Construction
Indicates This a Part of
Through Route West.
Whllo It hns boon gonornlly un
derstood that tho railroad extension
from Crnno to Burns was really the
Union Pacific Co., no unnouiicomont
to that effect had been mndo by nny
olllcer connected with that corpora
tion up to recently. In an Intorvlow
published by the Portland Journal
tho othor day President Carl Cray
gave out thu Information in connec
tion with .an expression of tho atti
tude of his road building across thu
It will ho recalled that an attempt
was mudu during tho past summer to
eompell thu building nt tho cross
ntnto lino, members of tho public
service commission bolng In Burns
to secure Information to substautlato
Its claim that tho prosent business
Justified the road. Mr. Oruy nnd
a party of tho officers of the Union
Pacific system, arrived In Burns tho
following day In company with Fred
derrick to consider tho Burns exten
sion. At that tlmo tho subject was
discussed and Mr. Gray stated that
his company had no Intonllon of
building nccross tho stato and would
not consider It until business would
Justify It.
It Is now consldorod posslblo that
tho lino exteudod to Burns will go
on through thu timber to tho west
when tho timber development will
Justify. This would put Burns on
tho through Hue. This conclusion Is
reached by tho announcement made
by Mr. derrick that 00 pound stool
will bo used over tho entire present
railroad lino to Seneca, Indicating
that It Is to bo a through lino.
In his Interview publlshd In tho
Journal Mr. flray said:
"Such a condition is Impossible of
fulfillment nnd tho Union Pacific
can not build this lino unless and
until there nro business develop
ments which will Justify It, Wo havo
undertaken to extend the line from
Crane to Burns, ns to serve n lum
ber milling operation at that point.
Wo aro perfectly willing to entertain ,
ether business propositions but wo
cannot, and for reasons which wo
believe to bo unuusworablo, under
toko thu construction of the cross
state line."
Mrs. Wm. Bennett, her sou Merle
Iknnotl and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. j
Cummin mid Mlm Moore wero visit
ing with the Dennett brothers nnd
their families last week. Thfj visit
ors reside lu Oram county, Merle
touches at Mt. Vernon and the Cum
mins also live there. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Bonn6tl have moved from their
BIlvlOH valley ranch homo to a placo
on the John Day a fow mlloi from
Mt. Vornon,
Harney County Poit Th'e
American Legion, will observe
Armlitlce Day en Monday, Nov.
12, in conformity with proclama
tion! and the generally accented
time this year. The uiual elec
tion of officers and bwttnett
meeting will be held followed by
banquet and a dance.
Whon you hoar tho Larohor-Smlth
Entertainers on Tuesday, Nov. 13
ovonlng at tho Liberty, It will bo
hard to bollovo that thoro nro only
two of them, such a variety of tal
ents have these two women, nnd
such a volume of sound do they pro
duce, with plniio-nccordlou nnd clar
inet or drums.
Tho outstanding features of tho
prog null it glvon by Mlusos Bessie
Lurcher and Beatrice Smith, nro
tho ensemble of plntio-accordlon and
clarinet, a most unusual and de
lightful arrangement, also tho com
bination of accordion, bolls nnd
drums. Tho solo work of tho musi
cians nro noteworthy and Miss Lur
cher's "drumology," In which sho
ably demonstrates that thoro Is mus
ic In tho drum nlono, Is n novel nnd
entertaining number.
The pluno-accordlon has of Into
bocomo tremendously popular, and
when handled by ono of Mint Smith's
attainment hccotmvi an Instrument
of unusual warmth and brilliance,
with lovely tonal quality. Sho Is
tho possessor of a beautiful Instru
ment valued at $000.
Miss Lnrchur's clarinet work hns
rccolved much favorable comment
wherever she has appeared, and her
mastery of tho drum nnd taps Is
quite unusual far u woman. Sho
also plays u saxophone and glvon
costumed character readings In
which her comedy Is exceptionally
A short one-net sketch Is given by
Misses Larcher nnd Smith as a cli
max to an ovonlng of real entertain
ment. This Is thu second Lycuum num
ber scheduled for tho winter under
thu auspices of thu Mothers' Club.
Principal McDadu of the Hnrnoy
County High School has asked Tho
Times-Herald to announce that the
school will begin on the regular win
ter Kchedulo of hours next Monday,
taking up at nine o'clock In thr
morning und elrrlng at SMC In (ho
During the aUilatlc field nativities ;
ho school was an hour faster, and
imrimr in mo iiiieruoou, Dill
tho football gamo this afternoon
closes the outdoor activities for thu
preotit sonou and tho regular time
will be observed.
('. A. Ivorlen Is hero from Chicago.
Ho Is nt present at his farm east of
Burns looking after his affairs but
will remain but n day or two.
Ready for Service Within 30?
Days; New Equipment to
Be Added at Once.
Dr. H. M. Horton has disposed or
tho Electric Light & Tower plant ln
Burns to W. H. LeUon und E. O.
Hodgo, of Tillamook county who are.-"
preparing to put It In good condi
tion and furnish lights nnd power..
Tho plant Is to bo completely over
hauled with u 7C horse power dlcsol'j
engine added.
Messrs, Lotsou and Hodgo nro op
erating light plants In Tillamook
county, tho formor residing at Boar
or and tho latter at Tillamook. Thcy
uro experienced light men nnd nn
,nou n co they expect to havo tho
plant In operation In Burns by tho-.
end of this month.
Arrangements havo been mndo
whereby they will begin with the-'
wnter power nt tho mill which wllU
ho used during tho sonson available
but tho cnglno will bo tho means or
powor during the other portions ot
tho year. Tho mill p'owcr will ba.
avnllablo by thu 20th ot Hits month-,
but tho now men In chargo aro gir-
ing themselves plenty of tlmo when
thoy announce tho plant ready, for.'
ocrvlco by tho ond of this month.
The new firm has also purchase!"
tho Charlos W. Ellis trlanglo coraor
at tho Intersection of tho highway
and railroad grndo In tho southeast
ern part of town which thoy will uso
ns a spur for tho storage of tho fuel:
necessary for their onglno. This la
n happy arrangement. Senator Kill
and tho city wero on a deal for this,
properly oa tho railroad right of war
takes a portion of It, making It tin-
) dcslrnblu for nnylhlng much but u
storage- or warehouse purpoHO nnut
oven then It would bo cramped. It
was fnrtunato to secure a purchaser
for the property that could uso it to
advantage. U&Ing situated right ore
tho railroad right of way mnkca It.
an Ideal placo to erect a storago tank:
und apur to placo tho fuel for Hire
light plant.
Mes7. LeNon and Ifnlgo lofC
brro Thursday on their riturti to
T'llamook to get their families an
will como linuk to Burns Immedlutcly
In order to got tho plant In readi
ness for service us foon us possible.
Biirun has long noedod udetpmto
light wrvlt-v that was dwndn bio-
: The srrvlro In thft nrna lm nm i..ln.i.
mKuMvy, ,H wa8 ,lol uh
l0 hf niM UK)n. Sonio MM Wft,
hud llnlil Inn
nooiit as often we
didn't. The Couloya gave vury good
service last winter, but thoy didn't
koop thorn on but n fow hourn cack
Tho field Is one that has big pouslr
lllUlon for furnishing nlictrlc lightit
and powor and wlt'i r.porloncod inoit
In charge and capital to cuiip it for
dopondablo service they will i.oyi
havo a good hinlnes:i.
Thu Mothers' Club mot at th
homo of Mra. Claude Brown Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. Ilout. Ben
nett as Joint hostess.
It was decided to dispone of the
playground oqulpmont and nny ones
desiring any part of It will find the
particulars, character of apparatua
and prices by applying to Mrs. Mnry
Bonnott, acting president of then
Club. This equipment consists or
sovornl plocea that would udd much:
to tho playgrouudH of schoola.
Thoro wero 28 members and three
visitors present.
Tho uoxt mooting will bo held at.
tho homo of Mrs. Leland Fry.
Tho railroad grado on tho routa
i'imii Crane .o Burns Is pructlcallr
completed nun contractors are busy
between this city nnd the tlnibtr..
Grading Is undor way ns far up. na
tho Canyon City road on Pdfeooi
crook with tho right of way uleurtcb
and roady fov grading as Tar ur, as
tho Vrod Black phioo.
Nothing now transpired Btncn,
tho last issue of the paper In ru
apoct to nddltlonul work. Tho sev
eral contractor. aro busy nnd pro
gressing ns rapidly a possible, 'i'h
brldgo work la under way with pro3
poets of track laying bolng commenc
ed within a short tlmo "
)' !
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