It 7 rage Wight 1MB Y I M It H If M R A f j D n r n n IAIHRY ORRflON flatuiMay, Iodnlwr 3d, 420 M n I ii St.! ! 91 1 ' aikR rw Of all the Holidays of the year, Christ mas is the best. It is a day of good cheer thai touches the hearts of all, from the little tot hanging up the stocking on up to Grandfather and Grandmother. It is due to the Christ spirit of "Peace on Earth good will to men," the unselfish desire to make others happy that on this one day at least there is a tug at the heart strings of all humanity from the humblest to the highest. It is in this spirit of peace and good will that this Bank wishes one and all a Merry, Merry Christmas. First National Bank BURNS, OREGON Mm. William Stirling took hor de parture (hlit woolc for Portland whoro Hint will upend Mio holliihyii with hor duughlorii. Mr. Stirling ruuiulnoilbut. (JxpoctH to Join 1 1 o r by Oljrlruiimn time If huiitnukti umilri will pormll. Cllon llughot Inft Wodnsxdity evening for Vancouver, Washington, Whoro ho goon to claim MIhh (lor trtiilo Lnng (ih hht brldu, Tho young ludy foriuorly tutighl school In thin vicinity ami In n charming girl, Ooorgo Frnnklln arrived In thin oily Tuesday evening with IiIh brltlo. ticorgo formerly resided In thin city whoro ho wun connected with onu of tho giirngm, going from horn Into Idaho but later locating at Valo whoro ho han hoon residing until ro contly. llo Informs tin ho han roturn oil to Ditrnii to inako hht homo. ( Morry Chrlittnian. i 4llllMMMMm444MIMMMMMMimMMMMIMt T if a n . LOCAL PEN1NGJ J. Ii. llundortton wun In town Wed nomlny. K. I.. Wallace of tho Crane Statu Hank, wun registered nt a local hotel lurlng tho week. . Hunitoll Forgufcon took hln depart tiro for Portland Wednesday morn InK whoro ho will Hpond tho holldayn. farm near Van to spend tho holidays with hln family In Ilurnn. y Wo havo experienced Komo rather cold woathor twlco during tho month. Htockmnn jirtifor cold freer lug weather on iitock do hotter In tho food lots. .Mr. and Mm. Nils Klfvlng aro horo from Portland to spend tho boll- tlayH with rolatlvon and friends. Mm. Klfvlng wan fortnorly Mian Carmen Donegal). Peter Haley wan tit from his homo on tho border of Mathour lako dur ing thin wook looking after some business IntoroHt anil drooling friend. Mr. and Mm. 11. It, Portor nrrlvod horo Tuomlay evening on a visit to their daughter, Mm. h K. Itoml. Tho Porlom formorly ronldod In thin hit tlon and aro woll known to many o tho plonoor ronlduntH of JIuriiH. Thuy havo boon UvIiik at Myrtlo Point In fitho Uokuo Hlvor country hut hiloly iiiivii inaoo tJorvaniH tliolr hoad(tia torn. Mr. and Mm. Portor expect ,to romain iioro for purhapn a month. J. P. McKonna, connoctod with a cattlo loan concorn In Portland, han hoon In thin vicinity during tho wook IIIh company Imn connliloruhlu IhihI nuHn In thin miction of tho country and ho In looking nftor nomo of tho nffnlrN, Mr. McKonna ayn tho ntock men aro going to como out In tlmn and thoro In roally no concorn nn to tho futuro of tho bunlnonn. Married Thursday afternoon at tho ProHbytorlan Manno, Augunt Volla and Mrn. Clara Solomon wore united In mnrrlago by Hov. John it. Wlchornon, tho pantor. Iloth tint contracting pnrtton aro well known lit thin vicinity whoro thoy havo ro niuuii ror tho pant few yearn. Mr. Volla ban boon In tho employ of Phil Hiultb fur itomo tlmu nt thu naw mill. Tho Tltuon-Iloruld oxtondn Itn bent wlihon for a happy and pronperoun llfo. Ob I DRIVE A CAR'P ' MO MA'ANJ .1 COAXl! IT, Minn Inola Aunmun wan oporated on tho font part of tit Ih wook by Dr. Walter Cronn In down from hln Smith at tho King bomiltal. navlnu Trout Crook ranch to npond tho holl- . hor tonnlln removed. Tho patient tlayn with the family horo In town. I In roportod recovering nicely. iy., . .. """" "uiiiimii im; nrrivou f in" niiuw ruiiiniuon to pile tip homo hint Saturday ovtmlng from' from Koto to tlrno. There Inn't very wittario-iioro nhu had boon vlnltlug ' much In tho valloy compared with' ... 1 1 1. i i. ... i ....... ' with hor datightor. Mrn. MUdrwl Moformaok win 0 town during vh wok vlaltjiig with friends ami ilHJng M,m ChrUtmM nhopplng. Mm. Hoy lliirhannti ban botfti In I tbw depth It ban fallHii, but tnoro than for novornl y.wm. Counldorttblo Imn falton In th moiiutalun. Mr and Mm. A. C. Wulcomu aro ujoying tho company of lliolr iioiibaw. Alfrd Wolooms. who arrlv oil bourn KiUiirttiiv uvoninv f rum thhi vlelnlty during tlio woolc -vliu.t I'ortlnud to mtoixl tbo holliliiv vnmi Ing hor mother. Mm. lrtmk Matiioy. tfmTwKh-tJum. giy jjlll ruturn to and other relatlvea. siin and her whool following the Now Year, htinband aro now ronldlng In Juiitura Will Klrby. one ot tbo young men Coiiuty Agent McDanleln returned f lhl" nm,,',,nl,y who workn with Tuenday night f?ohrPontllotii.,Yjir.. tnvk' "l01 w,tl' n roHlo" imlnfiil bo had boon to a mooting of wool awi,,,,M Jnra l'rt of thin week growern and iiImj looking after tbo w,,wn KOt h,H '"Kht In poHHlbllltloH of ntock for tbo nboop r",,w a,", hn'1 11 ,,roko" lwo I,,ncp ami pig dub ho I.uh under connldera- n"(l 11,0 t,,,,ml' n,m(,Ht ,or "' tlon. Ho found ntook offered cheap, Ham Ooodman got bin lo,; broke but money In bo ncarco tbono dayn lant week whllo working with ntock that ho hcnltatoH puuhlug tho club a home falling with him, Ho w - organization. Ho will not do any- brought to Ilurnn where IiIh leg vu thing until ho ban a conference with net and he In now doing qulto well rtt partlon IntoruHtcd. t,0 King hoHpltal. SuKereGood te" Wishes' While extending best wishes for the Season we are not unmindful of the fact that a successful year was due to your share of kindness. Burns Cash Store A nhoddy droHii In a poor mate ta a dmn Hit It. Mr. and Mm. David Craddock wore down from tliolr Hllvlen homo for a few dayn durliiKtho week. Alimony comim to tbono who gnpo !6n't yawn In your hunlmnd'H preneiice. ; Mrn. Potor Chrlntennen anil little daughter, Mm. Jerry Dlllln and baby wore up from Lawen laitt Saturday, having iKTouipauInd Archlo Welti nteln up. t)n way to nuoceod with your bun. baud In to got tbo manner or hucommh. (lun Sherx. tho young mint who wan hurt In Urn Interest of tho Holt ManufRflurlng Co. In ehaigo of lh Catttirplllur on the high during tbtt Hummer, took- u ru Aiimlav fur'tilniililo polutn. Ho wunt IT Portland whnru ho mot a ruproHontntlvo of hln company and from that place ho did not know whether ho would go Into California or Into Montana. Oiih made a lot of frloiida whllo lit thin part of tho country who hope to hou him return at Homo futuro time. J . HI IS! If you don't look good to your mate he'll look around for another nuhject. Arrllnint'il Hwil for Halo Tho Harney llranch Kxperlmntll Mtatlon ban tho following rocleannd noetl for nalu at three and one half centn per pound:- True Spring Hyo Kurly Hnart Wheat Hanuchon, Trobl, and White Smyrna Ilarloy Sixty Day and Iluutlona Holoctlon Ontn Placn your ordern oarly an wo only havo u limited amount of thuno ac climated nnodn nn bund, 12-4-3t Hllk nfocklng, HiMX-lnJ, UHc. K. l' Hcltwnrtx. -Mm. Denatured Alcohol can now bo had for that radiator ul tho Homo Drug HloiM). Adv. o A nnaouy arenn may ronuit in n now null one for dlvorco, Patients receive the bout of euro at tbo Ilurnn Maternity Honpltal. 12-Mf o Silent love won't keep a hutihaud -you've got to drenn your window . to keep your tn.ilo. LOST Utrgo envelope containing noma partially flnlnhed linen handkerchlofn, nlno nomu crochet thread. Finder will plea ho leave nt tho County Agout'n ofllco, 12-18 l.r.g behind your iit.huittwl and )nj won't win ttnythliiK out your frlondn' nympatlty--mid bin o Mont of them r.r "cao they "oavo" every tlmu ibnlr wlvoh auk them for monoy POl SAMCHaito In good condi tion. Jnojilm at thin ofTlou. 11-27. hcorp. KHIl'J .... Irvuy YtQrklr01 I'rogrwitvu iitiniianil ettnnot tiiak . JitBnnr?!T'1 Pmo out of a how's ear. Are - - you moving ahead baud? o- wltb your him- If thou would't It Ih fancy keep, try Hllk Iioho and trim nhod feet. Tlio Ladlon Krlomlly Aid Society of Crauo gave a two-act comedy drama ? .... . . ui i;rauu on iant Haiunlay ovonlng, ontltlod "Mr. Hob." It wan well re ceived ami the runt may como to IluniH with thu play in tho near future. FOIt HALK One .T V Studebaker wagon, trunk, good an new; otto set of heavy hand made hnriiemi; onu net of light chain harnoHn. 12-11 AMIHItT ('. VINCKNT o Tho II, C. I. doen not affect your hiiHband nearly ho much an a long face. A dab of rouge on tho cheek Ih worth two in thu More. ,Ilo artlntlol You'll know you aro on tho wane If ho HpendH IiIh nlghta out. If you hang back your hiiHband will ovortako another woman. The hookn accauntn and notes of J. W. Geary, M. D. ara in tht office of the undemlgned for collection. All tltoHe knowing tlienwelveB Indebt ed to tho Doctor aro requested t call and nettle, as I shall not lead eut statements but bring suit in such cases where I connldep It proper to do so. Kindly call and. save costs. H. VON SOHMALZ, Attorney at law, o Hono If full of womon who wcro two tired to koop up with tholr Iiuh- bands, Do your X max nhopplng early at Home Drug ntoro. Adv Thoro In a lurking menace to tho woman who Htandn Htlll while her htinband iiiovch oil Vou can't go wrong by having as many fancy dromioH .mil fancy i.topn iih your liUHband. Ml In. Appreciation of Your We Extendi THE SEASON'S GREETINGS and wish you a most prosperous New Year, V, 4l "I?-.. Gorfd Will Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon How far ahead of you in your hus band? o Did you marry your hunband to love, honor and obllgo, or to bo hap py. o Inexpensive Xman gifts may In found at the Home Drug Store. Adr o Remember tho circus folks are wIho men they havo a dally parade likewise your husband wants you, to look good. NOTICH OK HIIKHIKK'H HALK Notlco Is hereby given that by vlr tuo of an execution duly Innucd out I of tho Circuit Court of thu State of' Oregon, for Grant County, on a Judgment duly rendered, entered of record and docketed In and by said court on Juno 11th, 1917, In a cause then In mild court pending, wherein Mary T. Hock wan plaintiff ami Thoman I). Deck wan defendant, In favor of plaintiff and ngalnnt de fendant, by which execution I am commanded that out of thu pomoual property of mild defendant, or If suf ficient run not be found, then out of tho real property belonging to mild defendant in Harney County, Oregon I natlnfy tho sum of $225.00 now duo on H.tld Judgmont, and tho further I cum or szi.go contH, and a I ho tho ..ontn of and upon nuld execution, 1 did on December 17th, 1920, levy upon an tho property of said defend ant, and will on Saturday, January 22nd, 1921, at tho hour of ten o'clock A. M. at tho front door of tho County Court Houmi In Ilurnn, Ore gon, Hell at public auction to thu highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the almvo named amounts, nil tho right. I tie, Intermit and estate of mild de fendant in and to the following do t Hcrlbod property, lo-wlt: 1 An undivided two-thlrdH (2-3) lu lu r cm t in and to tho NW4 and tho WVj of N'UVi section 28, township r. south, range III, K. W. M., Har ney County, Oregon, containing 240 acroH; mild Halo being mado Hiibjert o redemption In thu manner provid ed by law. Dated thin 17th, day of December, 1920. W. A. GOODMAN, Sheriff of Haruoy County, Oregon. lly P. T. KANDAMj, Deputy. Try Ki re to Me rage. Cords. UnWrrwU Adr. U. Do you buy ready mades, while your hubby goos to tho best tailors? Kenneth Crozler can dkllvcr YOUR COAX Oiraprr new than later. When Ik prcMsit supply ta exhamtcs! the price wlU ralar.-Plietne C23F. MIIMMIMIMMMW4H The Herman Martz Wood Saw Is prepared to work promptly Phone No. G104 Win. Farre rrwctlce before U. S. Land Uvpurtntent and Real Estate ImllrjrtloiiN nro Hint tbr lure of tho land will attract many Investors In llarncy County tlio com ing MuiNon. IjIMIhk now will he kept before pros, pert ho luvrfttura the en tire KCrtSOM. Thorb'n anothor woman porfoctly willing to step Into your strldo bo- sido your husband the moment you Mrn. A. D. Jones is now In charge of the Smth rooming house ndjoln' Ing tho Cole hotel. Sho will be pleased to meet her many" friends there. -l2tf. -r , Man wanlrt'tiut lit t lo horo below, hut ho wantH that little dolled up. 400 tons alfalfa hay for sale. Feed ing prlvlllges or it will be fed to stock If desired, Inquire of' J, LampBhlre o'r Arthur Turner, 11-13-tf. e If ho compares you with his first wlfo, ahow him tho dirt sho loft un der tho rugs. ' -o Tho dynamic drama of domestic differences Calico WIvoh. Parties finding cattlo branded Ul anglo bar on loft hip, please hold and notify will Cummins, Jordan Valley, Oregea. 13.3s ft. To Our Many Friends and Customers We wish to thank you for the splendid patronage accorded us and hope to merit your patronage during the New Year. x We wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year. Home Drug Company, Inc. C. O. Perrenoud, Mgr. Biros, Oregon , Cor. Levf ns. Hotel Bldg. WI 1