The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 25, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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1 t'lio Two
f II IC T I M 1C H II H It A It I) H 1 It N 8 , II A It N JC Y () OONTV, OIIKOON
Hat unlay, Dcn-mbcr 25, IMSO
Farmers' Hand at Last
r elt m Go
Tor the first time in history agriculture interests will have bo hoI forth HO that all farmers may understand it. Lcgis
powcrful organization looking after its legislation lation of this character lies at the very foundations of the
-(( - Pniiiiini'ti' iviulinnn mW-1 in I flrlif iti CrntYtnua I l-w tiin
rarm Bureau federation awaits word or Gray buvcr bc-,.i.. P n Li m i iu r..n u Ai.
... Ifllll'IMM III I. Ill' IIIIIIIIII Will II2IVI' I. Ill lllll NI1IIIIIIII. Ill I. Ill'
American Kami Bureau Federation.
Hiuinmlo im tiforowtldf " '
For a ilucrui) tlml plalutlffH or any
party to IIiIh mill may Iihuomu a pur
oliUHor At Hatil Halo, anil that pliilnllrfH 1
may hnvo hiicIi ollior, furtlior anil
illfforunt rolluf ail to llio court bIiiiII
Kfoin oqulluhlo and Junt, or iih tlio
iiaturo of tho nun ho may roqulro.
TIiIh miiiiiitiTiiH In Horvuil upon you
liy puhllcallon tlioroof for hIx coiihl-c ,
ullvo wookii In tho TlmuH-Morald, a
wookly nowMpajinr publlHhud at
liurnn, iiurnoy uotiuiy, wroirnn i
onlor of (ha I Ion. Win, Inrm
lu fti.lirfi at utidl (tiii.iltf .1. '
lu In! rwl tlfutfinltifit ICfli 1 finn
(Into of tlio flrnl imlillf Ul'.n nt ,.,
MtimmoiiH la Uwamwr IHMi. itu
and tlio data of tlio la I mil p,a
tlioroof will ho Janiinry 29lh, ljjjj
J. 8 "OOK,;
lit IlllMI f M.. '
Atlornov for IMiilML.
fore supporting or repudiating any measures
Recording Votes of Congress
"rpiwi imln tC iiiimni ii(iiwrinautnim mill t fnnrwA rA ah i
Written Specially for The Times-Herald , '
WASHINGTON, Dee. 21A11 agricultural legislative bulletin board at the Washington office of the bureau as a
measures introduced in Congress will receive the close matter of record to show where a representative or senator
scrutiny of the American Farm Bureau Federation and stands on anv important question affecting farmers.
will either be indorsed or repudiated. . , "The Washington ofllce is a clearing house of agri-
huch is the plan outlined bzy Gray Silver, Washing- cultural legislation. (
ton representative of the great organization of American "Wn will approve whatever bills are favorable to the
faroioiYj to the Farm Bureau Federation and accepted at farmers' interest and will disapprove those which arc un
the Indianapolis convention last week. favorable," suid lUr. Silver. "Wo will assist in framing leg
Gray Silver States Aims islation to meet the particular needs of farmers."
"We intend to talk principle and to see-that principle Amonv? the bills to b introduced in Coiwcss shortly
is embodied in legislation," savs Mr. Silver. "At the pres- are several designed to meet the financial problems con
ent short session, the Capper-Morstman bill on cooperative fronting farmers and nroblems of taxation,
marketing will come up for discussion and action, a bill of Farmers for the first time in historv will have a pow-!
fundamental importance to the farmers of the United nrful organization to look after their interests at Wash-'
States. This bill has been studied in every detail by the ington, equipped with specific information and with- leg
American Farm Bureau Federation and its provisions will islativo capacity to frame wise and effective legislation.
New and Second Hand
$3,000.00 Stock to Choose From
Inland Empire IReaBty Co.
Albert A. Traugoli, Proprietor
Phone 30 Old Jorgcnson BIdg,
Why make a question mark of
yourself seven days a week?
Get on our subscription list and
we'll tell you the whole story and all
of the stories 52 weeks in the year.
Even the wisest of men car
know it all without reading tli
home paper.
The Times-Hera "ti
! Kolltio Ik linri'liy glvou that tho uii
InrHli'iiftl, uiliiilnlHtrator of tlio nMtiitu
of Norn K. KuHtnrNOii, ilucoiiHtiil, Iiiih
, flliul liltt Final Acrount of IiIh mliiiln-
Intrutlou of mild (mtntu wrtli th. dork
' of tlio county Court of tlio Ktato of
OruKon, for llurnny County, ami that
' wild court Iiiih mado anil onl;r ap
liolntliiK Monday Uiu 3rd ilay of Jan
1 uury, Vrl, at tho hour of ten o'clock
A. M , ut tho County Court room In
' tho County Court llouio, at IluriiH,
' lloruity County, OruKon, iih tho tltnn
anil placii for tho hcnrliiR of objeo
(Ioiih to Mich Final Arcouut nml tho
H4ittliuont thuruof.
All puriionn Inlcrcnlod In Niilil on
lain and IiuvIuk ohJuctloiiH to nuclt
Final Account or any part or Itoin
thuroof nru harohy notified to pro
xi'iit Maid ohjuotloiiH anil flio tho (tamo
with tho olurk of niiIiI court on or Im
fort nald tlmV.
(Irani KoNturHon, ad rato'r.
, I'. (.'. Ituynvaaii anil Vovu Ituyjivaan,
JoHDph (1. Ilarvoy ami llattlo 10 liar-
voy, hid wlln, ilotnmlmitH.
To JoHDph (1. Ilarvoy ami llattlo 15.
Ilarvoy, dnfaiidantH ahovo umuiiil:
In tlio uaiiio of tho Sitalo of Oro
Koii, you aro Imndiy roiiulrod to hp
pimr rimI aimwcr tho complaint filial
iikoIiimI you In tho ahovo i-nlltlod
caiiito w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nix woeltH from Uiu iltito
lYiU -?fif J3
i.I f I 1 1 lililil Till I
of tho find puhllcaLlon of t It Im niim
iiioiih iin httroliiaftor clvci!, ami If you
fall ho to aiiHWur. for want tlioroof,
lilalntlfTrt will itpjily to mild oourt for
tho rollof ilummulod In tholr com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a JinlKtnont iiKaliiRt you, mid
mi ll of you, for tho miiiii of f 1 r..JM)o..
HO. with lijtt'roiU thoroon from No
vomhor 22mt. 11)20, at tho rat of
plv por coot, pur annum until paid,
anil for J 1 000. 00 uttornoy'H fuo. ami
tho coHtri nml dlHtiuriminuuin of UiIh
For it iluiTi-o that plalutlrr' morl
Kiiko clvnii to nociiro tho miiuih linn--Inhoforo
iiioiitlomid Ih n flrnt, valid
ami HUloilatliiK Hon upon tho roal
propurty thurolii ami huroln dciicrlh
od, to-wlt:
Ntt of SBUi BUM of Si: ' ami
lotH T, and (1 of Hoctlou 'Jit T. 22 H.
It. 30 B. W. M ; N4 of HHV,-, SKU
ofKKU mid NW of NW'i of nccilon
S3, and WIS of NKU of ecrtlon 22,
T. 20 H, It. :i0, i: W. M., all In Iiar
noy County, Orison, rontalnliiK
453.73 ncrpH, toijothor with nil wutor
ami wator rlithtH. loiiemoutH, horodlt
mnuutH nml nppurtouancoi thoroiinto '
ImiIoiikIiik or In miywlMo appertain
Im,'. For n dooroo ami onliT of Halo of
until promlHDN mid tho application of
tho proouodd of mild nnlo lu paymont
of cimtii ami illHhurHuiiioiilH, atlor
iioy'jt fuo. ami tho amount found to
ho duu tlio plalntlffH.
For a ilttormt that lUfemlantH ami
II ponoim clalmliiK umlor thorn muI
MqtlHiit to tliH oxitrutloii of plain-.
llftV inorlKHK. to-wlt: Nnvotiiloir 22.
10 Hi. hu forever hurn-d mid fnro
tlowd of rII rU;ht. t It lu. claim or
'Hilly or redemption In ami to said ,
praiiiUoii mid ovnry part tlioroof.
For 11 JjdKinunt iiKNlnut you ami
ca'li of you In tho amount of any
ilficiHin-y which may remain aftor
1 1. 1' nppllcatlou of tho procoodu of
Some Specials
Dress Goods
! Silk Shirts
! Gloves
We sell everything
to eat, Produce Fruit
and Vec: tables.
I t V. VIA lMH I
mgi urn m
N. Brown & Sons
Saturday of each week we will inspect
your car free of charge. This means if you
will come to our garage with your Ford bur
mechanic will carefully go over your Car
and make a report on same as to its mechan
ical condition. You can hand this report to
our Clerk and he will figure out what it will
cost you to Jiave your car put in first class
mechanical order. This clerk will ajao ad
vise you what you will save by having this
work done on our special winter rates.
Now this is Ford Service by an Author
ized F.ord Dealer where Genuine Ford parts
arc used and work done by expert Ford
in the heart of Harney Valley
now offered at
$30.00 to $110.00 an acre
All Within the Harney Valley Irrigation District
Large acreage cutting hay. All with water rights.
Sales Office at Burns.