The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 25, 1920, Image 1

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tiicy fiinty's timber U an
t for inlinedlato uxplolla-
Ilnnioy county's rcscourceji are
:ttnie(lng tho attention of (Iuj
mil lii! V(!h(. Irrigation, stock
iNliik'i mines, oil mid huh pro
,)'(:( m imil iigrletilliuo nit
Milting development.
MUIh Miutild lie turning
Lit to nlit hi thu t'cruiiHtriio
Li work of tint Ion. In-
Invito Ilils virgin field
NO. 8
em Feed Thii Year Th
Total Destruction.
I. At... t....t....t I1..-. - II. ...A
A ...... I.. .1 At... ...... Mat. tl,. .. 1 ..It
...tit. Al. I . I ...A.. I. t
. .... t.a it... t.a
back on a firm foundation. Thu
-...(.. il.h.- I. I. .... . it... A A 1. f
ua good na thoy aro. No t;rcnt
A I t A.. I.
pluco. Tho Priuldontlal eltct'on.
r.t. -t t -f....M ..I.... I.. I
it II uinujn i iiiihn ii uu u h uuaiuujti
1 t. a. ...! I ........
iiuiiitu. aaaa. iitinnuii iaaaia nuuii u
congrcs and u now president
I bo asxvu 10 pus.i wiuu appears to
. . A . . A A la A A .
muen nujuuu legislation tor mo
...let tfi riitinrliwl tlinf
In n lotting up In thu buying of
. -i . . . . .
in mrcMcn uiinm inr imnnrr. inn
I I .. . 1. at... ft...
1U UL llUlklinOllli ftl'tkl lllft Ullll IIU
got caught with hln Import pro-
in tho protection barbo of tho
tariff fenco that thin special
t a i .. 1. 1 1 i.
la plentiful and must remain
hay cron of noarlv ovary hoc-
of Oregon, much winter food-
must bo rcnortod to and a brisk
t . a m . . a. m s . . .
m mnriciH inr in lie n in iiur i iiiki
Huff ought to bo In ovldonco.
00 UllBUri HUGllOll Ul UKKUII,
l - .. ......... .. 9 I .. I . . -
ihcpards, but which owing to tho
l t . ..1 .1 I at... ...
t a . . . a a. - .
nil wiih mil iiHt'ti iiiti-ikuhii ui i-iii
winter hazanlH, Ih now holiu;
I A - 0 I I. .1. n .
m t3nm at n n 9 S 1 1 a ail fl Iflt
i . t . a . A -. I..
a a .a m .. A A A .
Ail n wra n v ww arur ava nv iiairi
- . . a a .. . . m
f m TAiifi n h 1 1 r 1 1 1 1. ikiiiii rrnn inr
a .it mi.
L. At anaklMl t WAnl I It If I 1
.a . . A A A
i mi 1 1 ii n l wbtmi rum Li in ijii
.IH.. . I I 1... -M
TiriTi iv iimniiii 1 1 v iiiirriniHiirH
a . ill.. 1 .. . . .1
CI .1 till 111 II II. 1i IIIIIII'AM Ullll 1IIU
M V .lllllllllillll Hill ITU L1I.1L uiiiu .
IV4IVVH liUii ij n iiiu;f iwnnvn uwuiir)
yinr and n lamb crop of hull
r thr ront or thn normal.
given by MIhh Agneti
Foley, auulHted by nuveral of thu tal
ented people ot Uurun on lunt Biitur
duy ovonlng wiih a decided huccohh
nud one of thu tnoHt pleitHtng pro
griinni over rendered In thlu city.
MIhb Foley, Ih to bo congratulated
and tliOHU taking part with her de
norvu credit for tho manner In which
tho program wiih roudered.
Tho Liberty Thoatro wiih filled
completely by a very appreciative
audience. Hach number received gon
croiirt apulutiHU and thOHU taking part
had to rdHpoud to ourorca repeatedly.
Wo Hhall not partlcttliirlzu In malt
ing mention iih each nuiubor ,aH
v;oll received and tho performera
highly praised.
The ice.' tu I wan given an a ltoimfll
' for tho now St. Josephs' HoupUal.
I no IuiuIh lo go directly for mUi
inont for l!ij inirgery. $112.50 w.
i.leared fr this fund and given our
, to tho proper olllcer to ho applied
as specified.
and Mood feeding and butler farm
and raugo of our nutmulu
Hluu Mountain 1'uglo.
A mooting of tho Commercial Club
was hold Tuesday ovonlng. Prettl
dont Ueer had received a reiiueul
from other commercial organization!)
tc have this club Join In urging c ti
gress for relief legislation. A com
mltteo wns appointed to draft a
memorial asking thai certain legisla
tion bo piiHsed to relieve conditions,
especially thu live stock Industry
and further recommend tho rein
statement of tho war (Iminco board.
Mr. Dwyer of tho Klectrlc Light
& Power Co. had also asked a hear
ing before tho club but ho failed to
tiinko an appearance. Mr. Dwyer
claims ho Is not breaking oven on
furnlHhlng lights for' tUTs cfTy' wliuh'
ho haH to run on tho engine, Tho
club took no action because there
was nothing before It to act upon,
wkmj ii:vi:m)ii:i
Children's Kingdom
The baby of the manger, overlooked by the mild-eyed
oxen and worshipped by the wise men with their frankin
cense and myrth, came to establish a new kingdom the
Kingdom of God.
One other kingdom He established on this earth to
make glad the hearts of all at this blessed season The
Children's Kingdom of Christmas.
At midnight the portals which shut this magic king
dom off from the workaday world swing silently open. At
dawn the little people of the realm begin to troop into it.
Little pattering feet, funny little forms chid in night-
clothes swarm through the open gates of the Kingdom of
Christmas and take possession for the day.
The horns blow, the rattles sound, the drums beat, ra
tions of sugar plums and comfits aro served out to the pa-jama-clad.
army. Chariots, carts, donkeys and automo
biles speed across the carpeted plains, and the reicn of the
children revels itself out to a sleepy end at nightfall', with
dolls and swords clasped in hands which cling on after the
who aivi:utihi:h
Albert Wood was In from hln
farm In thu Ityu (Irass district
Thursday and reports that his neigh
bor, 0. L. (JuhcIi, has recently mink
nvn.q hnvo f.'illon shut in slnnn.
' i uui , Wt i. want; ii, una i uiiuiinj mum i . -- . - ........ -
attle -mm to have reached tho,v well to n depth of 108 foot that! It 1S a great (lay, a (lay of SWCCt foolisllllOSS, a time for " In the Inierest of tholr re-
torn and a slight climb In prkijjmH developed a flow of 600 IiuIhh q harilllT of hearts too loillT Screened f 10111 the CVCS that M,,,eUv', "h1homho In future.
... ii a a. a. a llf la . . i.a a... a . . . A. I . ." . Tlllil ullllU'fi U'llftt IIV'II lT l rl 1 1 1 9 1 -
" . . . 'V v , long 10 iook iiho inem anti see iovu eiimioiiuti. Hmm ..,! .in .i..i ii..i mnv i.
f r nir uhiindniit hnv cron the ,nir fnirn iniinn. ........... ... .. ! itoiiH may no anil uinu inn) no ae-
!er .....1 yearling end mould bo a I This adda another Irrigation plant I tl MaK,e V10 in0Sl 01 ,l' 01 llaP." y0U l'iin 01 ,1, "'IH-"I " "rnoy county by Ml-
ir- of hmii o little concern, but
1. fd situation Is entirely sat-
ttrry and uiiieli outsldu range Is
al,ir. reported thosu unsold
iah may well bu put to tho pro
lile )nk of garnering a feed crop
i might otherwlsu go ungothered.
iUtltH show thut Oregon cuttle
nui are tnado from thu range run-
kof tattlu rather than from thu
i lot This year might show a
n better spring balance than It
'looked for. Tho Oregon cattlo
torer has materially improved
' quality of hln anlmulH by the
'Jlng In and uso of pure blooded
on tho raugo and with good
ft a high und desirable typo of
k)l will bu offered tho range
fiedurs and shippers.
lorKCK aro steadily becoming
e In demand. Decrousod food
illno costs In swinging tho pondu
bark In favor'tof tho horso.' At
nt figuring burloy at 0 conts,
at r,o cents, hay at 2G por ton
pasture at JJ15 per aero for tho
ft pasture run ront of 170 days,
Und that 25.3 bushols of rolled
ftf, 37 8 busholn of oats, 1.7 tons
hy will keep an average horso
king undor avorago Orogon con-
ma for a year, tho aggrogato cost
his feed la $117.35 por yoar from
ihould bo subtracted $39, the
P of tho manuro, leaving an ox-
of biit $78.35 for tho year'n
1'ng Thoso figures show really
cheaply a draft horso may bu
olalncd undor farm conditions
7 attomptlng to compoto with
or motor tractor power with
1)111 of oxponsos. Qood draft
should all bo bred In tho
WK and rango maroa of fair typo
reasonable bono and alzo will bo
ncreaslng demand. Live stock
frtrs have a right to bo optlmls-
bout tho future of tho Industry.
ought to bo an avorng) year.
l call for th practice of thrift
During tho recent convention of
county Judged and couimluolouorH of
Oregon thoco proHout wont on record
an favoring patronizing homo indus
tries as a menus of solving thu unem
ployed problem. Thin In a good
movo. It might go'ovon farther and
bu equally an elllectlvu of keeping the
money at homo by patronizing tho
homo merchant whore It Is posstblo.
Look over tho ndvorllsementH In thin
paper and ueo It you can't nave somu
money by dealing with tho homo
man, Don't compare too closely with
your mull order hoiino catalog, for
thu homo man must live, you know,
but If ho doosn't advortlso hln goods
you nru Justified In overlooking him.
Thu following resolutions woro
passed by tho county Judges and
commissioners' organization:
WHHltKAB the entire country Is fac
ing a serlnuH unemployed problem
Hint vitally affects ovory lino of pri
vate and public business and
WHKHKAB It would seem that much
of the problem could bo solved In Its
rotations to conditions, In Oregon If
uvury public official and citizen of
tho ntato undertook to do their part,
thoreforo bo It
IlEHOLVED by tho Orogon Associa
tion of County Judges and Commis
sioners In convention Assembled on
December 13th 1020, that wo recom
mend tho purchano and uso of Oro
gon mntcrlals and products and thus
aid In thu continuous omploymont of
people In Oregon factories.
The Times-Herald has noted In
the lust Issue of the Ontario Argus
iiome very Interesting stories In con
nection with the Farm Ilurcau work
In Malheur county nud tho things
accomplished by L. It. Drelthaupt as
county agent.
Three different stories of tho ac
tivities of this work occupy bonds
on the front pngo, one telling of thu
huygrowora' meeting nud their co
operative action, another tells of tho
departure of tho livestock commlttua
for a trip to purchase dairy cows.
The third Is a cotnprehenslvo write
up of the Hei'oud annual Farm Bur
eau meeting where over 250 ranch
needs nud planned to work ro-opcr
ers gathered and discussed their
Pests Destroyed by Hundreds
Cheaply; Method Should '
Be Given Preference.
I M ...... &k . A. ami ...v a. ij.-.A hV.-. . . I A . . . -1 It .i math I A.. .1. . .A. a m . .
to that neighborhood. It has berni i cuilius out unci: it ,VUI . luusi Jjuupu mm LUUlUttLMVUM tin-1 mwuig uio suiri iimuo oy uouiuy
proven bnyoiid a doubt that IrrlgM- -able U) bliy the presents tliey WOll!(l like to bliy for Cilirist- AkciK MoDai.leol.. Mulhour county
tlon by pumping Is fniirtlblo and with
cheap power wilt be one of the big
producing parts or the county. This
Is bound to follow the establishment
of thorn) wells thut are proving ade
quate for Irrigation purposes.
Mr. Wood Btatos there will bo
other wells sunk Imtnedlatoly and
that It will only bo a matter of a
short tlmo when tlieru will bu a suf
ficient number to Justify a big pow
ur concern to come Into the field. Ho
In authority for tho statement that
men interested In tho development
of electric power on tho Malheur
ubovo Drownoy havo said they will
build a plant and transmit electric
power to tho Ilyo (Irass section If
thoy aro guaranteed support from
100 wolls. Thin enn bo done within
the next few months but with a
ias. Some find the season a time of unhajlpincss for that, h"H ,,r',,,lor ,,,'a "ro !,,ul "I" w,,rk-
m . i n iii 'Ti. i ii i M"l systematically by this organ-
cry reason. Try not to feel thus. It is not the presents ,,,,
very reason. Try not to leei tnus. it is not tne pi
bought or received that makes the day of good. It is the
love snent and not the money that counts.
The DAY should break down every barrier between
hearts estranged and be the starting point for better rela
tions and new alieetions and above all, it should be the
day of the Children's Kingdom.
And whenever Christmas is made the children's festi
val based on LOVE His gentle spirit will be in the
midst of it.
Harney Lodge No. 77 and Sylvia
Kohekah Lodge, No 13, I. 0. 0. F
aro making preparation to hold Joint
f Messrs. John L. Caldwoll and Qua
llardwell have purchased, thu stock
of the Harney County Abstract Co,
. , a IlinillllltilWII Wt fiii.ji ait itittaj
tvansmlsslo,, 1 tie across by way r TJl) llulaUltim (!oru
1 HIU V I IJUI I I.... ...Ill l. f,vll,.,.,...l l. I......
thut muy bo doveloped .on tho Mal
heur such n company noed not stop
or dopend entirely upon this support
but may alBO find a greater rovonuo
Installation of olllcem on Thursday,' from Chiis. M. Faulkner.
Tho former boys had recently In
corporated an abstract concern un
der tho name ot the Title Abstract
quut and general good time by mom
burs of the orders.
Tho Odd Follows la the oldest see-
by extending Its lines on Into thls'rot organization In Hums, In point
of establishment of a local lodge.
It bus boon suggested by ono of ( Many ot tho members hnvo been
tho engineers In chargo of tho Har-Wth tho organization for yenrs.
noy Valloy Irrigation District work 'j'hese older members find tho au
thut tho power possibilities at tlio'nuai inHtallatlon tlmo and tho aunt
ronorvolr on that project might bojvormiry duy ()f tho organization a
used to advantngo for Just hiicIi n delightful reunion whero they fool
at homo and surrounded by a family
of younger nniplo who aro going
forward In '. j teuchlugs and good
offices of the order.
Co. It had been their Intojitlou to
enter tho abstracting field in com
petition with thu older' concern but
the lutoroated parties got togother
and tho result la thu now' firm has
takon over thu stock of tho Hartley
County Abstract Co. and will contin
In resolution passed at the big
annual meeting thu ranchers take oc
casion to compliment their county
court for Its actlvu co-operation and
strongly urgo a greater activity In
the aid of County Agent Ilrelthaupt.
They also recommend thu abolish
ment of tho bounty on coyotes and
ask our representatives In tho legis
lature to uso their efforts to that
end. In connection with this subject
wo glvo tho resolution:
WIIKItlOAS; It Iiiib been called to
the attention of tho voters that In
tho pnst year Malheur County has
paid bounties for coyotes in tho total
sum of more than $8,000 and whore
iih It has bueu demonstrated that
thu bounty system Is entirely Inndo
iiuato to moot the problem presented
by tho prcsenco of coyotes, nud
WhoronB, tho work of tho U. S,
Diologlcul Survey with Its trained
hunters ban given greater satisfac
tion, at far less cost to thu counties
and states whero It has operated, bo
RESOLVED: that wo roquost our
roproHontatlvos la tho legislature to
uso their ovory effort to repeal por-
purposo as pumping from tho under
ground waters of thin valloy to irri
gate tho land that cannot como un
der tho gravity BUpply project. TIiIh
geintloinan points out that power
would bo avallablo for that purpose
to tho exclusion of all othor purposes
as It would not bo avallablo for com
mercial uso In gonoral bocauao It
would bo available only during tho
Irrigation season.
' ' o '
A. C. Volmor has boon In. town
this week.
It in expected tho coming Installa
tion night will find a largo number
of tho members of tho order assem
bled In tho lodge room to recall old
times and tako part in tho work,
Moro snow for tho sleighing partloa
and moro molsturo for tho crops next
uo tho husluesH under that nunio.
Mr. Caldwell la tho assessor ot i tlous of tho present bounty law of
Harney county and Mr. Uardwell has
been his deputy for the past throe
or four years. They aro ouergotlc
young men who aro reliable and who
will conduct tho business along tho
hiuiio efficient lines It haa been in tho
Mr. Faulknor Btatos ho has no Im
modlato plana and will tako tlmo to
look around. Ho sayB ho Is roudy
to ongngo In 'other business In tho
spring If conditions will arrant,
but If not ho will Book florae placo
whoro ho can got busy aa ho doesn't
want to bo Idlo and wait.
tho coming session of tho legislature,
making tho paymont of bountloa op
tional by tho County Court, and that
wo rouuost our County Court to
substitute tho Biological sorvlco for
the bounty system na soon an prac
ticable o ,
Harry E. Smith roturnod rocontly
from a trip to Portland whoro ho
wont on a visit to his wlfo. Mrs.
Smith was in poor health when alio
loft BuniH several months ago from
hoart troublo and finds that tho low
er altitude la beneficial.
Three hundred rabbits in ono
night at a cost of less than' $2.00 Is
a demonstration mnde by tho two
bays In chargo of thu rabbit poison
ing campaign last Monday night.
This wnn under favorablo weather
conditions but tho poisoning might
hnvo bueu more effective hud tho
hay stack boon properly fenced.
Thin kill was mado at tho A. C.
Welcomo ranch Just below town.
Tho ono ounco of poison wan distrib
uted on Monday evening nnd tho
dead rabbits weru gathered. up the
following morning. Tho boys worn
aided In gathering them up by a rep
resentative of this paper and County
Judgo Farro.
Tho Tlmes-Hcrnld hnn ndvoraod
this method of extermination of tho
rabbit post from tho first tlmo tho
subject was dlscujfpd. It in ibu
most effective and cheapest plan und
v.ould bo ontlroly successful If pro
pel ly handled and thn pooplo would
tako an Intorest. Ot course it I
realized there Ii n wldo territory
over which thu rabbits may roam
whoro no one is living but at thla
tlmo of year and with snow covering
tholr usual feud tho rabbits congre
gate around hay stacks where thoy
may bo poisoned. Tho kill of lust
Monday night demonstrates tho pos
sibility In connection with thii meth
od. If people would work at It, unnlt
rancher bu ready .with hln polso'i at
thu proper time, put It nut nud k' p.
It up for a short time thu number of
rabbits that would escape would be
. Tho argument Is advanced that
the poisoning method in not good for
this county because of tho nmnll pop
ulation; at thin date practically all
thu rabbits are rougregntcd around
feeding places nnd with a largo force
of men could be practically oxtor
mlnated within two weeks. It In a
pity the Biological Survey In not ablo
to put men In tho Held fur thin pur
pose but It should not be necessary.
No one asks the (toverumont to do nil
tho work wo should show homu
disposition to aid. Just an It lis with
the sago rat In th summer. V cmii
get rid of thoso pets at a how' rial
coat If each Individual wllf work
COPH'KlUlltty at It.
The Tlmos-lloruld regrets thr
a d'sposltlou khown by some to not
co-operato with the poisoning at this
time, evidently because of the fact
that on January 1st a bounty of five
conts will bo paid for rabbits. Tito
two men eugagdd In tho poisoning
cumpulgnturo covering what terri
tory they can In thin vicinity, but
there nru places whoro a greater
number of rabbits could ho killed
If thu owners of tho places would
glvo their permission and aid In thn
work. Howovor, with present weath
er conditions and sufficient help a
great many rabbits aro going to na
Nhtroyod beforo Harney county has,
tc pay bounty on them.
A. L, Hackney In hero from hi
homo at Nampa,
B, F, Steele was In from his homo
near Princeton for a abort visit dur
ing tho week.
Clay demons. and family aro over
from their homo at Boise to spond
tho holidays with relatives and
friends In thla vicinity,
Tho old tlmo choor of tho holi
days will bo mlssod by noma but al
together It should bo about aa cheer
ful aa each individual will bo In a
hotter mental condition to ronlly en
joy tho aplrlt of tho occasion In
stead of tho "splrlta."
flio mnlla havo boon vory con-
geatod during tho paat few days bo
cauBo of tho ChrlBtmna ruah. Many
disappointed In not recolvlng tholr
Christmas packages. No papor mall
was brought In yesterday morning
nnd, tho. Oregonlan wan missing' tho
day boforo. In fact pupor mall has
boon Irregular for aomo tlmo, thin ot
flco having fallod to receive Sundayi
papers for two wooka.