U-t ih T II H T I M K H II 10 It A li 1 n U It N H II H V v o n N T V O H B fl O N Haliirilny, Roremboi' IH, 1020. Pago Bight i 1 1 Hi A Poor Theory Said old Bill Shiftless: "The world owes me a-living. Why -should I worry?" And old Bill managed to get along on that theorybut such a life. Down at the heels, hand to mouth, slipshod, poverty- stricken, without hope, without ambition, without comfort. What a price to pay for laziness and incompetence. You all know some "Bill Shiftless" who is no earthly good except as a horrible example. The world may owe us a living, but the way in which it is collected marks the dif ference in men. If a decent, satisfactory and comfort able living is desired, the two principal re qusites are to WORK and SAVE. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVING ACCOUNTS First National Bank BURNS, OREGON HHIIMMMMHIMHMMMIMMMIIM tH ( HA E m i LOCAL IfnrrymKlTwftirTu town tho othor day. Harry Gouldln waa ovor from tho OO Ranch during tho wcuk. W. L. Nowton was up from Nar rown last Saturday on itomu business. Mr. Nowton la teaching In that dli trlct. y Born 8undny, Dec. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, a daughter. Mother and baby uro reported doing flno at tho Maternity hospital In thin city. Mrs. Goo. A. Smyth and her nlcco, Mian Kthol Drown, were In town tho foro part of this week visiting with frlondH and iiIho taking In tho moot lug of tho Eastern Star. Frank Dlhhln wan ovor from his Silver crook homo during tho week. Mm. May V. KkcIobIoii Ih fiver from hor homo at I'nyetto to remain 1 until after hto Masonic Installations during tho holidays. MrH. HggloHton Ih tho pruK'.it Ma I ron of Ihu lluriiii Chapter. Mr. K. F. Schwartz and hor llttlo daughter Itelda took their departure this morning for Portland whoro thoy will upend tho holidays with rolatlven, done Schwartz will como down from Scattlo whoro hIio Ih In nohnol, to upend tho vacation with her mother and HlHtor. Several of tho rltlzonn of tho Laweu nectlon have been In town during tho week being interested In tho water hoarlng being conducted. Among thoro up wore; A. S. Rwnln, Lloyd Johnson, Will and Ralph Cnt tomon, Fred Otloy and hlfi son Frod Jr., I. Wolnatoln, Scott Hayes and Allon Sltz. Tho Misses Krlcheaka, Froaso, and Whoaldon, all of tho Harney County High School faculty, loft thlH morn ing for tholr homea to npond tho boll " ay vacation. A. IC. KIchardHon took thorn out uh far au nend, Robt. Drlnkwator Crano yesterday. was over from C. L. Forbes, a roproiontatlvn of a meat concorn at la Orando, In soliciting bunlnena from local firms of Hums. Judgo Grant Thompson wan among our Lawon vlnltorn during tho week, being Interested In tho water adjudication. Court stenographer Will Walker Ih hearing tho testimony In other cases In addition to the water adjud ication while ovor from his homo at Ontario. Judgo Will R. King wan present at tho hearing of tho water adjudica tion testimony during tho week, do ing associated with tho attorneys for William Hauloy. Judgo King waH hero during tho summer for a short time and sn'H now that ho has re sumed private practice following IiIh work with tho U. M, Reclamation ser vice, ho will likely make froiiuent vlaltn to Oregon oven though IiIh olllco la in Washington, I). I'. Hupt. A. R. Olson of tho !'. I.. S. Co. arrived homo thin week from a trip to Han Franolxco Upon IiIh re turn there wnH a meeting of tho dlr- (H'torri of tho Jlariioy Valley Irri gation District but wo aro luformod thoro was nothing of Importance enmo before tho mooting, merely a regulnr monthly meeting and tho payment of iiuch IiIIIh as 'wore pro Honted. ' R. Frod Williams will annuma tho position of chief deputy under Chun, B. Dlllman upon his taking tho oath an county clerk for tho coming term Fred Jiua already entered tho office and Ih assisting In tho conduct of the olllco during Mr. Dlllman'n abHoiiceo on IiIh honeymoon, Mr. Wllllnma In well qunllfled for tho position and no doubt hla Holcctlon will meet tho approval of tho public, Judgo Froemont Wood of Roiso wan ono of tho outnldo nttornoyn to attend tho adjudication hearing con ducted during tho wook. Mr. Wood repreaontod tho Oregon & Western Colonization Co, and W. P. Davidson In tho proceedings. FURNITURE New and Second Hand $3,000.00 Stock to Choose From Inland Empire Realty Co. Albert A. Traugott, Proprietor Phone Old Xorgeneoa Bid. Ira Mahon wan In town hint Sat urday afternoon, Mm. C. A. Harlan was ovor from Cruiiu yuntordiiy doing iiomo nhop ping and vltiitlng frtoililH. lion. John L. Raiid and K, F. frreailwell were among tho outmdo altornoyH attending tho water hear ing In thin oily during tho wook. A dofootlvo fluo caused a Hmnll blaze at Jumcii Douegaa'a olllco Wed nomluy morning. Tho flamoii wore extlngulflhod hoforo any diuimgo waa done, Mm. H, L. llaynoii was horo from Callow valley during Iho week. W. T, Vanderveor wan ovor from bin ranch on l'lno creek tho other day on business. Mhia Milium I'ottornon Is In from her homo near Wngontlro. Mr. and Mm. O. I'. Wlthors wore registered at tho Lovona from I'alii ley tho foro part of this wook. County Agont MoDaiilols lo'l Thursday for I'oudloton whoro ho was called on buslnoim for a short tlmu by Assistant County Agent Leader Ilallard. C. W. Frailer and Chan. Mooro worn among our visitors from the Diamond country during tho wook. Tho boyn wero over on somo court matters. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Famon are hero from their homu at l'ayotto, on a visit to their daughtor, Mm. Obll Hhattuck. Thoy will remain hero un til after tho holidays. Tho Farsonn aro not ntrangem in thin community as thoy have been horo raoro or less for several yearn. Ooorgo Foon, tho Chinnman who conducted a restaurant in thin city for yearn, and In now located at Crano, sont tho manager of thin groat rollgloun weekly a turkey for Chrlstamn. Oeorgo has been a resi dent of Harney County for over thirty yearn and knew tho newspaper man when ho wan a schoolboy. In tho old dayn George used to feed "us kids" plo when wo would call on him after achool and hod always say: "Oo to schood, more bettor." Price Cochram In hero from Rye Valloy In Raker county whoro ho and his family now rouble. Ho came over on business and will likely be in thin vicinity for several weeks. J. L. Sits bos been over from his Drewsey homo for tho past week ono of tho Interested men attending the water hearing in process since Tues day. Mr. Sits la not personally In tereeted In the controversy an Whan disposed of hla land Intoroatn' In tho vicinity of La wen. but ho knows something of early water rlghln and wan hero to testify for bin former neighbors. IxMra. O. J. Da rat arrived homo last Tuesday, from KniiwiH whoro she had been visiting for a few mouth. During her nhsoiico she visited thu middle western Mates, also made a trlu Into California where she saw the nice orange Broven and oxpor loiiued tho delightfully mild climate, yet nho Insists that Harney county anow nnd sagebrush were most wel come to hor. Jack camo down from tho mlnoH thu day following Mrs Hurst's arrival and nho has gone to tho mountain homo with him. . Mm. T. V. H. Kmbroo wan brought to tho King hospital laat wook suffer lug from an attack of pneumonia. Al though advanced In years, Mrs. Km breo resnouded to tho treatment of her physician and la recovering sat Infnetnrlly. Her sons, Clyde and Van, with whom sho hati boon making her homo In Sunset, wore more or Iohh concornod about her recovery and telegraphed tholr sister, Mm. Ully Guthrie, who camo up from her homo at Dalian to bo with her. Mn. I!m liroo is tho wife of one of tho nionoer doctom of this valley who later mov (id to DalliiH with IiIh family and vhero ho roslded until hla doiw'i hhv- oral yearn ago. The uoy aro farm cm in tho SuiiHOt district of thin vnl ley. o The books acoounta an aetea ol J. W. Geary. M. D. are in the office of the undersigned for collection All those knowing themselves Indebt ed to the Dootor are requested to call and settle, as I seall sot sea out statomonts but bring suit In such aases where I consider it proper te do o. KlBflly eall and save costs. N. YON80HlfAL3, Atteraer k law, o All Hllk underwear at 20 per cent offMm. H. F. Hchwartz. Ailv. o CARD OF TIIANKH Harry Wlthors doHlres to oxprewi hla Hlncero thanku to all tho neigh bom and frlondH who showed nuch marked klndneas and sympathy dur lna- the trying hours of his wife et, tucle Johns tibsto r2 tit I HCAR THCV DON'T NEED STOVES IN RUSSIA ANV MORE. "morzucv's hot air Keeps the houses warm. The Rapl'nt LuiI'oh Home and For eign Mlt'idonnry Society mot at tho homo or Mr. and Mm, .Nell Smith on Wednesdav. Doc 8th. Tho afternoon wan profitably spent In making fancy iifHitlna ft tin tt riMvnpp Aflnr riiiuf iionm mootliitf it sborl nroisram was 'a rendered In which Mrn. Hhattuck. of tho Kxperlmont station, gave n saxo phono nolo, accompanied by Mm. Curtln Smith on tho piano. Light re freshment woro norved by tho bost ons. A(Tlimatol Hecil for Halo The Harney Rranch Kxperlmnnt Station has tho following reckoned seed for sale at threo and ono half contn per pound:- Truo Spring Ryo Burly Ilaart Wheat Hannchon, Trebl, and Whlto Smyrna Ilarley Sixty Day and Rustless Selection Oatn JMaco your orders oarly aa wo only have a limited amount of thtmo ac climated seeds on hand. 12-4-3t Denatured Alcohol can now bo sad for that radiator at tho Homo Drug Store. Adv. a Patients receive tho bent of care at the Uurns Maternity Hospital. l-4tf 1 amwm ft nri. 'j. o A JUI1U jr.y TilTB Census Bureau announces that out of our population of 105,000,000 about one fifthto J.)e exact 20,380,000 are bank depositors. Are you one of the "four fifths" who are not depositing? One out of every two working adults has enough thrift, foresight and strength of character to save on a system and deposit in a bank. Thrift pays now and It Will Always Pay The above is a story of endeavor, of courage, of confidence and determination that reveals sturdiness of character at its best. It is a story that should bring the stimulus of good suggestion to every one' of us ii story of hearty good news for your future and for ours. Save. Thrift Pays! Save and deposit your savings here! SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Harney County National Bank "YOCil HOME INSTITUTION" m LOST Largo envelope containing noma partially finished linen handkorchlofa, also some crochet thread. Finder will please loavo at the County Agent's office. 13-18 Effective wan today tho Rend & llnrnn Auto StiiRO ban changed Itn achodulo until further notice an fol- lown: Leave Uurnit Wednesday and Sunday, leave Rend on Monday and Friday. 12-4. n-- HI'KCIAL halk Hnglno Regular 00,007 FORD CARS I Inoxponnlvo Xraan glfta may te MADK I.N MONTH foand at tho Homo Drug Store. Ac I o Ono every 18 Mfond one rocord. FalrbanVs-Morso Kcllpso and Pump Jack assembled price $77.60. Heerlal prlro Vin.OO Fairbanks-Morse Englno a homo power Regular price $105,00 Nperlal prlrc H5.0 Myers pump, brass cyllndor, feft pipe Npeclul price W7.BO Tho above artlcloa havo been used hut Junt overhauled and are In flrat class condition. Dtirns Garage, Uurns Oregon 15 During October 90.9G7 Ford cam wore mado In tho Ford factory, at Dotrolt and ahippod out to Join tho four and one-half million already In service. Thin is tho highest record over reached by tho Ford Company, or any othor company. Thlrty-threo more cam would havo brought pro duction up to tho 100,000 mark for tho month. October 26 wan tho banner day, having brought forth 4,688 earn. Thin wan also a record breaker. It mcann that ono car wan completed every eighteen and one-half seconds for tho fintlro twenty-four hour day. Thl) Ford estimate for this year in ono and one-quarter million earn and truckn. It waa during the fall of 1000 that Honry Ford placed on tho market hla now famous Model "T" tho car that brought Ford unquestioned suprem acy In tho motor car Industry. To dato, more than four and ono-hnlf million of this one model havo boon built and distributed to tho four corners of tho world. Of models prior to tho "T", thirty thousand wero manufactured. During 1910, 18,6-14 Ford cam woro built, a tromendoun output for thoso daya. Yet in ton yonr from that tlmo Ford production has grown to more than ono million a year. Almost half of tho motor cum In thu world aro Ford cam. In tho unit ed States and Canada, a llttlo bolter than one-half aro Fords. NOTICK day' My tton, Geary Clovonger, has ma I away from hla homo and refuses lo J oboy mo an hla father, therefore L ' shall not bo responsible for any debts ho may contract from this timo. ADv. O. W. CLEVBNGER Kenneth Crwcler emm cletiTcr YOUR COAL Cheaper mmw than later. Wfcea th prcacut eapply l exhaaatra' flea price win ralav-rtia CV. The Herman Martz Wood Saw Is prepared to work Z promptly Phone Nd. G104 tiff ITIIffMI TftTTT 1 I f II Try Firecitoao ffarajr. Cords. UnlvcX) Adr. tf. Wm. Farre IVwctlce before U. S. Land Ut pat tint-lit end Real Estate Indlciftlim.s are that tb luro of thn land will attrart mnny InrcMor l Mnrney Ciunty the com tiiK season. I.lhliagx mow wHl b kept before pro pm41vo luvestora the cu Uf srnon. Mrn. A. D. Jonon la aow in chnriN of tko Smth rooming nnuae aajoin- ing the Coir hotol. She will bo pleased to meet her many Montis there. -12tf. 400 tons alfalfa hay for sale. Feed ing prlvlllgoa or it will be fed to stock If donlrod, Inquire of J. Lampahlre or Arthur Turner. 11-13-tf. NOTICK OF FINAL HKTTLKMKNT Notice Ih hereby glvon that tho un doralgncd, administrator of tho estato of Nora, B. Kostorson, docoasod, has filod his Final Account of hla admin istration of said estato with tho clork of tho county Court or tho Btato of Oregon, for Hamoy County, and that said court has mado and ordor ap-i pointing Monday tho 3rd day of Jan uary, 1921, at tho hour of ton o'clock A. M.i at tho County Court room In tho County Court House, at Duma, Hamoy County, Orogon, as tho tlmo and placo for tho hoarlng of objoc tlona to auch Final Account and tho settlement thereof, All porsonB IntoroHtod In aald es tate and having objections to auch Flnnl Account or any part or Horn thoroof aro horoby notified to pro nont aald nbJoctlonB and filo tho samo with tho clork of aald court on or bo fore aald time. Great Keeteraoa UmtiUtrater stock of Rosedale We are opening a Crockery, Cut Glass. Pottery, China, Community Sil verware, Skates and Toys. Drop in and allow us to make Xmas suggestions. I 5v ftRRR nr1 Co, Ml