Saturday, December J8, 1020, T II 15 T I M 10 H II 10 It A I; l II U It N H , II A It N 10 V . O I I' , , O It MOON I'nfio (fovea Ml tot NOT W&Iffifflfc MERE - HEPE - STOP THAT RIGHT OFF . WMAT'3 THE THAT KID TMEPE SAID I WAS HOMELY AS VOU POP 0! THAI'S WIIvV STAPTED IT EUl WELL NOrHIN REALLY 6TAWED 'TILL I SAID I WASHY AS HOMELY AS YOU POP . TROUBLE ANYWAV 7 HOME SWEET HOME by Earl Hunt Classified Advertising and Legal NoticesProfessional CardsMiscellaneous News .r RIGHT OFF . WMAT'3 THE AKA A J TDn iOIC AUUI1IAU 7 I J Nl I M 2J ummmmm' . ... r M , i f , ,a, , , u j . i i,m PROFESSIONAL CARPS DR. B. F. SMITH Phyaiciiin nntl Surgeon Hurns, Oregon Ol'ioeut rcsldrnco, Dr. Crlllith'a for mer home. Phone No. 1 1 FOR SALE KOIt BALK Good novon room house with an ueru or flno garden ground iiIho a kooiI second hand Ford car. Inquire at IIiIh ollk'o. 12-18 Attutit tun Woolgrowora 7 0 0 0 (NW V4 8K V4 ) North half of South wont quarter (NBWVi) and BotithouHt quartor of Southwest quarter (SKVlBWVi) Sootlon Thirty two (.12) Townahlp Twenty throo (23) South, Hnngo Twenty llvo (25) Kuat Willamette Morld- luit It . O II U IJ It K I acren rniiitu laud, -100 aeroa under; tio proeeoda of such hiiIu to apply dlteh C000 iiwcm iitld 3000 lumba ' (m cohIh llf Wl, ,, lho M . I) Or. Baurmau & Uruuut'H Former Ofllco Building Phono No. S!0 Hums Oregon J. W. O IJ A It Y Physician and Burgeon IlurnM, ()ir;on Telephone R130 D1JNMAN Ai D1JNMAN Physician and HurKcon.i for tiato-ldoal Location I WM. FA It 1112. FOIt BALK 7 room house, lurgu atono collar, windmill &. tank, 2 lotM, sleeping porch. Cheap, easy turitiH, .Small cash paymunt, lul- I nnco llko rout. Inland Kmplio Realty Co. G-G-tr. TWO BTOItY. woven room realdonco. plautorud, hot and cold water, hath and modern cnuvonloucea, collar nnd gnrngo, Itt Illock CD, 3rd nddl tlon to Iluriui, belonging to Mr. 4. Kathcr F. fichwnrt. for Halo WM. FA It It 15 I Tlllt ltllllrf fjlull f:llli-?l l U.iiiflim Calls aiiHwerod promptly day or nlBht T. an S., It.'lUJS IJ., for unit at 'Phono Crnuo Crano, Orcein I1!0(U0 eanli. WM. I'AJtUIJ. I,. IJ. IIIIIIIAItl) I IJ N T I H T Olllco first door east photo gallery Burns, Oregon CIIARLHS V. IJLL1H 1, A W Y K it . Iluma, - - - OruKon Prnotlcert In thu Btato CourtH and heforo thu U. B. Laud Otllco FOIt HALM Tho Jamn Me.MaiiUH ranch In Sue. 12, I I, 15. T. 20 H., It. 2 1 IC. 220 acroH, reduced In J 1000.00. TumiH. WM. FAItltK. WK HUY, ralHo and noil fur-hoarliiK rahhltK, and oilier fur-hoiirlui; an Imnlfl. LIhI what you havo with tin, Htutlni; your lowovt price on lurKu lot tthlpiuunta. Tho Fur & Bpuulalty FarmliiK Co., CI 6-01 7 N. P. Avo., Farijo, N. Dak. followhiK JtidKinont oalerod HiomIii, to-wll: For tho principal Mini of Fourt Hundred dollars with IntoruHt; llirooti until paid at tlm ratu of1 ton per cunt per annum from Auk UHt 28th, 1010, except a credit, thereon of $20.00 paid March .'1,1 11)20, and for tho further imiii of I may ho nocoHHiiry to mitlHfy Mm And to mo dlroelod and dollvorod eoiitH or thlH iialo and tho plaintiff 1 will on tho 4lh day of Janunry 1021 Hiild JudKiueiit horolnhororo deiierlh- at tho hour or two o'clock In tho ar- cd with IntoroHt thereon, to tho IiIkIi- tornoon of nald dny, at tho main on- OMt and hoMl hlddnr for ciihIi In hand tnanco of tho Court Houno In llunm, In Kohl coin of tho tlnltod BtalOH. Ilarnny County, OroKon, noil at puh- Datod UiIh 20th day of Novomher, lie auction to tho hlijhoHt hlddor or 1120. hlddern ror caHh, tho following de- A. W. (100DMAN, BherllT, ncnlied roal properly, viz; Ham one- lly i l,TT It ANDALL, Deputy, half or Suction Fourloon In Townnhlp I Twenty-Mined South of ltani;o Thlrty- CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTK.'M Ol-' HALM j IN TIIM COUNTY COURT OF TIIH HTATM OF OUHCION FOIt IIAIt- NIOY COUNTY. In tho matter or tho oHlato or Ilonry Ilolkon, deceanml. NOTICM IB IlIOltKIlY OIVI2N that threw Hunt, or tho Wlllamotto Merid ian, In Ilarnoy County, Oregon, to gether with tho toiiouioutH, huredlla inentH, and appurtenauceH thereto he IoiikIiik; taken and levied upon iih thu property or tho ahovo-uamed do foiidantH, or ho much thereof oh may ho ueccHHary to satlHfy nald judgment NA.AHMNK CHUItOH 5r.0.00 nttornoyH roen, and ror tho u,,r n!ul 1,,yv!rl",) 0' BM ,01n,0orn,1 In Mvor or tho plaintiff, ahove-named coHt- and dlHhurHemonlH of thin , "10 "' ,,y ,,,B ?" 201 ' Mwunt thereon, toRother with huh, taxed at 5IT.20. ' " .. " :"H' dlHhurHomonts thereon, NOTICM IB IIK11HIIY OIVFN that t.or "r V,0..0H,,lt0 .Hf lonr7 "oI (0' attorney,! fee,, nn.t accrulni: coHtB. Datod at Uurnu, Oregon, December 2nd, 1920. W. A. OOODMAN, 8hcrlrf on MONDAY tho twentieth day of docoaoed. tho undorfllBnod admlnU- Dncemhnr, 1020, a! ten o'clock A M. of that day at tho front or trator of tho paid aHtnto will noil ul 1 private iialo to tho hlr.hont hlddor fop tho Court Houno ut lIurnH, Harney I rnnh ,n ,,ftm, nml "u,,Jct to 1,10 -Couulv. ()reon. I will In ohcdlonco 1 "rnmtlon of thin Court, on and after to nald execution and dorren nforo..11'0 a0lh 0,,y of "mhr 102. , ,, ,Ml,, u0. uu. huM, null tho foregoing dencrlhed real , ,u ,,,u roiu vv"r u.unKinB io inn OHtute. or mo much thereof hh may ho, u,,,,ll of Ho,ir' I,w,Uon' JoBod and neconHnry. to H.itlHfy tho coita or tlifni '""Hcrlhod an rolIowH, to-wlt: mil,, niwl Mm nnl.l,.! ,,f ..l.,l,i. rU0 HUH lour, Will n ft V Vi Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching Korvlco, 11 a. m. Young Pcoploii Meeting 7 P. M. Proaohlng Service 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting overy Wedneuday evening 7:30 . MlHHloiiury meeting second an4 fourth Friday In each mouth 8. L. B. Tit AC Y, Paator. PltMHIIYTMItlAN CllUItCII Sunday School 10 n. m. Preaching service 11a. ui. Other Burvlccn will ho announe4 tiff horolnlieforo dexcrlhed, with lu tereHt and cotitri thereon, to tho hlgheHt and hont bidder ror ciihIi In hand In Gold coin or tho Uultod Hinted. Dated thin 20th day or Novomhor, 1020. A. W. OOODMAN, Sheriff. Hy PLATT ItANDALL Deputy Tycho Sedln Itiinch Hee'a ID fit. 30, j NotH'K OF Hllllltll'F'.S HALM t'V- T. 21 8., It. 32 IJ., 1C0 acres of- rerod ror $1300.00. J. W. McCulloch Mcculloch & diingan Kobt. M. Duncan (jUy W. Cocklln Placo In Bcc'h 23 & j 24, T. 2G B., It. 32 IJ., South or Laku. 1G0 acroa S3200.00. Lawyrrs Ulflco nliovo tho U. B. Land Olllco HUUNS, OIIEOON FOIt HA LIC Behalf er piano In good condition. Mrs. A. K. Itlchardriou. C-20 II HUMAN VON Attorney ut Imw ContOHtv and practice hoforn U. H. Lui.d Olllco u Hpuclalty H C II M A L ' s''(:k ''''c'n'0r l'htco. 1C0 acrea In Sec. ! z, i , zi a., ii. us k Hinnu iiouho 100 ucroH clourod and broken, All j renced. T 1000.00. DIJIt FOItKCLOSt'UM I'.MKTTIOV IN TIIK ClltCUIT COUItT OF TIIIJ STATIC OF OIlUnON FOIt TIIK COl vrY OF llAlt.NIJY Thu Union Central Life luiiurauru Company, a corporation, Plaintiff. v. Pronldont Woodrow WIIhoii In miuwi' ....,1 M. untuii'K t n- hla ondorHoment of tho nolo of lion 5, Twp. 27 8. Itnngo 3G IJ. W. M. fHrllmiM Seal Sale. wrlteH: "I can conUilnlng 320,31 ncroHtnoro or Iokh. "ot " oft"" "x,ri'f'H W irofouml O IJ. THOMPSON IntoroHt in the work being done to Administrator of tho oatato of Henry ,"!k I'iIhtcuIohIc. My Intereat In Ilolkon, UoceaKod. I l,,H "voiniit la very great and Iat- : lug and I wIhIi for It thu moat com NOTICIJ TO CKIJDITOItH ptelo Huccoaa. I hopo that tho little IN Till; COUNTY COUItT OF THU Htnmptt will find a ready tmlo umong STATU OF OltlJOON COUNTY OF mlllloiiH or purchaaorH." IIA11NUY. ! o IN TIIK MATTKU OF TIIK KSTATK' Vhat Prealdent WIIhou'k Intereat OF FltANCKB K. McOIJU, Dnceaa- , , H,.,.0HM r ,ho HU0 t,rud by '''- ' llioiiKamlrt or loyl Oregonlana la ut- ,, ,,y , wlh) (0mlurlty tho Underalgned, CLAUDH McnulC of 10 ,020 lltlrkt.rH. Ilotlcrt W. Oa and LKLAII McOIJU, have heun duly, ,M)r( ,,, Hl,,, director, aya that tho appointed by. tho County Lourl oi (,rly ,, Hnrttuntttt roordorn Indl- Harney Couny, Oregon, Admlnla- ,., rucor, 8U0, trator and Admlulatratrlx ruapectlvo-. n llaruoy County J as soon n tho now paator gota a My P. T. ItANDALL, Deputy jualnlod nnd arranges with, tho coa- rrcgntlon. JOHN II. WICHIJHSON,, I'aater CllltlKTIAN HCIMNCK HOOIRTT Pub. .lau. 1st. Sorvlcoa ut 11:00 oMock. Tho reading room In the chare Kdirico, la opon on Tuoaduy and Fri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Sundny School meets on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Puplla may h admitted to H claaaoa up to tho ago of 20 yoara. Tho public la cordially Invltad U tho Church SotIcob and to the Rett ing Itooin. 1IAPT1KT CHUltCIt M. lllblo School at 10 A. M. Preaching nt 11 o'clopk. Hvonlng Servlco at 7:36. Vrayor mooting Thursday, 7:30 P. Itov. J. J. Tlcknor, Paator. Real- vtiiiinm V4. iioimen .nun jounin v of t lie Kri aid or KrailCOB Ii. MC- Ri-hon C. l i Iron t in Hint,, nvnr llolmoa, , Doceaaod; and havo duly Ojuull-'hnvo boguu to uell tho wenla by theld,IC0 norll ot Court 1,0UB0 P0M Defendants. riul aa audi. I thouaanda. IW121. Olllco: Fry llldg. next door to P. O. Hums, Oregon V It u h. II. Ii o ii ii n r l I Attorney-nt-Liuv Caroful attention given to CoIloctloiiB tud Heal KHtuto inattora I Ire liiMiirnuco . Nolury Public j Ilurna, Oregon , UK IT KNOWN that under nnd , All peraona having datum agalnat hy virtue of an KXIJCUTION ordor Ha, ,mtnto uro hereby notified to IhhuoiI by tho Clerk ot the nbovo en-- ,HOiit tho Kamo, duly verified, to titled Court upon tho 20lh day of uHt!i.r with nronor vourhera there- ! Novomher. 1020 upon the foreclosure for t omp r (j,,,,, H Hlremore, FOIt BALK 4CC tons of wild hay ()f n ulurUlHli ihHiicil out or thu uurna, Oregon, attorney ror aald Ad for J1500, near Narrow,, with paa-, ,,MVM vntMm Court and caum. iltnl:il rator nnd Admlulatratrlx with turo and a houau whero men may wl0r Tn0 Union CoiHimI Life In- X montha from dato hereor. atoy whllo reeding. Plenty or HUrilnce Co;n,miiyi n corporation, waa CLAUDK McGKIJ, AdmlnlHtrator, water. Inqulro at thla olllco 12-1 Itr , ni,,!,,) ,, Wlllloin B. Holinoa nnd , uj,H McdKK, Admlulatratrlx. jonulo Holmea woro doreudauta and Dutyd thlH 30 day of November, 1020 n- lUtt'CIJ It. KMHTKU Attorney nt l,u 4. -- T.and Ofllco Pructlco Land Scrip for sale VaJo, OrrRon ' i i I'rtft a t L, til I, I. ..I.. ..t l... ....I i.. iwn ant4r .til mimn in riiiiin- .... ... t. . .nddlea, good Haddlo horn- ' vaa ouiereu i.uruou .. etc. At i;-';lu "'f ! -t o( Auguat, 1020 and record- it.iiiv,,, v.v-i... , ... i i.' f'.riiiii i:ouri juuri ui. in - " iiiiieo 200, 1 am commanded to aelli tho following diiHcrlbod real proporty altuated In .llarnuy County, Orogon, phone No. P'fl j BARBER SH0PS NOTICM TO CltMIHTOHH KSTATK OF SAMUKL WYLDK, Do cnaned, Notice la hereby given that the un deralgned Iiiih been appointed admin- 'inr with tho will annexed of -3 courteniiH I PROMPT aorvlce nml trautmeut will alwuva ba eu pairona or thu Uunia Hotel IJarbor Shop. Uatha at any hour f the day. C. W. dlwmona, Prop. I. W. Ulgga M. A. Blfgi II I (J U H M UIUOH Luwycra Burns, Oregon i NWrifii,' iv uiiliiiiu .... ijmh 1UK( ILOHUHK KXKCUTION IN TUB ClltCUIT COUItT OF TIIK ol ATE OK OIIKOON FOIt TIIK COUNTY OF HAHNKY. Tho Flrat National Uank of Burns, Oregon, u Nutlonnl Bunklug cor poration, Plaintiff. TS. NOW OPKN Koemllig house lit MILTON 8. HALL, Mary Caldwell building. Nice Defendant. Cleaa beds. Mrs. M. O. WisUeaj. ' UK T KNOWN that undor and by S-l-tf. . ,lrtu of "n EXECUTION order Issu- I ed by the Clerk of the above entitled TO ItKNT Ollces and store room. Court on the 20th day of November, FOR RENT farmers Exchange. -S. JOHN UKM JlKKMNG, I lowolop. mid Optician JSntrmvor. Mao Wutch Renalrlui: a flDflclalty. 1920, upon tho foreclosure of a mor tgugo lien fuauod out of tho above ' entitled Court and cuuse, wherein the First National Bank of Burns, Oregon, a National Banking corpor ation, was plaintiff and Milton B. Hall waa dofonduut and decree of forecloaure waa entered therein on tho 13th duy or October, 1020, and rocorded in Vol. F Circuit Court Journnl, page 231, I AM COMMAND ED TO BULL tho following describ ed real property Bltuated In Harney County, Oregon, to-wlt; Tho southeuBt quarter of North euHt quartor (8UV4NKV4) Section Thirtyono (31), South hnlf or Northwest quartor (SHNW4) Bouthwoat quartor or Northouat "quarter (8WHNKV4), NorthwoHt quartor of Boutheaat quarter to-ntt. Lot 'im; ; !); Norlhcnnt qilnrtfr of tho BouthwoHt quar-thr (NKU 8WW ), North half or lM HouthoaBt qunrter. (NV&RB'i), nnd thd North ouat quarter (NK V. ) all In Section Thirty (30) Townahlp Twontytwo (22) South, Itango Thirty-throe Uuat of Wlllamotto Meridian. tho proceeda of audi aule to apply on tho coata of aale and upon the follow ing Judgment, to-wlt: For (ho principal aum of Twolvo hundord Dollars, together with In toroat thoruou at tho rule of ton per nil tlllM fl II ti It l f HA m An..i,i.t t 4AA rw hmhiiui nwiu iiufiuni i, mill AUTIirTP n UI inm until paid; for the further aum of Admlnlatrajon with tho will annexed one hundred wonty dollara together of lho OH,ato of Samuo, WyU,Ui ,)o. wiiu iiucruai inoroon ai ten por cent reaaed per annum from August 1, 1918 un- ,.LATT & ,,IATT JON. p til paid; for tho further aum of One 8KDQWICK, Attorneys for the Ad. hundrod twenty dollars together minlstrator. with Intoroat at ten per cent por ' annum from Auguat lBt, 1919 until NOTIOIC OF HIIMIIIFF'S HALM IN pam; ror tne rurtnor aum of 144.63, FOltKGLOHUIUJ taxes advanced fop tho yoara 1910, Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TRAUGOTr, Proprietor REAL ESTATE LOANS BLUEPRINTS PhenejSO er.G125 a i: ii, o:es rT:-;lai M Pwnl wyrt,ft' e'eatfod by tho County v.ou.. . Statu of Orogon for tho County of Ilarnoy, Kitting In Probato, and has duly quallflod ns audi. All porsoiiH having claims against aald oatato nro horoby notified to preaont tho aamn to mo at tho ofllco or Piatt Piatt, COG Piatt Building, Portland Oregon, with propor vouchora and duly ver ified according to law within six months from tho duto horeof. Datod nnd Hrat puhllahod Decern Jior, 4th, 1020. with Interest thereon at ten per cent Notlco is horoby glvon that by vlr- per annum from Fed, 28, 1918 until tuo of an execution and ordor of salo paid; for the further aum of $33.34 in foreclosure duly luauod by tho taxes advanced for tho year 1017 to- Clerk or tho Circuit Court of tho gothor with Interoat thereon from ' Stato of Oregon, for Ilarnoy Coun Aug. 31, 1919, until paid; ror tho'ty, datod December 2nd, 1920, In a further aum of 1120.00 attorneys certain suit In said Court, wherein fooB, and for the cohIh and dlHhurao- T. O. Howaer aa plaintiff rocovorod monta. judgment ngaliiBt T. L. Vlckora nnd NOTICK IS HKRKBY OIVKN-that , Llzzlo VIckorB aa dofondanta ror tho on MONDAY tho twentieth day or ( aum or Throo thousand ono hundrod Docembor, A. D. 1020, at ton o'clock! twonty-rour and 03-100 Dollara with A. M. or that day at the door of the Intoroat thoroon from tho 25th day County Court Houno In BuriiH, Hnr-I of Octobor 1020 at tho rato of eight noy County, Orogon, I will In obod- percent, por annum, and Two hund- CAM REPAIR BILLS Are Never Excessive At This Shop THAT Is bocaune wo know our buslnoss, work quickly, and wlta ao lost motion of time wasted In puzzling ovor what to do. That Is a good reason why OUR shop should be YOUR shop. Try aa. Our specialty Electrical and Ignition work and OxyacetyWma welding. All work Guaranteed. At the Jack McGuier former shop J. S. Taylor, Prop. ioiico of such Execution and Docroo aforoauld, acll tho uliQve described rod alxty and uo-100 Dollars attor-" noy'a fees, and tho furthor num of real proporty, or so much thoroof as Fifteen and uo-100 Dollara coBtB j "Here's Real Tobacco" says the Good Judge That gives a man more genuine , chewing satis faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smallerchew,last8longer so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put ufi in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut-tobacco I tW7 t