The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 18, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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rK0 Bit
T 11 M T IMKH.II ifl It A h I) it V It N H , II A It N 13 V O O IJ N 'V V . () It 10 ',V
M..J a. . . . .
oc. n? M Mm Wv m MM K M if wTm MW m" JPsJW'
Watch our $ Prices in next week's issue
Send in your mail orders. Prompt attention will be given them
Lawen. Omorn
MUHtNUM or HOItf) Kf.
hnd, during thono yearn, tuknn .
" i9 lUKUllllir
. .. " ' -.. n.v.. t yj inn IIICII.I.IIIL
Mender ribbon of atool which binds ,, . , ' . . ? ",r"bh"K. I'hoT Well, I ahould say ot. Tho
. i -""" ' woriti iimt old-timers declared tho road hotter
FZr h ,Y!","-r,'" tl,. It wn forty y to ,
fooling Hint thoro wm mihmi.ii.i... ...... .. .... ' " "
Inrklnir In thn l.r r ....... Z Z. ", ruw' ' of tho hardships
iniriuiw. .
, I . Anil illtl thoy noo It? Did
Several yearn ago I wandered Into ' " "? !1 ' 0l',,,r M,,t oaK"r,y '"" thomsolvon toi
tho muel. abused ntato of Arkansas.' .SImT ,ttl I" ,hn ml rK,,n,z" ,l " "
Now, s luck would have It. m-l lw.M"v,tlM of ""'""W. club? Wan publicity ...
wanderings lod mo away from lho! I i T Koriorntlon know agomoa.i given to the Incipient
romoto districts to tho world of civ
llliatlon. Drirtjiifc almlobsly, I at
lant found myself stranded In a cur
tain Ozark
Jilblo naino
county con
iiioro fort
Mt. Carinol, Hloony. Hlollld. old
faHhlonod a village loft thirty-odd
inlhm to tho Moiithuard whon tho
railroad out IroiiKh from Kiiiihiih City
to .MomnhlH twonty yaro boforo.
It had not alwayn boon a Mloojiy,
nniroKroHHlvo town, Tho llrHt mh
tlora worn niKKud idonourn, coiiiIiik
Tor tho moMt part of arlatocratlc Vlr
douhtH thoro In houio noodloMH ox
lono. No doubt thoro aro houio
Kraftom. Moat of uh will tnko all
wo think wo can got away with. Hut
OVOII BO. What If a llttln inmmv 1.
wantud? Tho roMultn will bo worth
AdvortUo and turn tliono Into mutiny.
Many a IiurIuobm haH mlsaod Itn
caiiinK. It would mako a hotter
tombstono an It ntandn for a "doad-
! ono."
I Kot a lutter from Jim tho othor
rk vIIIhko. known by tho W .' co'"!- limy undorwont. Tho younror Kon.l,,,iy '" wnlch ,,J "nll,: "At lant tho
mo of Mt. carinol. 1n a 1 w,.y J , ,, ,. V . . 'nt r ,,r"ll,' 'd about IiIkI. taxon and lrrlKat," ,,roJoct hnH Pvcil hiic
HilomptlonHly called by It,. hl nH .1 v , ,,,ni,,l,, l,,w 'rkot prlcon for farm produrtn. i c"HMfuK Wu nT0 nU rnJnlcliiR In our
uimtu nolghborn "Varmint". , ' , i . r Hum' N"''"'" tho troublo to llruro! op"ulal,co- T,,u wny wan com-
! I n olf n2"iT " UU! ,,,,,,0VM,, J,,Ht "HW ,,,c" " bulWlnn of o ' H0'" IuHiik our
i ..i i niinuolf a mndol nroKMHn v kIHt.... i.i.. . . " ,,,u i rmii.
hlmuolf a mndol nrottroHHl vn rliir.,i.
and calloil bin uolKhhorH and rola
Uvoh "a biinrh of moHHbackH " Ki
tho vllla:o alowly. put Hiirolv IohI
Htop with tho moditru world, drift
Ini; back Into tho yoatunlaya- oui
Into tho yoHtoryuara.
Now tho only link which Johir.l
fit. Carinol with clvllUallou wiih a
wrniciion wiiiron road. Mnl
roduro tho cxorblt. ,r0IK'u ral"rt '"ntorlally and prov-
lilt. ilik nt .I.i ....i... I ... m
n w.n mi in" iiiwiu iuiiiiruiiu iaci
hlKhway would
nut frolht raton to Kan huh City, ox
'pt tho oiiKlnoor and thoy
aisrood In nayliiK that ho Hod.
In fact tho old-tluiorH worn olthor
ho woll xatlHflod thoy didn't coiiMld
t It worth whllo to mako any ox
loimlvo ImnrovomiiutM.
.ii. . . . . .
Illl U'llHIItll Illtl I lliuv I... I.. ...
junniwy moy nan round nt inut .. "
wpot that took tholr fancy and nottlod wi ,,"7,y ,mmHH Wwnry iiiIIoh. "Wal, rtow, Jim. I hou In Mt.!"- And would you bollovo It, ho
down to liven of pooco and pronpor- . 1l,rttl,,(,', U,M roa(l wn "ttorly Onrniol pretty iiIkIi onto forty year. acl,m,l' votu'1 tor a blaher local
n .....i .i - . . .. . . nnpaHMlhlo. For WDiilm m . n..... iv,. ..i.... ..... ........ '
n tlmu
bo HUH
ItV UUdnr thn ,.rn.n.l.. , ..... ..... "IIHIO. Mlf WOOltn at
Bible uamo of Mt. Carmel, with all I''0 r,"HnK0 f inB" W0,,,,,
that hucIi a namo meant to tho Kod i
pooplo who namod It bo. Tholr do. Tho nyntom of worklnK thla road
cendanta to thin day aro a proud and wbh unlijuo In tho oxtremo. All
U Ib to bo lamontod rather a claunluh alonK tho roud an .......
pooplo. In those early davn Mt. 1 In convoniimi lllvilil tut. ii it I... I.... I
on In niarkolInK our producln at a
You no doubt roinotiibor Malt
Crooloy.Doar old crab that ho wan,
ho Iiiih warmod up latoly. Ho wan
ottered a hiiiiiII fortune for bin farm
I bin HprliiK, but rofiiHud. Sayn hIiico
IrrlKiitlon canio IIiIh Ih (lod'H count
ry you know what ho uuod to call
i:hti:k.mi:i) i.ady
w 'ww" imm ;iiui ;
I've glvo my whole llfo to thin horn hcIiooI tax!"
iininn vaiioynnd what do I gotT II
nlotvod all tho monoy I over had and
what my father loft mo Juat norta
gambling on thin valley And 1
nliil got notliln'. Why, jm, corn
nun worm ininlln' in n... ..i....
Mm. Marry Wlthora died at her
homo near Harney lant 8unday morn
ing from heart troublo
Mm. win.
""' ' w,uou 'y" mi. couvon out h zuh wuh to ho bml " wiaiioii. ., ,.., ,in,iv , ..,,, i,.., , .
Carmol wan a thriving frn.i,., 1 1,. . If I food It to tin, !.. i trrt l,B" n ,m,)y 'Kcr born to hor
"ih.ll ill l, j.
amnltlouH plouour tyno: ovor limit throw thiu nmb
. . ' v iniu luu wiieei-rillH
on civic advancement. Improvement; to provont tho vehlclen from nlnk
throbbing with abundant vitality: I Iiik comnlotnlv in ii... ......i i.. ...
- W I U
mwake and ready to graap ovory on
-portunlty; making tholr own op
portunltlea If need woro.
Uut an tho yearn drifted by many
of tho original uottlern wero laid to
Tont in tho llttlo cometory on tho
holghto which thoy had namod Mt.
Carmol. Othorn aaw tho Idealu of
youth woll realized In tho nroaont
Mt, Carmol, forgetting In tholr Ino-
Hummor thoy, with ooual dllllinmn..
throw them out again.
Into t la fa? country camo ono who
undnrntood tho nocoHalty of hotter
roadn. Not only no. Ho alno wan
an onglnoor, with long oxporlonco
In tho building of modern lalghwoyn.
To thono pooplo ho pointed out tho
nnv i in. . . ..
tin, i 7 . . I mrni or 1,10 ,IU,W ono "ho did not
at'H , m7 Ircovor fl rapidly an nho nhould but
ala tho uho7 Thin ,.,. lmnrnvnA ,
It iov-llno j,0flpjn Hon0 tmo DOforo j,or
(loath and roturn to her homo.
to bo woro. Wh
hero country nlnt no good.
..M I. a . . .
r iiiih oueii nun it never w bo. I
toll you, Jim, I'm nick an' tlroil of
hoarln' you and your crowd iiIIuh a
booHtln' every fool project that hap
ponn to como along. Taxon aro cer
tainly florco anyway."
"'vo got nix hundrod mUl
acroH of land out thoro in tho valloy,
- '
noedtho comnolllnir i.nrnHiv 1,0111 or ,IM ,,aVo Kamblod our IIvoh
' nn 1. I . . Ii
3 coimtrort. l",n vn,,oy' l " nly dlfforonco
ih that I am not ready to quit Juat
yoi. Momoday thoro will tin a r,.ui
highway to tho railroad. Alno that
I land of oura will bo drained and bo
JB...WUIH nuo or Homothlng like that,
when -you order a CIm ef our ftrfwt I Ktioan I've lont an much au you havo
aoaa. Ma itut tlatkt. u. on thin vniinv Xfni. i.... r
" ' i i nun iiiivo
a A iuvvuI 4 ... 4 M.Mv a j .I.i. i . i .
that a modnrn hlirh M3t V Itn Annul
latlon that tho great outuldo world cd to connoct tho inland villago with
it ana wnN JUBl gI It If
drink ft fer tU t4a r tkelr i.
aondaata. Bmn Ilk high frafaa)?
Not a bit of It. Cne In any Una
and put tbe matter to a taat. Aad
llataa, It taatea evoi kettar It sartak-
en la company.
.anil in tho country. Mnur it
Irrigation project workn out
on, hell, Jim. You makn
wh. noil, Jim. You mako mo m . .
Hick. GraftorH-that'n all Zy a oL, TT ?TH
-look at 'o... I ... ftt th0 fnm,y homo Tuesday
dovolopod heart trouble and boforo
hor hiiHlmnd had tlino to got her to
u lower altltudo nho dlod,
Mm. Wlthorn waa formorly Minn
Christiana Irene Qorrlo and was born
In Bprlngfiold In this state on Juno
25th, 1886, 8ho wan married to Har
ry Wlthora on Soptomhor 4, 1012 and
about flvo yeara ngo thoy returned to
Mr. Wlthorn'a boyhood homo nonr
Harnoy to mako tholr pormdnent
homo. Two chlldron wero born
tnom, Harry Jr., agod flvo and
Joannino M. born on Soptombor
in addition to hor husband and
llttlo onos, Mra. Wlthorn In Hiirvlved
by hor parontn at 8prlngflold and
four Hlntern and four brothora.
Funoral sorvlcoH woro conducted
Notice In hereby, given that all nor
anna having accountn agalnnt Harnov
County, Hhould fllo tholr clalniH will.
j tho County dork, not later than tho
.Monday prior to tho flrnt Wednesday
In each month, otherwlno tho Court
will not take action on tho claim un
til tho following hohhIoii.
Dated December, 9, 1920. lly order
or tho County Court.
Notlco la hereby giron that, purau-
i to aa Ordor of Sal duly made
by M Oaaatr Ooart for Harnay
County, Oregon, on tho flth day of
wecoaniier 1920, and to mo dlroctod.
I will on Monday tho 10th day of
January 1921, t 10 o'clock A. M.
of nald day, nt tho front door of thn
court Houno In tho city of Duma,
county or Harnoy and Htata of Ore
gon, In tho manner provided by Law
and upon thn termn und condltlona
In nald Order not forth, noil to tbo
hlghoat blddor for ranh. all of the
roail property horoln dewlbod to
which xturnoy county Iiiu karatofora
acqulrod tltlo by virtu a af tla for
delinquent and unoald taum:
NHNW NK U N W M Be. IS, Tara.f
36 8. H. 36 K. W. M.
36 8. It. 36 B. W. M.
IB 8. R. 33 JB. W. If. .
II. 33 K. W. M.
NW8V48h'ViBKU Bm. u, tw.
40 H. H. 33 B. W. M.
36 8. K. 36 H. W. M.
8j88WU8KU 8o. II. Twf.
36 8. 11. 36 E. W. M.
SWBWU Sea. f, Tw. SI 8, I.
31 B. W. If.
NHNWK See. 11, Twn. JS S. I.
36 K. W. 14.
8WUNWV4 8ec. ll.Twp. IJ 3, R.
30 E. W. U.
H8KViBB'4 Srr. 37, Twp. 313.
It. 33 If. W. M.
aiNWU8W gc. 1, T.
31 8. It. 3S . W. M.
8 V4 NW N W K Sec. 7, Twp. 3 S.
It. 34 E. W. M.
SHNWUNEU Sec. 31,Tip.3IS.
It. 31 B. W. M.
NV48WUNEU Soc. 3, Twp. 31 S.
It. 32 B, W. M.
NV4NHUNWH Boc. 9, Twp. 31 i
It. 38 L. W. M.
NHNWM8WK 8c 7, Twp. JtS-
it. o3 B. W. M.
W. A. GOODMAN, Sheriff of Har
ney County, Oregon
By P. T. ItANDAI.T. fkinulr.
Flrat Publication Docombor 11.
Laat Puhllratlnn .Tjin.i.irv K
w w wMaj ' I m w -
A fAllnta mm 1A . 0 .KK-I ahI M
U -w w. i-w.
aa. i . ..Mtll
vvviHh 4u uii as in iiiiiir ii iifirn uu
thoy bog In to keep tab on him.
Ladies' Monoinram Sutionerv
iook ni omi sanio old crowd.
What did thoy do ton yoarn ago?
Bpont twonty thounand dollara fool
Ing around and all thoy did wna
run a fow BurvoyH and draw tholr
fat aialarloH."
"Woll, maybe bo, Matt. Still,
they aro now using the aaurvoya and
mape made ten yearn ago, No one
- ....... w . . lltiHUUf H.
tornoon by Itov. J. J. Tlckner of tho
uaptlHt church of thin city afltor
which tho body wan shlppod via
Crano to Bprlngfiold whoro Intor-
mont will ho mado.
"Yo Old Curlonlty Bhoppo" baa no
thing on uomo of the rubblnh you
can find In stock aenumiilnainn.
20,000 Acres
water rights for sale on
Blitzen Hirer in tracts of 8
Acr m mor. Reartnabk
pricee---fm6-flfth cash balan
easy ttrm six per cent in-
Eastern Ormgom Live Stoek
ComiiAnv oREOoff