The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 18, 1920, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    T II K TIM liS-UllltUi !l It I IINM, II A K N VI Y COUNTY, O II 10 (1 O N
You'll be sure to please a
miny weary shopping hi
men on your Christmas lis and save
you come FIRST to
The Bui is Cash Store
Huttirtlny, December 18, 1020.
Tho coy comfort to bo liml In a
litiii-' coat Is only fully jipprt'ohtlcil
liy the iiuiti who owns om.
For Grandma, Grandpa, Mamma,,
I'npn and tho Kiddle. Leather
HIhmw Tor tin whole fnuill).
W'o have tho largest assortment of
.Silk HIiIiIn In tho city.
Wo havo tho largest ntsni-t incut of
Ties thU thlo of tho city, anil al-o
wo havo ordered homo ovtra A inns
hows. Von pick tho tlo wo put It in
n nice Xnin hn.
A nlco Htarf, Icnthcr Vost, Ther
mo Coat, Hwoator, Holt, or Union
Hull would ho a tilro preheat for Dad
or brother.
Visit our enlarged handkerchief
noctlnn and hhuro in tho special wo
offer lo early ChrlMiuus hlioppcin.
Sf235 :
KliK 7Rc to
Wool JI5c to $1.70
LIhIo rc to 91.00
Hex, Hupportcrx, Hutpeiidcrx, Hleovo
Holder., HdkfH, all put iii In nlco
A'nius ltovcN,
Candy, Nuts, Figs, Cookies, Apples, Cranberries,
Olives, Dates, Pickles. In fact everpthing for your
c Xmas table.- , . .
Ml I S WELCH IS "lU'MTI.INO A 111111)1:"
i.eadixm man in imiovidks i.ii.a
'Liri lii: COMRADE" with dhamatic hoi,e
T dented Actor Support Vivian Star A "VeMern tllii Who Havos
M.irtln In Now l'aramounl i Sweetheart From touching
I'liotoplay As Horso Thclf t
Nil -s Wvlch, ono of tho most pop
u ,tr i t tho ycroun'H lending men, who
no'iitly algnud by tho Fumouti
1'1, rs Linky Corporation to apponr
D i ir iinouat pictures, will uuxt ho
i ,n tho Liberty theatre, noxt
iih loading man lit HUp-
I -r' i Vivian Martin In her now pio-
. . f ..I.. . 1
I. Ill" V Willi UIIU. I
it- omblniitlon of two Bitch pop-
it ir pi oorH lunko this photoplay, It
i khIiI ono of tho hoHt In which tho
t: riii'i g MIhs Murtlu has npponrcd,
c . ( i.tlly hIiicu tho Mtory In unique
1.. Illi.dV '
Mr Welch Iiuh tho rolu of a young
n who, iiccnuao no iiuh noun piuu
W I nil IiIh llfo by IiIh pnrontH, and
on t brut hum. luckH tho Hlamliia
Ti-. .' In .till. III.. Ill IK Ifl L'llt
Dip. .! ii... iiirrioi.ii ii.ii.iu nf nr..
... 1 ....I.I.... lt'l.,... I... fi Amtttt-
r ..... ............. Miaia i.lllii.lllfll
I . LI1I III1LIIJIII11 llllllVa lll&IIIIU.lll
. i.ot . Iio iiuootiHlty of Hacrlflco,
l LioukH down and doAorlH.
ho Ih roKoiiuratnd, tliroiiKh
hIo of tho horolno, wIoho
and choorftilnuHs In tho faco
: ity, li.HpIro him to ovurcoinu
'tuuato tralnliiK. tho ploturo
.. furicliintlng manner. j
niiotoplay l hauod upon tho
b Jullot Wllhor TompkliiH,
.. I .. ... I . . n m .... . 1 1... A tlJk
u : iiiuii iur iiiu ntiuuu t.i.u
"ii . in mo HiipporiitiK cam uro
rti i .liiiiiiaM n.fu n n iinriritnn
UL' 1. w. nllHlrn. ILIUIII&IU itlllil"
nif u .. nin.if imiiini i nil.
iuiiijr willintif i4iuiiuwi -
id i
ill. ,,
How a llttlo wtiHtorn ;lrl oxponort
tho real mlHcroantH In a horHo-Htoal-itiK
Hchomo anil huvoh an Innorunl
cowboy from boliiR lynchod Ih roallnt-,
Ically doplctud In l.lla I.oo'h latoHt
Paramount tilclnro "ItiiHtlltiK n
Ilrldo." which will ho hIiowii at t lib
Mborty thoatro Hundny Doc. 20.
Kmlly, tho oharaotcr portrayod by
l ho Htar, kooh to Uuyoto Junction to
ho marrlod to Nick MctJrodlo, who
Iiuh boon corroHpoiidliiK with bur by
mall. Hut Nick In IiIh firm lottor to
tho Kirl Iiuh hoiiI tier iiiHtoud of IiIh
own photograph, that of a frlond,
l'ou Walton, and whon ho iiiouIh her
at tho train, dot-Hii't toll hor who
ho Ih hut putn her on tho Hlatu
HtarlH homo ulono, doturmluod to
clear tho mattor up with hor aftor
nho arrlvon at tho ranch.
I'on Walton, who Ih a hofno thief, I
hntort Nick and ho contrlvoH to con-,
vlnco tho otlmr cowboyH that Nick
ban Htoluu a horHO and thoy k In
Htourch of him. Walton hohU up dm,
Mtniso, cupturoH tho Irl uml tako hur
to an old doHortod Hliack wlioro ho '
Iiuh Hovoral Htolou horHOH, and after
an oxoltliiK oxporlouco tho Kir I oh-
capew. Shu nrrlvoH ut tho ranch JuHtf
In tlmo to uavo Nick from beliiK,
lynched by tho boyH. Whon Nltik)
IoIIh hor who ho Ih and who niall.nH :
that tho man wIioho photoKraph hIio
bun Ih tho ono from whom nho jiiHt
oHcapod, who readily aKrooa to marry
Nick. I
Tho emit IncludoH Monto Hluo, I. j
J. flhumway, Manuol OJoda, Huhy
LaFayatto, Guy Oliver and Alko
Jesse L.Lftaky presents
A Paramount Picture
of cholco grades only. over,
you buy horo you'll find tondor Rud
toothflomo. You may think that
cholco quality moans lilghor coat.
How thoroughly mlHtakon you are
will bo proven with your first ordor.
Liid-Burits Stage Company
Schedule to Take Effect Novembor 16
itage leaves Bend for Burns:
Monday and Friday
plage leaves Burns for Rend:
Sunday ami wetsnesucy
Bend-Burns Stage Company
II. R, Sclmmo, Wesley Hill, Wm. Fraor, Proprietors
UuriiH Chapter, No. 40, O. H. H.,
elected olllcern for tho coiiiIiik yr
at ItH last moot I 'IK. Tho olllcerH
oloctod aro: W. M., Loona Thomp
hoii; W, P., Krmuu Dlllman; A. M.,
KiiKonla Faulkner; ConductroHH,
Nlla McOowan; AHimclato Conduct
roHs, Uolono Dalton; Secretary, Hen
rietta Joiioh: TrouHuror, Nova Oeor.
Matron-elect I.oonu ThompHon Iiuh
uiado tho tollowliiK appoIutmeutH to
fill tho other oIIIcoh for tho year:
Adah, Enid (lowanj Ituth, Florabollo
Hn.ttli; liHther, Floy JauioHou; Mar
tha, Holou Dlllman; Eloctu, Tolloy
WllllautH; Warder, Cora PurliiBton;
Chaplin, Eunice ThompHon; Ortiui
Ut, Sarah Farro; Sontlnol, Snm
MothorHhead; Maruhal. El In VooBtly.
Joint InHtallatlon of them) olllcora
will bo held with tho MiihoiiIc Lodge
on Dec. 27th.
(Jot on tho advortlHliiB watjon,
jointed biiHlnoHH mothodH undermine
tho HtroiiBoat commorclal Htructuro
and yourH may bo no oxcoptlon.
Lloyd Johnuon. tho admlnlHtrator of
tho oHlato of Harry It. McOluro, lo
coaHod, Iiuh reiidorod and proHoutod
for Hottlcmont and fllod In tho Coun
ty Court for llirnoy County, Oroon,
IiIh flnul account of IiIh iidmlnlutra
tlou of tho mild estate,
That Monday tho 17th day of Jan
uary, 1021, at ton o'clock In tho fore
noon at tho County Court room In
tho County Court House at HurtiB,
Harney Co. Oregon, Iiuh booif ap
pointed by tho Court iih I Iio tlmo and
place for tho hearing of obJoctloiiH
to tho Hitld final account and all per
hoiih lmvliiK objection thereto uhould
appear at tho nald tlmo and place
and uhow causo, If any oxlnt, why tho
mild final account ahould not ho ap
proved and allowed.
AdmlnlHtrator of tho eutato of Harry
It, McClure, docottHod.
You Please a Motorist Most
Wilh an Accessory Gift
for His Car
wc learned many seasons
ago that the real acceptable gift
to every motorist was some spec
ial or accessory for his car.
That's why wc made a special
effort this year to have our stock
bright and new at Christmas
But just because it is Christ
mas season we have not marked
up. Instead we are offering many
Present him or her with a:
Windshield cleaner
Tool kit
Spot light
Gas Book
Vulcanizing outfit
Set of Chains
Flash Light
Foot Warmer
Radiator Cover
or something else for his car.
Universal Garage Co.
E, C. Hoynvunn and Vova Itoyuvaiiu,
JohopIi O. Harvey and Hattlo E. Har-
voy, IiIh wlfo, dofondantH.
To Joseph 0. Hnrvoy and Huttlo 10,
Ilarvoy, dofondantH above numod:
In tho imino of tho State of Ore
gon, you aro horoby ronulrod to ap
pear and aiiawer tho complaint filed
ncaiiiHt you In tho ahoye outltled
cuiiho within hIx woekn from tho date
of tho fimt publication of thin Hum
nioiiH au hereinafter given, and If you
fall ho to answer, for want thereof,
plalntlffH will apply to Bald court for
tho rollof doniandod In their com
plaint, to-wlt: I
For a JudKiuont iiKnliiBl you, and
ouch or you, for tho buiu of $15,900.
QO, wiUi Ir.tcreut theroon from No J
vember 22nd, 1020, at the rate of
hIx por coat, per annum until paid,
and for $1000.00 attorney'" foe, and
tho coHtu and dtuburHomoutH of thlR
For a decree that plalntlffH' tnort
BUKo Klven to Hocuro tho huiuh hero
luboforo mentioned Is a first, valid
and Hiibalatlng Hon upon tho real
property thoroln and horoln dcncrlb
ed, to-wlt:
Nj of SB V , SBV1 of SBVi and
lotH 5 and 0 of Hoctlon 23 T. 22 8.
U. 30 K. V. M. NVj of SBV4, SBVi
of 8K4 ami NVj of NWVi of noctlou
23, and WW of NEVi of section 22,
T. 20 8. It. 30, E. W. M all In Hur
noy County, OroKon, containing
4G3.73 acroB, togother with ull water
and water rlghtB, tonomonta, horedlt
amontH and appurtenancoB thorounto
liolonglng or In anywlao apportalu
lug. For a decree and order of Halo of
until promlsoH and tho application of
the procoodH of said ealo In puymont
of cobIb and dlHburBomontH, attor
noy'H fco. and tlio amount found to
he duo tho plalutlffn.
For a ducroo that dofondantB and
all porHoiiH clulmlug under thorn puh
iioquont to tho oxooutfou of plain
tiff ' mortgage, to-wlt: Novombor 23,
1919, bo forever Jmrrod and foro-
oloHcd of nil right, tttlo, claim or
equity or redemption in and to nald
promlHoa and ovory part thereof.
For a Judgment agaliiBt you and
each of you In tho amount of any
deficiency which may remain aftor
the application of tho procoodH of
Bald Halo aa aforoaald.
For a decroo that phitnttrfB or any
purty to th la Hult may bocomo a pur-chaHor-
at mild snlo, and that plaintiffs
may havo audi othor, further and
dlfforout rollof aa to tho court shall
aooin equltablo and Juat, or aa tho
nature of the causo may requlro.
Thla BummoiiB is aorvod upon you
by publication theroof for six consec
utive weoka In tho TlmoH-llorald, u
wookly nowHpapor publlBhed at
Hums, Harney County, Oregon, by
ordor of tho Hon. Wm. Favro, Coun
ty Juilgo of said county, which order
la dated Docomhor IGth, 1920. Tho
date or tho first publication of thin
summons la Docomhor IRth, 1920,
and tho (Into of the last publication
thereof will bo January 29th. 1921.
J. 8. COOK,
of Burns, Orogon,
Attornoy for Plaintiffs.