fuse Four T II K T I M 13 8 - It K It A li I M U It N H , II A It N 10 Y COUNTY, OREGON Hal unlay, December 18, 1 1K0, U he Times-Jie-rald. ! The Largest Circulntlnn Of Any Nriwipitper In Hnrncjr County. JULIAN ItVUD Manager SUnSCKIl'TION RATES On Yr $1,00 Mentha . 1,00 CImm Moatb .... . .,, ,T( AUK VOU tUVTO-DATK? Do you load It to thu nmiilu Whon you want Hliot or two? Do you wind It with u wateh-kuy Like your father iihimI (o do? JInw'd you llko to hop a homo ear Like you did Ioiik yeara ni;o? Don't mi unto beat an ox-r.art7 V?ll, I ralhor reckon ho. Do you n n; in- tlmt an hour iilumi Moats a Waltliain all to hiiiuhIi? Do you use I lie Ntiinu old HyHtem Kepiu hooka and count In' euh? 1i you trim k koi quill neatly - Wltn you wmit thu Ink to flow? li H't you think llmre'a I wan iinimivomuut lit the last dwnda or ? 11111 nro yoti Htl.vertuitiK In tho wima Id Tool tali way Tlmt your Brand-dad did Imfoni-ymi And prlt."lt dootn't Miy"7 'llilult tb wholo world known your "Cmim It hadn't chanced In yourn? Wouldn't I ho pathoi of hiicIi IokIc Drlvo a hilly Kmt to learn? .liiet a card Ih all you care for? Illdduu. loituaomo and unniail, t.lliu t ho Hlk'ii uioii thu tomlmtoiio .. TtdlliiK folk that you aro dead. Wnko up, and take a tonic, Munch your hit ahd tnako a drlvu, Huh a !iki? and cIiiiiiko your copy, Atfvortlao and keep allv! Kudunvor. COUNTY COUUT IHJIK3KT To (ho Taxpayer of Hartley County m.iW?0 horo,,' Blvo" ,,ml U County Court of Harnoy County Iiiih KrUl"fc ,)0,,,"r1:n' 1?80, . thu tl.no, and thu Court Houiio ut llurn! .V ' . V ,,,m:u r,wro 1,10 u"i"0 or nioiioy propoiiod to ho mlmid l luxation for tho oiimiIiik year. 1021. inuv tin iiiunu.,..,i win. n... .,..1.1 : Court, aiMo whon and whore any tuximyor Hubjoct to huoIi tax lovy, whon urndo, Hhall ho hoard for or aitalmit anv tirnniiMmi n i..v Itutnleod oiitlmatun of thu nmouu t of monoy proponoU to bo rained by taxation for tho uiimuIiik your, 1021, by lliiriioy County, Oregon, nnd tho nur iohii for w Mo i in ..i.i .........w i- ...... , ..: i - " " " " wm" in Mi'lumiU II) UU uxpouaou, io-wii: COUNTY COURT: Salary ot County Judffo, i loo.OO MIIuk mid pur dloni of ComtnlnHlonorn G00.00 .....u.ii.n .j.vj.miMuu m tiouri, etc 700.00 $ 2, COO. 00 cmcuiT couht: Jurom ami Oram! Jurorw, WIUIC3S0M naimm, lloportuirt teen, utc, ' .....MtoiM... Ml..t.llH.I....H.HH4l.MH JUBTICK COUNT: Juntlcu Foom Coimtahlo FouH, .., WltlllMHIIH (ltd SIIKIMKrs UKKICKt ... Haliuv of HhwIlT .4;....ii, ....j...; ui iii.ii lira , ,M,MA. Dtattouary, Mtniupn &. OtllM MtJlBM, Tiaveltnir xpcn.io of Slurlff, .,u...... n.miK'.s oitick: 8Lry ot Clork Haltiry of icputiw, tlloiiipi & SlutloiKiry ..u.i unroriK. ikxik, ip. ., rt.in,,lt I'riiilli'K iiial MlnrxlnuMIW OXIMMum, AHBIIfiBOIt'B OKFICW: ..l... nt I ,....... Halary of Dupulto nmrfamnn uu j OlIlUO KxpuilHBH. HllUllprt, IjtU CollctliiK on TraiiMohiiit Htook TUKAHiritKlt'H OIMMCIJ? Halary of Troamircr Olll t! ICXpt'lllltil i I'Alt.M UK.MIMlKltH I)tlryiiiu xhoulil not cut down on thvlr dry food hucaiiNii of tho appar ent iihundaiicu of Kroon fetid. If Iher do, tho milk flow will 1m Iihkmk id. nml If they eontliiuu iIoIiik It (or any IuukOi of timet tho cows will not kIvo thulr full portion of milk until the uuxt lactation period. Tin con llllon of thu cowh will ho HurloiiMly .Hoflted aH woM. Hy lining their, hay hh feed for lalry holfcrs, for Mlteep and to Iomm mtsttt for Idle homuH, many huccohh ful runner.' not only reduce the amount of hay fed hut get plant feed lmnk Into the hoII In nn oRonomlcalj and -rfu(!tlvo way. NotwIthstandliiK l Iila foutl and fertilizer uno of Htraw 'nut fjriiKTH eontliiuu to burn thulr Htraw tttaokx Hiinually. The amount of rainfall retained :i iiHalilo water by Oregon moIU varlwa from two-thlrdn Inch per acre Toot on the coane Handy hoIIh of Umutllla county to 2 IiicIioh on thu heaviest clay typun of woHtorn Ore ',m. I'lno wind rcUilim I Inch, handy tn.ini 1 fri luclie. .MwiMiiroiiienlK urn now made with a iiiolHturti ooiilv Jiltnt centrlfiiKa recently luatallud by tit duiHirtmunt. Tlia Hiitto Kami Iliirwtu fadera Llua ix pruetlcally nnmirsd. wiveu tiounty buromiH out of tho 12 roiiilr d ImvliiK already votixJ In favor or retina tlon. .Iiicknon county , fnl IomunI In (iilck hiiccohhIoii by Heuton Jind I'olk Morrow and Hhurman i(iunlluH are committed to the Idea, ami tiiiutlllu county kIvoh awiirauu thnl It will be endomMi there. In Moiilheru Oregon, JoHeplilne county ha Joined Jat'kHon In Hupport of the federation. HU PI) UI NTMN1 IBNT'H O KFI UK Hulury of Muiierlittuuduut, IravolliiK KpuiiH4, IllltltUttf KxpilllHOH, COUONKIf.S OKFICKi WltiioiiKMtt. Jurom, etc. (totxiuurri feoH, i 1,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 200,00 200.00 GO. 00 100.00 2,100.00 2,100,00 000.00 1,200.00 2,-100.00 .'1,000.00 200.00 210.00 IfiO.OO 2.2C0.00 1.500.00 fiOO.OO . 200.00 1,200.00 500.00 l.r.oo.oo 200.00 12C.00 100A0 ' -50.01) 0,000.00 3C0.0C 0.000.00 DjIIs, dressed, undressed. Kewpies of every description. This assortment is the finest ever seen in the city. Ivory i'y-ra-lin. Combs, Brushes, Looking Glass, Toilet and Manicure Sets. See our Displa'. LQW in I if) HTOCK INSI'HCTOIt: Salary of Block IiiMpontor IIKAIni OKKICK: .Salary of Health officer, TravolhiK KxponeH, DIHTIIIOT SKALKIt: Pro rata Hhare of Harney County, M 0.0OQ.00 I 1,450.00 1,750.00 1,025,00 150.00 100.00 Mi Xmas Books of all kinds. Boys' and Girls' & Stories. Latest Fiction Books for Young and Old. Victrola and Edison Phonographs, See our free record offer special for Xmas. Reed Brothers The Rexall Store 100.00 5JU.0 150.00 'tfr 4 Winowa PKNHION: COUNTY IIOHlMTAh! Care of poor, In honpltal, Itollef furulNlieil, out utile hoiTpltal Haiary of County I'liyalolan, (OUUT-HOUSK: .laultun, imlary of Fuel, IIkIiIh, etc. MlNcetlaiiuoiiH, " lop.oo 2.5U0.00 FiA m .hiihmIM ' V m, 1 00.00 U00.00 750.00 5110.00 1 00,00 JAII,: Hoard of Prisoner,, olo, Jailord foen, . 00,00 A 40,00 5.50(1.00 1,500100 500.00 DInI. No. 1 4 4 - C & 1 I I I 16 IS 0 22 . . HKFUNI) OF TAX KB: UKOIHTUATION & KhKCTION: IIOUNTY ON WII.I) ANIMAhB, Not IneludliiK por tion (or one Hair) paid ly statu AUDIT OF COUNTY ltKCOHDH: .. . DI8TUICT ATTOUNKV'H OFFICK: Kleiit'i-.raptiur and Otllee KxieiihuH, .. WATKUMASTKU ft DKPUTIKS: dal'iry of WatermaHtur, 'I r vol I n KMioiihiim Di'iuilleji. utu 1,200.00 at) ore o 750.00 SIuIkIi ride partleM are tho otder of thf day DICHTUUCTlON OF (IHASBIIOPPKUS, UOOKNTB, UAIIIIITB, I4TC MIM'KI I.ANKOUH, ami luelduntnl t'Uiiiuuruled and uuforcuitu ovpeiiHUM not PHOI OSI9I) UISDUCTION OF WAUHA.NTB 81'ltVUYOICH OFFICK: TrnvulliiK. Field Work ilnd Olllce work STATK 'I AX controlled by O.pdr cunt lluiltatloii law COUNTY SCHOOL AI'l'OUTION.MKNT. coiihIhIIiib of 51 lihtrkU; 1121' puiillH ami 70 tuachera Total to he rained by taxation on Oeneral Fund coun'i y men aciiooii: Halarlei. of leaeherH, 0,405. 00- Supplloa etc 1,105,00 JauKor, IIkIiIh. fuel, utu 000.00 Amount I)Ut. No. Ainniinl W 13,240.00 -24 188.05 1,080.50 30 1,030.00 000.50 32 ., 0157.01 12,010.0'J IH 1,102.14 S. 045.20 35 020.81 285.83 30 73.10 4 7.t!.IO 41 109.011 1,I27.H 45 406. 50 aaO.RB 4$ ' 5.70 1.30 i 31S.O0 40 505.11 I ' 735.00 50 aci.4! 2.520.22 51 2.507.50 I 771.00 i You will iiIoiho tfike notice that tho amount of ouihIiiiiiIImi' uiirr:,iiiu i unpaid aniiliiHt the Neveral fiimU and Dm iniinuniH of mnii in Hi It llltlllld (if 1,000.00 ", u,,,u iroHHiirer or nnrney county avallaDlu for thu payment of hucIi nuiiiuun, wan un uucumuur i, ivzv. 1,600.00 Warniila Amount In OutHtaudliiK Hands of ui. ...... 12.000.00 (luuural Fund $33 202 42 S 1.382 53 4 50 00 I1.0"'.1 K,,,ul 5. 071. CO 11,101.44 ,uu vu Market Koad Fund 10.00 1.194.00 IIIkIi School Fund . .34 1.271 53 500.00 .. "",4'" nuriiM. OroKon. thU lit It day of Ducumber, 1020, under tho uirectioii and hy authority of thu County Court. CHKSTKU DAl.TON, Clerk. 2.250.00 2. 500. 00 5,000.00 17.032 13 1.000.00 53,000 00 20,000.00 Save Your Eyes I -i ICy! Htmin rutisoH headaclie-i, nervousness and other trou bles. I fit tf'aswes accurately and scientifically. AH Work Guaranteed. MAUKICK SCHWARTZ Optomctrlxt Oilier with Dr. It. V. Smith . $1 57,507,13 1 1.500.00 1 " If 01,500.00 llac join- witch iivr.rliaiilcd, Hlm( ijlil dock (o ticking, nl. that uld Iiffi if Jewelry In wAarlpp order, your oycy fitted to Ueadlm; KliUrttiH, heo 0. M. HAIJKllUltY 4!ur, optician. OKNKItAL IIOAI): ItoadM, liildcea, etc., ami IneludliiK J40.000.00 for Statu HlKhway purpoHUH and machinery Total Btato nnd county tax to ho rained which ih controlled hy 0 pur coin limitation l.aw and under HUporvlHlou of County Court $233,507.13 STATIC TAX, over C per cent limitation Law, and which wan created by Initiative voto 50,800.00 COUNTY MAKKKT UOAI) ftin.l 10,350.00 HAUIJIT IIOUNTY, 25,000.00 Total to ho ralHud over C per cunt Law and which Ih directed by lawn inado by LokIhIii- turo unci by lultlullvo vote of puoplu $ 05,150.00 Total Htatn and county tax to be rained by tax ation for all purpoHea $328,057.13 Statement of Probable rocolptH of Harney County for yean 1021, from HourcoH other than by direct taxatloi). From Motor Vehicle Fund, ; $ 2 800.00 " ForeHt Henorvo ituutal .'" 4000 00 Clerk'ii FdUH 4,500.00 lutoreiit on County DopoHltu In Ilanloi 1,000.00 Circuit and Juntlcu Court ftnon, etc ..,.. 500.00 " MlloaRe of Sheriff, otiv t 250.00 Total oHtliiato of prolmblo ruculptH from Houixien other than direct taxation . j 3,050.00 Which Hit 111 derivod from prolmblo ruculplH will bo lined for tho ro duutloii of InilontediiuHH, and ror othor injew to whluh (hoy may ho pronorly upiilled. Total niiiount of property on Tax Holla, not liioludiiiK the iiMUMmuiit of Puhllo Utllltloa ? 12,4 02.622.00 Amuuul ltvml to hu raUod bi' Harnoy Vulloy-IrrljiaUon Dlu- . ' riUl ,.. 20.730 '111 Btutumuitta oj hdouI.iI imhool Dlntrlct luviun on fllo Willi f!mintv f'lm-lr. Suuorliitoiident and AHbosHor, You Get the Benefit PROYIBMNG You Take Advantage of Our TWO WEEKS ONLY SALE One gallon Catsup One gal. Glass Jug Our Regular Price $1.35 FREE $1.75 Your benefit 40c Plus gallon Glass Jug AT THE farm; . 1 II 11 MU.I...lil :Atiiimiwi l' iicm