The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 18, 1920, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Saturday, December IH, U)i2l.
T II I! T I M K S II K It A 1j I)
rK Thrmj
Fo r Factors of
Greatest Weight in
Farm Business
Hi 4 Mli Iiii!jm Yield or Crop -lUriuriH from Mv Htot:l
cy of tabor; 'Humo ITHiitilly Dotcriiiliiu
vfll of AjtriiMil i lOiiliii'pclHOH.
! W
f i
Christmas Eve
Weinstein's Hall
Lawen, Friday, Dec.2 4
Special program of Christmas Exercises
by the four school districts surrounding
Lawen early In the evening with a
Piano will be given to the one holding the
lucky number on that evening
Everybody come and take home the piano
Dewey Robinson will play
Why make a question mark of
yourself seven days a week?
Get on our subscription list and
we'll tell you the whole story and all
of the stories 52 weeks in the year.
Even the wisest of men cai
know it all without reading tl
home paper.
T he Times-Met - d
(Hp.ielal. Information Service, '
Am milium )
r or ruallzo but meag"r
i o (liolr hjialuoim 'm
i obtained considerably above tlio
rngo Tor the region, but beyond
l.i Hurt vory high ylolda are liable
it bo obtained at tlio oxpomio of farm
o often feel that thn'r I profits,
fit 'dean oil 'in
Ja clean eneim"
now amy ms imwym at
mr rfv J
T TOW many miles-- with
JL jl ou t changing engine oJ?
Dirt accumulate!) in the ail of
every engine cur'jon, roud dubt, particles c f metal, and gasoline
that lies escaped pa-jt the pintor.s.
This dirty, diluted oil circulating
through your'CTifT3 cau:i vinnv:
essary wear cn bearing surface.
Have it dnaned out novo and
fresh oil put in the crankasc
We can do that tec you conven
iently, quickly, econamxally--vvuh
Modem Crnnkcnce Cleaning Ser
vice. We u.:e Calol Flushing Oil,
the new, scientific flushing agent,
which cleanses thoroughly with
out danger of contaminating the
supply of fresh oil. And to assure
correct lubrication we refill the
cleaned crankcase with Zerolenc of
the correct grade.
Ering in your car today. Modern
Crankcase Cleaning Service will
give immediate better engine per
formance. Done regularly it will
lengthen your car's useful life.
Hiijn Hbo Gained Twelve Pound Tak
ing Tnnlao And Now I In
Perfect Health
"I havo not only Kulncd twolvo
pounds In wolgbt sluco I lioRnn tnk
liiK Tanlac but It linn restored inn to
perfect health, " nold Mm. F. IMumb,
7747 Fifteenth avenue, Seattle,
"For two yearn I had suffered
from ntumuch trouble and rhoumii
tlntn, being In a badly run-down,
weakened condition when I Htarted
takiiiK Tanlac. My nppetlto wos ho
poor I could eat very little, but I Hiif
forod no much after nioalH I wan act
ually afraid to eat anything at all, I
nuffered nearly all tlio time with
novoro palnn In the pit of my Htomnch
and at 1 1 in cm would bloat up with kuh
until I waH In perfect misery.
"I had rheumatlKin In my arms
and logs, which ached nearly all the
time ho I could hurdly got around.
Then, too, my nerves wuro no badly
Hhatered the leant little iioIhu com
pletely upHot mu and I would often
He awake all iiIkIiI Ioiik. I had no
ntrongth nor energy and jiiHt felt
tired and worn out all the time.
"After talking with Movoral friend
who mild thoy had been greatly bene
fited by Tnnlae I decided to try It
myself, and I never expect to bo with
out It In my Iiouho again. It went
right after my troubles and In n
Hhort while I waH a well woman.
"I now novo a flno appetite, eat
anythlni: f want without having a
particle of trouble aftorwardH and
the rheumatlHin baa left mo entirely.
My nerves oro in ouch Rood condition
I can sloop llko a child at nlKht; that
tired, worn out fooling Is all gono
and I can get 'around and do my
hounowork with as much ciibo as I
ovor could."
Tanlac Ih old In Ilurna by need
nrothore, and In Crane by Crano
Morcantllo Co. Adv.
niilllclently laro to
' r ii" Ihe entire year, when
iih a - aner or raci, uio aauai re
huIIii "fntiipliflhod reprenont lean
thap vear'a work, miy Farm
Mann '"t HpeclallHtn of the United
Htrt "'tnn'l. of Aurleiilturi). A
largo volume of huiduemi may be
done a "arm of few acron, while
only ' M'nall ImimIiiouk inav be roti
ducteil on a poorly managed farm
nf ' ' rvir acreage. Without
reaHonaMn nlzu of btiiilneiiH there In
little opportunity for u Ballafactory
prori ' 'arnlni;.
Tlio INsorillnl FnctorM
There nro a number of factora
which materially affect miccchh In
tlio organization and munngomont of
farmn. Homo are of greater Import
ance than othorrt, hoiiio may bo 1Ih
regarded vltbout nerloiiH coiiho
queucon; but an n rule the prnflta
derived from farming depend very
largely upon the extent to which cer
tain OBnontlal featured of organiza
tion and management have boon
adopted and adhered to, nay Farm
Management HpeclallHtn of tho United
Statcn nepartment of Agriculture.
Annumlng a type of farming adapted
to noli, climate, and labor condltlonx,
and eanociallv to local condltlonx
with reference to markctn and mar
ket facllltlcn, nurennn In generally de
pendent upon four Important factory
Hlxe tif butdiM'fl. yield of crops, re
turn from live Htnck, and efficiency
of labor.
Many other factom have their In-
(jiinllly of Ijlve Htock Iiiipoitiinl
un faruiH where live Hloclc Im an
important ontcrprlne, the (iiallty of
the Htock Ih vory Important. On u
majority of farina, except In tho
Month and certain of tho WcHtern
Htutua, more of tho cropa are fed to
live iitock than are field direct. On
many farina the animnln are the mar
ket for the cropH, heiico the produc
tion of tboiie Ih a mont Important fac
tor In farm profltH. Tho bcHt of corn
and hay cropn will count for llttlo
when fed to anlmaht that maku re
turiiH below tho market pricen far
thenu cropH, On tho other hand,
good live Mock on tho' Individual
farina may not bo profitable If not
fed and cared for economically.
Tho exceedingly dlvorne nature of
farm operations maken wide oppor
tunity for efficiency to enter Into
their performance. In n factory with
modern machinery n mun In expected
to do a cortnln amount of work, and
in many lnstancca tho machine Beta
tho paco for him. Generally tho
workor on tho furm must bo IiIm own
boHH and munt not bin own puce. Ho
miiHt hIho work under mont ndverno
weather condltlonn at certain times.
Often a great deal of work niuitt bo
devoted to thlngn which add llttlo
or nothing to tho profile of tho bun!
nens. It requires twico as much
time for noma men as compared with
others to do n certain kind of work.
Work mny also be no organized that
a given amount of effort nccomp
llnhcH more than the average. Tho
ApropoHod of tho county examina
tion of teachers, wu suggest tho fol
lowing model questions and answorB:
q. What is an electric light
A. An oloctrlo light plant Is an
antiquated mans of machinery main
tained at public oxponeo and ronowod
from time to tlmo as tho partB rust
out from dlsuHO. It Is testod out reg
ularly each ovonlng, and Immediately
shut down unloss, by accident, it,
It Ir forgotten, In which lattor caso
It may, run for an hour or moro but
Ih BUbJoct to extinguishment without
Q, What Ib an optimist?
A. An optimist is a man who,
phuiH his work with tho expectation
of using an electric current in its
flueuce and mtiHt not be overlooked
on u given farm. For liiHtanoc, the
wlno expenditure of capital Ih very
important. Again, In obtaining a
good return from llvo htock the olll
clency In feeding Ih very Important.
Farm management studies show,
however, that tho farmer whopo bus
Ineiw Ih otnclont in tho four factors
outlined Ih usually uucccssful. Tho
farms that excol In none of theso r
spoctH usually fall. Those deficient
in ono or two muy succeod, but their
chances of iiur cess are greatly lesson
ed. In co'iiparlng farmH with respect
to voluino of huslnosH Homo of tho
moro Important factora to bo con
Hlderod nro slzo of farm, acres In
crops, tho amount of llvo stock car
rlod, tho amount of capital Invostod,
and amount of labor required In op
erating tho farm. On farms where
ono enterprise predominates, Bitch as
a specialized cotton,, fruit, or dairy
farm, tho best measure of slzo of bus
iness may bo tho acre's In cotton,
acres in fruit, or number of cowh.
Tho amount of labor required In op
erating tho farm may bo used to
good advantage in comparing farms
of different types. Twonty acres of
truck crops may, undor suitable con
ditions, equal 200 acros of grain, hay
and goneral llvo stock, both us to
The HninH Flour Milling Oo, will 1 labor requlrod and Income recoiveu.
rwRtn opcratioas t onco on a toll! Crop ylolda groatly influonco fnrni
hslH. I profits. Somo farmora make fair
Tho mill will tako tho wheat and Bproflts with low yields bocauso somo
grtnd it for toll of ono-clghth, glv-Jothor phase of tho farm bUHlnoas Is
lag the producer la return sovon- r BUfflcIontly dovolopod to offset tho
eights of the flour and by products. U0or yields, but It 1b doubtless true
Tbla la am twM a toll aa one could (that these sumo farmora could make
expect the mill to operate upon Tho f moro money with higher yiolda,
Harm Flour Milling Co. WToflta IncroaHO at loast until ylolda
elllclent ubo of homo labor la also
very important and beard a cIohu re
lation to size of buuluosj. On tho
ono-mnn farm tho horses uluut nocoti
mirlly bo unemployed every tlmo tho
farmer finds, it necessary to do
i.i ot requiring hortio labor. On
tho larger farms thu work can bo so
arranged au to have ono man koop
i ho busy while others attend
to the work where hnrao labor Is not
WelMlalauccd Farm Profltahln
A woll-bnlauced fnmi business is
that aro as good or hotter .than tho
average of tholr community in all
four of tho factors horo monttoned
Holilom full to muko a good profit.
Thus, if a farm is devoted to a typo
of farming adapted to Its conditions,
If it is as good or bettor than the
uvorago in slzo of huslnoss, yiold ot
crops, production of llvo stock, and
enlcloncy In tho uso of labor, and is
ndoquatoly and economically equip
ped, It Is almost certain to bo profit
able. Tho weakest factor Is tho ono
that ueods attention in Improving tho
business. It tho quality of tho llvo
Htock Is big, groatcr improvement in
tho furm business can usually be ob
tained by dovoting attention to de
veloping tho slzo of tho businoBS or
salo of cash crops, or Increasing lab
or offlcloncy, rather than by further
Improving tho quality of llvo stock.
Tho Dopartmont of Agriculture
1ms recontly prepared a bullotln, "A
Mothod of Analyzing tho Darin Busi
ness," which contains valunblo Infor
mation for farmora who wish to or
gnnlzo their oporatlons on nn ooon
omlo basis. Thla bullotln and othor
prlntod matter on tho auhject may ho
hud by interested porsons froo,