The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 18, 1920, Image 1

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    4ruby CXfwrtty'n timber h"nii
5ct (or Immediate cxplolta-
Hartley county's rcscoiircea are
attracting (lie attention of ,lliv
jnllro West, Irrigation, stock
'nlfiliiK, mines, ofl and fimlpro-
M'v.tH and agriculture -all
Waiting development.
MIIim Nnnttltl lin turn 1 111?
out (o aid In tlio reconstruc-
ii work of t lio nation. In
tlguto (Ills virgin field.
NO. 7
filial X1LMUIAW111V.1
T" 1 If
plication of Several of
The Water Users.
"Oil tlio implication of several of
ho filler usurti of BIIvIob River
tulgo Ballon Ulggs ordered u rcop-
At... l...,ullH .tit I lift wtitlltu tl
i iMiliit Thin tiimrllii wnn
frtr this wok utul Court 8tonoK-
.....- tr.lttv utkti Iwirri trf tint tiltr.
ii fii in n i ilk iiiu vj
in Wlitt It it I out I tttnttl MllV.
I water users availed thomselvos
tlio OlM'Oriunu) iu nuu luauuiuuy
.. .. 1 1 l .ft ......
to prior ty rights or eomuuuuH
a . 1... . nrridtflt t tin rlirhln ttf
. U nnmii trt tltlrtV tttft ri'.
t it w1 tlw tarn v fnt
rum iiiib uifjnv aii " iw
- A,n tit thn f Innl ml 1 mllm-
i and thu Installation of tlio slor
Jrrlgotlon Hyittoin. Howovor thla
be. It Is cortnln that until tlio
rni.tliii rk'hln urn nil touted there
l l. 1 -m nl t lrwl t Un tintt.tff
cdu n " " w
4r all eoncornea.
Tho Harney Valley Irrigation DIs-
trlct Directors are proceeding an
rpldt as clrcuraatanccB will permit
toward tho Installation of a storage
Dtcm. There hare been delays but
eae havo noi ooon ui ny
. r. Thn ctinraptnr of thn
n n II 1 1 1 1 1 1 lUI inu ura " -
y.ridlnod baforo any accurato fig
irea can bo compllod as to tho coat
( construction, thoroforo wo must
.pbmlt to tho delay.
Among tho many troublos In the
world, tho latest and one of thu
moat acute Is tho great (amino that
la now raging In the Republic of
China. Tho papers naYO iioiaucu mo
conditions quite thoroughly, and the
PrBntdonl has called upoo the people
of the United BUtea to contribute
liberally to the relief o( these starv
ing mllllona. Fifty llllona are af
,feeed of which twenty mllllona will
perish beforo spring If help Is not
wnt quickly. Tho roads of Honan
prorlnco nro lined with corpsos and
the ppoplo aro soiling tholr girls at
two dollars oach. What If such con
dition existed In this country.
Tho Church of Tho Nazarno at
Burns has decided to open a Clilnu
Family Ilollof Fund for tho boiioflt
of hr pooplo. Tholr flftoon mis
ilon ir ( i in tho contcr of thu strick
en arui aro doing all possible to ro
llevo tho dlslronH and havo cabled
bonu' for help. They aro asking tho
peoplo of Hums to conirimuo ai
much as they enn for thin purpoao,
which will bo forwurdod to there
alMloimrles through their Ooiicrnl
Mlwlonury Hoard at KuiisaB City,
Doth thM Hoard and tho mlsnlonnrlert
,lo ChtPa havo oxporlonco In famine
relief work and the money coniri
but."l will bo UKPd to glvo tho host
tract al rollof to tho greatest num
ber of people Tho pastor of tho
trurth has engaged In fanilnu re
lief w rk and makes n porsonul ap
peal to tho peoplo of Durna for help.
In apl'u of tho high cort of living.
nd other distraint In this land, wo
know nothing of real famine.
Tho fund haB been opened at the
Harney County Bank and at L. E.
Heed's Grocery Store, whoro con
tributions will bo recolvod. Among
all your other benevolence.!, what
will you glvo to this most recent and
very nntidy onu? The fund will re
main open until December 31t.
1H IT Y0U7
Evory one knows blm.
Ho Is energetic, painstaking In
eterythlng that ho doco, and honor
able to a degree,
Ho Is conslderato of the faultfl of
othcro, and realties many of his own
Imperfections striving conalstontly to
orercomo them an best ho may.
Ho Is not a saint, and neither Is ho
a great sinner.
Ho Is what wo term a good cltlzon
and a credit to this community.
Is It you?
11 j '
Mrs. Harry Danloy arrived homo
tho lntter part of laot week from
Ran FrunclBco whoro sho had boon
for several months. Bho has again
UVen tho Job of keeping her hus
kaad good some job.
A representative of llilu pnpur had
occasion to Btcp into thu circuit
court room at tho court Iioiihu Wod
iiOHilay for a few niluutea whuro
Court Slonographor Walkor wh con
diluting a hearing on tlio adjudica
tion of wutor of SIIvIoh Hlvor.
Upon first glaiicu It Boomed ho had
gonu back Homo HO yearn, for thu
flrnt man recognized wan Kd llaiiluy
who wan tlio wltnuHB bolug iiuuhUoii
ed at tho time and ho was tolling
about I'oto Stongor building u dam
on section III. From Kd llanloy thu
next glanco revealed J. W. HlggB,
thuit C. A. Sweuk anil Cleo. Blzu
more. Tho uuxt ono rocognlzud tak
ing nti active part In tho proceedings
1 wnn Hon. John U. Hand and wlillo
trying to adjust these vIhIoiih and
linprfM'oiin and got back to tho proa Jiiiigo Will It. King came down
the nUlo and greeted tho uewapapor
ninn with this expression: "It Hooin.s
l.liu old times again, dousu't It?"
Tho reply to llilu was, "I was Just
looking for Charley Parrlsh and
Thornton Williams, to make It com-
Last week tho shjuo Individual
had tho ploaeuro of visiting with M.
K. Ulggs, another old time momber
of tho bar In this county. Mr. Ulggs
recalled old tlmnn and Hpoko of form
er associations In thin community not
I only among tho legal profession but
.....-.. i H.i i .. i . i . . i
iiuiuiiiui nuu nui'itu. ii in ruiriiniiing
to thus recall bygone days and to
moot old acquaintances. Wo are now
going at too rapid a paco to appro
clato our neighbors Tho good, soc
ial and congenial Union of tho form
er yoars havo disappeared with tho
rapid paco of business, automobiles,
now fangled dancing, etc. It In
pleasant to have a chat with "Dick"
Ulggs or Ed. Ilauloy as It brings
back that old time fellowship of tho
days that will nover return.
Middle aged and older people ro
grot these conditions. Most of them
are ready to co rape to with tho mod
ern business situation and fool they
can hold their own, but tho social
gatherings and amusements of the
former days, tho fellowship when no
distinction was shown nor clunlsh
nesa exhibited. In thoso days tho chil
dren wero In tho habit of addressing
grandslres by tholr first name and It
was no disrespect. Thoso same
grandparents would tako part In tho
dance or whatever amusement waw
provided for tho occasion,
Former dityH aro recalled when
tho ontlra community took an act
ive purt lu whatuver wiih going on in
IluriiH. N'o Jealousy Houinod to crop
out Just good fellowship and all
for onu purpose In Uioho 1u h Hums
was prosperotiH; wo got what we
wanted for thu ontlro town was bo
hind tho movement. Wo had a
credltnbla band, we had good com
munity spirit, wo all attondod church
occasionally, at least, gave tho min
ister n place In tho community af
fairs, took part in school mooting
and nsked tho teachers occasionally
how thoy wore progressing; If thero
was a debato at tho school house tho
older people attended and showed
their npprovnl and Interest, acted as
Judges and guvo encouragement.
Thoy know nothing about parout
teachers associations, but thoy woro
of much greator aid to the advance
ment of the school because thoy all
were constantly lu touch with nchool
An unusual and beautiful Christ
mas program Is being prepared by
tho young pcoplo of tho Church of
tho Nazaronp. Tho story of tho
Shepherds' search will bo glvon In a
series of twolvo tabloaux, with appro
priate songs. This program will bo
glvon Christmas eve at 7:30.
Tho Mothers Club wan most on
Joyably entertained at tho homo of
Mrs. John h. Caldwoll on Thursday
aftornoon. Mrs. Caldwoll and Mrs.
Qus Hardwoll acting as hostoHsos.
Tho next mooting will bo hold on
Thursday, Jan. 13 at tho homo of
Mrs. Ellis Honnott with Mrs. Jos.
Richardson oh Joint hostoss. At
this moetlng now ofllcera "will bo
elected, nil momborfl aro urgently
requested to bo prononi.
t, i,nnn niicffostcd that wo ralso
lb llitn u v. w i it w
eugar boets in Harney county. Some
of our merchants, slnco prlcoa began
to drop, have gono 'om one botter
they are raising caln.
Whon you get to know a follow, know Ills Joyn and know bin enrou
When you cotno to understand lilui and tho burdeiui that he beani,
Whun you've learned I ho fight ho'n making 1 tho troubldn In
bin way
Then you find that ho In different than you thought him yesterday.
You find IiIh thoughta aro nomdblo and there'H not so much to blamo
In thu man you lightly Jocred at when you only knew his name.
You nro quick to sou tho bloniliih In tho distant neighbor!! stylo,
You can point to all his errora and may sneer nt him tho wltllo,
And your projudlces fatten, and your hntcs more 'violent grow
Ah you talk about tho fajluruH of tho man you do not know.
Hut when drawn a little cloMur, and your hands and shouldcra touch,
You find tho traits you hated don't amount to much.
Whon next you ntart in Hiieurlng and your phrnses turn to blame,
t.onrn more of him you censure than his business and IiIh naiiin,
For It's likely that acquaintance would your projudlco dlspol,
And you'd really como to Ilko him If you know him very well,
Whon you got to know n follow and you understand his ways,
Then his foultH won't matter, for you'll find a lot" to pralso.
Author unknown -
Oio of thu ntOBt attractive homo
weddings of tho season was solemniz
ed at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, E.
K. I'urlngton, on Wednesday even
ing, whon tholr daughter, Miss Helen
I'urlngton became tho brldo of C.
Erman Dlllman. Mrs. Wm. Farro
played tho wedding march aa the
bridal pair appeared In tho living
room. Judgo Farro officiated, using
tho ring coromony. Mra. J, Shelley
Saurman was tho Matron of Honor,
and Shalor Eldrldgj, acted ns best
Tho bride wiih gowned In a beauti
fully designed drops, of whlto Uuchocs
satin, draped with tulle, whllo a ban
deau of orange blossoms held the
long veil of tulle in place. Bho car
ried a largo bouquet of Mrs. Ward,
Tho matron of honor was charm
ing In n gown of silver cloth and pink
goorgotto, and carried a bouquet of
pink roses.
After tho coromony, a dinner was
aerved to tho bridal party. The din
ing room waa decorated In pink and
white. A large pyramid bouquet or
pink carnations and greens formed
the centerpiece, while pink atreamera
on tho end of which wero silver nuts
enclosing tho fortuno of each guest,
spread from tho contorpleco to the
place cards. Only the Immedluto
family of tho brldo was present.
Tho bridal couplo left for Tort
land that evening.
Chrlstiuii'i Programme, Commun
ity Presbyterian Church, Friday, De
cember 'U, 1 o'clock
Hong by tho Choir
...... "Whllo Hhopards Watch"
Tho Lords' Prayer
liolly Hontf Hy thu Sunday Hchool
Hecltatlon Hartra Hopkins
Tableau "Christmas Night"
Bong "Under tho Blars"t
jlnv " j jio real uuruinius, oy nvo
Duet "Silent Night" Cathrlno Farro
and John Mothurshead.
Hecltatlon Holono Loggan
Solo "A little Stranger"
Elinor Tedford
Hecltatlon Hilly Fnulknor
Stocking play "Huddlo DoII'h Hoy"
Lullaby Song Sunday School
Spuclal MIhh AgnoH Foloy and Mrs.
Alfred Wolcomo
Song "Jlnglo Hells" .. by tho school
"Arrival of Santa Glaus."
(Window Shopping
II. 'O. 11. H.
On Friday evening at 7:30 a ban
quet v.'us tendered tho 1920 football
squad at Page's. Tho following men
wero pnmentnd with the bootball let
ter: W. Welcome, It. Cowan, It.
Clark, U. Voogtly, It. Morton, R.
Swell, W. Swett, 11. Hotchklu, F.
Holncmau, A. Thornburg, W. Cooley,
F. Loggan, E. Client, M. Richardson,
J. McCulloch, II. Hlbbard, Chas Oow
un, and Milton Ilrown wore presented
the H. C. H. 8. for sorvlcos us yoll
leaders and assistant managers. H.
Miller, H. McCowan, L. Torrlll and C.
McConrioll woro also present. Princi
pal McDado, Mr. Joe Thompson and
Mr. Nolo Reed with Captain oloct
Welcomo, wero the speakers.
Messrs. Thompson and Reed aro
elected members of tho Athletic
Council. Other members nro R, Swett
'21, F. Ruluoman '22 and Mr. Mc
Dado. Wo notice that Franklin High of
Portland, barely defeated Prairie,
and Franklin defeated Haker High
40-0 and Franklin only lost ono game
this year. And our dofeat of Prairie
27-6 puts II. C. II. 8, up among the
best i the state.
And speaking of Prairie City, they
always did havo tho reputation of
being poor sports. Ask any ono from
Canyon City or Uurffe who ever play
ed at Pralrlu.
Thu Btory that II. C. H. 8. played
town players, and collogo graduutes
was worthy of Pralrlo City tradi
tions. We haven't referred to this beforo
but havo waited for a particular rea
son. Listen to this:
After examining the records of tho
II. V: II. S. 1 find that the players
composing the eleven which played
Pralrlo City High School Oct. 30lh,
wore at that time and Htlll aro stud
ents lu H. C. II. 8.
Signed, WM. FARRK
County Judge.
Tho following are trying for tho
Donating Team: Frank Loggan, Mil
ton Drown Howard Miller and Ralph
The team will bo picked Jan 4.
Tentative plans call for a contest
with Valo Feb. 4. Tho wlnnor de
bates again Mnr. 11.
Junior Party
Thursday evening following hchool
tho Junior Clas'i guvo h little Infor
mal party. (Junes woro played iih a
ncuns of ontu'lnlnmout, nftor which
light refreshments wero served.
Thoso present were Principal Mc-
..vJJU 11 11 111- JU
With tho Kiddies)
,I)ado, Junior claim advlhor, Mltm
Krlchesky, and tho inumborH of I ho
Junior claim.
lOrina and Hotta HankliiH dnujrli
torn of Ouo. W. HankliiH aro planning
on npondlng Christmas at homo lu
Tho Misses Froase, Krlchosky, and
Whealdon, Mrs. Schwartz and daugh
ter Dolda loft Hi Ih morning with A.
K. RIchnrdHon for llend. The teach
ers aro going to their homos for tho
holidays while, Mrs. Schwartz Is go
lug to soo her daughter Uono In
Portland. Gone Is attending tho U.
of W. this year.
And wo might add that Ouno an
well an Taylor llmiton and Jo Cook
aro making splendid records nt
Washington U.
The Household management class
had thu following guuntn at dinner
Thursday at flvo: Mr. and Mm. Mc
Dado, Judgo Farro, Commissioner
McKlnnon, Bupt. Francos Clark,
County Clork Chester Dalton and
County Troanuror, W. Y. King. The
feed was hold In tho Domestic
Science room and was evidently en
joyed by all.
Vladivostok Chapter
Nov. 1, 1920
My Dear Mr. Loggan and Swoek:
This la Juat to lot you know what
bocame of your warm knitted things
you sont to tho soldiers,
They found tholr way out to Si
beria, and woro much appreciated
and needed by tho Rod Cross horo.
You know whon tho Uolshovlk armies
swept across Russia and Siberia, they
left a trail of misery and suffering
behind, so thousands of refugees who
wore forced to leave tholr homes,
tholr work, tholr friends, everything,
camo hero, hoping to find work. An
there Is no work for them they nro
living hero In a destitute condition
and aro depending on tho Amorlcan
Red Cross for warm clothing and
supplies. So tho Red Crosa is help
ing them by distributing tho gar
ments, not needed by our soldlors
that were hero to theso families. Per
sonal Investigation Is given each case
and only the worthy are glvon our
knitted and other warm things. I
am an American girl living hero and
am helping so I know. Thanking
you for your flno work.
I am, Sincerely,
Everett Mncgowan
TEA FOR Ultimo
Tho girls of the lliirnoy County
High School entertained for Miss
Helen Purlnr.lon at tea Tuesday af
ternoon at tlio High School. Miss
Purlugtnti, who was a brldo of last
Wednesday, ban been n member of
tho high school faculty for two yearn.
The tea was a surprint to MUh I'ur
lngton and greater was tho Hiirprlso
whon slio was presented with a berry
snoou, n gift of tho sophomoro and
freshmun girls, and a tomatoo-servor
from tho upper-clnss girls.Thu guusts
of tho afternoon were the members
of the high school faculty and tho
girls of tho high school.
Tho High School has purchased
$20 of Hod CrosH Chrlstmns seals.
Tho school will not open until
Jan. 3. That gives uh two woeks to
enjoy tho holidays In.
Tho total number enrolled to dato
lu 7ft. Indications aro that some
now faces will bo seen at tho oponlng
of tho socond semester.
Vova Huttun of tho Sonlor claim
will spend tho holidays at hor homo
at Wogontlro.
Friends of Mario Egll ox-'21 will
bo glad to learn thnt sho Is enjoying
tho best of health and plans to at
tend high school In Los Angolos,
Principal and Mrs. McDado will
spond the holidays at tho homo of
D. II. Smyth in Happy Valloy.
o '
An examination of toacbors for
corlflcatos to teach has boon hold at
both Hums and Cran? during tho
last throo days. Those writing (or
certificates hero nro: Emma Potor
Bon, Helon Rimer, Mrs. Dwyor,
Augusta Glfford, Ethol Brown, Jon
nio Loa Sovclk, Lola Howsor, Ralph
Rimer and Agnes Foloy.
Mrs. W. A. Cowan Is assisting In
conducting tho examination boro.
Hotel Quest; Hoy, pago Mazda
Page: Sorry Sir; but they always
goes out at 9 o'clock. J
John McMullen Writes His
Impressions of Harney
Valley Productvity.
John McMullen, who formerly
conducted n plcvturo gallery in thin
city, recently sent a lottor to Win.
Farre of thin city from Los AngclcH,
asking about conditions. Ho took
Tho Times-Herald for a' number of
yearn following bin departure from
this section and thus kopt In touch
with development, but of lato he hail
not been receiving tho paper. Mr.
McMullen owns no mo land in this vi
cinity and suggests that from his cx
perlonco , in recent years Hnrnoy
Valloy is an ideal sugar boot coun
try and asks In his letter If any fur
ther investigation baa b'con matlo
along the lino of producing sugar
boets. Ho says wo should got busy
with such product and get a lino or
railroad up from Crano to tnko euro
of shipment to factory. Wo aro glad
John bus mado theso suggestions, an
it brings tho fact again to the atten
tion of tho people that wo are going;
to have a great country and that In
stead of shipping sugar beets out wo
propose o ship ho flnlshod product
as wo'll establish a factory right In
tho sugar beet country whero wo
may havo tho, by-products, tho pulp
and tops, to stock and havo another
finished product to ship.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. K.
Varlon at Ryo Crass was tho sconu
of u wedding luat Saturday afternoon
whon O. L. Shlnglodcckcr took Mm.
E. Jones as his brldo, tho coromony
being porformcd by Iter. John II.
Wlchcrson of the Preabyterlnn
Mr. 8hingledecker Is one of tho
pioneer ranchmen and stockralsorn
of this county whore ho has the fi
teom of a wldo clrclo of friends. Ho
Is a man of Integrity and stands will
with his neighbors and associates.
Ills brldo wan hero for some tlmo
last year with relatlvoa and recently
returned from tho stato of Washing
ton. Sho Iiiih made an oxcollunt im
pression upon Uioho whom sho lu.s
Tho marr.'ago coromony was fol
lowed by a turkey aupper with all tho
other good fixings nnd during this
part of tho program tho party wh
Interrupted by several of the neigh
bor who came to charivari the hap
py couplo.
Aflur congratulations and good
wlttlieii tho uewlywcdH left for tho
Vnrlon canyon rnuch whuro thoy will
spam! tholr honoymoon.
Tho Tlmes-Hornld Joins in wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Bhlugledockor n happy
wedded life.
A Chrlstmns treo and entertain
ment ut tho Ilnptlst church on
Christmas evo., under tho auspice
of tho Sunday school. Como and bo
n kid again for an evening.
A special Christmas sorinon will
bo dellvorcd noxt Sunday morning
and evening at tho Baptist church.
You and your friends aro Invited to
attond theso services.
A Borlett of special mootlngs nt tho
Haptlst church will commence with
a Watch Night meeting on Friday
ovoulng, Dec, 31st, and continue two
weeks, conducted by Rov. J. J.
Tlckner, pnstor, asslstod by Rev. D.
Loroe, evangelist. Everybody Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. James Paul aro
guests at tho homo of Mr. and Mm.
L. E. McDanlols,
E. 11. Conaer of tho First National
Bank has been out of town thla wook,
visiting Bolso and other points. Ho
Ib expected homo this ovonlng.
If tho price of wool continues to
drop, stockmen will find it 'proflt
ablo to feed tholr bay to tho rabbitti
for tho bounty.
- o
Burns doos not bellovo In anythtm;
artificial not ovon artificial light.
,.,John Cawlfleld la Yialtlngiwlth hla
mother in thla olty. ' ,