f .' rKO Hlght T II 13 TIM H H II 14 It A Ii II II It N H II A It N K V (J O IJ N T Y , , O It E O O N" Hiiluriln.v December II, li!(j A Poor Theory i Said old Bill Shiftless: "The world owes mc a- living. Why ...should I worry?" And old Bill managed to jct along on that theorybut such a life. Down at the heels, hand to mouth, slipshod, poverty stricken, without hope, without ambition, without comfort. What a price to pay for laziness and incompetence. You all know some "Bill Shiftless" who is no earthly good except as a horrible example. The world may owe us a living, but the way in which it is collected marks the dif ference in men. If a decent, satisfactory and comfort able living is desired, the two principal re qusites are to WORK and SAVE. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVING ACCOUNTS First National Bank f BURNS, OREGON mm nin nniiiniiiiiiiiiitnmtmiiiiiiiMiii Atty. J. W. McGullocm In up from Ontario looking nflor legal IiuhIihihh ami conferring Willi IiIh iihmocIiiU) In thin (illy Capt. noltt. M. Duncan. ' Hp, .W. II. Iiytln, Btulo volorlnnr lan, la In UiIh part of tlm country look liw: after rioniu olllolal I)uiiIihhk. VA. Anilnnion, tho Narrown ifiiragnl man. wiih a buiiliiiiim vlnllor (Hiring tlm week. ' H, , 1 1 iitlon In ovor from ranch lioinu al Wugoutlro. (hio. H. King, of Ilaknr. In roglH torod III tlm Lovoiih. C. V. Hoed wiih up from It Ih Sunnol ra icli during tl:o week on hunlneM. A, W. llulburl wiih nmuiig our out of town vlnltoni ilurliiK thu wceU, Jack Scarf Ih down from Mm 'emi grant Crook nnw mill of P. 0. Smith. Jack nnyn ho Ih going to ntnv down for a whllu ami runt. Put Cecil wiih ovor from lila Silver crock homo thy olhor ilay IooUIiik after noma hiiNlnoflH nlfnlrn. TUf. NtlullUOfm CAN mev? nun Miry .-. Pf7AC MClNu WHAT I If. , r'rjf.ACHK'S UNOAV .1 rn.i. long rYtris 1 MIDNuSI I r ftATUUrWV V 'tfrff Thu Pond IliiriiH Auto HtiiK" lunt iiomo Hhli rurl.tnn tlm other ilny. Thu John Polloy, ono of tho mint who rll(inr wl,j ,0 HUlluhly rewarded If tlm IohI artlclon aro roturni'il. 12-4 wiih horo working on tho plastering of tlm St. Johophn' lloHpltnl, loft tlm foro part of UiIh wcok for Wulnnr. Mm. Chan. King recently returned from a vlnll to Portlaiul ami upon hor return lmr daughter, MIhh Melon, camo hack with lmr to roiualu until aftor tho holldayn, Tho young lady han hoon nttonilliiK nchool in Port land. NOTKJK My lion, Clunry Clovongor, ban ran away from IiIh homo and rofUHOH to ohoy mo iih IiIh fatluir, tlmroforo I hIiuII not ho roHpotiHlhlo for uny duhtn , 1 Im may contract from thin llmu. Al)v. 0. W. CLKVKNOKIl ; uiiy Uoj; u3i vj) UuiUr2j uai urn um wai inuaji ij uy mi u;j u.a uu uu uu uuj uui uyi MONEY AT ' INTEREST is a good silent partner one that will work night and day, unflagging in its zeal , for your welfare one that the longer lei alone the better work it will do. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Harney County National Bank , "YOnt HOME INKTITITION" Pntlunln receive tho bent of earn l.lowollyn Hlhbnrd returned from """w Maternity llonpltal. Portland lant wcok with hln father 1 2-4-lf nnd him entered tlm high nchool horo j fnr .h. rmnulnln, nnrllnn nf Dm FOH HALKAII kllldn Of FumltUMJ aw u f wif n nohool yonr. Iln In a momhor of tlm . KrnduntlnR claim. 1 . LOCAL SAPPENINGl w. Ij. Nowton, tlm Narrown nchool tfachor, In In town today on hunluorn. Ho was a callor at thin olllco. tlco. Cawlflnld wan no from tho ... . . i Narrows tho other day vintting witn frlondn and looking after nomo hunl nenn. Upon hln return ho wan ac companied hy Minn Vulerla I.ewln nnd Hattlo Goodlow who will ho guoHtn! at bin homo for tho week end, return Ing for nchool Monday. Mr. and Mra. Dan Varlen and their ion Jimmy havo moved to tho ranch an tho lattor'n health did not permit hU continuing hln ntudlen In tlm high nchool for tho prenent term. ' William llnnley arrived homo lunt night from an extended trip to out hIiIo polnlH. He wan accompanied In hy hln brother, Kd Hanley, who for merly renlded In thin vicinity. In fact Kd had charge of tho Poll A before Wilt camo up from Hoguo ltlvnr, Ho In well known to many of the old time ronldentn of thin coun ty who aro glad to welcome him. Mr. Hanley hnH boon away for noma 2G yearn and nnturally flinln connlder ahlo change. J; II. Ilunynrd wan In town the naddlcn, good middle borne, ntalllon etc At tho OltniMii Itaiich, tolo phono No. 0F6I. 12-4 ., -o . ' foro part If thin week making ar-j Tlm Huron Hour Milling Co. will raltgomuntn to go to Holno whore ho 1 begin operation at on on a toll Intended to undergo an operation. baMh. Mr. Hunynrd In ono of our pioneer Tbr mill will lake tho wheat and ntock men and wa hops tho opera-' nrlnd It for toll of onr-rlghtl!. ttlv Hon In nuccennful and that ho will lag Uio producer In rotum neven. return Improved In health. rlhta of tlm flour aad by product. . Thin In mm kbihII n toll it one rould Irving II. Haioltlno, dlntrlct IP-I ,wt ,1P mnn m.i upon Tlie uty gaum warden, In hero from rn. Hour .MIIIInK 0. home at Canyon City looking after1 n noino otnclal bUHlnoHH. Mr. Haxoltlno I Pcrcalon 29c yard Mm. K. r. ban nnked local Hportnmen to meet Boliwartx Adv. with him at tho Commercial Club I I I thin evening to dlncunn any changrn denlrod In the game lawn of tlm ntate In order that tho recommendations may go before tho loglnlnturo, KOH HALK- IC6tonn of wild hay for 11600, near Narrows with pan turn and a houno where men may nlay while feeding. Plenty of water. Inquire at thin ofTko 12-1 1 tf Frank Johnnon, the Oregon ft Wenteru Colonization -Co. man, camo over from Prluovlllo tlm other day. Ho wan accompanied over by M. It. IllggH, tho Hhorthoru breeder, who han been talking to nomo nf the local ranch men about buying mmiiu good niilln. InoxpoiiMlvi) Xmaft glftH may ht found at tho Home Drug Htoru. Adv Tha bookn accounts ana notes nf J. W. Ooary, M. D. ars In tha offlca of thr undersigned for collection. All thons knowing thomnolvca Indobt- ed to tho Doctor aro requested t call and settls, an I shall not send out atatstnenta but bring suit In such canon where I consider It proper ta do vo. Kindly call and nave costa. II, VON BGHMALZ, At tor nor 4t law. ' o - "" POIt SAhK- Piano In good condi tion. Inquire at thin office. 11-27. I.ORT Hhepherd dog wllh light yel low bolly, dnrkor back nnd white ring around hln neck. Iant noun near Ltiwon. IteaHonnblo roward given to party who flndn him and will notify It. J. Williams at Run tux, Oregon. 1 120. .&Mrs. CARTER in C rn i SPDIMr: FURNITURE New and Second Hand $3,000.00 Stock to Choose From Inland Empire Realty Co. Albert A. Traugott, Proprietor Pkoae M Old JorgMMoa BIdff. .MHHICAI.H AT I.IUKUTV TIIKATHK ON MJ.VT HATl'HDAV The following program will ho rendered at the Liberty Theatre on next Saturday evening iih a benefit to tlm now Ht. Joneplm' lloH pltnl. The recital wan arranged by Minn Agnea Foley who ban necur ed the iiHHlHtauco or Hoveral of tlm talented uiUHlclaun of UiIh city: Mazurka do Concert MiihIii Agnon Jeanne Foley At tho piano Mm. Wilfred Haclno Tlm Joyful Pennant Schumann Mm. Roberta II. Vincent Heading "Tho Houl or thu Violin" Merrill MIhh Foley' Violin Ohllgalo Minn LoiiIho Denlleta w On the Hoad to Mnudaluy Kipling b The Hnrofoot Trail Pholps-WlggoiH Mr. (leorgo 10, Mlnon At tho piano Mm. Wllljam Farro a Indian Lament Dvorak-KrelHler b KpaulHh Dnnco Pohfold Minn Foley a Ono Fleeting Hour l.oe-Fuhrmnnn b l.ovo Comou a Hteallng .... Kahn-Vun Alntyuo Mr. J. Homer Hoed At tho piano Mm. Harry Smith Oonsorlo VII Churlon do Ilorlot Minn Foley Rolo Dauco "Orlontale" from "Kstlnka" Minn I.eola Flimlmr At tho piano Mm. Alfred C. Wolcome Violin Ohllgato MIhh LouIho Donllotn a Tho Swan Salnn-Snonn b Danno Tzlgano Tlvadar Naohoit Minn Foloy a Iiononomo That'n All Robortn-nradloy k Dear Llttlo Doy or Mine Urehmann-llsll Mr. W. Claronco Luckoy At tho piano Urn. Alfred (!. Woleom a Cradle Song Bnahmu k Soronado d' Artoquln - Dries Minn Feley Joan Barlnigk k Teur Hyea Have Told Mo So - - - - IkMtara Kakn Urn. Louell Smith-Reef At the plane Mrr.. Harry Z. Sntftli AlrYarU jrtm llrJUVJJc Wl Acrllmatnl tUwl for Hale Tlm Hnrney Hrnnrh Kxpvrlment Station han tlm following rcclonned need for nolo nt three nnd one half centn per pound - True Sprhig Hyo Karly Ilanrt Wheat llauuchen, Trohl, nnd Whlto Smyrna Parley Sixty Day and HiiHtlenn Selection Oatn Place your ordorn enrly nn we only have a limited amount of thons ac climated noedn on hand. 12-4-31 Donafurod AlcoluITcan now bo had for that radiator at (ho Home Drug Stow. Adv. Hov. !. S. Tracy, pnntor of tho Church of Tho Nazareno expects to go to Nnmpa to attend tho Mlnlntorn Convention of tho Idaho-Oregon Dln trlct of that church which will bo hold from tho 14th, to 17th., Mr. Tracy plans to ruturn on tho 21nt. Indies Hllk Hom Hpccbil UHc Mm. i:. I Schwartz. Among the Cntlow Valley pooplo In Huron during tho proHont week wero: W. W. Stoten. John Koontz, Oncnr Downn, M. Nowton, Honry Hlchnrdn. Wlllln Hockley, Frank Clayton. There may have boon oth er Callow people In but thena fellown wore all neon ono morning. Kffectlvo witn todny tlm 'lend & Huron Auto Stligo ban changed Itn sohedule until furthor notice nH fol- town: l.oavo Hums Weduonday and prion $77.50. 8uuday, leave llend on Monday and I Sperlal price $:m.OO Pri.iav 12-1. I Fnlrhanlcn-Mome lOnglno Do rnur Xmnn nhopplng carlr at Homo Drug ntoro. Adv FOItHAIiK Ono 3V4 Studobaker wagon, . irucK, goon us new; one sei oi ncary chain harnonn. I i i i i.iit'tr n viw put IJ o - r a an t 1a m - a m I . t. i run oaliu m icoi d mca caimfr Universal Oarage Co. 6-H. o Mrs. A. D. Jonon Is now In charge ' of the Smth rooming houte adjoin-' lug the Coir hotel. 8he will be pleased to meet ber many friends there. -12tf. FOH HENT Two hounexefplic roomn for man nnd wife or tvi women. Inquire at thin offlc. 10- 31 tf. o Try Firestone Cord. Valvar! OarHgc. Adv. tf. t o 400 tens alfalfa hay for sale. Feed ing privlllfM or It will be fed ( stock If denlred. Inquire of J. Lampahlre or Arthur Turner. 11- ltf. kpkciaij kali: rnlrhunl.n-Morsu Hcllpso Ktiglne nod Pump Jack uHHomblcd HtguUr The Herman Martz Wood Saw Is prepared to work promptly horw power llegular prlco $1G500 Hpeelul prlco $S5.(M ! Myern pump., brass cylinder, IS feet plpn ' Kiii'clal price !l!7.no 1 1 Tho abovo artlclon havo been u?l T hut lunt overhauled and ure In flrrt i claim condition. Hums Onrnge, Hums OrffM phone nd. gio4 f buhs For Sale ii . 4 4 1 1 1 IOOf Hn Twontv-two bend of yearling uti two-yoar-old registered Shorlhow bulls for sale at roasonablo prlai. Write or phone the Sits Hancb, J l.awon, Oregon. 1 1-1 3-ti. 1 Wm. Farre Practice before U. S. Lund llcimrtmt'itt ur1 Real Estate Imlliittlons urn that the litre of tho land will attract mnny InvcstorN U HarHoy County the com lag aoanOH. Listings now wUl b kept before pro, poetiva inventors tke on Mtre aeaaon. Kenneth Crozier can deliver YOUR COAL Cheaper new than later. When the present aapply In exhausted the price will rals.-Phne G22F. We are opening a stock of Crockery, Cut Glass, Rosedale Pottery, China, Community Sil verware, Skates and Toys. Drop in and allow us to make Xmas suggestions. L S. GEER and Co.