l ' is Saturday, December 11, 1020 THE T 1 M 15 8 . II K II A h D II II U N R , II A It N K V oouKTV, o it h o o rr I'M TRAINING - CAUSE 've got to weigh FIFTEEN POUMD3 MOMfc U GET ON THE TEAM tt 6 Classified Advertising and Legal Notices Professional Cards Miscellaneous News .PE 'Hit iKiHO? : PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. B. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Ilurns, Oregon OllU'cat residence. Dr. CrillUh'it fur mcr ln mi1. Phone No. 1 1 It . C II U 15 It IC I M . I) Pr. Snurmnn & Hrunet's Former Olllco Hullillug rliunu No. 20 Hums, Oregon J. W. K A It Y Physician und Surgeon k IluriH, . Oregon S Tolophoiiu H130 DBNMAN & DKN.MAN Physicians mill Surgeons Calls answered promptly day or night 'Phono Crano Crane, Oregon I j. 15. IIIIIIIARD I) 15 .V T I S T Olllco first door east photo gallery Hums, Oregon CHARLES W. Hlil. IS I, A V V i: It lluriiH, - - - Oregon Practices In tlio State Courts and before tho U. 8. Lund Olllco i i, W McCulloch Itoht. M. Duncan MHTLl.OCH DUNCAN ltuyerM i)Rlc Khovo tho U. 8. Land Olllco nt'itNs. om:coN' . t II K It M A N V ( N H O H M A L 7. Altorney at Iiw (. "Utur 1 and practlco hoforu U. H. I ,.i nd OIIU'D a vpoulalty 0Hir: I ry Illdjj. noxt door to liurii-i, OrcKn I. O. (' U a II. L o o 'i a r l Xtlonn'y.at-Law Ztf i ill i. Hon (,'lvou to Colldctloiu and l.nal Kutato inaltum I Iro liiHtiramo .Votary I'uhllc Hunn, Orvou ItltlTi: It. KKSTKlt Attorney at Law Utul Olllco Practice Laud Scrip for aale Vale, Orrgoa I. W. OIkkh M. A. Dlggs It I G G 8 II I ti (J H Lawyer lluriis, Oregon FOR RENT NOW OJ'KN- RoomliiB houHO In Mury Caldwell building. NIco Cleau beds. Mrs. M. O. Wisdom. 6-8-tf. TO RENT Oflces aud store room. Farmers Exchange. C-5. JOHN UKMIIKHUNG, Jowolor. anU Optician Kiiurnvoi'. Flno Wotch IteputrlJiK Specialty, '"' fi MA FOR SALE FOR. SALK Dry JtiatNer wood, phono n at Ten JeaklBa ranch. L. UasrattiigtN. ll-13-4t. Attotitlon Woolgroweru - 7 t acres range land, 100 acre undor ditch C000 owes and .1000 Iniubu for sulo-ldoal Location, ( WM. FA It RE. TOR SALE 7 room house, largo Htoiio collar, windmill &. tank, 2 . IoIh, sluoplng poroh. Cheap, easy tonus. Small cash payment, bal ance like runt. Inland Empire I Really Co. C-6-Jf, TWO STORY, seven room residence, plnHtorcd, hot and cold wutor, hath . and modern conveniences, collar and garage, In Illock GC, :trd add) Hon to Huron, belonging to Mm. ! Knther F. Schwartz, fof Halo WM. FA It It 15 m I Tho ItolMTt (Jli'ii ranch In Section .SKI. T. 25 S., H.H2J4 H for wile at I 91200.00 cash. ; vm. karri:, j 1 FOIt SALK-Tho Jmuoit McMuuus' ranch In See. 13..14, IB, T. 2t5 S., It. 24 15., 320 ucros, reduced to , 11000.00. TormH. WM. FARRK. . ' ! WK HUY. raise mid noil fur-hoarlnif i ralililtH, and othur fnr-huarliiK an Imnlii. Lint uliat you liavo with , im, Htatlns your lowodt prlciw on I larKi tot HhlpmiHiltt. Tho Fur &. I Specialty Farming Co., 51C-C17 N. j V. Ave., Faro, N. Dak. Tycho Sotllu Itancli Shc'h 1 0 & 30, j T. 21 St.. It. 32 V, H., ICO acre of forod for 11300 00. j Ciuy W. Cocklln Pluco In Scc'a 23 &' 21, T. 215 a.. It. 32 K South of Lake, 100 noroti 3200.00.. FOIt SALi: Schuffor piano lit kooiI condition. Mrn, A. K. Ittchardnou. C-29 ATTIJNTION: Ilarnoy County dry land potatoi-H for xalo during Oct ohor at $3.00 per 100 pound. W hy buy hoK'fued from outHldn tho htato If you can K'nt hpiiiIm fit to out right In your homo county? ; (lot your Miipply for wlntor now,, olthor at llrowu'ti more or lt iuu' know a Wo ut It hy mall. 10-012 t AUOUST tn'H.N'IN, Dunm N'lcl: I'lclinoi plnco. H50 uvrvu In Suo. I 2, T. 23 S.. It. 33 IC. Small Iiouho I 100 aiT'-'M cleared and hrokun. All i foncod. 1000.00. JiARBER SHOPS j PROMPT tiervlco und courteous I treatment will ulways he uccord ed patroiu of tho Uui'im Hotel j Harbor Shop, Hatha at uny hour , of the day. C. W. atlmmoiiH, Prop, NOTICK CI SJIKIIIFF'H HA 1.15 UN I DKIt KOHK(l4)HintK MXKCIITH V IN THE CIRCUIT COUItT OF THK STATE OF OREOON FOIt THK COUNTY OF HARNKY. The First National Hauk of Hudih, Oregon, a National HuukliiK cor poration, Plaintiff. TS. MILTON 8. HALL, Defeudunt. OK IT KNOWN that undor und' by virtue of an EXECUTION order Issu ed by tho Clerk of tho above entitled Court on tho 20th day of November, 1920, upon tho foreclosure of u mor tgage lion Issued out of tho above entitled Court aud cuuhu, wherein the First National Hunk of Ilurnn, 1 Oregon, a National Hanking corpor ation, wus plaintiff und Milton S. Hull was defendant and decree of foreclosure was entered therein on the 13th day of October, .1920, and rocordod in Vol. F Circuit Court Journal, page 231. I AM COMMAND ED TO SELL tho following describ ed real property Hltuated In Harney County, Oregon, to-wlt: Tho southeast quarter of North east quarter (SB'INEU ) Section Thlrtyouo (31), South half or Nqrthwost quarter (HNWVi) Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter (SWViNK.Vi ), Northwest quarter of Southoast quarter (NW Vi SE Vi ) North half of South- woHt quarter (NV&8WV4) und Bouthuaul qurtor of Southwoxt Munrter (SW4SW) Boctlon Thirty two (32) Townnhlp Twenty threo (23) South, Uhuro Twenty riro (2B) Haul Wlllamotto Merid ian. I hu prnrnedH of nuch Halo to npply on the cohIh of Halo and upon the following Jii(lf;mont untiired thcroln, to-wlt: For the principal Hum of Four Hundred dollurn with lntiTo.it tliroon until paid at tlm rate or ton per cent per annum from Auk UKt 2Sth, 1019, except a crdlt thereon of $20.00 paid March 3, 1120, and for the further Hum of R0.00 nttorneyn feen, and for the coHtM and dlHhurflomoutit of thlri wu It. taxed nt $11.20, NOTICU IS IIKItKIIY OIVKN tlmt on MONDAY the twentieth day of December, 1020, at ton o'clock A. M. of that day nt the front door of the Court IIouho ut lluriiH, Harney County, OroKon, I will In ohedlono to mild execution und decree afore khIiI, hoII the foregoing described real LHtate, or ho much thereof an may he! uec'oHHury, to HatlHfy the coMii of HiIh nalo and the raid Judgment of plain tiff hereinbefore dencrlbed, with lu- ! (ruHt and ! Jilghent and cohIh thereon, to the hoMt bidder for ruli In li-iitl In Cold coin of Hih United StateH. Datdd HiIh 20th day of November. 1020. A. W. (100 DM AN, Sheriff. ly PLATT KANDALL Depiity NOTICU OF HIIKItlKK'S SALH FN- Di:it i"oiti:('i.osriti xi:ci;tmkv IN TDK ClltClMT COUUT OF Till! STAT 14 OF OHKOON FOP. TIIK CO NTY OF UAItNKY Tho Union Central Life hmurance Company, a corporation, I'LalntlfT. VH. William 10. Holmes and Jennie IIoIuioh, Defendants. ' IIF IT KNOWN Hint under and' hy Ylrtuo of nn KXKCUTION order, I iHHited iiy tin Cleric of the above t-u- titled "ourt upon the 20th day of Novembnr. H'?0 upon tho forecloHiirw of a inorlnaKt' Hen IhhihhI out of the above entitled Court and raiiHe wherein The Union Control Life In-' Kuruni'o Company, a corporation, whm plaintiff ami William IC I Inline and Jtfnnlo IIoIiuhu werw defendants ami decree wan entered thereon on the 21 nt day of AtlKUHl, 1020 and record ed In Vol. F Circuit Court Journal, ' page 200, 1 am couunamled to noil , the followliiK deHcrlhed real property ( Hltuated In Harney County, Oregon, t-wlt; iHtiMtor with the will annexed or Lot 'If li, Northeast quarter ; ,,r tj, ,, of Samuel Wydle, d. ir the Southwest quurtei (NK U j ceased by the County Court or tho HV4), North half of the Southeast j Htwtu lf Oregon Tor tho County of quarter, (NttSKVi). und the North eaHt quarter (NKU) all In Section Thirty (30) TowiiHhlp Twenty two (22) South, Range Thirty-three East of Willamette Meridian, the proceeds of hucIi Hale to apply on the corttH of Hule and upon the follow ing Judgment, to-wlt: For the principal sum of Twelve hunderd Dollars, together with lu-j terest thoreou ut the rate of ten pen cent per annum from August 1, 1919 until paid; for the further sum of one hundred twenty doners logeinor with Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from August 1, 1918 un- j til paid; for the further sum of One hundred twenty dollars together with InteroHt ut ten per cent per annum from August IhI, 1919 until paid; for the further sum of $44, 03 tuxes advanced for the yearn 1910, with InteroHt thereon ut ten per cent per annum from Fed, 28, 1918 until paid; for the further sum of $33,34 taxes advanced 'for tho year 1917 to gether with luterost thereon from Aug. 31, 1919, until paid; for the rurthor sum of $120.00 nttomeys fees, and for the cohIs aud disburse ments, NOTICE IS HEREHY OIVKN that on MONDAY the twentieth day of. Docomhor, A. I). 1920, nt ton o'clock; A. M. of that day nt tho door of tho County Cour. House In Hums, Har- noy County, Oregon, I will In obod-j lonco of such Execution aud Decree i aforosald, hoII tho ubovo described ( real proporty, or ho- much thoroof us nay bo noocunary to nntlufy the uoHtM of thlH rale und tho plulntlffii uatd Judgment hereinbefore deiiurlb ed with IntoroHt thereon, to the high ent and heiit bidder for ciihIi In hand In gold coin or the United StateH. Dated tlilw 20th day of November, 1020. A. W. (lOODMAN, Sheriff, Hy PLATT ItANDALL, Deputy. NOTICK OI-' 8 ALU IN TIIK COUNTY COUItT OF THI3 STATIC OF OUKOON FOR UAIt NKY COUNTY. In the matter of tho cntntD of Henry Holkeu, deceaned, j NOTICU IS HKItHHY OIVKN that under and by virtue of an order oC Halo made by I his Court on tho 20tu day of November, 1920, In tho mat-' tor of the entato of Henry Ilnlkeu, deceaned, tho underHlgucd adminis trator of the Ha Id entato will noil at private nalo to tho highest bidder for euHh In Imud and mibjcct to tho Con firmation of this Court, on and nftor the 20th day of December, 1020, nil of tho real property belonging to the OHtate of Henry Ilolkon, deceaned and doucrlhcd an follown, to-wlt; LotH threo and four, tho SViNWU NW8W',, and the WASH'S or sec tion B. Twp. 27 S. llango 35 K. W. M. containing ::20.31 acron more or Iohs. O. 15. THOMPSON, AdmlulHtratnr or the entato of Henry Holkeu, decnanOd, NOTICK TO CltKIUTOItS IN THK COUNTY COUItT OF TIIK! STAT 15 OF OUHOON COUNTY OFi HAUNHY. IN TUB MATTI5H OF THK KSTATI5 OF FHANCKS K. MctllfiK, Dccu.ih- ,,,1 NOTICK IS 1 115 1 1 15 II Y (11VKN That the UnderHlgned. ( LAUDK McUKl and LKLAII McOKK, have lieeu duly, appointed by the County Court of Harney Couuy, Oregon. AdmliilH- trator and AdmiulHtrutrlx respective ly of the KHtate of Frances K. Mc Oee, Deceaned; and have duly quali fied aH Mich. All persoiiM having claims agaliiHt said estate are hereby notified to present the Haii)o, duly verified, to gether with proper vouchera there for, at the otllre of Ceo. S. SUemore, Hums, Oregon, attorney for said Ad ministrator ami Administratrix with in six mouths from date hereof. CLAUDE MrtlKIC. AdmluisliMlor, LKLAII McOKK. AdmlulHtratrlN. Dated this 30 day of November. 1020 u NOTICK TO CREDITORS .jsTATK OF SAMUKL WYLDI5, Do- ceiiHed. Notice Ih hereby given that the un derslgned haa been appointed admin Harney, Hitting In Probate, aud has duly qualtried as hucIi. All persoiiH having claims aguiiiHt mild estate are hereby notiried to present the iumui 'o me at the olllco of Piatt & Plait, CliC Piatt Hulldlng. Portland Oregon, with proper vouchors und duly ver ified according to law within six mouths from tho date hereof. uu Dated and first pubHHhed Decern 4th, 1920. ARTHUR I). PLATT, Admlnlstruton with tho will annexed ()t (jl0 (matu of Samuel Wyldo, Do- ceua0li, piTT & PLATT und JOHN" F. SEDOWICK, mlnlstrator. Attorneys fur the Ad, NOTICE OF HIIKRIFF'H HALK IN FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that by vlr tuo pf an execution and order of Halo In foreclosure duly Issued by tho Clerk of tho Circuit Court or tho State or Oregon, ror Harney Coun ty, dated Docomhor 2nd, 1920, In a certain suit In said Court, wherein T. 0. HowHor as plulntlfr recovered Judgment agaliiHt T. L. Vlekom and Lizzie Vlekera uh defendants for tho mint of Three Ihoumind one hundred twonty-four and 113-100 Dollars with IntoroHt thoroon rrom tho 2Cth day or October 1920 at tho rate of eight per cojit, per annum, und Two hund red sixty and no-100 Dollars attor ney's foes, and tho further sum of Firtoon und no-100 Dollara costs; And to me directed und delivered I will ou the 4th day of January 1921 at the hour of two o'clock In the af ternoon of mild day, nt the main en Inincu or the Court IIouho in lluriiH, ilaruuy County, Oregon, Hell at pub lic miction to the hlghcHt bidder or blddem for cuhIi, tho following de Hcrlbed real property, vlr.; I5ust one half or Section Fourtouu lit Towmdilp Twenty-three South of Hango Thirty three KiiHt, or the Wlllamutto Merid ian, In Harney County, Oregon, to gether with the tenementH, hercdlta mentH, and appurtenancea thereto be longing; taken and luvied upon uh the property or tho above-named do femlantH, or no much thereof uh may be iiecesHary to Hatlnfy mild Judgment in favor of the plalntltT, above-named with InteruHt thereon, together with all nmtH and dlHhurHornontH thereon, nttorneyn feeH, and accruing corIh. Dated at lluriiH, Oregon, December. 2nd, 1920. W. A. (JOODMAN. SherlfT Harney. County Hy P. T. HANDALL.'Deputy iHt Pub. Dec. 4th. nth Pub. Jan. IhI. NOTICK FOIt PUItLICATION l.'NITIOI) STATI2S LAND OFFICK HuriiH, Oregon November, 3, 1920 NOTICK In hereby clven that Wil liam F. Thelmer, of Hums, Oregon, who, on June 5, 1910, mudo Addi tional Hnmcrilcud I5utry, No. 8182. for SWV.NW'i, SKUSWti, Sec. IC and I514NWU, Section 22, Town Hhlp 21 S., Itauge 31 K., Willamette Meridian, ban filed notice of Inten tion fo make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above deHcribed. before IteglHler ami lie reiver, at Huron, Oregon, on the Hth '; .S'nlunes1" wltnenses: Jup MeKlnnon. Fred Hlack, I5rnent WilllauiH, and Frank J. Williams all er Hums, Oregon V. (1. COZAl), Register o When a man begins to knok the community it Is time for him to be looking for a new location. Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TKAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE JLOANS blueprints Ilionc30 or.GISS .'. O.'ss CAR REPAIR BILLS Are Never Excessive At This Shop THAT Is because we know our business, work quickly, and with bo' lost motion or time wasted In puisling over what to do. That Is c good reason why OUR shop should bo YOUR shop. Try ut. Our spuclalty Electrlcul und Ignition work und Oxyucotylene woldlng. All work Guaranteed. At the Jack McGuier former shop J. S. Taylor, Prop. In Every Respect says the Good Judge ... 4tP W-B GUT ia a lon fmc-cut t.obacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS NAZAHF.NI4 CHUHCH Sunday School 10 a. ra. , Preaching Borvlce, 11 a. m. Young Peophm Meeting 7 P. M. Preaching Service 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wodnosday evening 7:30 . MlHHlouary meeting hccoihI and." ; fourth Friday In each mouth 8. L. 8. THACY. Pastor. l'ltl5SHYTi:itIAN CHUItCU Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching hltvIco 11a. ni. Other servIceH will be announced as noon as tho now pastor gets ac quainted and arrange" with tho cen- 'gregutlou. JOHN II. WICHI5HSON,, Pastor CllltlHTIAN KCIKNCH 80CIHTY Services at 11:00 o'clock. The reading room In the church Kdlflce, Ih open on TiieHilay and Frl . day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. . .. Sunday School meets on Sunday at 10 o'clock. PupllH may bo admitted to It chiHseH up to tho iigo of"20 years. Tho public Is cordially Invltodta tho Church Sevlcos und to thoTRead lug Room. HAITIST CHUItCU Hlblo School at 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Kvontug Service at 7:30. Prayer mooting Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Rev. J. J. Tlcknor, PaHtor. Rosi deuce north of Court House, Phon wi'U ! ir you can't say a good word tor , youn community, keep qulut. You get more genuine chew ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind.. The good tobacco taste lasjts so long a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That's why it costs less to use. Anv man who has used both Icin'ds will tell you thut. Put ui in two styles l