Hut utility, Docomocr II. 120 T H K T I t 13 S II 10 It A Ij 1 11 U It N H , II A It N 33 Y OOU N TV, O It 13 G O N I'itgo Five 1 1 i' i Miwnnn in r ja 3 58 .You'll be sure to please all the men on your Christmas lis and save m my weary shopping hours if you come FIRST to The Burns Cash Store HOUSE COATS Tito ro.y roinfort to hi Inul In a Iioiim mitt I.h only fully appreciated by (lie nut it who owiim one. FELT SLIPPERS For Grandma, firntuljm, Mamma, I'upa ami tho Kiddles. Leather Shoos Ti'f tin who'" final . SHIRTS V havo (ha larn'Nt amortmciit of Hllk HhlrlN In (ho cllv. TIES Wo have (ho largest assortment or 'lias this nldn of Ilia city, ami also wo have ordered mhiio twtrn A nut hovos. Von pick Iho (la we iat It U a alra Aunts ho., ASST. XMAS PRESENTS A nlro Hcarf, leather Vont, Thor itio ('oat, Hwontcr, Halt, or Union Hull would ho a nlro present Tor Dad or In-other, XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Visit our enlni'Kod hnnillioivlilor section and uliiiro In tin hpochtlH wo of for to early. Christinas shopper. MEN'S SOX Silk 75c to 91.50 Wool , !I5 to JM.75 l.lsla !J5i! to 91.00 Hoy, Supporters, Hiispcutlcr.s, Hlecve Holder, Ifdkf.s, all put. tijt lit nice XinitH ho.vuH, FOR THE X'MAS TABLE r Candy, Nuts, Figs, Cookies, Apples, Cranberries, Olives, Dates,. Pickles. In fact everything fihy;ourj Xmas table.- 3E 3E 3Ej mm ; n I T il IIIH lMI 1 ZZ3 WJjf I I 1 i' ' mm mho m lr PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT SVAIU A. ' ' ' 1 A O, UAT2T amous Star Has A Characteristic Role In "The Money Corral" A hit; roiloo Ih IioIiik hohl at Fraluy unit, .tioaiuiut -- a K'tiaiiriiiii ui n''J laiiH tiie wild rlilorH, craek'HliotH, up' n nroiit'lio )wnra, uiiiiunn. uii'uth and othors -revival of tlio lil 111 fllfl flllVU 1.1(111 IllllfHIlIl. IL uiuln-r of roal tntittlo. Ih uitxiouu to .t II.,..,. I... I.!.. t.'.t. iiillUiiJ I .11111 ilM'fU, Will IliO HUnI MUlinuni no i.ol.l li itimoiitliii uIMi hf tl ll 11H llUllll I U Ort-Kory (!olllnn, nrosldont of tliu r iiiffinii in i nn ii iui rii'i i w in uiui'i wiui ii ih ouiy naiiKitiur, juhui, lio Ih (locldodly 'Hp-ntHK.' CoIIIiih vcuivuh worn linn inn vauti in -ni-aKO IniH bueu the Koal of HiIoVoh - M I?V. 111(1 lllltU .... . !! V V I lttftf Hf'Hoti wIiih thy HliootlilK oontoHt, civ ui iinuriiiK nun u jiiw in Km aco to tuko earo of liln proporty. nuiKlier rtiiumiH. Janai ih Horry m i J (t tin U'riimi n 'Hiii'ii inn. With ('0111118' party Ih a protty k rl, i ixiur rolutlon iiiuaoil Uoho. i. 111 ineet'i ln.r inul flndlllir I'llO HVOH 1,0111 DitVH wnii tho fatnl t i i.'jfii- inCil irn c.i : l ' !. v i- tt'.t'lilantliil urn ti InforiiiH Mr. CoIIIiih on IiIh rotiirn with Loin, that poworful rival In turoHtH aru hack of tho vault attnekn. t.'ortalii pitpow thoy aro aftor, If oh taliuxl hy thoiii, will wrook tliu CoIIIiih TniHt Company. Lota takoH tho Joh of KiiardliiK thu vaiilta ami Ih wariital away in a inyH torlouH notu. Ilrulor, Informud of tho throat, arraiiROH frame-up ho that I,oui will ho led to a notorloiiH cafo on a falHO clow. Tho punehor HckH tho KWiu,' and rotuniH. A party Ih In prourcHH at tho CoI IIiih' homo and Junot, to inako Loin tiio hutt of tho ovoiiIiik, dniKH him to tho (lanco floor. IIIh omharraHH nionflH pitiful, ho much ho, that Hoho ahlH him to oHcapo. Kurloim at IioIiik halkod, Jiuiot'uphraldii Uoho Havanoly and Hho dochlon to loavo. Sho inmitH 'Lorn and tullH him. Uo tolla hor ho U iiIho flick of thlH Hfo und Is koIiik hack trt tho moHttH of tho WohI. Thoy aro almoHt confOHliiK tholr mutual lovo, whoii Janot appoarn, and tolln Loiii hr fatlior wlHiort,to hoo him. hu Ih koIhk to (iut, inn thoin lit tho vault. Tho lattor IiuikIih at Loin for uiilttltiK. Tho punehor nayH nothliiK. Thoro Ih a now watch man that nlKht- Tho attack Ih HtitKod. Tho watch man Ih ovorpowered, hut whnn tho crookH wot htiHy, thoy find hoiiiooho who ran nhoot tho roijtor. out of a iltino In inld-nlr, waltliiK for thorn. Whoii tho police romo and opou tho vault, tho f'nd Lorn with Ilrulor a prlHonor. ad two crookH, ono wound od. tho other dead. CoIIIiih orfon Lorn anythliiK ho wIhIioh; ho 'tHkfl for Hoho, and KotH hor. Janot apologlzoH, and tho rouplo rocolvo tho flmmt nincli In Montana nH a gift from tho railroad proHldont, ThlH H tho Rtory Hill Hart will appoar In at tho Llhorty on Sunday, Dncomhor !!. HOLUIKIl CUT OUT MIIXIONAIKK? YHH, HAVH .MONTH ULUK Kthel Chtjton'K LoikHiik Man HIiowh How It Wuh Dono In "PoltlKretv'H filrl" lint iimiiiHi I'uvi in - - - . iiocid i1'! AfflW i Hual. V.., moriHnK. - & i'im tiiiiinrtt of'fluuh urt'at valuo r n the Collin,-, Trut i1 10 "r Can a Hlmplo, alnccro, Inoxporlonc od Holdlur hoy win a hoautlful liut floklo Hroadway rhontH uli'l when Miat i.'lrl Ih Juu on tho ovy of catoh fni: a.s a huMi-mid a haudBoino young mlllloiitlro? Nino out of ton will nay, "linpoHHlblo!" : Hut Myntjniii). as 1'rlvato I'ottl g'row In I-Jlhol Clayton'H now Para mount, utnrrJiiK vidihjlo, " I'ottlRrow'H Olrl," whloit will ho hIiuwii at tho f Llhorty Thuatro next WodnoBday ! Hitya It can ho dono, MIhh Clayton ItitH tho rolo of DiiIh)' 1 loath, a uhortui clrl and Hroatlway lioauty. Dalny Iiiih ritir lino out to catch a rich Iiuh hand. ' 1'rlvato I'ottlKrow Ih alono In tho world, liuvliiK no parontH, rolatlvon or frlonilH. Ho uovor ovou had a Hwouthoart, hut whnn ho takes a trip to Now York, from tho omharkatlou camp at which ho Ih Htatlouod, ho KotH a front mmt In DalHy'a thoatro. Thoro ho mum hor, and throughout ! tho whole porforinanco ho can't tako IiIh oyoH off hor. Ho iirratiKojv to moot hor, and lotH of thlngH happou. MIhh Clayton ah'aln ovIiicoh hor ro markahlo ahlllty an an actromi of uu UHtial vorHatlllty In thlH plcturo. Monte. Illuo kIvoh a tlcilltf litful por trayal of tho Holdlor. Tho plcturo waH dlroctotl hy (Ioopko Molford. Tho Hconarlo Ih hy Will M, Hltchoy, from tho Htory hy Dana Hurnot. In tho HUpportln'K cant aro Jiuuoh Miihoii, CharloH Otiranl and Clara Whlpplo, ill of whom aro capahlo artlHts ap puarliiK In ooiib'onlnl rolon. ' o UVUII CLKAN llOUHi:? HKK "HI'HI,(i" KAHClJ You Please a Motorist Most Wilfc an Accessory Gift for His Car Wc learned many seasons ngo that the real acceptable gift to every motorist was some spec ial or accessory for his car. That's why we made a special effort this year to have our stock bright and new at Christmas time. Cut just because it is Christ mas season we have not marked up. Instead we are offering many bargains. Present him or her with a: Tire Windshield cleaner Tube Vulcanizing outfit Robe Set of Chains Tool kit Flash Light Spot light Foot Warmer Gas Book Radiator Cover or something else for his car. Universal Garage Co. niout onjoyahlo comodloH of tho Do llavon ropurtolro thiiH far produced and film faiiH Konorally havo a do HeHtful troat in Htoro for thorn. In thlH comody, tho Do Ilavoim aro hooii as a young married oouplo who hovo plenty of trouhlo whon they hoglu tholr uhuuI Hprlng Iiouho ro- ftirnlHhlug. Thoy try to do tho Joh with tho aid of a hook, hut tho Kchomo fatlH to, work and many com plIcatloiiH oiiHUe, all of which aro mirth provokliiR to a degroo. It iu a ntory that will ho enjoyed hy ovory marled couplo who havo had similar oxponloucoH, Tho Htory wan written hy Mr. Do llavon and tho plcturo waa dlrectod hy CharloH J. Parrott. Piirmiioiiiii. Carter 1a llavt'it I ' " V " .', i;oiui'ii.v iiiKii.v i',iiji,iiiiiii' ' Did you ovor clean Iiouho and do J your own docoratlng In tho glhil, Hprlng tlmo? If you did, you will on Jny' tho now I'arainount-Carton Dii Huvoii comody, "Spring." whoh ho' proHontod at tho, .Llhorty thoatro Ipixt Wpduoaday. Tlilu Iu onj of tjio ... , , . Bend-Burns Stage Company Schedule to Take Effect Noveinbar16 Stage leaves Bend for Burns: Monday and Friday Stage le&ves Kurns for Bend: Sunday and Wednesday Bend-Burns Stage Company H. R. Sclmnno, Wesley Mill, Win. Fraser, Proprietors j 1 is t V t ,1