I'nKO Four T II 72 ,T I M 10 H II H It A li I) 11 II It N H II A It N H V 0 O U NT Y O K 13 (ION Hiitnnlay, December II, jooq "he TiiTiec-j'Ierald. Hat Tltrt l.irict Citr.ulntion Of Any Newspaper In llmitcy County. JULIAN ItYltD MnriAiter SUasCIUITION H.VTI.S On Yr J 1,00 Moulin .... ... 1,00 Ou Munth .... .... ... ,7fl Mrs. W. 10. HiiHton'fl brulttur wail ovor from IiIh homo tit Mulhour coun ty during tlio wook looking after Homo atrny iiuiIuh of which ho got track throiiKh tho chiMBlflod coin mutt nr thin papor It paya to ndvortlxo. ) Tho owner of tho croon hIIU pura xol which wan rcuontly loft In tho lilluM'ty, hart called at thin olllco and rouovoroil hor property, liul tho black vVilvot neck plocii Ih atlll hero to which u'M added IhlH wok n purao belonging to noma Kirl, evidently. Uhtmjmu chutura In It. " No. Jituu flf anything from which to Identify i lit purao wrw foil ml with II. Ttia COUNTY COl'HT MIMK1KT To tho Tiixiinvcru nf llninoc ?oimlv Notlco In horohy kIvoii Hint tho County Court or llnrnoy County Iiiim fixed Friday. Docouihor .11, 1020, h tho tlnio, and tho Court Houhu at llnriiH wniKoii. an inn piaco wnoro thu OHllinato of monoy propound to ho mined hy taxation Tor tho ouiiulug your, 1021, may ho (UhkuhhoiI with Iho mild County Court, iiIho, when and whoro any taxpayor HUbJocl to micli tax lovy, whon mado, Hhall ho honn.1 for or iiftaliiMt any proponod lax tovy. Itemized ontlinatoH of tho amount or monoy propomid to ho ralaod by taxation for thu oiihuIiik year, 1021, hy llnrnoy County, Oregon, and tho purpoHu Tor which tho mild monoy Ih propound to ho oxpondod, to-wlt: COUNTY COURT! w Halary or County Judge .'. $ 1,200.00 Mllongo mid pur dlom of CommlHHlonorM nno.on TravolhiK oxpoiiHon of Court, otc, 700.00 $ ClllCUIT COUNT: Jurora and Clrand Juroro ........ 1,(100.00 Wltuc.iHOH, 4,000.00 nnllllfH, ; 200.00 Koportoi'H I'otm. oto., 200.00 i ....... ....a...... t..a4..Mp............ Jt'HTlCIO COUUT: .lUKtlcO POOH, llllUHHOH 0.11!., .......... SilKltlPP'H OPPIOHs 'I Halary nf Hhurln", . .......... ....iitf,....i..-,....,v....v v . . . ...... ... 200.00 r.o.oo 100,00 rtnlarv of Doputloii, Mationory, Htump a Ullluij avptniaaag .. Traveling oxpaimtm of fjhei'lii' S.llfi.uV fiOO.Oo 1,1100.00 2,500,00 11,000.00 ar.o.oo o.noo.oo t - I - . . i II... L fl(Wt.r alfoul.l mi) nod Ket tlfo arlluio. S., Zl t tZiC' Huttitm fk Stationery CLIfiUUTI (WIClSs 4 fr 2,100.00 Judgo tfrant Thompn wh In I XW ipwn durm .1,.. iookm rt.r ; ,MU;1;t:r'::'::"M Y'iiiu uuaiueaa incur. A.THOn' OVflCTIS: ' I'lPKllnV Stlivlll Warn nff I.I-I ! V ' . homo ttC DUimoiid iJurlnR jho wook I goUiry or ianUio.' nil iiiimnoflH. 1 4 ......j.......: FOREMAN TiiLLS Oiiico HxjioifKWt; atampH. otn.V.:. . Tax Cnllucthu; on Traimclont Stonk .. TltlCAtfltUU'S OPPICK: Miliary or Triiiiriiiror ABOUT TROUDLE (,,,,,",5X,( . noun ,.a a. ano.oo i.noo.oo r. oo.oo 200.61 i SUI'IJUINTHNDKNT'H OPKICUl limine ns a IIIchMiik lo Itolli ! Hiilnrv nf Muporlutoudoiit, 1..Aa....-.-...- l.f.OO.OO f miiiHcir mill win- Ithcuiiiiii. i'lll ,lll IIC. Travidln-j l2piiiHiw, Inutltuly ICxpoiimw. ..... ''OHO.VKU'H OPPICH: U:tniwwHi. Jurnra, our 1,200.00 nr.o.oo Ml: ' 4i wl'uiliip Iihr proved n hlMmliri; In lntM my wife n ml myiiir." said A 1 ('! nir fin. .1. IferlN, of 3100 Hiiuth NluHtveuth ' irMt Ti,,:,,t... u'.... . M"tBP," BTot'K iNii'iutrroit: ' 1;c;,t, " ir'"" f";8mury or Mtook limiKiutdr. "For fur yrr- I hd mnrl ! UCJi 8VFttL fTOm IndlM.an ,,n.l i. i.a.i ..-... I '"rvf HtUl) offlwr, .tleUU um viy iMor mid im, i IMMTUlt'T K.l imittfr whu 1 nt I wm Mint to .uM.n ''r' r,t,l Bim'Q r llurnuy OnkjiU. Hf . "r "! m ftNMlj VllK)lW"!CKBION' .......kk'.!-,. ( Ol.OTY IIOSiMTA. Cur" tf jioor, IjL h'ipffiiL HUf hirntdtAH out Mfc fori'T ifot r.K- -triiUr- Mtr f ' liflllV etc .'i. tiWimut, U1CPUKI) OP TAXll: ! KieaiSTKATION Kl.liCTlQNT ...SM . .... no o.oo ,120,00 - 'i 00. no. 1 r . . 00 00 0.000.00 i.ino.oo 1,750.00 1,025.00 1BO.00 100.00 A rv .11 j i i v r Ljjns, uresseu, unurt&seu. ivewpies or every description. This assortment is the finest ever seen in the city. Ivory Py-ra-Iin. Combs, Brushes, Looking Giass, Toilet and Manicure Set Display. .o. See cur j biM lueir Mill fumwiit niMOttt mi um. 1 had a iltMmilii. bum 1 fll) tftimWi. Nvnnui llMt up with until I could iwird if Ivwtlio nt btvn po.-uHar prcn fhff avRiiatlon around my heart. "f i?(i.ii hVd JriTf itiie knd at flxnrH Omant itf f4y fi u to wtrU hfIl oi ..o.iiftihing lo tmii inywlf. i bad lott of tftjitble gA Mag idmim1 and was nom fa trow Jiuln on at-cnunt ot lh rlieUnmjlkm My rMiyi worrhNl in k ijniir.bflnr and 1 aifarl frtom latunaa palna In (Tiaiall of my lck nourly fill Of ih tlma. 4 ' "Uf iiarM wra In uii bad Mhapa I could nut atoup wall and woum 11 awata tha jrvatar mn of iy nftHt. I loat weight and fli llrd and worn ont all Urn tlina. j "JUurw Uklug Tanlic I Uavo a fla toppaita. 3l anytliiiiK t waiu a.td mhlut ( wli)i aw paffaotlr, Tho rhaunatUw baa talt m uUra ly, I ttai-r haw .a htmdacbv or ri dliay any mora and uiy nwc cr I a good night 'a alaop. I hii auto gglMNl o..il poumla lu wapiti, mi that lira!, wont out faolliiB la tll tfoaa. "My wlf nlao waa In a lladly run down condition, hml no appotlta and wa oxtruuiuly nurvoiiM. .She Iiukiiii takitiK Tanlac, too. and today tlu lmprovf.iuiit In hor condition U Mlmply wniiiliiriiil. Hor appntlto ttim ralururd. mIio hai runnliiDil hor lol stri'iiHth, and hor ncrvoH arc In T.iiiIhc ia Hold In HiiriiM hy Itund llrothori. and' In Crano hy Crano Monaiitilo Co. Adv. MmltiTTT.., 4 i t ..... .' jtA. V 101.00 l.d'tfO.OlJ - vMfia U00.00 ' aaa I4.0Ci . ftOO.Ou l.SOt 08 .A90.OI Aflt Xmas Books of all kinds. Boys' and Girls' Stories. Latest Fiction Books for Young and Old. 9. S f4 8- 74 Victrola and Edison Phonographs, See our free record X offer special for Xmas. Reed Brothers The Kexall Store I I 4 Wl Z$Bri 2M 'M I, I I 4.' ' f V HOI'NTY ON WILD ANIMALS. Not InnludlJIK . PQr tlou (OC nt liolfi paid li)"'Htat At' HIT OP QtW.TY ItrtCOJIDB: IMflTKJfT ATTOHNPY'H Opi'lCfSj Kti'ii-'tfi'apliur and OMlcu llxitoitaaa. b W TKHM ARTHII A liRI'UTIIBB: Sa'-ir. of Watartaaitr Tratrtllng Ktma, nrpatla. aU. ........ , 1.MQ.QQ ' J ijufo. nn : ,!0.00 100.00 .... . ;.o6,oo;V T DnttrTRITTlOW OF ORAlllOTPlJifi; UDDlMM. HAUBITH. BH MIFtKI LAVKOl'ft. and liioldanUl Utipai fiiuiucratrd aud iiufotiouu HUt, IMI'OI 0BI rttfUUl'TIOK OP WAIlltA.NTB SritVKYOK'e OI'PICK: llruvollnb'. Pluld Work mid Ollluo work STATU 1 AX ooulrullud hy 0 pur cout limitation law COUNTY SCHOOL AN'OHTIONMPNT, cotmlHtliiK or M lifvtrliiia; lKli' puplU and 70 toauhora. k... Total to ho ruined hv taxation on Ooiierat Fund .60O. OU 8,000.00 17.08. 1.1 1,000.00 na.ooo.oo 20,000.00 IS - la.2i(i.ii() 1.U3U.CO r.oo.r.o is.oio.ci fc,r.-r..so '2r..,H)t 76.10 1.1I7JI tlt.S4 na.oo 716.00 7T1.00 20 IS II 3ft m til IIV II oO , fil. i v.s or. 1.0.16 00 06 7.01 1.102.14 920.8 1 7s.it; ton uo -105 r,c 6.701.30 806.1 1 801.10 -2.B07.50 Save Your Eyes a Mi t You wit), planao Itilto notliN. that Ilia iimoinil or outaUiiidlng warrantK nit paid aKaluat Ui huvarill fundi and thu amoiiubi of Miali in tho hamln of tho Con no' TryrtHiirnr of llnrnoy County avallahlo for (ho imyinmit of audi wlirnmtH, wan on Ducumhur 1, 1020. , ' WnrrMita Amount In . OutsttiudliiK IliuuUnr ' , TrsiiHitror danm-Hl Pnml .UUWiA2 I..1SS.55I ttiwd Pund - ... C.l71.0 II. 11. -II Atarhel ltoa.it Pund 10.00 l.UM.OO IIJhIi School Pugd .' 0..H 1.271. flit iald Mt Miirna. OmKoii. thin Hh day of DociMnlior, 120. umlor th dlractlnu and by authority of thu County Court. CHHHTKU OALTON. Clork i j- ICyi strain causes hcadncluv, nervousness and other trou bles. I fil frJasHcs accurately and scientifically. AH Work Guaranteed. MAUKICK SCHWARTZ Optoinctrlht Office with Dr. It. P. .Smith 9JJk mtfBMr-wara, Mr)lllWaJfa I t UU lXttiti . $ l07,S07.ia COPN'I V 111(111 fCIIOOL: Halarloi of imichorH 0,405,00 Hupplloa otc ,1,105.00 .laultot . llBhu, fuul, oto . . 000.00 ' M I I lM I 01 NKKAL HOAD: Kuadrf. KrldKOH, oto., and luoludliiK $10,0(IO00 tor Mtutu Highway purpoHUH and uiiudilnory w. Total Htuto and couiiCy tax to ho ruined which la controlled by 0 per cout I'lnltiitlou Law aud under nupurvlHioii ' foil ty Court STATU TAX, ovor fi pur tw it limitation Law, and which waa civiatod hv Initial Ivo voto. r.0,800.00, COUNTY .MAIIKKT HOAD fund 19,3G0.O0 11,500.00 .04,500.00 12:1:1,507.1:1 HAIIIHT IIOUNTY, 25,000.00 Total to ho rained ovor G per cunt Law and which Ih directed by lawa miido by LokIhIu- luru aud by Iultlativo voto of pooplo aaaaaaata t 05,150.00 Total Htatu aud county tax to ho ralHod hy tax atloii for all purpoHUH 3:128,057. 13 Htatomoiit or i'rohablo rucoliitH ot Harney County for youn 1021, from Hourcen, other than by direct taxation. Prom .Motor Vohlolo Pund $ 2,800.00 PoroHt Jto.Horvo Itoiital 4,000.00 (llork'H Pooh .,. 4,500.00 " liiloroHt 011 County DupoHltx In HiiiiIcr 1,000.00 " Circuit aud JiihIIco Court rinou, otc w 500.00 .Mlloajto or Hhorirr. otc 250.00 KuP 1 Total otitlmnto or prohablu rocolpta from houixiuh other than 1 dlruol taxaMon 1 !l,0C0.0O . Whluij Hjii.u derived from prohahlo rocojptti will ho tiuotl for tho ro- j duollun' bf iudabtodiioaa, and for other iihoh to which (hoy may bo propurly applluiL Total amount of nrunorly on Tax Holla,, not Including . . th lUMfuaamoiit ofirubllo Utllltloa j 12,402,522.00 Ilavi: your w.itch mcilimiled. Htai't iho old clock to licking, pit Hint old iduco of Jeunliy in weiiilop order. AiiKUiut lovlud to ho ralaod hy Haruoy Valloy lrrli;atloil Din- llnvo your ym flttcil to Itcaillnu , r,'il ; . 2D.7;iO.:iO uIuhnum m'o O M 'KALimiiMtv Statguioula of apuaMlMujliool Dhilrlct Jovlua im fllu with Qgunty. Clork, kMHMUf, m,o u. jm. SALlMllUIl aupurlntonilont and AWdHHor, ' Jowckir, optician.' , . JdL No, Amount - . l)lHt. No. Amount DON'T BUY SY Unless You Want to Help Break THE HIGH PRICE Just for the next two weeks we will special a high class brand TEAGARDEN SYRUP 1-2 gal. Regular $1.75 Sale Price 1 gal. Regular $3.00 d0 Ofk Sale Price P.Ol 1 Remember Two Weeks Only AT THE FARMERS EXCHANGE $1.25