"'V'' L fSHZv A ' - "a 'K trnc)' (Vtrrity'n Umber I -4 nit llnrncy county's rcscourccn tire utirucUriK the attention of ilia ttilllro West. ' Irrigation, Mock ftiMngf niliicH, oil "nnd gas pr(T qiceiio (mil agriculture all ftviiltliitt il(ni:Iiiiii(!i(t. wet for Immediate . cxploltn ton Mills' should bo .turning t out to ultl In (lio rocnimtrue Ion work of tlio notion. In vcstlpiio I in virgin lioia. . 6 VOL. XXXIV BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON DECEMBER 11 1920 NO. 6 NF.W APPARATUS FOR RESERVOIR SOUNDINGS Harney Valley Irriga ion District Directors Get A Larger Drill V Tho llnruoy valley Irrigation Dls - trlct directum havo brought In n larger machine with which to make Iho nuccHiiary InvonCgntlmiH ns to tlio character or the bod of th reservoir nt the lower site. Tho drilling mn- ehlno arrived tho fore part of IIiIh week and has boon taken to tho plauo of operation. John W. Cunningham of thn en gineering f mi of Huar & Cunulug ham, who hud charge of tho prolliu Inury survon and conducted dm fluid Investigations, camo up fro n Portland for tho purpose of bolng fnrmM ,H GREATER MY THIRTEEN proBont at tin tlmo or tho arrlvul ijtLLLJON THREE HUNDRED AND and Insinuation or tho machinery. KIFTV HIX mimioN DOLLARS Mr. L. A. Chrlstonson, a Civil oigl-mn ftM lllu MU.Huclurlng und Ita neor of cxporlonco, acompnnlod Air pro,iMctB put togother. Cunningham and will hitvo charge or Thn uvrago farmers Investment In tho Investigation. ltttUj nn(J ,.,,U,,n,0nt Ih 925,000.00 yet Tho Jonnion Drilling Co. of Fort- Uu, tftX01t ,lP0 proportlonato on tho In land Ih tho firm that will do tho vostmont of all cIubhcb. Isn't It tlmo work and thla concern In capablo of j to ACT? getting results. Tho LABORER pays from ONB to Tho dlHtrlct has apont coniildorablo F0UIt l'KH CENT to tho UNION to money trying to ascertain mo cnar-, acter of tho foundation for tho pro pound dam but tho apparatun flrnl.ln talled was not of Mufficlont capacity to got tho ruaulta desired thcroforo It waa found necessary to mako other arrangements. It la confidently ex pected rlow to got tho Information needed to comploto tho eatlmatoH and get data In readiness to submit to tho l&ndownorn in order that tboy may decide upon a bond election. OTTINGKK STILL AT IT Tho Tlmcs-Horald rocelvod pagon from two Loa Angeles nnwapapcra In tho mall last 8aturday and upon perusing thorn find some Inter esting Items concerning tho move montn or our frlond A. Ottlngor. who In associated with othor capitalists In California In tho steamship busi ness. Ono article published In tho Los AngelcB Examiner, roads: Ynlo uiul lliirvartl will hall March t Announcomont wan mado yostor day by A. Ottlugor, rocontly nppolnt d paHHonKor trnlllc inannKr for tho I.G" Aiifjoles Stonmshlp Company tint service will ho Inaugurated with th Initial sailings of tho Yale from i i. A,,r,i. ,,n.i tiir itnrviird from Han I'rnuelHco at 4 o'clock In tho .fiirnooii of March 1. They will ar- only way he can accomplish the woru rive at tholr retipeetlvo destinations Ih through ORGANIZATION. Some t 10 o'clock the following morning, i of iih are already awake and aro be Each vessel will accommodate fiGO I ginning to mako ourselvim HEARD cabin passeugerfl and about 400 tons of freight, and will havo all tho mod ern conveniences of ocean travel, In cluding motion pictures, danco hall, harder shops, elovator sorvlco and rtviiilng rooms. The othor story Is tnkon rrom tho Us Angeles Times and says: For Kwat fleet of new ships Taking capitalists or all Southern i allfornla counties Into tho organ isation, tho IOH AngoloH Pacific Nav- Iratlon Company will inaugurate a campaign Immediately to ralso from U 000,000 to 116,000,000 with which to securo a floot or merchant VfHsolH with which to oporato fts liuslnoss botweon hero and tho Orient At a mooting of its fifty directors In tho California Club last night tho company decided to continue opora ting such vossolB a havo boon alio entail to It by tho United States Shipping Board, 'but to. proceed with tho creation of a fund sufficiently largo to flnanco such boat purchase h It may bo able to mako outside thn Shipping Dpard. Tho company In said to havo two nicellent freighters In prospoct now money Is available to tide him over At roaaonablo prices. It will not un- VET AUSTRALIAN AND NEW dortake to purchaso boatn rrom tho ZEALAND WOOL IS IlEING DUMP- Hhipplng Board unless thoy aro or ferod at hotter prlcon than havo been quoted In the past, according to MarlUR Do Brabant, vice-president nt the company. Fred L. Baker will continue an president or the eanenrn. Mr. Da Brabant says. In vstorn in all the southorn countlon el tho Statt will ba invltod to nub rlb to atok In the aompany, each HBty bta ake4 to conduct a 4hr to mJm ff rU aa aaaka tk iiiiwi a MHNivra 0llfral WAYSIDE OBSERVATIONS Should Farmers OrKiuiIrn? BUSINESS CAPITAL long Iiuh 1)0011. Should farmers null tliulr productH cooperatively? UNION LABOR cloon lit prlcoH undreamed of until (hoy wuro organ ized. WIIOII HWHliNKHH UAI'lTAIi mtwos n demand It In aecoodod to regard- Iohh of coiiHoiuenceH. It controls tho MONEY. Through Itn organizations when UNION LABOR npenks It In heard. It Ih HUppOHud to control tho VOTES. Under present condltlonn when thn FAILVEU HpeakH ho Ih given tho Ha Ha. I.o holilH tho RACK. I.m or represents only about i:iUl!T 1 Kit (JI5NT of tho voting population with tho average Invest i.uiii in i-inlncsn of $50.00. Thu value nf tho Invostiuoiit It; prolocl hln JOH. Tho BUSINESS INTERESTS through a ncoro of channels' pay considerably more to protect their CAPITAL. Tho KAKMBIt pays EVERYTHING HE HAS for tho prlvolego or work ing 14 hourn a day in order tlmt la bor may havo CHEAPER FOOD and work 8 hours Ho works tho shorter hours Hut In tho rood cheaper? On tho face of It YES but tho la borer itnyn NO and In tho majority of ItiHtanccn ho is right for you sou CAPITAL in tho rorm or a ncoro or so or middle men must bo maintained In luxury by ROTH THE FARMER.- AND LA1IORER. Mr. FARMER In your JOII worth protecting In tho CAPITAL you havo tied up In land, stock and ma chinery worth protecting? Should tho FARMER bo hoard when ho npoaks op should ho nlways bo tho (JOAT. Of courso you at onco say yos HUT THEN WHO IS (IOINO TO 1)0 OT? .The man who nainoH tho price ho will pay for tho product of your fiirin and ranch or tho man who workri 8 hours a day and wnntH you to work 1 I In order that' ho may huvu choapor food? The man to do tho Job of PRO THCTINO Ih the FARMER and tl..! through tho AMERICAN FARM HUREAU FEDERATION. You Iho farmor in HARNEY COUNTY can tako your pluco in tho couiioIIh of thin groat organization hy Joining your COUNTY FARM IIUREAU. Keep thin in mind when tho member nhlp commltteo cnllH on you Hhorlly after the find of tho yonr as wo ex pect Harnoy County to bo 100 per cent Farm Dureau by UiIh tlmo next year. Doos tho rarmor need protecting naya thn city man SHADES OF OUR FOREFATHERS Dooa tho FARMER need PROTECTION. Does he nood REPRESENTATION 'where ' roproHonlatlon COUNTS? Only a fool ;0r worse would ask sucha quoHtloii with CANADIAN wheat bolng dump od Into this country DUTY FREE and thereroro selling nt LESS THAN TO PRODUCE IT. Whllo tho MILL- it COSTS AN AMERICAN FARMER I NO INTERESTS aro PROTECTED against tho Canadian FLOUR by a HEAVY IMPORT DUTY. The SHEEPMAN Is racing tho groatost crises In tho history or tho Industry since ho buslnesn Interests say no ED INTO THIS COUNTRY HY THE SHIP LOAD DUTY FREE whllo tho WOOLEN MANUFACTURERS aro protoctod from tho Importation of cloth by a 33 1-3 por cont TARRIFF. Tho samo nhlng applies to Tho CATTLEMAN with tho Importation of FROZEN MEATS. Our' DAIRY In terest! are having tho fight or their lira trying to COMPETE with NEW EBALAKD BUTTER, while tho POULT ft YMAN goM oat ef buslnws whtl tk! COLD BTORAOl INT1R- HOME Mil. I, NOW RUNNING Tho llurnn Flour Mill Ih now run ning anil tho produutH may bn found at local storoH. Auk for hoiiiu pro duct when marketing. Tho mill In under tho Hiiporvlidon of uu experienced miller 'and tho flour turned out Ih guaranteed to ho pure, of good flavor and roiipondli moHt mitlHfactorlly to yeawt. There Ih every reiiHon why tho pooplu of thin county Hhoiild paronlzo tho homo manufacturer when tho product Ih equal to that purchased elHowhoro, oHpoclally iilucu It opoiu a markol for tho farmer. Tho prlco Ih not so gront or no greater than you pay for outnldu products and hy purchasing homo productH you tiro encouraging tho farmer to greater production, giving tho homo uerehant his share of the trade and thun kooplng all thn money at homo. lluriiH Invito tho patronage of tl surrounding fanners and stuckmun and it Ih tho wise merchant wan hun tho home product and thus shown h i community spirit nnd proven to tho t .inner and stockman that ho Is sin cere In his effort to aid them In re turn for their patronage. Wo need those nelghbum and Hmi more they prodtiro thi better for tho entire country and tho moro prosperity for the town man. Patronize tho homo mill and tho homo merchant that carries tho homo product. CHINESE ECUS and all at the samo prlco that would bu charged for clean high grade AMERICAN products. WHY THE DISCRIMINATION? How doen this arrangement give tho AMERICAN farmer and stockman a SQUARE DEAL or ovon reduce tho prlco to the consumer?. Through tho FARM IIUREAU tho tariff issue will bo taken nut of POI IT1CS and a UNIFORM schedule so cured and maintained, and In thin manner OUR organization will soo that the FARMER Is HEARD and AMERICAN Agriculture given a SQUARE DEAL. Tho rjuostlon Is aro YOU going to PROTECT your JOII by Joining thn only ORGANIZATION that ran mnko tho farmer HEARD nt tho place that counts CONORE8S7 flood Netted Gem seed potatoes that havo been certified by tho crop iipeelallHtH of the O. A. C. as being pure ami truo to typo and free from disease can bo proeured through thin olllci) for :i centH per pound at llend or I Vi cents at Hums. If you nro Interested In dnlry eat tin lot the county intent show you a list or good uillkerH offered for sale through other county ugontii at prleoH that are very reasonable. COURT PREPARES TAX HIUKJET Tho county court spent several days or the, Deeember term consid ering and preparing tho budget fori taxes for the coming year and It Is published in thin Ihhuo or Tho Times Herald. Tho budget hi tho moHt comploto over prepared nnd given dohills which enables tho taxpayer to got an Idea of what thu money Is used for. JuilKC-elect R. T. Hughot look part in the deliberations In coniild-j crlng tho hiulget for tho corning . vour; Jildgo Farm Invited Mr. Hugh ot to lid present as upon him devolv ed tho necessity of admlnistorlug during thn period for which the tnx money Ih collected. A lotter qvor tho signature or Judge Farro Ih also published this week which explains further tho budgot. Judge Farro points out tho reason ror economy and shown how tho C por cent limitation and statutory demands require consid eration. Ono matter Judgo Farro rofors to that will bo taken up at the tlmo tho budget Is cnnslderd on Dec, 31, Is the provision of a community nurse. A delegation wont boforo tho board nt Uh recent meeting and asked that an amount bo Included In tho budget to cover tho exponse of a community nurso, tho nmount bolng approxi mately $3,000 plUH a Ford cnr. This item Is not Included In tho budgot. It Is realized thero Is a groat do mand upon tho funds of tho taxpay ers and that wo nhould practlco econ omy, but whothor It Is economy to neglect tho hoalth of tho ahlldron of tho eounty In a question that shovld b considered tib mttor hi before the ?t. SKEINS HIHBARD A very pretty wedding wns solemn ized Wednesday evening, December eighth, at tho homo or Dr. and Mrs. L. E. llllibard when their daughter Eugenia wiih united In marriage to William Poletnau Skulns. Thin hos pitable homo wiih given an added charm tyy tho profusion or roues, car natlonrt'and remit which formed tho decorations. After two violin solon, "I Love You Truly" and "Perfect Day," beautifully reuderod hy Miss Agnes Foley, tho bridal party entered to the strains of "Narcissus" played by Mrs. Albert Vincent, nlntor of tho bride. A bower or rerun and carnations had bn artistically arranged, tho brakes lined as tho background being brought fron Dr. Hlbbnr-l'n birth place In W llamr'tn Vnlloy. V.'Hhln th's arbor thn hr dal par'-,' took their P'.ncen, mnMng a benut'iMl living pic ture. Hanoi llllibard and Mabel Lkelu.i, i slMtorn of the br'do and groom, froMpeeilvol'-, pctod as br'ilnfi mald . tin ce In rob n cg blue crepe df) chine. rarryJnu a bmiuet of ollow chrysnnthemus, and Iho oth C In pala green ines-nlinii bearing a largo hunch of pin); and white Hnnpdrogc n. The brldeimn iln form ed ono pol.it of a crescent, while tho groomsmen, Ray Skeins and Llew JlIyHjJlbbard, brothers or tho prln dpiUlVformod tho other point. Tho groohook his placo In the center or the semicircle and tho climax was reached when tho bride ontored on tho arm of her father and took her placo beside tho groom. Shn Vas richly gowned In creamy white cVepe do chlno with an over drapo of sliver lace and tho long bridal vol! hold In place by a strand or pearls about tho forehead. In her hands she carrlod a beautiful bnquet or bride roses and rollage. An Improsslvo ceremony was read by Rev. L. 8. Tracy, pastor or tho local Church or tho Naziuene of which tho couple aro members. Fol lowing (ho words which tnndo tlmo young pooplo husband and wife, they received the hearty good wishes and congratulations of the relatives and row Intimate friends who were pron out. Tho guests spent n pleasant hour over dainty refreshments nnd In ad miring thn magnificent array of girts which Indicated the high esteem In which this couple Is held by their acquaintances. Thu bride Is tho second daughter of Dr. nnd Mm. llllibard. a young woman of charming personality and raru vocal talent which Is a delight to her many friends. She Is an alumuiiH of Harney County High School and has for some years been her father's right hand assistant In his dental olllco. Tho groom Ih iiIho a graduate of our local High School and Ih well known as a young man of character, energy and buslnesH capacity that promlson well fora successful and useful life. SHORTHORN BREEDER HERE TO SEE OLD FRIENDS M. It. Biggs, rormorly a resident or this city whero ho practiced law, Is ovor rrom IiIh homo at Prlno vlllo. Mr. Hlggs Is a cousin of John and Allen HlggH of UiIh city, bur lug his residence In this city Mr. Hlggs mado many warm frlonda who aro glad to welcome 'him among them again, Mr. Biggs baa not rollowod law praotlco In recent yeara, prororrlng to dovoto his tlmo to his largo ranch pear Prlnovlllo whoro ho la engaged In tho production or pure bred Short horn' cattlo and rino horsoaand mules His herd or Shorthors woro recontly pronouncod by William Hanloy na tho best ho had ovon scon. "Dick" as Mr." Hlgga Is ramlllarly called by his old tlmo frlonds, Is now Doputy Grand Master or tho Odd FoUowb or Oregon. Ho will bo Grand Master noxt year. Ho waa ploasod to rind ho was hero on tho rogular mooting night or Harney Lodgo, whloh was tho lodge that mado htm an Odd Fellow. Ho wlt nosaod some degree work Thursday ovonlng, soolng tho Third conrorrod on somo of hlfl porsonal frlonda. Fol lowing the dogroo work the, boys had a llmburger spread in the dining room, aot entirely in honor ol their -HstlngHlshed TliUer, but m Ui the HIGH SCHOOL ATHEET1CS Tho following report of Iho ftnnu ceii of tho utliletle activities of tho Harney County High School Is pub lished hy request of tho principal nnd thu boys taking part. Tho figured cover tho uxpctinoii of thu four foot ball games and the banquets In con nection with tho visiting teams: CASH RECEIVED II. C. If. H. Football Expense Account Oct. 4 Tag Sale J177.C8 C Tag Sale 1.00 0 Donation merchants 117.25 20 Halaucn M. G. Brown Special I). M. Mc. 83.51 Nov. 3 I). M. McDado from Pralrlo 80.00 3 Receipts from 2 Game and Danco 183.14 4 Receipts rrom 2 Game .76 10 Rotund from Mrs. Schwartz 3.1.0 Doc. C H. C. II. S. Student . Body 14.50 xxx Dan d 183 9061.42 CASH PAID II. C. H. H. Football Expense Account Oct. C Rood Bros. Topo and string I 18'' C Julian Byrd Tags.... B.56 9 Myrtlo Bonnott Montn Prairie 8.00 0 Pralrlo R. R. D. Frolght Chargon 2.9 10 Myrtlo Bonnott Meals Pralrlo 1.00 12 Canyon City Board and Room 50.00 12 Mrs. Williams Meals John Day 2.50 10 Rex Clark Gan and Oil 10.00 10 R. Voogtly Gan and Oil 10.00 10 It. Y. Swett Oan nnd Oil 10.00 21 N. F. Reed Gan and Oil 10.00 23 O. Shattuck Oan and Oil 10.00 20 Trans H. C. N. Bank TO M. C. B. Spl 88.00 30 Pralrlo Team 80.00 Nov. ID. M. McDado Meals at Pralrlo 27.60 1 II, J. Reed Music and Dnnco 20.00 1 Reed Bros. BupplloH 3.35 3 O. J. Dent Cream .... 1.50 3 N. Brown & Sons Suppllos 2.75 3 Homo Drug Co Floorwax 3 Farmers' Exchange Supplleus 2.25 3 HuriiH Cash Store supplies ri.oo; 3 C. C. Pago Huns ete. K.to 3 A. F. Iinroar Fruit 2.70 3 nms Meat Mr. Chickens 8-05 3 O. W. Market-Chick cub v C.00 3 Mrs. Schwartz Sup plies f'-09 4 Hazel Hlbbar!-Milk 1.00 4 Julian Byrd Hall .... 10.00 4 Reed Bros Supplies F. B - 23.93 5 Reed BroH. Tapo .... 3.00 10 Mrs. J. Shepard Lime C.50 10 Lunoburg Dalton Supplies 1.7C Doc. C C. II. Voegtly Gooda F. B 221.39 661.42 CONTRIBUTIONS I'AID N, Brown & Sons $ Burns CJatdi Storo '. Jullnn Byrd Sam Mothorshoad Wm. Farro W. A. Oownn Chaa. Rohn Rood Bros E. A. Graham 0. W. Moat Market Geo. W. Simmons II. L. Cawlflold Chan. EHIb J. A. KrumhoU C. Culver Pago 1. S. Goer St Co First Nat'l Bank of Burni..- J. C. Welcome & Son Burns Garago inland Realty Co R. G. Buorkl C. II. Voogtly Maurice Sc.hwarta Lunaburg ft Dalton Everett Bggleaton Chip . Smith, I. ft Hellaai ........... ...... 5,00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.6b 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 2,60 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 2.60 2. CO Ml 2.60 1.00 2.00 a.oo S.lt a.oo Ml l.ll l.ll Ml PROPOSED TAX BUDGET PRESENTED TO PUBLIC Estimate Amount to Be Raised by Tuxation Next Year In presenting for tho consideration of the taxpayers of Harney County tho Hudgot or eatlinato of tho amount of money proposed to bo raised hy taxation for the ensuing your, atten tion Is called to thu fact that tho general lax levy for the year of 1921 can not exceed 9233,507.13, or, thu levy made for samu purpose frr tho proceeding year, to wit: !220,2S:.75, plus six pur cont. Neither tlmo nor effort has been spared In preparing tho budgot in order to make it conform both with tho lottor nnd spirit of tho law. lit many Instances thu Court regrets that moro liberal provisions could not bo made, an well an Itn Inability to includo therein 14,000.00 for tho malntalnanco of a public health nurse asked for by many petitioners, but considering the mandatory levies and that tho Indebtedness of tho County on January 1, 1920 waa 934, 410.60, which, owing to tho high cost of all commodities, remains approx imately tho same, redemption or war rants to bring tho County within tho 96,000.00 limit or voluntary Indebt edness becomes apparent, and no rurthor appropriation could, bo pro vided ror. Asldo rrom tho budgot ror tho gen eral rund controlled by tho six per cent constitutional limitation act Harnoy County must, in 1921, pay an additional Stato tax or 950,800.00 on account or Initiative measures nuch an "Higher Education" "Ore gon Stato Normal School" "Sold lors, and Marines Education and School Fund," voted by tho people nt thn primary election last May, this together with a rabbit bounty voted at trio goneral election in November (ror which an estimate or 9100,000. 00 may provo nearer correct that 126,000.00 as provided ror In tho budget) and rollowod by Mnrkot Road, School, City and othor levies, will probably mako tho final flgunn appalling to the taxpayers, but nut within thu discretion or remedy of tho County Court. An earnest luvltnlou Is extended to every mypuyor In the County by the present County Court, nnd by Judge elect. Hughot. to meet with the Court on Decumhor 31st, fer tho purpnso of fully discussing thu tax problems and expenditures, and to point out to thu County Court any manner or method who why expenses can bo reduced. Very respoctrully, WM. FARRE, County Judge. Henry Dalton 1.00 Harney County Nat'l Hank .. 6.00 Hume Drug Co. 2.50 B. F. Smith 2.50 E. J. Muslck 1,00 Nlol Smith - 1,00 Farmers' Exchange 5,00 A. F. Lantear 1.50 C. A. Byrd .. 1.60 C. II. Leonard 2.50 Chester Dalton 1.00 Chas. E. Dillmnn 1.00 Piatt T, Randall 1.00 W. Y. King l.QO II. Von Schmalz 1.00 J. S. Cook 1.00 Blgga & Blggfl .... 2.6i I. T. and T. Co by L. T 2.00 Goo. S. Slzemoro 1.75 R. T. Hughot 2.0S J. Lampshlro 6.09 l Total 9117.25 o OAIUIOIjL OEOlIi'fl BORTHKtt HA1 Logan J. Cecil dlod tho fore, part or thin week at his homo In Grimes, Calirornla, at tho ogo ot 79 years. A telegram received on Dec. 8 nnnouu ed tho (loath to hln brother. Carroll W. Cocll or Silver crook. Deceased was at ono tlmo associated with bis brothor In tho stock baalnoss lu ihli country, but latorthta partnership was dissolved. Mr. Goell IB ramow bored by many ol th eld tlmo people of thin vicinity who regret hla domtne ovon though he hn Itred to a age that low of ae exyeet te aarvlvo. m ff. 1. Jahw w 811m ereck hmM IllHU th wk. Mil TV th 4b1UM; i leBewhig thai egr, em Xtomm