The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 04, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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HntHrday, IKmlwr 4, IDBO
rK6 ElBht
A Poor Theory
Said old Bill Shiftless:
, .& . "The world owes me a living. Why,
, should I worry?" " ,
And old Bill managed to get along on
that theory butsuch a life. Down at the
heels, hand to mouth, slipshod, poverty
stricken, without hope, without ambition,
without comfort.
What a price to pay for laziness and
incompetence. , .
'You all know some. "Bill Shiftless"
who is no earthly good except as a horrible
The world may-owe-us a living, but the
way in which it is collected marks the dif-
fer'oncc in men. '
If a decent, satisfactory and comfort- ,
able living is desired, the two principal rcj
qusites are to WORK and SAVE.
First National Sank,
Highway Engineer
In town yoHtordny.
Itattdoln wan
Thou. Bullivnn was In town from
Diamond yoHtorday.
Tutor ChrhitoiiHon wiih among our
bUHlnoBH visitors tho other day..
.Zolllo Dibble was over from tilt
Silver crook homo tliu other (lay.
0. W. Clovongor nrrlvcd In" from
Volo tho foro purl or IIiIh wc.ok to
look attun hoiuo bUHlnnss arfalrn for
a fow days.
Cocll Honnott wan down from his
BIIvIooh homo during tho Week on a
visit and to look after hoiuo btiMlnowi
'flto Hlormn eonllnuo to tint moro
molHturo In thu ground for nuxt mm
miii hut thuV' aro not appreciated hy
thoao Htouk moil who aixi feeding.
Mm, M'. I WllllaiiiH, who Iiuh huuti
ovor from John May on a vfttlc to
her daughter, Mm. C. II. Vouglly.
loft for hur hoiiio Thursday
Morn Nov. 17, to Mr. and Mra,
John Kirk, a moii. Mother and ohlld
aro reported doing well lit tho Ma
(entity hoiiiitnl In l tilt city.
A vrlvoL emrf-iind n sill: umhrolln
aro among the nrllnlua picked up fn
Urn Liberty theatre during ,th pant
week. People who lose nrtleltM In
tho iliwure aliduld ,nntlfy tho mini
nKomeiit at once.
I'lUiuh Mcllurgo was over from his
ranch In the Uatjieii valley section
during tli In woek vltdtlng with III
family wbo hiv reaUItng hare durlpi
'7. the whiter wb-r tbe vUIIUriM nr in
')" nrltniil. Mra. MellnrKe WnT former
's. -r tf - -
Kiiiu juniipiii unit i m nun."
i danaiur of Ilurwa.
nr rrl r
fir Mix
Orlfltth. ejfaHf
hit farm home wear ttil iUv
I .j X
1 LjV
f 4 . SB
Tho llond-IluriiH Aulo Rtatto lout
wmio iddo curtaliiH tho other d.-ty. Tho
fllidsr. will ho Kiiitahly rawnrdoil If
tho tout artlclu aro roturutfd. 124
My moii, 0ary CluvauyOr, hus niu
wy, from his home and rniM iv
char mo it IiIh falhor. tlittfor0 1 1
tmil not liu rMiKiutlhlo (or any tlutitn i
1i may coutrnet from thl pine. f
ADv. 0. V. CIJWRfKlRR.
II II ... . II. I . m . A . I
rauuiiu rucvivu wiu mm o; nirv
tit tho liuru Mulurolty HoMiilliH.
Do not hesitate to make a deposit o,f
one dollar in the. Harney County National
Bank. , . 0
Mopt people imagine that the Bank
does not want to be bothered with small
deposits. This itra mistaken idea.
The oftener you deposit, the more-you
save, for it removes the temptation , to
spend, and the danger of loss. :
Harney County ;
National Bank
Prily Smyth
Ih ovrr from -i i-
Mm. MoTormtrli wm Ik rro tlm
Warm 8prlnA MWtton fup a abort
vlult durini tho wuok. !
llllit wtu tw town Ttiur-
Mrn. ao..pnitln Imm (mmo o.t
from Qranl county dartug. iho wnh
vlrlHittf with Imr lKtf, Mra. Klha
rl t from (ila bro'b.eK tr. Kr.n k'
lrlWh. who arrival ham It M
Hakm IhU nlshl on n lwrt vHit. Mr
iirlfitii i am t In mniany wth rr
s; Itt'..-1 v v :ih rimh)R h.n
Uvimturrd Alcohol can now i
tor Hint radiator at tho Horn.
KOtt AL-Al.k.d. ofrttrnittt;if.,iM,( v, Wa-.,r and ' o
a4lrtlgoiMlMinuJir.atJllonTOftpnhM ot IHjtniwl, alBU(t a-II.,j.u!.I SmI tw '
tc. A tho OltAn ftaach. ( if TU((pVh Irii WweH t Thl Hartley. Branch K ,
phoueNo. FI. , JX-1 I r glttilon hiu flfo fi.l'-mtnit i
m s t nr.-1.. k. Hinoaru nrrtvea, onnm
llir riour M:)Uk tlifa fro.n I- ittnil rher- hr
hriw frntluiM, t iif 4 m Ml , 1(4l Mn ' for a ffw wiWa. 'rtol'iu
ln"1. f duwu to atwnd tin tti hUok nn'l
TIm mill Mill tntir fld wliraft nmt v.n,41jw for n uilt Utth rU r
Uilnil It fin' loll if iii)4ljtl)ili. v;,ittt rtmil.
lX tli irMlM'ci' In iti'ii) frfi!
lulu- ot Hi.- riuwr iivd "br aKlirt. Mb M.
Ijirjion arrlreil Uoro Im
4 i tatlilx hi till I It . f .
. . .... . . . ' a.. n..ilA4i K.ia ulm (u akiti Itli i Viil at
iarr iiih iiiiii ui uiun'uiti iif.i utiiiii a v
Jo ltuthrforl wan a bmilnoM rU-
Itor iliirlnf the weak.
Omar r'tfui'ritht arr'.vod homo iv-
I ri ntly from orr !n iraton cumtiy
TwUvrv bo had bean for ci'Ver:
.Mra. I. Kontar wiu a rlaUor to euri tuoutba. Oacar a tliuya ari tlltt
city during tha week ott hulnM. tenths up oittalUe and ihtit ha thought
n.wLi ... , " to retMNi 10 the rami.. .
.Mra. Frank Dibble wae a guaet el r
frlonda In tlate city daring the wk.
ContMlslooar tMard ta over
from lila hojuo iitmr Drowatjjr lo at
tend tho muotliiK of ooiiiity court
now In Hoaaiou
t. I. Aan i mi TiiuradAy for awl
uxldiided vlait to Ilia roruter home In
l6thoka. Mlaaourl. Illk inothor la
KutttiiK along In yunrn and ho kooi to
HtMtiid thu wlnte- with hor. Mr. A.jth
has prornlied tho uianai;or of tliln
County Akont Mcl)anluln mado a . Krmii rollgloiiH that ir hu found a
trip to tho DrcwHuy country durltiK kooiI lot of porHlmmoiiH ho'd xuiid
tho weok and wiih accompanied hack j omo out for ClirlatniiiH. Oh, yea,
hy ConimlHHlonor Htallard. wu'im from Mlaaourl In fact moat
i all tho hoat pooplo of thla country
Tho IhIIoh Socloty of tho llaplUtj Hr fornr Mi--aurttllH,
church havo (Iei'lded to hold a cook
cd fooil sulo In coniicctlou with their
nulu of howIiik and fancy article for
tho hollduy trncjo which opoun on
Doc. 10. Hear thin In mind.
Uuim'M I wrgnaon and - AIIi r
8-i". ti of ih' r ideal ijwiyi'"r
'lud. arrivtrt 4imp from LMliuur
oonnty lint eTenlng. T'W WiT,t'n
aaiunuc K. W. Horn and QoliUty A
ent Mraltbaopt In their raut)Nt1(;n or
gopher In oar alater ennui jnil the
bin aay the work bun huoA iUte of
ferUvM, ivglaiarlog aa high meto pr
cenl kllla. Tltey will llkoly fanmln
In thla ronnly for tho prtMofit and ro
now tholr atlacka on tho rahhlta.
Itdlcrt Kllk Hum', Kpeelnl tlHo .Mr;..
K. I'. Kclmart..
Thoru are hoiiio haudialntcd uov-
II. II. "Paddy" Kcoch, took Mm do .
parluro tho other day for Health)
and other point In VnnhliiKton ,
where ho koch to vIhIi IiIh chlldriu
and a hrothcr. Ho dlhpoacd of IiIh,
chlckuua and other llvoatock befnro.
oltloH at tho Homo l)ruK Co. toro,MttV,,l.Jim, w, HpuI, lhu wlltor
..I i. ..a aa-.. I
una mno niimu miivy urn hi m.. w, j,h rolatlvCM. Ho alao OXpoctH to
HcnwartzH Htoro mr tun unriHiiiiuH
trade. Thin work Ih dona hy tho
KlHtera of St. JoHoph and tho pro
ccoda from tho nnlo of theno urtlclea
will bo applied on tho now hoapltal.
Mr. and Mra. Edward Southworth
and tho children wero over from
thnlr Hoar Valloy homo durltiK tho
wok on a abort vlalt with rslatlvpH
and to look after Homo bUHlnoHH afT
alrH. Tho Houthwortha are tint- par
ontH of a two-montliN-old hahy hoy
which had not had mention In thoxn
columnH hoforo.
W. C. Cecil and W. H. Jpbnnon,
two' of tlio hoys who roHldo ovor on
Hllvor Crook, worv l towi for a
Abort vl.stt durliiK tho week. Thoeo
young followH havo boon pala for thu
laat forty or moro yearn and whun
I hey 'in nut for a time nthon pooplo
call on tho Huron younjj pooplo who
aro attondliiK tho U. of W. whllo In
thu nortbwoat city and we'd advlao
tho chapomna and piatroua of tho
Unlvoralty Sororltloa to howaro of
Married Cliurlo'n 1), Cawlflold
and MIhh Kdua Downs wore married
at tho homo of thu Koom'a mother In
thla city liiHt Saturday ovciiIiik, Hnv.
J. J. Tlckuor of tho IlaptlHl church
performing tho ceremony. Hotb aro
well known youtiB people' of thla vi
cinity, Mr. Cawlflold hultiK tho hod
of Mth, J. 0, Cawlflold and Iiiih rosld
cd In ihiriiH hIiico childhood. Ho wiuji
ainoiiK fhoHo to volutitoer hla Hurvlcou
during tho late war and wna'amoiiK
tho AmorhmiiH who j?0t acrnnn and
onKiu;od In actual Warfare. I It hrhlo
Ih tho daii(hton of Mr. and Mi h. CIiiih
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT alH ' 1 jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUX
for Christmas
havo to nldoHtop and glvo them room, j Dowiih who formerly roHtdnd In Cat
Their wlvoa wero not with, them thluj low. Tho uowlywiulH will mako their
trip. homo In this city, ,
New and Second, Hand
$3,000.00 Stock to Choose From
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Albert A. Tragott, Proprietor
Phone SO Old Jorgenson Bldf.
iMiniH Kluwr 'MIIIHik
rrelee 390 . yanl, ira. K. V.
Sohtttrti ' -AdT.
The hooka aoootuita and no tea of
.1. W. (loajry. M. D. aro In tbi olllao
of tho tiiidoralgnad 'Tor oolleetfon. !
All thoae kuowlni: tbnmaelvea lndoht-
od to tho Doctor aro riioated to
oall and aottlu, na I nhall not nond
out atatomonta litit bring milt In aunh
canon whom I coualdep It proper to
do ro. Kindly call andxavo coata, 1
Attornot' at law.
tia.'bur fn.onw of the arbools. Tbn
young Udy la Juki rt.turnlas from Am
t- ra wur bad heee ealb'tl Ihi
cauM of th dMi:h of U r fuU.n-
h ... u ,. -
FOR XAlKHO feot C Inoh onalMg ;
I friroraal Ctaragk Co. 8-H.
' Mra. A. I). Jonot la now In ohar;t
of the Smtb rooming homo adjoin
I itC, tho Cole hntol. Slip will hu
phoa'd to, moot hor ninny frlonda
Ihero. C-12tf.
at for aalo at Hit'
ci-iita fwr jmjiiimI.-
. True 8pr.n i
Iwirty Dart s ha
ll. nnrhfii Tr-t i. aiui
Whlto Hrnyrn.i
. KJx'y Day n 't Uuni:
Hlertlori (IhIm
T'lni .' cub ordiTi .irly n' .i llultfwl an"uM of Hi
t'llmutiAl wda on hmd.
. o
Ix'.pcntlra Xinn Klfta
found at'tlte Homo Unit; Htor
I IBffeetlve wun loduy
Uurna Auto Stogf l ax
thi. U
tiutll fiirthi-r notlc
I.eavu UuriiH .Velneil
on Moml
1 1-27.
KOIt SAMi- IMano In good
Hon. Imiulru at thla office
LOST Shepherd doic with light yel
low holly, darker back nod whlto
ring around hla neck. Last noon
nonr Inwcn. Itoanonnblo roward
given to parly who flnda him and
will notify H. J. Williams nt Sun
tox, Oregon. 11-20.
FOIt HKNT Two botiHokoopIng
rooniH for man and wlfo or two
women. lmiulro nt thla office.
10- 30 tf.
400 tona alfalfa bay for aalo. Feed
ing prlvlllgea or it will be fed to
atock If dealrod. Inquire ot J.
Iaminhlro or Arthur Tumor.
11- 13-tf.
Try riroMone Conla, Dnlvrrxii
Adv; tf.
hi'i:mai t5.i-i:
I I.
Wm. Farre
Practice before U. N. Land
Department uhA
Real Estate
IndlrirtlouH aro that tho
luro of tlio laud will
nltracr many lnvctirH to
Harney County tho com
ing M.'aMiii. I.Utlnga now
will bo "fcrpt before pnin
pcctlvo InveNlora tlio en
tire hraHon. ii
SundH)'. Itmvo
Do your XnuiH Hhopptng carlv .,t
Homo Drug store. - Adt
4i tim4 ii i
The Herman Martz
Wood Saw
Is prepared to work
Phone No. G104
i j 1 1 it 1 1 j i 1 1 1 M 1 1 n i
Which Reflect the Good Will of the
Giver, Please the Most Discriminating
and Last but not least
. . v M. m mmmmjmm fc-
inexpensive jlcl uuiauic
Look over the list below and then come to our store and
Falrhanl.a-MorHo Kcllpno Kngino
and Pump Jack uHHomhlod ltcgular
price I77T.O.
1 Sneclal nrlco Kiin.OII
FalrhankH-Morno Hnglno : horao We will be glad to show you anything you
j power Itogular price (1Gb. 00
I Kpeclal price 1Hn,M)
may wish lo
The iiiou'h UlhyV store of
IturiiH Is now ready to supply
allvaulN in neat, plcnalng nml
approprlato apparel for him.
MotherM, Klslera, WIvch, anil
Kwcelbcai'lH will find hero tho
gift (bat will please him inost.
HhlrtH, Tltxw, Kov, liinkn,
diulmdliiH, V o h I Hi Knitted
wear, C'ollarH, UIovoh, Hhlrt
ncti HulUi anil Ovoreoatu.
Burns Cash Store
Myorn pump, hraaa cylinder, in
feet plpu
Hpeclal price 7.50
Tho ubovo artlcloH havoJioon uaod
but Juot overhauled and are In first
clasa condition.
Ilurnn Oarage,
Duma Oregon
Bulls For Sale
Twenty-two bond of yearling nnd
two-year-old roglutorod ShQrtborn
bulls for anlo nt reasonable prlcon.
Wrlto or phono tho Site Ranch,
Lawon, Oregon. 11-13-tf.
Kenneth Crozler
cam deliver
Ckeapcr new them later.
When (he preaet aupply
le exhausted the price
will ralae.-l'liono G2UV.
see or pri ce.
Kodaks $t.4! to $3r..3-l.
Itrownloa $3.33 to ?l.t5
Kveraharp and Auto Point Pencils.
fountain Poiih.
Btatlonery In Doxoa.
Whlto Ivory toilet' sofa and sep
arate Tilecea to fill In that set alio
Iiiih atartod.
Manlcuro rolls. '
Culox sets,
Porfumu uotH and Individual bot-
tlDH. ,
Kvoroady Fiash llghta. $U00 to
$3.75. .
Metal Hot water hottlea. $2.75 to
Safety Uanorfl,
Ingoraol watches.
Alarm Gloeka,
i ola
Mens and Ladies toilet
leather ratios.
Hand hags, Purses, Dill folds
Smoking trays nnd stnnda, l'lci
cigar, and clgarotto holders.
Writing Poda.
Cut glass.
Military brushes.
Rubber goods ,
,Xmoa cards and Ilooklets.
Kiddles toys, (celluloid)
Mouth. Harps.
Phonograph. (IlrunBWlok),
Fit all casos.
Itaaor atropa and atropplng
Burns, Oregon
Drug Company, Inc.
C. Of Perrenoud, Mgr.
Cor. Lcvens Hotel BIdg.