THE T 1 M K H II N It A Ii I II U It N H , 11 A It N 0 V 0 O l S T i , O It 13 a O X PflflJO Unveils" mlW"f' I'M JU01 GOlN ACROSS THE ROAD MOTHER AND WATCH THE MEW FAMlLV MELLOf .WIIATlS YOUR NAME? MY NAME. IS DONALD. i'm I DO KNOW hrrtaJ WOW OLD I AH GCCf. don't YOU KNOW I WASlfr DOOM AT MINE 13 JAC k ODDIR . MY DAD OLD ADC' WHEN YOU WERE ALL- I'VE GOT A, BOUGHT THIS STEP -MOTHER. MOVE. IN va HpiyiE SWEET Home Earl HunU Classified Advertising and Legal NoticesProfessional CardsMiscellaneous News Saturday, December 4, 1020 rZTL YOU f AWwrtaJ WOW OLD I AM WHEN YOU WERE BORHr 1 - VJ riiifcwuniM .in mmu n n rniiTT i " ' rTlilTl rrr ri m Minim msr nr i n n imwiwiaii wiiwwuiMWg PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. B. P. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Hums, Oregon Office at residence, Dr. (JrMlth's,r Innil, 400 acres uudor mer home. 'Phone No. 14 ditch 0000 owes and 3000 Iambs-- 'for milo-ldoiil Location. It . O . It U 10 It K 1 , M . I) . Pr. Snurman & H run el's Former Oitlco Dultdlug I'hone No. 20 Hum, Oregon J. V. a K A It Y Physician and Surgeon llurim, Oregon Tolophonn HI 39 DKN.MAN DKN.MAN Physicians niul Hur groin Calls answered promptly day or night 'Phono Cranu Crane, Oregon L. K. IIIRRAKD I K N T lil T OHIco tlrst door oast photo galWy Iliirux, Oregon 'll.RLP.H W. ELLIS . I, A V V K H 1 lluriiH, - - Oregon Practices In tho Stnto Court nnd before tho U. 8. Laud Oillco J, W. McCullouh Itoht. M. Duncan . ; .McCfhMKJII A DU.NCA.N , Ijnvyern I . Offlr. nhovo tho U. 8. Ln.ul Oillco Hl'RNS, ORBCON II B It .M A N VON H O II M A h '. Attorney at Imw CoMcHls and pructlcu before JI. 8. Laud Oillco a specialty OIII : Fry lildg. next door to P. O. lluriiH, Oregon (' h n x. H. L o o 11 11 r l Atlornlfy-nt-Law Careful iit' lion given to Collections uul )tal BHtato matters , Mm liiMirniuo ' Notary P11I1II0 j Rums, Oregon i ItRL'CB It. JCKHTKIt Attorney at I,aw Land Oillco Practice j .Land Scrip for milo , Vulo, Oregon 1 I. W. lllggH M. A. lllggH It I G 8 I! I G O 8 Lawyers ' Burns, Oregon FOR RENT NOW OPBN Rooming house In Mary Caldwell building. Nice Cleau bodB. Mr. M. O. WUdoBa.i 6-l-tf. 1 TO RKNT OWcex and utore room. Farmers Exchango. '5 .JOHN OKM HEUliINO, lowolop. hd Optician liiiiaviwov. Pino Watch Itopalrlntf a Bpoclalty. FOR SALE FOR SALH Dry Juniper wood, phono nia at Tom Jenkins ranch. h. tUimUHBQH. 11-15-lt. A ttutit Ion Woolgrowers 7 0 0 0 VM. PA Hit 19. I FOR SALE 7 room houno, large ntono collar, windmill & tunic. 2 I lotH, sleeping porch. Cheap, easy I turniB. Small earth payment, bill aneu llko rent. Inland Empire Itoalty Co. 0-6-tf. TWO STORY, hovoh room residence, plastered, hot and cold water, hath and modern convenience, cellar and gurngo, In Block CD, 3rd addi tion to Ilu run, belonging to Mm, Esther F. Hchwnrtx, rot' Bale W.M. FARRB I The lUibcrt Glen rnrirli in Section iKI, T. 5 H H.Jiaj, K., for Hair nt l-OO.(M) cnsli. WM. FAItltlC. J FOR 8AM-: Tho Jamos MoMnntu rnuch In See. 13, 14, IS, T. 2tf 8., H. 24 1-:., .120 acres, reduced to 11000.00. TerniH. I WM. FA It It K. WE HUV, ralso and null fur-hearing i rabliltij, and other fur-boarlug nn- ' liiial. List what you have with j ii.i, Htatlnt; your lowest prices on I largo lot shipments. Tito Fur & Specially Farming Co., 515-517 N. P. Ave, Fargo, N. Dnk. Tyeho Sodln Ranch Soc's 19 & 30, j T. 21 a:, It. :2& B., ICO acres of. ! forud for $ 1300.00. Guy W. Cooklln Place In Suc'm 2.1 Si C-l, T. 2(5 H It. 32 B., Houth of La(0( 1(Jn ,3200.06. - I'D' - 8AM5 Heharfor piano In good conilton A K llcnimi C-29 ATTHNTIO.V llumey County dry land potatoes for tale during Oct ober at $3.00 per 100 pounds. Why buy hug-feed from outside tho state If you catfgol spuils fit to eat right In your homo county? Cut your supply .for winter now, ' either at llrowu's itonr or lot mo know about It by mall. 10-912 t AUOWr CUBNIN, Hums tvfic Kichnor placo. 100 acres In He!. 2, T. 23 8., R. 33 B Small house 100 aor'js cleared and broken. All fenced. ? 1000.00. BARBER SHOPS PROMPT nurvlco and courteous treatment win always bo uncord ed patrons ot tho liurim Hotel Harbor Shop. IlatliH at any hour of the duy. C. W. riliniuoiiH, Prop. Ntyrici-: :' hjibrii-'ih malic un- DKIt FOIt!:CMHU1ti: KXKCUTION IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB 8TATB OF ORBQON FOR TUB COUNTY OF IIARNBY. Tho First National Rank or. Hums, Oregon, a National Ranking cor poration, Plaintiff. MILTON 8. HALL, Defendant. IIB'IT KNOWN that undor and by vlrtuo ot an BXBCUTION ordor issu ed by tho Clerk of tho above ontltlod Court on tho 20th day or Novembor, 1920, upon tho roreclosuro or a mor tgage lieu Issued out or the jibovo ontltlod Court and cause, whoroln tho First National RftiAt or IluniB, Oregon, a National Ranking corpor ation, was plaintiff and Milton 8. Hall was dofondant and decree or foroclosuro was ontored thorolrt on tho 13th day of October, 192.0, and recorded in Vol. P Circuit Court Journal, pngo 231. I AM COMMAND ED TO SELL tho following describ ed real property eltuatod In Hartley (!ounty, Orogon, to-wlt: Tho eoutheaBt qunrtor of North- onst ounrtor (SENEtf) Section Thlrtyono (31), South half of NorthWOHt quarter (S'NW'i) 89UthwoHt quartor or Northoast quarter' (BWWNBJi), Northwest quurter of Bouthoant quartor (NWV48HU ) North half of Bouth woBt uuartor (N8WU) ami SouthuaHt quarter of Bouthwont iiuarter (SBBWU) Suction Thirty two (2) TowiiHhlp Twenty throe (23) South, Hniigo Twenty flvo (2G)ttaHt Wlllamotto Merid ian. the procubdti of nuch Ratu to apply on the cofltii of Halo nnd upon the following Judgment entered therein, to-wlt: , For tho principal mini of Four Hundred dollara with Intercut threoii until paid nt the rate of ten per cent per annum from Aug unt 28lh, 1010, except a credit thereon of $20.00 paid March 3, 1020, and for tho further mini of $50.00 attoruoyH feen, and for tho coHtH, and dlMliiirnoinonU of thU unit, taxed at $11.30, NOTICK 18 HKUKUT QIVEN'that on MONDAY tho twentieth day of '-deceased, the undorfllgnod admlnla Docombnr, 1920, at ten o'clock A ' trator of tho Bald etato wl I boII at M. of that day at tho front door of " n, t0 thn hlhont blc,,,l" fop tho Court IIoubo at IluniB, iInrnoy j h In hand and aubjoct to tho Con County. Oregon. I will In obedience! Nrmatlon of this Court, on and after to ald execution and decreo afore-N'0 20t of nccomlior, 1920, all ...1.1. ...ii ti.n,.P .innriiw.,i rni ! of "al property belonging to tho estate, or ho much thereof iih may be necessary, to satisfy the coits of thin Bale and tho said Judgment or plain tiff hereinbefore described, with In- terest and costs thereon, to the highest nnd best bidder for rash In hand III, (lold coin of tho United Stales. Dated this 20th day of November. 1920. A. V. OOODMAN. Sheriff. Ry PL ATT RANDALL Deputy NOTICB OP HHKRIFF'H HA LB PV DBIt I'ORBCI.OKURB UXBOl'TltlN IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COt'.XTY OF HARNEY Tho Union, Central Llfo Insurance Company, a corporation, Plaintiff. vs. William E. tHolmes and Jennie HolmiMi, t Defendants. RE IT KNOWN that under and by vlrtuo of nn EXECUTION order Issued by thu Clerk or the ubove en-. tltlejl Court upon the 20, h dav tt NoVc-inher. 1920 upon tho fc)relouri' . of a mortgage lieu Issued out or tbuj above entitled Court and cause wherein Tho Union Control LRo In-1 Hiirauca Company, a corporation, waaj plaintiff nnd William B. Holmes audi Jennie Holmes were-defendants and decree wiih entered thorpun 011 the 21st day of August, 1920 and record ed In Vol. F Circuit Court Journal, page 200, I am commanded to sell the following described real properly Hltuated In Harney County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot Tir , NortheiiBt quartor of tho Southwest quartei (NEW SWV4), North hair or tho SquMieuHt quarter, (NSBH ), nnd tho North east quartor (NBV4) U In Section Thirty (30) Township Twentytwo (22) South, Range Thirty-three Bant or Wlllamotto Meridian, tho proceeds "bf suclj sale to apply on tho costs or hiiIo and upon tho follow ing Judgment, to-wR: For tho principal Hum of Twelve hunderd Dollars, together with In terest thereon at tho rato or ton per cent per annum from August 1, 1919 until paid; for thn further, sum ot one hundred twenty dollars together with IntoroBt thoroon at ton per cent per annum from August 1, 1918 un til paid; for tho furthon Hum or Ono hundred twenty dollars togothor : itorsignoii naH.noon appouuuii huihiu with Interest at ton por cont par latmtor with tho will annexed of from AuciiBt 1st. 1910 until1 of tho ostuto. of Samuel Wydle. do- pald; ror the rurthor Hum or $44.03 taxos udvaneod ron tho yoara 1910,1 with Intorost thoroon at ton por cent ner annum rrom Fed. 28, 1918 until1 paid; ror tho rurthor sum or $33.34 n,1n,.n,l tnr Mm vn..r 1D17 to - LUAIUI UIIMtllfiot J - " feotlior with InteroHt thoixmn rrom .Aug. 31. 1919, until paid; ror tho Mrthor sum or $1.20,00, attornoyB roes, and ror tho costH and djsbunio- IllOlltll. ' NOTICE. 18 IIBRERY GIVEN that on MONDAY tho twontloUi . day or Decomhor, A. D. 1020, at ton o'clock A. M. or that day nt tho. door or tho County Court Houho In Rurns, liar- noy County, Orogon, I will In obod lonco or such Execution and Docrqo arorosald, koII tho abovo described roal proporly.or no much thereof as may bo necoBnary to imtliify tho cou'tfl of thin Halo and tho plaintiffs Hald Judgment hurolnhoforo deHcrllf. ed with Interont thereon, to tho high' eat and hunt bidder for ciihIi In hand In gold coin of tho United Btutnn. Dated thin 20th day or November, 1D20. , A. W. OOODMAN, Sherlrf, Hy PL ATT HANDAIjL, Deputy. NOTICK OF BALK IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF TUB 8TATB OF ORBQON FOR IIAR NBY COUNTY. In tho matter of tho CHtato of Alenry llolkon, doceaRod, NOTICB 18 IIKRKDY (IIVBN that; undor nnd by vlrtuo of an ordor of Hnlo niado by thin Court on tho 20th day of Novonibor, 1920, In tho mat- tor of the entato of Honry nolkcn, estate or Honry Rolken, dncoasod and described as follows, to-wlt: 1 Lotn throo and rour, tho 1 NV68WV4, nnd tho WBKK or sec tion 5, Twp. 27 8. Rnngo 35 B. W. M. 1 containing 320.31 acren moro or loss. O. B. THOMPSON, Administrator of the estate of Honry Jlolkuu, decl'uijod. NOIICB FOR PUULICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE i Ilurnii, Oregon, November 4, 1920 NOTICE Is hereby given that Her man Umbrelt, or Hums. Orogon, who, on November 13, 19 19, mado Additional Homestead Entry, No. 09583, ror NB '4 SB 4 . PW ' SV J , So-. 24j NWVi ilV-NbU. fe. 25, T. 25 m, R. 2S B., and LoH 1 and 2, Stc. 30. Lotn a. 4, See. 10 Township I :-5 H Mango 2') B., Wlllamotto Mcr-i dl iu. has riled notice ot Intention te make Final throo-yoar Proor, to ai-'; tablthh claim f) I In laud nbn dc-, rrrlbtd. bororo RogUtop and Receiver' at lhtrns, Oregon "on tho Kth d-iy of Deicmhor, 1920. . C twlmunt namea an wltnes'n, Inter Ooluquo, Pftt-r Hiurailfiy,' Fay Ferry, and Alurt Coio. all of. Hum'., Oregon. I V. 0. GOZAD, ReglHtr. j notk;b to chbihtorh IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TliB STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF I HARNEY. i IN 'THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE I OF FRANCES E. McGEB, Deceas ed. NOTICE IS IIBRERY GIVEN That ; tho Undersigned, CIjAUDB McGEB and LELAH McGEB, have boon duly appointed by tho County Court or Ha.rnoy Couny, Oregon. Admlnls trator and Administratrix respective ly or tho Estate or. Frances B. Me doe, Deceased;; and havirduly quail ried us Hiicht All persotiH having claims nguluHt said estate are hereby notified to prosont the samo, duly verified, to gether with proper vouchorH there ror, at tho oillco or Geo. 8. Slxomoro, RuriiH, Orogon, attornoy ror Bald Ad ministrator and Administratrix with In six months from date hereof. CLAUDE McGEB, Administrator, LELAH McGEB, Administratrix. Dated this 30 day of Novembor, 1920 0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF SAMUEL WYLDE, Do ceased. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un- r . . . . . .. i... 1.. ceased by tho County Court or tho State or Orogon ror tho County or Harnoy, sitting In Probate, nnd has duly qualiriod as Huch. All persons having clulniH against said estate aro ' liorobi' HOtUlod to prOBOUt tllO iUUUO I o 1110 at tho oillco or Piatt ft Piatt, "05 Piatt Hulldlng, Portland Oregon, ! with proper voucnorH ami um.v vur lflod necordlng to law within Klx months from dato horeof. Dated and flrat published Dopein . bor, 4tht 1920. ARTHUR D. PLAT?, , Admlnlstratpr with tho will annexed or tho estato ot aninuoi wyuiu. wo cousod.' PLA'IT & PL ATT and JOHN F. SEDGWICK, AttornoyB Tor tho Ad, mlnlutrator, J PUItMO LAND 8ALK Notlco for Publication Iwolated Tract' UNITKJ) BTATI5B LAND OFFICB IluniB, Oregon, Octobor 25, lOJo NOTICB hi hereby given that, iih directed by the CommlBHlo'ncr of the (loneral Land odlce, under provlH Ioiib or See. 2455, R. 8., pursuant to tho application of llann Rang, Serial No. 011010, wo will offer at public nalo, to the hlghoHt hlddon, but at not Ioha than $2.75 per ncro, nt 10 o'clock A. M., on tho 10th day of De cember. 1920. next, at thlx oillco. the following tracL of laud: W 16 HWM, Sec. 1, T. 27 8, It. 30 B W. M. Tiiifl tract in ordered into the mar ket 011 a showing that the greater portion thereof In mnunlalnoUH or too rough for cultivation. Tho Halo will not bo kept open, but will bo declared closud when Hioho ppenout at tho hour nnmod have censed bidding. The person making Hill Mil will tin t-iwllllr-.wl In IliimiKldttiilv iinv In 1 1. 11 IIi.Knlvnr Mm'UB BOOtt BB tllO HOW pafltOr gOU amount thereof. , Any persons claiming adversely I tho abovo-doHcrlbod land aro advised to flto their claims, or objections, on' or before tho tlmo designated ror hiiIo, V. O. COZAD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICB Hums. Oregon November, 3, 1920 NOTICE Is heroby glvon that Wil liam F, Thulmer, or Rurns, Oregon, who, on June 5, 1915, madn Addi tional Homestead Entry, No, OS 182, for Stt'UNWVi, 8BU8WU, See. 15 and BlNW'.i, Section 22, Town ship 21 8., Range 31 B., Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten tion to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to tho laud above described, before Register and Re ceiver, at Ruriin. Oregon, on thu 14th dny of December, 1920. V. . ..ii. V-i. . .. V , Jap'MeMnnoil, Fred Rlaek, Ernest Claimant names as wltuonses: Williams, and Frank J. Williams all ot Hums, Oregon. V. CI. COXAD. Register -o An exchange coughed up a good one when tt said that "any man who Is engaged In business Is u fortune hunter," Rut It wasn't original. Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TUAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE LOANS Phene30 or,G125 CAR REPAIR RILLS Are Never Excessive At This Shop THAT la hocnuso wo know our business, work quickly, and with no lost motion or tlmo wnstod In puzzling ovor what to do. That Is a good reason why OUR ishop should bo YOUR shop. Try us. Our specialty Electrical and Ignition work and Oxyacotylen welding. All work Guaranteed. At the Jack McGuier former shop J.' S. Taylor, Prop. just Between You and Me" lays the Good Judge Any Real tell 1 W-B QUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS NAZAItBNB OIIUllCII Sunday School 10 a. in. Preaching tiurvlco, 11a. m. Young Peoples Moolliic 7 P. M. Preaching Sorvlco 7:30 P. M. Prayer mooting overy Wednesday ovonlng 7:30 . Mlsulonnry mooting second aal 'fourth Friday In oach month 8. L. 8. TRACY, Pan 8. astor. I'ltUHUYTKRIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Proachlng service 11 a. m. Clhor Borvlcea will bo announce qualntod i.nd arranges with the coa- .. Bru8ttU0"' JOHN II. WICIIBRSON,, Paatar CHRISTIAN SCIKNCK HOOIKTT Borvlcos nt 11:00 o'clock. Tho reading room In the chares) Bdirico, Ib open on Tuesday and Fri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Sunday School moots on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Pupils may bo admlttod to Ua classes up to the agu ot 20 yoars. Tho public Is c&Vdlally Invited te. tho Church Suvlces and to tho Read ing Room. IIAPTIST CHURCH Rlblo School ut 10 A. M. Preaching nt 11 o'clock.' . HvoiiIiib Sorvlco nt.7:30. ' Prayor mooting Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Rov. J. J. Tlcknor, Pastor. Resi dence north or Court House, Pfaoae W121. In thoso days brains are an asset, but brawn Is a monoy getter. BLUEPRINTS Here's genuine chewing satisfaction for you, hook- v ""' cd up with real economy. A small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much long er than a big chew of tho ordinary kind that's be cause the full, rich, .real tobacco taste lasts so long. man who uses the Tobacco Chew will you that. 4 Put up in two styles Jttl