The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 04, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Kaltinlay, Oct-cmbcr t, 1020
fAKO Hlx
, .. ., ... , . ,f u . ii .1.1 it A i. ii ll II It N H . II A It sM Y a O U N TV , O It MOON . ' .
. . :
AWell-Oartdifor 0r1cii mid a,l Wj
J Mnki
ktTN oil llio FuniirovVr-
of tlio Hull lllri
:(SpoclnV lnfortiiAtlon'8ftpvft!,'U, -
8. Department of. Agriculture.) ,
Ii nn rtit'nx.
tonalvo sculo to nupply the market!
. .. . .. ii .i fnl !
or wnoiiiur u in m inuuutu iuum iui
the family thu gafdon plot la likely
to bo tho moHt profltublo ncrougo
on tho farm. Uurdoitlng rcully bo
glns In tho fall. Whon tho IuhI veg
etables linvo boon removed and ntor--ed
tho prudent gardunor nets about
to propuro tho ground fur tho noxt
year's crop.
Clearing Awny ItcfuMo
Any rubbish, dead vinos or plunts,
and bono poles or tomato stakes
nhould bo cloarod away, nays the
United States Department of Agrl-
culture, anil the ground aownjo rya
er aoaio other green crop' te prevent
the looo earth from wash lag under
the wlwWr ralM. -A cover Trep alio
lravMtlNi' 'pkyskal. eokkn .of
ike aoll. When a cover crop can not
be auppllod the next best thing that
may be done Is to plow op spade the
mU and allow It to He rough through
out the winter. This practice des
troys many Insect that Tie Just below
the nurfuco.. Tho winter frosts havo
a lightening effect upon tho noil,
especially on clay soils.
The earliest and choicest veget
ables aro hnrvosted by the man who
maintains a few hotbed sashes and
uses them to utart his garden. Ilu Is.
able to handicap tho frost linn by'
aeveral weeks, and to sot strong,!
wttlldoyi)lop;d plants In his gnrdon
at a tliuu when his neighbor are
planting seed.
Thu farm Income Is nt IIh lowest '
point In tho early spring, but It nut
bo Increased foiisldiirably by the salo
of young plants grown In tho hot-!
beds ami ready for transplanting.
Tomato, cabbage, eggplant, anil pop-)
per plants aro ulways cnapped upj
when thu first warm planting days'
come, and they aro easily grown in
the hotbed. A little more space and
a little mnro seed than tho grower
needs for his own use arc likely to
hrlnc cnod nroflts. Iloforo tho
around freezes in thu fall Is a good!
The Mothers Club mot nt tho homo
ofMrs. Wm. Gould, Mrs. Daltnn
Olbbs as Joint hostess, a very enjoy
able tlmo was hnd by all. Noxt meet
ing will bo Thursday Docomber Id,
t .tho homo of Mrs. John Caldwell,
with Mrs. Ouh Uadwoll as Joint hos
tess. All members should attend.
20,000 Acres
t water rights for sale op
Blitzen River in tracts of 80-
; Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth' cash balance
r easy terms ;six, per $mt in
terest. ' ' x
Eastern OrisgoM ' Live Stock
ckane: Company momm
- . . .
jlW$ J4r9. MMM,y
Crop Improve llm Condition'
Ik on HolliccK
tt'ntu to rlbari out'fhu old liothoils.
Unless thg fl.olj imiitlyln Hi) hotbed
Is to bo exchanged for freHli onrth Jt
Hhould bo .nbbvalod from (bu'hoci and
i.Tu.A lnir n ii 1 1 ilimr liv. Tiio do-
toimmi "into n pllo ilbur by. Tho do
cayed manure from tho bottom In
ncttttorod over tho pllo and thorough
ly mlxod with It to form rich noil for.
noxt yoar'a bods. Over this booh n
coat of Rtraw or loaves laid down by
bltn of board to keep It from blow
ing. Homo farmers find It convenient to
use overgroon boughn InHtoad of
ntraw for tho outer covering. t
s .New hotbed pita should bo dug ho
that Uioy wjll faco the rotilh, and the
location should bo selected so that
the bed will be protected fress cold
north vMi and late spring ttorros.
SoidntlaftM the earth taken fneru the
new plt kCsultable for use In tho hot
bed, but this is tho exception' rather
than thVrulo. A few loada ef leaf
raold'froiii the woods mixed with thu
natural soil will often form a smooth,
rich stoncless mass which gives an
Ideal hotbed filler. v
Tho back or north side or the
frame Is usually from 12 to 18 Inches
hlKh. whlto tho south end Is' about
8 Inches, so that tho wholq bed may
havn pitch onough to get the sun on
all parts. Tho standard hotbed
sash Is handled by most dealers and
mcasuros three fet In width and six
r,ii In luiiL'ih. A frame Just wldu
enough to support tho buhIi seems to
be thu most satisfactory, though wld
,.r IuhIm nru sometimes used with
supporting ridges plated at f. fool
fnturvals. A well painted cypress
sash, glazed with good double
ulmugth glass well set In putty
should give tho careful gardener 12
to 16 yours' service.
Heat for tho hotbed lit furnished
by meuns of n bed of horse murium
8 to 16 Inches thick In tho bottom of
tho pit. Permanent hot beds uro
often heated with colls or steam
or hot" water plpos under tho bed.
Hotbeds ruijulro constant caro to
prevent tholr becoming ovorheatod,
especially during bright weather.
erJ"Blngers of'Burns'have con
sented to unite in forming a choir to
sing In tho llaptlst church. Mm.
Harry Hmlth Is the organist. AlKwho
liro not mombors of any othor church
In the city aro Ipvlted to attend the
llaptlst church.
People who fly high don't always
havo wings.
Notlcu lfi horoliy'ktvon that tho un-
dVtilgltoU, niimlii'lMtrfttbP-or tho oslato
or Not. i i'. KeaturflJii, tlOcouiKjd, lias
ffletl ' rial Auf.'u?. of bin a()piln
iHtraUbn of hu'ih onViifn. with thq clerk
D m 'u.'" Wri Ulu rftato Of
Orogon, for Harnby County, hud that
'A.nt 1... .. .11. mill ilnlitf nil.
.W (i: ' 4.1 day f Jan-
of Ion o'clock
A'. M , ill lib f
tho County Court
vourt, rojim In
llouiio, lit 1J iiriiB,
lint1. ' i. t tort'iii. mi tuo iimu
iiu'iP" phuiu for tho hoTirlug of bbjuc-
tfoniito audi I-Mnnl AccoUjiitamlhol
iiuiiiemuiii iiiuriiui.
All parsons luturosted In sald'es
tutu nlul having objections to such
Final Account or any part or Horn
thorooi nro hereby notified to pre
sent imld objections and file tho same
with thu cturk or said court on or bo
fore snld tlmo.
Uruttt ICusterson, administrator.
Having spent several jthounnnd
dollars and most or my tlmo travel
ing In tho States or California, Idaho,
Washington and Western Oregon
during this year In tho Interests or
Harney County Property owners and
also for tho Development of our
Ureat Hanioy Valley, tho results an
ticipated have not yet boon obtained,
duu largely I" bo stringency In tho
money markot and tho luck of busi
ness transacted under tho t present
During tho dull winter months, I
will conduct and opurato In connec
tion with my real estate oftlco, A
largely in now and second hand fur
niture, rugs, household goods, etc.
Tho old resident of Hums un
doubtedly will romembor that I
tabllshcd tho first HKCOND HANI)
HTOHK In this City In 1910, In thu
old Jorgensoa Hulldlng, which I have
since purchased and renovated, and
that this lino of huslneis Is not new
to me In any respect. I am familiar
with the wants of the people In this
County and will make every effort to
provide all these Items which you
have been obliged 'te ship In thru the
catalogue houses at better prices
than you have ever enjoyed before
Prices aro reducing on everything
from day to day that will enable me
to establish the old prices before any
body else, For your special benefit
I viu quote below a number of Items
that I have on band new at very
Complete Dining Koora Set con
slating f -L Extension Circular
Table, Leather seated chairs, Iluf
rott, China Closet, Largo heavy Ax
minister Hug (9 x 12) otc
Complete Parlor Bet, Including
Mahogony Chlckerlng Uaby Orand
Piano, Ilrussells Hug, Library Tablo.
Hardwood Hookers, Pictures, etc
Ued-ioom Hots complotu, Including,
Heavy Iron Hods. 9tut Spring-, Mat
tresses, lied Clothes, rurl.Uns. etr.
soset llo.nCldOiAhr
Comploto kitchen set, uioiimuu,
stoves,, boaters, tables, chairs, etc.
A largo assortment of now (hand
pointed) .china, which will' make ex
cellent ChrlHtman presontn.
Any of thu ubovo Items offered In
sets or Individual pieces.
With tho Voting or tho Irrigation
Honda and actual construction work
on the Dam next year, no doubt th
tlirio and monoy spent will bring to
our Great Valley tho real runner and
settler from the dlffonort states men
tioned above to share tho develop
ment and prosperity of our wonder
ful country, as a result or my opera
tions during thu past.
Albert A. Traugott, Proprietor.
,INO. Telephone 30 I'd. Adv.
. Adolph Oltlngor, tho inllllonalro
railroad ami ntuumshlli ticket expert
or this city mid a former confidential
bookkeeper fpr John Wannamaker,
was today appointed passenger truf
fle manager for thu Los Angolos
Steamship Company, with 8an Fran
Cisco and Losh Angoleti oltlceu, by thu
$10,000,000 Los AnguliiH steamship
syndicate beadud by K, L. Dohouuy,
tho oil raagnato.
' Tho appointment was mado by A. J
Froy, general managor of thu stenfi-
ship compuny, which is an uujuuci
or tho syndicate's off-Bhoro aorvlco,
tho Lou AnRolos-Pnelflc .Htoanmhlp
Tho l,os AngoloH Htoaiuuhlp Com
pany owns tho Harvard ind Ynlo
Thp Bun Fruiielsco, Hullolln.
Twenty One New Silos
.. Twonty-oiyi now slloti have been
contitructod this, year in DoHuhutooH
county oh a r"ult of tho Hllo cam
palgu carried on during tho huuhoii
under llio (flrectlon of County Agont
1). Ii, Jamlfion.
Tlio alio IB rapidly bocomlng rucog
nlzod us u nucoHsnry pnr of farm
(iijulpment in -Eafllorn Orogon. It
fonnoriy wan boat uduptod to dairy
The Store-Wide "Back to Noimalcy" Movement Continues
Next Week Opportunity week
If y6iij6,been in attendance at any ! of tne much
advertisldpps"' you! will .-realize tliiffHKe'riee' here
named ehable 'you to buy mlrcfiandiseat lower prices.
: .These prices pray a' big prt in pyxv movement to.
bring price? -,f3aclt ti? Normalcy". --i ;
Sugar, pure cane, sack
Scots Best, fancy patent, bbl.
Best hard wheat
Picket, bbl. '
TOMATOES, pioneer, case.. $4.25
Corn, case
Peas, case 7X
Beans, case
Milk, caniation, Borden case 6.90
Lard, swifts silverleaf, 5 lb L60
Lard, swifts silverleaf 10 If 3.15
Wesson oil Gal., cans ..; 2.90
Wesson oil Qt. cans .80
Syrup, karo Gal. ? J.lo
Syrup, Jackets 2 lb j
Syrup, Jackets 4 o lb 4.90
Syrup Jackets 52 lb
Coffee, regular 50c selling bulk lb 2o
Folgers Tea, Japan lb .50
Grtifrli-lff A h nnt
Crisco, 6 lb cans
Criaco, 3 lb cans
kA ffe ur am till aelline Bofs of The Road waist overalls at these low prices
Hem Blue 'DeMSsTrippcd-fl.OO Big Savings in .11 Dry Goods
! and Furnishings.
, What aomo of tho merchant are
taylnic abeat oug drive -for Lower
Prlcea. oni aald" if they want my
goo thy can pay what I waul."
We My "iy u the lowett pooa-
Iblo price."
Anothor aald, (a cuntomnr was
ouylnic a pair or 4 bucklo Unltod
It Always Pays to Shop at the
The Quality Store of Harney County
dlHtrlcts, but tho oxporlonco or lead-
Ing rarmora throughout tho Intuitu
Binplro hIiowb thut it l eiuully pror
Itublo for rango cattlo uitd sheep op
orators. In Union county tho cohI or rat
ioning Hteera on a ration of buy and
oiiHllaga baa beon found to bo Just
ono-hulf the cohI of a bay ration
ulono. Almost its outstanding ro
Hults nro obtained from roodlng on
Hllago to stock cattlo bolng wlntorod.
Many ahoop ntnn liavo found tliut'on
tho uvorngo two Ioiih of oiiHllago
o(uu!h u ton of buy In funding valuo.
llotb litprouBOB tho llvostoclc cnrryhiK
cupnclty of their lund and roduccB
the cost of UvoBtouk production.
Dairy fonnorH In Wallowa county
litHt year rod Htinlfowor ennllago und
found that thoy could roduco tholr
cost of production about nnu-hnlf.
Tltoro are ono hundred slloa Hi
Wallowa county tbla rail n'.d on tho
octubJIhhniont or county itgont work
tltoro w ro ibut throo. Tltoro was
not n Kilo in Klamath comity until
Inst yiwt w'bon County Agoni K. K
TljomiiH punitiudod ono nttioltor to
bjtlld ono. TIiIh your tltoro. uro fii
toon now ouch lit Khunath county.
Tito county uiiont In Lnkovlow In
rofipoiiBlhlo Tor nluo now sllon In that
diHtrict wbloh Hhould provo a? vulu
nblo to Htockmoh ua thoao In tho
other muntlmi.
Union counly limdB Kastorn Oro
Hon In numlKir of bIIoh with l0.
ThPflO linvo ull boon contnruotud ulnco
Hprondlng IuiowIoiIro of tho ro
imltH obtained from foodlng onallngo,
uHBtHtlitK now furntors In proparlng
and too ill n k ottBllugo and aiding' in
rt0 Prunes
LOO Plums
"IT- -
Statei overahoea and aaked "why do
,you charo 15.26 when Welnateln
aolla for $3.86) The merchant aald',
"They hare old and cheap atock."
W say "We Invite that mer
chant to come to our atoro and If ho
flnda that old stock wo nhall prenont
hlra with 100 palra. We carry the
Holoctlon and construction or
itn. nm nn imnortani pan oi inu
work or tho county agunta In Eastern
Klnnoy tiny HI Wholo Hyntoni Huh
Ik'im Ilullt Up Hlnco
Taking Tunluo
"I Biifforod for ovur thirty yoara
w)th tho worst kind of stomach
trouble and novor round anything to
glvo mo any rollof until I started on
Tanlao, but It only odk u fow bottloaj
of that modlclno to Btralghton mo out
and mako mo rod ljko dirforont
man," suld I). F. Flnnoy, of G06
East Third Avo., Spokuno, Wash.
"I havon't felt so good in yoara
as I do now" continued Mr. Flnnoy,
"und yot wltotl began to take Tan
lao I wub JtiRt about all In and bad
given up liopo or over being a well
man again, I coutdu'o oat a thing
but what t would Hour on my Btont
nch nud bloat mo up until I could
hnrdly bruatbo, Headaches almost
drovo mo frantic and I got bo dlzuy
nt tlinofl that If I hadn't caught .hold
of tioniothlng I bollovo I should havo
"I foil off In weight and bocanto
so woalt taht I Und to quit work
und I wiiB ho norvous tliat I could
not sloop ht nlgltt. I wont on a
strict diet and trlud, all klttdrt of
modlclno, hut nothing uoumod to do
mo any good. Thon a frlond or
Rolled Oats, 9 lb sack $ .75
Germetta, 9 lb sack 85
Hominy 9 lb sack- 65
Corn meal, yellow or white 9 lb 55
Pancake, flour, 10 lb 90
Italian Prunes, lb 19
Figs, new crop, black, lb 15
Peaches, extra fancy, lb .26
Apples lb 20
Raisins, bleached seedless 28
Bayo beans lb '- 10
Red, Mexican beans, lb .10
Small white, beans lb 9
White navy beans, lb 10
Lima beans, lb 12
Citrus washing powder 3 for 1.00
Procter and Gambles best white
laundry aoap 18 bars 1.00
Palmoliv.e, hand soap, 10 bars 1.00
Cudahys tar soap, large bars 10 1.00
Pouches, gal. cans 1.00
Apricots, gal. cans 1.00
Pineapple Llj
Loganberries 1.40
Blackberries 1.30
Annies 65
k. or
umn lines of merchandise aa all of
oar competitors and we guarantee
every article,"
The third remarked "Give us a
chance to make a Jiving."
Wo say "Olve tho people a
chance to live."
mino wuu
i i.
had Btomach trouble ai-
bad as myself tried Tnnuc
and It put htm in such good Hliop
that 1 decided to glvo it a trial
"Well, I hadn't much more than
started on Tanlao bororo 1 had good
roBUlts, for my appotlto picked up
and In a short time I could eat any
thing without oven surrorrlng from
stronger every day until now 1 am
ablo to do a good day'a work nnd
Just tool flno nil tho tlmo. 1 art
novor bothorod with those dreadful
houdachos or dlixy spoils now, and
my norvoB aro strong and I Hloop like
a log ovory night. After what Tan
lac has done for mo 1 mean to koep
U on baud, and I Btrongly recom
mend It to all who may bo suffer
ing ub I WUB."
. o 1
Notice Is horotoy given thut nn ex
amination of uppllcnntH for cortlfi
catoos to touch will bo hold both in
Burns and Crane beginning on Wed
noBday, Doc. 15, and continuing
ami Including tho 16th and 17th of
Oocontbor, 1920. l'rogrant will ap
poar In tho next Ibhuo of tbla pa.icr.
County School Supt.
Jimmy Vnrlon hns Just roturi cd
from Portland whura IHb rathor had
talion hint to consult a spoclall-r 1
regard to a Bplnul trouble that b'
boon troubling him ror nomo tltn.
wuh found that no ntoro could be
dono than was bolng dono and 'ho
prospoota ror roeovory uro favorable.