flL aJ? "Jtl' I Xs. Irnoy 0wty'a. Umber U an Harney county' rcncourcca nkt '.' . 'u MttrMCtittK tliu Attention ef Uie) 4' 3 lire Went. Irrigation, Block let for Immediate . exploltu- MUM RltOHIU bo turnlHi: (nit to aid in the rccoiwTriic. i work of the nation. In (Igato this Tlrglii ftottl. hIhIiiK, mlncH, oil and Kin pro--vvcIn and arlculltire I j ivauing uovoiupinciii. , . y ... lit' . j ,ml VOL. XXXIV BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON DECEMBER 4 1920 NO.S i REWORK ON ' HARNEY COUNTY ROAD' late Highway Commission Makes Appropriation for Suntcx Highway HOY'S HKILI. AND WIN Homer Dray of Marlon county, who won the iiIk club content ntTho ntuto fair thin year; did not win any prlisuH In his flrnt two yearn' work, and won fifth only in bin third ymir'n work. This your ho took two pure hrod chuHtvr whlto harrowH to tho fair, onu of which proved an out- uttittfliiit ml. ..;.. 11.. ....i.t t...ii. ..i.i. mi .1 ,1, . , . , . . OH.IHIIIIM Jill 011.11 IJUI.I lllll" lltroiiRh tho otortH and peridot-i io of Judge Forio, Harney co.ln-nm,H Ht 21 C0,llB 11 POitud 5 ronty Iiuh received further rucmnti ton above tho ruling, market. Hu ahio .ml tl.. Ultiin I Ilmltiiini Mmiitii Mlitti . ....... . ... . . . .. " "u l IIIIU 111(1 111 W. J. III! IIIU 1 (up WWI" til W IIMIW M VII tho Control Or'gpu Highway. , , ,, , . ,, J . ., " n ' ' KllmilK' tlin I, ml rn.lllit.iu .it1 II... ....11...... .1 i . . ... .1 . 4. I. . I" I II 1J lUMIllIIIIItllll- rir l i t ' i . :i ii lb i m u m in i ruin iiiii ' Irh iiy ( -ti jttuwion muting they!- .... - """" ; BURNS LADY MAYOR J tj .l,flif 1 I lit llllMIIlM ii -1 Miv i 'in i ii ii iiiu 1:11 u ii - ..... ...... ii. 1 ... II ' i! iir oruun $20,000 (or t it-. Tina hriil' hU' il n i will lw pUMd 'til ( u I r .. v r i i 1 -:. Ii r a 1 i le. c h ha ii.:! -b ih ii. t ' hu. orn conimtinHion. It would bo difficult to forgot tho fjuuHtlon of a city wator Hyntoin In lluniH with tho wlndtnlllH that aro to bo mum tn tho hackyardH of altuonl nil tho buttor homon, TIiuh It Ih that water Ih plpcil at privaio ivxi'ioiiho In to tlio hoiiiioH or tho button faiiillloii, If onu may innko a illHllni'tlon of claim In thin doinocratlo town. Thon, too, tho IlRlitlm; nyHtom retitiitn dlffl cultl'H for Uurnii, jvlioi'o tho only wutor powor aviillahlo In rurnlrthod by (ho HIIvIih Ulvor, h hiiiiiII ntnuun (bat flown through (ho oanlorn llin Itii. Uuilo tironunt urraiiKoiuuntH tho oloctrlc ourront In Khut off at 10 o'clock. VoucHir-tt Hilat liitlo town on ly about .fitly nilloa nutli of Kimono, tho i'ltnlm of (hit fldito UnivurvtLy--iirdifoiitH a dlffarout nt of nondltloiiH. I lloro tho 'nlnroitU r fnrmliiir kiiiI ! ! Oliiiill to ho oaiV . llllll-Tir-i .z. 1 1 WW lllllllirillHI II ri III . I " PAIKF rOP'IMKWT llH vlMfl by tho no-AilniliilHtrutlon, flUiJLJ bUlUHlLlU , ,, nflllf,MLlini, w,n. ,,,,, dlclbUH axiiiiudlturo of funds and wllb a Wofwi ourorotiniout of lawn Wlior than with tb pronoMl of mil- HtALTHY HCW YKAH OIIHIHT.MAH HV. HA MI ltKCJINH MW.H 11KKHIK WH'I'IAMH COMING A in o UK tho botioolonron of tho Church of tho Nar.brono Ih riihann(;o work carrlod on under tho dlwic purchaHod and oHtabllnbdd a largo OrpluinH Homo in l'nnlol Toxuo. Llttla of thin groat work in known In IluriiH, no It linn boon urraiiKcd that Mm. HckhIo Wlllliimn, rojiro nuntlii(? thin Hoard nball bo at tho Niir.iirono Church in HtiniH on Wod- Tlio Halo of ciirliitnian Himln, tho'uoHilay tho 8th. hocombor to kIvo llttlo Hllokorn proyldod by Iho Tubor-Hior wondorfuj nddrot-n "Tho Child ciiIohIh AsHOclutlon and menu no Problem" Mm. WIIIIiiiuh Ih a flno mu'i'lt for lioalthA Iiuh boon launched npeaker and Ih tourlUK (he United by tho Harney County Public Health Haten In the lutcrcHt of thin work. Gommlttuo of wiiloh Cant. Ilobt. M.;Tho publle .aro cordially Invited (o Duncan In ohfilrn5i.ii. 1 hear her. TIih mi'oUnn will begin at lUrnoy ('ountyja nuota In lmHod up- mivou-lhlrty o'clock, on Itn pnpulatlojt and Ih Jinked to' ,'. Throujih our frlnnd David (JrMliatu 'of tho lfrn HhuK of Jumnra. Thi i c I i i no! 1 1 . Ir t. Ml I' II 'l , .- I r . r -r i t III III' w it ai Ullllv iih l . i ol iwrli : iitxy ii Iht . t ii i 'i .i xp j l .1 . i ' .1.!' . .11 . . I .. 1 nr ! In lb ' iir- .iil niiil" v i'p i '4nl ih.ia l'"t b i he 8a-f I li'ii ,' . Vl. I Ih T" . tu n. 1 1. 1' i in : uiiy ii.i.i' tu . .tljliu,, I i'. t . fgii Hi It'll . I Hi' K;Otl rii.nls ii- of ibo 'iu' r I iVi'l In tilt '" . uu nil year r' .. ! 111(1 Will O lIM'll TlmMllritttd hnt r-nliwl Hi fol! ImmtiUlon. Thoiinb It In owy tnwlnc lllpi'ltu; from the Nw Yorli dot.Bet hii undorlyliia nolo of olvio Tllliot: X ' tWd In nil of Ur MtNtomnnhi. Mm. Ily lfilANA C. MrKXItillT Nary , Hurt. tk-or-elrr. nHiVn wn Por'lrtnd. Ornawii. Nov. 2: arvatlyy wlieu ht "You will Knnlt r'i(rH who read Dm: ii wtyuuVi limUrniaiid llrnl Yoiick.Uh U n nnv hint .lit' n h" t.'l Mayor of Bi run, I" a mnon wnnlin. w. mjfl aall an amount qiiuul to 6 coiKh fr'n i ntnnV 1T)U1V (oli IndlvldiiaUlu th county. It , 1 LAN itAuDil UniTL . Tho tonchem of . f tho Kchoola should Blvo luntrucjllvo IIKM Ul'. YliAK talta to tha inyills on what tiioflo ' afl mean toward stnini'lnp; out , dlfiimio and tho,mrenta abould iilao ,,0, ,,rt,w wnM 0,10 ' . 11,0 ,"0,, nvouratia tha ahlldran in maklim at.w' Henrilly ondorao.l tha rabbit load a mull jiprohiufi) f tho Menial ,4 l,w BtM . ''v by way of wliiwiflnit tha child to boi ! tmniadlately llm bounty In .offeoilto torcaiaof ih.lHhiHilth. Jrenoaa kItJiik Urn fumla re- Jlnrnay coun tiaa hud a damon- i rr"' lU Wllm 10 ,1,u-w-atrailon uurlril tha pnat ior.nil , ""? h Uoju.flt in com- " f I . . 1 t I ..11,11.... .... fam u. I I i A (rawt) aa w iivaft not rala u rfKt ilmil or Wi Inxattf i, ' hut m-..!i to 'hiHJln fnuN hi our Ht ul rt'iitit ui iiiu bat 1 an(a"." Tll ti'.tw b r.il Kurtfriinir-nt Vim- III lJl'l. routl runuli.K i. it nf Hill and tliu i worn ah i i VotictPu. i'Wiitit.r ::rfo.i lown. ii.ut i ur-d krry iiunlfili i nff. (in 'i : t. " i 1 i! wlii.'tl .r i . h 'v jttn'i' w ! 5011 over 'it tt ftncttrt nf tun lamml-m. Tl.twi. ...uilliMr wi !i Ihf .oadlKona.! u g,n(, ,a M,r, u 111 iii' ! I'oinmunuit's, Uowavur. tn.iw ra-tuiii ihut 1 1 1 n ah,' nit Nil tin Iiiiiwc..n tit'i i yj nwm i- m;. 11 j.rnr hi inn ciidn not Ilk . . 1 . . . . ...,o ..... .urn. . . iik, ,) f ,V ny U,W ,,.,,, ,.,,,,1,, ri i .ii: di I lit new local adiu hiin-i irntioit" Vb:i' wiiini'it voim n.uv lnuun I ......j im.bi, , Miri raicB u poajiu.ie tor n,e onli'lala In Into I He horn ftud nppal t vry o(nrl t5 nllf lhftlr. j,j.ttme forflM uionn r. hi nt ih problom b THE STOCK RAISERS i i THE BIG LOSERS Crane Neighbor Comments On Present Live Stock ' Conditions Ten yearn ago, tho IiIIIh and val loyH of llarnoy county were doited with hertlH of Krazliu; cattle, ami etnokmon woro well-to-do and were happy. Today tho Hlock i-iiIhop in practically bankrupt and only Hinall Imi iicImjm of eattlo aru found now and (lion. Wo think yt have found tho oauno i for UiIh Hint of a If aim In tha oxpurl oni.e or J. C. Vlekem, who shipped a carload of eattlo from Cm no to tho Portland market about tan dayn ago, and rocolvod bin roturm (ho flrat of the weulc. In thin nhlpuiant ot Dtock wnn a cow, which weighed 8S0 pounilH wdii nolil on tho intirkat. Tho cow brought Mr. Vlckora ?17.r.i) out or which ho pall (ho frulKht; and feedlnK rharKUH at Pondlalon. Thin aow waa old anil known on tho mar 4;at aa a , 'annor."'niftt la. Mbe In not alangiilered and mild over tha block, bill tha inifil In iiaad In ntiiUiiK fit h Ilodttcla aa oorntd bi- t, mined nm-t itvml. itlld tit inl bpfl. Jui'l lo rJ vi. h.tl. h l.vr Jiikfrwiioii a4,ataal work, i n" !,,,m,t ""rt 11 u VV th nnla ur. U Wan fo,ttuliVlr ' ,b" , Mt " mrv ,,,r" l',,t,fttPKei b u iii..,Mi IOft of Uli C&tfinuur' V''' J;l Tbn ffiirlu, wUl 1- 1a t n,M i-. . . ....... .. " W. l-iT- TJk, ... , ... f nr.. .v. ttl... onil JHNint (UH. T ; gMlU wU, ,.iB,n1fJttlaa-fr',tT U"U um9 na 'tlth Mm Hnrt. TJtr r tl , 4 g -fl, ailvanuicnu. ; U drlvn. Ilabbitn iff thlik in ibai lk..lv I.. b any Mi-rlhlmilfiiM or i wunflra-par- win of tba dnayj 9lBbtKrli'...U mid ili-m ilmuld In- ari .. . i a., i . a. i.. i. n .iii rnr Dki-tatriuM Im i tu Uaftt" r..v.,w.., v ...... ... A.hnlnli.tratiou. Tbougb , W,i.toi..oaW.l be a narL ot tbc "" "'w nt ,Ao b, thay arrrotly orcanlMd. put a tlekotl nnhi7tf nnXSlto! mud L a.-.i iurJwt rabbit drlv In tin- bUiory ut woiawn'H , 1..,..... , . . t , 1.14... V. IIIUVW iV'IIW .HII IV lll MV n MuU'lr.atu'nv wm .. .tnJ u .. . " 'eTfWW. . .u. u 'Tr " ' "-'"r-" Tha Utfte-UMmy riub of tnu city and Ul8 JtllVra C'lttb haro un- ntraMi Ilia .ubIm nf tlh u.irlli' nf - r,u" on,n Ura.Uiklag-lUatr vlrtory ' lhwm wUw te ..it. nu vrrjr niMir When praiKt for tur- t , nf ()f .jj, Council. atordiiiR to Mr. 0m a ii. i mr aiMx uicaiieiia aooui uio "laincr Wwn.Ii niul tho. oouotry and tha monay HU m ' r!vo:i tu nu limlllvitioti thai U wormy of II. AllCIlrt-l)A.hY, Tb (allowlni; la rllptmd from laat Botirn Btatoaman, i. , iriaiiti iMif nf ibla p'.cca " wr u. .-- . io aftvural cofitmiiuiuoa tnrouf(nou , aunday a Hour wauiaaian. mti . ad h n.f urgawt'nawl of a more ' upahlro. Muyor-olarl. la otio of Irmwelant" Kovornwaut oT Voncalla. j , umw "f" -tl all aoina.. '' brldn U tb daughlw of John D. Only lupt. .i. A.jCburflhUI. of Public ' PrWeiit ot Uio Klrat KaUoftnl Unnk iruction in UroKOii. not only lma t tbla Hty Tha young lady waa kViiiK tho matter coiiHldoration by h. A. IMtKHIDKNT Wlhli hi: iikahd in i.kctuiu: ... .......a.... I., ml . ,t-l I.IIU IIIFII- ... IllK IbiHH of Intcrimtlonul lO'rouiii I'olks. William II. Htout, tho noted lec- . f a a i air 1 . f I lu taik tt Hin Itlia Tlllttl tt .. .. . . . i.i a a ifi i vi'iiu in nui in iiiiiii v . il a i ....,...iL... id,. 1 1. rnutioiiul Lyceum and Clmutnuuu urwliiflnn Mr. S(nuf wuh UJiruil- IflllHI V fllHHIUl TirUHllIUIlL Ul 1 11 lit raiii in L'liiii ji i iiiii n iiil.ii iiuh iiiuiii- I.. a I. ..... .lirtf,.Hnt al.k nf l 11 I ... 1 1 n . r isrniii. inn ivruum uiiu vnau a. I I. .. l fAM t. i iiriiin i it i km piiiinii wiNiiiv. nil mi in a a 1 1 1 1 .. m I 1.. I. nn oi i no mum urn iiuiit iuuiuiui n . - 4 I.I A ,. I f . ! Il I ft li Iii aifilil Mitit Mwi llfn nf n iTnnt ! . .1, V ... .. ' of tho laf.t 8tronBholdH of tho an lu lllrn n illnmnntl Mint IR (Mil Ollt I , ' frontier, and iiuh all the proiiloniH t many fucotn, from any one of ' . , all, mill. nl mi liuiliillnit Alllinni'li II Iiuh tho beauty of tho Htoiio may ' " . . . i J i in iiv uiiivi in iiniiiviiii'iJ uiei it iiiuu 4 noon and apprec ated. hlfo it- .. . .. ... .1 ll...HA...t It'llltl.l. Illlll I IIVII 1,1111111 tllllllllJ ' ii oiKontla ly Iko tho diamond i ,. , , , ., . ., ., . tho rli'heat In th United Staten, pur- IH iiiiiir nun iiiu .iiitiiiiv n"t. ii.i, ... .. ... . .. .. ....... Minim It bus no railroad. For nomo j n .. I..., nniii.it ii in iru vfirui- v. I I .-. .... ........v ---- .... II-.... .1 I A.. , ... i itjHtiini ruiiruiitt iiii,iiitura itiiKi'i u I t) he Hfi.ji whole la like u land- ,..,, ... . '.limit in uijir (tin vt') iiuh iviliiiii town near tho Knmt Mnlhour InKe 9i Inair t ...... . ... .... ....... ...i Mm.. II.. m. I. -.-I.......! 1.... ri.ll.. - ru HiMt Marvlct from tfa wuat-; aiumnon. n i umna, wnam ruvi'',t Hinimw -uin """ . inn nr iht. Mtntti niul wlib ii oar- i motlwra nro abotlf id taka tha plwra 1 mitod that tho aldownllw mlitlit bo . . - . . nil vinr roil till worryiiiu over tlio pouey or tlio nowi in ""- mcm hihkiiii nu ouuur , At H, ,..... t li atl tvi t . at 3 .local Kovernmcnt. "Our oily council Hulitwl. Another point which hIio . .,,.,,..,, ,r ,,. , , ,, ,,vinck ThankaKlvliiK afternoon. th i.iniilti.xl in Moll llm "mtnlH f ill. liev. uiiniei jm. uoriinni, oimii' I eiillora'od the Veu I nuln but turn .writ-. 'r l thin county: ban been caroleHN and Inefficient for I Ktreniied wuh the need of enforcing tho hint fow yeam," aaya Mm. Mary hfl city ordinances Hurt, who Ih lo bo the chief exooutlvp. 'They are Kind to atop out and kIvo iih u chanco to hco what wo can do." KvoiiJohpo It. LiiHHWoll, tho prenent Mayor, hooiuh to tiKreo with thin vor hIoh of tho Kltiintlou for ho ban an nounced that bo nail tho other re tiring offlt'lalH will kIvo their nuppiirt lo the new ailmlnlntratlou. Mm. LampHblro of Huron naya that her election wuh "a completo Hur prlno," iih bIio wan not n ruudldato, Sho itdmltH, however, that there woro many woman amoiiK tho ardent sup portom who wrote In her name on tho bullot. Any one who baa Uio allKbtent knowlodgo of Huron can foronco that Itu woman oxecutlvo will find miiuy obHtaclon to overcomo. Hurns. tho county neat of llarnoy, tho InrgcHt county In tho ntato, Ih Tliu affalm of Youculla will ho In irnfe huiidn, JuiIkIiii; from tho fact that the oIIIcIiiIh chonen aro women of mat tiro yearn who have alwaVH nlinwn a keen Interent In rlvln and Hoclal arfiitr.1. Mayor Mary Hurt Ih a native dauKhler of OreKoii, a Kradiialo of Paclflo Unlvemlty, For cut Grovo.'Ore., cIiimh of '73. In her kind but roHoluto face one can trace ho mo of the heroic trallH of her plo;i oor mother, who came acronN the plalnn with tho flmt band of Imml KrantH In 184.1. Tho women elected to tho Council Include Mm. Johho LaHuwell, wife of a prominent bank- or; Mm, llernlce wilnon, a tencuen in tho local ncbool and wife of Yon calla'H Pontmanter; Mm. Nettle I Ian nan, wlfo of a retired farmer, and Mm. Edith ThompHon,' owner of largo property Intorostn and well-known clubwoman. pe,, iun nuiat find the hoiKlita, . , ..i i,,. u, n.,lluo.t Kiwervatlon. aitohh ilia doaort from ... . . ..... i.c;,.... JJono to Jiurns, or rrom vnio. to It! DW. II. IIIO hlVHt .w.v.. w. . .S. . . . . . .. mc-iuii or i aa Hiaati loou i ouo iv ins i inia of Uidaa lltlFe allpkara na Iha rni.i t. cnimui.lt nnrao wbo haa bean visit- Mr f,r"w" " f rahHti tin: -my rt'of the i-)unry. suloi?, w1r" fjrm ndjntnln town ,,u, m. hamr.-.nd into ihn hiw.u' and thin h will furnlnh to naKV iho nhoot ana u u nronjaca thH con un.tr nald fi r the i "it lint bsotiKht Mr. Vlokerw 2 ntn a ptmiid. made Iti'iulry at the lmal n'orna nnd fuiind the fofluAhiK pilcea pr O'n half iH'iir.d ii"t. citniitd eorn od'lwaf. 30 '-Kiita; M-ot (an ot roast beef. .40 coiita; 3V o run of dried 'boat. .10 r.M,t:i. So whan yi.it bti u half-pott !id ' in of cornoii Ix-cf. nr n U-o i in of roaat bf. y'"i ar- pay ll at tha tat of 80 ciit a pound fr, maul that edit th nt kor S roota liar paiiad. .Drffd baaf i out yon at iho mm of$Ki)l Nir pound. It U now pbifuly undaratood whv tho liar na'y county aloek groWar la bankrupt, wlille tha btR rWCtrara are million olren. DurlnK tha paat ymir Swift Si Co. have apaut IbnuMindn of ilollura ml vartlaing In tba uawapapum, aliowlut; fii:ttrc and atHtlitlcri to provo that the company maken Iohs than o no half cent profit on each pound of moat the uoll. A page ad, lu a newHpnper cannot convince uh that the pucker, who bought and canned Mn. Vlekem' cow did not get morif than one-half cont profit of tho il If oronco between 2 ocnlt and $ 1 .nr that you paid when you bought the pound of dried beef. To be Hiiro, the whole carcass ot the cow did not tmtko dried or corned beer, but to anyono'famlllar with the operation or a modern packing plant It In known that not u Hlnglo pound or tho 880 that UiIh cow weighed but what wuh UBcd in somo manner by tho packer, ror every part of an animal now Ih uhoiI, and there nro hundrodn or products turned out by a.-pucklng plant boHldes tho odlblo moat. Tho hide U mado into loather, tho hair Ib uhoiI fn plaster, the horns and hoofa aro mado Into gluo, tho bone are made Into buttotiH and animal chnrcoal; mora than a hundred modi cIiioh are made rrom dlfforent glands and parts of tho cow, ua pepsin, pan? beiillh;" Covenior lieu W. Olcott Iiuh heartily endomed tho halo and the work It maken ponHlhle. of Idaho, married MIhh Kunlco Mario Daly, daughter or Mr. and Mm. John 1). Daly, nnd Itaymond Percy Archer or Knit I. alio. Tho brldo woro a frock or brocaded cloth or nllver. mado on II In with regret wo learn that MIkh, the nlmpleHt Ilium. Sho wan envelop llda Hayes ban Hiilfered a nervoun ' ' v"" of fl,l"' u,Mu' "nHliiil breakdown following a nelgo of ln-;t ber hair with HprayH of orange riuenza and Ih required to renlgn hor ihoshoiiw. hiio carrieu nnuo roneH. piiHltlon lu tho public hcIiooI of thlHHor only attendant was her nlHter, city. Mlns UayoH Iiuh boon working M' Mliry mx w,l,) woru a r()HH too hurd of recent yearn and her t'olored georgette, Willi a bat or lace. phyHlclan has recommended complete Bko carried pink rones. Tho bride rent Tho young lady continued her sroom wuh attended by Frank David Htudlon In tho Normal nchool at o. Immediately arter the ceremony Monmouth Immediately following f"'tly '"'r wan held at the home her graduation from tho high nchool lu this city and lant numnior com pleted hor course by attending Hum or tho brldo'H parents. Mr. and Mm. Archer loft on tho afternoon train for Halt Lake, where they will bo at mor school. Hho nave ber ontlro en-' l"mu arter December Ifi. Tho brldo ery toward tho work or preparing i w"ro iravellng suit or blue trlco hemoir ror hor choHon prorcHslon and! H,rt ,)(ll,u 10 mutc, ....... .i I. .... ...... I. i ...... a It Ih a pHy nho miiHt glvo It up. al-,"" ''irri.m u. mumn rum. though It Ih only temporary.. MIsh Helen llyaii caught the boijuet. o FOUR GREAT AMERICANS FROLIC FOR A DAY i.e Whole," Mr. Stout wouvoh a . ...... i .... .......I i,.....i ..I... ll.lllllll uiiu nil iiiniii.aiiwii.il ini.' Mr. Stout la the next number on .... . . 1 1 . . ml. ma 111 II II IICUIU Ut, lllv iaa . w . - .. a mi. .. ..llnnlnf TlilA O II IIIIYT I lllirHllilV llYllllllIKi lUlll W ' o I.HKUT AIINOW HTIUKKH AHTKSIAN ri.OW j woinoI, 0ff,.uiB nnd hIio has yet lo County Agent McDanlelH brlngH., , tm..,.r ,)f m10 mnnciillno . 1- nHfiinuno llinf . ... "-a i uwiiiiitii. in iiuv miiiuiui i pivi lhort Altnow Iiuh recently HtrucK an , .. . . w Muyor of Hums, tilt) auto Htago follows a' way --really not a woad --winding an. a. Inglv and, Heemlugly, ondloHsly, to avoid Iho rou.il'. Inval ridge.! and al ways Hklrtlnt; the ever-prosint nago- brush and gioasowood. Mth. I.ampshlro hIiowr lur sagaci ty when Hho vuyu, "I have no plann to announce," for Ihoro an. no other .. 1... i. .... -in,. r nuiitn Tiriur nn iiim riini:ii tin ul n . r . .11 .I....... ....n..r 'I r. it nun iiur uuiiui.ti, nv .1. mi. I.. ... ir .ii,, nil . iiiii IlllflW lll.lllll. I hid iiii.j ...v.... - livntniminn 1 nf trrtiator flowr In that Iclnlty by going deeper. o BovornI of tha frlonda of William mi in v wi m ruiuuuiuui uu tutu nww y nlco boxes of flno nppIoB.. It Ih r. iiamey a oumum uutiii jui ... iako such glfta lo hlu friends. IJiiniH ban nomo very definite plans for civ lo bgttormont when alio nayn, "Tho biggest problom boforo tho now Council in that of llghtri, water and ho worn go." Improvements of thin sort demand heavy expenditures of raonoy perhaps not Justifiable In tho oyos of nomo of tboso hard-headed eattlo kings. And thoro you bavo tho problom in its ossontlal roalltlou as it confronts a woman Mayor in thlo moHt tyjilcally Wostorn of West- Ill mmmmmtm mm (;o.M.Mi:iu i.i. ciit'ii I KM'XTS OFI-'ICKHS , Tho annual mooting of the Hurns crontlii, beer extract, glycerine, vnu Cominerelul Club was hold hist night cluo, etc., and a has boon stated bo und now ollli'om were oleeted. I. y. rpr'o not a pound Is wasted, ror arter Geer was uuulo president, James evorylhlng cluo has been worked"" Lumpultlio tirvit vice preaiduut, Laou , overt'luto a Halahlo product tho ri M brown Huuoud vlou prosideut; H. , maindor Is dried out anil ground Id 11. Consul-, treasurer; Win, Farro a flny powd'er, dried again, sacked, Hoi rotary mid W! 10. llualon auditor. ' and sold aa blood meal. Htook' tonloj Seven tiunitcoa woro also nomin 1 ated They woro! Obll Shnlluilk, W. Y. King, If. M. Duncan, Joo Krum- Whon wo bear of auch men aa Henry Ford, (ho automobile mar vel, Thomaa Edison, the electrical wlcard; John Uurrougba, the great naturalltt, and Harvey S. Firestone, the groat rubber king, having a reunion, we naturally think of splendid hotela and a large city aa tha alta of their day-of-frolic together. Not ao, however, with them, for the one day that they Bet aalde each year la aaeat In the country. This year they all reported at Yatna Varna Ina.at Napa noch, N, Y... where they cast asldo all formalities and cares; forgot that they are really great mon and romped la frolio like ao uauy boys. Thoy indulged In woodspllttlng contests, telling y v tho Jlrcaldo and being Just plain boys ouco moro. f IioIk, Homer Heed, Sam Mothemhuud, Waldo door, The most Important matter up for dlHCiission at tho mooting hint night was the proposition to got behind our legislators in asking for an incroaao lu tlo appropriation for tho Haruoy J county, Exporimont Station A letter I from Extension Service Dlroctor Jur j dluu to Supt. Shattuolc was read In which hu asked that tho cUIkoub of tho county Justiry tho request Tor an Increased appropriation lu keeping Willi its groator uononts una mo im portance of tho work which covers Hiioh an Immouso torrltory. Tho sub Joct mot with unanlmouR approval of thoso presont and will bavo tho attontlon of a' committee appointed to draft u memorial to tho legisla ture sotting forth tho necessity of lucroauad support. and animal fertlllxor, at many 1 1 meal (ho origluul 1! rent price that paid for this cow. was, Tho whole trouble Is Mr. Vlckers. did not got his share of tho vuluo of tho animal, nor for tho other 25 bend of cows for which ho receolved 5 -i cents a pound on the Portland mar ket. And oh long as this stntu of af fairs exists, tho Htockman who con tlnuos to ralHo beef will continue on tho odgo of bankruptcy or will havo to quit his old occupation of stock raising. Trices or boot and boot pro duct aro high enough, but tho price paid ror hoof animals Is too low la proportion. Crano. Amorlcan. Ilov. John 11, WlohoraoH la. enjoying a vIbU from- hla brothqr, Harry, who orrlvod tha othor day Is going to Lakovlow, whoro bo will bo in cbargo of a ohurou for the wlnlor.