THI1 TtMKtf-KUKAM RIRN0, Kl ROT 0 f M J' t , ORKflOff A(3UI(UII,TUIUHTS OUT OfT ')H0AN1AT10N Tltll' Mr. and Mrn. Joo Olnrk and tholr hoiih wora down from tholr komu noun Hurnor 611 Thanksgiving: to tuko 1.. .1... .1........ ...... ..... 1 111 Will llltlltll tlllU TIMII TTIlll rUIWllTUU County Agent MolMnlola and Sunt, j at,il rfhiiuln. Sknttuck uf t ho Hxpurluuuit titation Al.-.l- .1 .. 1 .1 Mil 1 ........ iuuk Liiuir iiiiiiurLiirii i.iiurNiiiir iiiiirri-i liiK for Fields where ,tiW uttondod N(,T,(,,C ,i HHHI!.'F'H HAKH UN. HI gathering of tub fur mom nud!,'m W"KCM)SUM EXECUTION utockmon of that tiny night to further of a Kurin llurouu mooting thorn boforo durum the ounou 11 ud It hud boon nxpcclod that Mr. Ilallurd would again bo proHont to take pnrt In tho mooting but ho wah onllod to another part of tho state on bUBluoflH connected with hi official duties. Mr. MoDuiiIoIh took hli btortop I Icon lamp with hi 111 and had a big lot of alldoii of stock and ItitmxiittlnK ns woll iirt Instructive farm viowh to exhibit. Tho people of tho Trout Crook country, D011I0 nml Audruwa hnvo tbb runners and "T. . naimjuthw country on Ilium. ,N TUK COUIIT OF THE Brtlm organisation 0!T0N F0U " Thoto had boon ..C0"NTV..01 HARNEY. inn rirai wnuonui Hunk of llurmi, Oregon, a National Hanking cor. poratlou, PUtutlff. TV. MILTON, 8. HAIX, Defendant. UK IT KNOWN that undor and by lrtuo of an EXECUTION order Ibhu od by tho Clork of tho abovo ontltlcd Court on tho 20th day of Novomhor, 1920, upon tho foroclOHiiro of a mor tgage Hon halted out of tho nhovo entitled .Court tind ciiuho, wherein all Joined In an organization for tho ! ?' ii1 nM of 1,,,r,IB' w. unuii, 1. .11.111111111 iiiiiiKiiiK torpor. ntlnii, wiih plaintiff and Milton S. 1 1 itorniont of tholr respective coin munltlco In Dim way of agriculture and stock ruining and this mooting w a to coinploto tho organisation, Thanksgiving day was observed tiulotly In thlH city hy homo gather ing which niottul big turkoy illinium and good clioor. Families got to gelhcr on Thanksgiving that never do on any othor day during tho year. At such a tlnio thoy dlscusa mutters' of Intoroxt to tholp liuuiodlato affairs an woll an tho coiuintiulty. It Im ,1 good tlmo from whl'Mi lo mark greater nclilovoinontH for Iho coming year, Harnoy county Im not prosper ing us In former daH, not from lack of production, 114 wo have groat herds of cattlo, flock after flock of hhoop. poultry, flno crops and wen'th- or conditions most favorahlo; hut It. Hall watt dofoudant and dourco of foreclosure wan ontorod thoroln on tho 13th day of Octobnr, 1020, and recorded In Vol. F Circuit Court Journal, pstgo 2!l I. I AM COMMAND RO TO 8EM, tho followliiK doHcrlb od roal property Httuafod In Huruuy County, Oregon, towlt! . Tho Bouthoant tjuartor of North, oast quarter (HR NH Vi ) Section Thlrtyono (31), South half of NorthwoHt (limrtor (HMNYVM) HouthwoHt quarter of NirlhoaHt tiunrtor (H'NE, ). Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter (NWViSRU ) North half of South went quartor (NViSWli) and SoutheiiHt quarter of Houlhwost quarter . (HR 8V ) Section Thirty two (32) Towimhlp Twenty three (23) South, HniiKo Twenty five (25) Rant Willamette Merid ian M lmply tho reflex of war tlmo. Mar-1 Kot condltlomt aro not favorahlo to i tho proceed of nuch wilo to annlv fh t.roducln wo have to iIIhpohu of.0n Iho coitN of Male and upon tho therefore we miiHt hoar our mlafor-. fjnWK j,,dninent entere.l thfirlii, 1 jiie a did the Pilgrim father up- to.wlt: n l.indliiK. Thoy found tiling to, yw t,0 principal niiiii of Four ). thankful for and Hlarled the en. ! Hundred dollars with IntoroHt m. and we follow U In letter and1 .'ft when wit rwturn IIiuiiUm to thoi lin'tfhlv for hi RoodneM. Movt of! lit had a Kood dluuar and wlillo wo are not ho proporou thiro are few ;) need III thin country. throu until paid at the rate of ton per cunt per annum from Auk unt 28th, 1911). oM'npi a credit tlntroou of (20.00 paid March 3, 1020. and for the furtliHr hiiiii of 5f0.00 attorney!! foe, and for tho The Next Ellison-White Lyceum Number ' The Mozart Ladies Quartet Will be given at the Liberty next Saturday Night, Nov. 27 Tli. Mozarta prosont n program of iinuriual Inter-jat. Vocal and liiMtrumoutnl quartutH, tocother with continue uumhoru, roadliiKU trio. Ho1oaiiid duota aro k' von moHt nrtlHllcally. Soni.. Koatrt nro avallahlo for hIiirIo cdmlflHloii nt $1.00, You may yet Hccuru a bouhou tlcltot for tho Hrlo . of Lyceum iiumhorH by applying to Julian Ilyrd. Thero are flvo more mini I'Mth In the couruo. Huniion tlckota aro J2.70 and aro traiiHfor 4t V 9 l Why make a question mark of yourself seven days a week? Get on our subscription list and we'll tell you the whole story and all of the stories S2 weeks in the year. Even the Wisest of men can't know it all without reading the home paper. The Times-Herald coittH and dlHburflOtnotitu of thin uult, tiuod'at 911.20, NOTICH IB HRlllCUr OIVRN that on MONDAY tho twentieth day of Oocotnber, 1920, ut ton o'clook A. M. of that day nt tho front door of tho Court Houiio at DUrnn, Harnoy County, OroKon, I will In obedience to HRld execution and decroo nforo mild, noil the foroRoltiR dohcrlbod ronl orttate, or ho milch thereof an may bo ncconnary, to nattnfy' thn,contii of thin mIb and tho aald Judnraont of plain tiff hfrelnboforo doacnlbod, with In terent and contH thoroon, to tho hlRhoflt and boat blddor for cnah In hand In Cold coin of tho United Statofl. Dated this 20th day of Notombor, 1920. A. W. GOODMAN, BherlfT. By PLATT KANDALL Deputy NOTICK OP HIIKItfFK'H HALK UN DRH nmKCI.OMUUR WXI2CUTION IN TIIIO CIltCl'IT OOUUT OK THR HTATR OR OltRUON KOIt TUB COUNTY OR HAltNRY Tho Union Central Mfn IiiHiirance Company, a corporation, Plnlnllrf. VH. William R. Holme and Jennie Holme, Defendant. 11R IT IvNOWN that under and by Ylrtuu of an RXRCUTION order iHHtied by the Clerk of J lie nhovo en titled Court upon tho 201 li day of November, 1920 upon tho foreclOHiiro of a morticage Hen Inxucd out of the nhovo entitled Court and cauite wherein Tho Union Central Mfo In Huranco Comimny, a corporation, wan" plaintiff and William R. Holmeti and Jennie Holme were defendant and decree waa entered thereon on tho 2 ltd day of AiiKuyt, 1920 and record ed In Vol. R Circuit Court Journal. p;u;o 200. I am commanded to ell the following described real property Hltuatitd In Harney County, Orcein, to-wit: l.lil T(i-- ' l. Northoaat quarter or tliH BouHiWiiHl iiuartul (Ni:, SWVi ), North half of the Houtliouwt quarter. (N 'tMIC'4 ). and tho North eait quartor (NR'i) all In Section Thirty (30) Towimhlp Twnutytwo (22) South, ItaiiRO Thlrty-three Raul of Willamette Meridian, the proceed of audi Hate to apply on the cent of mile and upon the follow ing .liiduinoul, to-wlt: For the principal uiu of Twelve hunderd Dollar, together with In- tir"t theroii nt the rate of ten pir cent jr n "en in from AukuI 1.J919 Miitll imld: for the further Mini of one hundred twenty dollar tootlier I with Interest thorenn ut ton per ('"lit per neiiuui from AiiruhI 1. 1918 nil til paid; for tho further um or One hundred twenty dollara toRflthor with Interoat at ton por cent per annum from Atik'UHt lat, 1919 until paid; for 1 - further hiiiii of S-H.G3 laxe iidvanrwl for tho year 1910. with Intarosl thareon r s m fr pnr an''UM frnui Fed. 38. 19121 until paid: r the further turn or $33.31 taxoj advanced for tho year 1917 to nuthor with liiUTtMt thareon from A uk. 31. 1919. until paid; for the further aum of $120.00 attorney feu, and for the roata and dUhiire mout. NOTICR IK HRItRIlY CIVRN that on MONDAY the twontleth day of DecemliMr. A. I). 1920, at ton o'clock A. M. of Hint day nt tho door of tho Countv Court Houso Jn llurn. Hnr ney County, Oregon, I will In ohod lonco or hucIi Rxecutlon and Decroo nroreaald, aejl tho abovo deHcrlhod real property, or ho much theroor aa may be noceiHary to natlHry tho cnata or thin alu and tho plalutirfa iiuld JudKtnont horolnbororo doacrlh. ud with httorost thereon, to tho IiIkI). out nod bout bidder for caah In hand In Kold coin or the United Btatoa. Dated thla 20th day or Novomhor, 1920. A. W. OOODMAN, Bhorlff, Ily r'.A'lT HANDAIjL, Deputy. NOTICR OP 8AIK AN APPKAIj, Tho Tlmcn-Horald hnultatOH to rIvo aomo plain facta concerning Itn homo I pooplo, mi It conaldoru family nfralra Hhould bo taken care of nt homo with out tho entire public boltiR burdened with "family Jam," hut the fact or tho matter la our bualueuu men aro not iIoIiik rlicht toward the commer cial club und Ita nctlvltlcH,, There In a Inck or lutorent that reully an nutn Ita Rood Inriuenco. The oran Itatlon dooa not properly function and all bocnuno the real bualneaa In- toreata do not net In lino and nmiumo Itn propor duty. Homo or tho InrRoat taxpoyoni and bunlnonn concorna of tho town hnvo tho leant to do with tho affair of tho club, Thoy pay in money toward Ita upkeep hut that doonn't ro far It In not Inck or flit anclnl nupport that la teaponalhtu ror tho laiiKUlahltiK or tho club aotlvl- tloen. hut luck uf tuiriinhul unit tmiriil pupporl or IIioho who ahoitld bo In tho front In any public work. A mootliiR I called for next Friday nlKlit for the purpoHii or elncthiK a now aet or olllcora. Thero la abno lately no imo oloctliiK unleaa tho IiuhIuoh men or tho town make up their mind to rIvo thorn active nupport. There I nlmolutoly no uho of a few public aplrlted men takliiK tho redponalhlllty of keepliiK tho or Kaiilatlon alive at a aecrlflcu to their tlmo and private attaint wiien It la moro'henerit to iIioho who atay away and crltlclie. ir ltw lan't n'orth the peraonal attention or tho larh'or IiuhI noHH interuHtu wo Juat an well let tho club ko out or oxliiteuco. The Tlmen-Herald rcKrola to make the iiHHertlon that nomo or tho lcad I n K fllliuiiH or HuniM room ao Holfcoii terod that they aro or no uho to tholr noolKhhor. They "pitH t Ao .buck" every tlmo. Thoy call anything or a public nature "your commercial club," "youn fair" or whatever lu under dlaciiHHlou. The mimu man tnko no ntelvo lutorent In the ttehnoU, the churchen, amiiMumuula or tho yoimi: people, lvo no ancourtKomeiil to athhdlea; hoiiio of thorn neud away for c.ooila they do not keep on tholr own nholvooH, jlvo tho local paper monger or no nupport and oxpeot It to devote Ija euerKlea In trylm; to hIiow (he huyliiK public tho mlatako lu not b i.vhiR at home. Tho I'uiurw of the town dnpenda U on whether, thexo men ehntiKO their mutliod and take an lutorent lu llm welfaro of the community. Thoy otvo certain obllKatlotis to their commun ity and Hhould ho made to live up to them. .lUMl hovliuiie thero aeeuu. to bo notbliiK particular accomplished uh rapidly ai they think Hhould bo la no reaHon that an orKiiuUatlou la of no uho. Wo hui;uu tho ngKltatlon or tho Silvio Irrigation project koiiio twenty or moro yearn ago, hut wo haven't quit trying ror It yot. Tho nine la (ruu or railroad extoualon, miv mlllu ,tml other hucIi outerprlriun. U liaa comu to a time whnu tho property owner und la rue bUHluvna coiicerna iinifd take their place III the lino or proKroHMlou If lliirn I to ;o ahead Town-, that accompllHli thliiK have the hiitiiiHH iiwn right e nd-Burns Stage Company Schedule to Take Effect Novembsr 16 Stage leaves Bend for Burns: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Stage leaves Burns for Bend: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday Bend-Burns Stage Company H. R. Schanno, Wetley Hill, Wm. Fraier, Proprietor 4 Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the New Royal Cook Book OUGJINUTS! Tlirre U notliiiii! more wholesome and dcl!(htful than doiich iiutu or crullers rightly n.aUc. Dounhmits n tnlitoNpnniiH aliorlcinlnc cup nucur I ck: .t ciii milk 1 ti'itnT.'"H, fo'ttn!!! 1 C IMU'XIll (.Hit 3 cepH Hour 4 tea ii 'toyal JJui.Iik; I'uwtlcr Crtr.m rboftoiilnr! add ner;nr nml wi'll-lK'titi'ii rtsKl ntlr In inllK; aild nut iuck', alt. Hour nml mkr Uit (wilrr whlnli luv liocn Airted nmtlii r nnil noit:li ndiPtieu'd Hour n I n ii Id) ilouali it.iT iinetrli In roll. Holt otlt i ii f ir. .1 l(IHHl t( (l)K.'lt - M ilnih; rut on' i "v In fltt b ! " t1 1iioii u rkr t iirvttd In CO )Mln 'in- rlnwl I'iumt mtu neimlclo villi iKovaviwi tutn-i. Crullers 4 i!ln;!onn ahartonlni; 1 oupieiKnr SrtritN n rup.t llpor 1 t. iiRMiri rlnnntnon U t ax pool I unit .1 1 ai!mi ltoysl luihlinr iNiwUnr ';, cup milk CrriMl lihortrnln?: fidd ' i.unnr rmilnnltv mil b0t n t'Kx: Hift tniMtlnr liner, clntminnn, will a;il Imkintr Miwdnri mid fin Imlf nml mix well- nud intllt nnil rrmnlmr of dry lni:rnliwit to mix i rt ilotiRh. Itoll out nit I inrsl ' "iril t-i n'-ot t-li-fii IhlcK nml it tm ctrioii niiut A 'ncli' U nit nr t Vj lli"!! Willi , r-ll In I ml nml t wltl fHl rtrp nml lrlinf ii'' ' ('.iii,.r 'ry in droe lint rut Drum nml roll In pnwdorrd fii(Hr 9 EAKINCr POWDEE Made from Craam of Tnrlnr, derived from jjrapjj. FREE Vrw TJ: it Cnul. JlnoU r lalnit.v 'tr" mil '.ip-i ihr il..'rh"l rwrliv. ri. (iii- It TOM.VV jiovai. itAKixii twiwnr.ur a In tho front rank and actively ncrv Iiik on commltteeM or olllcerti of live ort'anUiUloiiH. o .MOTH KHS t'MJII ItAlili SlTfKSS The annual ThankKlvlUK hall lv eii by tho Mother Club of thl city -viih tho uutial Hticcc'HM thl year. In addition to the dance the ladlea orv ed punch and nlo a lumiieun Uf i nudwIchoH, cake, coffee, et in an iidJoluliiK room Iti tho Tonawim.i "iibJIiiK. Thl proved a popular In povatlon and wat alo proflt!tlilc for Ltlr ladle. Tho .Madiera Club ha porxlstontly kept nt It object for year and hi Kradually coming to a realization or ita hope. Tho club own somo valu able Krnuud and hy navliiK Binnll umouutH from tfmo to tlmo tho club will eventually have a club house and play KroundH for tho children of Kuril. If tho htiiiluori men of Ilurna wore aa perwlHtoiit und cooporntlvo we would be bettor oh In othor ro upoct. Thoy Bhould take a losson iroin the MntluTK (Mub. IN THK COUNTV COURT OF TUB BTATH OP OUEaON FOR HAR NEY COUNTY. In tho mnttor of tho oHtaH of Honry Ilolkon, decoaned. NOTICE It? HEREnY OIVEN that undor aud hy vlrtuo of an order of Halo mado by thla Court on tho 20th day of Novomhor, 1020, In tho mat ter of tho oHtato of Honry Rolkon, deceaiied, tho undorfllgnod adminis trator of tho Bald OHtato will Boll at prlvato bbIo to thd hlghOBt blddor for cash In hand and nubjoct to tho Con ciliation or thU Court, on nnd nrtor tho 20th day or Docomhor, 1920, nil or tho ronl property holonglnB to tho OHtato or Honry Ilolkon, doconHod and doncrlbod as rollown, to-wlt: I.otH throo and four, tho flpWW NV4SV4, and tho WVjSE'A of boc llon n, Twp. 27 S. Rnngo 35 E. W. M. contnlnluK 320.31 acroa moro or Iobb, O. E, THOMPSON, ' AdmlnlBtrator of tho ostnto of Honry Ilolkon, doconHod, How Ford Prices Are Possible THE fW'VPHSAr at Slnco Ford waRea aro not roduct A (and tho mlnlrauia Ford wogo la ICOO per day) and raw matorlalB nro still on a high price bOBls, how la tho Ford cut to a pro-war prlco made POBalhlol Mr. Ford aaya, "It Ih not ao mucb tho coat of tho raw material or of labor which flxoa tho prlco of our fin product. It la how that raw material U luuidletl und what that la prtMluce." Ford proflta all jo hack Into lue roaHoa oincloucy orplant equipment coal aud Iron mlnoH und a Ford ow i1 railroad to haul tho orea; a new hlaat rurnaco to amelt the Iron; now etllcloncy machinery an I conveyor ayatoma for handling materials, Ford cuts tho prlco flmt and tho n hy IncreiiMrd etllclency and nddl tlonal economlea from tho purehaao of raw materials to tho loading of the fluhdied product lowora eoata throughout tho plant to a baals which make that low prlco poaalhlo. The entire energy aud olllcloncy of tho Ford Motor gethor with tho profltu oach year, aro all working for your bonoflt to produco tho Ford car at tho lowoat possible prlco to tho euatomor, , I'roaout prlcea aro p'osalblo only bocaiiBO ot thla policy and a produc tion it over 1,000,000 chaaala of ono standard model, New 1020 Prlcea 1UM1U15 l'rlccs ChasalB (Htarton $70.00 additional) $300.00 $410.00 (without atartor) UunabouKHtavter $70,00 additional) 395.00 Touring (atartor $70.00 additional) 4 40.00 Sedan, with atnrtor 795.00 U6upo' with atartor 74C.00 All Abovo 1'rlcoa F. O. H. 440.00 (without atartor) 490.00 (without atartor) 975.00 (without starter) 750.00 (without Btartor) Detroit . Tho present Ford cara aro tho boat tho Ford Motor Company over made. Tho price is holow tho 1911 basis, (let your i-'oru car now. BURNS GARAGE "Every Oregon Driver Noeda A Ford Sodau"