Tign two fllH T I M K H - It m It A It D OOUNfV, RHaON II U K N , HARNMT ftattirtty, tfoinmhrr 7, Its, JOUN'l'IIM WITH I1AUM AtJHNlU IN Vll HVAtm MAJLM UHMT HltOWW Tfcoaa ooaatfa of Oregon wkloh ava coMiity agoutu and farm bureau ro cortala to make greater agricul tural progress and bring mora proa parity ta their farmers than thoso which fearo neglected thlu flotd of on rfoarer. A. groat advance haa bona wrula in kuowledga of bow to operate lnn bureau or mauago a county an imt's office no an to got tho mast num of practical bonuflt to thu coun ty. Tho old notion that ono county agent was a wort of know it nit Hinar,t .Alec Iiifltructor of practical farmers how to farm theoretically Im oxplod o(I. Tho county AKont lu now a sort of errand boy for tho bout farniorH if tho county anil for tho bout prac tical farming methods reported from other couutltm, no tho information uk to how tho boHt practical farmers ran ho Hproud around. I Iu nlno Ih a sort ofa chief clerk to holji the farm tTH nuonu to u lot or imimiiohh co operatively. Also ho Ih a sort of a jtcorntnry Tor tho main farm orgaul tttlon of tho comity, the Kami Hureau, fluaucod and run by tho progroHHlvo farmorn thctUHolvun. Also Ik a sort of a handy man who In called on for all manner of, lawful services by practical furuioru. Incl dantly he Ih a Oodsund to tho new comer, or tho uovico, who noroly iiimmIh to ho put In touch with hoii nlblo farmliiK practice ho hh to Have hlmxoir from the crudest kind of mistaken ami unnocosnary'loHHON. No bother Investment' In made by tho taxiwyow of any county than the wlmro It pay of tho'HaWy and ox iwiinu of a ijualifleiircounty agent. There are now only eight counties In tho Htnto of Oregon thnt now have neither county agent or farm bureau. Grant county Ih one of, the eight, but tho county court Iiiih 'Included In the budgut this year tho num of .$2700 to dorruy" tho expenson of a county agunt Oregon Voter o OWPKItATIVlU' MILK .'lO',AT pkovks .strricssi vi, is pa. With the UHslntauco of tho Dairy DlvMloti of tho United Hlate I).)- jmrtment of Agriculture, of Agriculture, tho dalrv- men In Dubois. 'Ph.. ro conducting a winiraUvo mllk-llstrlHlftiig,nlniit Willi decided nurd). As the owners are primarily produuem and uufusnll lur with the IiusIiiohm 'of mlllt dl trlbutlon, tho Dairy Division keeiw In touch with tho work being done, and mlvlitoH thu Hlookholdor'ri In regard to tho management of the huHluorH. airnllar aHlHtancft Ih given to other organlrutloiiH. whether cooperatively or privately owned, whenever ro quoACud. The price whluh the fnrniorn :i for their, product Im diitermliUKl by dlvld Wig the net rwvlpta from mi of milk, after deduction for operating xpuutMM and sinking fund, among tho fKrmnrM Iu proportion to the najoiint and (tuallty of milk lUv Jmvo r-onpoi'tlvely brought to thu plant. .Starting In July. 10 17. with a liiitlniMM of only 800 tuurt they are now haudlluir over 2.000 o,unrt dally and have huen paying romarkably ood prlocx to the membora. The en hanced profltH worn not the result of high uhargoa to coiiHUmera, but of iconomlort brought about by coopera tion. hucIi an reducing the number or delivery wagomt. The cooperation of producer in one cohotii Iiiih ahio iiuabled them better to handle the ' ; . . i problONU of HiirpliiH and Hhortnge of milk. Tho riupply Iiiih been kept ade quate to tho demand; and at tho name llino the quality ban been more uniformly HatlHfnctory than formerly. SIiM-4) luHt February tho price al lowed for any particular milk Iiiih Inson 'bKHed on Hh hutter-fat content. All milk Ih oxpoctod to have at leant :.'Q per cent of fat, and for thlw milk tho in I n I id it rn price Ih paid. For nvory one-tenth of 1 per cent or fat above tho .1.25 there Ih an additional Allowance of 4 conta per iuuden wolght. Tho Dlntrlct or Oregon lloadquart trH U, B, Marino Corpn Iiiih received tho Victory Modaln for dlHtrlbutlon among all Kx-Marlmm In the Htato. All that Ih necoHHary to uoouro thU beautiful omblom of Victory which ovory man who Horvod with tho Mar inen during tho war js ontltlod to, In to mail your diHchurgo certificate by registered mall to the U. B. Mar ino Itecrultiug Station, 3n & Aider StH., Portland, Oregon, and your dis charge will bo Immediately relitruod to you accompanied by your model. Tho dlnchargo certificate ntiiHt bo en lnrm)d by thin ofrce In ordor for mod ul to bo awarded. Thin olllco Iiiih a medal for ovorv Kx-Marlno Iu Oregon, apd tho hooimt thoy Hotid In their dlmjhargeH, the iHooriur Ihuy will receive tho modalH, 10. H. Ilummoud, Ouptalu, USMC. In Ohurgo Dlut. of Portland, Portluud, Oregon, DON'T MAKH MAUTYIIH OK TIltfM, IWLKHt The rocont oloctlou proved beyond 11 doubt that tho revolutionaries, Uohtherlnta and all others who haro been chomlng at civil war in the Unltod State and tho overthrow of our government, didn't got Tory far with tho mass of tho Amurloau poo pie. Thoy haro made great apraar for two yoars, but when It oataa to the point of allowing us tfany had uome powor, thoy wore loitt In tho do logo of votes thnt wnro east without any thought of thorn. You would haro oxpoctod that good-nnturod, personally popular but mistaken 'Gone I)ob, tioolallst can dldnto for pronltlont, would haro got ten a very targe vote an u matyr, but IiIh comparatively Hinatl Increatio wan due to thu normal lucreanu In tho total vote. And Merger, tho cnarne, blatant revolutionary from Mllwau kee, iiIho went down to defeat aftor a throo-yours' campaign to get Into CongrcHH. Tho American people are not tak ing ordcrn from IliiHnla not even tiugge.itliiiiH.. Now that we know that the heart of the plain people Iiiih not been cor rupted by tho civil wnrlntH, tlolnhe vIhIh, terrorlntH and aiiarchlNtH, tho time hay arrived to take revolution arleH HcrlouHly only when It Ih nocos nary. If thoy violate our lawn by cohsplracy or therwlnu, carry the law Into effect against them Mternly. If they try terror, hucIi iih thu Wall Ht explosion, hang them when they have been given it lawful trial and duly found guilty. Hut when they do nothing but talk give them the laugh and let them tulk their fool heads off. Don't make martyr of them more ly because they have a lluu of con vocation In their cheats that Insists on getting out. Kvon thu worst doctrine can he madu great by tho denial of free speech. o KIDS WITH TIIK KIDS The children In a certain homo wo 1 might mention Huldom gel lonoHopiu. j They havo little denlre for tho aban don of thu Htreet, which Ih ho dear to moHt children of their ago. Hut there Ih a roanou. In their hotii of relaxation tho pttreiitu forgot thu yearn that havu ilown and cull up the day of their own childhood. They enter Into nportn with their children, und lake an Interest In thoHe thlngH which' pleanu thu little OIIOK lllOHt. They are comradei iih well hh par eutH. and lHefaUHU thuy.nru nuch the child doon nut find It ncCoHHary to drift away from home In nearch of enjoyment. ' Til Im training policy of thu pnrentH has lla heiioflclal rtMiilta In two wuyH. ThroiiKh conatMiit Intimate con tact their own aupurlor knowledge Ih gradually Impartud to the children each day In a maimer a child can rwudlly tiuduretaiid. And It keepH thu freahniHHi of youth In their own mature hmirtM. For, afton nil, people aro only iih old un tlmy fuel. iimui: and Tiii.iti: Voung man, If you have a good Job In the country, hang onto It. It you want to walk the ntruetH week after weuk In a frultloHK Hourch for work, go to one or thu big cHIoh. Newnpupern aro not parading tho ruct, but thoHO who uuilerntiind con dltloiiH In the lurgo cities can tell you thnt, omployern are luylng off their help' In Increiinlug numborri overy duy and thu end Ih nowhere In night. A good country Job Iiiih many at tractloun. . The urmy of tho unemployed has none. Yoh, wo Junt knew tlio womon could adapt thomnelven to clrcum Htancen. Thoru wasn't oven a pow der puff provided for thu Htutfy old voting boothH and yet tho dear thlngH mulled Hwootly through It all. We, too, aro becoming a llttlo roHt Iohh. Wo want a Job that Ih all pay and no work, Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here I TlMHIiY I AUM 1IINTH (lVoa Dopartinout im? Ittduatrlal JoiuiiiUIhiii Oregon AfricultMr al Oollrg) Solla, O. A. 0. Twice aa much nitrate la contained iu ground which haa beau worked woll a In ground that hiui not boon worked properly. Tula waa proVou by aa experlmont conducted by the Bhoraau coanty branch aUtlon which ended on Hoo- tembor 1, Tho tost waa with land In 1 autnmor fallow, and It was found that all regotatlon must be kept down to got tho boHt roHUlte. rarra urop, u. a. u. uroy win - tor oatn will stand later, planting than wheat or barloy, and on floldn nplrlt In him. where planting Ih cotiHldorably delay-, And In It not dlrlno to ho oiiIIiuIhI oil bettor roHiiltn will be obtained nntlc7 Faith divine itiovoh moun from grey oatn than from any other tnitiH and no doim unthulHliiHUi. Hut coroal. j how fow of uh realize It. Indeed, Farm Mechanlcn, O. A. C Itndla- tho editor of thin nowiipapor IndloveH torn may freeze even In early fall weather and caiiHu much trouble and delay. Tho Hnfimt way in to drain the radiator In tho evening and In the morning again rill It tip with warm water to help Iu ntartlng. Ilaetorlology, 0. A. C Many Hiim plirn of contaminated drinking water from wuIIh In the iitalo are being re ceived by (IiIh department. Bee that tho wuIIh aro Iu nuch a place (hat they aro not subject to any Houpugo .1... V.. .. - a. irum wm mini oi iiiiiiioiines, nay Hiife by Houdlng a Hiunplo or the water to tho ucafoHt laboratory iitu- Hon to have tented for bacteria. Thin may mivo a large doctor bill. o "ASTONISHING" SAYS ROBERTS After Timi Veart Of Huir-iliig In Again Well Mining- PraNcH TtMilnc III "To feel well and ntrong after mirroring constantly for ten yearrla a happy experience, and I am Indebt ed to Teniae .for this iiHtonlHhlug change In my condition." said J. ('. Holitintn, of Mllwaukow, Orugou, In a ' recent lutonlow. "During all tluwo years my nppe- tlto wan poor and my sloiutieh wan no badly (Unordered that there were vuiy fow thlngH I dared oat. and what I did out seemed to do me harm luatuud df good. I finally got to where I actually dreaded to cat am thing, for utter mealn I wan minor able for bourn. I bloated up with gau and -hurt ho I couldn't stand my belt around my waist. These palnn annoyed me enpeclally at night, and I woke up In the morning reeling no bad I could hardly straighten up. I could Holdoui ever get a good nlght'n rent on account or my kldueyH, and I often had nuch hluirp paliiH In my back that I could hardly stand them "No one neouied to understand my case, and I took so much medicine It looked like I would buy nut the ilrugatorM, but nothing gave me more limit temporary relief. I wan Just I about at the end or my row when I Htarlud taking Teniae, but by the time 1 had taken two bottlim I felt a wonderful Improvement. I have now taken nix bottlim and my moiii aeh and kliltieyn'aru Iu fine condition and 1 reel .hotter than In yearn. All that trouble from gu, paliiH In the back and stomach, wakerulnesn and woakuoHH have loft mo completely. I am ho grateful to Teniae for the re Monition of my health that 1 can hardly think of wordn Htrong enough to exproHH my foollugn." ' Tanlac Ih sold In Hums by Hood IlrothurH, und In Crane by Crano Mercantile Co. Adv. Thin world In Hill or people who believe In the fifty-fifty game. Thoy want tho first fifty In advance and thu other on dollvery. o ThU country hnu produced hoiuo great workH of friction In puut yearn, but nothing to compare with that In dulged In by city inorchuntn Iu "ex plaining" their reduction In prlcun, An admiral ban boon chonun regent of Greece, and horo'n hoping ho con tinuuH to flout, WH HANM43 MKAT8 of choice grades only, What ovor you buy horo you'll find tondor and tontliRome. You may think that choice quality moauH higher coat. I low thoroughly mlatakon you aro will bo proven with your first ordor. o. W. OAHII MAHKKT liKI'H AI.Ij 1'IIT A LlTTfjIiH KNTIUJHIAHM Why la It that tho young men of tho farm and tho rural town loan lntoroat In their environment and tramp off to tho oily to bo lot nlne-tontba of thorn In a whirlpool of oblivion? In our opinion tho raaoon llos largely In tho abaonco of KNTHU3I ABM, one of the groatoat words In language, no matter what tonguo It la apoken la, Perhapa you haro for gotten bow tho word wiih made. "Kit . thunlanm" came from tho Greek womIh- "on" for In, and "IIiooh" for Hod. When a man tho OreekH nald ho wnu had "on thooa" tho dlvfno that our rural commtiultloH uuod row thlugii iih much or iih iierloiiHly ut uuthuidiinm. HulhUHlaHin for our' work, no mutter what that work Ih; ' outhiiHlaMui for the human people! who Hurrund uh; outhunhiHnf for our I community and Hh Intercut, varloun and Mtindry; euthiiHliiHm for all thlngH of life and for life itnelf. There Ih hardly one of uh who ban I not the capacity for entliUHliiHtn. Thu trnublo Ih that wo do not cultivate It .... Don't bo a bump on a log. Try n llttlo eiitlniiiliuni. Develop It and , you will not only bo more mid nm-n j of a Huccens Iu your niche, you will not only be n Joy to ull the people ? round you, but you will bo totallv etirp'txi'd with yournoir and iiIho ttvurl.njtlngly plo.iH'nl V. Hh youmoir. ir we over have another war wo won't need an urmy. Wo have enough speed manlacn In thin coun try to rldo right over and extermin ate any enemy-Just an they do old people and little children. Now lot'n all Join the lean" party. 'Oood Amor- Have your watch overhauled. .Start the old clock to licking, get. that old piece or Jewelry In wcarle? order. Have your eye-, fitted to Heading kIiiksch, nco O. M. HAI.IHIll'KY Jeweler, optician, IRRIGABLE and HAY in the ' $30.00 All Within the Large acreage PACIFIC Best Silverware For Your Table Community Plate Thtre are many inferior grade of silverware on the market, and it i difficult for the average housewife to detect the difference at the tisae of purchase. We tell you the exact quality of our silverware and guarantee it to be exactly as we state. You can buy from us with every assurance of safety and economy. I. S, GEER & CO. v Some Specials Dress Goods Unclerwarev, Silk Shirts ' Colkirs Gloves. Shoes Belts Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables. it N. Brown & Sons heart of Harney Valley now offered at to $110.00 an acre Harney Valley Irrigation District cutting hay. All with LIVE STOCK COMPANY Sales Office at Burns. LANDS water rights.