rVmry tnty's Umber U an wmt tor immediate exploita tion Mills ntiotikJ b turning-' It out t aid In' tWrcoMHrtrac tlOR Work Of H Matte. Im vostlgate vtrffiM AM. VOL, XXXIV STOCK JililfiiNfi TEAM COMPARES FAVORABLY Harnty County Boys Mk G-od Skowif, Cmm id ting HajMtkap Tha Harney Cauatv Mack JuV Ing team consisting ef Adelf Byrd, Herbert Waltlnc aad Jack McDan iele returned rresa the FaaHlc, In ternaUofial at Perttaad Tueaday evening where figaratlrely speaking Ihey covered themaelvea with glory and added their Mt to placing Har ney county on the map. While the Sofa placed only nlxth which wus outalde the money yet wlion it lu conalderad that there wcru thirty toama from WaHhlngton und Orogon mid thnt some of tliu teams hud boon In several contcitn in yeara past with niomhorH ua old uh elghtunn whll., tho Harney county bo'ya had only two wooks preparation anil only one hud over im much uh hooii u fat unitiiiil prepared for whov ami iIip un tire team wun compelled to fit them helvt'H tioluly through oral Instruction from tho county, agent with the aid of photographs In the livestock pa- Let ! m .... 1 i . V 'BB1 aTBBB WBBBB r T4SBPV . I 1 JIM. - pru and thono furnished by V, M. Lawen and Crane have sub-let most Hothrock tho Bborthorh breeder, tho 0f tho grudlng which Is now being nhowlng made ia remarkablo In tho .dono by local contractors. Tho droHH extreino and waa io declared by all jb will be put on next spring, connected with tho groat show who mmmmmmimmmmmmmmm know of It. ; la fact tLe record of tho team in traveling such a long distance entire ly on their own expense with the ex ception of one member, who won a trip ut tho local fair, gavo them the distinction of being tho only team rentcfltlng who hud their photograph reproduced Jn the Portland Journal and were given a write up in all the other Portland Dally puport and many stock and farm papers. In addition they weru honored gunstH ut banquets and were shown tho city und given a trip over tho highway. In addition to being nlxth In tho open content they received special commendation from Inn Judge for the excellence of their work I a Judg ing bcof stock. Had there aaea eaaugb good hogs in the eounty for the boys to work they weaM hY won third Mnee they wwsja Mk la ta hog ead of ta jMdjfiae. Wak)a ft ai to all tk soaatr ugeat Is ladaad ro ef the showing utda by tka Ifaraay County boys and in eoandaaa aaal aaa Uk tka name team baak agala aext year and cloaa sp the North West on slut Judging. The steskmsa ef Harney f.ounty shonld iake aaough interest In the work ai tke'advertlslng glvoa the eounty to at least see that there are at loaal sufficient high grade stock in the oany 'along the llno.i .ef Kef'aid aHasy eaUU aad nheep mt Us nd hoi" lv,ve BMt toam practice on cCh1 animals Instead of having to ve photographn In thin the largest livestock county in the Northwest. To the credit of the tears they did not expect to win when thej started "ai one anu an siatea mai "wo n loam enough about It thin year ao we can go back next year and bring home the bacon." It nan rone tb the earn qf, the county agent that It waa "a nice Joy ride for the boyn". It wa but they paW for ft by hard faithful work and the trip will be the raeann of tartlog them on the right road to success In the livestock business and any man or woman ihould fell proud to hava a son that had tho ambition to make the try Instead of trying to bellttlo their efforts by hucIi com ment. Tim interest In tho work for tlin coming year Ih exceptionally keen nmj there nro prospect of several SllOOP Ulld llOK ClUllR BH Well IIH Cit 1 1 If) and ns each member of the club In untitled to try for thu J on in It bo- ,,00VM tMh yenrH m,m,,?w 10 KP ousy 11 witty uxpori 111 'iti iu(i iiiuii niid reproKont tho county int year. OltAWINfJ HKJIIWAV Thu contractors on tho portion of thu Durns-Cranu highway between 'l II THANKSGIVING AFTERNOON BURfoS. HARNEY COUNTY, All THANKSGIVING "Then," said the Pilgrim Fathers, "let us have a great Thanksgiving, party to celebrate the plenty of this land. And let it always be observed in future years in honor of a country where no men are slaves; where there is always enough and more for everyone to eat and where no one wants and no one has to work beyond his strength. And on this day let no one go to his toil ever, but let him rest and feast and be merry because he has prospered so wonderfully through the year." Thus spake the first of the pioneers to settle in New England sorm 300 years ago, and thus was born the first of our own American national holiday! THANKS GIVING. .WMinlitfii' .'HrtilW N,IJL JOINO CHUND ON HIIAIIKH ' Prrsldont J. C. Foley of the Duma Flour Milling Co. isfoma us that the mill will begin operatloBs at once on a share plan with the producers. The company haa not sufficient funds to take care of the grata crop and It la impossible to borrow It under pre sent conditions with a declining wheat market According to quota tions wheat prices are dropping sev eral polntH each day therefore It would not be business for the local concern to buy, especially to borrow th capital. Mr. Foley states the mill will take the wheat from the farmers and grind it on a basis of one-eighth, giving the producer in return seven elKhtii of the flour, and by products. This spomM n vory fair proposition und as small a toll an onu quld ex pect thu mill to operate upon. o OltKUO.V IH DKI'KATKI) 1IY CAMI'OHNIA Thu U. of O. football team wuh defeated by tho California II, on Thunksglvliig day at l'asndunu, tho Ncoro lielng 23. to nothing. TIioho from this city to attend tho U. of O. O. A. C. lust Saturday at Corvallls where thoy played to no score on eltlhur side, report nn uxclt Ing nnd tiardfough gamo In this country 'every man Is his own ninHtor until ho gets murrled OREGON NOVEMBER 27 1920 Be Thankful COUNTY AGENT HETUItNB FROM STOCK HIIOW County Agent McDanleln, with his family and Adolph Dyrd and JIurliert Whiting, arrived home Tinisday evening from. Portland where they had been a4tdlag tho bl stock kfthow. The Junior, stock judgea from this county consisting of Jack Mc Danlels, Adolph Ilyrd and Herbert In the award but they really did fine Whiting, made a very good showing In the Judging contest, being sixth in everything except the hogs They had no real experience In Judging hogs which accounts for their falling down there. Jack McDanlels brings the infor mation that some of the prize win ners of tho big show in thu Shorthorn class wero closely related to so mo of tho young stock tho Hoys and QlrlH' Club of Hnrnuy county own and ho fools that tho boys and girls! havu rousnn to feel proud. o 1 1 It A I N I KMT .MA N IS LVCKCM" HAYK COI,. 11AI.N )!' HTOUT William II. Ktout to DImmixm "Seeing Mfo Wliolo" Hero William H. Hlout Iiuh hcun recipi ent of more bouquets from big pa peru und big people than thu averago lecturer. Bomo of theso am fine per soiial tributes which Mr. Btout, who is to ledum hero on thu evening of December Oth at Liberty Theatre prizos vory highly. Colonel Hnln "Tka Onaad Old Man of the Lyceum" recently wrote 'the following characteristic paragraph about William 11. Stout: "Will Stout is the brainiest man in lyceum. He Is better fitted for the United State senate than any man in Indiana. True, he may never get there, for he mixtM too much heart and coaaclanc. with brains to win. The foregoing is typical. It In in teresting to note that fourtoea out of sixteen of Mr. Stout's first dates oa his lyceum tour last winter reported bin lecture with the very explicit word "Delighted." The other two read "Very Oood." In his great theme "Seeing Life Whole" Mr. Stout has perfected a wonderful in spirational lecture. He is an excell ent speaker, a man of tremendous forco und conviction on tho platform and at tho same time makes his polntn effective In u most pleasing manner. Mr, Stout Is President of tho Inter national Lyceum and Chnutuuqua AhHoelatlon. This great organisa tion lipids an annual huhhIoii at which platform stars und lycoum und chau tuuquu talent nil KUthen together from ovary sertlou StatuH and Canada. o of tho United KXJOYAIiLK KOCIAL AITAIIl Harney Lodgo, No. 77, and Sylvia Hubukuh Lodge, No. 43, I, O. O. F. Joined In an evening of entertain meat recontly when all Odd Fellows and their wives and Uobekahs and their families took part In a dancu ut Tonawama and luter a delightful banquet at the lodgu banquet rooiqs. A largo number of tho members were present and everybody had a good timo. Bomo of thu older momborn didn't tuko u vory acllvo part on the ball room floor but when It coma to tho outd thuy showed tho young peo ple that thoy "could comu back." Theso social affairs mako tho fra ternity moro real and bring about a mora congenial fooling among tho mumbors. They should bo Indulged in at froquent intervals. HKCITAL 1IKNKF1T DKOKMUKH IN MIhs Agnoss Foluy, one of tho very talented young ladien of this com munity, Is going to gtvo a recital on December 18 at the Liberty theatre tho proceeds to bo used by the now St. Jpnoph Hospital in tho surgery. Miss Foluy la violinist of exeop ttonal talont and sho bus asked other good talent U Jotu hoy in the pro gram which will mako it varied with readings, vocal and instrumental xinnlt and dauclug. A well balaneed urogram In arranged which will bo Klvon publicity lu tho near futuro trhon tho details uro completed. Thin entertainment will bo look ed forward to with pleasure by tho ltlzoun of thin clmmuntty and as tho ontlro proceeds are to bo uiied for such u good cnuuo it Is cortuiu tho liouuo will bo filled. Harney county's resources attracting the Attention of tlir entire Went. Irrigation, sleek Zulu Sir. tnlnct. nil m1 vua bm i rT f . ri por.t hh(1 nTkuIture All "WrultlitfC development. N03X if TWO YOUNG MEN- ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Diackargc of Pistol Wouml Two With Same Bullet; Not ScritMMly Hurt. Thanksgiving Day while Ed. Bu chauau, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Lowe, was on his, way down from the saw mill with a load ef wood, he waa accidentally shot by Steve Front, a companion. The boys were driving on tho grade Just thl side of Frank Whiting's ranch on Poison crook whon a hawk kept fly ing along Just p short dlntancg ln front of tho team und lighting on. telephone posts, Steve had a pistol la his belongongs and got It out with, the Idea of getting a shot at tho hawk. Thu bird rcmaluer perched on a telephotio i:olo until llioy wori lu close rango when young From handed thu weapon over to his com panion to shoot. Thu bird flow and Uuchuiiuu handed tho gun back tK Steve ami ut thu sumo tlmo caution ed him to bo careful and sou that it was safe. Tho boy said It was per fectly sufo, taking bold of it by thn muzzlu but Immediately turned it with thu butt lu his hand. He point ed It 1a tka direction of his compan ion und started to show him It was on safety, but ho discharged It. Hfr bud the fleshy part of his hand over tho muzzlu and tho bullet passed through tho hand and struck Bu chanan in tho fore arm breaking one bone and tho bullet lodged against the Bkln on the opposite sldo of the arm. Even after Ed, gavo an ox olumatlon of pain Btovo didn't kuow the gun had boon discharged and m Kd knew from paHt experience when hurt, that ho would got sick, ho Im mediately alighted from tho wagon and Btartod for Frank Whlt(ue'a bouse, a short distanco away, Steve culled and nskod if ho wanted the gun, When tho roply wan in tho neg ative in decided tones Stoyo started to get off the wagon and tho dis covered ho, nlHO, woh hurt. Lem Low(q and Fred Hainoa( came along JUBt after thn accident in a trnck aud wore' called to tho Whit ing home whore the boys wore) glvo first aid. Just as they were lu shap Ira Mason ansae sJosaj la a touring ear and Id waa plaaed la Ik and bu rded to the dosto. BteY same alonf with Mr. Ibdaea. "Dm, Bnltfc aalled) und drtwsod ta woaada aad the hoy are aoth detaf wa t iraaaut, U ill be a lessoa U tkem la ihq line ling of firs arau, at least. HalphJutterjioa 1a up tram th Iiwori sountry, o Scott Hayes wan among our visit ors from the Lawoa sMtlon duriug tho wook. fVSBBVBw BMSBBBBBfiBJP9