Saturday, November IS, 1MO,, g H M JIMKH. MMRALI) HURNH, HARH1T (JOUWTT, O II H (1 O N Page hND OOMT YOU KNOW HOVAJ MOC ct) 1 O i n 2,000 HOME SWEET HOME by Enrl Hurst Classified Advertising and Legal Notices Prof essional Cards Miscellaneous News 4lv fr should tive voo rvwD I HHMIi tfABtftYti ro DftV- AND TWO 11 .II I 1 Hlll I TO MORROW- HOW HOtIV WOOUjj PKOFESSIQNAL CARDS DR. B. P. SMITH PhyHiciun and Surgeen Hums, Orefftfn Olllce .it residence, Dr. GrMlth's for iner home. Phone No. 14 It . O M u i: It K I M . 1 Pr. Suurmau & Brunei's Former Ofllco Building Phono No. aa Burn, Oregon j. w. a n a it y Physician nnd Surgcou Ultra, - - Ort'gou Telepuona'RlSJ WHNMAN Jt 1) UNMAN rhyaiclaas ami Srgos Call answered aranptly day ar Might 'Piioae Cranu Craae, Oregon Is. K. IIIUIIAItU ' I) K N T 1 S T Olllce flrut door oust photo gallery UuniH, Oregon ,! T CIIAKLKW VT. ULLIH I. A V Y K It Uurna, - ,- - Oregon Practices In tho State Courta.und heforu the U. S. Land Olaice J. W. McCulIoch Hobt. M. Duacaa McCVUMCU WDNCA.V I r Iiwycru jnica above the U. 8. Laud OHca UlItNB. OltKOON I II K KM AN VON H C II M A L 7. m Atloraey at Javr Cf'iitrHtH and practica before U. 8. , Land Olllce a specialty ! Oltl. e: Fry Dldg. next door to P, O. llurna, Oregon O h u h. II. L eo 'in ril Attoruey-at-Iw Curwful utteiitlou glvou to Collections' uud Iteal Katutu mutters ( I Ire liiauruuce Notary Public llurua, Oregon IHtUCK It. KICHTKIl . Attorney at Law Laud Olllce Tractlco ' Lttud Scrla for sals Val, Oregon I. W. Biggs M. A. Biggs II I G (J H & ' I O G H Lawyers 0 Burns, Oregon If people who never taku the trouble to ,vote were auddouly dla frani'hlHed they would omit a mighty roar of .proteat itgalnat being depriv ed of tholr luallonablu rights uh 14, 01 thla xrt'tit anil glorloua hm of tho froo. It might bo a good vuy to root 'am f-nt of theJr holos. , The follow wh lrnltatH vlrtuo la ) "t nucwifiarlly a vlrtuoita Imitutor, ; .JOHN J KM II Kit M NO, I Jevyolor. 1, and Optician Jriiitrravor. Flue Watch Repairing a Bpeclalty, , 1 H3THAY3 Two tnulM, both hohhl ed and otto with a bell on, caino tit our ranch tin tho river during hay Ins tlmo. Tho animals uro broke, The ovrnur should cotno and cot thuin boforo It becomes nucexiary to food thorn and thua udd nu ox ponae. The owner should pay lor this nut Ico. O. I). Smith, Rum, Oregon 10-9 FOR RENT NOW OPEN Rooming house In Mury Culdwel bulldlug. Nice Cltmn beds. Mr. M. O. Wisdom. G-l-tf. TO RHNT -Ofllces and storo room. Farm org Hxchauge. 0i. Far Itoiit 000 acrna or good pas ture wth plenty of water. Address Fruiicls Grllllii, Nurrowu, Oregon. FOR SALE Attoatlon Woolgrowra - 7 0 ; Korea rauga laud, 400 aorna uader dltdi 6000 owe and 3000 laaiba for aalo-Idout Location. WM. FA It It l. house large ' ' i FOR BALK -7 room atone collar,, wladuilll A tank, 2 lots, alaeplug porch. Cbuup, euHy tnrma, Hnull caah puymcut, bal uuufl Ilka runt. Inland Kmplro Jlenlty Co. C-G-tf. TWO BTOItr, aevou room rcaldouco. plaatared, hot and cold water, bath , and nadvra couviiloucai, cellar, and tarage. In Ulock 5C, 3rd uddl- Kalaer0 RTchwarU,'5 f5r Vfi-1 WM. FA IIH K , " ..'H? .?!!.". ,r,t',U, ,fl,,0 eat. WM. FAftmC. 'Far Bale 12 horaa-uower Ilusaell tractlaa englaa and hay bulnr. bargain. W. A. Ooodataa. 1-3, A.. FOIt BALK Tha James McMunua raach la See. 13, H, ir, T. 2i 8., It. 24 K., 320 ucroa, reduced to I1000.09. Torma. WM. FA It UK. WU UY, raise and aell fur-bearlng , raouiia, auu oiuer lur-uoaring an- liualu, Llat whut you have with ; us, stutlug your lowest tirlcea on largo lot shlpmunta, Tho Fur Si , Specialty Farming Co., C1C-C17 N. P. Ave., Fargo, N. Duk. Tycho Hod In Hunch Bee's 10 Jfc 30, 1 T. 34 8 II. 32 Va K-, 1U0 acres of-j ferod for $1300.00. ! Guy W. Cocklln Place In Bee's 23 & I 24, T. 20 8., It. 32 K.,. South of Lake, 1G0 acres $3200.00. F0H BALE Schaffer plan. In good condition. Mrs. A. K. Hlchardaou. C-29 ATTKNTIONj -Harney County dry land potutooa for sale during Oct ober ut $3,00 per 100 pouuds, Why buy hog-food from outside the stute If you can get apuda fit to eat right In your home county? Oet your uupply for winter now, 'either nt llrowu'H Htoro or lot mo know about It by mall, 10-012 t AUGUST. CUKNIN, Hurna Nick Klchuor nlace. 1G0 acres In Bee. 2, T. 23 S., t. 33 10., Small houuo I foncBd. $1000.00. -..-..:. .,, -' ,..": rr 1 " LOST " ; . , LOST On tho Htroola of Uuriiat a Htnall gold croHH aol with yellow HtouoH attached to n light gold , neck chain, Tinder will bo Hiilt ably rewarded if brought to thlu otllco. 10-30. t STRAYED Ono black and ono roan yearling Btooru. Branded ONO con uoctod oir right hip 110 oar nmrkn. Supposed to wuter ou o&at edge of Jake AddroBH, M. W. nullard, Crano, Oregon. 11-13-21. FOR SAY(B Dry Junlpor wood, phono mo at Tom JonkliiH ranch. L. RaBmusBon. 11-1 3-It. To call a fellow u bootloggor tlioao dayfl Ih to offer him a deadly affront. Tho boot log Ih not big ouough, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE NOTICE Ih hereby glvon that Wit IluriiH, Oregon November, 3, 1920 Hum F, Tholmor, of IluriiH, Oregon, tlonal Ilomoutond Entry, No, 08182, who, on Juno 5, 1015, timdo Add! for OW'.NWVi, 8KV8WVi, Hoe. 15 und KNWVi, Hnctlon 2a, Town Hhlp 21 Itiiugo 31 10., Wltlamotto Meridian, Iiuh filed notice of Inten tion to niiiko Final threo-yenr I'roof, to ostuhllah claim to the land above doMcrihed, heroro Itoglalor and lie- reiver, at Burns. Oregon, on tho Hth, day of December. 1020. Clulmaut mimon aa wltneartea: Jap MeKlniiou, Fred Hlack, Urn cut WllllaiUH, and Frank J. Wllllaum all of IluriiH, OroRon, V. . COZAI), HoKlBtur. U'HIHTI.INd KIDH . I Have you ever noticed a aniall boy i go whlatllng down tho atrool? Ho wan happy. Borne day, though, ho may not bo no happy. Ho may be prealdent of d lixecutrlx of the laat will andtoat the United States luatead. Iment and estate of the ubova namod I It'it to bad wo can't carry our ex- TIiouioh W. Blophona deceased; and , uberanco of bapplneaH through llfo ) peraouii baring olalniM agnlnat : nnd Into tho grave, hiHtimd of leaving oatato nro notified to preaent U nt 11,0 ,,r-,,lol,l f munhood, as!Ho tly vorlfled iih by law . . . a. I n.iilMfiil till iilirtHiiini I ttMmtmt Ilioni Ol lia HO. When we reach munhooil'H estate ' we plunge Into tho bualuoMH of pllng up money, mid tho pile la never nut- lafactory until It la larger than our ueedH require. Kven then we yearn for more. j Some neonle nevei reallv inilov their money becauae they never atop ccumatnK t long enough to take W when Hiey were whlatllng klda, and Joy was their portion In Ilfo. Finally my die and leave their money for their relatives to ncrap over and aqiiander. ' Perhapa they find In the hereafter; iiiu iiiiiiiii iirnn limit iiuiikju uiiuiiHiii veil , I. ...... I. ...u. .I...u I ,1 1 .. .. .. .. u..n ...... .mv uuuui u. If tlls.l' uilllilaaa Iffllfft lifinVatti linit " ' "'" ' "v"'" I w.iii i ri'iiiuiiiuiir hiiw in wiiihiiu, WhlHtllng klda who dlacard their happlueoa In their prime will become moroae In old ago. 1 You can change a loopard'n apola by daubing ou a little paint. Hut In time tho paint will wear off and mo apoin win nun yu mere. 80 It la with man. He can money- grub through tho yearn of Ida prime and In the winter of life he can fool ( thu people by aaaumlug a happlueaa ho does not teel. Hut under tho iiurface thu canker atlll worka, It , will never heal. Kncourago your boy to whlHllo. In-1 duce him to whistle a stirring tune every day, of hla life. j Then he will curry hla whistling to the grave, and the harps or the angels will be In hurmony with hla aoul, o 1IKHT FATTKNI.N'G liAMIW 1JMKJKY, 0-IH)UND TYPK l!litck-fac lllood Alao Hald to bo IKi. alriibh f.'ito llorH AnltuaU Mitk ilood Feeder 1 Ideal feeder Jamha to fatten for tho meut trade uro thrifty, smooth, blocky, hluck-fucod anlnuila weigh ing about 00 pounds when put ou fi'iiil. mi vii ilm inrrlcnltural colluco ex- poMmont Htatlon report, ''Fattening ! Lauiha," JiiHt publlahed aa Htatlon ''"Hotln 17K. LambH weighing Ich than GO poundH are naually hold over and marketod iih yoarllngH. Thoao wfdgh- liK 80 ' mom Bhould bo roady, for market without further foiling. Thu good fdodor lambs have not tioon Htuuted. An early lamb (hut hua had good feed all summer and Ih Htlll only 11 feeder in tho fall most likely him Hoiuothlug wfeong with him, Late lamhH and thoso from Hcuuty food district UHually mako good food era. Methods or feodlng, both undor Hhedn and In opou lots, huvo a groat deal to do with tho huccohh and pro fitH of tho feeding. Thoso thlnga tiro fully explalnod in tho bulletin, which can bo had on application to tho col logo ut Corvalllu,' 0 Yob, God croatod tho hpttVonB,juid tho ourtli", iind tlfo fullnoBB thoroof. But Hhi fullnoiiB wim not contraband. HKHI HVK A I Fall Rye. Well filled, and ahaolutely clean. 3 He per fb. It. W. COKAD. WANTED WANTMI) TO TRAD18 3 and throo- ijuurtor Iluln Wagon, IloraoH or Cattle for Ford. Doll Crydor, lluVflH. 1'artlea are hereby warned to ceano treanaaaliiir tition tho tlmlior nuw-li of ... . . n,!,,!,...,,,. nbnvn Cow Prnnlr " ,,rlnwtor nbovo Cow Creel . IN THE. COUNTY COU11T OF T1IK HTATK OF OUICaON, For Harney County. In the matter of tho catatn of Thomas W. Btepheua, Deceased, NOTICK la hereby glvon that, by aa order of tho abovo namod court made and entered ou tua 8th day of October 1920, the uudoralgnad was appoint- mquiitu, u imnniu;, uimiiku H. Bltemoro, at bin olllco In Hums Harney County Oregon, within six months from tho date of thla notice, ,)llci1 Jfl' of October 1920. MILLIH FHANCKB PATTBUHON Hxecutrlx Purlieu knowing thoinaolvoa In- inbted to TIioiiiuh W. BtcplioiiH are requeated loCllll ut (ho onico of Ooo. Slzemoro and aettle tho muno at once. NOTICK TO (!lti:iITOHH Notice la hereby given that the un duralgued has been - duly appointed admlulatrator of the estate of Ueorgo ..... w (iai)tH( ueceaaeu, ny inu uouiuy Court of tho Btato of Oregon, fori I Harney Coupty All mirunh. Im villi I ........, cIuIiiih ugalnat aald oHlnto uro hereby ! llot,ril)d ,0 ,,roMOnt lllom ,iuly ver",u,l worao than a stuck pig. ft)tf ,y ,ftW ruliulr0l. to ..... nt my r(m,C0( nuchunan, Oregon, or at , ,,. of my llUorm,y j, 8 C)0K, , Oregon, within alx montha rron) , (alo of th ,ot,CM Dated thla 0th day of Octobor, 1920 j w ni;cilANAN, Administrator ' ' . - . BARBER SHOPS PIIOMPT aorvlco and courteouat treatment will always bo uccord- .. . ... ..... .... ..... f..i ou puiroiia 01 mu uuriia iiuiu. Harbor Bbop. Hatha nt uny hour of tho day. C. W. Slmmona. Prop. LAND NOTICES NOTICK FOU PUIILIUATION UNITKD BTATKS LAND OFFI013 Burns, Oregon, Octobor 28, 1020 NOTICK la hereby given that Man boii T. Ash, of Burns, Oregon, who, ou January 8, 1917, mado Additional Homestond Kntry No. 00104, for BWNW4. 8WU8KV4, BW BWH, Boc. 2; E VdBK'A , SWW8K'4, Bee. 3 and NV4NWK section 11, Township 21 B Riingo 30 H., Will umette Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make Final three-year Proof, to eatubilsh claim to tho luud ,,ovo lBcrlbod, boforo IteglHter and Ik 1 .... .. m n..u.i., Aiaki.ikii nil Mm "ouuivur. iu .n.r.., u 'jntl nay or uocomier, i-j.u. Claimant names aa wUiiohhoh: Frank H. Gro(f, Nolnou K. Piirdoo, Joseph Wllkeraon, and Fredrick Bowman, nil of Buiiih, Oregon, V. G. COZAD, Iloglator. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNITKD STATES LAND OFFICE Burna, Orogon, Novomhen 4, 1920 NOTICE Ih hereby glvou that Her man Umbrolt. of Burna, Orogon, who, on Novombor 13, 1010, mndo Additional Homoatead Kntry, iso. 00583, for NKV4SKU, BWV4SW4, See. 24; NW4 8NW',4. Hoe. 25, T. 2B F R. M nnd Lots 1 nnd 2, Stc. 30, Lota S, 4, 800. 10 Township 1:5 8., Rango 2;) K., Wlllametto Mer uliiii, him fllod notice ot intention to nmki Final throo-your Proof, to oa tubllhh claim f tho laud nhnvo do Bcrlhtd. boforo Roglstop nnd Receiver at HuriiB, Orogon, on tho Kth d-iy ot Dotembor, 1020. ' f hilpmnt namoii as wUiiuhhoh: I'dtor Oblgquo, Peter Husrnilsi. Fa Ferry, 'and Aliirt Colo, all of nurus, Orogon,. V, G. COZAD, lloglbtor. PUBLIC LAM) HALE I Notice for Publication Iaolutrd Tract UNITMD STATES LAND OFFICK IluriiH, Oregon, October 2fi, 1020 NOTICK la hereby glvon that, aa dlrocted by tho CoiiinilHiilonor of tho (leneral Land ollleo, under provla lona of Bee. 2 inn. It. H., puriniant to ' tho application of liana Hung, Serial No. 011010, wo will offor at nubile Rale, to I ho lilirlnmt bidden, but at not Iubh than 2.7tt per acre, at 10 ofeloek A. M.. on the 10th dnv r im. , comher, 1920, next, at thlH olllce, tho fojlowlni; irnct of laud: W48Wi. Boc 1, T. 27 B, U. 110 V... W. M Thla tract Is. ordered Into tho mar ket on a Hhowlng that tho greater portion thereor l mountuIhouH or too rough for cultivation. . Tho italo will not he kept open, but will bo declared ctomid when thoKo pmaotit at the hour named have ceaaed bidding. Tho poraon limiting il I. I.. I. a tit ...iaa a. a . T or-before the time iloHlguatcd fori aalo. V. O. COZAI), IteglHter. NOTICK FOK PUItMCATION ' UNITKI) STATES LAND OFFICK Uurna, Orogoil, October 20 1020 NOTICK la hereby given that Joacph K, Mattox, of llurua, Oregon, who, on June 23, 1017, and July U, 1017, made llomeatead Kntrlea, No. OOSC'l-OOKlil. for BjN14. BV4. Sec. K; N'fcNl. Section 17, Township 21 8., linage 30 K., Wlllamettu Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mnke Final th roe-yen r Proof, to eatabllah claim to the land above doacrlbud, before Hogjatcr and Hecelver, at Uurna, Oregon, on tho 2Cth day of November, 1020, Claimant minion iih wltucaacs: .., nwnmi mo win no rodmreu to an i00B aN tho ntw ptor eU Iminodllitely pay to tho Itecelvor tho' amount thereor. :qualntod and arranges with the caa- Any peraona claiming advoraely groration. tho abovo-dencrlbed land are advlHud . to file their claliiiH, or oblectlona, on' J0I,N WICHBRBON,, Paata. Frank King, Clyde Mulkey, JohaM, Hov, J j, T'ckner, Paator. Rool Hreedlove and Carl Kobl, all of h phoM IluriiH, Oregon. Iwisi V, (1. COZAD, IteglHter UBl IIlOIl wnill WI1BI la COmillg lO ...... . . . 1 . . 1 ' ...... ",u"' "Hl " l"u, "ur" 10 KUl " " .'in worao man a biuck pig. im Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TRAUGOTT, Proprlctsr . REAL ESTATE LOANS BLUEPRINTS Ihene2aer G12B CAR REPAIR BILLS Ar Never Exceive At This Shop THAT Is because we know our buBlaaaa, work quickly, aid with m loat motion or time wasted In puzellng over what to do. That is a good roaaon why OUR shop should bo YOUR shop. Try sa. Our specialty Electrical and ignition work and Oxyacetyloao welding. All work Guaranteed. , At the Jack McGuicr' former thep J. S. Taylor, Prop. "You Save Money" n says the Good Judge A And jct more genuine chew ing satisfaction, when you uso ,this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need chew nearly as otten. And a small chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of tho ordinary kind ever did. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco j! , .ffRIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobaoca 4 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS NAZAltKNHCIimCH Bund ay School 10 a. at. Trenching service, 11 u. ra. Young Peoples Mooting 7 P. M. I'roachltiK Borvlco 7! 30 P. M. Prayer meeting orcry Wednesday ' -.-in 0Vtmll,R 7", Mloulonary meeting second aa fourth Friday in each month 8. L. 8. TItACY, PaHtor. PHUBUYTKKIAN CIIUIICH Sunday School 10 a. at. Preaching aerlco 11 a. as. Other aervlceu will be auneuaceaV, CIIItlBTIAN UC1KNCK BOClarTX Bervlcoa hi 11:09 o'tack. The reading room la tha church Kdlflco, la open ou Tueaday and Fri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p.Ta. "n Sunday School moots on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Pupils may ba admitted to It clnaaos up to thoaago of 20 years. Tho public la cordially Invited ta tho Church Sevlcoa and to the Head ing Itoom. BAII'IHT CHUIlCU Bible School at 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Kvoalng Service at 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 F. M. . .. . . t I ... . IIIO IHCl Ul 19 A WII.UJ , "ko tuum 1U. . peoiue iiuviug iniiaieu ueaua. B 1r.11, 0:aj a fresh v i