The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 13, 1920, Image 1

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hipv County's limber U. mi" ' .
Jt for Immediate oxplnltn-
Iltirnoy county' rtHcourccHfurv
iHliac'tliiK the attention of Ithw
oiUlni West. IrrJt-utlonHtnck;
mining, iniiicH, oil it lid kiih pn-,
Aped iinil agriculture am
awaiting development.
B) lUIII MUMiui uii tiiriiiii
but to nid la (iio rocoiiNtrtic
L work of tho mitloii. In
klgnto this virgin Held.
NO. 2
lerican Legion Boys Take
Active Part in Program;
Banquet to Guards
larney County Pont No. 63, Amor
Lcglou, hud tho program In
urge for thu obmirvntloii of Armln-
Day in Uurnu on Thursday.
kllu weather conditions worn not
arable tho pnrmlo of aejiool chll-
wlth- tho service boyn wan n
aro that wan worth witnessing.
parado was headed by automo
in whldi thu mayor and mayor
ct together with tho npeakora of
, clay. Tho school chlhlron fol
first tho gratnar grades, than
i high school with a few of tho ser
mon bringing up thu rear. In
i absonco of a band Charles Gowan
pMnccd In tho lead of thu schools
In a snaro drum and Kolln Qow-
l' was at thu head of the service
with hid snaro drum. Tho march
from the corner of tho Tonn
ni to the lower nart of Main I
t and then to the court hnuso. '
Bo great waa the Intorost In the '
-clues that the court room would
I' accommodate the crowd and af-
I tho' school chlldraa had been neat-
I Mr. Sutton gave them permission
leave if they desired in order to
ke more room for the older ones,
oven then tho court room waa
large enough for those who de-
to be preaent.
ipL. Hobt. M. Duncan was waster
ceremonies and iutroduccd tho
ikers us well aa presided over the
ire program. Tho first number
a community song In which all
led In singing America. This was
i wed by the High School Sextet,
I posed of Marjorle Byrd, June
ton, Oladya Byrd, Wealey Wel-i
f, uoiun uowan ana jamea mc-
)lech, rendering The Battle Hymn
se Itepabllc. The yeang people
much appreciated and were aer-
loaded to reepead to a hearty ea-
with aaother appro priate aelec
Senator Elect Charlee W. Kills
then Introduced and gave a very
cresting addreaa oa the algnlfl-
tce of tho day and he took occa
Dn to pay tribute to the service
ors and to tho American Legion
hlch he itaid would bo an effective
sanitation to "carry on" tho Ideals
traditions of tho country. Mr
Ellis nlho saggostud that tho servlco
ij snouiii appear in inoir unuormni
1 1 M
n such occasions which moots with i
he approval of many of thu pcoplo ,
Mil brings a grnutur significance to i
by minds of tho younger people
bat Armlntcu Day moans nnd also
taplre a greater admiration for
dial thu United States stands for in
i relation to hamanlty.
Mrs, Farru was then called upon
0 render a very charming vocal solo
d ron ponded to an encore.
fapt Duncan paid a nlco tributo
to thti next speaker In hla Introduc
tion when he presented Capt, A. W.
Cowan, who Is a TUHpocted member
t the G A, It. Capt. GoWan has been
try active during his life in military
fflars and has alwaya taken au In-
(rest In any organization of the
haracttr of the American Legion.
II reriiarkti were directed particu
larly to Legion momborH, reminding
bem of their duty as cltlzonu to
M .o tho future of thia big coun-
ry tholr responsibilities In tho gov-
mment affulrn. During hhi remark
incidentally touched upon the
vardHhipH and sacrifices of those who
00k an actlvu part In tho recent
forld war. In closing Capt. Gowan
1 a patriotic tributo to tbo stars
""1 stripes in hlch ho aroused a
Pontnneoun cheer and upplauae from
e audience.
I'latt Randall then gavo a baritone
olo which was very appropriate to
be occasion as It was Inspired and
ompoKed during the trying tlmo
fljen tho destiny of Franco waa held
the balance. Its title is "Thu
Mtrlcaim Come," Mr. Randall was
I1l'(1 buck nnd ho Kavo a reading
f one of Harry I.audcr'H popular
far ntories,
Tho High School Soxtot wan nuked
fJr another selection and responded
"Ith "Dixie" which brought nest
tiiorouH upplauKU and (be audlenco
a bo urgent tbey had to repeat
County Agent MoDnnluls loft yes
torday morning for Portland to nl
tond tho big Pacific International
stock Show which begin-, today and
iuin iiimi, hqui linn in uuo Ul 1110
blggost livestock uvonta of tho en
tire United States and Is well worth
attending, Mr. MoDanlals was ac
companied down by his family and
nlno by Adolph Byrd and Herbert
Whiting, tho latter two with Jack
McDiuilolii making a Btock judging
team ropruRoiitlng thu schools of
IlurnH. Tho boya aro well vorsod In
tho HvcHtock business and should
mako n good showing, at least thoy
will do credit to tholr locality.
Herbert wan tho auccosaful boy In
thu Oalr Clnb to win tho prlxo nf tho
local stock association which was a
fruo trip to tho stock show, tho ox
I'Oiiko bolng provided by tho associa
tion. t
tho last verse.
Capt. Duncan then dismissed the
mooting with a fow well chosen re
marks In connection with the Araer-
lc Legion In which he took oc
"union to state It was not an organli-
anon or war Heroes, but iust n Iain
tfltltena whfa were organised for the
Purpose of furthering the best cltlten
"hip In America. He said he realliod
they would mako mistakes, that waa perfection of his art. Ho play thu
human, but that the Intention of the rolon of his character with absolute
organ Irat Ion waa for the betterment freedom and abandon. Ilia organ
of mankind and asked the moral aap like voice color superbly with every
port of the American people, varying ahade of emotion. Under his
Tho following paragrapha aro add master magic tho wholo drama pul
ed to this atory by a member of the sates boforo one with all the color
Post at tho request of the editor: and moving force of life Itself.
At 6:16 the Legion Boya gave a To hoar Mr. Thompson Interpret
banquet at Page's Sweet 8hop to the
Honor Guard Girls of Duma. The
tables were daintily arranged and
decorated by the Honor Guard and
was a beautiful sight. The dinner
of turkey, celery, cranberry sauce,
sweet-potatoes and "flxlns" and
"trlmmlna" topped off with Honor
Guard cake, waa In Itself an event
long te he remembered.
After the feast a number of those
preaent were called upon by the
toastmaster, Capt. Itobt. M. Duncan,'
which brought a song from
Buerkl and aa explanation froi
Dade for his -frequent visits to the
One of the pleaaant featurea of the
banquet wus that the seat of honor
was occupied by Capt. A. W. Qowan, ,
and our Captain responded to a toast
with some intorcHtlug atorlen of his
experience during the civil war. j
At 8 P. M. thu regular business
mooting of tbu Post was held in tho
Commercial Club Itooms. A num
her of boys were admitted to mem-
bonihlp. Thu following omcern for
tho ensuing year wcro elected: Corn-
mauder, D. M. McDadu; Vico Com,,
Chan. K. Dlllman; Adjutant, W. Pole
man Hkiuns; Treas., Chas. L. Robb;
Kxucutlvo Committee, Duncan,
Buerkl, Locher, Krnmholt, Porter.
From 9 P. M. until 1 A. M. the
noya ami tlieir rrionoa enjoyed a
danco In thu Tonawama Hall, which
'van tustlly decorated for thu occas
ion In evergreens and banting.
Altogether It wan a day that will
long he remembered by the boya and
theln friends.
Au experienced mlllor arrived here
Sunday for thu purpoe of putting
thu flour mill of this city iu shape
for a run. This is the first year tho
mill has been run for some time, ow
ing to scarcity of wheat, We un
derstand thero Is considerable wheat
this season of good milling qual
ity and (bo mill will bIho crqHh bar
loy and turn out rolled mill feed.
TblH is wulcomo iiowh to local rest
dontH au tho floui4 turned out here is
of superior (juulity. and II glveH a
homo murkut for tho grain, saving
thu haul of Hour from tho outuldo
Wo uhould encourage a greater yield
n !
of wheat noxt year and tho raising of
mont of a creaniory, thuii keeping
hogs, too, aa woll as tho establish
our products at homo and patroniz
ing homo Industry.
Prlceo may bo down, aa stated, but
wo don't have to broak our backu
while bunding ovor to find them,
Or course, wo all know that wo
havo our fuultB, but wo aro qulto
convinced that tho other fellow has
Harney County High School
Presents Edward Abner
Thompson, Reader
A aplondid program will bo offered
Thursday, Novomber 18, at tho Lib
erty Thoutro under tho auspices of
tho Harney County High School.
Tho main attraction of tho overl
ing will ho tho well-known Dramatlo
Header, Edward Abner Thompson of
Boston. Thero aro many who recall
with pleaiuro the occasion of Mr.
Thompson's ast visit tome olght
years ago, when he vlsted hit sister,
Mm. Dodge.
Arrangement! were made for this
rare treat through the courtesy of
Mr. Deslleta, who Is Mr. Thompson's
i brother-ln-lalw.
Edward Ahnen Thompson la onn
of tho most finished and powerful
readere on tfaa American felalform
today. Though totally bllad, ha haa'
fought his way to recognition by
sheer peralatenca and uoanswerablo
nersuaslon of superior merit. Once
upon tho platform be la a magician
who wholly effaces himself by tLo
literature is a real experience and
ouo not easily forgotten,
Ho Is a graduate of Howdoln Coll
nge and haa a Mastcr'a Degree, He
haa been activo in Kxprcsslon In Bos-,
ton for twenty years and haa up-
neared at colleges, universities, and
n . r. a t. a I
norore men a ana women a ciuaa ana
general audlencea.
He haa an extensive repertulra of,
a tactless, afa matte, lyrie and ham-l
orous, Including "Dlsraele "Vision '
of Sir Launfal," and "Hiawatha."!
Musical numbers will also he ofer-
ed to round out a well-balanced and
enjoyable evening,
Another of the most gratifying re
cults of previous trips, la the num-
bor of letters coming In asking help j
and advice on almost every pLasu
of public tifalth work.
Mrs. Tod Hays was called to the
bcdsldo of her mother, Mm. It. V,
Claypuol, of Vale, recently. Shu
writes relatlvos that tho patient Is
Improved hut alio will remain with
her for a tlmu yut.
Provide to'Cornply With the
Pure Bred Bull Rule;
Compel Vaccination
.lu uuriiB v,mo aim uorso hmb-
ors Association mot In IJurns on
Novombor 6, 1920 upon call of tho
Proaldont to attond tho regular un
mt.n ti. .1 .
nuiil meeting of tho association au
provided by tiiolr By Lawn and Con-
UWllig 10 UIO BUSOnco Of tho Proal-
dent Mr. Phil Smith tho chair wan
occupied by the Vice President Dr.
L. E. Hlbbard.
The reading of the minutes of the
prevlouH meeting was dispensed with
owing to failure of the late secretary
to turn the hooka over upon hla res
ignation after having sold hla atock.
After a abort discussion by Acting
Supervisor Ilennct tho following
olllcora were elected to survu for the
coming year.
Pres. Donald Hotchklss, Burns;
Vice Pres. Dr. L. K. Hlbbard, Duma;
Hecrotary, L. K. McDaalela, Burns;
Treasurer, Geo. Whiting, Burns; Ad
visory Board, Donald Hotchklss,
Burns; Tom Baker, Burns; Oeo.
Whiting, Burns; Allen Jones, Burnt;
H. J. Hansen, Burns; John Hunter,
IJurns; O. D. Smith, Burns.
The action of the retiring presi
dent in offering a trip to the Pacific
International with all expenses paid
for tho winner of the prize for the
groatest Improvement In the ani
mal exhibited by a member of the
BuriiH Boya and Girls Pure bred cat
tle Club exhibited at tho Harney
County Pair, was ratified aa a result
of which Herbert Whiting the win-
nnr of the' Champion and Grand
Champion ribbons on his cow will
ft- ... - u -'I ll A A ft -
have an onmSrtunlty to sea the areat-
wit Livestock ahow In the point of,"0'
members etiar staged In America.
After considerable discussion It
waa veted to act with the Harney
County Livestock Association In the
matter or purchasing salt for the
coming year In order to profit by the
saving In prices and freight to be
made by ordering In carload lota.
After considering them separately
and at length -it was voted to request
lnt) District Forester to approve tho
kmiow.i.k d,m:., jiUlu. ,o Kutorn
1 1 . I 11 t I v..., ... n .. u
tho rangn or tho Association In tho
Malheur National Forest. Vis
AxHocJatloii Bull Itulc. TIiIh rule
iiinkon It computHory for association
inngu to provldu a PUIHC IIHKI) beef
liiill for tiHO on thu rangn for ench
25 head of female cattlu of breeding
vv ,
J, W. Crawford" Iiuh a glnna Jar on
tho bar In bin pool hall arranged
n a Hlmllar manner an tho milk
bottles woro to rocolvo contribution!!
to war orphans during the recont
war. A plcturo of tho baby and poll
nan which took nuch an activo part
In tho campaign to defeat the bird
bill Is displayed at tho top of the Jar
with tho BURRCstlon that wo alvu thu
,aby a Christmas proBont. Over
$12.00 was put In tho Jar tho flrnt
day and It In qulto uvldont this baby
H to recelvo a substantial Ohrlt-
una remombmnco from the cltltonn
0f Hums.
I ...
uinco mo unovo waa written wo
have discovered n novnrml liir In thn
Homo Drug Co. store for tho aame
T R"d cach u"r 10 h'' pre raU
,n Hiber
of female cattle ranged of the pur-
chaso price of thp bulls provided
howuvor that In event of a user own
ing n puro bred bull satisfactory to
tho BULL COMMITTER he will be
given credit for the value of the bull
In tho mattor of cows. Any one fail
ing to either furnish a satisfactory
bull or pay hla pre rata share of the
purchase of one will be denied the
use of the ran go by the District For
ester. Construction and Malntalnance of
Improvement. Thia rule makea It
compulsory far all users of the range
to pay their pro rata share of all
range Improvements doomed neces
sary for the better handling of stock
by tho advisory board.
DehoralnK Cuttle to be run oa the
range. Thia rule provides that all
cuttle run on tho association rango
bo dehorned by the opening of the
grating season of 1923 with tho ex
ception of yearlings and calves which
must bo dehorned before the opening
of the grating season of 1921. Tho
ehornln of Bull. 1. not compul-
r7i wniriBiiiuni mm ruin -anjien
It compulsory for all using the asaoc-
iatlon range to show a receipt signed
by the secretary showing that the
required amount of salt has been
turned la to the association boforo
a permit is Issued by the supervisor.
HtMtc Ball Law. This rule makes
it compulsory to turn out a Pure
Bred Bull wth cach 25 head or Fe
male cattle. However 11 was voted
to ask tho District Forester to allow
ftn increase of tun head or
n total or
3fi head ulnco tho rule affected only
Natlonul Forost land. In event this
could not bo done us explained by thu
County Agent further action would
bo tnUun at tho meeting called for
December 4, 1020.
Compulsory Vaccination. This rtllo
iniikoH It compulsory to vaccinate all
catllii between thu agen of fi'i and
IN months with some rollablo and
accepted vacclno before turning un
thu range.
After a general discussion by all
present It was voted to turn tho hall
over to tho County Association which
waa In session on tho samu day.
L. K. McDanlnls,
Hucretnry Burns C. & H, Association.
Thu County Public Health Nurno
returned from au extunded school In
spection tour of the south and of the
county, and reports that It baa been
one of the most satisfactory trips
ever taken in the county lu behalf
of public health. Children are awake
to tho need of good health, and tho
parents, are cooperating in a most
satisfactory manner.
The resulta of the meetings p"
Hcliool boards, and individuals wo
hopo will be very evident, in the
form of Improvements in schools and
In thu various community centers,
whon tho Spring Inspection Is made,
Mrs. Marts Is planning to havo
Mrs. Dunbar of the Oregon Tuber
culosis Association, visit tha county,
so that abe may see that the people
of Harney county have profited by
tho demonstration of public health
work, In tho county, which was made
possible by the Association, as all
uxpuiiBOH of this work has boon cared
for by tho Association, through tbo
salo of tho Rod Cross Christmas soal,
whjeh wu hope will bo well supported
in tho county this yuar so that other
countluK may have the same prlvellge
as we havo had, i
Officers - Elect Familiarizing:
Themselves With Work
Have Defidite Plans
Judge Wm. Farm, and Commfa-
iHionora McKinnon and Stallard, to
gether with Judgo-oloct HughoCuro
making a tour of tho roads of Har
noy county this week. Tho trip la
raadu primarily for tho purpose oC
noolng what further work should bo
pronocutcd this fall and tho new
momhors of tho body (Mr. Stallard
and Mr. Hughot) aro bolng tnadu ac
quainted with tho plans or tho pres
ent court' In crgard to general road
work with a vlow of continuing tho
same policy In no far an it la deemed
practicable in the future
Tho roada of Harney county cover
a big area when ono stops to realize
thu magnitude of tbo county. To
economically take caro of ouch a big;
undertaking a definite policy should
be followed and tho work conducted
along tho lines of permanency so
far as conditions will permit. This
plan has been outlined and followed
during tho season Just closing, it I
tbo opinion or many who have huen '
In touch with road work In this coun
ty for tho past row yearn that tho
present season has seen moro prac
tical and permanent work dono on
tho roads thnn for many years. It
requires particular attention to ac
complish the best results from tho
funds nt tho disposal or tho court for
road purposes and It In tbu hopo that
tho Incoming court will use the samo
goed ,'udgmcnt in tho work un It
.r . i
Management of fattening stoers to
produce good gains requires that eun
handle tho cattle gently, make
yard conditions comfortable, uso
good quality of feed staff, f,eed' reg
ularly, use rare In the selection, nf
feeder cattlo, and feed nothing but
good thrifty Individuals Animal
Husbandry, O. A. C.
Ensllnicc Miould not be fed for at '
least two weeks after bolng put In
the silo. By this tlmo all tbo fermen
tation will havo taken place and
there will he a uniform fjed through
out tho silo. Two InrhuH should tin
taken off the entire nurfneo every duy.' '
to keep thu silage from spoiling
Dairy, O. A. C.
Potatoes hhould be dried heforo
storing on account of tho wet, lu t n
fall. Thoy Hhould tie stotvd lu a cool
dry place where there Is unoiigh
ventilation to carry away any mnlp
ture caused by sweating. Tho best
temperature to keep potatoes Ih from
:I0 to US dcgrocH F. Farm Crnpx,
O. A. C.
Food regularly and Mlbfrnlly and
keep tho hens busy If you want a
satisfactory result from your Iiomh.
Poultry. O. A. C.
Spoiled silagu should bo thrown
nwny where it will not bo eaten, an
it Is harmful not only to dairy cowu
hut to every other kind of stock.
Dairy, 0. A. C.
Central Oregon "sage. brush" land
under Irrigation grows big yields or
spring wheat, outs, barley oh WfU
na rye, uWulfa, Hold peas, and sun
flowers. Fifteen varieties of Hprlng
wheat seeded May 1 on tho Harney
County Experiment station fnnn av
eraged ubove CO bushels por ftcro,
Tho other grains ylaldod In propor-
lion. Sunflowora grow from 27 to
54 tons per aero whon cut for silage,
Experiment station, O. A. C.
-o .
At u party labt Saturuy afternoon
at tho homo of .Mr. and Mrs, 1. 11.
Holland, tho engagement of Mktt
Helen Purington and C. E. Dlllmun
was announced, Thero were a fow
of thu particular friends of Miss Pur
ington uskud in by Mrs. J. Sboltey
Saurmtui for the afternoon and fol
lowing d row hands at cards tho
guests weuro seated at thu long din
ing room table for rofrechmonts and
upon tho place cards tho secret wus
revealed lu a very attractive manner,
thu Humeri being placed on heurtt:.
Tho tablo decorations woro appro
priate for tho occasion, io announce
ment was given out uu to tho data ot!
the wedding.