I T IT IS !,' I M U M . II 10 L A h 1 M I' It l H II si It N K V (' O (I N T Y , 11 TO i O IV ' Hut unlay, November (I, If); fid. I 4'H": IS. Mlono a loHldciit of Miu Aiulrtiwrt iiootlon, wan atnoiiK our out o( town vlRltoru (lurliiK tlio wook. A SCRAP OF PAPER. A treaty may sometimes be considered only a scrap of paper, but a bank check is something more than that. Even after it is a receipt that can't be dodged. A bank check is better than the casli because if lost a new check may be issued. 9 If money is lost it is gone for good. A checking account is the modern way of doing business, the best, safest, most convenient way or something better would have taken its place. We invite you to open an account at our Bank, where every courtesy will be ex tended to you. M, M. Doun, one of tlio pioneer ntooktnun of tlio Trout Crook vnlloy nour Klolilii, In in tlio city on bunl- IIOHH, I MrH, 11. II. Ulalro, accompanied by lior HlHtur-ln-luw and another lady frlond, wax up from tho Andrown country during tho wook on bunlnoHo. Tho fltio long flag nolo for tho liljtli Helmut wiih broUKht down by rvnl lii-iuiott ronontly and in lining jiroimroil to bo ralmid and placod In position. Tho Tlnioii-IIorald robots to loam miu lYirH. minium, a niKiuy nwiiociod n.ie i.lil 1...1. .........I.. II. I.. JU Will inn IIMJIIUII IUI1IIIIIIK III IjUUIIW) j K ii ui who nan noon luaKing nor nomo.ej at tho Summit botol for iiomn tlmn.l.J Is norloiiHly 111. Hor non, Frank, ar rlvod horo recently from Idaho And yontorday hor daughter, Mm, John lion, arrived from Sand Point, Idaho, to bo with hor. Mr. and Mrn. fl. B. Drlnkwator woro In town for a fow dayn during tho wook. Mr. Drlnkwator Is not onjoylng vory good honllh and wan horo to cnniiult a phynlolnn. Ho in ono of tho old plonoom of thin coun ty and his many frlenila hopo he will ant rollef bh hn has htul mnnv fTlln. I.OHtor Long camo up from Port-, tionil .,uMnif hllI fft nll, ... . land tho other day to mako proof on roovm, of furUlor ufforJng , h, ii ih mini, no nnn iiuon wutkiuk on tho nlrnot cur lino ovor nlnco ho wont It is Good Business to have a bank account to Portland a your ago lant May. MlflN Kthol Thompnon wan up from Criino. yontorday having drlvon up declining daya. Tho Drlnkwatora camo up by way of Harney where they ntoppod for a short visit with frlondn. They had dinner one day with Mrn. M. B. IJowor and Mr. and to bring hor undo, Will Gray, who Mrn. J. O. Ilunyard woro ulno guests wan horo on land bnslnosti. Mr. dray ftt t,lu namo tlnio 1 llHCUHlng agon now roiildoii In Idaho. w" ionm Mr. Drlnkwator wan 7G, I tho pant sovoral wookn. Mr. Duncan MHH ANSA HKNliltiOKHON ! First National Bank ! BURNS, OREGON I 'i.f uitu nun I v ( ilia UUIiUlU Capt. Ilobt. M. Duncan ban boon 77, ofijoylng a vlnlt from bin father for Br. will luavu tomorrow for his homo In Marlon county. KA2 LOCAL Phil Smith, Jack Scarf, Leo Thorn bnrg and othera of tho saw mill crow woro down Tnoaday to voto. James Street was In town for a few days this wonk In cnnmilt with ibis physician, ho having an attack of rheumatism. Chapo Dormudla was in this week Making proof on his land. Frank Dibble and Duck Uauer were ovor from Silver crook for a few days during thia week. Joe Llllard came over with Jeff Cawlfleld from Calamity following the election. Jeff said he did the beat ho could for Cox, an his precinct went for him. Mrs. Francos Clark states that sho did not recolvo all tho books front tho Htatc. library that should havo come and for that roanon some of tho nchooln havo not received tholr quota. Jon mid Goo. Hiichanan woro in town tho day following oluctlon. Mm. Buchanan wnn with thorn. Tho boyn didn't got tholr man for proHldont but said thoy had tho rabbit bounty No morn South Amorlcan boof now, Btnnflold will attend to that -we'll got mutton. Of course wool will double at onco and BUltn will bo cut In half so will wagon, porhapn, olso how can it bo done? W. D, Johnson Is over from his Silver crook homo today. Ho ntaton that Mm. Johnnon'n health In not good and thoy may find it necessary to go to Southern California for tho winter on that account. W. U. Howard has purchased the Harnoy Valloy Lumber Co. lumber yard In thin city and will conduct It in future. Mr. Purlngton found ho Miss Harriott Hill haa accoptod a had connldorablo to take care of and position with tho Universal Oarage 1 didn't want to bother with tho yard IlKIDK OF WKHTHItN MAN' Co. Kov. and Mrs. V. W. Suffleld evan gollsts, arrived In Burns Thursday to take chargo of a series of Itevlval meetings In tho Natareno church. Tho sorlos bogln Friday night tho 6th and contlnuo ovor Sunday the 21st. W. C Cocll was In from Silver Crook tho other day to condole with bin friends on tho election results. Mm. Fred Otloy Jr. and two of her children' wore up from Lawen for a fow days during the week while she was having norao dental work done. Mr. and Mm. A. E. Drown were la town for a few days this week. Hlsle wan pleased with the olectlon re turns and was Joshing the poor news paper man who lost his man, but this big prosperity business can't be one sided, no if others prosper the news paper man la going to get a little of It. Frank Williamson wan in from tho southern part of tho county for a fow day during tho week, huvliiff yoiUr- day for outsldo polntn whore ho will likely npond the winter. Ho goon first to Hoppnor where ho him a. sin ter rcnldlng and will later go to Portland. Mr. WllllaniBon hns dis poned of bin intorontH In thin county but Htlll makoH It IiIh homo. Ho for- A woddlng which will bo received with much nurprlHo In Mnrcun was Holomnlsod lant evening when Minn Anna Hendrlcknon became tho bride of Mr. Frank L. Clark of Albornon, Oregon, Tho Intorcntlng event took placn In tho First Mothodlnt Kpla copal church In Cherokee, Wodnon Hay ovonlng, October 27, arid tho nuirrlago service wan read by Itov, (leorgo It. Ollbort or Aurolla. Tho brlilo wan ctmtoincd In a traveling suit of midnight blue Trlca Flna with hat and glnvon to match which wan worn with a not of heaver furs tho gift of tho groom. A woddlng dinner wan nervod at the Lowln hotel at seven o'clock and tho ducorntlonn and menu were In pink and white. Tho color schomo wnn attractively carried out In pink Frank Matnoy had tho mlsfortuno ftn,, whU" rom"' nnrt "m"a ml P1"60 to fall from a hay stack the other day Even though you do not deal in large sums of money, a bank account establishes your credit, provides a safe deposit for your cash, and systematizes your business dealings. Why not open an account with us ? ' t Harney County National Bank "YOCIH HOME INSTITUTION" so disposed of It to Mr. Howard. and break some ribs and also Injure his kldnoys In such a manner an It has laid him up for a time. He Is not seriously hurt but It is vory painful, I rardn. Covurn wnro laid for clichtcon guest, Tim bride and groom mot lant Thanksgiving when thn brldo spont the winter on tho coant. While Mr. (Mark In not known In Marcus, ho Is repuliMl lo have many good quail- Wm. Strode and wife and little tlen and In an Indimtrloun and pron- daughter wore In town yesterday for porous young man who owns a tract a nhort visit. They were accompan- of land near Alberson, Oregon. He led In by Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Smyth. "Is the sou of Mr. and Mm. K. M. Will Uyrare, the Shorthorn breed-' t'lnrk tho former being superintend tr of Canyon Creek, was In town yes- ent of a large ranrhlng company of terday looking after some business that vicinity, The bride haa lived affairs. I nearly all hur life In Marcas and is one or our finest ladles, and the groom in to be congratulated upon wlntlln tiitl Inn m 1 1 f m ..Mii.tilnn tila tin ma nt nil. r.uW UfuliiuJ.u ' t ' Tho counlo left on a nhort honey moon trip in an automobile and af , L. N. Mallard, newly elected county comalssloBer, was over from to help them out during tho coming morly onguged In tho nhoop business administration. i with Illll Jones. sitting with the court, as he had been appointed to fill out tho unexpired term or II. L. Hans. Mr. Stallard survod as commissioner for ono term and In familiar with tho dutlcn of tho office. Mr. Stallard had no opposi tion f(r tho ofllco at tho election, get ting tho unanimous voto for tho en tire county. tor November 1 they will be at home to tholr many frlondn In Marcus, Iowa, and If tho groom liken Iowa as well an bin brlilo they will engage In furmlng here. Tlio Mnrmn News cxIeiulH every good wish .to Mr. and Mm. Clark. Mnrcun (lown) Nowh. I AGAIN m Ready TOP CHOOI THIS YEAR This Store will bo Jloodquartors for School Supplies Whj wait until tho last minute tho open ing day of school to buy all of tho needed supplies. Buy now while stocks are fresk and scryice not rsuhod. Tablets Rulers Pencils Pastes Crayons Pens Inks Vfo can givo .you a comploto list, of Official Books For All Grades. REED BROTHERS The Rexmll Drug Store W. Duhnlmo wnn lha victim of a ' runaway Wednesday in which ho broke bin wrlm. Ho wan starting to tho mountalnn with a four-homo touiii when ho mot a boy on a bicycle which frightened bin lendom and ' thoy tu mod in tho road and started to run. Ono lino wan broken When ' ho tried to keep thorn ntralght and Mr. Duhalmo wan thrown nut with tho roHull of a fracture. Hn camo to Hums and his physician fixed him up but ho Is not going to bo able to haul any wood for a while. 155 mt rent off of ladle mid rlilldrviiN outing gowni 'M nt cent off on all blanket 'Mc a yard outing flannel for one week. Mrn. K. K. Schwarta m HPKOIAL HAliR Kalrbank.s-Morso Kcllpso Knglne and Pump Jack assembled Itogular price 77. CO. Special print ftSS.OO Katrbanks-Morso Knglne 3 home power Itogular prico llfiCOO HpociAl price SMA.OO Myers pump, brans cylinder, 16 foot plpo Special prlro 9S7.00 Tho above articles have boon used but just ovorhaulod and nre In first class condition. Durns Oarage, Burns Oregon Bulls For Sale We havo a large number of coming two-year-old pure bred registered Shorthorn bulls for sale reasonable. Come and see them. Write or phone Oanyoa Creek Ranch, Wm. Byram 4 Sea, Caayaa City, Oratea. ll-2S-t Try FlreMaae Clara. Cards. Ualrcrmd Adv. tf. TOR SAL H fat t lack canlog. TJa versa! Carat e. i-H, A. W. Gwaa Roems 14 2 Bta;lrn, nouasevelle, Building. l-l-4t. Dp- PA1 liOOALA. Dr. W. H. Reynold Calreeratle a err vyMmliit. Will b at th Lev ens Ratal for 81 day, aad will b pleassd to have BBffarara who have tried ether methods and have aot obtained desired results call. Con sultation and examination free. o FOR RKNT Two housokooplng roomn for ronn and wifo or two women, Inquire at this ortlco. 10-30 tf. Kxperlencod Dressmaker Satisfac tion guaranteed Prices reasonable. Rcdldonce old Anderson HoUl. Mm. O. W. Johns. 10-lC-tt. A silk umbrolla wan left at the Homo Drug Co. store the othor day. Owner should call and get it and If this notlco is responsible for itn re covery It should be paid for at tho regular rata. Mrs. A. D. Jose Is aow la charge of the 8 rat a rooming boas adjoin ing the Cole hotel. She will ha plaaaed t meet her many frleiJda taar. I-Htf. ATTENTION Aaalea for Sale De licious, Rom Baaatle, Northern Spies Coklsg Ben Davis and Saao Prts tt.9, 3. delivered la Baras O. Sturtevaat, La Sraada, Orga, R. 1, Bex S. lt-)3-2t. Wanted Indy for gonoral houno work. Joe Krumhols. 1 1-G APPLES POTATOES We will have another car of the Famous Brogan Apples, to arrive about Oct. 20, just as soon as they are matured. Delicious Extra Fancy Wrapped $3.75 Delicious Fancy Wrapped 3.25 Delicious C Grade Wrapped 3.10 Rome Beauty Fancy Wrapped 2.50 Rome Beautp C Grade Wrapped 2.85 Stayman Winesap Fancy Wrapped 2.50 Stayman Winesap C Grade Wrapped 2.25 Yellow Newton Fancy Wrapped 2.75 Yellow Newton C Grade Wrapped 2.50 These apples graded according to Northwest As sociation Standard. Prices f . o. b. Crane. We also have a car of A 1 U. S. Standard, Inspect ed, Netted Gem potatoes to arrive about the 14th. YALE TRADING CO. Crane Oregon Wm. Farre Practice before V. S. Laad Department aasl Real Estate ladlcatioHM are that lare of thn land will attract many lavewtor t Huraey Coaaty the oaas lag neaaoa. litMinsM aw will bo kept before prow eatlve inventors (he ea lire Reason, The Herman Martz Wood Saw . Is prepared to work promptly Phone No. G 104 Kesneth Crozler caa deliver YOUR COAL Ckcamar new than later. When ike present aapply la exhausted the price will ratac-Phewe G33F. Bend & Burns Auto Stage II. It. SCIIANNO. WES HILL, O. S, I'CTEItSON, Props. All Touring Cara NOW MAKING REGULAR SCHEDULE leave Hum every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Leave Bend om same day Special attention given passengers Quickest and cheapest route out Parishable goods, Express or any freight shipped ria Bend in our care given prompt attention HEADQUARTERS, REED BROS. DRUG STORE mm NsUMIU OOaffJINI vkea yea rar a glass of oar parfest aaaa. Mad Just rlgkt. aalxea just right aad serve jaet right It I a drlak tt for the gods r their da sceadauts. Seoma llko high praise? Not a bit af it. Coiuo la any Mm aad pat the mattor t a test, Ana llatsa, it tastoa evua better K partak ea la coasyaaf , ' PAGE'S SWEET SHOP