The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 06, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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T II 13 T I M i: H . II 13 It A h I)
11 U It N H i If A It N 14 Y COUNTY, () It K Q () N
Saturday, November fl, 1020.
i he. Tirtu.
Hut The Lri(tt CIrciilMlon Of , Any
New4ftprr u llnrnoy County.
One Yr
Monllia ...
tfcrr Month
.... $2,00
Hatimlny, November (I, HUM).
' Thu fo. lowing obltuury wan' road f ;PJfflU
at, tho funeral!
Mlna Francis Anderson wan born
In tho ntnto ot Mississippi on tho 2 lot
of Juno 1850. With her parontn nho
raorod to Texas when about two
yearn of ago and wan married to I)i
M. J. McOoo In 1868. Dr. and Mm,
McQoo, with thotyr noven children
niovod to Harney County In 1887
whoro tho husband and father dlod
within a month of their arrlral leav
ing hor alono with tho care of tho
largo family tho youngout of whom
wan two nnd' a halt yoars of ago,
From th Ih llrno Hhu dodlcatod hor
uulf to tho family, laboring long nnd
faithfully that thoy might bo kopt
. Though dofoatod, Senator Cham- tOKOltlor, ,iUcntud and trained for
bcrlaln Ik to bo congratulated. It, ......f,.! mnti. in thin nim immnml.
h not he, hut tho ututo of Oregon,
thut Ih to bo commlHerated.
Thuro Ih a wounded man In tho
ed In n romnrkabto degree.
Tho onrly part of tlilii week nho
wiih Htrlcknu with an affliction of tho
Whlto House, No record of Ideul , ,)0W0,R tml C)UIH0(l ,loneH HU(Tr,1K
ami progrcHHivo ncmovomont more
brlllluut titan his wiih over given a
country. Hut tho election returiiH
nro an If Woodrow Wilson Iti rojooted
and forsaken. 1 1 Ih vindication Ih post
Iiouetl, Not for any failure of IiIh, not for
any shortcoming, not for any flaw
In IiIh ret-o'rd wiih Heuator Chamber
lulu beatun. Kvou those who con
nplrod agaliiHt him nuknowledgod IiIh
effectiveness. They knuw what hint
. .. i
until her spirit took Itn fl'ght from
Hie homo of hor non Hoy McGoo In
iluriiH nl eleven o'ol.iclc on thu night
of ThurHdiiy tho Hh. November Tho
cl .llton that w.ri living In olhut'
"I'bh'had beeu Miinntonud ho tlin.
nlii wiih comforted by tho proonco
of (til her Ininio.'liit.) family oi l no
tlnit) of her death. Hor ago rfin iimv
iiitj yearn four moutliH and four
tuin dayH.
TLo Immedliit'j rolatlvoi preniut
place wan In tho Hunato. They know t- mourn tholr Hii, woro Mr. and
tho distinction lie lintl laid at tho (; Mr. and Mrs. Hoy McOoo, .Ml.-s
feet or IiIh state. Thoy knew tho con- i Mcdoo. Mr. Ci-rlan McGwe. ami
wplouous standing ho had given Oro- Mi, lloo. Bl-.oii.ori.. Mr. Claude Me
j;on In the laglslutnu of thu war. i Min i Kthol Mcdoo. Many other 're-
It was not for falluro In Uioho wiIIvoh alio paid tholr laut rospuets
llilngH, but In spite of those things,, I hoy loved ami respected
that Bunutor Chamberlain wont down Motion gave hor honrt to (Jod
tiufora ln tldo of poht-war reaction, when a young girl united with tho
In anbpror monientH and In more Methodic! Hplseopal Church In Tox
jMMiciifiil times many a regret will be nK 'd lived a coiiHlutaut Christian
foil by hoiiio of those who laid iihIiIo throughout her life. Hlie wan nsiioo
their better Judgmoiit and caHt a par-, titnl with tho Church of tho Niuar
tlHitn vote agaliiHt a senator whom 0110 In Hurua from the llrno It wiih
the senate Itself and tho country ac- organUod. Her hint houra wore quiet
knowledgud as of full man's stature,
u citizen four miuaro and of senator
ial capacity full orbed.
Konator Chamberlain Ih to bo con-
Kratulatod. Tho fickle public will
and peaceful though uiurkud by In
leiim; MUfforlug.
Thu fuuornl was hold In tho
Church of tho Nazarouo In Hurnn at
3 o'clock on thu afternoon of Krl
como back to roiiHon. Now ami In the' ''W tho ctl' November. Many of tho
Immediate hereafter. Senator Cham-1 frk",(,M' .K-t'rH and old ruHldoiitH
borlalu will hoiiihi tho groat truth I moy County were pruHent to
that the real annreclatlnn In In I 'r "d tender tholr sympathy to
tho election returns but In the uutol ! tno lM,rpvu' family.
mid well nigh universal acclaim of a1 T,, ,,0(,y W,,H ,nU,M, ,M 1,10 ccmo
:omnionweallh'H citizenry. I lurjr ,u ',ur,,M'
Home day our people will moro
prize able and effective public service !
mid prize Ichh the mummery of parly
politicians. Ily ami by wo shall all
rmillzo that the way to get gootl iiorv-
L. 13. .Mcllanlrl County Agent
Tim election Is over ami thu coun
try Is c ither Hnved or doomed for ad
ieu Ih lo reward good service. In! other four your according to your
time we shall comu to know that tho1 political faith. However In the case
way (o Induco the best men to accept of Harney County things look prolty
high ttlllcti Is to support them and, good since we now have the Kahhlt
appreciate them when they add lua-i Homily and tho Hlologlcul Survey
Ire to oltlco. It will couif to all Inf working with tho County Agent to
tlmo. that a distinguished service ' rhino up the peslH which will clear
rendered In a public way Ih one of the way to prosperity by allowing a
thu most precious assetH of a repub-1 chance for full crops,
lie and that It Ih cousdontlo.iH duly ! 7nriminatorlul who or how wo
to honor an.l reward It. RHl , ,,,,, ,.,,, tlllng
Oregon waliod a long lime for a to (JUT TIII3M.
atmator Cha.nbttrlnln. Th state Is to; T ,, (.,1()llUHtt wnv 0
liwisratulated on tho lustre ho Huh! Ulom xmnMUtK ooiullUoim aro right
m.u , tiro-.j,, wm, 1)oU() T0 ,,, PK
ou at.Washlngton-l'orlland Jour- ,, rrom , (.mlllt. ,., ,lt ll0
''i. I ........ i t.
waiiiesaiti Kovt'riiiiitMii jirii-o. no win
nlso let you have thu poisoned grain
If you haven't tho hay or vegetables
The cltlzeiiH of Hupiih mAiirn il... ,0 L(,tH l ,,llHy ,low'
iteath or a highly roHpoctcd plnuoerj ""ro l how you can get them with
lady. Mrs. Francos Kllzabeth McOoo poison.
pasaed away at tho homo of her son, 1. Take 1 Ounco of strychnlno,
Itoy, Thursday .nlghi. Tho pastor , dlssolvu by boiling In 8 quarts of
of the Nazarouo church conductod j water (If tho strychnlno is Alkaloid
Uio funeral and was assisted by Hov. usa 1 ijuart of strong vinegar and
Tlckner of tho Haptlst church and seven quarts of water). Pour tho
Hov. Wlchtraon of tho I'roHbytorlan poisoned water ovor 12 to It pounds
church. A beautiful trlbuto wan paid of fine alfaira hay or thu hay leaves
bur Christian fnlth and charactor by. and mix till tho water Is all absorh
tlio mnlster," during tho Horvlco. The ' oil. I'luco In Hiuall pllim around fonc
Nvrltur hnd known and respectod Mrj.j ed stacks or In pons on the rango
Mr.Oo.) for cvor thirty years and foels whoro tho stock cannot get ut It or
a per onal I.ish, oven though sho hud If In a section where there Ih no
lived her three score years and leu. loose stock It can bo plucod along
l-j-J Ucil UrJI UlM UtA UmU Umdi Uati UtsU UfJJ UttfJ UAU UtXl Ui llrl Hit 11 IJKf'J UflU Utl tlfl J UuUJ I
1 wwwBk
II m
m Thin Mow Blue-$50
Br -
ONT let mother exercise wore
care in the selection of that
Thanksgiving turkey than you do
in the suit you will wear on Tur
key Day when all the family
around -the home table 'again.
Thanksgiving is the DRESS-UP DAY of
tne fall season for suit or overcoat.
AKIOKIJiMV liiiiloriMl, perfect; fitting garments for
men who desire t.liree - butt on conservative styles.
'Pliey nre developed of tin? best quality fnne,y worsted
materials. Well lined with alpaca lining and neatly
linislietl throtfhout-. When yon see these suits yon will
roalizu what wonderful values this department oflcrs
$40 to $100
Hat Smiles For Everybody
A fortunate purchase of Fall Hats the season's
latest styles in all the new colorings
Men' Vclour Hats $4 to $10
Soft and Stiff Hats $3 to 8
Neckwear $1 to $4.00 BURNS CASH STORE
Silk Sox $1
fflTO Si
the ruhblt trails In tho brush. I doxo for a full grown dog, Usn smal- nnd variety at once rnnnvninr r ni.i w.,-,, .,n.,.i. n
Take 12 pounds uf potatoes, ,r or rger tloses In proportion to A number of small nrlir linvn nlfnlfii
... - i .....i ... ...
milium, rurMiin, ur iiuvin iiuti vinip iu . tin xlm
Inlo the
We invite you all to call and get acquaint
ed and inspect the store.
You will find Prompt and Courteous Atten
tion at all times.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention,
shipped out same day order is received.
If we haven't what you want, we will get it.
C 0. PERRENOUD, Manager
Successor to Welcome Pharmacy
This remedy Is supposed to been given the county agent ror sul- This reminds us that If you aro
be a sum euro for a Salmoned dog. ' phur but It Is desired to secure planning to icon any now land to
So much for tho poisoning this enough to mnku a small carload In tiiralfa usu only thu Clrlmm or llnltlc
aidoiiu desiring good clean order to lake ailvantaeo nf Mm nrli., vurlntv uln rn Htm linvn urnvitn ilinni.
seed or any klml rah got In touch um fr(,K,lt. ,f yoM nro lltoroHted solves to be best nduptod to tl.H ell-
with reliable people by writing on vmt0 fKMiro ul ,I0W ,,,,, yo, w, liwtw ,, yIo,,, ,u,aver ,nn , ot.
iiIIIiik on Die county ngout. m., , )mrtlrt of 100 ,,,, , P varieties - and ir you aro ling
Several Imiutrlea havo boon recelv- tho acre and place your order at new laud bo uro and lnoculnt M iir
ed from onslern sources for tho onco. ood.
hardy varieties of alfalfa seed grown The sulphur should bo spread on
here such uh tho (Irliiim and tho Hal- tho ground ami burrowed In THIS Parties are hereby warned to ccaso
tic. If you ClUI SllarO atlV nOW Or PALL Hilt! tint lllllnr Hut tinnl nf nl. tritmmualtii' unmi )... lmlnf r.,nili nt
w - - " - " " - ' r 'tj VI tIMIMVI tllllVM v
small H(iiares and sprinkle one ounco
of strychnluu over tho muss thor
oughly' from a peppur shaker and
distribute In tho same manner as the,
hay or grain. Tho stock aro not as
liable lo pi k up this typo of ball as
they are the hay or gr,alu.
Spuaklng of polsoua It will Inter
nal man) who havo tried to poison
coyotes with strychnlno ami have
them go away ami die where they
couldn't be found to know that thoy
can drop them practically In tholr! will have any noxt season ploiiBO lot falfa the better tho chanco for big Uobt. Drlnkwater abovo Cow Crook,
tracks with the following prepara-the county agent know tho nmouut returns as It has proven n wonderful Violator will bo prosocutod. 1 1-C-tt.
(Strvciiiilno.CvHiil(1i .Mliturn
Mix uuual uarts of nowderod
strychnlno alkaloid ami granual,
cyanide (thu latter Is called cyauldo
chloride mixture Mslllnckrodt)
After thoroughly mixing place three
grains of tho mixture In a No, 2 cap
sule which you can get ut any drug
store. Tho throe grains will fill tho
capsule about throe fourths full.
Thu capsule should ho placed In a
small ball of sugan and lard as thu
lard will mult with tho first warm
weather ami make the capsule harm
less to dogs,
Tho poisons should he mixed In
tho OPHN AIR since tho fumes of
tho cyauldo are very daugeroiiH.
ir any or your dogs or other live
stock get strychnine try an utiial
mixture or Cautor oil and 1'eroxldo.
A U'a cup full of each Is thu right
Might As Well Have A Guarantee
You Will Say so, Too.
Save Your Eyes
llll ..W
Eye strain ratines headaches,
nervoUHtiess and other 1 rou
bles. I flt accurately
and HclentfHctilly,
All Work Guaranteed.
Ollice with Dr. II. P. Smith
Our Customers Tell Us
that there is all the difference in the
world between the old style wire
wound broom they've been accus.
lomcd io wJ'.ii and the
Ksnmbaih Process
They say this difference i3 not merely in appear
ance; Little Polly is not only a lighter broom,
with a tip more flexible than the old style wire
wound broom, but it doesn't break
at the shoulders or wear to a point
at the tip like other brooms.
After you've used one Little Polly,
you'll underfitand why we're proud
to say we sell it.
Farmers Exchange