The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 30, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    T $1 K T f M 13 I II 14 II A li if (I V It If 8 I' II A Jt K Y 0 0 '0 y tT,y , , 6fl K 0 olfr
"Fuse Elht
Oetofcor .10, 11)20.
This is the time when spooks and Hob
goblins play their pranks wit;! gates and
. other movable property, sometimes oven
causing, vehicles and .tfie like to climb onto
housetops. , ' .
There is at -times a suspicion that the
spooks are aided by some of the boys, an'd
sparo' the thought by some of the girls
of the community.
t We hope this report is not true if prop
erty is -wilfully damaged as', sometimes
happens. 1 ' , r
: ' A ' '
The youth who does not Icnrnytorc-
pcct property, 'especially othcrf-peoplcs
l! ' t I .1 i '
property, is inaking abad start.
. .'A good start, would be to open tan ac
.."count at TOE BANK. ' With property df
their own to look .after, young people
quickly-learn to respect the property rights ,
'of' others. '
f'Mrrih, 10. Mcfoanlola.puVo Hono,p
Ifiej youiifc frluudadf lior'Hohlt n iluh
lowd'on lmrty 'liihl'iilKhti . ' 1 '
Mra. Itobort Colo umlorwoftt nil
oporutfiiii nt thp liuntlrt oflr. Sinth,
f hdrailuy. v . "
. . V
JohtuCJury ,iui(lfmnlly itro. ovor
vfi'oln tliulftJiofhii on Urano Orqok
Odour t)0Wlfl hhtl hlMrloful Jiiiiu
.tinhwohat wiro' JnV tovil from 'Cnt
low ycntortliiy.,- . , ' 1
J. 10. HfoQinord wiih lii, from' tho
ranch for a Ww lnyH -dUrlnK
wuuk vlaltlng with Ilia fuihlly,
Mra. Hontfro fiftlno dowii froin All
ilnon, WaHhlliKton e It lit to niUlb,
proof on lior tlcmjrt Intid cJaliu.
.EdirHgll ,w'iffj ovr from )df ttti$tt
ImDhu at NVaftotiitro dttrdig tin wooU,
i jirK jNiiuor huh yoin inMOwn our.
'.lilH .wiiulCfroni IiIh hom'6 id, Ulil-
Marriod Shlunla.- oVol)lnif dot
b)i(V 2 at jtlio iJaitlH,, UaiHOiiiKo,
lloy 'Olar"k artit mIah Kfhol Til'rimr
worn, nfiifr(j(l,,'Hov.,J J. Tfykiiof por
rormliiK .(ho cjoi'omoiiy, llotlt Mioiui
yoniifj jioonio aro won ono ffyvorauiy ; mi
(known to, tint jiudnln of -Hnxtwy i-ouM-jfjlw
iy whoro, llioy ha'w rortjilrnt, all ihulflbltS
IIvoh,' Hoy Jri tho won 0 MranO Mrft.Jwj
Hjiirtmid'l Clrtr, lib ImH'wgrJjMil wllli.Wfa
m Good Business
Htonk ovor Hlnoa ho' wan Iutho uiioiikI
to'rlilo rt.'hor(j,' IIWijh'omo of ,llfo
h(Jy to kolld w'iir Wlion wu, vwro'enll-
(xl npoii 10 'alii, ilia lirKlu Ih a vjjry
(iliarmlnKyoMiiK Jny, tho iJaiiKfitor
0. B. 'nioinjiHon wiiHiainoiiK.oUr.1 Mr..imrmy T.arhnr of
vfHlto rn from lliu Orano country flur- Anilrown. filiy wan at onp tlnio hook
lut; tha iWik., ltidjor rrtlio InH)rlJountaln Tol.
" ' L J T)l. Co; koIiib latof to Hid C'raiip
Don t lot' uolflnhncMn or, unrtlkan stMtoItAnk and Mill 4atr acroptoil
projudlct) wovorii yohr Wito af'tho fi tiuiiiifiulltlit tin lit 1 1 mi ul lit n ttfi tib- til
olortlon Tuorfday. Konfjii mlinf tlio t$,wa, Idaho, Him Ih a ry nwoot
alrtlky or ihoiatidhlittc to Mrvw V'" J yptjtn;. Jtuly and will niako.lfri4,tjiil Ol hln or hor fi (;ood . wifo.. for. unif Mrp. ('lark will innjU
iimiii iiomu mi "iiiriu in uiu nriv
Tit tnni .ii.iiTr jMrhojDil of AndrowH.
iik tookJicr, dopnrt- v
oniljK for" Portland , r"
offlct-ra wo arc looking for
,Mr. 0o. You
iro yonlorday morn
whilro'flho JolnhWldaiiKhtiir, h'fvn
UnstoU and. thnttwor'ouiiRorihoyBffor
wliilur. hln4l'nt Iik a pol
lion In'l'orthin'l MiTSltlif hoyn arc a't-
toinlliiK wchool? i 'J
t .'' i
1. WeliiHtuln. tlio La won moruhnnt.
Even though you do not deal in large
ftiiius of money',, a, bank account establishes
your credit,, 'provide a safe deposit for
your cash, anq systematize your business
wok afc .nmm.HK;, visitor ,Miurl;iK, .ill, r,,,,,, ,, wm,ffui him a Pcaoh w
wiihk linn HdjrH HRMmiuiiRiiM 1 juir tiuvy rutitui. Mr. -m
iv m .twit It f'lifi lit lwtlt I taKi A film 1 t J,. . I.
,M ",,, 'Jf1 1 lnjan nuffi-rlni; from Kaili
in, , uiiibiiiiii nun 11 uy iiiniri'jmiij;i i
ad III
thin Iftiuo of (ho papor ly,tlio
Tlio hody of l'ordlnaild M. Tlnton Zi
wan foufid IiihI . Matprduy fornnoon'! jnj
ni'hr. IiIh-homo. Jlu had rlddon otij,
on n'h'oro tq'a'nolshhor'B arlir In
MiO day' mid whan Did horiHi on run
in iiiiiimi
iloii had
. 1
on una '
lMllkily UiIh wu rOTptinvlJilti for
lilyilualli. 1. I
w'TllO ftintTftl WHO (HIIIltluliHl III '
Why Dot open an account with us? 1
Harney County
National Bank
mi m m.m..!. P.i,iH,..,.t ('Htno riiMuay aMnrimou oy imw.
homo thu fori.part of thla wnok from ! Jo,,n n Vh"w W m.. lrt. Uylf
a iUwr'lmiil3h lb inouninlim In 'H'- ''I''h of iM i.-t.. uy
tlio.Mlioir or ilr t'rtur cwnmr.iiy.
DfrmsM bor In lUirry cauii
tyiiHiiiri Mif I4,llf0.'. H crn
to 0r.9M wh nxll Ml nrainair
rlmJ ts SUnnt) VtiMt JtK 1. lio.
iltt aan to Hurnn in l iOtTttfUl 0
nlprttt rotiklMl In. UIk HHiujy. Rleton
mliUdfnii a hi I h wifd twrvlv him:
litntiti 'I'otiar. limn Tipton. ,MKSl
J(rM. Kmil linker wiih up from hur
homo noar Narrowa yimtorday. (
Worn Monday. OoU 26, to Mrv
auU Mrs. Udcnr' WJItlam, li datiKh!
Frank' Clcrf Ih hn from Jloli.
1 1 mum over to look aftor totiiv htia
Imh ntralrn and to vl.ll with . hu! ,rt R v,ry 4,,; 0UllnR
many irinuiiH.
Mrc'Caniilo Smyth of Diamond wat
rue of thu houer iiuohIh at.tln annl-
Mrsferv motluB l Utirna OhfjjjVjr
K. R., 'lining n patk MaVron'of tho
Minn Ktliol ThompRon'wnti lutown
yontorday. Rho oaino hloug atu) aid
Mhm Kthol Hrown In tho foro, vtl '", f up '? thlH wook- VlHltlnw wau"' Wl "1-onr aftnr tho nJ Idkt
trlooda ami undl, thy .a-Oilver "V hlK"WKy T,,HrH,,n' 0VwM,"K'
Hury moating of tho Kaatdrn filar Gerald M. Korr. a momhor of the
Ulggft iiihiIc a trip trt Prion-
"rtllnhu fora part of thin wook. tak
liighlH hrotluvr. John and wtfo and
Mrs. B. n, I 111 that far on, tholr way
Thfl I'roohytorUn Lndlon Aid' will
lvb thcilrannual chlckon.plo dinner
no Jh jivnnliiK of Novnmhnr S, Mic
lion, day) from R:30 nt tho Commor-j Cait of iV-8tolnKMouiitalnM aa far
cltfj Club rriomH. Tho llun6r will' h H n.mlo and rfturim n tho wont tddo
(looloKlcat Hurvity, haH hinm In thin
vicinity for Nuvoral daya on olllulal
htiMlnoHH. HoWiiH horo for. xovorul
wiokR a couplo of year a ago und
nutdo niany frlmuln whllo atutloucd
Mr. Mnrtz community nurno, took
hor doparturo yontcrday morning for
a tour of t!ji anhoola In tho tmuthorn
part fif tlnKiinty. . film koi'm down
I It H
tho mountain.
riorynd of R'O conia it plalo. TJn
II'. ia cordially Invliyd to comi.
" C 0. Purrnoud. manaKor of tha
tv. Uitrry Wli'liTtum. n hmUw llom Drug Co., Iqfi Wudip'Hdny for
John II. Wf'-herMoit, v'yi pastor of ou.taldo polnta. ' Humor haa It th
tbi&l'rlu'terlttii chorxlnof UiIh oily, young mini' wlU'roturii to thu city In
is ifurft vlalllng tlio'lnttor. Thw young, a nliort tlmo neuompaulud by a hrldo.
-lUffTiHtor Iiuh Ijcoii utatlonoil ovor at If thu should nrovo truo wo aro ur
Attl Voraoii and Dayvlllo in Grant' hoth ho and tho.' hrldo" will find a
y hut Ik on IiIh way to Port-! hearty wolromtvl'rom tliovVooplo of
tla city.
which ho w' oatinipimlud 'lir iki
laimir. wno m 11 r) iroiii Baiom viu
lug with him, ahVcJ. V. CluyiMMr
and N'd .'Connolly Th partly ijfo
ctMNlud in Ijagglug four dttttc'Hlid 'o
plod At tlt hpaiHtol. Hiiiiii'
night, ottohor. 21. Al Uuiiillii, ngud
03 ynam Mu hail an attack, of puou-
moiiln, hut wait not o(iuttdnru
daugt'roun coiitlltloluuntlL
hlltMith. l)noiiHi)i.1iad
Idfuil of UiIh hoi lion? t6r many jflra
mul wan wnil kiruwn. Ho
' FnrrlH. Ooorgo lliitiki ' Jbo 'nntoJi.
il a,' rMt Ttti, HWo rnJffiriAiotitr
Jvpi x;U, i'hiumi, jimmio i'uhoii, joimnyni'ip
lfn a.raa.1 m j,dUm 'ntiton. -
wan wnil Kirowii. Ho Mad
family or noar rolat van Iii.tlll-'tfnnT
munlly. Tho funeral wait oondduld
runmlny foronoon. Inlcrnidnlhalirj:
In tho Hurnk coniolrry.
. .:
j. 1
ACftrpKNT OH' l'llllVA
Jauin:VB)iiig;Hiill ulntor.Vi J,
IImvIimi ntiil n frlrtiul u'urn llm vlntliiitf
of an. itcclitont on. tha highway ho
IlarncH and Bd. Btallnrd horo, twoon thlg city and Iwtwon Tnurwlny
ovor from tho Drownoy emmtry ya'i aftornonn. Tho party wun coming
tttnloy with n truck load of nojinitlH 10 Ilurna and turned out to nllow a
and pumpkina which Jon dlNpo('.il of' man on a horjio to puh whou tho car
In (hid city. Bd Informs this ijliupj ntruck tho lonno grnvol and wont
that ho poraomilly ovorhcard Jon ovor tho hank hnforo It could ho
trado hln voto off at thn coming clfc
tlnn for xomo gaKollno. It uhed to
ho hooto hut now It'a gnHOllno. Tlhny
wnro almoKt to Ilurna with tho'r
19110 of ttiiuiitth when tlioy ran out of'
ga.i'aml n popular ramlldnto caino
along and Jon ir-AUo tho h.irgaln '.ylth
him fit oiiough v( 10 gat It I rii 10
town tho fan N 1 hat cam'
I9 oir v, UIUI H IN lei Joo if u 1 1
havi Hiit,vrt'o'iMiim ou w.iy. v i
....;.0 '
jHimolnl- liTir. 'and U'.Tf. (-Ilk
Htocklug aro now hulng up Id if or
1 f,o sric' hull of yarn", now
xlk .and' wool yarn, 8 Be. hall. Mra
B. V. Schwartz. !
hroughl under control. Mra. Douglaa
Mirforcri a dlvlocatnd thumb and
noma hrulr-nn ahout Imr head tut
othnra of tho party wiro mon or
Iomh hurl hut not anrlnuMy. Portu
nutoly Ilia car niflnil partly on thn
hIiIo of tho Krndo and did not como
down flat upon tho orcupant-J, other
w'ho It would llkoly havo hnon aur-loua.
PooI . hotild very cant loua In I
j driving nrr tho hlf lrway until It Ima
' hncQino moro imukud. Thu riMilcr
aocma to ho fluo hut th grudo It
1 rathor narrow and tho gravol on tho
j odgu.a la not packed nud thoroforo
, tifitchornua,
IVIrlwnt a-Morao Bdlpao Kngino
nd J'ttnip jk atutemblnd RtiguUr
ptlc! 117.10. '
HftrrUtl m loo $lto)0
Kjtr1nkr-Mor Vrtrtin t hor4
tKjweV Heular pr . 'to
'Special n1r 9flA.(H ;'(
,3rtra put.ip. r... ivi.ndor, IB
feci pttK"
Mprrln! pi lcc 7.30
Th bov Mrti'.lea bv kOti ud
but Jiml ovrhiuiltMt and ar in flrat
claaa conUtllns.
Hurils (Jarngo,
IJuritH Oregon
. .. o
Bulls For Sale.'
Flrcwtono Corila.
Adv. tf.
Waiavo a larg numher of comlug
two-yftar-old puro hrod roglBtrxl
Shorthorn bulla for alo rcnaonitbl.
Como and ncn thwin. Wrlto or phoaa
Onnyou Hroilk Hanr.h, Wai. Tlyrftia
fz Hon, Canyon City, Oregon'.
-o- l,O0AI8.
nr. W. II. Itcynolda Ohlroprtl
norvn apcclalint. Will bo at the LT
ona Hotot for 30 days, and will
ptiviaod to havn nuffornrn who karti
triad fithor molhoda and hav mot
nhtnlntMl dnalrod rnaultn call. Cob
aultntlon and oxamluatlou freo.
o -
KOIt UBN'T Two houookoopln
rooiua for man and wifo or two
woman. lnqulro at thin offlco.
10-30 tf.
FOR MALE 140 foot 6 Inch calling
UnlTflraal Qaraoo Co. S H
A. W. Oowan llooma 1 A 2 Pp.
ntajlrn, ftounaovcllc. Iliilldni'
lo 1 -
Exporleucod .Iroainak-r ouitMaf
Uon guarantond Prlcon J-aronuble.
UejridancB old AnderHou Hotel
Mra. O. W. Johns. 10 JG-it.
A allk umhrnlla waa left at th
Homn Dag Co. atom tfio other day
Owner ahould call and get it and If
thU otie la reoponalblo for Ita re
coTery It ahould ho paid for at the
reto! ar rate.
fttra. A. P. Jonca la now In chargo
of tk Bmth rooming houao adjolti
tag tli Cole hotol. Kho wilt hi
t)latee to noet 'her many frle:.'tk
tlMtta. G-12tf.
ATT1NTION Applca for Bale Ue
likaa, Robbo Ucnutiea, Korthcra
fttee Cooking Don Davla nnd
Ouo PriM $2.00, 12.60. $3,01
tfelirarel la Burnn O. Sturtovaat.
L Ormsel, Oregon, It. 1, Box S
. i-ia-2t.
MIMMM 1 0 W-4
Tie Herman Martz
Wood Saw
4J -n
IMiitrStoro will bo
jrcirtmuartorH for
Why wait until Uip last minutoUhd' open-
! ,1 r ,...1 1 j. 1 11 f 11. '.1 i v
iuj Kuiy t Muiiooi i;u tiny iui 01 uio iipunao
HiipplioH. .Huyuiow while stockK aro IVokIi
and service not I'suhed, -
Tablets Rulers Pencils . g ' :
Pastes Crayons . Pen Inks
We run pvo j 011 a oomplottt Ii'hI pf
Olllfial JiookH For All (.mdty.
The Rexall Draff Store
Fall and Winter Dry Goods
FurrtiingsNew Stock
Leather Vests
Caps, Hals
v Shirts, Ties
' y Mackiriaws
, Blankets
Auto Robes
Traveling Bags
Navajo Blankets
1 ' .wL
- ' S Pf M
vt o WkJi
Burns Cash Store
Wiw, Farre
rrautlec before V. S. L.nd
licpnrtmuit und
Real Estate
Indicttlona aro I hat the
luro of tho laud will
attract mativ iuvoitoi-H to
Ilarnwy Coimly tho com
ing hoavou. IilhtlngN now
will bo Kpi hoforn proa
pectivn luvt'Mora tho on
Urn hcaMin.
Ia prepared to work
Phone No. G 104
Keuucth CrozZer
can deliver
Cfccaper new tkan later.
WIich 'ke presmt supply
U cxkaBHttd tke price
will ralKtt.-Phenc 22F.
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
All Touring Cmrn
L'cuvch Hums every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Leaves Iiend on same days
Special attention riven passengers
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
wkat ym writer a glass of our porfoct
ote, HU just right, mlxod Just
right MNrrod just right It ia a
irlak St tar the gods or tholr do
MMtaaU. Sms likp high pralao?
Ntt a bI of it. Como in any tlmo
i4 t th mattor to t teat. Ami
lUtMR K tasteti evon bdtteIf partnlc
n hv (KUBfaa.