The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 30, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    T II 13 TIMES- II K U A Ij I)
)t U It N f) i II A It N M V COUNTY, 0 It K flON
Hiilurdity. October 110, Miuo,
The Times-Jifcraxa,
Hn The Lnrgcit Clrcnlnllnn Of Any
Nowtpnpcr In llnrnoy County.
JULIAN I1YRD . . Manager
On Yr ... $2,00
Monltit ,oo
fbre Month .,, . .... 78
Nntiiiilny, October IK), HUM).
Tim uiteru of Oregon nro not
liip to turn down (loo. M. Oliamliorlalii
with IiIh rwcord iih chairman of liilll
tury alTulrH durlnn- the war tiutl IiIh
Kciiornl MtiimlliiK iih it national char
acter, Willi Hid Influuitcu )io lmti
Kiiluod dtirlitK IiIh Inctintlioiioy In of
tiro and put In IiIh plaeo a mini who
euunnt compare In any rctipoot to
111 in an a Mtnti'Hiimn. Olminliorlnlu Ih
not owned liy any ono, Ilo Hliowod
IiIh aliHottilo ludopuudutico when ho
defied tho administration In IiIh
stand on inattiTH pertaining to cnit
dltloii.s In tho army and Htooil for
belter imniiary comlHinmi and mom
mimfnrtit for tho boys In tho oiimpii
and cniitoumimlii. Don't ho foollnli
mid lot tho profoiitilonal polltlolan
try to nmlio you think you mufit
voto for thin or that man bueaiiHo of
partisan prejudice, wo certainly don't
want "to out off our homo to iipllo
our fnco."
Tho lant moutliiR of tho Mothorn
Chili wan on October 21iit at tho
homo of Mm, A, K, Itloliurdnon
whom Mra. J, M, Hlzomoro and Mm,
II, J. IIiuihou wero hoiiteim'n. Tho
particular Htihjoct under (IIhciihhIoii
durliiK thin montlui; wan tho iiiimml
ThanltHRlvluR hall which Iiiih lioon
Klvon under tho aunpleim of tho Chili
for many yearn, TIiIh promlHOH to ho
"an event" iih In tho ctiHtnm,
Tho afternoon wiih very pleaHuntly
Npout with a coed nttondiinco of tho
momhnrtdilp. HofruHlimentii woro
nerved. Tho next meotliu; will ho
with Mm. .IohmIo MoiiIIoii on Novein
her 4 with Mm. .lamori hampHliIro iih
Joint llOHtOHM.
a vom Aitoi'T tiii; ioijKction
APPEAL to the
Voters of Oregon
55. M,,l
Cv j and
The Port of Portland Dock Commission Consol
idation Bill on the state ballot should be defeated.
While It no doubt aiTecta the whole state in some de-
jree, the enormoUH expense which it will create muni n
be borne by tho taxpayers of the Port of Portland,
which contain, 209 sqiTare miles, or lesn than one
quarter of one per cent of the area of the state. The
Chamber of Commerce, the Taxpayers' League and
other Portland organizations and many representa
tive business men have joined hands to acquaint the
voters of Oregon with the facts to enlist their opposi
tion to the measure.
The scheme of improvement proposed bv the
bill will cost .10,000,000. As a starter, $1(5,500,000
of bonds are authorized. In violation of the home
rule provision of the Constitution of Oregon, the
voters of the Port of Portland are denied the right
to say how large a debt they are willing to assume.
Nor are they given A voice in the selection of the
commissioners who are to vote bonded debt upon
them, levy taxes for them to pay and manage their
The electors of the territory within the Port of
Portland are better qualified than any ono else to
judge of the amount of bonded debt they should
authorize or the taxes they should pay. Their liber
ality in assuming burdens of public improvement,
not only for themselves, but for the state at large will
not be questioned by any one who will scan the re
cord of the huge total of bonds they are now carry
ing, amounting, in round figures to $JM,000,()00. It
cannot be thought that the state will be the gainer by
The Tlmou-lloriild In not itolni: to
preach to tho dtlzoiiH of Harney
county on how to voto on thin or
that moiiHiiro or llilit or that eanill-
ditto. Tho people of llarnoy county
nro Jiint an IntolllROitt an In any other
part of tho country and when they
aro pontod on Innucii and candidate
need no advlco from a nownpnpor.
TIioho hllht that vitally Intnront thin
part of tho country have hoon Klven
cojiHldoratloii by tho papora and Ilia
people know how to voto on theni.
Tho cnudldnti'ii iiliould Im coiiHldornd
in tho iitinto Tin political af
filiation Iiiih titliliu; to do '"llh tho
(nullification of tho iiHilni..lH and
Ihnt'H what wo aro 'looUtm; for
competent, efficient orileem to nerve
iih. WoIkIi tho niallflealoiiM of each
and cant your voto nccordiiKly ami
you'll make no mlHtako
o .
Votorn of llarnoy County:
My name In on tho hallot iih Dem
ocratic nominee for Mate tUiiiutor
ami 1 appeal to you for cnuddomtlnii
win ii your Imllot Ih cant.
lioliiK it oualuuiM man, mv belief In
that leclHlatlon In really hiiAlntmi,
playliiK for political advene"
hi no part of my erou; If Hi
people Of the dlntrlct nond mo to
I Snlom, I will work for thonu things
Hint urc liennftclitl In tint Miorkui"u
nil f..rnir of III dUlrk't, thon In
(teiirri hctnit ftlinom our unitt mip
nrt; I ho road work niiould lit (ion
liniutt nt'd t u lowir rout the pH
pie who pay tti rtlibt (Uxm) mint
ha eonnlitfroU mid girn Hudr mon
ey worth: ui trn or mcti igiv
lativ n-'"! on U to lu:r Mpnnii.
ami thin tiuntl will ! fought If I kii (
Yonrt for MHfirtm.
llHrotll JolllltlHON WHH III town
Thumday ami Inforiim iih he Iium ru
tiirnml to llarnoy county to make IiIh
lionie and dlrHCted IiIh paper he Kent
to Urowiaiy.
Harney County High Wins
(Continued from pace ono)
n" A larKe inrii out Ik' nxpi'cted to
day for local IntlitiHlanlH nro certain
ly mipportliiR tho hoyH
A haiiiiiit at tho hlKlivtehool under
the aiiHplie of MIhh IJiuhI Krenxe.
liy n loyal. wIUIiik K
An wo have tried to make you nee
niul iih you aro liilcll(?enl, oiioiikIi
lo know Til 19 ltlOMUDV IH OIK1AN
IATION, and In tho AitHoulalloii
which Ih now orKiuilzed and wiiIUiik
(or you to ratify tile idectlou of olll
cum you liavo the moaiiii of apply
Iiik that remedy.
Tho entire matter Ih now H(iiarely
UI TO YOU. Whothor you wIhIi lo
remedy comlltloiiH Ih your IiuhIiichh
entirely and no ono Ih koIiik to force
you to Join tho itHiioclallon or to do
liny th Ini; you il) not whili to do.
However If you aro not a member or
do not Intend to ho a member til
leant ho man oiioiikIi to place tin
blame miiutroly whero It IiuIoiikh
WITH YOUItHMMi' ami iiilt ciihhIiik
the other rollow hecatiHO you aro not
KottlitK mi much out of tho kiuiio iih
you put In,
Now rellown Homo 240 of you have
kIkhoiI appllcatloiiH to become mom
hem of the county organization.
I In vo your root ftrown cold or do you
think hauling a load of hay or rid
Iiik vur the IiIIIh for a yearling
that you can't aell for what It cent
you Ih or more Importance than at
tendlni: tho flnil rok'ular meetlni; of
tho aHiioclatlou which will he h
In the Ccmuiorctal Club rooimi
IIUUNS, NOV. 0 at 10 o'clock In tho
mornliiK? ir you do think ho that Ih
your IiiihIiiohh ami by Haying away
you aro iIoIiik the othem no partlc
II la r Imrtu. If you think the AocIm
tton rondiK-tod In a hiiiliinM llkn
wannvr by llvu wirn niockmeii ma U ,
of iMtnttflt
tnt Into the
followH that
Inirnern with tlin rtllmr
nro in tho iiiinio fix iih
yottrpeir ami
then AM, H f , frj.
Into the
We invite you all to call and get acquaint
ed and inspect the store.
You will find Prompt and Courteous Atten
tion at all times.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention,
shipped out same day order is received.
If we haven't what you want, we will get it.
C. O. PERRENOUD, Munagcr
Successor to Welcome Pharmacy
in yini or you to iih
wo want you In corn and '
SI A 11 V (I It I If K 1 ff
ltpibllciiii (iiiiilldalo
Vnr Kcliool Mnpi'iliifeiiilrnl
aMlHtii li,
;roup or
nuo at
the Tonawama which wan well at
tended. The name honpltalltleH will
he tendered the Pralrlo City 1 1 Ik It
.in o
Klrln wiih tendered to Hie vImUIiik and '1
local plnym fQllowed by a da
Save Your Eyes
IOye Htrnin cuusck lii'adncluv,
ncrvuiiNiie.HH and other trou
IiIch. I (It kuhhch nrciiratcly
and Kctentincally.
All Work ('uarnntccd.
Ofllro ulth Dr. II. P. Smith
- t r it All -v-v T k
we wm nave anotner carol me ramous jsropan
Annies, to arrive about Oet. 20, just as soon as lh v
are matured.
Delicious Extra Fancy Wrapped ...$3.7rj
Delicious Fancy Wrapped 3.2.")
Delicious C Grade Wrapped 3. in
Rome Beauty Fancy Wrapped 2.50
Rome Beautp C Grade Wrapped 2.35
Stayman Winosap Fancy Wrapped 2.50
Stayman Winesap-C Grade Wrapped 2.25
Yellow Newton Fancy Wrapped 2.75
Yellow Newton C Grade Wrapped 2.50
These apples graded according to Northwest As
sociation Standard. Prices f. o. b. Crane.
We also have a car of A 1 U. S. Standard, Inspect
ed, Netted Gem potatoes to arrive about the 14th.
Crane Oregon
I,. K. .Mi'DniileU, I'oiin'y Audit
gi imposine: upon its chit'f city the insupportable load
rj of udthtional debt contemplated by the pending bill.
The sponsors of the Port of Portland bill have
openly appealed to the electors of the state at large
to vote for it on the ground that it will cost them
nothing. This is log rolling of the most dangerous
type. If such methods are to prevail in behalf of di
rect legislation, no county, city, port or other mun
icipal corporation in the state will be safe from hav
ing intolerable debts and taxes foisted upon it by in
different voters from other pails of the state. Bills
like this must be rejected by the voters if home rule
is to retain its vital force. Home rule and such .bills
cannot survive together. One or the other must fall.
The voters of the Port of Portland are not ask
ing to be relieved of their responsibility to create and
maintain the necessary facilities for ocean com
merce. They desire only that they be given a voice
in the management of their affairs, and that, through
the established processes of law, they be permitted
to adopt a plan of port development which will not
load millions of dollars of debt upon them.
Votera are requested to voto 81 1 NO.
Executive Committee.
Paid Advertisement by Taxpayers' League of
Portland.' ' ';
Executive Chairman,
S i
Mr. Htouluiiiiii
And l-'armur
Of lUriicr Pou HO'
1vh you ttt 'jPBkboitA
And tli owy dy omittii hhium"
or ih MKt (MtANIIUItltY Krowor
Who through COQIMJHATION ami
Now control tho huIIIiii: price of
their crop.
If you don't hellevo It Jiint wait
till you buy a quart for Tliunk mkIv
Iiik dinner If you can afford It.
If you can't afford It there Ih no
ono to blnme hut youniolvim iih you
hnve tho name opportunity they had.
The only dfforenco Ih that they
know they worn belli robbed ami
koukIU for and Al'l'I.IKI) tho rem
edy. While you fellowH abitnliitoly con
firm tho time worn Htatomeiit of tho
hoiip box orator that "The KaruiurH
Won't Iiiiiik toKother."
You all know you aro robbed or,
tho rlKlit to a roiiHonahlo profit on
the Hturf you produce yet tho iiiohI of I
you limit your Heiirch for a remedy to'
ciihhIiik the other fellow, '
There are Htockmon and farmerH
In t Ii Ih county that haven't Heeii the''
color of a dollar, other than ono bor-1
rowed from thu bank or drawn from
their account, for three yuitm or,
more vol prlcim of all retail meats
I were never uiKiiur.
TIioho of you who hnvo been "hon
ored" by hitvlm; n buyer ofTor you
tho innKiiiricuiit Hum of $:io to $:in
for your top yearling thoy don't
want anythliiB oldor will not roal
Izo tho prlco of tho liny you put in
to thorn.
TIioho of you who have not boon
ho "honored" aro wondering whoro
you aro koIiik to not off with thu
banks refusing to allow you (o pyra
mid your loaiiH and yot to many It
Iiiih not oneurud that you really have
the remedy within reach.
You not only have It within roach
T1VI3 OltOANI.ATION of Slocknion
mid FarniorH you havo moiuiH of ap
plylui; tho remedy If you really euro
to npply it.
Do you want $5 in Groceries?
We wll! GIVE it to yon FREE!
If you can g chs how many coffee
beans are in the bucket in our window
TERMS! No Person connected with the
Farmers Exchange allowed to guess.
Come in and gue free of charge
No limit to amount of guesses
Children guess with each purchase
First Prize $3.00 in trade
Second Prize $2.00 in trade
. . -
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon