The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 30, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    rno Two
V II 13 TIM N fi - II 13 It A I 1)
Hnliinlny, October .10, ijn.
f i:
'in i ; rihat wij hi:ni you
u-iH nurpty rmnn u to your expnctn
UoiiH. In fiuit If II Ih your fli'Hl ortlor
tho inoui will nrovu ii revolution to
you tit flavor, UinduriifHH mid Jucl
noH. Wo ilon'l nk you o l alio our
v word Tor It. Ulvu tin u trial order
and you'll havo llio nrruf.
The Way It AI! Started
1 m
i mi
ra cmflM&taUvM wiaUiw txans
Best J
All-Mallow livo fitlla on lln IttMt HfiiKon, llallowo'on wan Hiniiow-d to
mm r
I w! f
?-tJj i
We cat too fast wc
cat too much.
Eat less-chew it more.
after every meal -aids
digestion, cleanses the
ritouth and teeth and
sweetens breath.
day of Uctoliar. tliu day following
ImliiK All-HnltUs' Day, or All-llall-(hvk,
'I'lilii n dm (lulu or the IumI or thruu
runilvalt Imhl by tlio Driitdn, who In
oldsii IlinoH woru Neultsrart ovar
itortliorti ICtiroito. Tlmss ftxitlraU
woru oljiarvod on Mny 1 . t Tin Hint of
Ita tun nlulil cl all iiifchtH roe tlio
prying Into Mm iiiywlerloit or llm m
,lur; tuul thjs l in'olmMv llio orlnln
of lilt-no kmb and rori'inonlaH by
willed It la oUlmod Unit ono'ii laic
ho .inr:v.'l. st Ilia till no laic
yoiitlt and
i ..ty
pri ii niK u k'-'Mi d"nl
nit nd. ftlrU'lo'i fr
owing J it n 31, tliu Mttaon or tha 'Una of wvor ' ilcgrm tl a lla iow-
rriioiilng of tlm rrunt, tutd October . . mibr.'. .
Ill, tlm ImrviMt MaHOii. --o
Plain dytlot v ofmii not roiMiiwi
Olio of Ihu ilttniia I'llM nf tlm
DriildH coniatl In innliiUtnlnK, ! tuiIy Iiiwiim Uioy aro nlnln.
Silverware ;
For Y our Table
Community Plate
There arc many inferior grades of oilvcrwarc r n
the market, and it is difficult for the average
housewife to detect the difference at the time of
Wc tell you the exact quality of our silverware
and guarantee it to be exactly as wc state.
You can buy from us with every assurance of
safety and economy.
I. S, QEEK & CO.
Still 5c
Sealed Tight
-Kept Rifiht
throiiKlioiu th yr. ItuumiiM fir
on MtiMio' nltara orueUid upoii Main
tm: in honor of llm Riui'Ood. On
tlm iiIkIiI nf OH. SI, I ho Drntda n
uinlilfcd rI th nJtarn lu tliHr auow
whlto roba. mid at ft glYn signal,
during th nliaoluto llottu on tlm
part or tun initl tltuuw gtihorwl to
wltnoiw Iho commony, they xolomitly
HMtiiguialmd tho flits. N'w fir
war thin UlmlUtd, stid aa Dm flimiwa
loaiMd heavenward, tlm imoidu ntlad
a uttuhly ihaiil. nud lliun. obtaining
llvo BM)lr from tlio alura. tlmy ro
tiirnwi to their Iioiiibb to wstlugulah
th old flraa loft liurnlng on tlmlr
liMrtlta, and Uliullu tlmm nuaw with
lha sseretl auihora of tlm nralais. This
now ftrt wim ludl.-red to protect oncIi
hninsstssd from purll ao Iomh rh It
raiimlnwl liurnliiK
As the DruldlH fnlth fadod In I ho
light or (MirlMtlaulty. tho Imttthou
ruatlvaU lot inuoli of thulr Kraudoiir
and rorimir iKtilfhmiicw, nud iimhuui
od a lownr oharaotor. Uradually llio
Nliuplo country folk rntiiu to Iwllove
that on Oct. 31 tlio fulrloM fornook
tholr hldliiK plaoiM to ilanro In llio
fori'Ht KhidoH, whllo wltiihxM. KoldliiH,
and othur ovll HplrllH had icvoIm In
dottiirloil iilihoyM, or idollnil iikiiImhI
uiaiikliid In tlio KhadowM or rultitd
caHtliw and Uepn.
Ily a wry natural trnliHltlou tlu
llnllowo'on flro vauiu to ho looked
upon iih u dinrin aKuliut ovll uplrlu,
and t-vtiii ia Into iih llio HiiviKMith can
ttiry wo loarn dial It wan ouAtoiiuiry
for tlio farmer to niako tlio olriult
of bin acri'H hrandlHliliiK a IlKhtud
torch, ami rhantliiK of hoiiio iIokkoioI
rtiyuio to protoet li Ih farm from ovll
durliiK (ho co in 1 ii k yimr.
From tho faut that thnttu Miipurnat
ural iiKtintH huuiikiiI ho near at In In
littln of ths siiactftcular injaotwl Into
tbom would cstmo tbetr iMrrormsnca
with sisorlty.
the Voters of Oregon!
Tlio tnxpnyor.1 of Portland and Multnomnh County arc not only willinjr but
anxious to provide tho Port of Portland with needed funds for drudging our ltlvcr
Channel to the sun. Tho Committee thut formulated what is known as tho Port
of Portland and Dock Commission Consolidation Bill under tho numbers IHO and
'Ml on the ballot insisted, however, upon weighting down the measure with an
enormously expensive real estate scheme, and by a formal vote turned down tho
request of taxpayers thut the Swan Island scheme and the River Channel schemo
bo presented as separate measures. Refusing to be forced to swallow something
they cannot approve, Multnomah County is expected to voto adversely to tho
whole scheme by an overwhelming majority. Having done this, they will then bo
ready to vote for any needed amount for improving our River Channels. A Com
mittee of the City Club has submitted, a detailed analysis of tho 'measure showing
that it means an ultimate expenditure of ut least $40,000,000.
Our Chamber of Commerce and other civic bodies with all of our river pilots
and steamboat owners and others have protested against it. At least twelve form
er and present members of tho Port of Portland and tho Dock Commission havo
declared again,st it. A majority, if not all, of our City Commissioners opposo it,
The Committee of 15 itself thut drafted the measure is 'divjded.
The Taxpayers of Portland Appeal to You
in a ftpiril of fair play to save this county from tho imposition upon us of such an
overwhelming and paralyzing debt as thi.4 mcasuro contemplates, It would bo
deimod offensive if we gaw expression to what we believe to bo tho selfish and
ambitions politicd motives thai havo inspired tho measure which- is submitted
with a distinctively deceptive title. 1
Wo simply appeal for fair play and a decent consideration of tho hopeless
plight in which tin's community will find itself if tho measure carries. Aa citi
zens of outlying counties who will not have to pay a dollar of the dobt imposed,
we appeal to you to consider what would bo your feelings if Multnomah County
should try to impose a similar burden on you. Our interests in a general way
arc mutual.
It is our sincere judgment that tho success of this mcasuro will seriously re
tard, instead of promoting, the development of this port and that the state at
large will in return suffer severely as, a consequence.
Vote Measure Nurnbeir 3 1 1 X No
Taxpayers Vigilance Coirirnitiee
KOHT. J. LINDEN, Secretary
If you find s button otr your coal
(.Allan l stilt toll your wife when
y. t will afford lmr an ox-
utiRu (or forguUtng.
ho urallnn
Aim Ih Iiiii
"Lucky is tho woman who cut toll i
a Ho wlmu ahv host's It." aoys sn -rliiumoi
Hut son) don't watt to lm r
It. aiul nolttmr do some man.
Any one rsn riadUy aerttr tb
comforts of home It only rsqulrvs
tlm alight formality of paying for
Msuy tonguss wsg Incosssntly. ' A
fow say soumlhliig.
Soon. now. tlio pro-wlm-tlnn agony
will Iih over. Milt thou. h'Koah
romoh tlio rfjolilui: and (ho wiiplitR !
Wo JiihI nin't j:'t from uador
lluvc j our walcli orrrliaulcd. Htart
tlo old clock to ticking) cut that old
plwo of Jewelry In vrurli)t order,
Have your eye fitted to HcmiIIiiu
kIiihsch,' Mn O. M. HAI.IHIIUUY
juweler, opllclun.
Some Specials )
Dress Goods
Silk Shirts
We sell everything
to eat, Produce Fruit
and Vegtables.
N. Brown & Sons
in the heart of Harney Valley
now offered at
$30.00 to $110.00 an acre
All Within the Harney Valley Irrigation District
Large acreage cutting hay. All with water rights.
Sales Office at Burns,