The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 30, 1920, Image 1

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    2 XltStl
Hurncy Gonnty's timber nn
sct for Immediate oxploltn-
llarnoy coimty'H roMcourcca nra
iittriictlnjr lio "ItonHon of Urn
cnUro ,VVmT. Irrigation, Uck
ralHlHK. itilncH, oil and win pro
HpecU and agriculture nil
mvnltlng development.
don juiun hiuhhu on Hinting
ii mil (it nlil In thn rccoiiNtrnc.
lion work nf tho nation, In
instigate thtx virgin field. .
NO. 52
General Land Office on
Riparian Ownership.
Adam George recently received Iho
muni i i limn mi iiiii ii iiiihii vii i r icipii
Rru. H.ll which in receiving wupli
u hliiKton. U. C. Ootobur 111,
II. A IT II nnnpa
Uw ti, Orogou.
My (I . r Sir;
Thl j otllco In In rocolpt of your tot
ter of Hiptcmbor 13, 1D20, In whloh
tell Htiiti ll t till 1 Villi tiiivn tntim fiuln,l
a ilea a rontriict iiirrmilntr ii nnnvnu
jiiui ..i.n.f vi nun iiiiinuni iy llr-
uln i h lii'twfon tlio tnoander lino
d ti, wni-rnof Maltiuur Inko In
Eta rtii.t J. T. 2C 8., It. 32 R. W.
(JBC8UM1 111 no UIIVIHL'U IIH til Wft
komc you hould purnuo. You fur
tier n'nt- Unit you havo two HhIuh
o rn r i.i land In See. 1. T. 2tf. .i .
113. . ..... 31. r. 8B H.. It. 32'.
M. . :. it 1 Ii M mm A 'J II. 1.
t .( M u M .....
' rth in the blank fHm or
uuti m Tucanaar imn nmi iiuii
.iiiiwrvi m in
ureal' a wild i'mimm iirpv'ii "in in. I
t'udr h.inl tllirnvnriul Inml Ii lu
r-"" mi inn I Nil iv in I I in
it atWtl It it iiAhIii i ll..
wnlrift -liall employ corUiln altor-!
1ST W.'h
'bo vfaw
to Inatltutlnx
(jniMt tltla in,
ccur t r
illaKu to
liner ,in rla manta lo tli Imtdd m .
W ' f r tho oonnldaratlon of thu.
tow inr. oi un nnillvidwl hftlf In-;
4erej by thu rlpanin clnlnmnta of
UH J. II til U llirif IllUtf n lA milllln.l i
tlalrn anil of curtain eiuth nnvtiianin.
' -i.ia4W
Tb- survoyi-d luudH ubuttliiK on
MQtri oriii ftifin nr. Ufiiimn i . Tn it i
l r i n. . I
J " - I
rt ttuiiriiTi'ii i j nniiTii ii ii r i l win; i
fflce lota I. 2 and 3, Sue. I, unit IoIh
1, 3. , 7, 8 and 9, Hoc. 2, woru on
Urtd by you as a homestead Heptoni.
fcr 22, 1900, and paUintod to you
reii b, 1906. Certain of tho lota
MtC'itl ll to VOIl urn alinu-n mmn l.
ml v aliuttnK upon tho watem of
!. I.i.
1.1 If
in r
tU,m not nppoar to bo any
i ig bnforo thin olllna Involv
ii . lion of tltto to any un
' ' nit, if then ha any, uo
"i. niiiir liuu hud th wan-1
ti ur Iaka, and. If, tlmra
r -in- uiiJiurvayod lnuila be
in under lino, I am not In
"r of any faotH showing tho
'auMit for thnlr boliiB thoro. In vtow
of lack of authontlo Information per
laliin i? to tho matter, I can merely
drlao yon ni to tho Konorat prlncl-
t')1 of law rnrnrnlnc mir.ullnnu ,if
ihla raturo
TJi orlKlnnl plain of Uio I4aud.
Boparimrrit aro, lu tho aliKcncij of
onuiii ivo evtdonco to tho cdn'trnry,
prou iin d to bo correct, and whom-
ever aroaa aro nioandored and hIiowii
ipon thoKo plats aa bodlen of water.
h la to bo prcHiimod that they woro
torroctly inoaudorod whon tho ur
ey wiro made.
In raif's wboro tho Oovommont
b partoi' tltto. to tho JaudH bordor
("K on tho mcandor IIiioh of InkoH It
'etahiH no further Jurisdiction ovor
thl ) n Is I, n.An.. I 1 I M 1
- umun, irrUHpuCllVO OI wioin-
Bald lakcH aro navigable or non
HvlKablo. In audi caHOH tho quoB
tloa of ownorahlp of tho tako bod In
pendent upon tho lawn of tho Btato
!thln which It iu attuatod.
Tho law that provalla In tho Btato
t Orogon with roferonco to tho
wuorflhlp of tho bodu undor navlRa
k'e and nonnavlgablo watera lu Hot
'orth in tho caao of Mlcollt ot at v,
AndruB(l20 Pac. 737 CI Oro. 78).
Tbo opinion In that case la to tho of
fcet that tho tltto of an abutting own
er merely extonda to tho tlno of ordi
nary high water mark of a navlgablo
body of wator, but that It ombracou
Uio bful of u uonnavlgablo body of
water Ilbvovor, It dooH not matter
wlwti. r tho tltlo of tho ubuttlng
ownor ombracoo tho tako bod or Ih
limited to tho ordinary high water
nurk, for In any ovont ho lo ontitlod
c all land betweon tho' original
meander lino and tlio wntor'H edge,
which Khali Imvu bocomo bare by
accretion or ti gradual and Impercep
tible recession of tlio water, Irruiipuo
(Ivo ay to wliotlior tho Inko In navi
gable or nonunvlgablo. Fronch-Olunn
.us os mc, ioaj. in mo latter
mentioned doohdon Mtilliour I.uko
waM referred to tin a uonutivlgahlo
body of water.
From tlio forogolng it would tip-
lioar that landii fortnud by accretion
of Mnlhotir Lake belong to tlio own -
or rol lotion bolow thn muundor linn
om of tho lands abutting on Iho orl-
, nioantl(ir IIm UI(1 llut 1U)Uhur
tho Federal fJovornniont nor tho
Btato ban anv IntoioHt In thorn. K tho
InndH havo not rorniod by accretion
or rolifitlon, but woro luuda In place
whun tho ndjolnlni; landn wuro hut-
voyod, then tho proposition may bo '
vory different. Tho Onvornmont In
not precluded from correcting orron-
eons or fraudulont Hurveya whon It
finds upon propor Hliowing tlmt said
surveya weru tho roault of accident,.
.raudt or mlattiko. This olllre hue '
liMd upon n mi m liar of onMioiw '
tht vhr arow Imvu lwin woHndor-.
.! na lakoM whon. In fnot wtld uroan
wro lands In placo t H:h dtM of
th OorwrBinfnt Burrpy nud whars
'to permmiMit lotllM of wtr eiit-
t in m lr-d. ill...,. r.'u.i xbould
. furvevt ' ., pin. He Tlio
IipnI IlluklriiUona with I 'ruooo to
fit i ttttiirte nt thn Lund !pjr
; 'tut an,! of tint cnurtH la raKt'H of
o'ifoiiM or rraudub'tit aurvcya mny
In found In Und Ita'laioni. Vol. 37.
V K- a A 15 and 4S8. Llttlo r. Witlfami
-':tl V. 8. S36). Chaoman ami
l)wi-y Lumber Co
I.vm District (831
r. at. rmnc'la
V. 8. 186). Lm
Wltaon nud Co. v. Wnlla.l Htataa
(8 IB U. S., 81). Oauthlar r. Morrifion
(32 U. H.. IB8). Producers Oil Co.
v. Hnn..xoa (888 U. 8.. 82B). .
lu iho au oU'raneli-ainiui t.irel c,i v fl,iVi,t t tt m
v. anriitvar (18B ti. a..
471 1. lu watch tlio nnmttlnn of tltla
to rorialn utiaiirryid landn iwlmv
h inlander lino of Malhaur I .uko in
O tl
v , til I-rf.. Will ill lllymitn
thn liutm ur..i,u. , '
wild that whllo tho mi nr .,.....
iik ... .. .
it t . . .
...... MIUIU rilfl U lllKIl llltl I It It'
iiwir.uinnM n.. . .
thoroupon tin. abuttltiK owner would
tako all land and ncrretlona bntwoon
It and tho nur'n cdKo, yt It war " K " ' '"Mna ,un,rHck
perratsalblo to how that nollhor all7"1' n,
tho tlmo of tho iiurvnv n, .1.,, ,r- 0,H(,n "tod furltior In rotmon-
Ibero any unci, tako and that Iboro
oould not bo. thorofori', any Inter-
vouluit laud or ancrotlnn i.v r..n 1
On AugiiHt 18, 1008. and oxenitlvi
. .... rf s UIIVHWII)
order (No. U29). waa laHtiod rowrv
lK na a pramtrvo and braadliiii
Kround for native i,rda all of tho
OMlliit gi anlxllrlalona which
ouch the muiidr llHf of Mal-
llOUr HUlt Kll'luv In f OK a n . .u
bur nud Hai nay in T
I . ... , . lf o., iva. at
va ami jh W., T. 20 8., IU. S9, 10.
81. 32 and 88 13.. T. 27 a.. IU. 29.
20 Hi, 30 and 32 K. If, tbaroforo.
ttiero aro any unurvoyod Inndu bo
low thn mttander lino of Malheur
Jako altunted lu tho above enumer
ated towiiHlilpa that were orronooiiHly
omitted from (bo (Jovernmont niir
veyii, thoHo landH aro not now, nor
havo they boon wlnco tho date of tho
iHuuanco of mild executlvo order nub
Jet to Hoitlomont under tho lioino
alead lawa; thoy aro roHorvod landH.
I am roturnlng to you herewith tho
liimiir f,,r. ..e ..i...
. . .. . fc "",u"
Very MgHpoctfully,
- Knglncor Mandolin, of tho Btato
Highway CommlBuIon, who ban rop-
roHouted tho commlBHlon on tho work
botwoon this placo and Lawen, flndn
that truckH botwoon thin city and
Crano aro overloading. Thin In pro-
blbltod by law nnd ho Haya It wilt bo
only a matter of a llttlo tlmo whon
Bitch a ciiBtom will ruin tho high-
way thoroforo ho la going to ask tho
truckmon to compty with tho ro
(julromoutH. Ho dooHii't want to havo
any ono nrroHtod for HiIh offoiiHo and
will warn tho drivors but HiIh miiHt
bo hoodedfor ho Ih not going to at-
low thorn to ruin tho highway nnd If
overloading in continued tho pnrtleH
roHpotiHiblo for It will havo to Buffer
tho connoquoiicoH, iih it Ih cortalu tho
officers aro not going to allow tho
highway to bo rulnod by any such
Expert Making Analysis for
Irrigation Project; Alkali
Not Noticeable.
! 11 ' (1, iiuuniglng engineer
'" "bnrgo of tlto (looito l,uko Irrfftn-
t,n" l,rMJuul ban been employed by
Hi Ulruolom of tho llan.oy Vulloy
,rr,KUoi District to mnln a hoI
"lm'MH Uio project hero. Mr.
ICw"" lm ' In tho fluid for a fow
('aJ'M ,IU1 ,n"K9" t flnttorlng ro-
,,or'" frn,n ,,B observation and ex-
WH. I'blH Itnowloilgo was
,,ro,1Kl11 out at thu Cnmmorolnl Club
,uucue 'e'torduy at noon whan .Mr.
A' I1, 0mm,i, of Hi" directors of
"l0 nrJcl' W" callud upon to gtvo
nro,,0"t "onm Information an to
,.,roKro8 i"lo on tlio lrrtn-
,,on Worl
Acconllut; (o Mr. Koohh llarnoy
Vlll,8J' ! omparo iiiohI favorably
w'11' ol,ler l'lc ho tutos that
lb tl W6 mli UHno ' raMwn 8B
,,UI,1",I" 10 acr yraln ovr In
lMk '4,,n,y ! h'll mek It to do
in w.-u iu,r,. un.irr IrrlMllon. If
ta l the dam on wliut w tnuMdcr
our poor Roil, What mny u
from ih rtili plartu that know
am right '
Mi (M ii (llicuail olhwr fouturoNl
of tin- prfUitnonry work an th pro
J''. Ilo nld Ihtf iiKluotra wire
up nam wum ami unii
I It it uilik l. 11 I ...
I"""n umr ""rttir. Th data la
l,ull"; comt,,u,l iimdu ronrty for
" r",M,n Hl I'ropor Unio. Tho
work 1,1 ,,,e ulBnuit uraek dam lty
hm neen aiicoiitirttlMi tompontrlly
lmcH', ' llwimtt machlmn-y lo
proporiy no tho work. Mr. ntumi
t,,Ml bnd lioptid lo H:uro wlmt
,MUU uh lo tho rharaotor
nf flundntton for a dam at that
IMf fll I W ILfl Illlllirilllllflllliril it linii.l
" " "
Iia,J atmntlonot! tlilii lionit ami urn
"ani;liiK for a bottor otiulppod drill-
iiik iiiiiuijiimi mi iiffiimiitiv intinrmiitit
" y ,mvn nnl ,0UM" u' k,n" of
!,0,,,, rou,"ll,l,n '' yt
,,on w,,h ,ho ,rr,KU,lo Projoct tliat
',0 "x,,on,H"1 n,al mn,
"IM,,Ul iMn bo available to
h ii Ij in 1 1 to tho cnmmlHNlonorH and tho
landowner lu ronnoetlon with a
bond oloutlnu. Ilo pointed out Iho
II4-niirKcliif condltloua of tho bond
markiit at Utla (Iuih but renttirad tho
auffgaatlori that by thn time w aro
randy lo put bouda on the market
money ooudttion would bo Improv
MJhs Klleu (Jeary, for Huveral yearH
a roaldeut of Portland, died horo yc
lornay morning after an lllriomi of
many mnntliH. Bho woh a graduate of
MIIIh college and for Homo tlmo libra
rlan of tho Astoria library.
fliiHii ut-ary Ih Hiirvlved by two
lirotborH, Dr. John W. Ceary of
MuniH and Dr. 15. P. deary of Port
l"w "'"', Mm. manna and Mra. Anna Worth, both
of thin city.
Kuneral Hervlccn will bo held at
lOlltrnilo IIiIh nrinriwiMii Kuril.. ...I
itijviVAii mi:i;ti(;h
A Bpcclnl norloH of Movlval Moot
IngH will bo opened at tho local
Church of Tho Nuwirono at 7:30 on
tlio ovonlng of Friday tho 5th of No
vombor and wilt contlnuo through
Sunday tlio 2 1st or longer. Mov. 1
w. Bulllold and wife woll known ovor
tlto woHtom atatoH havo boon engng-
ert for Hiobo n.oetlngH. TIioho ovaug-
oHhIb come vory highly rocommond-
od na good iitngorH and HucccHHfuI
ovangollBtH and wo aro Hiiro Hint tho
pooplo of Uiirnii will bo delighted
nnd henofltod with tholr moHHagoH
In Hong and Hormou. Ltvo enngrega'
(jonal Hinging will iiIho bo u .special
foaturo of Hioho iiervlceH.
A cordial Invitation Ih extended to
tho public,
I. N, Hiighet nud Otiia Blzomoro
woro in ThurHday aHfilHtlng Mm.
Montfro In making proof on hor laud
I boforo the land olllco.
Schools and Local Organiza
. Lions Aslccd to Assist in
Work Thin Year.
Tho annual roll'eall ror tho Amor
lean Hod Cro ntarta on ArmlHtlco
Day and eontlnuoa for two weokH.
ArrangomonlH aro eomiilotod Tor thin
drive In llarnoy county which will
bo conducted through tho iicIiooIh
mid tho dllTorunt organization!! of
Iho county working in conjunction
with tho Hud Croim Chanter and Am.
Mlna Helen AndorHon or tho Har
ney County High Bohool facility will
bo (ho local ' dlrootor and MIrh
Augiuta Moullou will bo the acllvo
Bitorcitnry In charge of tho work. It
Ih expected that ouch Hobool dlHlrlot
In tho county work uh n unit In tho
Holicltallon of atiiiuul iiietiibornhlpH
to (IiIn big organization.
Mra. Marls, coiumuiilty mi no. baa
tnkou a iiiiiinllty of iiuii(iIoh out on
liar tour of Iho Houiharn part of the
county and will Itxtva tlio nnaiary
m.f-rln! at aah arhnol to tak'
of the ctimmnntty. MIMnuld -.i will
l Hiipptloa oat to other p.ut ot
.1 . Mintry by ninil to tlio .u'lu-ra
(in.! f ed Croaa Auxlllarlaa.
H" Anderson wilt orranUe tier
rtudenta In tho hlh aebool and Mr.
Stil ion of the public achool la Roln
lo ba aakad to work In the aatna man
ner a Inat ywar wltli tho grada
arhool. Tho Mothora Clliib. Ubrary
Club, Contniorcliil Club. Amarlran
lKlon. tho nuyorHl lodgae. cltitroliiw
....I oil.... i .1 !
.,..., iMwmiwitiuiiB ur
going to bo naked to Uke nn active
part In title w)rk to tho and that It
will not fall ii ion a few to do nil the1
Hollciting and detail of Hie under tab
l"g. .f
It not noofiinry to oall utton.
Hon to the groat work of the Amor,
lean Mod CroHH. Kvery Individual In
Harney County uliould bo a mombet'
ft. That'll all It conln ami ho
what a benefit to bumanlly.
Irn (labrlelHon and MuhhoII I'crgu
ron, an HHKlHtanl, arrived hero from
Portland early In Iho week In lake
up tho campaign of rabbit destruc
tion. Mr. Qabrlolion Ih the chief of
tlio lllologlcal Survey In charge of ov"r ,oft wlu K,"n 10 t,H coiHled to plunge through rpatd
rodont control lu tbta alate. Um, the only oxpeme being, tho ,y for BMi 0Ber ajM (jHll(h.f
County Agout Mcnanlala had mi-! f,lw f"1"1' rtma- M,wori fM0, ol0, j made riuh after nwh through n.o
ilbj-r man. Mr. ICIdrtMlge. Ur to, TU feature waa noiiglaa Ifalrbauaa f(-l WMkoB tine. Ofticttr finiuly
Join lu thn work and another man ,
will ha addml to the force during the
coming week.
The rahhllH are not ho plentiful lu
thin vicinity uh they wore owing to
tlio ralim Hlarllug the griiHii on tho
fuothlllH and they havo gone back,
therefore tho Job of polHonlug thum
la not ho cany. Some experimental
worlc Iuih been done In HiIh vicinity
during tho week with hoiiio roHiiltH,
but not what bad been hoped. -Tbo
fact that tho rabblla aro not ho (hick
and tho further fact that they have
plenty of green alfalfa to feed upon
Ih a drawback to any big kllln. How
ever, tj.o pobiou put out lu tlio llrowu
field JuhI north of twon oikImiIho
Homo placed In thn A. C, Welcome
field below town havo brought ro
HiiltH. Under more favorable condl
tloua Hioho kllln will bo IncreaHod
very materially oven boforo any unow
fallH, an It Ih tho Intention to fonco
tho hay HtackH and keep (ho rabbllH
away from thorn, thuti making thorn
tako tlio uoIhou morn readily,
M. C, Ingram, a locating onglnoor,
Willi tho Btato Highway CnmmlHHlon,
waa In HiIh vicinity during tho week.
Mr. Ingram uald ho waa making an
liiBpoctlon of tho hlgbwaya of Eiibt-
orn and Contrnl Oregon to lnvoBti
gato tho couditloiiH and obHorvo par
ticularly that no advertising hIriih
are plncod within tho right of way of
any highway. No utntoa it lu tho In
tention of tho commlHiilon to not al
low any algua of an advortlHing nat
ure on any of tlio htghwayH of tho
iitato. Tho commlBHlon will place ill
rectloiand dlainnco Blgim along tho
hlghwayH at regular- Intorvala and
tlieao will bo uniform.
II would bo rldleiilouii to hoiiiI a
man of tho caliber of Mob Blanftold
to tho U, H. Bonalo lo iittccoed a man
tir Iho ability of duo. K, Chamberlain.
I'nrty papora and profosHlonal poll
HcbuiH aro making a big to do about
Blanflold liolng elected of Into but It
Ih certainly confined to Jmit tiucb a
chtflN of people. Tlio ranlc and fllo
of tho volorn of Oregon aro not going
to turn Ceo. Chamberlain down for
any hiioIi man. Why Hhout about a
can of beef from Argon! Ino? Who
iihlppod It up horo? . Bwlft & Co.
aro behind Iloh Blanflold financially,
politically and morally. Who Ih re
iiponalblo for tho pretient price of
your bitof why Ih It Hint you can
only get JfiO for a cow Hint brlngn
over 200 on tho block, In It Coo.
Chamberlain or Ih ll Bwlft ft Co. and
Iho other big packerH. Don't let tho
profoaelonal politician give you nny
"hog waHb." Vote for men who you
know nro competent and havo nome
atandlng nnd whit can ropruHout Ore
gnu lu n innniif.r that will bring ro-
The followlNK la a copy of a lottar
wnt to I.. N. Htallard by Juilgo Win.
Kurra thn other da?:
"(Sot. 87, l!)te.
"Mr. U. N. BUMnrd
Drewaey, Oreaoti .
"Ixmr Mr. Htallard:
"I lake iriamtira lo Inform you
I lift t you hnv boMti aplKilnlad County 1 yr, for whRt joouwi tw u
Cnmrnlaalonar for Harney County, to down. Th ball waa howovar brouKbt
(ill tho unexpired torm of It. I, llaaa,; iu to tho mlddlo of tlie field and
rpalgiiod j tb play returned.
"Tlio County Court will meot In i Tho purple ami gold olaotod (0 r
rfgular aaalou the flrat Wwdnaadoy j cairn in the firet nuartar and by off
t.. Vf ........ ...... IM.I ....I limiA I . ... . .. .....
r"fi-mnwt iiiu .mil bum "FV I
, ., .. ...i.i. "
"Wo alao oxpuot to Invite tko
Jitriatt and CouimlBalonata elect to
make h trip over tbo main roadti or
the county with tho profimt Court
bhorlly lifter election In order Hint
j'oti mny bo better enabled to conoid i
er'tlni road' pro'grn'm for tiru'ennulnK'j
'Yourn truly,
Couuly Judge."
Tbo photoplay given at tho Liberty
ItiHt night wiih a benefit to the St.
JoH.iph lloapllnl, tho money golngJ
a I II . l. ......a
toward jiureuaHiug iiuen mr imi n
iiiMltullon. It wa well patronlzud
a the
"KnicKornocKr iiucKaroo
In addition to (he picture Mra.
Fnrre and Mra. A. C. Welcome wing
a duet and Mm. Nolllo Meed naug a
nolo. TIioho woro well received and
tho litillim rcHponded to generoiiK
A t'ecnud hI.ow wan given and tbo
mimical numbora were repeated for
tlio aecoud hIiow.
Mr. and Mra. Win. Farro woro
given a iiurprlHu at tlio anulvorm.ry
iiioetliig of IluniH Chapter, No. 40,
Order of Uio Kafitori. Star on last
Monthly night. It wau tbo twenty-tiffl.
nunlverHary of the IpHtnllatlon of tho
lodge at thlH place and it happened
to fall upon thn twenty-fifth wedding
unt.lvermiry of tho Farroa, both of
of the Chapter, and after tho Pant
whom aro memborH of tho Star.
At (ho coiicIuhIoii of tho uoHnlon
Matroim and PiiHt PatroiiH had boon
felicitated, tho banquet table was
Hproad. Patron ChoHter Dalton es
corted Mm. Farro to tho table nnd
MIhh Loonn ThompHon, acting Mat
ron, oHCortod Mr. Farro to a placo of
honor on tho other nldo of tho Pat
ron. Tho Farron wero aomowhat niyo
tlflod uh thoy did not realize why they
woro shown Htich dipt (action but. fin
ally Mr. Dalton in a fow well choaou
Mr. Dalton lu a fow woll choson
roinnrkH proHoutod thorn with a
handBomo Bilvnr tomato aervor and
romludud thorn of tho occasion of
tholr iniirrlaL-o. Tt won n connilnto
aurprlHo and u moat attractlvo foa-
tnro nf tlio enlohratlnn of thn nimntor
Mr. and Mm. W. L. Meat nro ovor
from tholr Stlvor crook homo today. 1
First Football Game at Home
Rcoults in Victory; Play
Prairie City Today.
Latit Baturday a largo crowd al
topded tho football game between
Ilarnuy County High Hchool and Can
yon City High School. It wnn tho
flrnt eontoHt Hchedulnd In IJurni) for
many yoarH and tho 'tlilrd of tho
Hoanon for tbo local otovun. with
fair weather prevailing and tho
IcamM evenly matched a. really flno
exhibition bold tho HpcntalorH breath
lotm until tho whbitto blew for tho
end of tho gnmo.
Itollln (lowan converleil a goal af
ter a touch down In the fif(. quar
ter being the fact which brought
victory to It. C. II. B. In a 70 icoro,
rovonilug Hie romilt of Ilia am.
two wuo'kH ago WhloJi Onnyou City
won 127.
Auntlier touch down waa loht by
j the homo alpvou In the third quarter
wuin the ri... prematurely blew
hla wtiiattrt. Ta rhufgliirf Mnr but
barrKd the i aiyon City klck r mi
that ti. failed to j;oi ;ifay with h:a
pvi:t, loili.g b.- after hard
i tacUtt by Ro'iumii m It oacaoad Irani
1h tttbf s W'.-icoma promptly
Kcoopod tho I : 1 1 1 up and daabed 80
lUKltl ami OIUI nniM coiipiutt wn a
twenty flv ynnl sprint by Voegily the ball from their cn
thirty yard line Jolho abadoiv f.f
tba pioii,tnt'M.14)fn. llort! nlthougli
i he r'ts Maucp becamo more etuhhurn
progrvH contlnuud until Wolcoiar
pluiigud Ibroug.'i for a touchvilowiv.
-afrornl iimrter- was)uiiV.
fought, tin ball changing hapd-t of.
ton nud neither nltle Hhotvng nny
In tho third quarter they run by
Wolcnmo, and a fumbled forward
Piihh which If HurenMtful would have
placed II. C. II. S- in a ponltlon to
Hcoru, woro the only features. The
fourth ounrtur found tho local tonni "
wenkoued by tbo Iodh of their Nturdy
(.gnlnn VVH, Wolcome. Walter
(;00y. (!anyon found a weak spot
u , fl f , ,, rt).
pluuglng through for a touch down
but railed in the attempt at go:U.
The gamn onded with the lmll tn
Canyou'ii pdhhohhIoii, lu tho mlddlo of
the field.
Tho team work of both tho otovona
waa very npotted with only lv?o for
ward paH being executed. Thn play
al all tlmcH woh clean and fron from
dlHCord. For Iho wlnnors nildo from
tlio Htellar work or Captain Welcome,
while ho wan lu, no ono in particu
lar could be Hlngled out na being;
more couHplcloiiH than tho rent. All,
tho entire cloven, for groon mm,.
hI.owimI good Hplrlt and evidence ot
much promlHO. The entire Canyon
City back Hold perrormcd wonder
fully with Olllcor and Cunthor allow
ing great atrougtl. both In the offont
and dofoiiHO, t
Tho olllclalH for tbo gamo woro Bill
FlHor, Meforee; Fred Allen, Umplro;
and Obil Shattuck, Head Liucamnn.
Tho name oIIIcIuIh will handlo to
dayn gamo whon faut aggreRalvo
Pralrlo City olovon apponm.
C. C. II. S. II.. C. H. S.
Mulcnro L. E .. Clark
I Mason L. T., Swell W.
' HanktiiH L. O Horton n.
Solllngor C Hlbbard
! Do Wolfo U. 0 Swott n.
Jouoa It. T Hotchkias
iJ. Parrlah M. E Loggan
Shard h. H Voegtty
Olllcor .' Q Wotcoruo
Maplo F. H Coolcy
aunthera H. H Cowan
II, O. II. B. Suba. Client, McQulloch,
Uoluoinim, ThornblWg
Canyon City
Diilm nminiiii l.Mllntt TVTiirlfH nml W..
'1'"0 loni' "oyrt 1,01,0 to mn
t"Mor Bhowlng than thoy did In their
rat contoat which thoy lost 46 to
(Contlnuod on pago ?Qiir) "