The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 23, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    PK Two
T It H T I M 13 H - If 13 11 A It I II j IX N B , If A It N 73 V 0 O r STY, O U BOON
KiiHmlny, October in, 1020.
t'O.MMITH ciiniK
."Ml'ST WII'13 PAY?
IiiCrtstlntr Problem liaised In
Paulino KrodrlrU'H I'llmi
"Paid In Full"
When ii nmii Htonl money from IiIh
outployor and Iiukh liln wlfo to ntpiuru
mmitTH and at any coal iiruvuut IiIh
proKootttlon Tor crime, wluit Ih tho
prion tho HiitTorliiK wlfo miiHt pay?
TIiIh Ih ono of. tho dollcnto uiiohIIoiih
nmiwurod In a inoti InloroHtlttR mnn
nor In Paulino Frodrlck'a now Para
mount, photoplay, "Paid In Full,"
which will ho Hhown at tho Liberty
theatre novt WodnoHiluy.
Joo IlrookH Im a Hhlftlomt olork who
kcepa li Ik wlfo In poverty In a modem
flat. Ho hlnmoa ovoryhody hnt lilm
Holf boouuHf hw doim not not ahoad
niul ono day ho atoalH a laro hii tit of
nionoy rroin ti Im employer, a hiivuko
old ahlp chundlor. When tho thoft
Ik dtaenvcred IlrookH Iiukm It Ih wlfo
to mitmro matter with tho old man
who iiKrccH to Kraut IlrookH Imtntin
!ty from punlHhmont providing tho
wlfo pnyH tho prlco.
Mm. IlrookH Ih microtly loved by
Jlnuiy Hmltlr, u hrooiy WoHtornor and
This Girl GaveRcis forPi'che
IIBBeeaiBaeBB m
The Marriage Price"
and the old
captain hesitated
he J&xiew men !
Pauline Frederick
in J.L
"Pajd Gn Full"
wind to nntlHfy tho public tualo. Tho
hIiiIIh wore mado of mnhoKuny with
innrhlo colunuiH. Carved wall and
Htiilnud kIahh wlndowH complete tho
nlahorato not.
Minn KoruiiHon playH tho part of
a Hholoty woman In "Tho .MarrhiK"
I'rlco." who Imcniuee Impnverlahud
and Kuoka to make bur own living
with mom or Iohh itcooe. There U
a p ratty love atory mid dm atlimtlnita i
nro iiilto dra ma tic. Wymlham
Htamlliif: Ih tlm IuiiiUiik man. Tho
picture wiih adapted by Hvo PitaoH'
and tho dlrootor wuh Kmllo Chun
tard. o
Prlcua, wo aro told, uro oomtiii;
down ovory day. Probably ao iii
.ialu dtirliiK Dm iiluhl.
Our ltiJ operatic stnra are iij
twliiitliB mrciu, Von oon't tell
whether they aro alniiluy or bavin a
fit of hyalerlra.
"Is Grandest on !
Mrs. Daley Gains 17 Poundn'
v Taking Tivnlnc-Thouht
Case Wat Helpless
"Thoy nald f couldn't Hvo nioro
than Hlx montliii longer, but I'm Htill
horo and foolltiK fine," mild Mm.
Mary Daley, of 5.10 Ouk Ht., Han
FranclHco, Cnl. ,
"I have actually guluud iiovontoou
PouiiiIh hIiil'o I he i: a i tuklin: Tan
lac," hIio coiitinue'i. "and to look at
mo ono wouldn't think that for hov-
oral moiitliH 1 win tipahlo to do my
hoiiHowork. I Hiilinrud from iriiHtrlthi
all Mm lime, would bloat torrlbfy and
al viih foil nilaeruhlo. I had no up-
potlto and felt unliHoatnd all the
time. I wuh ho nervoiiH- tho leant
lit lit iioIho would Htailo mo and It
wan nl moHt ImpoHiilblo to Kot a kooiI
iiIkIU'h Hloup. I had niuht hwoiiIh
and WfH ho run down ami weak that
tho hIIhIiIihI oxorllou would iiIiiidhI,
exhaijHt mo romplotoly. I lunt woluhl
droiulfully and wiih told that I could
not live ulx month at tho rato I
wiih thou going down hill,
"NothliiK bulped mo until I Iiokiiii
takliiR Taiilac and I liouimlly hollovu
It In tho fluent medicluo In tho world,
for It Iiuh tuudo mo Junt Itko u now.'
pornon. My uppotllo Ih Hpluiidld ami 1
I'uiiVfir have tho HllKhtint liidli;oH
lion liny more and I never enjoyed'
hucIi fine ond ptfrcHhlriR nloop In my 1
life a m I do now. .My liouno ban e;hi
rooniM mid I do all the work with
(nut". Tmilne Iiuh ln-eii a tlod-Heud to
dim and I would be mdflli not to tell
other ahoiit It "
Tiuilac In nold In Hurtin, by Hoed
mid In Cruno by Crane Morcntll '
Co. AiIt.
Silvervare -For
Youir Table
Community Plate
There are manyi inferior grades of fiilverwarcon
the market, and' it is difficult for' the average
houHcwife to detect the difference at the time of
Wc tell you the exact quality of our silverware
and guarantee it lo be exactly as we state.
You can buy from us with every assurance of
safety and economy.
I. S, GEEK & CO.
Moiorlitti r plnyNK In Imnl lurk.
Tllty are furcwl to py ijAflrbltaut
nrlewi tttr int. mid gut no rohuu for
tin tunic
whan he
Ileum nf tic- UifliltMii n
offara to rliay th.i old iiinn tlm Hunt -
toln from Itim ami whn bit re
mM. h threstettt to kill him If l.
lkw advantaKu or tlfi miff'TlnK
wife. Then Ue hjUd h'f lttar ex
oaaraling Drooka and after ah V hu
Klraa tltla lo her li nana nil. abe leaves
lilta. Ilrooka thou ahoola bluiaelf and
the wltiow finds happlnuaa in Hiiilth'H
The aupporllug; c4l la uieelletH.
ltoborl Cain la Ilrooka. Wymllium
fiundliitf la Smith niul Frank l.oaue
H Captain Wlllloma. Oihora In Hi"
imat aru Jniiu I'arroll mid Voru
I'rlOM. we an told, ore atlll eom
ln down. Willi the nee of ainokod
llanatMi bejr ahoiild aooii bo hi alubt.
il' eorvly flome up to your itxpectH
iIiiiih In fact If It la your flrat order
tho meal will prove a revnlatlon to
you In Uavor, londonioea nnd Juol
i.eaa. Wa don't aak you to tako our
word for It. (live ua a trial ordor
hod you'll have Hih proof.
I line oiir w.ilrlt overliauletU Stun
tlm old clock lo tlckln, uot fbat lil
piece of Jewelry in i)eaiiu order.
Ilnve jour ) fitted to Itcniliim
Ultc-es, eo V. ,M. S.VI.ISIUItV
Jeweler, optician.
Some Specials
Dress Goods
Silk Shirts
I Groceries
! We sell everything
j to eat, Produce Fru it
tin:! Vegtables.
N. Brown & Sons
;oi;i:ouh kkth in
iasu: i'ijikjuko.V's
Tin I3pcne Kpnied To .Alnke The
:KLikIiik of "The Mnrrlane
Price" ArllHllc
Fall and Winter Dry Gopds
Furnishings-New Stock
The mpnt kotkiiouh antH that hnve
over honu uhoi! In u Hocluty motion I
jilcitnro piny were uhuiI In HIhIo For-'
Kuiiop'k now Artcruft plcturo, "Tho!
Marring" I'rlco" which will ho hIiowii
nl Die I.lhorty thoatro .Sunday, Otft.j
::l. Tho drawliiK room Ih a replica!
of Frank Could'H drawliiK room on
Dial uilllloualro'H l.ukowooil oHlatu.
Tba Xiiniltiiro wAh mado oHpoolally
lor Hie Ml and tho palntliii;H, tap-'
oMtrloa. rugH, mid hrlo-abrao worth it '
small fortune.
Tlie bedroom Hot Ih douo lit or
ohlil colored eiiaiuel with a narrow
lino of liiHurl ki'duii wood. Tho wall
llclitH aro covorod with hIiiiiIoh of
orchid Hllk and tho Hod Hot, droHHor
riltliiKH and r.UKH contraHt HtrlkliiKly
with tho color hcIioiiio. Huvoral In
terior decorutont vIhHoiI tho FamoiiH
Vlnyor I.uHky HtudloH to look at tho
Mita which thoy had hoard were the
liiottt beautiful plocoH of artlHtlc work
, that Miiivo yot boon hIiowii In I lie
iitiulfns. f'oploH of rooniH in tho l'hua 1
iim1( Si. HojjIh IJoIoIh or Now Vork
jifi hIiowii porfoclly In thlH plcturo.
r Aiiotbor remarkable Hot Ih tho rac
Iiijj Htablo, coplod from Frank
tiouiu'H Hiamo at lukowooii. iicm
niarblo HoorH woro laid In tho studio,
JiiHtoad of tho painted clotliH which
. Shoes, Sox
jf Leather Vests
Caps, Hats
Shirts, Ties
Auto Robes
Traveling Bags
Navajo Blankets
Burns Cash Store
in the heart of Harney Valley
now offered at
$30.00 to $110.00 an acre
All Within the Harney Valley Irrigation Qistrict
Large acreage cutting hay. AH with water rights.
Sales Office at Burns.