frr II Wixat, Hnrncy County's timber' U nn njnet for Immediate explolta linn Mills should bo turning II out to nld In tbo rcconstruc Hon work of tbu nation. In nUgato this virgin Held. Harney county' rccoiirccH nn htlnictliiK tlio attention of tlio onflru West. Irrigation, Mock mlsing, mines, oil mid gus pro spout anil olericulture all awaiting development. VOL. XXX1I1 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON OCTOBER 23 1920 NO. 51 ROOSEVELT REFUGE MEASURE AGREEMENT Writer Points Out How it is Being Worked; Finley ia Not "Toting Fair." '' I Hoosuvolt lllnl Itorugo Association P.urn... Orog.fn, Oct. 21, I020'.wml J,0,,r' bolt, C. W. Kills .....i , , itn.t i ...... ! ii i i i i i i Kvory man Im bound by his duly to : ' fly from a dnngor that threatens IiIh life, and such Ih tho condition of liar lii'V County In rotation to thu nbovu inoasurtv Detailed analysis of tho bill and merits of controversy by tho LoglBlu tlvo Committee of City Club of Port land, whlrh uppcur In tho OreRon Voter of October ICtli, ijivo tbo nrou of Malheur Lake an "perhaps" 4700 acres. Tho affirmative argument MtntvH "It Ih maintained by advocates of thu bill that If tbo watorn of tbo lrko aro likely to become alkulluo i consequence of diversion of tribu tary for Irrigation and neod fpr control measures become appar ent, tho Federal Government will have ninplo authority to take requir ed action." Why Is the area of Malheur Lako given iiB forty seven hundred Inntoad of forty bovcu thouHand acres, Its true area? Waa It by design In or der to make tho voters of tho State believe thu meuHuro In only of minor Importance. Ho whodoos not fully .peak tho truth In a traitor to It. Tho original bill propoBod to code to tho National Oovornment all tho landH within; and all tho waters both within nnd tributary to Malheur Uiko, but wan modified by mutual agreement between proponents of tho measure uud representatives from Harney County at a meetlnK hohl ut the olllce of W. 8. t"ren, by ollmlnat lilt' UltHU Ul I Ing the wnrdH "waterH tributary ! . - .. . I thereto," and further providing that Harney County Bhould make no or ganized orfort to defeat tbo bill thus modified Now, however, tho BpotiB or for thu bill rely upon tho author ity of tho National Government to eonflHcato tho tributary watcrn pro Tided tho meauro carries, nnd W. 8. Itaker, Flrt Vlco-I'reflldont of tho ItooHUVcll Bird Hofugu Association, Informs un that In cubo it falls HUlt lit already prepared to enjoin tho water UHora from diverting tho wnt ith of SHvIoh river for Irrigation. 'Thinking of whore they aro going ilwy forgot whence they came. Harney County has mado no or- runlzed iffort to defeat tho modified blll. but, articles proparod by pro- ... i tit . I l.-t. ...I I.. ' POU...MH ,.( ,o an . I.U....B..U.. ... Fo,,oral uovernmeiu w, . r, ..., ih.. Or,gonlan .la llarnoy ko l!Mlirt where left off to pro otmng i.ui an a.Kaiiue nen, t u... , but Harney Lake Id not in question. On Friday Octolior UUh. at tho Audi torium at Portland, Mr. Win. L. Fin ley mudd thu statement that opposl- ley muuu mu Biaioinoui wmi u.n.- through pure Heuisnness una w " ,ftkM ro llk(iIy to l)l!Cmo uina, no NotwlHtall(,nK , rt). Malheur Lako was absolutuly no h-1 ,.,, ntl0tI for control measures, be- k1iiioh1 nI)lnU((, ing but an alkali bed and worthies comu H.mre..t. Control o wha II-. ,,., , KOVorn,nnt cenu fpr any agricultural purnoso; Why lho wator tributary to Malheur lako ( ( Mich Infamous untruth '' l ' I ot .course, and the Podora a ovenj. . . ,,,,,, Played of tho sacred bls op Wl U, with equa u hprl y'll. fnjni UX ahowS "a decrease In pop Ifako Is equally at vaWnc.o win-th .ft IfM ftn.orii(noI to flvdtfrclm. 'ruth as lho only colony or ineso Nrds is in the "Hod H" field where , , , m Z ted by tho Pacific Live I. protected by the Pacific Mvo A ,nurk,.(, ,,,py f tho Portianu . t.,k company, owner o tho prom- Cnh Hulotn..( recoiumondlng.J . ... Pictures dxhlblted 'ri Pnssu Unb-v how helplu.- y.ut.K blr I.Mb5,IIK Vent broadcast over tuo fltafo. 'itllatel mother-, nu. u. do. not expla In who so erpe lly mutlla.,,1 tho mother blrdu in ordu- .o g,t the plctnrou.-Letter Hull.-r for the truth than prosper by falso-j ,,n,,,, , t , , A fixed belief Is a happy stato of mind. From what actual knowledgo does the City Club of Portland fool qualified to speak with such author- Py on this question ho vital to liar-- ney County and tho Statu at largo?-. Malheur lako Is fed from two .ma or treams, Hllvles river from tho north and Illltzen river from tbo south, lt M a natural reservoir, and as long as, these streams continue to flow there ( rVAIA 1J11 W11LI1I 111 L1IU Uf'f Harney hellovo Dull Itun water would ho fine for ducks but would not for such reason doprlvo tho City of Portland of her water supply. I'ortland or tier water suppiy. A tyrants breath Is another's death ' "lid the wlthorlnr blast of tho faddist about his successor. This ollloo Is . uubcih urn ...wiy. ... -. t Z IT in o uro of Ilornoy n receipt of n letter from a. It. ,. , expensive stretehos of HtrHllo . .oun.y. olllouu to tho rights of uott, Acting Supervisor, to tho effect worlt l, . . .... .I..I.1 umw.rv Mfir Of1 N- N. OOllipiU.y II0W OllOllltUS II IIIIO iiorn ami rironido ami to iiiu uKiy -f nil tho children of Oregon by do- Pi-lvlng tho Irrlduclblu school fund of inllllotiH (if cloltnrn. Will you votV NO on tho mousuro In November. . WM. FAUltW. llurnil,, Oregon, October 2.1, 1020 An article by William L. Flnloy uppours In tho Oregonlnn oftho 110th lust., commontlng upon tho ngruo mont reached' on tho illrd Itofugu niuaimro between thu olllcorB of tho 1,1,(1 iiinuuru, representing i o , , , , , ... liniil mi-mini mill IrrliriiMim liitiirimtti In Harney County, and proceeds: I "r"r" invention In Portlund "Tho roHUlt of these meetings was w,im rwHohilloiiM were Introduced tho preHont compromlHo bill to which fav'r1'l t l extension of rail tho olIlcorH of tho HoobovoU Illrd rou,lM ,,,t0 ifral Oregon, Iiuh had Itofugu association yielded, 'it wa 1,10 ttlii of the Commercial or drawn up to safeguard tho land own- KnnlwitloiiH of IluriiH and llend. orH and Irrlgntlon IntoroatH in liar-! A fMn,,ul -Ulniiit and roquost ney County an nporlf led by tho llur-l10-" """ring wuh road t tho noon ney County delegation." luncheon of tho business men yostor- Tho iqjreomont further provided whMx waH Presided over by Dr. that Harney County should mbko no ill F- 8mUh- T complaint wub organize! effort to defeat thoblll as (,r(uwn b' 8at Mtbernhead and modified, and feeling nssurod that :olhur8 aml ,H ll,u flrHl wnl tho ARHOclatlou wan aclliiK lli good Kutll,' "'t"- l")'" the pro faltlt no negative argument wa pro-(,,or ""iorUy. Tho complaint rock to pared and publlHhod In tho otllclal jtl,u nlft,u l,u, ni)rvico commlHHbm pamphlut. lftn,, upon ,,H '""'I011 tlin 1,0 taken to It Is a baHo thliiR to betray a man?1'10 '"turHtato commoreo commlnHlon: becaUM. be truHted you. The deceit-1 Fo,,ow,,, bo readlnK of tho com ful propoKnuda carried on by the Ah-' ,,,a,nl ant, ,,M 1H by Hiohu preH Hoclatlon hIiowh tho ltohh on Itu 01,1 lh" c,,ulp waH nHku,, tH PIolnl broaMt and thu devil In ItH actN-ln a minlltou 'cro tho neceHary . ........ i - r i..t..i.... inn. ..... bitu and Information to tireneut to peura thlH alllrmatlvo arKumunt In IttVlfl III illU Ulll, I ..... t... i. in. "Itegardlng tho aiiHertlon that the """ '" Molhernhead, Jnmoa watorn of tho lake aro likely to be-, ,K "" C A. Ilyrd. come alkaline- In conoquoneo of tho 'N'" complaint follow: dlverHlon of tributary waterH for Irrl-'1'0 'rK "ONOIIAHLK KIIKI). Q. gallon, It Ih maintained by advocates I "WIITKb, II. II. COIIKY AND, of thu bill that thl Ih purely nn en- vnKn A' W1LMAMH, ConHtltut Klneerlng problem and that Hhouldl I'WUMC HKUVICB COM- need for control inoaHureB become1 MIHHlONof tho Bluto of Oregon, apparent, tho Federal (lovernment KNTM-2MEN: will have ample authority to take the' Yo,,r ComplnliHwilH rcHpeclfully required nclloiiB." i r"l,ri!,,ul "llHW tH 'f "r Honor- W. S. Itaker. Vlio-l'roHldout of tho ktlJ 1 IVU-I lljniHIIMI Ml v. AHKoehitlon. In a letter written ! ' ,., ,v i.,.i. llllll till (III. nn. "Another thing Btlll more Import-: ll'ura, "'oily. repreHentlng the IhihU ant to thu InteroBtB of thu people of l' community IntereBtB of tho Harney County l the fact that tbu t;lt' ,r """' Harney County; Federal Government, under the! 'H'" "y Uoty ' ' ''""KeBt HooBeve.t proclamation were rea.c I- JjJ BJjj of Oregmu con to block further Irrigation by a In- junction suit in thu te, floral Court here, immediately "Jf !rtw 1(3fH.m ncrm of mont was lormi ,aiu w u, v, ,, IntereBtB, we, the bird people, pre- i vnllcd upon thu (lovernment to with hold their Injunction proceedings as It would block tho Irrigation duvelof mont up there. Now ir tho bird mens uro earrloH. no further litigation would follow. ih the Federal Govern , proHont meiil aro ngntod on the .Muusuro If ho uieumire Ih hut, Him . ... ... ........ III. ..I. iml ,tho roHervul.on ns tne . om.vou proclamation outlined in iuun. ( 8o wo can see oursels going ilf coming, If tho measuro alls to carry wn Know wiint to iook ior, inn. u : lH al,ti,orlly "to control tho tnnu- tury WHlor... tar,WH,orH" . lt ,.,,, A mrk,.(i rpy f tho Portland u ,tl. .IlllpuaUfu WWW Tl tnlnorf ,n lh0 0reKu. Voter doos not apM)Iir( presumably to leave tho vol- 0raBOn , bilBful lguorancu of tll0 COIlt,npIatol move to control ! tho waters tributary to Ma lho. jr lko , caHU tho waters therein aro ,koly t0 ,CComo nlkallno." owovor hlBh a bird may soar it H(,okfl llH f()0(i 0n earth; tho scabbard . ,,rokon an,i the association can no ,onB0P ,,,do tho Btlllotto. It is ready aml to tll0 hlu, WM. AUHh. 0 NJfiW ,(,OUKHX HUPKIt- VIH0U AI.,.()INTK, Forost Supervisor Crydor tender ed his resignation to tho dopurtmont .. . .,'.! .mi ii v ii f Mm liHnrH some u...u , - -i of tho forest range havo -been usklng mu u. in;..., . , , '.,, n..irin Mtillmnr fonntv to L'olvlllu, hau boon appointed us his, from Oj.tarlo,Malhourunto lucccsuor. CLUB STARTS ACTION ON RAILROAD EXTENSION Following Flan With Bend Complaint Sent to Public Service Commission. Tho plan Hturtod during Hid roonnt ... ... . ... . mooting or tho Northwest I vors. nut ' ,,,u "u,,,l M,,rv,l clHlon when !...! . Mil I . .... . . urn iiimruiK ih hoi. hum comuiliteo a"1" """ ,l,al Ult ,,,in,H ommerelal Club III (i 1 1 1 1 1 V nml ncllvi. ivim. ih a mil v orgnuueii aim acuve com 2 , , -f . - . head of sheep and other roHourcoB In proportion: that Harney County nUo hau with in her hoiiudarleB uud trlhulury thereto one of I ho largest bodkn of Mrpln cuminerclal timber to bo found ai.ywhre In the wosl; ' . I In:- Harney County now Pm in eourio of preliminary construction of irrigation projects UI1(lorlIlkoifi , flrHl ,, ,,. llK ()Vttr s,,0o.) acres of tho very h , Ip,r ,,, ,, , f(im ,, ,.,,, ,,)I1HtrU()H of ,IMP oJt)ctH w ir, 24M00 . ,.VH,UI11 )f irrluatlim all of which Is first class laud. , , (hlt th,H r(), , indltlon Is duo largely to tho lack of tram,, ,......,,. ,lffiri,,.,i n,i. ...... , fm.m,.0H rK0I1,ullI wo l)U,(lVo nnd furlllr development of -,.,., Mf ,,. (.(,ullty w, ho greatly retarded, If not entirely , ,,, r()1()f , tlM An(, W(j fr. mn m furlHhfi(, C()UlUy (lt vo rcaH(Jim,,,0 COHt ,, ,0I1K h ft wJ n(, rutMn8 j investment " t tlm() lom, tliaI, J (f rnJ H)rlaUo aI,r(moh to Ul0 m,K0 ()f ()f pom fQm .Urectlons. but as they all , BtQ at ()r U,Q thoy m uxcm o h( BmnU ,irouH HUrroundlng tholr otrmlnals, , t, t 0 , of n ,,ran0 1no na. turo, and without any through con nection to any nrt of thu country. Tho Oregon Trunk H. It. Company now has In oporatlon n lino from tho p , , . 1M , 1( .., ii,ronKi, ii, Columbia H Ivor to He d, " ro M , .(Sontln.ued on page four) DOG MOUNTAIN OIL WELL TO GET BOOST San Francisco Financier to "Gel Behind" it; Wants Immediate Action. H i. iimnvv, iiii ami riiniuinvii capltallHt, Ih going to "gut behind" tho Dog Mountain oil well uud huo what It will develop In thu wuy of producing oil In commercial quan tities. Ho Is Interested himself In the project while hero recently and has definitely announced Hint lie will get hoiiio associates In Han Francisco to aid In financing tho undertaking to the end that It either produces or It Is definitely known the oil Is not there. "I'm tired of hearing so many ox ouhub (rum, tbotie who havo had this work In charge not tho boys who aro actually doing thu work, but those who aro supposed to bundle tho financial uud of It," said Mr. Ottlnger. "Charley Uackus uud Halm havo worked down there for tho past five years or more without receiving anything In tho way of wages; they aru entitled to first consideration and 1 am going to gut some fullows when I get to 'Frisco to put In with mu nnd see this well to a finish. It there Is nil there we'll bo thu gainer and those boys who havo devoted their time to developing tho well to Its proHont depth will realize mini thing for their time." Mr. Ottlnger Is a "good sport " lie has been Interested In thu develop bienl of the oil prospects In this county ever iducu his first visit and always asked 'regarding progress when he comes up on his ocraslonul trips. Ho has tho Influence to Inter-, oxt tho necessary capital to bring this well In, or at least find what there Is there. Harney county needs more such men as Ottlnger lo taku an Interest In Its development. Men who do things aru scurco. Wu havo lots of fellowB who make a big noise but they don't get anywhere without per Blsteuco nnd energy. Wu confident ly believe tho Dog Mountain oil well will now come to a reality. STAKTINO Till-: Hl'.M.MF.It FALLOW ItltillT lleforo the land that .has been cropped to grain is plowed under It should bo thoroughly dltond Vlieroj aro three good rausoim for this: (1) It nits up thu stulibl't and Incorporates It with the soli. (2) Pruveuts lho formation of layers of straw, which when turned under breaks tho cap illary connection of tho soil moisture from below thus causing thu entire amount of noil turned by thu plow to dry i .out. (3) riio tstuhhlo wlll from 20 to 30 per cent sooner If disced before, plowing fin der as It .thoroughly Incor porated 'with tho soil, thus giving tho moisture and bac teria a chance to break It ,,ow,, y'A ! U!i' Tho laud to ho immmer fallowed ... ilini III... I IJI l I III. I.l I II III ,11 f .. winter. This will subject It-lo notion Of tho ruin, snow, and front, rnus - hm tho organic matter to decompose V L I . . ' . and allow tbu mpiuiuru io got inio thu soli. Alt soon as potlblo in thu spring tho laud ahouid bo worked with a sprlngtooth harrow, or disc If tho sprlngtooth 1b not available, and this followed immediately with thu Bplko touth harrow. ThlH troatmont should loavo tho soil covored with a cloddy mulch about thu slzu of wallnuts. In this condition it will not blow or bako nearly as bad aH If It Is ro-r ducud to a dUBt mulch. Thu fallow should bo kopt, absolu tuly ffeu. from (woqilii f"Xl whouuver a crust forms on tho surfaco it Hhould bo br,(kon! with a Hprlngtootb harrow or boiuo Blinllar lmplomont that will produco satisfactory results. Tho man who claims Hint yields uro tiueh Hmt tho farmer cannot af liord to farm properly la tho man who in destined to bo a failure. Thu vory 'fact that yloldB uro low In ubyoluto .proof, in most cwu that tho send .bed was ojify half prepared. Tho farmer who really putH hi? mi miner fallow In proper condition, kuupH It free from weeda and In good tilth, iiuuureii rollahlo need, eluatiH uud graileH It cloHuly, Needing only tho largo, plump, kernels at tlio pro- por time, will not have any eaiiH.i t compiaiu auoui jow yioimi at narycHi time. OUILtflllATTnCK, Hupt. Harney UraiidTi IJxperlinuiit Htatlon. -o R L, Hass Resigns J Hjvwlollu, Cal. October 10, 11)20 Judge Win. Farro. Friend Farm: At present It looks as If wu shall remain in California rir I list u I tit fit niifl I Iiiik.Jiw uiy resignation as CommlHsouur of Harney County. During thu yearn that I served nu Commissioner of Harney County, I tried to represent those who elected me, to the host of my ability and uy desires uud' ambitions was at all times, to work for thu duvolopmunt of my county. During thu lime ypu served with mo, I can say that ovury muotlng was a pleasant one ami I always found your every thought was for tho success of your County and I novor found u time when you would not sacrifice your own inerests to'further tho IntorcstB of tho County you woro tnto land board. Senator Chambor reproHontlng. jaD( 8tAte onglnoor, nnd all who havo I want to thank you for your kind j really given the matter Intelligent consideration and thu very pleasant! attention are opposed to the mous manner In which you havo worked uro. with mu In County affairs and I wish you succuss for thu balance of tho term and I am filled with regret that I cannot finish my term with you. As to my old friend, Mr. McKlnnon -I can say that In thu auvural years wo havo worked together, I have always found him willing at all times to sacrifice his Interests for (ho Inter- usIm of tho County -have always found his Judgment sound and hlsi"" " 1 ' 1 ,.pa nn . every thought nnd action always for thu good of his County and every mooting I havo snt with him. bus been a plcasunt one uud I shall al ways hold tho highest regards for my friend Mr. McKlnnon. To you both, who shall from now on conduct thu buslnuNs of thu Coun ty, I wish you success mid thank you for tho earnest cooperation you have! always given me. " H. U IIA88. -o hi:i ciioh.s .mi:.mjii:hsiiip DHIVK NOV. it. . . , lie annual Membership Drive for t,o Amurlran Itod'Cross hatt boon i'l for the two week j beuluuliiR on Arm - Btlco Day u:ul continuing to Vov. 25. A meeting of the U.wutlvo Conunllt- oe of Harney County Chapter was held on( Thursday evening In con- miction with this important drlvn and another Is culled for next Tuesday I night ut 7:30 ut Thu Tlmus-Horald olllco to perfect arrangements. Tho Ited Cross nctlvltles contlnuo to he ii factor not only In thu gen eral health movement of tho nation but It Is still doing big International things,' besides its continued nld to tho tnur.vlcouicu: i The. organization Is .worthy tho membership fees by every luillvbluaPIn America and It Is tho. other rollqw book aijd pull to hoped thaUHnruoy county will re- gether awhile, itomomber tho'dnto spond. "'" y.?- il l' H"riiH. Novomhor G,. 10 A- "Just what piauu will develop at the M. - .it h meeting Tuday ovenlng cannot boj Sn muub, fur IJiu BU'okmnu .blt mu 111 ill llilii 'limit hilt Ml Im iirnltv rnirn .......... .... ........... ... , j 1 .i . .i . .i .... ,iuoi iu wivviai nj'ijvu or giininion r Mir lho couiyry, sueji ns,the Library Club, Mlhora Club, the t',l,,r(,m3 j P. M- Several goou speanera iron, and lodges of tbo town, Commercial I nnrns nnd other placo havo promlB plub, tho school olllcqrH and'oiipeclal-, od to bo In both placea wbllo tho ly tho teachorH of tho sovoral dis tricts of Harnoy county, will bo call ed upon to assist In making tho drivo a succuss. Wu must boar In mind tho great good this organization has beon In tho past nnd what It may do In fut ure right In our own county when wo are approached with tho suggestion that we 40 qur bit tqward ItH support and tho active work of tho Drlvu must bo delegated to several becauso it is too much tp oak a fuw Individ uals to "put it over' when It bolougs so largely to communities, rho different churchos of Hums aro going to bo askou to dovoto a bolng H. L. Kuhl. Tho boys ox portlon of thu morning sorvlco on pool u good gamo this afternoon, ov Nov. 11 to tho Ited Cross. Doftnltn on with unfavorable woutuor condl- annnuueoment of HiIb fuaturo will bo glvqu as noon na Northwost hoad qunrtorB bus furnls.hed tltq nocoasary Information, as tblB , Itf to bo gonural ly obsrvedk CONGRESSMAN SINNOTT VISITS THIS SECTION Speaks to Citixens at Court House; Advoculcs Defeat of Bird Refuge Bill. Congressman Nick Hlnnott arrived In this city from Malhour county on last Wednesday oveulug nnd address ed a good audience at thd court houiio that evening on thu political Issues and conditions In general. Congressman Hlnnott discussed tho proposed ItoosoVolt Illrd Itofugo bill nnd said it was a dangerous move. Ho cited un Instance where J5.000, 000 In crops had to give way to tho whims of faddists over adjoining Yollowstone Park becauso tho cropn were deprived of water In order that these fullows might see how many mosquitos could bo propagated in a cortan swamp and what effect It would havo on pltio trees, otc. It re quired concerted effort on the part of congress to knock somu common bodho into tho thing and get practical results. Mr. Hlnnott Is In lino with other public men who do not npprovo of the bird bill a-i It now Mnnds. Tho WA YSI !!: HW KKVATIONS lly County Agent Winter weather. Crops nearly hurvested. Fall planting under wuy. Cattle and sheep leaving summer ranges. lioth cattle nnd sheep In good oon- i .... Jill ii ii j ii count of surplus hay crop In other xeclion. How iiTiIiut the surplus crop In Harnet.v County If thoy can teod and expect to make a profit why not the local stockmen do likewise. Come to n meeting of the Harney County Livestock Association at Hums on Nov. C at 10 'clock and Iota work out a plan to keep the yoarllnRB I . . . A I and Btockcrs anu sen me mauircu Hteers and dry stuff. Yoh It can be done If yon think so anil willing lo get In and help work loot a plue You m'ght a well Do hung for a grown sheep as a la rob to lots try a sample of co-optratlvo , nhlpmut if no other plan ofiuh It ; works olwhon--it ut:ant uir'. Anyway you wont bo lonewimu Utno lh Silver Creek and tho SIIvIom Cattle nnd Horse AfiHoelatons will ' hold their annual muetlngs In Hurnn In the forenoon In order to bo pres- out at thu county meting and tho Drowsey Association may do llkewlsu whllu large delegations aro promised from thu Drowsey, Sllvioa Valley, Fields and Donlo scctluns. Comu on follows you'vo p.ayml n lone hand for' ii long llmo and tho livestock Industry was never at such a low level--Uta tjiko a loaf put of ! ilm't dm lllir moettllKI icllttl- ( i.w.. . v" O-w. - . . .1... OA ..ft O ii in nieu wrvwuey w;i. in o i. anil Fields TiinuKHgiwng iuj ai- o County Agent will no doubt, have 11 storucptlun lantoru by that time and will give an Illustrated talk, you may get tired of bearing tho talk but you'll bo suro to llko tho picture Ho BUru nnd bring tbo Kiddles. . o CANYON CITY IXOT- HALL TEAM 1IHUH Thero Is n football game at tho fair grounds this afternoon botwoen Canyon City high school and Harnoy county high scbuol teams, Tho Can yon contingent arrived Inst night with sovoral "rooters," among thorn , tlous. Sheriff Goodman lhoaiir from u trip to Salpm whoro' bo taok fouiu prlsonors to tlio ponttontlnry. )