s rKO Two T II U T I M H B - H 13 II A Ji n v n n a II A R N JU T COUNTY o it e a O N Hutimlay, October 1(1, JfttJO. j 1 1 1 ' ' ' AVUjIjA(!I3 ltlCIO HAM (JUKAT ItOIil'! IN HIH NUWIJST PHOTOPLAY Vimununt Htnr Soon a Derelict WllO Is ltOllH'lllOl TIihmikIi , liovo for Noblo (Jlrl Wallaco Hold Iiiih ono of tlio limit purta of IiIh career In Van Twlllor yard, thi you it i: matt who eomoH back, In "Tlio Source," . tlio latoHt raruitiottut IMcturo In which ho In starred and which will liu hIiowh at tins Mburty tbcatro Sunday Oot. 24. Tlio roln alTordH an IntorufltliiK Htudy In pHj'cboloRy. but tltu development of tlio man, far front IioIiik morbid, always aliowi tlio upward .trend, and lliu optltnlwtlc and oboorful nolo Ir tioundod throughout tho picture. Yard In a driinlcoii loafor who Ih sbaiiKbulod and curried to n 1oi;kI"K camp In Vermont Ho Ih cruelly troHtod bv a nuvncu formun, and bo off urn no rox'Ktancu until Hovoa Nord rastH a ooiitt'iitpt uotiH glance nt lilin In roward for bin cowardice, llu Hunt ruBolvos to reform and ouco tlio fttuinH of liquor liavo U'ft lilnt, bin BtrniiKth and couraxo return with blKbly dramatic ronultH. How ho Hiiccoods in tranHformliiK thin fclrl'n rontanipt to love U told In u Horloti of tbrlllliiR Hconi'rt. Tlio picture Iiiih ninny dramatic moment and tlio nupport In of tho beat. Dainty Ann Little appeant art) Hnyrnoiid IlatIon,'""Clmrlim Ukio.iT. tlm Klrl and otbro playoru In (ho cnit Hutler ClouboiiKh. Noah Ileory, arc Tbuodoru HobcrtH, James Crutco, 1 Chorion Went and Nina Ilyron. I WSCOE ( fATTY) ARBUCKLE PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT STAR a HoIhIiiivIU aftor frliitcliiK u uoblu nmii'ii trunk, "Kalty" plainly booh that "clothou aru inaklnr; tho man" In tlio oyoH of lilo iiwuiitbuart ami that If ho doomi't nliow inoro Hpuud ill inodorii, iiiiihcii I'no attlro ho In llnblo to bo loft flat an I bo matrimonial pent. Tho widow kIvoh "Katty" a Inttor to mall contalnltiK a humi of inonoy to pay off tho mortKUKO on lior modoitt homo and unkii hint to gimrd It with utmoHt euro. If o rottirmi to tho gutt ural ntoru, bunding tho lottor to tho old pOHtiiuiHtor, explaining ItH Im portance and dciicrlbliii; ItH eontontn. Thin Ih ovorbeard by bin rival, tho comitablo, who liiKoltlouiily fliulu a way to extract tho money and rumall tho lolor. Wbtlu In tho procenn of thoft, bowovcr, ho In catiKht rod baudud by tho clerk r tho ittoro and whon ho flmlH that u Hbaro of tho ' money will not loach tho clerk to "IIhIoii to reiiHon," ho promptly uhuh . both arniH ot tho law to play a tattoo on the 'none of mild clerk with a pmintHo of future and more deadly Uittoim Hliould ho foollHlily talc u Itj Into bin bond to k1 "gabby." Tho 1 countable thou bbm hlmnelf to a nearby Jowolor'H and Hiiuaudorn tho j 1 money on tho purcbitHO of a ring lor1 I tltu wblow'H daunbler not dream-1 lug, however, that tho badly batter-1 ed, but unbeaten clerk, Iiiih followed ' and watched hint front a tmfo dlu tance. Meanwhile, "Fatty" Ih determined to let nothing ntand In tho way of bin wooing. Ho coiniultn a mall order book and aondti for ait enormous "near diamond" engagement ring for tltu girl and a city ault of tho latont cut and uxtrumo fanbloii for bluiNulf. Whotrtho parceU arrive from tho city "Fatty" ruHhuH to bin aweot-i beartit liniuu and proudly prcHuntn wbero Ignorance in bllmt, ovon a hoart-brokon oVor bor great mlHror "pltoiuy" .lmu ItH doHlrod effect and' ..,. ..,, ....--, bor iliiffbnr ntt tho pontofllco to report tho Iohh. utiHoeit by "Fatty" oho bldcn tho nniiittiir Htiiiin. tirnvirillidv tieiilnwed upon hor by tho conntublo and ac- w,0"' lh" lrI nrr,vc" w,, ,nnl" ' coplH "FattyV which in no much clork whereupon nho conflden tin lar(uT, with many happy IhurikH and "h1" ,'lm ttl"' ft"krt h,m l m- IlobttUt lurn 1 "l in'" ruiR hi ino (on , ntablo for her, Thin tho clerk agn).i (n fin. lull n nrui iih n lie Ih ttnnn lm llttt JuhI an nvorylliliiK .ookH noft nlwnH R f( t(o Jowo)flr and downy tho widow dlncovora bat tho letter which nho bad Blron , ' At 4 f iiy now ino town in who many adorini; glaniictt at her Hotneo, "Fatty" to mall hnd boon tampored with and tho monoy ntolon. Hbo la (Continued on pago three) WHGLEYS 9 e Jcccc L. Laslcy In tho latent Paraniount-Arbucklo comedy, "Tho HnyHeed," "Fatty" In tho man behind the lettern in tho H. F. I), and given a Hurnl Free l)ellv-( ,or with tho "phoney" diamond. Hut rfja. package a m - m Detore m war Sa package 1 during the war and Wcillace Rcid iTlie Source Scenario hy Monte st Vltcrjoha lyi 1 1 o 1 1 J. Jy Gcoryo H MclPoxa 5? a package NOW i The Flavor Lasts So Does the Price! . . .jgBBtk JOSIPH M.SCMrMCK mtStNTS FATTY ARBUCKLE w'TrlE HAYSEED" WWIItN AN 3 OltCHO UY'fATTy AIXDUtKLC ory of lottera of miiIIch, parreln of ' luiiKliij and packngt'H of Mcreunu. Ah bo driven alone (bo route bo Htopx to pay the girl of IiIh droatiiH a vlxlt. Hbo Ih the t'harmlug daiiKblor of a Hweot and lovable widow, and "li'itlti" Im iiiik'Ii uiiriirlunit inul .iliri- ! grilled to find that ho Iiiih a rival, who Ih no leca a dlHtlpgulHlicd char acter than tlio village countable. Not tho ordinary "bayneed" typo, but a ileait Driiiiiinel all droxHOd up like ' I IRRIGABLE and HAY LANDS in the heart of Harney Valley now offered at $30.00 to $1 10.00 an acre 0 All Within the Harney Valley Irrigation District Large acreage cutting hay. All with water rights. PACIFIC LIVE STOCK COMPANY Sales Office at Burns. ) 1 Let's settle . . t L. !s nglit now : To man aver cmoked a better c jaretce than Camel! You'll find Camels unequalled by any cigarette in the world at any price. because Camels combine every feature that can make a cigarette supreme Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos putCamels in a class by themselves. Their smoothness will appeal to you, and permit you to smoke liberally without tir ing your taste ! Camels leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor ! You'll prefer Camels blend to cit her kind of tobacco smoked straight 1 Campl nr uJ vrr,vtWro in trwntiticaHv tvthj Pca&v ofO cii -iltc V J'i t-uln. or U c flkVi .i.'Od .-.Jjrrf in i'.iK.rm-iunrTovun" inttun 'V ttronjty rrcominantl imi'oii ibf the hom of plfico iupplf or wtxmyoti IrmvL R, J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. VVitiiaou-Salom, N. C. WW-